What gives Aguney Dark Syra. Hyde for Dark Sira: Learn to live a moment. Objects on the situation

Darxir plays perfectly on Hardline, you can also go to the forest, fulfilling the role of the bark, the hero is sharpened to the game against Carrie, and for massive fights. Online you need to take Stout Shield. At the beginning perfectly plays in small fights.



Ability: directed to the area

Acts on enemies

Damage Type: Magic

Vacuum. - Creates a vacuum in the selected zone, tightening all enemies there, while making a small damage. This ability is combined by almost any ability in the game, which gives a huge potential for tactical maneuvers

Ion Shell.

Acts on enemies

Damage Type: Magic

Due to Ion Shell. - You can surround the shield of any unit or a hero, the shield causes damage to everyone around the target, damage is permanently in small portions, it is excellent to throw the enemy to the enemy's crip, you can drive the enemy to yourself and your body, as the damage for starting is very large. A short recovery time allows you to keep two shields at the same time, damage from them is combined - this enemy can be burned in seconds.


Ability: aimed at unit

Specifies on allies

Surge. - Accelerates the selected hero to a short period of time, after using the ability of the target the maximum movement speed is set, this ability can be used in different ways: catch up, run away, kill, etc.

Wall of Replica.

Ability: aimed at the point

Acts on enemy heroes

Ultimate Darxira is able to reverse any fight and destroy any Carrie, even if there are 5, the point is that Wall of Replica. Creates a wall by passing through which the enemy will receive a little damage and will create a copy that will apply the same damage as the original, and if there is Aghanim Scepter in the Arsenal, it will be more than the original, namely 140%. That is, the more powerful will the enemy be, the more powerful will Dark Sir, it seems to be some kind of eastern wisdom, when you can use the enemy's strength against him.

Artifacts worth buying Dark Syra, these are subjects to Vanguard survival, Heart of Tarasque. In terms of the situation, Pipe of Insight, Aghanim Scepter, looks good on the hero. If there is a hope only for you and your allies do not cope, and the enemy Carri already have 5 -6 items, I would advise you to collect Refresher ORB, this will create two copies of the enemy.

Skill Build

Maxi We will be Ion Shell to chase enemies and beat Kriptsov. In talents, you can choose an additional damage, reducing recharge and damage from Ion Shell.

This is what Dark Sire looks like | Dark SEER ISH'KAFEL | Hare in the game itself.

Dark SEER / Hare - Very bad 3D-Max model, the result of narcotic intoxication of Blizzard creatives. Generally Dark Sir, in my humble opinion, terrible in the drawing and discrepancy of the voice acting appearance of the character. But it does not interfere hare To drag enemy timy throughout the game. At the beginning of the attacker and appreciating a lot of magic damage, and due to the mad farm and the best assembly. In general, Ion Shell decides. If someone needs a solo on Line, then with a certain quality and initial purchase Dark Seer. It can even become a quick forest pharmacetery. Read more about this after the description. Item Buil Dark Sira and Skill Build.

Characteristics Dark Seer.


This skill build is suitable for standard Pub games. The first thing we pump the shield, it is the most optimal action in time and causes a lot of damage, the enemies of the melee will not be able to normally farm on the line with you, plus it requires little mano and skill quickly recharges. At the second level, you swing precisely for insurance, for example, to help the ally escape or save your skin from death, well, do not forget that the speed will help us catch up with the enemy. The second skill in priority is downloaded, of course, a vacuum, which can be filled into one point all the enemy team together with screensions, and if there is a weigh in the team, well, you understood. Ult, I advise you to download when the game is signed, if your team actively flies or you. If you feel, Fast Puffers are not foreseen, ult not to download better, it is not very sensitive from him.

With such a pale, the initial purchase of a special role will not play. Consider two options to Ithet Build.

