Assassin's creed unity weak computers. Assassins creed unity for weak computers. Assassins Creed: Unity: optimization. Why assassins creed slows down. But why doesn't Ubisoft list this option?

On November 13, 2014, the long-awaited release of the non-general Assassins Creed: Unity (the release date coincided for all platforms), developed and published by Ubisoft, took place. Did the French manage to make something qualitatively new out of "Unity"? Why are many forums full of messages that in Assassins Creed: Unity optimization is at an extremely bad level? We will talk about all this below in our article.

Assassins Creed: Unity - single review

Throughout the year, Ubisoft has been trying to prove that the new part of Assassin's Creed will be a real revolution in the genre, leaving all its competitors far behind. Say, they started developing a very long time ago, and therefore fresh ideas and innovations are just a dime a dozen. In principle, they did not deceive us, because there are really a lot of innovations in Unity. Many aspects of the game have been reworked, something the series has been needing for so long. Let's talk about some of them.

First of all, I would like to mention the secondary quests, which have never been famous for their variety and fascination in the Assassins Creed series. In the new part, the developers approached this issue more responsibly and competently, somewhat changing the mechanics and style of additional tasks. Here you have full-fledged investigations in the spirit of Sherlock Holmes, and the destruction of the satanic cult, and much more. It is immediately clear that most of the missions were created manually, for which special thanks to the developers. It is logical to assume that since such a picky attitude was taken to the secondary quest branches, then the storyline became much more interesting and exciting. The story has many plot twists and dramatic moments that are close in spirit to the second part of The Silent Assassin. There is no trace of the former boredom of the past parts, which is especially pleasant to realize for both newcomers to the series and its veterans.

No less important processing in Assassins Creed 5: Unity has undergone a system of parkour and movement. New animations have been created for all characters, and freerunning now has 2 types, the first of which has priority for descending, and the second for ascending. From this feature, what is happening on the screen becomes even more spectacular and exciting. Otherwise, everything remains the same: Arno (that's the name of the main character) climbs almost any building in Paris without much difficulty, and from the highest points he can also synchronize, opening a certain section of the map. Management, however, is heavily overloaded, but this drawback has been present in all parts of the series and, perhaps, will never completely disappear.

Next, I would like to say a few words about the combat system, which has also been somewhat modernized. First of all, the developers have changed the animation and mechanics of the battles, which have become much more complex. As you remember, in Black Flag, Edward was a real terminator, cracking down on enemies right and left, having 4 pistols and 2 swords in his arsenal. Arno will no longer be so invulnerable, because the developers cut out counterattacks for more thorough battle tactics on the part of the player. Now you will not be able to deal with 10 guards in a few seconds, because they are as deft with a saber as our protagonist. Arno can easily get hit in the neck, and therefore stealth mechanics and the use of various bombs are now a priority. Finally, let's mention character customization and leveling. Just in the menu, the player can now buy a lot of different costumes for Arno, which in one way or another will affect the Unity gameplay. Game mechanics can now be applied on multiple fronts. Like to do everything in secret? Then you need to pick up clothes with stealth bonuses. Want action and more bloody battles? Then buy clothes for close combat. Along with this, there is an opportunity to change its color, as well as purchase various accessories. In general, there are plenty of variations. Finally, there was a leveling of the character by the type of an ordinary RPG. Did it do any good? No. The experience points that we earn during the game are spent on banal skills that, for some reason, were cut out of the main skills of the character: lockpicking, the ability to get lost among NPCs on a bench, and the like. Perhaps the only reason why Ubisoft screwed this element of gameplay into the game is microtransactions. Well, the thirst for profit often destroys many.

Let's also talk about sound. The soundtrack for the game, written by Sarah Shriner and Chris Tilton, is not remembered for outstanding compositions, as was the case, for example, in AC 2. However, the voice actors have worked hard in the game, which makes the dialogue seem really alive. Assassins Creed: Unity in Russian also does not cut the ear, but it is much more comfortable to play with translated subtitles and original voice acting.

Assassins Creed: Unity - Co-op Review

As many already know, Ubisoft cut the multiplayer mode from the novelty by introducing the long-awaited co-op, which turned out to be not so bad. There are no particularly outstanding missions, but they are organized in stages, and also artificially complicated due to the number of rivals. The most outstanding were tasks designed for 4 characters, which boast a beautiful setting with thefts, chases, etc. Unfortunately, quite often all adventures with friends turn into speed races, where everyone wants to be the first to deal with the goal. It has its own charm, but definitely not the way the guys from Ubisoft saw it. However, the last word is always yours.


Optimization, where are you? Why did you leave us? To be honest, it seems that the developers have never heard of this word. And we are not even talking about the PC version, where every second developer forgets how it is done, but this even applies to consoles, where the declared 30 FPS are extremely rare. At least that's the case for the PS4 version. A noticeable part of the time, the game frankly lags, which spoils all the pleasant impressions received from the long-awaited innovations. We can't say anything bad about the Xbox One version, where the game "flies" at 900p. However, the first impression was greatly spoiled, which drastically affected the critics' ratings and overall sales, but more on that later.

Why is the optimization so crooked in Assassins Creed: Unity? Of course, it's all about the technical component. The game looks simply stunning. The crowd effect is excellent, and most of the NPCs in the frame behave quite decently, even if they flaunt repetitive animations. The recreated Paris of the end of the 18th century is beyond praise, and therefore a fascinating tour of one of the greatest cities of our time is provided for you. All buildings look expressive and beautiful, and the 1:1 scale only adds to the effect of presence. The authors modeled many famous architectural monuments with amazing accuracy, among which Notre Dame de Paris, the Louvre Palace, the Arc de Triomphe and other delights of Parisian sights stand out. Other features of the graphic component also turned out to be excellent: excellent detailing of characters and objects, realistic shadows, a bewitching play of light, and so on.

However, the pursuit of the most beautiful picture and "green papers" became a big miss for Ubisoft. Perhaps the developers should not have been in such a hurry to release the revolutionary Assassin. Yes, the game turned out to be beautiful, with a good plot and a bunch of innovations, but after the release, its dampness was obvious. The modified Anvil engine is terribly unoptimized, the consequences of which poor gamers feel on themselves by purchasing the next part of Assassins Creed: Unity. Optimization, of course, is also possible after the release of the game by releasing patches. At the moment, the game has been updated to version 1.4, and the latest patch weighs over 5 Gb. Has anything drastically changed? The answer is quite expected - no. On PS4, of course, the game began to work more stably, but on PC, terrible FPS sagging is still observed. Owners of even the most top-end video cards complain about the poor performance of the product. For comfortable gameplay with 30 FPS, you will need a strong enough "monster", the system requirements of which we will indicate below. Finally, numerous bugs concerning both our hero and the characters surrounding him have not disappeared. What can you say? Today, Assassins Creed: Unity optimization is at the level of last year's Battlefield 4, the developers of which still cannot cope with all the problems. Let's hope that soon the guys from Ubisoft will change the situation for the better.

