"didactic game as a means of developing the speech of children of primary preschool age". Didactic game as a means of developing young children Educational games as a means of developing children

Being an exciting activity for preschoolers, the game is at the same time the most important means of their upbringing and development. But this happens when it is included in the organized and managed pedagogical process. The development and formation of the game to a large extent occurs precisely when it is used as a means of education.
Guided by the requirements of the Kindergarten Education Program, the teacher selects and plans the program content that should be learned by children in games, clearly defines didactic and game tasks, actions and rules, and the expected result. He, as it were, projects the entire course of the game, without destroying its originality and amateur character.
Including the game in the pedagogical process, the educator teaches children to play, to create, according to A. S. Makarenko, “a good game”. Such a game is characterized by the following qualities: the educational and cognitive value of the content, the completeness and correctness of the reflected ideas; expediency, activity, organization and creative nature of game actions; obedience to the rules and the ability to be guided by them in the game, taking into account the interests of individual children and all players; purposeful use of toys and play materials; goodwill of relations and joyful mood of children.
Leading the game, the educator influences all aspects of the child's personality: his consciousness, feelings, will, behavior, uses it for the purposes of mental, moral, aesthetic and physical education.
In the course of the game, the knowledge and ideas of children are refined and deepened. In order to perform this or that role in the game, the child must translate his idea into play actions. Sometimes knowledge and ideas about the work of people, about specific actions, relationships are insufficient, and there is a need to replenish them. The need for new knowledge is expressed in questions of children. The teacher answers them, listens to conversations during the game, helps the players to establish mutual understanding, agreement.
Consequently, the game not only consolidates the knowledge and ideas that children already have, but is also a kind of active cognitive activity, in the process of which they, under the guidance of an educator, acquire new knowledge.
The educator uses the content of the games to form in children a positive attitude towards socialist reality, love for the Motherland, their people, teaches them the rules of social behavior, checks how they have been learned, and reinforces them. In the game and through the game, the educator develops in preschoolers such qualities as courage, honesty, initiative, endurance.
The game is a kind of school in which the child actively and creatively masters the rules and norms of the behavior of Soviet people, their attitude to work, social property, and their relationships. It is the form of activity in which the social behavior of the children themselves, their attitude to life, to each other, is largely shaped.
Organizing the game, directing it, the educator influences the group of children and through the group on each child. Becoming a participant in the game, the child is faced with the need to coordinate their intentions and actions with others, to obey the rules that are established in the game.
Outside of pedagogical guidance, children's games can sometimes have an undesirable influence. N. K. Krupskaya wrote: “There are games that develop cruelty, rudeness, incite national hatred, have a bad effect on the nervous system, cause excitement, vanity. And there are games that are of great educational value, strengthening the will, cultivating a sense of justice, the ability to help in trouble, etc., etc.
To use the positive influence of the game and prevent the occurrence of unwanted games, you need to teach children to distinguish between what is good and what is bad, to cultivate an active desire for good and dislike for bad. To this end, the educator, through the game and in the game, reveals to the children the meaning of certain positive facts, gives their assessment, makes the children want to imitate them and thereby forms their attitude to what is displayed in the game.
The teacher widely uses the game as a means of physical education. Most games require active movements that increase blood circulation, promote a fuller and deeper metabolism. Motor activity contributes to the formation of correct posture, the development of coordination of movements, their beauty. However, it would be wrong to think that the game is a means of physical education in itself. Without pedagogical guidance, play can harm children's physical development. Sometimes they get overtired by being in the same position for a long time (squatting) or, conversely, by moving too much. Therefore, the educator, first of all, takes care of the observance of hygienic conditions for children's games.
Using a clear, gradually developing system of games, the teacher increases the effectiveness of the physical development of preschoolers. It creates a joyful, cheerful mood in the game, and a positive emotional state is the key to the full physical and neuropsychic development of the child and, at the same time, the condition for raising a cheerful, benevolent character.
The game is also widely used as a means of aesthetic education, because children reflect the world around them through a role, an image. Of great importance in the game is the imagination - the creation of images based on previously received impressions. The content of many games includes familiar songs, dances, poems, riddles. All this allows the educator to deepen the aesthetic experiences of children. Often in games they decorate their buildings, use elements of disguise, which contributes to the development of artistic taste.
Thus, the game is a means of comprehensive education and development of children.

The role of play in the organization of children's lives

A game for a child is real life. And if the educator organizes it reasonably, he gets the opportunity to influence the children. A.P. Usova noted: “Properly organizing the life and activities of children means educating them correctly. An effective upbringing process can be carried out in the form of play and play relationships precisely because the child here does not learn to live, but lives his own life.
In games, children reflect certain actions, personal characteristics and relationships of people. But behind all this there are still no real traits and qualities of the personality of the child himself. For example, playing a role in the game that requires him to show goodwill and caring, in life this child can sometimes be selfish and rude. That is why the pedagogical management of games is so important, ensuring their maximum educational effect.
The choice of games is essential. Daily leading him, the educator studies each child, reveals the associations of children, emerging game teams. He has the opportunity to evaluate the usefulness or harmfulness of certain groups, to draw a conclusion about the need for certain impacts on children.
Younger preschoolers do not yet know how to play. And it is the educator who, organizing the games, teaches them this. When children have mastered the game, sufficient experience of playing activity, it becomes independent for them, based on their self-organization.
Using the game as a form of organizing the life of children, first of all, it is necessary to direct and develop their common interests, seeking to unite the children's team. A. S. Makarenko, highly appreciating the role of play in organizing the lives of children, wrote about the role of the educator: “And I, as a teacher, have to play a little with them. If I only accustom, demand, insist, I will be an outside force, maybe useful, but not close. I must definitely play a little, and I demanded this from all my colleagues. The teacher should be close to the children, a welcome participant in their games. Using the content and rules of the game, his playing role, he tactfully directs its course, the relationship of the players, without suppressing their initiative.
The "Kindergarten Education Program" indicates the time fixed in the daily routine for games. It must be strictly observed: you cannot replace the game with any other forms of work with children.
In the interval between breakfast and classes (8-10 minutes), children usually continue the game they have started or play with toys, board games.
For older children, the program provides games between classes. Their goal is a short (8-10 minutes) rest for children, but these games should not require excessive physical activity, cause significant mental stress. It is best to use ball games, bilbock, with small toys.
The longest time for games is given for a walk (1 hour - 1 hour 20 minutes). Its correct organization, filling it with interesting games makes the stay of children in the air useful and enjoyable. To do this, the site must have special structures and buildings (steamboats, buses, etc.), large building materials, stretchers, shovels, balls, jump ropes, hoops, etc.
After a day's rest and an afternoon snack, there is also time for games. In winter and autumn, usually in a group room, and in spring and summer, role-playing games unfold in the air or children play with toys, building materials, and board games. At the same time, games with elements of fun are used.

