Walkthrough of Volkin Grandfather Season 2. Walkthrough of games. This ends the episode

Chapter 1: "There Are Two of Us"

At the end of the first episode, Clementine had to make a difficult choice - to help the bitten Pete or Nick. Depending on the choice made, we will end up in a barracks with Nick or in a van with Pete.

We help Nick hold the door by quickly and often pressing the shown button. Risking a walker breakthrough, Nick leaves for a few seconds and drags the box. Such a rash act is explained by Nick’s emotional depression. After exchanging a few phrases, we go to the right and behind the plywood of the outermost shelf we find homemade preparations - cans of whiskey that attracted Nick’s attention. Already late at night, having gotten pretty drunk, Nick begins to break empty containers one after another. We come closer and inquire about his condition. Nick will talk about his difficult relationship with Luke and his addiction to alcohol. We agree or refuse to drink for company. Next, we persuade Nick to return to the hut with us, or we leave him and get out of the building on our own. In the first case, Nick will distract the walkers and buy us time. While running away, we point at the oncoming walker and push him away. Then click on the shown movement button. In the second case, we move the drawer, open the door by grabbing the handle and pulling to the left, and push away one walker and dodge the other.

Having barricaded ourselves in the van, we examine the bite on Pete’s leg. Perhaps the only chance to survive is to cut off his leg, but Pete will never decide to amputate. In the box on the left side we find whole blocks of cigarettes. We pass one pack to Pete and let him light it. Waking up at night, we approach the groaning Pete. After a short conversation, we persuade him to come with us and say goodbye to Nick. Pete will agree, but once he gets out, he will fall and decide to simply cover us. While running away, we dodge the walker by pressing the movement button in time.

Chapter 2: "Enemy"

By morning, having reached the hut, we inform Carlos and Rebecca about Pete’s death. Luke and Alvin went looking for us after a long absence and also disappeared. Carlos and Rebecca became even more worried and decided not to sit idle. Before leaving, Carlos will ask you to look after Sarah and not tell her anything about what happened. Sarah will greet us with a flash from her camera. When asked to photograph her, we respond with consent or refusal. If refused, Sarah will take a photo of herself. Next, she will take a pistol from under the bed and ask you to teach how to use it. It depends on our choice whether Sarah will be able to defend herself or not.

Noticing a shadow on the street, Sarah will think that Luke has returned. We go down to the first floor and head towards the door. At the threshold it was not Luke at all, but some stranger. Sarah doesn't remember this man, but she is terribly afraid of him. The stranger will introduce himself as George and say that he lives by the river with his family. And what brought him here was the search for his missing people, who according to the description fit our group. Carefully examining the house, the stranger gets to Sarah's room and discovers a photograph. Before he leaves, he will issue a warning about the people we live with.

Chapter 3: "Care"

When the group returns from the search, Sarah will tell about the arrival of a stranger. This information made everyone feel uneasy and the group began asking us about the stranger. Carlos will get angry when he sees the photo taken. We can cover for Sarah by saying it was our idea, or we can give her up. We learn that the unexpected guest was William Carver, the leader of the camp from which the group escaped. It is no longer safe to stay in the hut, so we are forced to leave this place and continue on our way.

Depending on the previously made choice, we go to the place where we had to escape from walkers in a building with Nick or in a van with Pete. On the way, we communicate with Rebecca, who will apologize for being harsh towards us. Nick, having fought off the walkers, returned to the building and remained in it without leaving.

We will find Pete's mutilated body not far from the van. Carlos will pay attention to the bullet mark, despite the fact that Pete did not have a weapon.

Chapter 4: "In the Forest"

William Carver.

After five days, we will almost reach the mountains. We use binoculars to look around. Pay attention to the bridge and small house on the left side and to the ski lift and ski base on the right side. Together with Luke we go to the bridge to scout out the situation. Carver won't stop haunting us. He has his own reasons for this, somehow connected with Rebecca. When faced with two walkers, we deal with the small one with one blow or the large one with two blows. We remove the hammer from the dead man's head by holding down the corresponding button and pulling first to the left, then to the right.

Chapter 5: "Bridge"

Having reached the middle of the bridge, we find ourselves surrounded by walkers. Heading in the opposite direction, Luke almost falls into the river. We will not be able to help him, since we ourselves will be attacked. We get rid of one walker and go around the edge of the other. We quickly pick up one of the objects lying on the left and deliver several precise blows to the enemy’s head. We throw a piece of pipe to Luke so that he can climb up. The troubles didn’t end there: from the other end of the bridge a man with a rifle at the ready was heading towards us. From the conversation it will become clear that he is friendly and will even offer food from the numerous supplies in the house. Without having time to really talk, Nick suddenly appears and, fearing for our lives, shoots the guy. Luke didn't like this and expressed his displeasure to his brother.

Chapter 6: "The Other Side"

Let's support Luke or Nick or take a neutral position altogether. Carlos and Luke will step away to talk privately. Nick is no less upset than anyone else, because he didn’t want to kill an innocent person, but he couldn’t risk it either. In addition to this, he left the watch Pete gave him in the hut. This watch could have been taken from the chest of drawers in the second floor bedroom during the home invasion (Chapter 8, Episode 1). We go into the house, take the knife from the counter and use it to open the chest located under the window, inside of which there are a couple of whole cans of food. Alvin immediately hurried to get them for Rebecca, while asking to keep this between us.

Chapter 7: "Meeting"

Having reached the ski resort, Carlos and Nick take a quick look at the building, which is boarded up on one side. At Luke's request, we climb onto the tower to look around. Using binoculars, we study the bridge and pay attention to the rays from the lanterns in front of it. While we were observing, a skirmish occurred below. We go down the stairs and join the group. A real revelation was the meeting with Kenny, whom we had not seen for what seemed like an eternity. The tension immediately subsided, and we were kindly invited to go inside.