System requirements (minimum)

As you have already understood from the section above, the non-XG Assassin is extremely poorly optimized, and therefore you will need a lot to play the game. What kind of hardware is needed to run the revolutionary streets of Paris at low settings?

  • OS: Windows 7/8 (only 64-bit versions are supported).
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-2500K / x4 940.
  • RAM: 6 Gb.
  • Video card: GeForce GTX 680 / Radeon HD 7970.
  • DirectX 11.
  • HDD space: 50 Gb.

Well, for the minimum requirements, it's not bad at all. The same Battlefield 4 or Metro Redux can be run at a high level of graphics settings with such a computer.

What are the requirements for Assassins Creed: Unity to play comfortably at high settings and at normal resolution?

  • OS: Windows 8.
  • Processor: Intel Core i7-3770 / AMD FX-8350.
  • RAM: 8 Gb;.
  • Video card: GeForce / Radeon R9 290X.
  • DirectX 11.
  • HDD space: 50 Gb.

For a simple gamer, the above requirements will seem overly high, but even on such systems you will encounter tons of bugs and terrible FPS sagging. The best advice for a gamer would be to buy a console, which is certainly cheaper than a top-end computer. Well, these are the requirements for Assassins Creed: Unity. On weaker systems, you can not even try to play, because as soon as you spend your nerves.


Of course, like its predecessors, the game Assassins Creed: Unity will acquire additions that fuel interest in the title. In total, the DLC should add 8 hours of gameplay, which is quite good for the average fan of the series. The biggest one will be Fallen Kings, which is a new campaign that we will also play as Arno. The scene will change to the small town of Saint-Denis, and the action will take place in 1794. At the same time, new tasks in Paris will open up for the player, and the already impressive arsenal will also be updated somewhat. Finally, the latest DLC that Assassins Creed: Unity can boast of will be China digital content, where we will play as the apprentice of the legendary Shao Yun. The game will take place in 2.5D format, and gamers will be able to see the Great Wall of China with their own eyes and immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the ancient world.


For Assassins Creed 5: Unity, several editions were provided, differing significantly in content and other "goodies".

  1. The special edition will include the game itself, as well as an additional mission for the "Chemical Revolution" single.
  2. Bastille Edition includes game, artbook, official soundtrack CD, 2 lithographs, Chemical Revolution and American Prisoner missions, and an exclusive case.
  3. The Notre Dame Edition includes the game, a 39.5cm Arno figurine, an artbook, 2 lithographs, an official soundtrack CD, an exclusive case and the 2 aforementioned missions.
  4. Guillotine Collector's Edition includes the game, 41cm Arnaud figurine, artbook, official soundtrack disc, 2 lithographs, a stylized secret map of Paris, a wooden deck of French tarot playing cards, a framed canvas painting, a set of assorted single-player gear, and 2 the above missions.

These are quite interesting editions for Assassins Creed: Unity PC, PS4 and Xbox One versions. It is worth noting that collector's editions will cost you a pretty penny, since, for example, the cost of "Notre Dame" is 4,500 rubles. You have to pay for pleasure.


The release of Assassins Creed: Unity was somewhat overshadowed, because a huge wave of negativity fell on the game, both from critics and ordinary gamers. A sea of ​​technical bugs, FPS drops and other problems have become a real hell for fans of the series and newcomers. Ubisoft has never released such a raw product (in Assassins Creed: Unity, the release date was too early), and Watch_Dogs against its background looked like just an optimization ideal. Of course, this situation terribly spoiled the rating of the company, and many individuals even began to compare it with EA Games, which was repeatedly recognized as the worst studio.

What has Ubisoft done? Janis Mallat, who is the company, apologized on behalf of all employees, and also promised to correct all the errors made by the developers. Fortunately, this step was not limited to empty words, because players who bought the ACU will be presented with the Fallen Kings DLC. The same gamers who forked out for the Season Pass will also be given one of the studio's games, which the player can choose (Far Cry 4, Crew, Watch_Dogs and others). Well, the apologies turned out to be quite sincere, and the gifts were chic. However, everyone knows that nerve cells do not regenerate, and the release of Assassins Creed: Unity took away a lot of them.

Assassin's Creed: Rogue

This is just a consolation surprise for all those who did not have time to get a new generation console or a powerful PC, and therefore continue to be content with not the most attractive paste-gene graphics. In principle, the idea is pretty good, because at the time when Assassins Creed: Unity comes out, there remains a fairly large community of people who want to go on an Assassin's journey on old consoles. Considering the novelty without taking into account last year's Black Flag, you can find a lot of advantages: sea battles, hunting, a seamless open world, a non-trivial setting, and so on. But here's the bad luck - in 2013, an almost exact copy of The Outcast was released, but in the Caribbean scenery. Differences of the game are noticeable only in the plot, but the presentation remained at the same level. The guys from the Bulgarian branch of Ubisoft copied almost everything: from rather monotonous missions to walks around the offices of Abstergo. Of course, they added a couple of fresh ideas, but they are virtually invisible against the general background. In defense of Rogue, it is still worth noting that the game turned out to be quite good as a consolation prize: the marine theme was given even more attention, the plot is sometimes full of quite exciting missions, and the new location does not let you get bored during the passage. However, at the time Assassins Creed: Unity is released, Rogue One seems to have faded, though ultimately it's up to you to decide.


Ubisoft knows how to make beautiful and exciting games, but the desire to fill your pockets with American rubles often causes failure. Give the developers 1 more year and Assassins Creed: Unity (PC, PS4, XOne) would be one of the best games ever. But it came out raw and unfinished, causing outrage among millions of gamers. But is everything so bad? No, the game turned out to be very beautiful, with well-thought-out characters, an exciting plot, various missions and good co-op, which first appeared in Assassins Creed: Unity. The gameplay mechanics were redone, but this did not always have a positive effect on the gameplay. Well, now the army of fans can be divided into 2 groups: those who praise the changes and innovations, and those who want the developers to return everything back. And which side are you on?

If you experience freezes in Assassin's Creed Unity or the game shows a rather low FPS, then most likely we will help you deal with this problem.

Agree that it is not surprising that Assassin's Creed Unity slows down for many. If you don't know, this part of the series has taken a significant step forward compared to the previous parts. The fact is that for the first time in the game the scale of real buildings is used to the player in ratio 1: 1. That is why the game has high system requirements and you need to be aware that if your computer has characteristics below the minimum, then the game will work without brakes cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, first we suggest that you check your computer for compliance with these Assassin's Creed Unity system requirements:

System: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8/8.1 (64-bit)
CPU: Intel Core i5-2500K @ 3.3 GHz or AMD FX-8350 @ 4.0 GHz
Memory: 6 GB RAM
video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 or AMD Radeon HD 7970 (2 GB memory)
DirectX: 11
HDD: 50 GB

If the computer is suitable, then everything is fine and there are good chances to get rid of brakes and freezes in Assassin's Creed Unity. But if one or more criteria do not pass, then we cannot give any guarantees, although we will definitely improve performance in the game!