Relationship between play, work and learning

In the pedagogical process, the game is in close interaction with other types of children's activities, and above all with work, learning in the classroom.
The relationship between play and work is determined by the fact that there is something in common and something different between them. A. S. Makarenko pointed out that in the game, as in labor, there is a working effort and an effort of thought: “A game without effort, a game without vigorous activity is always a bad game.” The only difference between play and work is that “... work is the participation of a person in social production ... in the creation of material, cultural, in other words, social values. The game does not pursue such goals, it has no direct relation to social goals, but it has an indirect relation to them: it accustoms a person to those physical and mental efforts that are necessary for work.
In the game, it often becomes necessary to create a toy, a particular device. In modeling and design classes, children, under the guidance of a teacher, make toys and manuals that are used in games. The skills of independence acquired in work are transferred to the game.
In different groups of kindergarten, the relationship between play and work has a different character.
In the younger groups, many elementary labor skills, especially in the field of self-service, cultural communication, handling things, are learned to a large extent in games with dolls; motor skills, the ability to orientate in space - in outdoor games. For older children, work becomes an independent activity. However, the relationship between play and work remains to some extent. So, children make homemade toys in manual labor classes, and use them, and very willingly, in games.
Soviet pedagogy does not oppose play to learning in the classroom, but makes extensive use of their interconnection in the process of educational influence on children. With the introduction of teaching in kindergarten, the topics have expanded significantly and the content of games has deepened. In the classroom, children receive a wide range of knowledge and ideas about objects and phenomena, about the life around them, which are used in the game. The learning process itself organizes the cognitive activity of children, which undoubtedly enhances the culture of the game. The content of the lessons is not directly transferred to the game, but is refracted in a peculiar way through the experience, the idea of ​​the game, the attitude of children to the phenomena displayed in the game.
At the same time, the game also has an impact on the cognitive development of children, necessitating the expansion of knowledge. The game teaches purposefully and consistently to reproduce knowledge, to implement it in game actions, in the rules.
The relationship between play and learning does not remain unchanged throughout preschool childhood. In younger groups, the game is the main form of learning. In seniors, especially in the preparatory, the role of the learning process itself in the classroom increases significantly. The prospect of schooling becomes desirable for children. They want to be students.
However, the game does not lose its attractiveness for them, only its content and character change. Children are interested in more complex games that require intellectual activity. They are also attracted to sports games that contain an element of competition.

Types of games and their role in the life, upbringing and education of children. Game management