Item Build / Ithem Build for Dark SEER / Hare:

Principal Procurement for Dark Sira / Elementary Item Build for Dark SEER


The branches will give us +3 to all attributes, we are then APNEM to RIGN OF BASILIUS, and Tango and Mana pipette makes us the spent units of health and mana. At the beginning of Manu, we spend only on the shield, acceleration

we spend only in the extreme case. We collect Fri (Trejads), then, and if fate threw us a successful gange, then we collect radiation. Radiation + shield give us a bunch of coins and then the main thing is to spend on the right artifacts. If there is something in your team, you should not interfere with it to farm the line and count only on myself, with several successful enemy attacks on you, you easily retain the level and generally slow down in development, and will not be able to kill enemies. The useful thing for the hare is Shivi, she gives us a rabid regen mana + stock of mana, also increases us armor and is an active subject that helps to slow down opponents and cause 300 damage. We buy, just because the sire is easy to farm, and everyone knows that it does not happen except, well, as well as it gives us mad regen mana and adds more than 25 units. To intellect. We need to collect because you will want to kill the enemies, very much harm from you, at the beginning of a fight that is not particularly noticeable, but when the radiation is painful + shield + shiva and in the additives vacuum they will collect in a bunch, the whole focus usually triggers the Dark Siera. If you met a lonely enemy seagull, then I drove shiva, the shield and calm, then the running-run near the enemy will fall into the tavern. It didn't work out on, livea - you dniwe ebanoe !!! Well, or just buy cheap arts from the components, we apprust my silence. He himself was doing so much.

In a pair with a row, collect 6 lvl stick-pusher. The stroke hangs up an ult, throw acceleration on the same Persian and pushing. We will take it even with FUL HP guaranteed, unless of course they will not be chuck.

Sometimes it happens that your team does not have a tank and socks. For such a case Dark Sir Also fit, all because Dark Sir is not homeless and even noob will be able to quickly snaffle coins without much difficulty.

We buy at the beginning and trees. Farmim ring on regen, crutch and

The second part of the guide in Dark Sira For version Dots 6.80. . In the first part of this guide, we have already considered the characteristics, pros and cons, skills, and some rolling options for this character. The rest read in this part of the guide

3.3.2) Itemsman (what to collect Dark Sira Damageru)

Our high potential of Hero Killer at the beginning of the game will gradually decline and it will be necessary to compensate for our shortcomings and multiply the advantages. Recall our main consists, being like Damager:

BUT) dependent on manna \u003d\u003e at the beginning and midwife without manna - we are cannon meat
B) Small dexterity increase \u003d\u003e Slow attack speed
IN) Char on intelligence \u003d\u003e Arts to agility will not give a greater increase in damage, which narrows the list of arts on DPS
D) to be dd - it means to be in the center of the knead, and it is not so much hp

A) What will give us and damage and regen MP at the same time?

1) Battle Fury - Why not? Good regen on hp and mp, going to pretty simple and composite parts (I mean ROH AND VIID STONE ) Help the game from the very beginning. It will also give a good damage and 30% of the distribution of damage through the nearest enemies - which will improve the farm and strengthen the potential of Damagra in Letete.
I recommend all the same Batlfuri if you have a weak micro and you do not want to bother with additional hero's abilities.

2) Orchid - Yes, it is he. It is assembled very easily and directly on Line, the composite parts are not expensive, it gives just a cosmic regeneration MP, an increase in the speed of attack and + active ability.

IMHO ORCHID will be better than batlfuri, because Gives more Reean MP, gives the same increase to the damage (because we will have +20 to intelligence, and we are smoked for intelligence, which means +20 additional DMG).Orchid Does not give a ross, but he (ross) we need only deeply, because Farma we have and so magic, and the rumble against the heroes of the enemy is quite controversial while our datamag with hands are not yet high, but Orchid also gives +30 to the speed of attack, which is very important for us.
And the huge plus of this art in active Silence, which gives + 20% of the DMG on the target and 5 seconds makes helpless meat from the enemy (of course, if it is not an eleven
Troll with butterfly and satanik ...). It will be great to look at when we hung on an Ans to catch up with a retreating enemy at the rate and not to kakastnaya the mill, king him with a hand 20% more painful.
But the proper use of Orchid requires a good micro and experience of the game as for Dark Sira and in general in Dota, so the beginners collect extremely careful.

So, we take one of these arts, which will give us damage and regen MP.

B) If we collected ORCHID, then partially the question with the speed of attack we have already decided. What else?

Power Treads (crutch) "Let us give us the speed of attack and run, and plus will increase either HP or MP (just need to switch to agility!).

Cuirass - not only increase our attack speed, but will make us much lively due to the growth of armor and will be more painful to beat, because We reduce the armor of all opponents around. Good items for our DD.

Butterfly - It will give not only the speed of attack, but also adds faith, which, naturally, will increase our survival in the knead.

Mljonir - will give us not only the speed of attack, but also will increase damage, plus will give extra damag with the hands and excellent passive and the activity. The first helps to farm and harass enemies, and the second will often help with the masses of the knee, because We will be in the center of events and will focus.