Chapter 8: "Revelations"

We meet Walter and Sarita, Kenny’s friend. Having resolved all disagreements with weapons, the group will scatter in all directions, and Kenny and I will continue our sincere conversation about the past, sitting in front of the fireplace. Next, we help Walter with dinner and appreciate his efforts. While decorating the Christmas tree, we talk with Sarita about Kenny. We go up to the second floor and tell the group about the pursuers that we managed to see from the tower. Let's inquire about Rebecca's condition and at the same time listen to the confession that Alvin is not the father of her unborn child. We take a star or angel out of the box and place it on the top of the tree.

Chapter 9: "Warm Dinner"

Dinner is ready, all that remains is to decide on the choice of table: sit with the guests or with the hosts. At the first table we will talk about Kenny, at the second - about Luke. In any case, Kenny, Luke and Nick will find themselves at the same table and communication will turn to elevated tones.

Walter is optimistic and believes that the guys will definitely find a common language. Kenny will soon join us and we will go to inspect the building.

Chapter 10: "Helping a Stranger"

Suddenly, around the corner we meet a girl who was suspiciously watching through the window what was happening inside. Bonnie will tell you that she lives nearby with her family and that they are having a hard time without food. Walter immediately decides to help and carries out a full box of provisions. Kenny will not like this and will ask to be left alone with Walter for a serious conversation.

Meanwhile, Luke got hold of a photograph showing Walter and... Matthew, the man Nick shot on the bridge. Having discussed further actions with the brothers, we go to the backpack to pick up Matthew’s knife, but, as it turned out, Walter was ahead of us.

Chapter 11: "In the Dark"

We go out onto the porch and try to talk to Walter. If you tell the true version, then deep down Walter will forgive Nick and help him during the skirmish with the walkers. If you lie, then Walter will do nothing and Nick will die.

The wind turbine has spun up to extremely high speeds and is ready to spin out of control at any minute. In addition, loud noise attracts walkers. The transformer also failed completely inopportunely, causing the building to lose power. Kenny and Luke will go to the transformer, and we will take care of shutting down the wind generator. Having opened the door of the shield, we highlight the panel with a lighter and take the key hanging on the right side, which we insert into the switch in the lower left corner.

Walkers are approaching from all sides. Hiding behind cover, look to the left and shoot twice at the enemy’s head. We run to the next shelter and continue to fire at the walkers until we run out of ammunition. Carlos will insure us, after which we will follow him. When the next walker gets in our way, quickly and often press the buttons shown to turn over the corpse and pick up the rifle lying under it. The shot will throw us back. Again we select the rifle or knife lying on the left side and finally deal with the enemy with an accurate shot/blow to the head. Depending on whether we told the truth to Walter or lied to him, Nick will survive or die, respectively.

Chapter 12: "Trap"

Having run into the building, we watch as Carver’s armed group captures our people. When everyone enters the building, we hide behind the sofa and look out from behind it. Then we move to the stairs and reunite with Rebecca and Alvin on the second floor. Carver will do anything to see Rebecca. He will choose Carlos as a victim and will break his fingers one by one. We persuade Rebecca to surrender or go in search of Kenny and Luke.

In the first case, we voluntarily surrender and, after we are tied up, we will try to help Carlos or ignore his request. Kenny, who is outside, will shoot the enemy at the window. In revenge, Carver will kill Walter. At this point, Kenny will not stop firing and then Carver will threaten to kill Alvin. If you try to protect Alvin or turn to Kenny, Carver will switch to us and Kenny will be forced to surrender. If you remain silent or ask Carver to stop, Kenny will fire another shot that will miss the target, and Carver will kill Alvin.

In the second case, we quietly get out of the house with the help of Alvin and, after going around the building, we get to the booth. Rebecca and Alvin surrendered to Carver. No matter what we say to Kenny, he will shoot the enemy at the window. Carver will kill Walter and capture Alvin. Having moved to another booth, we advise Kenny what to do next - shoot or lower the weapon. The first option will save Alvin's life.

Without waiting for Luke to appear, Carver decides to return to camp without him.

See familiar footage from the past three episodes. Kenny's girlfriend is left without an arm or very seriously injured, your old friend will try to help her. Leave the lady to clean up or try to help her escape. After the selected action, fight off the dead. Rebecca will save you from the crowd of dead people. Inspect the area with her, go to the forest, on the way you will meet Jane. Together with her, kill the zombie, cut off its mouth and follow to a safe place through the horde of the walking dead. This is followed by a splash screen with the title of the episode. (If you previously helped Kenny's girlfriend, you will immediately move on without meeting Jane).

Go to the forest, chat with your friends, you will find a camp. In it, Kenny will mourn the death of his beloved or watch her die (the result will still be the same - she will die). Try to cheer up your friend. Then go with Jane in search of Luke and Sarah. Talk to your companion about her past life, at the end of the path you will find yourself in a small camp of survivors. Kill several zombies, examine their corpses, find glasses. Suddenly, you will hear Sarah’s screams, look around and then realize that the girl and Luke are trapped in one of the houses on wheels. Kill the two zombies ahead and go straight ahead. Eliminate two more walkers. Look at the house that is attacked by enemies. Go back to the car, press the horn. Now take the dead man together with Jane and drag him to the steering wheel, fix the position of the corpse. The zombies will be distracted from the house. Run towards him, kill another walker along the way. The horn did not help you much, try to open the door of the house - all options are correct. You will meet Luke first, he will tell you that Sarah has fallen into hysterics and is not listening to him. The dead will advance, try to bring the girl to her senses. You won't get it, help Luke and Jane fight zombies. Move the cabinet towards the window to exit the building through the top. In the end, you will have to make a difficult choice - leave Sarah to be eaten by the dead or try to get her out. Return to the survivors.