Games differ in content, characteristics, the place they occupy in the lives of children, in their upbringing and education.
Role-playing games are created by the children themselves with some guidance from the teacher. Their basis is children's amateur performance. Sometimes such games are called creative plot-role-playing, emphasizing that children do not just copy certain phenomena, but creatively comprehend and reproduce them in the created images, game actions. A variety of role-playing games are dramatization and construction games.
In the practice of education, games with rules created for children by adults are also used. Games with rules include didactic, mobile, fun games. They are based on a well-defined program content, didactic tasks, purposefulness of training. At the same time, children's self-activity is not excluded, but it is to a greater extent combined with the guidance of the educator. When mastering the experience of the game, developing the ability for self-organization, children also play these games on their own.
Role-playing games are the most characteristic games of preschoolers and occupy a significant place in their lives. Highly appreciating amateur plot-role-playing games of children, N. K. Krupskaya wrote: “The most beloved, most necessary games for children are those where children themselves set the goal of the game: build a house, go to Moscow, cook dinner ... The process of the game is in the implementation of this goal: the child makes plans, chooses the means of implementation. Let the train on which he rides be built of chairs, let the house be built of wood chips, that's not the point - the child's fantasy will complement reality. The very process of building a plan is important here. ”
A distinctive feature of the role-playing game is that it is created by the children themselves, and their play activity is clearly amateur and creative. These games can be short-term and long-term.
Psychologist D. B. Elkonin gives the following definition of a creative plot-role-playing game: created play conditions reproduce the activities of adults and the relationship between them. These conditions are characterized by the use of a variety of game objects that replace the actual objects of adult activity.
The amateur nature of children's play activity lies in the fact that they reproduce certain phenomena, actions, relationships actively and in a peculiar way. The originality is due to the peculiarities of the perception of children, their understanding and comprehension of certain facts, phenomena, connections, the presence or absence of experience and the immediacy of feelings.
Active interest in the phenomena of life, in people, animals, the need for socially significant activities, the child satisfies through play activities.
Psychologist A. V. Zaporozhets notes: “The game, like a fairy tale, teaches the child to be imbued with the thoughts and feelings of the people depicted, going beyond the circle of ordinary impressions into the wider world of human aspirations and heroic deeds.”
In the development and enrichment of children's amateur performances, creative reproduction and reflection of the facts and phenomena of the surrounding life, a huge role belongs to the imagination. It is the power of imagination that creates the situation of the game, the images reproduced in it, the ability to combine the real, the ordinary with the fictional, which gives the children's game an attractiveness that is inherent only in it.
Children's games reflect love for the Motherland and respect for other peoples. All Soviet children know the capital of the Motherland, Moscow, and in games they build the Kremlin, the Moscow Metro. During the games, children willingly travel to different republics that are part of the Soviet Union. Playing on May 1, they joyfully greet guests and become Ukrainians, Georgians, Estonians, etc.
Labor in its diversity is one of the main themes of the games of Soviet children. They build houses and cars "so that all people can live comfortably and commute to work"; they take care of animals, breed poultry on collective farms and state farms, treat and teach, fly and swim, sew dresses and coats, make dishes and toys. The games reflect respect for the work of a grain grower, livestock breeder, vegetable grower, etc. Growing bread, planting gardens, holidays in connection with the completion of agricultural work, rewarding noble people on collective farms, state farms - all this was included in the content of the games of Soviet children. The heroes of the village - noble tractor drivers, machine operators, milkmaids, livestock breeders - became the heroes of children's games.
Humane relations between people are manifested in the games of our children. Soviet children are alien to cruelty, humiliation of human dignity. This does not mean that in their games they never quarrel, do not argue, but the motives for their behavior are determined by an attempt to restore justice, protect a comrade, the interests of the team, the desire to eliminate what hinders the game.
In role-playing games, an optimistic, life-affirming character is clearly pronounced, the most difficult cases in them always end successfully and safely: captains guide ships through storms and storms, border guards detain violators, a doctor heals the sick.
In a creative role-playing game, the child actively recreates, models the phenomena of real life, experiences them, and this fills his life with rich content, leaves a mark for many years.
In a role-playing game, the means of depiction are the role and game actions. By their nature, they are most often imitative, close to real. Playing in the store, children imitate the actions of the seller and the buyer, playing in the clinic - the actions of the doctor and the patient.
A large place in the development of the game belongs to plot-shaped toys, which are, as it were, auxiliary and at the same time necessary means of depiction. Children more fully reflect certain phenomena, enter the role if it is possible to use real objects: umbrellas, bags, clothes, dishes, conventional signs, etc., as well as paintings, photographs, illustrations that reinforce the situation of the game. For example, departments of the store are indicated by the corresponding images, which are like signs (fruits, vegetables, toys, clothes, etc.). Theatrical costumes are also used as visual means.
However, fantasy itself, fiction, the ability to imagine, conjecture often make up for the lack of real objects and means of depiction.
The management of this type of games requires great skill and pedagogical tact. The educator must direct the game without destroying it, preserve the amateur and creative nature of the children's play activity, the immediacy of experiences, faith in the truth of the game.
The teacher influences the game idea and its development, enriching the content of children's lives: it expands their ideas about the work and life of adults, about people's relationships, and thereby concretizes the content of a particular game role. All these methods do not directly affect the game, but are aimed at a deeper disclosure of the sources from which children draw its content, at enriching their spiritual world.
However, in expanding knowledge and ideas among preschoolers, it is necessary to observe the measure. An overabundance of impressions can lead to a superficial reflection in the games of the insignificant, random, to their instability, lack of organization.
The teacher should not rush, encouraging children to quickly reproduce in the game what they have learned during conversations, excursions, stories, etc. The reflection of the surrounding life in the game does not represent a direct reproduction of the learned content: it is, as it were, settled in the mind for some time and feelings of children.
Pedagogical guidance during the game has its own characteristics: it contributes to the development of its concept, expansion of content, clarification of game actions, roles, and the manifestation of friendly relations. The educator should strive to ensure that these relationships are consolidated, become real relationships of children outside the game. In no case should the management of the game be intrusive, cause preschoolers to protest, to leave the game. Leading questions, advice, recommendations are appropriate.
The teacher has an educational impact through the roles performed by children. For example, he asks a child who plays the role of a manager in a game in a store, where is the cash register, who is the cashier, why are certain items not in the store, is it convenient for the buyer to choose what he wants to buy, who will wrap the purchases, suggests that buyers thank the seller, and the seller politely invites you to come back to the store for shopping.
The most effective way of leadership is the participation of the teacher himself in the game. Through the role he performs, play actions, he influences the development of the content of the game, helps to include all children in it, especially timid, shy ones, awakens their confidence in their abilities, and arouses a feeling of sympathy for them from other children. At the same time, the participation of an adult in the game makes it possible to limit the leaders, who sometimes suppress the initiative of their peers, impose their game plan, their desires on the team.
At the end of the game, the teacher notes the friendly actions of the children, attracts the elders to the discussion of the game, emphasizes the positive relationship of its participants. All this contributes to the development of children's interest in subsequent games.
The teacher should analyze the game, evaluate its educational impact on children and consider ways to further guide the role-playing games of children in their group.
The peculiarity of dramatization games lies in the fact that, according to the plot of a fairy tale or story, children play certain roles, reproduce events in exact sequence. Most often, fairy tales are the basis of dramatization games. In the fairy tale, the images of the heroes are outlined most clearly, they attract children with the dynamism and clear motivation of actions, actions clearly replace one another, and preschoolers willingly reproduce them. The folk tales “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, “Teremok”, “Three Bears”, etc., beloved by children, are easily dramatized. Poems with dialogues are also used in dramatization games, thanks to which it is possible to reproduce the content by roles.
With the help of dramatization games, children better learn the ideological content of the work, the logic and sequence of events, their development and causality. United by common experiences, they learn coordinated actions, the ability to subordinate their desires to the interests of the team.
For the deployment of dramatization games, it is necessary: ​​the excitement and development of interest in them in children, their knowledge of the content and text of the works, the presence of costumes, toys. The costume in the games complements the image, but should not constrain the child. If you can’t make a costume, you need to use its individual elements that characterize the distinctive features of a particular character: a cockerel’s comb, a fox’s tail, bunny ears, etc. It’s good to involve the children themselves in making costumes.
The guidance of the educator lies in the fact that he, first of all, selects works that have educational value, the plot of which is easy for children to learn and turn into a dramatization game.
With preschoolers, you should not specifically learn a fairy tale. Beautiful language, a fascinating plot, repetitions in the text, the dynamics of the development of the action - all this contributes to its rapid assimilation. When the fairy tale is repeated, the children remember it well enough and begin to join the game, playing the roles of individual characters. When playing, the child directly expresses his feelings in words, gestures, facial expressions, and intonation.
In a dramatization game, it is not necessary to show the child one or another expressive technique - the game for him should be just a game. Of great importance in the development of the game-dramatization, in the assimilation of the characteristic features of the image and their reflection in the role, is the teacher's interest in it, his ability to use the means of artistic expression when reading or telling. The correct rhythm, various intonations, pauses, some gestures enliven the images, make them close to the children, arouse in them the desire to play. Repeating the game over and over again, they need less and less help from the teacher and begin to act independently. Only a few people can participate in a dramatization game at the same time, and the teacher must make sure that all the children take turns participating in it.
When distributing roles, older preschoolers take into account the interests and desires of children, and sometimes use a counting rhyme. But here, too, some influence of the educator is necessary: ​​it is necessary to evoke a friendly attitude of peers towards timid children, to suggest what roles they can be entrusted with. So that the rest do not get tired of waiting, you can organize several simultaneously playing groups, alternate the roles of spectators and performers.
Helping children to learn the content of the game, to enter the image, the teacher uses the examination of illustrations for literary works, clarifies some of the characteristic features of the characters.
A building game is such an activity for children, the main content of which is the reflection of the surrounding life in a variety of buildings and related actions.
The construction game is somewhat similar to the role-playing game and is considered as its variety. They have one source - the surrounding life. Children in the game build bridges, stadiums, railways, theaters, circuses and much more. In building games, they not only depict the surrounding objects, buildings, copying them, but also bring their own creative idea, an individual solution to constructive problems. The similarity of role-playing and building games lies in the fact that they unite children on the basis of common interests, joint activities and are collective.
The difference between these games is that in the role-playing game, first of all, various phenomena are reflected and the relationships between people are mastered, while in the construction game, the main thing is to get acquainted with the corresponding activities of people, with the equipment used and its use.
It is important for the educator to take into account the relationship, interaction of role-playing and construction games. Building often occurs in the course of a role-playing game and is called by it. It seems to set the goal of the construction game. For example, children decided to play sailors - they had a need to build a steamship; playing the store inevitably requires its construction, etc. However, the building game can also arise as an independent game, and this or that role-playing game develops on its basis. For example, children build a theater and then play actors.
In older groups, children have been building rather complex structures for a long time, practically comprehending the simplest laws of physics.
The educational and developmental influence of construction games lies in the ideological content of the phenomena reflected in them, in mastering the methods of construction by children, in developing their constructive thinking, enriching speech, and strengthening positive relationships. Their influence on mental development is determined by the fact that the concept, the content of building games contains one or another mental task, the solution of which requires preliminary consideration: what to do, what material is needed, in what sequence the construction should go. Thinking about and solving a particular construction problem contributes to the development of constructive thinking.
In the process of building games, the teacher teaches children to observe, distinguish, compare, correlate some parts of buildings with others, memorize and reproduce construction techniques, and focus on the sequence of actions. Under his guidance, they master the exact vocabulary that expresses the names of geometric bodies, spatial relationships: high - low, right - left, up and down, long - short, wide - narrow, above - below, longer - shorter, etc.
With the right guidance, building games contribute to solving the problems of moral education. Children get acquainted with the noble work of builders, try to make everything neat and beautiful in their buildings in order to please their peers and adults, and help each other.
Construction games contribute to the aesthetic education and development of children. The educator on excursions, during targeted walks, introduces them to new buildings, architectural features of buildings that combine expediency, convenience, beauty. Watching the builders at work gives children the material to creatively display the life around them in the game. The teacher encourages beautiful buildings, the desire to add decorating details, and this brings up the artistic