Below we list in paragraphs the actions that you need to perform to improve performance in Assassin's Creed Unity:

1 . Lower the graphics settings in Assassin's Creed Unity. Don't be afraid to do this. Lower most of the parameters and after lowering, see how it affected the speed in the game and freezes. Experiment with the settings and you can achieve better performance on them by reducing the beauty of the graphics ( One without the other ... alas ..).

A game: Assassin's Creed: Unity
Required Version: Assassins.Creed.Unity.Dead.Kings.DLC-RELOADED
Tablet: Present (RELOADED)

Patch 5 Release Notes:

stability & performance:
* Fixed numerous random crashes both on Campaign and Coop

Savegame & Progression:
* Fixed gear and outfit rewards getting relocked
* Added users profile corrector to resolve companion synchronization issues
* Made Initiate and companion app exclusive content accessible to all players
* Fixed the "Find Leon" objective not spawning on Dead Kings Memory 2

Online matchmaking, connectivity & replication:
* Fixed various matchmaking and connection issues both in matches and when starting a match.
* Fixed various replication issues between host and clients
* Fixed issues with the My Club feature

Gameplay (navigation, fight, stealth):
* Fixed issue with Arno losing control after trying to launch Initiates from the pause menu
* Fixed minor navigation issues

Menus and HUDs:
* Fixed issues occurring when hacking gears
* Fixed additional issues with notifications

World & 3D:
* Fixed some minor FX and texture issues

PC Specific:
* Performance improvements
* Fixed various Uplay Actions & Achievement issues
* Minor UI and rendering fixes

Assassin's Creed Unity Update v1.5 *Proper* (c) Ubisoft

02/2015:..... RELEASE.DATE .. PROTECTION .......: UbiDRM
- :.......... DISC(S) .. GAME.TYPE ........: ,

Proper note:
Skidrow have released the update for their dupe release.
Here is the update for our version.

Release note:

The following updates are required for v1.5:

* Assassins.Creed.Unity.Update.v1.2-RELOADED
* Assassins.Creed.Unity.Update.v1.3-RELOADED
* Assassins.Creed.Unity.Update.v1.4-RELOADED
* Assassins.Creed.Unity.Dead.Kings.DLC-RELOADED

Check included changelog.txt file for a list of changes.

Game Assassin's Creed Unity is an action/adventure game set in the
city ​​of Paris during one of its darkest hours, the French Revolution. take
ownership of the story by customizing Arno's equipment to make the
experience unique to you, both visually and mechanically. In addition to an
epic single-player experience, Assassin's Creed Unity delivers the excitement
of playing with up to three friends through online cooperative gameplay in
specific missions. Throughout the game, take part in one of the most pivotal
moments of French history in a compelling storyline and a breath-taking
playground that brought you the city of lights of today.

2. Install the update to where Assassins.Creed.Unity-RELOADED with updates
Assassins.Creed.Unity.Update.v1.-RELOADED applied and the Dead
Kings DLC is installed.
3. Install the v1.5 update from /Update directory.
4. Copy over the cracked content from the /Crack directory to your game
install directory.
5. Play the game.
6. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!

1. Install the patch (setup.exe) in the game folder
2. Copy the tablet to the game folder
3. Play

File size: 73.26MB

[Download torrent:: Skidows.Ru:: 21079]

The long-awaited Assassin's Creed Unity is finally here, expanding on the AnvilNext engine used in Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag in terms of stealth action, game mechanics, and near-perfect French Revolution times. In this game, PC users will be able to fully enjoy the most modern effects, and, of course, the expected variety of other improvements available PC exclusive.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the improvements mentioned above, conduct comparative tests that demonstrate their benefits, and also offer the best recommendations regarding graphics card settings for the best display of graphics-rich gaming scenes. It just so happened, the game is quite demanding and recommendations for setting the graphics will not be superfluous.

System requirements

Assassin's Creed Unity's hardware requirements will be higher than most modern games and significantly higher than Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. The reason for this is the departure of the game in favor of only computers and consoles of the new generation, capable of recreating on the screen all the ambitious ideas of the developers from Ubisoft Montreal. PC users are far more fortunate, with consoles often dropping below 20fps. With detailed cityscapes and building interiors, thousands of non-player characters (NPCs), and an online co-op mode, the game needs all the power that modern technology can provide.

Minimum system requirements

  • Operating system: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8/8.1 (64-bit versions only)
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-2500K3 GHz or AMD FX-8350 4.0 GHz or AMD Phenom II x4 940 3.0 GHz
  • RAM: 6 GB
  • Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 or AMD Radeon HD 7970 with 2 GB VRAM
  • DirectX: 11
  • At least 50 GB of free space
  • Processor: Intel Core i7-3770 3.4 GHz or AMD FX-8350 @ 4.0 GHz
  • RAM: 6 GB
  • Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 or AMD Radeon R9 290X with 3 GB VRAM

Anvil Next game engine

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag used an improved version of Ubisoft's AnvilNext graphics engine, which first made its debut on PC in Assassin's Creed III. For Black Flag, the engine has been significantly improved: in particular, the Global Illumination game world pre-installed lighting, volumetric fog, dynamic weather events and dynamic foliage appeared. Thanks to the addition of Physically Based Rendering to the game, materials, surfaces and objects now look more realistic and react to lighting / shadow. In turn, the Global Illumination system also added realism through the addition of volumetric technologies (in particular, this is noticeable in the clothes of the protagonist and other characters). The game world now supports larger areas, more objects, complex buildings whose interiors load instantly (no loading screen). And this is not a complete list of changes that have had a positive impact on the quality of the picture and gameplay.

Before the release of Black Flag, the AnvilNext game engine was completely rewritten, resulting in a significant reduction in the number of draw calls (draw calls), which led to an overload of the CPU and the inability of the graphics unit to work at full capacity. In addition to performance improvements, draw call optimizations have made it possible to significantly increase the density of gameplay zones: now thousands of NPCs can be visible on the screen at the same time, each of which is controlled by some kind of artificial intelligence powered by the released CPU power.

Among other changes, noteworthy improvements have touched on the depth of shadow effects, reflections, level of detail, movement, object interaction and much more. Probably, it would be even easier to name those areas that were not affected by upgrades, improvements, or at least the slightest improvement.

Exclusive PC Graphics Improvements

Playing Assassin's Creed Unity on the latest build lets you experience many of the features, effects, and technologies only available to PC owners. These include HBAO+, PCSS, TXAA, and DirectX 11 tessellation. If you want to learn more and see each of these techniques in action, keep reading. To get a general idea of ​​these effects, take a look at the trailer showing their impact on gameplay.

Ambient Occlusion (shadows of the game world)

The Ambient Occlusion (AO) technique adds contrasting shadows where two surfaces or objects overlap, or where an object blocks light from another nearby game element. When using AO, the drawing of game shadows increases and the process of their formation at a low level of imposition of one object on another. Without AO, landscapes look flat and unrealistic, and new objects appear as if from underground.

In Assassin's Creed Unity, the Ambient Occlusion option gives players the option to move from console-quality SSAO to the fast HBAO+, which makes shadows more detailed, more accurate and deeper, and minimizes the halo effect sometimes seen around objects and characters. Overall, HBAO+ makes the picture clearer and greatly improves the overall picture quality.