Go to the tent, talk to Kenny. Convince him to help Rebecca give birth. The girl will scream, return to camp. You urgently need to find supplies and any useful things for childbirth. Go to the museum first with Bonnie and Mike. Look around the building, in the lower left corner you will find clothes. Talk to your friends, go to the upper right corner. Remove the box, lift the gate and try to crawl through it. Zombies will attack you, ask Mike to help. He will break down the door, kill the walker. Take the water bottles and head to the camp. On the way out you will meet a raccoon, try to catch it (you won't succeed) and look at its family. Returning to the camp, go left to another location. Go straight to the stairs, there you will meet Jane - talk to her about the survivors. The girl will try to open the gate, look around and then you will see a guy with a bag. Hide and try to talk to him. Jane will attack the guy. he has medicines. The guy's name is Ivor. Take all or only some of his medications, and then drive him away. You will also meet Luke, run to Kenny. Rebecca gives birth, Kenny will start beating the dead - help and support him. Return to Jane, you will notice that she had sex with Luek. Distract them. The dead are coming, close the gate. Try to move the cannon. The veranda will collapse, break the rope fastening (if you saved Sarah earlier, she will die now). Help Jane. Now return to the child, take him in your arms, watch the touching scene.

Go outside, say goodbye to Jane and tell Luke about her departure. Support Kenny in the argument, everything will come down to the fact that you urgently need to leave the area. You can choose when (it is advisable to leave quickly so as not to get caught in a snowstorm. Go to bed. The future weather depends on your choice. Rebecca is feeling bad, try to maintain a positive atmosphere in the conversation with the survivors. You will see Ivor ahead, try to talk to him. You Russian soldiers will surround you, try to calm them down. At the last moment, Rebecca will turn into a zombie - kill her or scream. The episode is completed.

Chapter 1: "Old Friends"

The plot continues the events of the first season of the game. Several months have passed since Lee's death. In the company of Omid and Krista, we get to the gas station. Krista is in the late stages of pregnancy and, in connection with this, there is a heated discussion between the couple on the topic of choosing a name for the child. Express your opinion by clicking on one of the replicas. Omid and Krista will go to the men's room, and we, respectively, will go to the women's room.

Let's look into each booth and make sure that no one is there. We interact with the sink. There is no water in the tap, so we take out a bottle of water from our backpack and wash ourselves. Accidentally brushing it aside, we drop the bottle, which rolls into one of the booths. We search the booths, find a bottle and pick it up. Through the mirror we see someone cautiously entering the toilet. There is no time to pick up things, so Clementine decides to stay in the booth. Meanwhile, the marauder picks up a gun and searches the backpack. The silence is interrupted by Clementine's careless movement. Michelle discovers us and asks us to leave the booth immediately. Having done this, the girl continues to rummage through her backpack in search of useful supplies, at the same time trying to intimidate us. Omid comes into the restroom. Slowly but surely he tries to get closer to the girl. From the treacherous slam of the door, the marauder turns around sharply and reflexively shoots at Omid. Krista comes running at the sound of the shot. Michelle tries to justify herself and even throws the gun, but Christa kills her without hesitation. Chapter 2: "16 Months Later"

Clementine and Christa are on their way to Wellington. Krista has already given birth to a child, but he is not with us. Perhaps he died during childbirth. One cold night, the girls try to light a fire and fry the caught prey. After a short conversation, Krista goes to find additional branches for the fire. We will stay here and try with our own strength not to let the flame go out.

We take out a photo of Lee, a drawing and a lighter from the backpack. We approach the fire, strike the lighter and bring it to the piece of paper. Then we throw the piece of paper into the fire. This is clearly not enough. There is a log on the other side of the fire - we pick it up. We interact with the fire again and throw a log into it. Instead of a block, you can use a drawing. If you choose Lee's photo, Clementine will refuse to burn it.

We hear the screams of people coming from afar. We timidly move towards the noise and find three men threateningly trying to find out from Krista where her group is. We can escape unnoticed or distract the marauders. In any case, the enemies will discover us, and Christa’s fate will remain unknown. If you decide to distract the marauders, then throw a stone at one of them and start running away.

Chapter 3: "Scavengers"

Hiding behind a tree, we look to the right and run over to the boulder. We continue to run, pressing the displayed movement buttons in time. While the enemy is dealing with the walker, we point at the branch and, pulling it out, plunge it into the marauder. There is nowhere else to run, so we find ourselves captured. Click on the enemy's hand and bite off his finger by quickly and often pressing the button shown. Trying to pass through the tree trunk, we kick the enemy. The Marauder is much stronger than us, so he easily pulls us out and drags us along the ground. We grab onto the tree on the left side and try to hold on by quickly and often pressing the shown button. We continue to carry out the necessary actions and finally deal with the enemy. We dodge the walkers and, falling to the ground, throw a stone at one of them. Not noticing the cliff, Clementine falls into the water. A strong current carries her away in an unknown direction.

Chapter 4: "Alone"

Having woken up, we walk along the shore. In the water we notice a boat broken in half. Having carefully examined it, we see that next to the second part of the boat lies the body of a man. We turn right and pull ourselves up along the ledge of the destroyed pier. On the left side is a grave, and in front is a dead walker. We walk further along the path. Judging by the sign, you can find many dangerous animals in this forest. We jump over the tree and move forward. We will soon encounter a dog. We examine his collar, which has the name Sam. After a welcoming growl, he will lead us to an abandoned camp.

Chapter 5: "Abandoned Camp"

We turn around and search the barrel in the foreground. There is nothing to open the discovered can of food yet. We search the van and find a photograph showing a friendly family with a dog. Let's walk around the camp and inspect the tents, refrigerator, jar (near the red tent) and throw the flying saucer several times.

Sam barks at a man tied to a tree. Before he became a walker, he (or someone) tried to leave an infestation by stabbing a knife into the bite site. We look down at our feet and pick up a hefty branch located a little to the right. Using it, we deliver four blows to the walker’s head. Having dealt with him, we remove the knife from his body.