Publication date: 03/02/18

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 4 "Umka"

« Didactic game as a means of developing the speech of children of primary preschool age »

Prepared by: teacher

Muravleva Svetlana Nikolaevna



The relevance of research. The game is the main activity of the child, it has a multifaceted effect on the mental development of the child. In the game, children master new skills and abilities, knowledge. Only in the game are mastered the rules of human communication. Outside of the game, the full moral and volitional development of the child cannot be achieved, outside the game there is no education of the individual.

That's why even the simplest questions: why do children play? when was the game first created? How does play affect a child's development? have become the subject of serious scientific research in pedagogy and psychology.

The development of ideas about children's play constitutes a remarkable page in the history of Russian psychology. The task of creating a new game theory set by L. S. Vygotsky was detailed in the works of the most prominent Russian psychologists A. N. Leontiev, A. V. Zaporozhets, D. B. Elkonin, P. Ya. Galperin, in the studies of their employees and students. A detailed and exhaustive presentation of the history of the creation of the domestic theory of the game, its basic concepts and experimental studies is contained in the fundamental monograph by D. B. Elkonin.

The game is understood as "a special type of child's activity, embodying his attitude to the surrounding, primarily social reality, having its own specific structure and object and motives of activity, and a special system of actions."

One of the most important provisions of the domestic theory of children's play is the approach to the game as a leading activity. This means that “in connection with the development of play, the most important changes take place in the child’s psyche ... mental processes develop that prepare the child’s transition to a new, higher stage of his development.”

The object of the study is the play activity of children of primary preschool age.

The subject of the research is the features of the didactic game.

The purpose of the study is to study the features of the didactic game as a means of developing the speech of children of primary preschool age.

Research objectives:

1) Conduct a theoretical analysis of the features of the didactic game;

2) consider the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the development of preschool children;

3) determine the value of didactic games and exercises for the education of preschool children

4) to conduct an empirical study of the influence of a didactic game on the development of speech in children of primary preschool age

The hypothesis of the study is that with proper observance of the principles of didactic play, it is possible to develop the speech of children of primary preschool age.

Theoretical analysis of the features of the didactic game as a means of developing the speech of children of primary preschool age

Features of the didactic game as an activity

The main feature of didactic games is determined by their name: these are educational games. They are created by adults in order to educate and educate playing children. The educational value of the didactic game does not appear openly, but is realized through the game task, game actions, rules.

As noted by A.N. Leontiev, didactic games are classified as "frontier games", representing a transitional form to the non-game activity that they prepare.

These games contribute to the development of cognitive activity, intellectual operations, which are the basis of learning. Didactic games are characterized by the presence of a task of an educational nature - a learning task. Adults are guided by it, creating this or that didactic game, but they clothe it in a form that is entertaining for children. Here are examples of learning tasks: to teach children to distinguish and correctly name colors (“Salute”, “Colored rugs”) or geometric shapes (“Ice drift”), to clarify ideas about tableware (“Katya doll is having lunch”) or clothes (“Katya doll is walking for a walk"), to form the ability to compare objects by external signs, location in space ("What has changed", paired pictures), develop an eye and coordination of small movements ("Catch a fish", "Flying caps"). The learning task is embodied by the creators of the game in the appropriate content, is realized with the help of game actions that children perform.

The child is attracted to the game not by the learning task that is inherent in it, but by the opportunity to be active, perform game actions, achieve results, win. However, if the participant in the game does not master the knowledge, mental operations that are determined by the learning task, he will not be able to successfully perform game actions and achieve results. For example, in the didactic game "Colored Backgrounds", each player must place toys and objects of the same color on a rug of a certain color.

Successful performance of play actions is related to whether the child has learned to distinguish colors, to find objects in the environment on this basis.

Thus, active participation, especially winning in a didactic game, depends on how much the child has mastered the knowledge and skills that are dictated by her teaching task. This encourages the child to be attentive, memorize, compare, classify, clarify their knowledge. This means that the didactic game will help him learn something in an easy, relaxed way. This unintentional learning is called autodidacticism.

The ability to teach young children through active activities that are interesting to them is a distinctive feature of didactic games. However, it should be noted that the knowledge and skills acquired by the players are for them a by-product of activity, since the main interest is not the learning task (as is the case in the classroom), but game actions for children of early and younger preschool age, and the solution of the game task , winnings - for children of older preschool age).

Recently, the search for scientists (Z.M. Boguslavskaya, O.M. Dyachenko, N.E. Veraksa, E.O. Smirnova, etc.) has been directed towards creating a series of games for the full development of children's intelligence, which are characterized by flexibility, initiative mental processes, the transfer of formed mental actions to a new one. In such games, there are often no fixed rules; on the contrary, children are faced with the need to choose ways to solve a problem. The authors often call the proposed games educational, and not traditionally didactic.

