Fantasy patrol game 3. Fantasy patrol games to play online - fabulously interesting! Variety of activities for kids of all ages

Fairy tales are one of the best ways to get to know the world and learn a lot of interesting things not only about fictional characters and traditions, but also much more. Through fairy tales, for example, one can learn how the world works, why all living beings need to sleep and eat, how to learn a particular skill, and so on. Fairy tales tell about this in a much more exciting and simpler way than in textbooks and lectures. No wonder it is customary for kids to read fairy tales so that they learn something new and learn to fantasize. And many adults are not averse to re-read their favorite fairy tales and stories from childhood. And interestingly, with age, it would seem that in simple fairy tales one can discern serious themes and truths. And if you just want to escape from the hustle and bustle, then fairy tales will be a great hobby.

Somewhere in Myshkin

Fairy tales and the virtual world can also be connected, and here's an example for you. Imagine that the heroes familiar from childhood - Leshy, Koschey, thirty-three heroes, Tsar Ivanushka, the Gray Wolf, Baba Yaga and others - have gathered in one place and live there quite happily, not knowing the troubles and problems. Do you think this is impossible? But this is a fairy tale, and in fairy tales it happens and not like that. The place where all the fabulous creatures gathered was the city of Myshkin. This, by the way, is not fiction, such a city really exists in Russia, it is famous for its museums and a sense of antiquity.

In the game we are talking about now, Myshkin is also a kind of museum that receives tourists. There are a lot of people who want to look at fairy-tale heroes, so the city is never boring, something is constantly happening, excursions and various events are held. People are told about certain fairy tales, shown sights, for example, an oak tree from Pushkin's fairy tale or a squirrel from the same place. But people don’t even realize that everything around is not scenery and not fiction. All the characters are real, magical, able to conjure, turn into someone or something. Only the indigenous inhabitants of Myshkin know about this, and tourists remain in the dark, but they have no less impressions from this.

Tours of the city and memorable places are conducted by trained people who know how to turn any story into a fascinating story, from which tourists listen with their mouths open. There are in the magical city and those who keep order. After all, it is easy to guess that such a place attracts not only good fairy-tale creatures, but also evil ones who do not want to be just an exhibit in a large living museum. Some villains want to rule people, others try to defeat good fairy-tale heroes, but so far they have not succeeded and will not succeed, while brave heroines stand guard over the museum city, who harmoniously use both magic and their own ingenuity.

On guard of magic

Who are these heroes who are not afraid to confront the villains? There are four of them, their names are Varya, Snezhka, Masha and Alenka. Three of them came to Myshkin from other cities and had fabulous abilities from birth. One of them has always lived in the city-museum, but what is interesting, she did not even suspect that amazing magic happens at her side every day. Right now you will find out who these girls are and what they are capable of.

The name of the founder of the fairy-tale detachment is Varya, she is the most reasonable and serious. She is subject to magic, but at the same time she is not deprived of simple human ingenuity and luck, so Varya thinks ten times before calling for help from magical powers. What if the task is not so difficult and you can do it on your own, without witchcraft? And Varya also knows how to teleport from place to place, which often entertains her friends.

The second girl - Snezhka - is the granddaughter of the famous Santa Claus, he is perhaps the only fairy-tale character who did not move to Myshkin, but remained among the snow and ice, but let his granddaughter go. As you might guess, Snowy is also endowed with magical powers, she controls the cold, can freeze or cause a blizzard if she gets angry. Snezhka is very kind and calm, loves new acquaintances.

The third girl's name is Masha, she is the "brain" of the fairy patrol. She also knows how to conjure, but most often she turns to the help of modern technologies, she is well versed in computers and compact gadgets, she can fix any breakdown no worse than an installer or a computer genius. Love for technology does not prevent Masha from loving nature with all her heart and drawing energy from there.

Alenka is the last girl from the patrol, she has not been in the team from the very beginning, so at first they were wary of her, but Snezhka convinced her friends that Alenka can be trusted, she can also be useful. The girl loves to joke and have fun, she is a real “lighter”, but until recently she did not have magical skills, although it was she who was born in Myshkin and originally lived in the real capital of fairy tales.

Most often, girls cope with everything themselves, but sometimes the Wise Cat and other magical creatures help them. You can also join the patrol and take part in exciting adventures.