We continue passing the game to the site.

Chapter 6: "Found Food"

We get comfortable and open the jar. We were lucky - the beans turned out to be unspoiled. Watching our meal, the dog begins to whine pitifully. Whatever line we choose, he turns from a friendly animal into an angry predator and instantly bites into our hand. We try to fight off the dog by hitting its head with our hand or objects lying on the sides. Then with a powerful kick we throw Sam away from us. The dog landed right on the sharp bars, which pierced him right through. Kill or leave Sam to a painful death - the choice is ours.

Clementine's condition worsened every minute. Losing consciousness would mean death for her. We are trying with all our strength to escape from the walkers. At some point, one of them still attacks us. Quickly and often press the button shown. Two people come to help. Having dealt with the nearest walkers, one of them takes us in his arms, and they run away from the dangerous place. Let's meet the guys: the young one is called Luke, and the older one is Pete. They promise to take us to their camp. When Luke notices a bite on our arm, we try to convince them that a dog did it. Pete turned out to be more reasonable and allowed us to proceed to the camp, where a doctor could determine the origin of the bite. Before reaching the camp, Clementine loses consciousness.

Chapter 7: "New Faces"

Having woken up, we see a whole group of people in front of us. Many are unhappy that we were brought to the camp. Everything would be fine, but the bite plays a big role in this case. Also, pregnant Rebecca mentions Carver and does not allow others to forget about the unpleasant events that previously happened. We manage to say a few words when a shot immediately sounds. Young and inexperienced Nick accidentally pulls the trigger. If the barrel had been pointed a couple of inches to the left, we most likely would not be alive. Finally, the doctor Carlos appears and asks to show his hand. Even he could not determine who the bite belonged to. Pete proposes a radical solution - cutting off the hand. The old man is sure that this will save our lives. We turn to any character. A girl named Sarah, Carlos’s daughter, looks out of the house. The group decides that there is no point in wasting medicine on us - if it is a walker bite. We'll have to spend the whole night in a locked barn. This will be a kind of test. On the other hand, even a dog bite can have tragic consequences if the wound is not treated.

Left alone, we search the toolbox located in the corner of the room and take away the skein of thread. At the same time, we move the box itself and see that the flimsy section of the wall is boarded up. There is a hammer on the top shelf on the left - we are trying to reach it. We approach the edge of the shelf, look down and lift the table. Having climbed onto it, we again try to get the hammer. The shelf collapses under our weight. We move the shelf and select the tool. We return to the corner of the barn, interact with the board and tear it off with a hammer. We crawl through the hole and find ourselves outside.

Chapter 8: "Searching for Supplies"

We move towards the house, climb the stairs to the veranda and through the window we watch Rebecca and Alvin arguing. When Rebecca leaves, we knock on the window and persuade Alvin to help us. He will bring some cloth and juice in a small box. We go around the house on the right side. Approximately in the middle we find nailed plywood. Use a hammer to pull out the nails. We pass through the hole and move forward until we find ourselves under the hatch. We open the lock with a knife. We open the door and go out into the living room. We go left, open the kitchen door and eavesdrop on the conversation by holding down the corresponding button. We go to the right, go up the stairs to the second floor.

First, let's look into the room on the far left - the bedroom. You can find a wristwatch in the chest of drawers. Take them or leave them where they are – the choice is ours. There will be bandages on the dresser itself, if you didn't take them from Alvin before. We leave the bedroom and go into the bathroom. Open the mirror door above the sink and take the needle. As we are about to leave the room, we hear the sounds of footsteps of an approaching person. We quickly hide in the linen closet on the right side. Rebecca came to wash her face and at the same time loudly asked God that the child would be “his.” Apparently, Rebecca doubts Alvin is the father. We leave the bathroom and go into the last room opposite – Sarah’s bedroom. Sarah reacted calmly to our appearance. Moreover, she offers to become friends. Agree or refuse – the choice is ours. Anyway, Sarah will bring us some hydrogen peroxide. We go downstairs and get out of the house the same way we entered it.

Chapter 9: "Back in the Barn"

Returning to the barn, we lay out all the things we found on the table. The wound will be stitched up independently. Treat the bite with hydrogen peroxide. We pass the thread through the eye of the needle and proceed to the most painful stage. While holding down the corresponding buttons, we sew up the wound. Then we try to bandage our hand with a piece of fabric, but we accidentally drop it on the floor. Having bent down to get it, we are attacked by a walker who entered the barn through a hole in the wall. We fight off the enemy by striking him with our hands. We look around and grab the available tools. Having crushed the walker with a rake, we take a hammer from the table and finally finish him off. The whole group comes running at the noise and is surprised to discover that we managed to deal with the walker and patch up the wound. Everyone remains to their own opinion: some begin to sympathize with Clementine even more, while others, on the contrary, pour down an additional portion of condemning comments.

Chapter 10: "Later at Night"

We were allowed into the house, which is good news. Carlos will examine the wound and make sure that the bite was not left on a walker. What he's most unhappy about is that we started talking to his daughter Sarah. Carlos tries to protect Sarah from harsh reality as long as possible. Luke brings food and keeps the conversation going. Nick arrives and apologizes for his actions and being too distrustful of us. You can understand him, but everyone needs to be given a chance. We choose how to treat Nick - with understanding or condemnation. After finishing the conversation with Luke, Rebecca will appear and advise you to stay away from her husband.

Chapter 11: "The Killing Fields"

The next morning, together with Pete and Nick, we go to the river to check the traps set for fish. On the way, we tell Pete about our skills in handling weapons. The relationship between Pete and Nick is quite tense. Pete is much more experienced in matters related to hunting. Nick doesn’t have good knowledge of killing animals, and he doesn’t really know how to hold a weapon, which gives Pete a reason to constantly tease the young boy. Nick doesn't like this and that's why he often gets offended by his uncle. Pete wants Nick to be more responsible and able to make firm decisions in all situations.