In preschool pedagogy, a traditional division of didactic games into games with objects, desktop-printed, and verbal games has developed.

Didactic games with objects are very diverse in terms of game materials, content, organization. Toys, real objects (household items, tools, works of arts and crafts, etc.), natural objects (vegetables, fruits, cones, leaves, seeds) are used as didactic materials. Games with objects make it possible to solve various educational tasks: to expand and clarify children's knowledge, develop mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, distinction, generalization, classification), improve speech (the ability to name objects, actions with them, their qualities, purpose ; describe objects, compose and guess riddles about them; correctly pronounce the sounds of speech), cultivate the arbitrariness of behavior, memory, attention. Even in the same game, but offered to children of different ages, upbringing and educational tasks, specific ones, may differ. For example, in the game “Wonderful Bag”, young children learn to name objects and their individual features, middle-aged children learn to identify an object by touch, older preschoolers learn to compose a descriptive story, a riddle, and classify objects according to given characteristics.

Among games with objects, a special place is occupied by plot-didactic games and staging games. In plot-didactic games, children perform certain roles, for example, a seller, a buyer in games like "Shop", bakers in the game "Bakery", cutters and seamstresses in the game "Atelier", etc.

Drama games help clarify ideas about various everyday situations (“Natasha’s doll got sick”, “Let’s arrange a room for the doll”), about literary works (“Journey to the land of fairy tales”), about norms of behavior (“What is good and what is bad”, "Visiting Masha's doll")

For the development of coordination of small movements and visual control over them, games with didactic toys of a motor nature are organized. For kids, there are numerous options for games with rolling balls along the groove, from the hill, into the gates, as well as games with liners, collapsible eggs, balls, turrets. Children 4-6 years old are intended to play with spillikins, skittles, billiards, table billiards. The role of such games is especially great at the border of the transition to schooling. The development of coordination of movements of the forearm, hand, and especially the fingers, clear visual control of these movements are important prerequisites for preparing a child to master writing. In such games, caution, patience, perseverance, ingenuity are brought up, the ability to navigate in space develops.

Board-printed games are diverse in content, learning tasks, and design. They help clarify and expand children's ideas about the world around them, systematize knowledge, and develop thought processes. Among the didactic games for preschoolers, games based on pairing of pictures, selected by similarity, predominate. First, children are offered games in which they need to pick up pairs of exactly the same from a variety of pictures (two mittens, two ruddy apples).

Further, the task becomes more complicated: the pictures must be combined according to their meaning (find two cars, one of which is a passenger car, the other is a truck). Finally, it is advisable for older preschoolers to look for pairs among objects that differ from each other in spatial arrangement, shape, and color features. In the lotto, the child must match the picture on the large card with identical images on small cards. The theme of the lotto is diverse: “Zoological loto”, “Flowers bloom”, “We count”, “Fairy tales”, etc.

In dominoes, the principle of pairing is implemented through the selection of cards in the order of the move. The theme of dmino covers different areas of reality: "Toys", "Geometric shapes", "Berries", "Cartoon characters", etc.

For children of senior preschool age, a playing field, chips, a counting cube are used. Each game is dedicated to a theme, sometimes fabulous ("Aibolit", "Exploits of Perseus", "Golden Key"). Children "travel" around the playing field, throwing the dice in turn and moving their chips. These games develop spatial orientation, the ability to foresee the result of actions.

Board-printed games are widespread, arranged according to the principle of split pictures, folding cubes, on which the depicted object or plot is divided into several parts. These games contribute to the development of logical thinking, concentration, attention.

To put together a picture from separate parts, the child must guess that “this long ear” is from the picture with a bunny, and the tip of the fluffy tail is from the picture with a fox, i.e. see the whole (bunny, fox) before the parts. For preschoolers, folding the whole out of parts is a complex process of comprehension, the work of the imagination. It is facilitated by the selection of objects and plots familiar to the child from personal experience, by showing the whole picture, by the gradual addition of parts that need to be added. Puzzles are currently popular (from the English puzzle - a game of endurance), where pictures of different content (images of scenes from cartoons, animals, castles) are divided into many parts (from 32 to 250) ..

Psychological characteristics of age (from three to six)

The third year of life is the year of completion of early childhood, toddler age. This is a period of physical strengthening, rapid development of the psyche and the formation of the main personality traits of the child. Children are getting thinner. Their musculature is more clearly expressed, the accuracy of movements is improved due to the development of small muscles of the hands and fingers, and facial expressions become richer. The functions of all organs are improved, which makes the baby much more resilient. First of all, the limit of the working capacity of the nervous system increases. A three-year-old child can already be awake without fatigue for 6-6.5 hours. High rates of development of the brain allow it to easily concentrate nervous excitement, engage in one toy, one thing for up to 20 minutes. Conditionally reflex connections at this age are formed much faster. One or two explanations or demonstrations are enough for the child to memorize new words, a new rule. In connection with the development of the imagination, story games become more diverse. Games, like other types of independent activity, are at this age the main means of mental and moral development. By the age of three, the perception of the baby becomes more subtle and accurate. He differentiates sounds well, receives the first numerical representations (many, few), is well versed in the concepts of “far”, “close”, distinguishes objects by color, size, their individual external features, can distinguish objects by touch without looking. The volume and overall quality characteristics of memory are growing

Phase speech develops rapidly, and with it thinking. New activities are emerging. The kid no longer plays with pencils like sticks, but understands that they can draw. Drawing teaches a child to define and convey the contours of objects, their details, to arrange things in space. From the age of three, such an activity as modeling was also shown. In the process of modeling, the eye and motor-tactile sensations develop. Drawing and modeling help to strengthen the hand, more coordinated actions and movements. The child becomes more active, his actions are more complex and diverse, there is a desire to establish "I-myself".

For children of the fourth year of life, the predominance of sensory knowledge of the world is characteristic. Therefore, it is necessary to select such toys so that the child can examine and disassemble them. This age is a crucial period in the formation of gaming activity, a new stage in connection with the transition of the plot-representative game to the plot-role-playing one. The psychological characteristics of the game are changing: its content creates a basis for communication and joint actions of children. For them, not only objects and their functions become interesting, but also their interaction and relationship. In the fourth year of life, significant changes occur in the cognitive sphere of children. On the one hand, they quickly orient themselves in the objective world, easily combine objects not only according to their external features, but also according to their purpose. On the other hand, children are also attracted by insufficiently specific "mysterious" knowledge. There is a growing interest in riddles and poetry. Children become more inquisitive, more active in search of answers to their questions, often express judgments about the environment.