From the very first episodes, young viewers have loved the new adventures featuring four girls who desperately fight villains in order to maintain a balance between good and evil. Each episode of the cartoon is a separate story with famous heroes of Russian folk tales. Ready to immerse yourself in the bewitching world of magic and magic, then you should not hesitate, it's time to take the situation under your strict control.

How it all started

The action takes place in the small town of Myshkin, where magic and reality have peacefully coexisted for several centuries. Ordinary people do not even suspect that the Serpent Gorynych passing along the street is not a disguised actor for a performance, or to attract tourists. Every day in the Fantasy Patrol games something strange and inexplicable happens.

Recently, representatives of the villainous community have become significantly more active and the truce has been broken if schoolgirls had not arrived in the town, who suddenly discovered their abilities and rush to the rescue whenever the situation becomes more complicated. So, Varya, Masha, Snezhka and Alenka organized a rapid response squad related to magical incidents.

When launching a dynamic walker, gamers must prepare for all sorts of surprises and troubles. The PC games section contains a variety of genres with the participation of brave girls, which will be interesting not only for children, but also for older users.

Fantasy Patrol Team Composition

The girls have a huge responsibility for order in the notorious village, because they need to keep everything that happens in secret so as not to sow panic among the local population. Before we start playing, let's take a closer look at the characters:

Barbara is an incredibly responsible and balanced person, so she got the role of captain in the Fantasy Patrol games. She is able to soberly assess the circumstances and instantly make non-standard decisions. She is not without superpowers. Her feature is teleportation, that is, at any moment, she is transferred to the right place.

Mashenka is a megamind. She clicks intricate logic puzzles like nuts. She has read hundreds of books, so she knows almost everything. In addition, in his spare time he writes magnificent poems. She has been given the ability to control nature: plants, animals and other components are subject to her control.

The Snow Maiden is the granddaughter of Grandfather Frost, so it is not surprising that she subdues snow storms and zaveryuhi. In games, she is presented as a trusting, calm individual who never refuses to help anyone.

In Alyonushka fit unpredictability and restlessness. At the initial levels of the full version, the ward will not be able to impress with spellcasting skills, and will be upset because of this. But gradually it will curb the strength and power of fire.

Minor characters

It would be strange if the history of the Fantasy Patrol games revolved exclusively around sorceresses. As you progress, you often meet funny personalities. If you decide to download one of the proposed fun, then you definitely need to know: Scientist Cat - the caretaker of the library, where ancient artifacts are stored; a healthy Leshy, a lover of unusual pets. A whole episode of the hacked issue is dedicated to him, in which you will need to find the escaped animal Tosca the Green. The Mouse King wants to take over the moon, because, in his opinion, it looks like a huge piece of cheese.

Fantasy Patrol games offer to plunge into a lot of fantastic actions that are significantly different from each other. What is the large-scale event hosted by Karabas Barabas worth. The bearded sly decided to turn all honest people into puppets when he organized a concert of a famous singer. All the details of the incident are described in one of the Android games.

Dress up games are no less exciting, where the girls are at your complete disposal in order to transform beyond recognition. Experiment with the looks by wearing cool things on the models. If the variety of the wardrobe seems too scarce for you, then it is recommended to try fashions with which the money never ends. In general, the field for activity is wide, it remains only to stock up on desire and start the journey.

The Fantasy Patrol, which is designed to keep order in the magical city, includes four girls. But these are not ordinary children, but those with magical powers. Varya, Masha and Snezhka studied at a magical college, and after graduation they arrived in the city of Myshkin for an internship. And they were instructed to meet a resident of Myshkin, Alyonka, the same age as three friends. She immediately won the sympathy of magical girls with her spontaneity and sociability.

Alyonka showed them the city, in which there was something to see. No wonder tourists constantly come to it to take pictures of local monuments and sights. There is a mysterious legend that explains the origin of the city. Once upon a time there was a gate in its place, separating the world of people from the world of magic. And everyone got along well and was friends, until the greedy prince wanted to rule over fairy-tale characters. Not possessing magical abilities, he agreed with the black mirror.

After that, he received the power to transform into any object or character. His name is Morok, and he leaves no hope of getting the magic key. And the gates were closed, many fairy-tale characters fled, and those who remained are trying to live like ordinary people arranging a performance for tourists. Visitors think that everything around in Myshkino is beautiful scenery and actors in disguise. But in fact, the tours are conducted by Yadviga Petrovna, that is, Baba Yaga.