The game's detailed cityscapes provide a fertile ground for HBAO+'s improvements, as there are connecting geometric elements on every corner, hundreds of objects and thousands of people, each of which casts a shadow. Below you can see the comparison screenshots, which show a noticeable improvement in image quality when moving from the SSAO used in the consoles to HBAO+.

The use of the HBAO + technique significantly improved the quality of the shadows of the game world throughout the picture (this is especially noticeable on the monument).

Darker scenes benefit from the use of HBAO+ and shadow geometry is improved at longer distances. In turn, SSAO shading is almost imperceptible at the end of the street.

Even looking down from the roof of a building into the crowd below, the benefits of active HBAO+ are clear.

In this screenshot, accurate color reproduction is clearly visible with HBAO + enabled. In addition, the shadows have become richer and smoother (this is especially noticeable at the edges of the image).

Percentage Closer Soft Shadows

Percentage Closer Soft Shadows (PCSS) is an effective solution for developers who want to add realistic soft shadows to their games. As in the real world, PCSS shadows become softer as the distance from the objects that cast them increases. This greatly enhances the realism of the image, as you can see from the interactive comparison below.

On the left side of our comparison, you see the highest quality standard in-game shadows (note how sharp the edges are). On the right side, PCSS shadows are presented: the farther the distance from the shadow source (tree) - the softer and more natural they are.

With a wider viewing angle, PCSS shadows become visible from far away, further improving the overall picture quality.

PCSS shadows developed under Unity also include Cascaded Shadow Maps and high-quality filtering, which has a positive effect on the quality of shading and reduces their anti-aliasing. Together, these technologies greatly enhance the realism of Assassin's Creed Unity's virtual worlds. Those players who prefer sharp shadows can select the "High" option in the game menu. It is worth noting that the "Low" choice differs from the "High" one only in that the latter has less shadow loss at longer distances.

TXAA Anti-Aliasing

TXAA is a specially developed anti-aliasing technique designed to handle the edges of artifacts that appear on objects when changing the viewing angle or moving the player's view camera. Visually, these artifacts feel like flickering and “picture creep”, so in games like Assassin’s Creed Unity, which are heavily graphical cityscapes, they can cause inconvenience to players.

Combining the capabilities of Multisample Anti-Aliasing (MSAA), created on CG "cine" resolution and temporal filter, TXAA effectively resists the aforementioned artifacts, providing anti-aliasing geometry at a level comparable to 4x MSAA. An example of this technology in action can be seen in the trailer below.

In addition to TXAA, in Assassin's Creed Unity players have the option to select FXAA or MSAA anti-aliasing modes. But in Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, FXAA works simultaneously with MSAA to prevent anti-aliasing of transparent textures (for example, those used to create foliage).

Against the background of motion blur and Global Illumination, anti-aliasing is less of a load on the game engine, but when the action stops and cutscenes begin, you definitely want to see those sharp edges more rounded. Therefore, if performance is not a big issue for you, using TXAA or quad MSAA is recommended. If the hardware component makes itself felt or you are almost at the limit of your VRAM, just set the frame rate to a sufficient value. If, in addition to hardware anti-aliasing, we also use post-processing anti-aliasing, then, in the absence of alternative solutions, everything will depend on performance.

GeometryWorks DirectX 11 Advanced Tessellation

The post-release update will introduce gamers to GeometryWorks DirectX 11 Advanced Tessellation technology, which allows developers to quickly and effortlessly generate tessellation displacement maps from existing assets, as well as seamlessly integrate tessellation rendering into their engines. What's more, NVIDIA's tessellation technique already integrates the adaptive tessellation factor calculation and VFC (View Frustum Culling) culling algorithm, making it widely used in open-world games like Assassin's Creed Unity.

Unity uses GeometryWorks technology to tessellate roof tiles, ridges, pavers, paving stones, arches, monuments, and more. Because tessellation creates a true geometric pattern (rather than tessellation as is the case with simple or embossed texturing), surfaces processed in this way are subsequently shaded very clearly by HBAO+ and PCSS, greatly improving the overall image quality.

Take a tiled roof as an example: without tessellation applied, most of its surface is a single flat texture, to which neither HBAO+ shading nor PCSS shading can be applied by default. When tessellation is applied, each tile comes to life, and with it the HBAO+ and PCSS effects. This is clearly demonstrated in the interactive comparison below.

Advanced graphics settings

The graphic menu in Assassin's Creed Unity does not please us with the wide variety of options available, since a large number of the features and effects present in the game are already built into it. So, for example, turning off Global Illumination significantly changes the appearance of the Unity world, and rewinding the character counter will make a small demonstration out of a full-scale popular uprising. This is the policy of the game's creators: to set clear minimum standards for each new version of their detailed version of the French Revolution.

Texture Quality

This parameter controls the clarity and quality of textures in the game. There are three options for this parameter to choose from: Low, High, and Ultra High. Low is recommended for graphics cards with 2GB of RAM, High is for 3GB, and Ultra High is for 4GB of VRAM.

From our research, it follows that the difference between High and Ultra High is minimal in most cases and is almost not felt during gameplay. However, the differences between the Low and High levels are more noticeable: in every game episode, at least one game element lost its texture clarity. In some episodes, the quality of surfaces was lost, in others - objects. In general, when switching to Low, there is a noticeable decrease in texture quality even during fast-paced gameplay.

Note that activating MSAA increases VRAM usage, so FXAA at 1920 by 1080 is more suitable for 2 GB video cards. By setting the Texture Quality to High, cards with 3 GB of memory will handle 4x MSAA well, as will 4 GB units. on Ultra High.

In this game episode, it is noticeable that when the texture detail level is reduced from Ultra High to High, the pattern of the parquet on the floor is slightly lost, while the details of the upholstery of the chair and table elements are completely blurred. The drop to Low continues the trend of losing the quality of the game elements mentioned above. At the same time, characters, other surfaces and trim elements are added to them.

The next example is characterized by the fact that when the texture detail level is reduced, noticeable changes occur only with the roof surface on which the main character is standing.

Due to the random NPC clothing algorithm, it's hard to see that this parameter suffers the most when the texture quality is reduced to Low. Also, the changes are clearly visible in the structure of the soil under the feet of Arno Dorian.

If your GPU has 3 GB of VRAM, then the game experience is unlikely to be significantly affected by using the High setting, and, unlike our interactive comparison, you will most likely not notice anything during gameplay.

Quality of the surrounding world (Environment Quality)

Upgrades to the AnvilNext game engine have also affected its detail system, which dynamically selects the number and quality of game elements visible on the screen per unit of time. In the case of Unity, the upgrade makes it possible to see more objects at a high level of detail at the same time. In addition, the transition between High and Low levels is now smooth, which should contribute to a better perception of the game world.