The behavior of babies acquires an intentional character, they begin to set a goal and act in accordance with it in everyday life, play and in new forms of activity for him: drawing, modeling. However, due to the instability of attention, children can be easily distracted. The child is no longer satisfied with the constant guardianship of an adult. If earlier he turned to elders mainly for support, advice and help, now his communication is turning into a spiritual need. The child independently sets game tasks and implements them. To solve problems, he uses various objective methods of reproducing reality: he is good at actions with plot-shaped toys, freely uses substitute objects in the game, approaches the use of imaginary objects, action with a word. This indicates that the story-based display game has reached its peak and there is every reason to move to a story-based role-playing game.

An adult joins the game, playing the main role, talks a lot, showing what and how to do. When he is a "doctor" he puts a thermometer, when he is a "cook" he cuts vegetables and cooks soup. In this case, it is necessary to use not only toys, but also different objects. It is necessary to show the child that the same object in different game situations can be anything, you just have to dream up. Outdoor games for children of this age should include from 1 to 32 rules. From board games - the simplest types of lotto, nesting dolls, designers, mosaics. The fourth year of life is the beginning of the preschool period. During the first three years, the child achieved a lot, partially overcame the initial helplessness and complete dependence on an adult.

He learned not only to stand up, sit down, crawl and walk, but also tiptoe while maintaining balance, stand on one leg, jump over low obstacles, run, pick up and throw objects, practice with them in accordance with their purpose and his desire. He can already build a tower of blocks and much more. However, the boy's movements are still slow and not always accurate. In subsequent years, participating in outdoor games, doing physical education, the child will improve them. If up to 3 years old a child could freely manage only with the company of adults, dolls and toys, then from the fourth year of life, this no longer suits him. He seeks communication with peers. Communicating with them, the child will learn to reckon with others and stand up for himself.

The younger preschooler's thinking is more concrete. He learns well everything that is presented visually, he wants to learn everything from his own experience.

Children 4-5 years old are characterized by: great stability of attention; intensive development of the processes of deliberate memorization and recall; more perfect visual, auditory, tactile perception; discrimination and perception of complex shapes of objects, sound combinations; increase in vocabulary; development of thinking: along with generalization according to external signs, grouping according to material, quality and purpose begins; establishing the simplest causal relationships in familiar phenomena. The child continues active physical and mental development, the physical skills and emotional coloring of the child's reaction to changes in the environment are improving more and more subtly.

Scientists believe that 50% of a person's personality is formed in the first 4 years. This idea was once expressed by L.N. Tolstoy, when he wrote: "from a five-year-old child to me is one step, and from a newborn to a five-year-old - a huge distance." Until the age of 4-5, the child's mind is very receptive to all kinds of external information. However, the brain of children of this age gets tired quite quickly and in order for it to cope with a huge mental load, a reasonable alternation of active activity and rest, physical exercise, mental stress and entertainment, sleep and wakefulness is necessary.

By the age of five, children become calmer, they have the opportunity to inhibit nervous processes. Their movements are already more coordinated, they master jumps, they can catch the ball. But it is still difficult for them to maintain the same posture for a long time. Children of this age already understand the beauty of playing with peers. Therefore, an adult is already involved in the supporting roles. He can become the director of the game - come up with it according to the plot of a small fairy tale. Children at this age are very fond of dressing up in different costumes, masks. Noisy games with pillows, blankets, armchairs are absolutely necessary at this age. During these years, the guys like to build houses, fortresses from improvised material. Based on the characteristics of age, it is necessary to offer the child didactic games that contribute to the development of the child's personality. Games are widely used, during which knowledge about the properties of objects, their purpose is fixed, clarified. As well as in the younger group, nesting dolls, turrets, balls, mosaics, lotto, various types of paired and split pictures, scraps of various fabrics are included in the game. Interesting games that activate movement, combined with the solution of mental problems.

In games such as “find your house”, “find your mate”, children run around looking for their house, to which a flag of the same color is attached or a friend who has a ribbon of that color tied to his hand. Word games are also introduced more often, and not only for the purpose of developing speech, but also for solving mental problems based on ideas: "What is wide (high, low, long). With the expansion of experience and the development of speech, children also have access to word games held in the form jokes (for example, a game: it happens - it doesn’t happen)..

List of used literature

1. Raising a sensory culture of a child from birth to 6 years: A book for a kindergarten teacher / Edited by L. A. Wenger. Moscow: Education, 1988.

2. Developmental and educational psychology / Ed. M.V. Gamezo, ML. Matyukhina, T.S. Mikhalchik /. M., 1984

3. Vygotsky L.S. The crisis of seven years / / Sobr. cit.: V 6 t. M., 1984. T. 4.

4. Vygotsky L.S. Thinking and speech // Ibid. M., 1982. T. 2.

5. Readiness for school / Ed. I.V. Dubrovina/. - M., 1995.

6. Didactic games and activities with young children / Edited by S. L. Novoselova. Moscow: Enlightenment, 1985.

7. Games-activities with kids / A. N. Frolova. Kyiv: Ryadian school, 1987.

8. Krol, V.M. Psychology and Pedagogy: Uch. allowance for tech. universities / V.M.Krol M.: Higher school, 2001. 319 p.

9. Kulagina I.Yu. Age-related psychology. - M., 1991.

10. Kudryavtsev V., Sinelnikv V. Child - preschooler: a new approach to the diagnosis of creative abilities. M.: Education, 1995.

11. Speech therapy / E. N. Krause. St. Petersburg: Krona print, M.: Binom Press, 2006.

12. Ostrovsky, E.V., Chernyshova, L.I. Psychology and Pedagogy: Textbook / Ed. Ostrovsky E.V. / E.V. Ostrovsky, L.I. Chernyshova. M.: Vuzovsky textbook, 2005. 384 p..

13. Obukhova L.F. Child psychology: theories, facts, problems. M., 1995.

14. Features of the mental development of children 6 - 7 years of age. / Ed. D.B. Elkonina, A.L. Wenger/. - M., 1988.

15. Play with me, mom! Games, entertainment, fun for the little ones / I. A. Ermakova. St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Litera", 2006.

16. Psychology and pedagogy. Uch. allowance / Ed. A.A. Bodaleva, V.I. Zhukov, L.P. Lapteva, V.A. Slastenina. M.: Publishing House of the Institute of Psychotherapy, 2002. 585s.