The souvenir shop is run by two from the chest, and the real Goblin lives in the forest. Lukomorye stands in the park, and inside a large oak there is a storehouse with various magical items, which are managed by the scientist Cat. Four girls must keep order in the city, the behavior of the characters. Moreover, they were made the guardians of Myshkin. They thought for a long time what name to come up with for their team. Maybe supergirls, or magical girls? But in the end, they decided to call themselves the Fantasy Patrol.

She considers herself an unspoken leader, so she often commands her friends, directing and distributing responsibilities. She has dark hair and deep purple eyes. The magical element that Varya controls is air. The girl is able to direct the wind in the right direction. She also knows how to teleport herself and her friends, pick up objects. Together with the other two girls, she studied at a magical college. Varya knows how to skate well, causing the envy of her friends. She loves to play the guitar in a group consisting of members of the Fantasy Patrol, she dreams of getting a red electric guitar for the New Year.

Responsible, quick-witted and calm Masha does not part with the magic computer. She believes that on the Internet you can find anything, including answers to questions. She has a notebook in which she writes down the necessary information. She is smart, resourceful, able to analyze and draw the right conclusions. The element that Masha owns is the earth. Therefore, when it is necessary to use magic, she uses leaves, grass and other vegetation, twisting it into a whirlwind or spreading it like a blanket. She has brown hair and green eyes.

Blonde Snowball with blue eyes is the granddaughter of Santa Claus. Controls water, which with the help of a staff that releases cold balls, can freeze or turn into snowflakes. She is calm and romantic, kind, creative nature. Wants to learn how to skate as well as Varya. Dreams of getting skates with rhinestones.

A local resident, unaware that she has the ability to sorcery. She envied the magical girls for a long time and tried to learn at least some kind of witchcraft. But in the end it turned out that she can conquer the fire, which is her element. She is very sociable, lively and energetic. She loves rap, dreams of becoming famous and performing on stage.

Having met her friends, she immediately managed to join their team, defeating Green Tosca. Alyonka always smiles, never loses heart and always gets into adventures. Helping a fairy-tale stove, she received a magic bracelet as a gift, which made her a real sorceress. She is just learning how to use magic. Alenka has red hair and brown eyes.

scientist cat

For many years he was in the service, being the custodian of Myshkin. Everyone calls him black, which annoys the cat very much, since he sees himself as dark gray. He sits inside the Lukomorye, where he watches the map of the city and all magical items. Very responsible and serious. He does not like it when they interfere in his affairs, and the fairy patrol considers amateurs in the world of fairy tales. He dreams of catching Morok on his own, thanks to his prophetic stone. After he mistook Morok for Vasilisa the Wise, he was removed from his post, advised to take a break from exhausting duties. At first, the cat was offended, but then he got a taste and took up cooking, music and fishing.

A very strict fairy tale curator whom the magical girls have known since magical college. In short, she is called Vas-Vas by her eyes. She regularly checks on how things are in Myshkino. Before her arrival, the city is carefully prepared for order. She sent the scientist cat on an indefinite leave, and instead appointed the Fantasy Patrol in full force to the post of guardian.

She is Baba Yaga. It looks like a serious, modern old woman moving around the city on a hoverboard. He leads excursions, as he has lived in Myshkino for several centuries and knows everything in it well. He owns a stupa, a broom and a hut on chicken legs, which he presents to tourists as an architectural monument. Can turn into a young, beautiful girl.

Two from the chest

Foma and Yeryoma own a shop where you can find any magical items. Kind and stupid, executive and indecisive.

Looks like a talking cactus, funny pronouncing the words. Masha ordered it through an online store to help her friends. But she never used the petals, and now the flower in a pot is at the house of magical girls, sometimes giving them strange advice.

The main villainous character that no one has seen. After all, he can turn into any person or object. Having taken the form of Vasilisa the Wise, he deceived the Cat, later managing to steal the casket, which contains the magic keys to the Portal. He was imprisoned, but managed to escape and now they are trying to catch him.

He came to the city with his show, in which a doll performed under the guise of the singer Malvina. While all the inhabitants of Myshkin were standing in the park in front of the stage where the concert was going on, Karabas was going to rob the city with his Harlequins.