This system is supported by the Environment Quality setting we met earlier in Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. Just like there, in Unity this parameter is responsible for the accuracy of the graphic transmission of secondary details at medium and long distances, the density and visibility of foliage, the presence of stones and other landscape elements, as well as the splendor of the bushes in the field of view. This year, however, Environment Quality has a less significant impact on the visual experience of the game due to the city's preponderance of cityscapes and less greenery in general. But the effect extends to the minor details of the streets: the presence of papers, straw, garbage on the sidewalks, as well as the visibility of tufts of grass and flowers. Sometimes, at long distances, some window openings, stairs, and other small elements will not be visible, and the appearance of the clothes of some NPCs will slightly change. However, this will hardly affect the overall quality of the picture, and in the foreground everything will become even more realistic.

By changing the Environment Quality values ​​from Ultra High to Very High, we notice minimal changes in the clothes of the man standing near the crypt, although this does not affect the overall quality of the picture. Also, no major changes are observed when choosing the Medium level (some grass bushes disappear), and at the Low value, the most big-eyed of you will notice the absence of a subtle element of the near stained glass.

In the second example, we notice a slight decrease in ground detail when moving from Very High to High and the loss of several grass bushes. By setting the Medium parameter, the ground becomes even poorer, which immediately catches the eye, since the action takes place in a rural area where there is a lot of greenery. In the distance, we also notice a decrease in the level of foliage density, which eventually becomes even rarer when the level is set to Low (this can be seen especially well around the trunk of a thick tree in the distance).

Sometimes the loss of a certain number of leaves really affects the impression of the game image, but in 95% of cases the decrease in the Environment Quality parameter from Very High to High will go almost unnoticed, but as a nice bonus, you will have a slightly higher frame rate.

Assassin's Creed Unity Optimal Game Settings

If your desire to debug everything with your own hands cannot stop you, below you will find a table with a list of settings for various video cards that meet the high system requirements of Unity. This implies that during the game will be supported frame rate at least 40 frames per second with a resolution of 1920 by 1080. These settings should be considered without taking into account the rest of your build, because it is simply unrealistic to present the entire range of combinations of central processors and amounts of RAM in one table. Also note that the recommendations below were developed based on a pre-release build, which means that performance should be better in the final version.

1920×1080 AA / AO Bloom Env. Quality Shadows Textures
GTX 780 Ti / Radeon R9 290X 2xMSAA / HBAO+ On Ultra High PCSS high
GTX 780 / Radeon R9 280X FXAA / HBAO+ On Very High PCSS high
GTX 770 / Radeon R9 290 FXAA On high high low
GTX 680 / Radeon HD 7970 FXAA Off low low low

* After a certain number of patches, we will update the table, now it is too early to draw conclusions.

Those who want to "overclock" the game's graphics can try using an application like MSI Afterburner. Following this, as a rule, many have a desire to overclock the central processor as well, in order to get the most out of Unity's cityscapes. To do this, simply google your CPU and motherboard model, and then select one of the hundreds of manuals returned as a result of the query.

Assassin's Creed Unity Gameplay Transfer

The PC version definitely outperforms the rest with HBAO+, PCSS, TXAA, and DirectX 11 tessellation. With the options mentioned above, Unity pleases the eye with high-quality textures, effects, and fine detail. You will have to pay for this with system requirements: Ubisoft recommends using a GeForce GTX 680 or AMD Radeon HD 7970 as an entry-level graphics card. This limitation caused a wave of discontent in the gaming community, but our test confirmed that, given the scale of Unity and the number of objects used in it, the increase in minimum requirements is quite justified.

Take, for example, the game world of Unity, where the vast expanses of Black Flag oceans that had little effect on performance are replaced by many densely populated cities that have the opposite effect on your hardware. In Paris alone, there are countless buildings, monuments, thousands of residents in sight, lightning-fast loading interiors, and much more. For comparison, the largest Black Flag location can accommodate only a few dozen people at a time, a couple of buildings without interiors, and an order of magnitude less than anything else that could load the graphics. Of course, the creators of Unity could sacrifice the level of detail and turn the cathedral into a regular box, and also remove all the inhabitants, effects and lighting of Global Illumination. But they made a different choice in order to maintain the look and feel of the game that was originally intended for it. That is why Unity needs a much more powerful and faster graphics card than Black Flag.

Now let's move on to the issue of optimization that worries many. Often discussed in numerous online debates, this term is often misused to describe the overall level of gaming performance. "Will game X have more graphic-heavy scenes than game Y if they have the same engine"? “Will the new game in the series be faster than the previous one and will it have better graphics”? "Does the game use all the processor cores to the same extent as another title or the previous part of the franchise does"? "Does the new game look better than a similar but faster one?" These are just some of the questions to ask when determining the degree of game optimization.

In Unity's case, it's pretty clear that Ubisoft Montreal's new game will look a lot better on the base GTX 680 than Black Flag. And all of the above questions will be answered positively if you carefully analyze the visual and hardware capabilities of Unity.

Higher than our base GTX 680 model, the R9 280X is located in the table, giving the same values ​​​​of all effects as in Black Flag, only in the case of Unity they look completely different. Although both games have everything set to the maximum, and double MSAA is used as anti-aliasing, Unity looks much nicer. This is optimization by definition.

In conclusion, whether you're running a GTX 680 at max settings or an R9 280X at its lowest settings, Assassin's Creed Unity will delight you with carefully crafted graphical content that gets even better with further tweaking of settings.

According to the site

Assassin's Creed Unity PC Minimum System Requirements Have Fans Going Hysterical

The minimum system requirements of Assassin's Creed Unity, published on the official blog of Ubisoft, shocked fans of the series. According to the most conservative estimates, the price of a computer that will "pull" Unity is more than 60 thousand rubles. But the biggest excitement was caused by video cards. For example, the expensive NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680. It has never been included in the minimum system requirements for PC games. In this material - answers to the most common questions regarding the launch of Assassin's Creed Unity on personal computers.

The combat is fluent and fluid and can be difficult at times, but with enough practice you can find yourself almost unbeatable. You can customize your character a lot more than other games could offer. This includes colors, hoods, belts, etc. while it may not matter to some, it can be exciting if you decide to play it this way. Another cool feature is the outfit system. This allows you to unlock classic outfits from previous games. like I've never seen outfits before.

All in all, the setup is great. In this mode, you play through a specific mission with another player and the two of you must work together to complete it. This can give you a chance to showcase your master assassin skills to other players. in that, but show off your cool assassin you have customized. The co-op is very interesting and very exciting.

If my graphics card is worse than NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 or AMD Radeon HD 7970, will I be unable to run the game?

There is no single answer. If you carefully read what is written on the official Ubisoft blog, then these video cards are the minimum required for Assassin's Creed Unity. However, in real life, most likely, you can run the game on "old" graphics accelerators. True, the picture quality, as they say, it will be "below the minimum". That is, the developers believe that any video card below the declared level will not allow you to get the minimum quality image and, accordingly, the pleasure of the game. But, we repeat, with a probability close to 100%, you can run the game on weaker video cards.

But why doesn't Ubisoft list this possibility?