Nick had already reached the shore and called us for help. We discover the bodies of four people who were killed during a fierce shootout. We examine one of the corpses (Roman from the 400 Days add-on) and pay attention to another body on the opposite bank. Pete decides to move there himself and check on the others. Nick believes that there is no need to do this, but that it is better to return to the camp and call for help. We follow Pete and stay on the central island. We move to the outermost body and find our backpack. The barely alive person turned out to be one of the marauders who attacked Krista and me in the forest. We're trying to figure out what happened here. We also wonder what happened to Krista. Without answering, he asks for water. Whether to grant his request or refuse is our choice. Meanwhile, Pete was attacked by a walker. We notice that Pete has a bite mark on his leg. Walkers began to approach from all sides. Pete and Nick are on opposite sides of us, and we can only help one.

If you chose Nick, then we get to him, dodging the enemies we meet. Pete failed to hold back the onslaught of walkers and dies. Nick blames us for not helping Pete.

If you chose Pete, then we quickly run up to him, grab the board on the right side and strike the walker’s hand. We watch Nick, who is an outcast trying to resist his enemies. Out of despair, he rushes deep into the forest.

Chapter 1: Old friends

The beginning and at the same time the introduction to The Walking Dead: Season 2 - Episode 1: All that remains, serves as a video about the first season of the aforementioned game.

The video has played, we find ourselves in the company of Amid and Krista, we participate in the conversation, choosing phrases from those suggested by the computer. We go to the toilet where we open the stall doors one by one and inspect each of them. Having checked everything, we go to the washbasin under the mirror, at this place Clementine will need to wash her face, the choice will be between tap water or water from a bottle, which is in the heroine’s backpack. If we choose a bottle, then sooner or later it falls and rolls into some kind of booth. To find the bottle, we examine everything again. Clementine finds the item she is looking for, picks it up from the floor and goes into the stall, where she then hides from the woman who follows the girl into the toilet. The lady who appears will quickly discover the pistol left on the sink, and then Clementine. We communicate with the armed woman until Amid enters the room and is shot. At this sad moment the first chapter ends.

Chapter 2: 16 months later (16 months later)

We are together with Krista by the fire, exchanging phrases selected from the list, waiting for her to go into the forest for firewood. When we are left alone, we take out a photo of LI, a drawing of a family and a lighter from a backpack, with all this belongings we approach the fire, carefully examine it, then, holding LMB, we try to light the fire, bringing the flame to a piece of paper, all this ends in failure. We look around, to the right of the fire there is a car license plate, and to the right there is a log. We ignore the sign, and when we get a log, we take it and throw it into the fire, along with a photo of Lee or a drawing, whichever we like best. The result of these worries will be a fire that finally breaks out. Having heard voices from the forest, we follow the sound and see Krista caught by the “scavengers”. Here you can simply run away, or you can first throw a stone by noting “distract scavengers”.

Chapter 3: The Scavengers

Clementine runs from the scavenger pursuing her and runs behind a tree, then the right arrow appears and you need to press the D button. The run continues, we dodge obstacles using the A and D buttons, left and right, respectively. When the “scavenger” finally catches Clementine by the leg and begins to pull, we pick up the stone and hit the villain on the hand that holds the leg. Running further, we stumble upon the walking dead, we diligently dodge and eventually fall, after which we break off a tree branch, dodge the “scavenger” and stick it into him. They will still grab Clementine by the river, bite the person holding the finger and press Q until the indicator is filled to the maximum. A little after all this, we climb inside the tree, fight off the one who grabbed his leg, hitting his hands, taking aim and pressing LMB. As a result, when we are pulled out of the “hole,” we cling to the tree and press Q again until the indicator is filled. The next will be a cut-scene with sequential pressing of the Q and D buttons. After liberation, we are caught by a walking corpse and again we will have to press the Q button, thereby tearing off the hand of the dead villain. Then we avoid the walker, he grabs the “scavenger”, we run away, dodging the rest of the undead, pressing the movement buttons according to the arrows on the monitor. We're lucky, we're at the river, we throw a stone at one of the stray corpses, and then Clementine inexorably falls into the river.

Chapter 4: Alone

We find ourselves on the shore, after returning to Clementine’s consciousness we look around. We pay attention to the canoe partially sticking out of the water. After the inspection, we move along the path and climb the stairs to the platform located above. We examine all objects discovered from above, and do not disdain looting. The search will not bring anything, so we click on the path and go into the forest. Moving along the path, we study the sign warning about various wild animals found in the forest. Then we jump over the fallen tree and move on until we meet a dog named Sam who can carry on a conversation. He takes Clementine to a small abandoned camp in the forest.

Chapter 5: Abandoned camp

Once at the camp, we explore everything around us, looking for something to eat. We inspect the boxes in front of the car and those lying inside the car one by one; in one of the boxes we find a “disc” that you can throw to the dog. In search of food, we continue our inspection, looking into empty cans on the ground and a torn tent, then looking into a leaky grill located in the center of the camp and inspecting another tent. Having heard the dog barking, we follow the sound and find a dead man tied to a tree with a knife in his stomach, we need to remove the knife. To do this, we need to kill the dead thing, we take a stick and hit it on the head until our “friend” dies completely. We confiscate the knife, search our pockets, find nothing and continue searching for food. We examine the blue refrigerator standing next to it, but we don’t find anything here either. All that remains is the trash can, which brings us luck - a completely edible can of canned food.

Chapter 6: Finding food

We continue moving through the forest and stumble upon the dead, we unsuccessfully try to escape, but the dead will still grab Clementine. Press Q until the indicator is full, two strangers will appear and help the girl out.