17. The development of the speech of a preschooler: a methodological guide with illustrations / T. B. Filicheva, A. V. Soboleva. Yekaterinburg: Litur Publishing House, 2000.

18. Educational games with kids up to three years old / Compiled by T.V. Galanova. Yaroslavl: Academy of Development: Academy, K: Academy Holding, 2000.

19. Early childhood: cognitive development. Methodological guide / L. N. Pavlova, E. B. Volosova, E. G. Pilyugina. M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2002.

20. Early childhood: the development of speech and thinking: Methodological guide / LN Pavlova. M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2000.

21. Speech and verbal communication of children: Formation of the grammatical structure of speech: Methodological guide for educators / A. G. Arushanova. Moscow: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2004.

22. Rubinstein S.L. Fundamentals of General Psychology. SPb., 1998.

23. Slastenin, V.A., Kashirin, V.P. Psychology and Pedagogy: Uch. allowance for students. universities./ V.A.Slastenin, V.P.Kashirin. M.: Academy, 2001. 480 p.

24. Stolyarenko, L.D. Pedagogical psychology / L.D. Stolyarenko Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2000 544p.

25. Shvin V.A. Education and creativity. M., 1999.

The experience of the educator speaks of the great influence of the game on the psychological and mental development of the preschooler, which contributes to the full formation of the personality.

This article is intended for MDU educators and parents.

Objective: show the value of the game as the leading activity of a preschool child

Game as a means of comprehensive development of a preschool child

In each period of human life there is a certain activity that is leading. Preschool is the age of play. Children of all times and all peoples play, because only in the game the spiritual and physical forces of the child develop. The game is a complex and interesting phenomenon. It attracts the attention of people of various professions.

The Australian psychologist Z. Freud noted in his writings that children play because they have a subconscious sense of gender.

Tikhonov, in his letters "Without an address", analyzed the content of children's games and argued that the game arises after work and on its basis, since in the game children reflect the work of adults. Play is the child of labor that precedes it in time. In the early stages of the development of human society, the level of productive forces was low, people were engaged in gathering and hunting. Children very early began to help their parents, participate in common labor, there is no evidence of the existence of play at this stage, but tools of labor appear. Children need to be prepared for life and work. Adults create lightweight, reduced in size tools. Children practice mastering skills, and their activities are close to those of adults. But tools continue to become more complex and it is no longer possible to manufacture all types of tools in a reduced form. The child cannot take a direct part in labor, his position in society is changing. A figurative toy appears, which retains an external property with a tool. You can’t practice with it in performing actions, you can depict them. While playing, children began to reproduce the labor activity of adults and their relationships.

The psychological substantiation of the game was given by Setchinov and Pavlov. Every person has a thirst for knowledge. Pavlov called this the “what is” reflex. Children are very observant and imitative. Looking closely at the environment, they reflect in the game what they see, thus the game is based on the “what is” reflex - the desire to know the world around us and reflect it in the game. There is, unlike other sciences, not at all a cunning idea - how to recognize by children's games what the country is concerned about. Children's games are a mirror of society, since their games reflect specific social phenomena, each society in different ways, consciously or spontaneously influences the game. But the game can exist in society under certain conditions - social. If adults provide material conditions for children for their existence, then opportunities are created for the development of play. But not every society can create such conditions, and children are early included in hard physical labor. So the companion of their childhood - the game is missing.

Makarenko noted that the game is important in the life of a child, it has the same meaning as an adult has an activity, work, service. What a child is in play, such is in many ways he will be in work when he grows up. Therefore, the upbringing of a young leader takes place, first of all, in the game. At the youngest age, the child mainly plays, his working functions are very insignificant and do not go beyond the simplest self-service: he begins to eat on his own, cover himself with a blanket, put on. But even in this work, he brings a lot of play. In a well-organized family, these work functions gradually become more complex, the child is assigned more and more complex work. But the game is in this the main occupation of the child.

Everyone knows that children love to play. However, not all parents think about the role of play in the development of a preschooler and often underestimate its importance in a child's life.

The value of the game as a means of development of a preschooler

The game is an indispensable condition for the development of both toddlers and preschoolers. It helps to improve their cognitive (ability to perceive and process information), physical, social and emotional states. Play is also an ideal opportunity for parents to fully participate in the education and upbringing of their children.

Parents can modify play as a developmental tool for preschoolers by offering a reasonable alternative to passive and non-skill-building activities. If boys like to play with cars, a good solution would be to come up with a big road map with signs and traffic rules, adding pedestrians to the game. With the help of such a game, you can learn geometric shapes, colors and counting. Also, information that the road traffic itself is subject to certain rules, the observance of which is required from all road users, will not be superfluous.

Also, educational toy stores now offer a wide selection of various benefits in a playful way. Without the participation of adults, children themselves rarely show interest in them, so parents must create the appropriate environment so that play can be used as a means of developing preschoolers. When choosing benefits, you should pay attention to the age for which they are calculated. In this case, the child will be easy and interesting to learn.

Despite the benefits of playing for children and parents, today the time for joint play has been noticeably reduced, due to the hurried lifestyle and the desire to shift the responsibility for preparing children for school to early development centers and preschool institutions.

The influence of play on the development of preschoolers

Play is especially important for the development of memory and intelligence and allows children to use their creativity, developing imagination, physical, cognitive and emotional strength. It is through play that children learn from an early age to communicate and interact with the world around them.

It is best when the game, as a means of developing preschoolers, takes place under the guidance of adults who help to choose a topic and correct its direction in time. At the same time, they should not limit children to narrow limits, allowing them to fully reveal their creative and leadership abilities.

The interaction of adults and children through the game makes it possible to communicate more effectively. It is also a great opportunity to see the process of learning through the eyes of children and to better understand their point of view and the difficulties that arise.

The cognitive role of play in the development of a preschooler

The game is an integral part of the academic environment. Teachers note the important role of play in the development of a preschooler. For a child, play is the equivalent of work. Thanks to the game, children will learn basic concepts such as counting, colors, geometric shapes. Also, almost all games require thinking and logic.

Many outstanding teachers of the past and present are of the opinion that social and emotional adaptation to school is the most painless in the form of a game.

For the comprehensive development of the child and his preparation for learning, it is best to use complex methods developed and tested in practice. They should include both cognitive and emotional components of the educational process. It is also necessary to maintain a reasonable balance between active and passive activities, taking into account the psychological characteristics of each child.

social skills

Adaptation to school is especially difficult for children who grow up in a family alone. Surrounded by the care of their parents, grandparents, they do not know how to share. And this applies not only to toys, but also to emotions. Also, for such children, the concepts of friendship, support, mutual assistance are practically unfamiliar.