Aside from the story, everything feels the same in some way. It feels monotonous for the rest of the games. Unity leads us to Paris two hundred years ago. The city, in my opinion, is the best advantage of the game. There are many people, the buildings are beautiful and architecturally varied. We can feel that there is always something going on in the city. Another professional is more realism of the world - how the crowd reacts to us, how people happen. Additional tasks affect the main tasks. This is a very nice decision because sometimes you can do things differently because you did one more thing in an additional quest.

But why doesn't Ubisoft list this possibility?

Like any other publisher, Ubisoft must not only sell the game, but also provide technical support in the future. These video cards have been tested by the quality department of the company, the developers guarantee the stable operation of Assassin's Creed Unity on these adapters. But due to the huge number of video cards on the market, Ubisoft cannot “certify” each of them. And even more so to develop clear recommendations for the technical support service, how to solve certain problems that a user has with a video card three to five years old.

This makes the game more fun. You can just walk around and have a look. Ambitious but a bit stagnant after a while. The size and density of Paris is incredible. Even the strategy and difficulty of combat is appealing. However, the whole thing is largely marred by poor optimization, a lackluster story, an unwavering protagonist, and simplistic and slow combat. The fight was, in many ways, one step forward and three steps back. He tried to make combat more strategic and smart, but it ended up being clumsy and simplistic.

What about laptops?

Arno came across more as an incompetent fighter than anything else. The story was also too long and had an anti-climatic ending. There's also no reason to explore a quarter of Paris, as history never takes you there. The internet chicken coop was interesting but half baked and never fully realized. There were a lot of great ideas in this game, but you could tell that the short development cycle crushed what could have been an absolutely perfect game.

Let's say I take a chance and buy Assassin's Creed Unity, but it won't start or it won't work for me. What should I do?

Nothing. If your computer does not meet the minimum technical requirements, then no one will return the money for the game. In this case, you buy the game at your own risk. By defining the minimum requirements, the publisher also insures itself against unreasonable returns. Therefore, before you buy Assassin's Creed Unity, check the configuration of your computer with the requirements of the developers.

The protagonist is Arno Dorian, the son of a French aristocrat and murderer who was killed at Versailles when Arno was a little boy. Arnaud was later adopted by the French nobleman Mr. De La Serre, unaware that his adoptive father was a Grand Master of the Knights Templar until he was assassinated and Arnaud was framed for his murder. During the fall of the Bastille, Arnaud meets the murderer Pierre Balz and runs away with him, and this is where his "career" of the killer begins. During the campaign, you will have the opportunity to meet many of the historically important characters of that era, the Marquis de Sade, Napoleon Bonaparte, Maximilian de Robespierre, and also complete several missions to help them.

There is a phrase on the Ubisoft website: "Supported maps as of release day." So the list will expand in the future?

Right. On release day, Assassin's Creed Unity will run stably on:

  • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 or better
  • GeForce GTX 700 series;
  • AMD Radeon HD7970 or better
  • Radeon R9 200 series.

All video cards not included in this list are questionable. Perhaps the most popular weaker adapters will be officially supported in the future. But Ubisoft makes no guarantees.

Paris is divided into a couple of different parts, and many of the famous buildings and monuments are historically very accurate. The game looks amazing but is very poorly optimized and won't run smoothly even on high end machines. The second failure is the errors you will run into. than often, making some quests unreachable. The game also has a bad habit of pushing you back to the desktop from time to time, but for those with strong nerves, it will provide many hours of enjoyment. With this historical setting and the idea behind this game, there was a lot more potential, but some things had to be polished and fixed before the game was released.

What about laptops?

Sadness and pain. To quote from the Ubisoft blog: "Notebook versions of these graphics cards may work, but are not officially supported." In fact, Ubisoft is telling you, "Playing Assassin's Creed Unity on a laptop is at your own risk." Therefore, we do not recommend buying the game until a list of laptop configurations appears on the Internet, on which Assassin's Creed Unity not only runs, but also works stably. Remember: you can not return the money!

Follow the configuration settings

The stadium is still above average in this game, but far from the best games in this period. Be aware that you can run many games with this GPU, but there are several factors that can affect quality. Every detail, from the operating system, installed programs, graphics card driver version and personal settings, can interfere with the quality of the game, so keep in mind the details that can make a big difference in the final result of the game.

Even motherboard details will help, every brand is different and in general cheaper laptops have simpler and slower motherboards. Knowing the above information, we will present several videos of Laptops working with this GPU.

On November 13, 2014, the long-awaited release of the non-closing Assassins Creed: Unity (the release date coincided for all platforms), developed and published by Ubisoft, took place. Did the French manage to make something qualitatively new out of "Unity"? Why are many forums full of messages that in Assassins Creed: Unity optimization is at an extremely bad level? We will talk about all this below in our article.

Notebook Information Used for the following tests.

Intermediate games run games at a good level

It is during this time that we also know Elisa, who grew up with Arno many times and eventually became her romantic couple and adventure companion. The saga begins in France, in the middle of the French Revolution, in the 18th century, with more focus in Paris, where most of the story takes place. Arno eventually steps down from the line of murderers, and with a burden on his back, he must follow the path of revenge and justice in order to punish not only his father's killer, but also his master, for whom the services rendered.

Assassins Creed: Unity - single review

Throughout the year, Ubisoft has been trying to prove that the new part of Assassin's Creed will be a real revolution in the genre, leaving all its competitors far behind. Say, they started developing a very long time ago, and therefore fresh ideas and innovations are just a dime a dozen. In principle, they did not deceive us, because there are really a lot of innovations in Unity. Many aspects of the game have been reworked, something the series has been needing for so long. Let's talk about some of them.

Assassin's Creed Assassin's Creed. In fact, Arno's story has some variables, such as a huge game show introduction, as well as small details that appear between one character and another, but everything is conveyed without much meaning, and not "rushed", so who is in charge of control is simply not lose the thread of the skein, but without excitement in the blink of an eye.

The lack of excitement seems to be repeated at various points in the game. The history of unity takes time to codify, although it is interesting at times, and despite the surprise or other that draws around. Shortly after the introduction of the game, we will be introduced to one of our great new additions: the time travel system. Using the current time as an "excuse" for this, after all the killer is controlled by the player and in contact with members of the current organization, it is possible to time travel between Paris using "System Bugs".

First of all, I would like to mention the secondary quests, which have never been famous for their variety and fascination in the Assassins Creed series. In the new part, the developers approached this issue more responsibly and competently, somewhat changing the mechanics and style of additional tasks. Here you have full-fledged investigations in the spirit of Sherlock Holmes, and the destruction of the satanic cult, and much more. It is immediately clear that most of the missions were created manually, for which special thanks to the developers. It is logical to assume that since such a picky attitude was taken to the secondary quest branches, then the storyline became much more interesting and exciting. The story has many plot twists and dramatic moments that are close in spirit to the second part of The Silent Assassin. There is no trace of the former boredom of the past parts, which is especially pleasant to realize for both newcomers to the series and its veterans.

But calm, such mistakes are purposeful - at least so - as they are part of history, creating portals that allow Arnaud to visit other eras of Paris, facing moments that have not yet happened in his own time, such as World War II or construction Statues of Liberty.