Chapter 7: New faces

Having returned to consciousness, we communicate with the saviors and no matter what we ask for help or to let go, our further path lies straight to the barn, although the local doctor will still examine Clementine. But until this moment, immediately after one of the characters offers to take away their hand, you need to choose who to talk to. In the end, it will be Luke who takes the girl to the barn. You will need to immediately look around inside. Examine the barrel, the anchor hanging on the wall, the heels located on the table and the wall that was once hung with tools, and lastly, examine the lifebuoy located on the wall. The next thing you should pay attention to is the hammer on the top shelf; you can’t just get it, so we use the folding table on the wall on the left and climb up. We fall to the floor along with the hammer, which knocks down the fallen shelf. We extract the treasured instrument from under the fallen rubbish. Next, we inspect the small box in the corner of the room, take the fishing line inside, and behind the box in the wall we find a hole clogged with a board. This is where we need a hammer, with which we will need to tear the board off the wall; to do this, press Q several times, and then follow the indicator and when it is completely filled, press E. The board is removed and you can break through the wall with your foot and get out.

Chapter 8: Getting supplies

Having escaped from the barn, we go to the house and try to find the entrance to it; inside the house we need to find a bandage, peroxide and a needle. Trying to enter a structure through doors or curtained and locked windows will do no harm, but it will not help either. Having found the only window not covered with curtains, we see a woman in a position talking with her husband. After waiting for the pregnant woman to leave, we knock on the window. The man, his name is Alvin by the way, after some persuasion he will bring Clementine a bandage and give her some juice... Having received the bandage, we continue to inspect the house, go down to the foundation on the right and find a hole in the base carefully boarded up. Having loosened the board so that the nails become visible, remove the nails with a hammer, the passage is open. We move to the hatch leading upstairs, open the lock with a knife, unfortunately, the knife then breaks irrevocably.

Once in the house, we follow the voices and, standing under the door, eavesdrop on the conversation coming from behind it, then we go along the corridor to another door. Behind the door in the room on the wall we examine the painting with the image of a duck and the list on the table by which we evaluate who should treat Clementine how. We take the list and go to the door behind which we stood and listened to the conversation, go to the right and further along the stairs to the next floor. When we went up to the second floor, we turn right and see two doors on opposite sides of the corridor. Behind the door on the right is the room of the owner's daughter Sarah, who, after talking and asking for help, will give Clementine a bottle of hydrogen peroxide.

We return to the corridor, go through the second door, find ourselves in the bathroom, where there is a needle behind the mirror located above the sink. Having tried to return to the corridor, we hear approaching steps. You will have to hide either in the bathroom behind a curtain or in a cabinet. A pregnant woman comes into the bath. After a while she will leave and you can return to the corridor. If you go to the left of the stairs, you will find another room on a table in which we will find a map, on another table there is a clock and there will also be a useless locked cabinet. That's it, we get out and return to the barn.

Chapter 9: Back in the shed

Here we are again in the barn. We lay out the obtained items, it’s time to take care of the wound. Treat the bite with hydrogen peroxide, then select the fishing line and needle. We thread the fishing line into the needle and begin to sew the wound left to us by the ungrateful dog. We stick the needle into the skin of the hand and hold down the LMB while simultaneously moving the mouse in the direction indicated on the screen until Clementine pulls out the needle from the other side of the wound. Stitching operations will have to be performed several times until the wound is sutured. When everything works out, you can drink the juice given by Alvin. Then we try to bandage our hand, the bandage falls and we notice a dead man climbing into the barn. When you try to take the hammer from the table, Clementine falls to the floor, and then you have to reach for the rake on the left, this will not work and you will have to push the dead man away and press Q until the indicator is completely filled, and then E. When you still manage to push away the walking corpse, take the rake and nail him to the anchor on the wall using the Q and E keys. Now take a hammer and hammer the handsome guy on the head until he dies completely. Local residents will come to the roar and in conversation with them we choose any phrases. When the conversation is over, Clementine will be taken into the house.

Chapter 10: Later that night

After Dr. Carlos examines Clementine's wound, you will be able to talk with him for a while. Then the heroine will be fed and she will be able to communicate with Nick and then with several other people living in this group, among whom will be a pregnant woman who frankly does not like Clementine. What you choose in conversations doesn’t matter.

Chapter 11: The killing fields

In the morning we go with Nick and Pete to the river for fish, but near the river we find several corpses with bullet holes in their heads. When Pete and Nick go to each side, examining the bodies, there will be an opportunity to talk with each of them separately and examine one of the corpses along the way. After a short dialogue with Nick, we will see more bodies on an island in the middle of the river. We swim to the island and begin to examine the bodies; upon inspection we find Clementine’s backpack, and next to it a still living person. We are trying to ask him about the fate of Christa, who disappeared at the very beginning of our wanderings, but in the end we will have to choose: to give the dying man a drink from a bottle or not. At this time, on the other bank, Pete will be bitten by a ghoul whom he accidentally meets, then walking corpses will appear on both banks and he will have to choose who to help. Let's help Pete. Grabbing a board from the ground, we hit the walker’s hand until it falls off. At this time, Nick on the other side will be able to escape, and Clementine and Pete need to hurry up and leave.

On this incomprehensibility, the first episode from the second season of the project The Walking Dead ends, all that remains is to watch the announcement video about the second episode.

All, Walkthrough of The Walking Dead: Season 2 - Episode 1 completed.

In The Walking Dead: Season 2, the passage often presents the user with choices in decisions that affect the plot and ending of the project. The gameplay is made in the form of an interactive movie, where players are asked to perform only certain actions and watch the events unfold. Each person can build their own story and see if they made the right choice.


In the masterpiece called The Walking Dead: Season 2, the passage in Russian begins immediately with murders. Two years have passed since the end of the plot of the first part, Lee is dead, and Clementine is learning to survive with Omid and Christa. First, they stop near the toilet, where they meet a marauder who kills the main character’s companion. After this, events are moved forward again, where Clementine is now only with Christa. At this point, you should cheer her up and light a fire using a board and one of two things to choose from. After spending the night, bandits attack your camp. They grab the woman, and the girl has to run away. Have time to press the keys before obstacles. Near the river you will have to fight zombies using a similar method. After a short break, look around the shore and move up the narrow path. There will be a dog there that is worth talking to and taming. The dog will lead Clem to an abandoned refugee camp. The food is in the trash can and needs to be picked up. Then go up to the dog, kill the zombie and take the knife from the corpse.

