You need a premium account in world of tanks. World of Tanks accounts. What is a premium account

In any game, regardless of the distribution model in Russia or Europe, there were, are and will be paid offers for players. A premium account is one of the forms of investing money in multiplayer online games, which provides more profitable and comfortable conditions for development in the virtual world. How is World of Tanks different from other simulators?

What is a premium account?

If you have already visited the game more than once and played several battles, you should have paid attention to the premium store, where users are offered to purchase game currency, equipment or a premium account for real money. Despite the fact that the simulator belongs to shareware games, this is one of the ways for developers to earn money.

Premium account in World of Tanks allows you to get 50% more experience and credits for each battle played. Thus, if you dream of quick fame and fortune, it is vital for you.

How to buy a premium account?

In order to use the premium store, you need to go to the World of Tanks website under your account. Next, open the menu and go to the appropriate tab, where we see 6 categories:

  • Gold;
  • Premium;
  • Technique;
  • Sets;
  • Sale;
  • Stock.

We are interested in the second tab, so feel free to go to the "Premium" category. Here everything is already easy and simple, since you need to decide on the validity period of the service. The developers offer to purchase a purchase for 1, 3 and 7 days. Have you chosen? Then immediately press the "Buy" button, after specifying the payment method.

Please note that payment options directly depend on the country in which you live!

After pressing the button, you will be redirected to the payment processing form, and the money will be debited from the electronic account automatically. Log into the game and start earning double battle experience and trophies!

NOTE! On our portal you can get to know the game better, ask questions you are interested in and.

→ What does premium account mean in world of tanks

Every person always wants more. This is what earning money in the online gaming industry is built on. In any game, you can come up with services that will be provided for real money, while not greatly affecting the gameplay and balance. Wargaming games are no exception, and one of the main services provided by world of tanks developers is a premium account.

What is premium world of tanks

This service does not provide anything supernatural and is made only to simplify the gameplay a little. Reduces the time you spend building tanks and earning credits. Actually, this is its main feature. In the World of Tanks, Premium Account increases the amount of experience and credits gained per battle by 50%.

Thus, with the same average experience, to achieve the same result, you need to spend not 75, but 50 world of tanks battles. In addition to this, you get an updated, clean hangar. Prices are quite democratic, if you buy one day of premium, it will cost you 1 US dollar. When buying a premium account for a longer period, the cost of one day is reduced. So, for example, a month of premium account will cost you $10.

In addition to the opportunity to purchase a premium account, there are premium tanks in world of tanks. We can say that this is an analogue of a premium account, since the income from these tanks has been increased several times. On a regular lvl 8 tank, you can take out up to 10 thousand game money per battle, and on premium lvl 8 tanks, the income is about 40 thousand per battle. This is where the differences between the premium tanks of the game world of tanks and others end, they do not have any special advantages. They, like conventional tanks, have their own vulnerabilities and strengths.

The impact of premium on world of tanks battles

As already mentioned, players with a premium do not have any special advantages in battles. Many complain that premium tanks are much stronger than other tanks of the same lvl, but this is not true. Knowing his weaknesses, you can easily defeat them even one on one. So, for example, the driver of the IS-3 heavy tank will have no problems with the premium KV-5.

Although it is worth recognizing that in the world of tanks battle, in which premium tanks predominate, the outcome of the duel will depend on them. It doesn't matter what setup your team has, but if the enemy team has more than 4 Type 59 premium tanks, then in 80% of cases they will beat you. Not because these tanks are stronger, but because, grouped together and acting in concert, they can suppress any defense.

Impact of premium on world of tanks statistics

It so happened that now players are judged by their world of tanks statistics. If the premium does not affect the percentage of hits and other similar things, then it increases the same average experience gained per battle.

When deciphering world of tanks statistics, many people forget about this factor and draw the wrong conclusions. The same battles on world of tanks premium tanks do not affect the percentage of victories much, but premium shells affect everything in general. But premium shells are quite expensive, and it's costly to use them all the time. Even professionals who not only invest in tanks, but also win gold in tournaments, cannot always afford to shoot gold at random.

Summarizing all this, we can say that the premium is useful for people who do not want to spend a lot of time on the game and worry about the amount of experience and credits on the account. Premium account is a great way to enjoy the game. Well, the statistics of the world of tanks player is a secondary matter, and generally pay less attention to it.


    Well, as a rule, you can get a premium account for various promotions in the World of tanksquot ; game itself, but for this you need to spend your time, but for free and sometimes with pleasure this process takes place. You can also earn extra money on some sites, like Big Questionquot ;, where the accumulated funds can also be used as a premium account. There are also sites that directly transfer gold to an account, like CoinsUP, where by completing all kinds of tasks (like playing various games and so on), you get gold on your account and after that you already buy the functions you need for it. There is also the opportunity to win in some kind of competition, which is constantly held, but this is already a rarity, as for me. There are many ways, the main thing is to want)

    My friend with her husband and daughter have been playing World of tanks and no one has ever given them a premium account for free in this game.

    But they do not despair and are waiting for promotions from World of tanksquot ;, thanks to which you can win gold and thus acquire premium status.

    On youtube, I often meet reviewers playing premium accounts for wot. Try to search, maybe you will be lucky and win. There were even earlier some sites where you scored points and then you could exchange them for premium accounts of different games, including wot, but unfortunately I don’t remember them ..