The problem with such a system is that it seems irrelevant and somewhat gratuitous. And speaking of history, she has few problems in introducing. Not to mention the lack of inspiration to replicate the family's heritage formula and revenge story.

No less important processing in Assassins Creed 5: Unity has undergone a system of parkour and movement. New animations have been created for all characters, and freerunning now has 2 types, the first of which has priority for descending, and the second for ascending. From this feature, what is happening on the screen becomes even more spectacular and exciting. Otherwise, everything remains the same: Arno (that's the name of the main character) climbs almost any building in Paris without much difficulty, and from the highest points he can also synchronize, opening a certain section of the map. Management, however, is heavily overloaded, but this drawback has been present in all parts of the series and, perhaps, will never completely disappear.

Gameplay: where Arno shines

As a true game series for a new generation, we expected more. For example: It is now much harder to kill an enemy automatically during combat, which brings you more balance and requires more vehicles. The player must use combinations, not just attack, but also defend or dodge.

In the "freewheeling" moments when Arnaud uses his acrobatic skills to rule the streets of Paris, we see new moments that were very inspired and well placed, with breathtaking experiences. Arno jumps, spins, plays and almost flies to quickly climb some buildings. Climbing to the top of Notre Dame Cathedral is worth a few minutes of excitement and evaluation of the result.

Next, I would like to say a few words about the combat system, which has also been somewhat modernized. First of all, the developers have changed the animation and mechanics of the battles, which have become much more complex. As you remember, in Black Flag, Edward was a real terminator, cracking down on enemies right and left, having 4 pistols and 2 swords in his arsenal. Arno will no longer be so invulnerable, because the developers cut out counterattacks for more thorough battle tactics on the part of the player. Now you will not be able to deal with 10 guards in a few seconds, because they are as deft with a saber as our protagonist. Arno can easily get hit in the neck, and therefore stealth mechanics and the use of various bombs are now a priority. Finally, let's mention character customization and leveling. Just in the menu, the player can now buy a lot of different costumes for Arno, which in one way or another will affect the Unity gameplay. Game mechanics can now be applied on multiple fronts. Like to do everything in secret? Then you need to pick up clothes with stealth bonuses. Want action and more bloody battles? Then buy clothes for close combat. Along with this, there is an opportunity to change its color, as well as purchase various accessories. In general, there are plenty of variations. Finally, there was a leveling of the character by the type of an ordinary RPG. Did it do any good? No. The experience points that we earn during the game are spent on banal skills that, for some reason, were cut out of the main skills of the character: lockpicking, the ability to get lost among NPCs on a bench, and the like. Perhaps the only reason why Ubisoft screwed this element of gameplay into the game is microtransactions. Well, the thirst for profit often destroys many.

However, there are some imperfect moments when the control insists on not working, especially at the moments when the action is most striking. In one of the first moments of the game, it took us a long time to run away from the place because Arno would hit the wall and not exit through the small window. We didn't fully understand what happened, but we did notice that this type of problem occurred at other times in the game, especially when it came to action.

These abilities can be upgraded with Faith Points, which are earned through actions and battles, and are used to acquire new weapons, abilities, and more. but make no mistake, they certainly don't "improve" control errors.

Let's also talk about sound. The soundtrack for the game, written by Sarah Shriner and Chris Tilton, is not remembered for outstanding compositions, as was the case, for example, in AC 2. However, the voice actors have worked hard in the game, which makes the dialogue seem really alive. Assassins Creed: Unity in Russian also does not cut the ear, but it is much more comfortable to play with translated subtitles and original voice acting.

Well, forget about those online killer online killer modes. As the title says, this game is all about unity or union, so you will come across a good cooperative multiplayer mode. The most interesting thing is that the co-op missions were included in the story. Then, at any time, you can find a place on the map and check the possibility of participating in cooperation with friends or strangers, forming a kind of online assassin's guild with a minimum of two and a maximum of four members.

The multiplayer mode works great, and playing cooperatively with cool moments and options is something rewarding. Having their own team, each doing a different task in missions and checking the result in real time, was something that was great to see and, while a little clunky, a lot of fun.

Assassins Creed: Unity - Co-op Review

As many already know, Ubisoft cut the multiplayer mode from the novelty by introducing the long-awaited co-op, which turned out to be not so bad. There are no particularly outstanding missions, but they are organized in stages, and also artificially complicated due to the number of rivals. The most outstanding were tasks designed for 4 characters, which boast a beautiful setting with thefts, chases, etc. Unfortunately, quite often all adventures with friends turn into speed races, where everyone wants to be the first to deal with the goal. It has its own charm, but definitely not the way the guys from Ubisoft saw it. However, the last word is always yours.

Graphics, old controversy

The map is simply one of the most populated in terms of tasks in the series. Paris itself is already gigantic for a video game, so expect to go through a lot of its locations and participate in various side missions, collect a lot of collectibles, help people, capture thieves, do co-op missions and of course, if you don't feel like it, just follow history, which in itself is already huge. Of course, we've already seen that it's going to be pretty, but as usual, the game is going through a downgrade of sorts where the current graphics don't do a good job of reflecting what's been seen during the months of production, mostly in terms of texture.


Optimization, where are you? Why did you leave us? To be honest, it seems that the developers have never heard of this word. And we are not even talking about the PC version, where every second developer forgets how it is done, but this even applies to consoles, where the declared 30 FPS are extremely rare. At least that's the case for the PS4 version. A noticeable part of the time, the game frankly lags, which spoils all the pleasant impressions received from the long-awaited innovations. We can't say anything bad about the Xbox One version, where the game "flies" at 900p. However, the first impression was greatly spoiled, which drastically affected the critics' ratings and overall sales, but more on that later.

In addition, we suffer from several moments of blocking and sluggishness in several scenes. On the other hand, we didn't come across some grotesque graphical bug that ended up becoming an Internet meme like faceless and scary characters. We're not saying this type of bug doesn't exist in the game, but it might not be as common as they say since it didn't happen here.

For example, images are loaded that exceed one minute between the most important scenes. At least the game's soundtrack is very neat, aside from the songs. Voices in Portuguese do not disappoint. Some of the characters are even dubbed by famous names that fans of the old designs will soon recognize, while others have very generic voices.

Why is the optimization so crooked in Assassins Creed: Unity? Of course, it's all about the technical component. The game looks simply stunning. The crowd effect is excellent, and most of the NPCs in the frame behave quite decently, even if they flaunt repetitive animations. The recreated Paris of the end of the 18th century is beyond praise, and therefore a fascinating tour of one of the greatest cities of our time is provided for you. All buildings look expressive and beautiful, and the 1:1 scale only adds to the effect of presence. The authors modeled many famous architectural monuments with amazing accuracy, among which Notre Dame de Paris, the Louvre Palace, the Arc de Triomphe and other delights of Parisian sights stand out. Other features of the graphic component also turned out to be excellent: excellent detailing of characters and objects, realistic shadows, a bewitching play of light, and so on.