Continuation of the first episode

The walkthrough in Russian (part 1) continues in The Walking Dead: Season 2 with the fact that the player needs to eat. At this moment, a hungry dog ​​will attack her new companion. It is necessary to fight it off, and as a result it will fall onto the stakes. A person decides at this moment to kill or leave the animal to die in agony. After this, zombies will visit the camp, from which you need to run away. The heroine, wounded by dog ​​bites, will be found by two unknown guys, and they will take her to their camp. Here the girl will meet unknown people. It is necessary to prove to them that zombies are not involved in the injuries. After the conversation, Clem will be locked in the barn. You can get out using the hammer, which lies on the shelf on the left. Place the box, take the tool and pull out the nails on the right. Leave the barn and enter the nearest house through the hole. On the first floor, examine all the rooms, in one of them there will be a sheet with the opinions of each member of the new team about heroin. These notes must be remembered. After that, go upstairs and find a bandage with a needle. The first thing is in the bedroom, and the second is in the bathroom. Sarah will be sitting at the end of the floor and in a conversation with her you can convince the character of friendly intentions to obtain hydrogen peroxide. Further in the game The Walking Dead: Season 2, the passage will force you to return to the barn. Treat the wound by connecting objects. After this, a zombie will appear that can be killed with a hammer. The survivors will accept you, but soon the dead will attack again. The player will have to choose who to save, and this will be the end of the first episode.

Chapter two

In the game The Walking Dead: Season 2 (episod 2), the passage will continue from the place of the last fight with zombies. Watch the video and explore the location with the person you saved in the last chapter. Offer him alcohol or cigarettes, after which you can try both yourself. The next morning, go to the camp and tell about what happened nearby. Sarah will ask Clem to take a photo, and here the player can agree or refuse. When you go downstairs, you will have to teach the girl to shoot. Then go into the house and talk with an unknown guest who will ask a lot of questions. In the evening, all members of the community will return to the camp, and a serious conversation will take place. Sarah will try to accuse Clementine of wrongdoing and nothing depends on the answers in this case. After that, collect all your things, talk to your friend in the garage and head into the forest. Near the bridge, the area is worth exploring with binoculars. Return to the surviving people and report the information you found. Together with Luke, destroy the zombies and talk to the man. After this, zombies will attack, and Clem must have time to save her friend using the beam from above. A new man with a gun will appear and try to start a conversation. Then Nick will jump out, and if you don’t have time to stop him, he will shoot an unknown person. After that, return to your friends, talk and enter the house. It contains a supply box that can be opened with a knife. Distribute food to all people in the community.

Continuation of the second episode

In The Walking Dead: Season 2 (episode 2), the passage will continue with Clementine and her new friends ending up near the ski lodge. There will be a small camp of people, among whom will be an old acquaintance from the previous part of the series, Kenny. New Year is coming soon, and therefore the camp is preparing for the holiday. Talk to all the people and decorate the Christmas tree with your friends. After this, you will notice an argument in the camp area. Choose who to sit with - Kenny or Luke. Other members of the group will sit behind you, and it depends on the player’s decision which side Clem will take in their quarrel. The next day the girl will see that one person is watching her. The brave heroine will follow her and talk. Here the user will have to decide between driving her away or giving her food. After that, go to Luke and talk about Nick's behavior. Next there will be a murder scene where the player will simply watch the scene. When you go outside, you can lie or tell the truth about what the girl did. Zombies will suddenly attack, and to start the battle with the dead, you need to turn off the generator. After that, shoot the monsters with a pistol. At the end of the second chapter in The Walking Dead: Season 2, the walkthrough will show that the camp was captured by bandits under the guise of a zombie attack. They will kill some members of the community, and Clementine will have to surrender.

Chapter Three

The walkthrough continues in The Walking Dead: Season 2 (episode 3) with the robbers transporting their captive friends to their base. Enter the van and talk to all the people there. The team will refuse to attempt an escape, which Kenny will suggest. The heroine must decide who to support in this case. After the conversation, you will be locked in a cage, where you can talk with Reggie and other friends. After the conversation, go to bed. The next morning there will be a general formation, where Sar will begin to talk with Clem. For this she will get a slap in the face from Carver. If the player decides to continue the conversation, he will also receive punishment from the bandits. After this, everyone will go to the specified work. Clem will help Bonnie reload the weapon and talk with her. After Troy arrives, go to the roof, where Reggie will begin to teach the girl how to care for flowers. Here the main character will notice that Sarah doesn’t know how to do anything at all. She can be helped, but at the end of the working day, Carver will punish the one who did the indicated activities poorly. The leader will throw Reggie off the roof and he will die. The next day, Clem will be assigned to work with Troy. Carry the load until you hear Kenny and Mike arguing. Suddenly the walking dead will attack from the side. In this case, the passage of The Walking Dead: Season 2 involves a fight with a monster. After winning, crawl under the shelf into another room, where Clem will be saved by Troy. In the evening, Carver will call you and will talk for a long time, and also promise a lot of crazy things. Listen, take the food and return to the group.