    A free premium account in World of Tanks is never given.

    Sometimes, but this is rare, they make a discount of 20 to 50% of the full price. Now there are two more games like World of Tanks, that's where they give a premium account for free to newcomers, but these are completely different games with tanks.

    Premium accounts are usually given out by developers during various promotions, or on holidays. In promotions, they write the conditions for achieving a premium account, sometimes it is the destruction of a certain amount of equipment, or the number of victories per day.

    In other cases, if you are offered free gold or free premium on third-party sites, this is a scam.

    P.S. During promotions, by the way, they often give out game gold, or, when changing the password for security purposes, recently they give 300 gold. As an option - collect game gold and order a premium account.

    A premium account in the game world of tanks is usually bought for the local currency - gold. But sometimes, in honor of various holidays or certain dates, game developers can award a premium account as a reward for certain merit. Also participating in battles on the World Map you can earn gold, for which you can buy a premium acc.

    If someone offers you to buy a premium at a significantly lower price, this is most likely a scammer.

    Found a site (15 Ways to earn a premium account in WoT)

    You can participate in various contests in which gold is given as a prize, and a premium account is bought with gold.

    Also play WOWP (aircraft) earn tokens (local currency) there, and then you can buy a single premium account on WOWP and WOT.

    Free premium account in Game World of Tanks can be obtained from various sources. Mostly through cards with codes, for gold, or participate in various contests, of which there are a huge number at the moment. To date, there are publics in social networks in which game gold is played on an ongoing basis. There are also sites that often host quizzes or game contests. Wargaming itself holds many contests on near-tank topics. Everyone can find a way for himself, and one that he likes.

    As a rule, the easiest way to get a premium account is for gold or as a reward for some kind of achievement in the game.

    The official website of the game has a clear idea of ​​how to get a free premium account, it looks like this.

Today we will tell you how to get premium and gold when registering in the World of Tanks game, or rather:

  • 2 premium tanks;
  • 900 in-game gold.

To do this, you need to follow a few steps following our instructions. Let's go in order:


After you complete all the steps listed below, your World of Tank game account will have 2 weeks of premium, 900 gold and 2 premium tanks.

Step 1.

The first thing you need to do is go to your email, which you will use to register in World of Tanks. An email will be sent to it with a link to confirm registration.

Step 2

Copy and go to the registration page at the following link:

Step 3

Randomly fill in the registration form that appears in World of Tanks, indicating the email address from . Then click on the inscription Do you have an invite code? and enter the following code:


Accept the user agreement and click the "Continue" button. For entering this invite code you will receive:

  • Tank T-127;
  • 7 days of premium account;
Step 4
Step 5

On the World of Tanks website, go to your personal account: in the upper right corner, click on your name in the game.

Step 6

Here you need to change the password for your account to any other. For this you will receive 300 in-game gold.

Step 7

Immediately you need to link your wot account to your mobile phone. The prize for this operation is 100 gold.

Summing up

If you have done everything exactly according to the instructions, your game account will have 2 weeks of premium, 2 premium tanks and 900 gold. The whole procedure takes no more than 5 minutes. We remind you once again that this method of obtaining game advantages for World of Tanks is intended only for beginners and works at the stage of registering an account. It's always better to start from scratch. Our guide will help you with this.

World of Tanks accounts are a necessary thing to start the game: your achievements, personal information, achieved achievements and other statistical data necessary for the player will be stored here, helping you to assert yourself in the vast World of Tanks universe.

A World of Tanks premium account allows you, among other things, to receive additional in-game bonuses.

This can be done on the official website of the game. Along with achievements, all your in-game purchases are attributed to the account: new tanks, guns, modifications and upgrades are directly related to your game account.

Role-playing system World of Tanks

The role-playing system of World of Tanks is based on a set of experience and in-game currency. Everything is purchased here with the in-game currency: new tanks, equipment, and even improved weapons. In general, if you set out to create the tank of your dreams, then for this you will need to collect a lot of silver coins.

Depending on your success on the battlefields, for each battle you get a certain amount, for which you then make purchases inside the game.

Here, however, there is one nuance: in addition to silver, there is also another currency - gold. You can earn gold by participating in developers' game flash mobs, clan wars or special events, but each gold coin gives you much more than collected silver coins.

In addition, the experience gained is also important. Simply because without a certain amount of earned experience, most of the modifications and models of tanks and weapons will not be available to you. So developers always honor the balance in the issuance of experience and game currencies.

Regular World of Tanks accounts they work exactly according to this scheme: they went through the battle - they received a fixed number of experience points and game currency. However, for those users who want to speed up their gaming progress, there is a special offer: World of tanks premium account.

Benefits of a World of Tanks premium account.

The advantages of such an account are obvious: you are given a new, beautiful hangar with expanded functionality, for each battle you get 50% more experience and silver, and on top of that, you are also allowed to create your own clan to participate in subsequent clan wars and mine gold in the future . Here, however, it is worth making a remark - buying a premium account costs real money, not play money. All prices are online, so the choice between the regular game and the accelerated version is entirely up to you. The trend, however, is that almost every enthusiastic World of Tanks player sooner or later enjoys the benefits of a premium account.

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