He got out of the musical apparatus, in which he had been for a hundred years, outwitting Foma and Yeryoma. In the city, he began to be mischievous and hooligan, forcing everyone to dance, even without wanting to.

mouse king

The three-headed rodent from the Nutcracker fairy tale leads the mouse people. He believes that the moon is made of cheese and wants to get it to feed his subjects.

Who voices the characters

The already beloved characters of the cartoon Fantasy Patrol, which everyone loves to watch online, for free and in good quality, speak with the voices of many actors. Moreover, the image they voiced is very suitable for all artists.

Alyonka is voiced by actress Miroslava Karpovich, known to many from the TV series "Daddy's Daughters". Actress Yulia Alexandrova speaks for Masha, whose filmography is very rich. Varya speaks in the cartoon in the voice of Olga Kuzmina, the star of the series Kitchen. Snezhka is voiced by Honored Artist of Russia, Polina Kutepova. The scientist cat is voiced by comedian and TV presenter Andrey Rozhkov. Baba Yaga - Evelina Bledans. Vasilisa the Wise - Julia Zimina. Several secondary characters are voiced by Diomid Vinogradov.

The story about the interesting adventures of four young sorceresses has now appeared as the plot of the game "Fantasy Patrol". Previously, the story was told only in the animated series of the same name, but now you can get to know the characters better in the game. Fantasy Patrol games is a fairy tale about four girlfriends who are witches. Alyonka, Masha, Varya and Snezhka protect the delicate balance between the fantasy world and ours. This team steadfastly guards the laws of the fairy-tale world and monitors the movement of creatures so that they do not intentionally or inadvertently get into the world of people. The main location of the Fantasy Patrol games is the usual Russian city of Myshkin. He is no different from others. The only thing that makes it stand out is that tourists love it. But everything turns upside down when our heroines arrive here to deal with the wickedness that has settled here. Four friends will have a lot of work in this small town and they will need your help. Join the Fantasy Patrol games and find out what happened to the heroes when they arrived in Myshkin.

Fairy-tale girls with magical powers show that difficulties can be overcome without any magic, the main thing is to be brave and stop at nothing. Now you can not only see your favorite characters on TV, but also take part in their adventures. The Four constantly monitor the balance of power in the city of Myshkino, in which such famous heroes as Koschei the immortal, Leshy, the Learned Cat, Baba Yaga and others live. Some are engaged in entertaining the population, while others are waiting for the moment when they can harm someone. Now the gamer will always be able to help the Fantasy Patrol prevent disasters and dangers, find missing items, collect a colorful picture, and so on.

Users open a new interesting world in which they will encounter all the famous characters from different fairy tales. On the way you will meet: Ryaba chicken, Heroes, Gray Wolf, Goat, rat king from The Nutcracker, characters from Pinocchio and that's not all, because there are a lot of inhabitants in Myshkino. Among all the inhabitants of folk epics, there were four girls who closely follow the order. Even when something unexpected happens, everything turns out in such a way that it looks like a kind of attention-grabbing for visitors to the city.

Acquaintance with the characters from the Fantasy Patrol

The green-eyed girl's name is Masha. She always knows what works and how and quickly fixes technical problems. In addition, the heroine has a special power that originates from the energy from nature. Her friend Varya is easily recognizable by her leadership manners, she has beautiful dark hair. She is an adherent of inner strength, and uses teleportation only in extreme cases. The third member of the patrol is called Snezhana. A girl, a very sweet and kind blonde, who is the granddaughter of Santa Claus. But, unfortunately, he could not move to Myshkino and remained in the North. Like others, the beauty has a superpower. When she is not in a good mood, she can freeze everything around and let in a wild blizzard. The only native of the fabulous city of Alena. The red-haired naughty loves to have fun, so she is the noisiest of all. In addition, the emotional heroine did not show any powers at first, but later she showed what she was capable of.

Variety of activities for kids of all ages

After the four girls have united and now it is clear what they are, you can start choosing the right game. You definitely won’t be bored, because the section contains only the best fun for boys and girls of different ages. In a fairy-tale country, it is never calm, here every day is like a holiday. The authors offer gamers to search for objects, collect colorful puzzles, color pictures, take tests on knowledge of the animated series. In addition, you can open your own cafe and try your hand at business. For such entertainment it is pleasant to spend time at least every day.

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