Continuation of the third chapter

Passing the game The Walking Dead: Season 2 in the middle of the third chapter will direct the main character to steal the walkie-talkie. To do this, we climb the cable to the stairs and climb out onto the roof. On the right side, steal through the window and return the same way you came. After discussing the escape plan, the guards will come, and the heroine will have to convince Bonnie to let her go outside. Proceed to the house where Luke is hiding. You will find that your comrade is not there, and therefore you should inspect the entire building. During this activity, Troy will appear. The player will have to explain to the guard the reason for being here. The man will punish Clem for disobedience with a blow to the face. At this time, Carver learns about the loss of the walkie-talkies and the escape plan. The bandit leader will force him to return the equipment and begin to beat Kenny hard. The heroine must help her comrade, but a strong opponent will knock her unconscious with one blow. After what happened, the survivors are making a new escape plan, and Bonnie will help them. Clem wants to rescue the captive Alvin at Carver's house. To do this, get into the desired room, distract the guards and enter the prison. In any case, your comrade will die due to a severe wound, and therefore you can immediately save yourself. You jump from the beam of the building onto Carver's back, and Kenny shoots him in both knees. The heroine can watch the enemy die or simply leave. In the finale you will have to fight zombies and kill Troy when he appears. During the fight, Sarah will be bitten, and her hand will have to be cut off or the dead man will have to be killed. The ending of the third episode depends on this choice.

Chapter Four: The Beginning

This episode begins with the fact that players will have to rescue Sarah along with Jane and Rebecca in The Walking Dead: Season 2. The walkthrough with Karn shows that it is enough to talk to the surviving women and keep up with them during the escape. Clem will try to talk along the way. It’s better to choose your own replicas. At the meeting point, support Kenny in order to go in search of other team members. On your way back, talk to Jane and she will tell you about her sister. There will be Sarah's glasses under the nearby zombie corpses; they can be returned to their owner. Around the next turn, the heroine will discover that Nick has become a walking dead man and must be killed. Similar scenes with the murder of close friends were shown in Walking Dead: Season 1 (episode 2). Around the corner you will have to kill another zombie, and a small group of dead people is waiting near the barricade. Kill them one by one and get ready to press the keys indicated on the screen. To distract the others, use a nearby car and a zombie corpse. Place his head on the steering wheel and he will honk constantly. The road to the desired trailer is open. In it you will find Sarah and Luke. Block the door with a table, and use it to get out during the next attack by a crowd of monsters. Help Jane fight off the zombies, and then try to convince Sarah to go with everyone. If she refuses, hit her and take her with you. At the camp you will discover that Rebecca is about to give birth, so you need to ask Kenny to help. The survivors are divided into two teams and go in search of the necessary equipment. Clem must choose who she will go with.

Episode four: from middle to end

The walkthrough continues in The Walking Dead: Season 2 (episode 4) with Clem going to Jane on the site near the jewelry store. While the woman is tinkering with the lock, you will notice a lame guy. Distract him with conversation and Jane will disarm him. He has medicines in his bag that you can take away or leave with him. Then the path goes to the museum to Bonnie and Mike. There, behind the box, in the corner of the room you can see bottles of water, but they can only be picked up by going through a small hole. Clem will do this, but there she will be attacked by a zombie, who will be killed by Mike. In the museum you will find a raccoon that you can run after, looking for other necessary things in the process. After returning to camp, Rebecca will go into labor. You can either help her in the tent, or go outside and defend the camp. If you decide to prop up the gate with a cannon from the museum, the observation deck will collapse and Sarah will fall down. Only Jane, who is hanging nearby on the rubble, can help her. When the women get out, ask Mike to help destroy the site. Hit the mounts and run back to the gift shop. After giving birth, Jane decides to leave the group, Luke and Kenny quarrel again, and Clem must resolve this dispute about leaving the jewelry store. We can stay so Rebecca can get some rest. On the way to the nearest city, the woman will ask for rest and at this time a group of the lame guy Arvo will surround Clementine's friends. During the conversation, Rebecca will die and transform, and Kenny will kill her. A shootout will begin and this will end the passage of the fourth episode in The Walking Dead Game: Season 2.

Last chapter (first part)

The Walking Dead: Season 2 walkthrough (episode 5) begins in this chapter with a shootout. Shoot the bald guy first, and then cover Kenny. He will deal with the enemies and take Arvo prisoner. He will agree to show his team’s camp. The man will begin to suspect the lame guy of deception and kick him. You can stand up for him and help Kenya treat the wound near his eye. After this, talk to Luke about the affairs of the group. The team will make their next stop at an abandoned power station. Talk to Luke, wish him a happy birthday and drink whiskey together. He will talk about his worries, after which you should approach Kenny. Try to convince them that the new people are friends and can be trusted. Before going to bed, talk to Arvo, and hit the road the next morning. Kenny will find a zombie, and it is better to shoot him without delay. You will see the houses of the camp and decide to walk around them on the ice. Luke will fall under the water and ask him to leave him, and Bonnie will ask him to save him. The man will die in any case, but the choice is up to the players. At the new camp, Kenny will fix the car and an argument will begin about the direction for the trip. In this case, further passage in The Walking Dead Telltale Games: Season 2 depends on the user. You can support anyone in this dispute.

End of the game

After the dream, Clementine will discover that Bonnie, Michael and the lame guy want to run away together in a car. When trying to detain them, Arvo will shoot the heroine and she will lose consciousness. Scenes from the past will begin, where Lee will return. When she wakes up, the girl sees herself in a car with Jane and Kenny, who do not stop quarreling. The situation is heating up and Clementine feels at a dead end. At the nearest stop, Kenny will go on reconnaissance and come across a group of walking dead. You'll have to drive the heroine's car until you get into an accident. The three of us head through the mountains of snow to the nearest house. There, Kenny and Jane are about to fight to the death, and only a girl can break them up. They will not stop, and therefore they will have to choose who to kill on their own. In The Walking Dead: Season 2, the walkthrough will provide this choice twice. The wound inflicted on another character will not be fatal, so you can either help him, or go with another survivor and abandon the victim. This will begin the ending scene and the game will be completed. It is worth knowing that the article describes only specifically adopted decisions. The storyline may differ if the player decides to take a different path. Then the chain of events will turn in a different direction, but the key points will not change.

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