The influence of the game on the development of preschoolers is noted by the majority of teachers who work with children in kindergartens and schools. They recommend parents in families with one child not to limit the child's communication only to the playground, but to give preference to teams. This will help to protect them in the future from the problems that usually arise when adapting to school.

Another important skill that children acquire through play is the ability to cooperate, negotiate and resolve conflicts that arise, which will help them to avoid or correctly resolve communication problems in the future. Also, playing in a group helps to quickly get used to new emotions and feelings - anger, happiness, sadness, fear, excitement, disappointment and stress.

Physical activity

Unlike passive entertainment, play is a great way to increase the level of physical activity in children, which is an excellent prevention of obesity, especially against the backdrop of current trends in society.

Active games provide an outlet for energy that is difficult to expend by playing the computer. The sooner children learn that physical play is fun and natural, the better their prospects for maintaining a healthy lifestyle later on.

Also in the game, it is easiest to develop hand motor skills, which plays an important role in the development of memory and intelligence.

Computer games

Today, in the pedagogical environment, a discussion continues between supporters and opponents of computer games for children. They agree that the computer and the Internet are an integral part of the modern world, which means that they must be used wisely both for educating and educating a child.

For the safe use of the Internet today, there are special children's browsers that protect the child from adult content, but at the same time leave him access to children's programs and interactive games.

Interactive games as a means of developing preschoolers can and should be used. However, it is advisable to do this under the supervision of adults who can evaluate them. Of course, the main issue when using a computer when teaching a preschooler is the time that the child spends near him.

There are different opinions about how much time a child of a certain age can spend near a computer without harm to health. And since these activities usually seem more attractive to children, psychologists recommend that this issue be clearly discussed with the child in advance. Also, they do not advise punishing children with refusal in computer games, remembering the importance of the game in the development of a preschooler.

Today, many teachers recognize that the game as a means of developing preschoolers is one of the best ways to educate and educate a child. The more varied these games are, the more developed the child will be. However, many of its aspects may remain hidden to adults. Therefore, the sight of children playing should not be considered a waste of time.

Preschool childhood is a short period in a person's life, but during this time the child acquires much more than in the rest of his life. The program of preschool childhood is truly enormous: mastery of speech, thinking, formation of relationships with people, acquisition of moral qualities, primary skills for planning one's activities in the future life.

Preschool is the age of play. Preschoolers play a lot and with pleasure and it is easier to accept the task of an adult if it has a game form. The role-playing game of a preschooler is a peculiar form of their participation in the life of adults. It is very important which aspects of life children reproduce in their games. Imitating the work activity and relationships of adults, the child is imbued with their feelings, the content of their work, learns the laws of the society in which he lives. The plots of the games are extremely diverse. They depend on the era in which the children live, the way of life of the family, the geographical and production conditions surrounding them.

The game affects the upbringing of the child in a very different way, depending on what exactly, what features of people's behavior are displayed in it. V.A. Sukhomlinsky said: “A game is a huge light tender, through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around flows into the spiritual world of a child. The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity. It is important that the child reflects in the game what will later appear in his own behavior - a benevolent attitude towards people, mutual assistance, truthfulness, honesty, respect for elders, love for work, all this can be brought up in a child in a properly organized game.

At the early preschool age, the child reproduces the actions of adults with objects, then the relationship between people. Finally, a child of older preschool age in the game "grasps" the social essence of the activities of adults. This expresses an ever deeper acquaintance with the life of the people around him. The game through its content takes the child outside the narrow family circle.

By imitating adults, the child practically reproduces the relationships that he observes. (An example from observing children play.) At the same time, he himself is imbued with an appropriate attitude towards other people. If a child in the game treats his doll cruelly, talks rudely to the “passengers” whom he “transports”, does not coordinate his actions with other players, does not give in to other children a toy, carelessly treats his toys, then the child first develops bad habits , and then negative character traits appear: selfishness, slovenliness, stubbornness.

The emergence of role-playing in the life of children is associated with a number of circumstances. First, by the preschool age, the symbolic function reaches a high development in the child: he knows how to use objects not only for their intended purpose, but also in accordance with the design of the game. Secondly, the child has a need to copy the actions of adults. Thirdly, he already knows how to interact with others - children and adults - in the game.

In a role-playing game, a preschooler copies the ways of handling objects and ways of communicating with each other in various social situations, thereby the child better learns object actions, forms and norms of communication, as well as role-playing behavior.

From a functional point of view, role-playing can be viewed as preparing a child for participation in public life in various social roles.

Involving the child in the process of organizing and conducting a role-playing game, the educator contributes to the enrichment of the content of the picture of the world among preschoolers, which makes it possible to bring the majority of children in the older group of the kindergarten to a high level of its formation.

Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. The game for the development of preschoolers is crucial, it is she who is the leading activity in preschool age.“Children are always willing to do something. This is very useful, and therefore not only should this not be interfered with, but measures must be taken to ensure that they always have something to do., so said Ya.A. Komensky. Children during the preschool period can play the same stories, but the content of the games and what the child emphasizes in his actions are gradually changing. So, a preschooler moves from mastering social directed objective actions to mastering social relations between people, the meanings of their activities, real relationships between them (care, care, help, sympathy, etc.).

2. The role-playing game is a very powerful tool for educating and developing the personality of a preschooler. But how rich and varied it will be, and how many complex life collisions preschoolers will overcome while playing, largely depends on adults: parents and teachers of a preschool institution.

3. It is important through the game to form in children not only ideas about proper behavior or communication skills, but above all moral feelings. Only in this case, the child can be taught a sense of community, the ability to understand another, compare himself with others, listen to himself and others. On this foundation, a moral attitude towards people around is built: sympathy, empathy, tolerance, assistance.

4. The development of moral judgments and assessments on the part of adults is necessary, but not sufficient for moral education. It is important to create game conditions when the norm of morality begins to regulate the real behavior of the child, that is, to establish a connection between moral consciousness and moral behavior. And compliance with the norm acts as an emotional reinforcement for the preschooler.

5. The relationship between moral consciousness and behavior is established when the child is exercised in moral deeds, put in a situation of moral choice, when he himself decides how to act, to find a way out. By choosing to comply with the norm, overcoming momentary desires and sacrificing one's own interests in favor of another in order to please him, the child takes pleasure in doing the right thing. Gradually, this behavior becomes a habit and there is a need to comply with the norm.

6. In the field of moral education for a child, the example of an adult plays a crucial role.

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