However, the pursuit of the most beautiful picture and "green papers" became a big miss for Ubisoft. Perhaps the developers should not have been in such a hurry to release the revolutionary Assassin. Yes, the game turned out to be beautiful, with a good plot and a bunch of innovations, but after the release, its dampness was obvious. The modified Anvil engine is terribly unoptimized, the consequences of which poor gamers feel on themselves by purchasing the next part of Assassins Creed: Unity. Optimization, of course, is also possible after the release of the game by releasing patches. At the moment, the game has been updated to version 1.4, and the latest patch weighs over 5 Gb. Has anything drastically changed? The answer is quite expected - no. On PS4, of course, the game began to work more stably, but on PC, terrible FPS sagging is still observed. Owners of even the most top-end video cards complain about the poor performance of the product. For comfortable gameplay with 30 FPS, you will need a strong enough "monster", the system requirements of which we will indicate below. Finally, numerous bugs concerning both our hero and the characters surrounding him have not disappeared. What can you say? Today, Assassins Creed: Unity optimization is at the level of last year's Battlefield 4, the developers of which still cannot cope with all the problems. Let's hope that soon the guys from Ubisoft will change the situation for the better.

System requirements (minimum)

As you have already understood from the section above, the non-XG Assassin is extremely poorly optimized, and therefore you will need a lot to play the game. What kind of hardware is needed to run the revolutionary streets of Paris at low settings?

  • OS: Windows 7/8 (only 64-bit versions are supported).
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-2500K / x4 940.
  • RAM: 6 Gb.
  • Video card: GeForce GTX 680 / Radeon HD 7970.
  • DirectX 11.
  • HDD space: 50 Gb.

Well, for the minimum requirements, it's not bad at all. The same Battlefield 4 or Metro Redux can be run at a high level of graphics settings with such a computer.

What are the requirements for Assassins Creed: Unity to play comfortably at high settings and at normal resolution?

  • OS: Windows 8.
  • Processor: Intel Core i7-3770 / AMD FX-8350.
  • RAM: 8 Gb;.
  • Video card: GeForce / Radeon R9 290X.
  • DirectX 11.
  • HDD space: 50 Gb.

For a simple gamer, the above requirements will seem overly high, but even on such systems you will encounter tons of bugs and terrible FPS sagging. The best advice for a gamer would be to buy a console, which is certainly cheaper than a top-end computer. Well, these are the requirements for Assassins Creed: Unity. On weaker systems, you can not even try to play, because as soon as you spend your nerves.


Of course, like its predecessors, the game Assassins Creed: Unity will acquire additions that fuel interest in the title. In total, the DLC should add 8 hours of gameplay, which is quite good for the average fan of the series. The biggest one will be Fallen Kings, which is a new campaign that we will also play as Arno. The scene will change to the small town of Saint-Denis, and the action will take place in 1794. At the same time, new tasks in Paris will open up for the player, and the already impressive arsenal will also be updated somewhat. Finally, the latest DLC that Assassins Creed: Unity can boast of will be China digital content, where we will play as the apprentice of the legendary Shao Yun. The game will take place in 2.5D format, and gamers will be able to see the Great Wall of China with their own eyes and immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the ancient world.


For Assassins Creed 5: Unity, several editions were provided, differing significantly in content and other "goodies".

  1. The special edition will include the game itself, as well as an additional mission for the "Chemical Revolution" single.
  2. Bastille Edition includes game, artbook, official soundtrack CD, 2 lithographs, Chemical Revolution and American Prisoner missions, and an exclusive case.
  3. The Notre Dame Edition includes the game, a 39.5cm Arno figurine, an artbook, 2 lithographs, an official soundtrack CD, an exclusive case and the 2 aforementioned missions.
  4. Guillotine Collector's Edition includes the game, 41cm Arnaud figurine, artbook, official soundtrack disc, 2 lithographs, a stylized secret map of Paris, a wooden deck of French tarot playing cards, a framed canvas painting, a set of assorted single-player gear, and 2 the above missions.

These are quite interesting editions for Assassins Creed: Unity PC, PS4 and Xbox One versions. It is worth noting that collector's editions will cost you a pretty penny, since, for example, the cost of "Notre Dame" is 4,500 rubles. You have to pay for pleasure.


The release of Assassins Creed: Unity was somewhat overshadowed, because a huge wave of negativity fell on the game, both from critics and ordinary gamers. A sea of ​​technical bugs, FPS drops and other problems have become a real hell for fans of the series and newcomers. Ubisoft has never released such a raw product (in Assassins Creed: Unity, the release date was too early), and Watch_Dogs against its background looked like just an optimization ideal. Of course, this situation terribly spoiled the rating of the company, and many individuals even began to compare it with EA Games, which was repeatedly recognized as the worst studio.

What has Ubisoft done? Janis Mallat, who is the company, apologized on behalf of all employees, and also promised to correct all the errors made by the developers. Fortunately, this step was not limited to empty words, because players who bought the ACU will be presented with the Fallen Kings DLC. The same gamers who forked out for the Season Pass will also be given one of the studio's games, which the player can choose (Far Cry 4, Crew, Watch_Dogs and others). Well, the apologies turned out to be quite sincere, and the gifts were chic. However, everyone knows that nerve cells do not regenerate, and the release of Assassins Creed: Unity took away a lot of them.

Assassin's Creed: Rogue

This is just a consolation surprise for all those who did not have time to get a new generation console or a powerful PC, and therefore continue to be content with not the most attractive paste-gene graphics. In principle, the idea is pretty good, because at the time when Assassins Creed: Unity comes out, there remains a fairly large community of people who want to go on an Assassin's journey on old consoles. Considering the novelty without taking into account last year's Black Flag, you can find a lot of advantages: sea battles, hunting, a seamless open world, a non-trivial setting, and so on. But here's the bad luck - in 2013, an almost exact copy of The Outcast was released, but in the Caribbean scenery. Differences of the game are noticeable only in the plot, but the presentation remained at the same level. The guys from the Bulgarian branch of Ubisoft copied almost everything: from rather monotonous missions to walks around the offices of Abstergo. Of course, they added a couple of fresh ideas, but they are virtually invisible against the general background. In defense of Rogue, it is still worth noting that the game turned out to be quite good as a consolation prize: the marine theme was given even more attention, the plot is sometimes full of quite exciting missions, and the new location does not let you get bored during the passage. However, at the time Assassins Creed: Unity is released, Rogue One seems to have faded, though ultimately it's up to you to decide.


Ubisoft knows how to make beautiful and exciting games, but the desire to fill your pockets with American rubles often causes failure. Give the developers 1 more year and Assassins Creed: Unity (PC, PS4, XOne) would be one of the best games ever. But it came out raw and unfinished, causing outrage among millions of gamers. But is everything so bad? No, the game turned out to be very beautiful, with well-thought-out characters, an exciting plot, various missions and good co-op, which first appeared in Assassins Creed: Unity. The gameplay mechanics were redone, but this did not always have a positive effect on the gameplay. Well, now the army of fans can be divided into 2 groups: those who praise the changes and innovations, and those who want the developers to return everything back. And which side are you on?

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