C) What else will increase our hand damage?

Radiance - often collect syws, because Radik makes mega pharmer's mega and coupled with a shield to a moment a lot of hp in enemies. The main minus art is very expensive.

ICD - We collect only if there are more than 2 chairs of the enemy with a "damp" or a butterfly. If there are no or it is only 1, then we do not need art.

Buriza - Oh yes, after collecting at least 1 art on Damag and 1 to increase the speed of attack, crises will fly often and very much! Good Art Leitov Damaghera.

D) we need to survive in the knee, because We miles and intend to beat hard and in the very center of events. What makes us more survivors?

Taraska - Art gives the most hp and his good regen. Everything is clear with him.
Cuirass - Many underestimate the significance of armor in the game - you are in those part, on the site there is all the infa about armor. Plus, this ART increases our attack speed and reduces opponents armor, which speaks its unequivocal benefits.

Butterfly - Fullies, it's good ... But even until that moment until the enemy collected the ICD ...
Vangaard - cheap and angry. Excellent will help us first thanks to the block and regen HP. After all, we will pursue the enemy and drive it under the tower, and all suitable enemy crimes will be agreed on us. Excellent art at the beginning / mide, then you can safely change on the heart or satanik.

Satika "An excellent art, with a good damage and active ability makes a terrible enemy from us and does not allow us to die in the knee.

And now the lawsuit:
"How did all the above-described arts fit into our inventory of 6 slots?" Answer: "None"

Here, the choice will depend on your preferences, from your micro, from the enemy's chairs and allies.
For example:
- If in Tim an opponent, some casters and magicians, then it is more logical to collect instead of Vantuard
Hood (PIP) And it makes sense to collect a butterfly then 100% no (because the main damage is not with the hand, but from the pen).
- If you have a weak micro and you are lost in the knead, then Orchid and Mljonir should not collect.
- If a bunch of fiz damaggers with Basha, then it will be logical to collect
Blade Mail. .
- If there are many disapelers or newners among enemies, then it is logical to collect Linkin or BKB

But the arts, to the assembly of which I would take care of caution:
The desolator is a good art on Damag, usually collected as 1 art on DMG. Gives an ORB, lowering the enemy armor. We have the first art on DMG either BF or ORCHID, and the ORB on the lifestil in Leite is definitely more hard.
Manta - will make us a lively due to illusions and stat, plus will give us the speed of movement. But for this money you can think over other arts. You can take again against the troll and the like it.

Do not take these arts:

Diffuses - gives us an orchers and active slowdown. IMHO art is not for us, we are more important than other orbs and abilities.
Basher - Although the chance of Basha is great, we need arts to serious Damag to kill several enemies in the knee. And buy the Bashner to meet someone in the forest - is not the best solution.

Midas - will give the speed of attack and everything ... Farma we have so beautiful.
Dagon - We must kill 5 enemies immediately. If you can kill 5 spells with the help of 1 Dagon, then the flag in your hands.
Bloxton - gives only rejoen manna and increases HP. It is better for us to buy a satanic or heart, and is already regen and so already exist.

As a result, the ultimate assembly of Darxira killer will always vary. Here is an example of a collected for Leit Sira:

3.3.3) Tactics

It is better to go to side linies, because There is more distance between his and someone else's tip and we will be able to pursue the enemy longer and make early keels. However, Sira can perfectly stand and solo Foreign Ministry and Solo Against 2. We are generally well done! \u003d)

Darxira tactics when digging in DD comes down to constant farm and murder of enemies with the permissibility of the stylists at an ally. We need money and we use all methods available for this. At the beginning, we do not give enemies to shout normally and already from 3 LVL begin to actively strain the shield. We are active and aggressive from the very beginning, because Our shield inflicts a very significant damage on enemies.

Note: Enemies often do not fully realize how much our shield will be given them., Therefore, it will be extremely difficult to fight against us under the shield and, probably, you can pick up a couple of frags due to the rashness of the enemy.

I bite a bit, we begin not only to kill on our linen, but also gangby neighboring (not forgetting to walk through the forest and to buarm neutrals). MFA Game passes under our dominance, because Our ripes are still strong enough, and we will overtake all and all. The task of this stage is to accumulate to serious arts for leta. Methods - Ganges, Fast Push, Demolition Tower, Forest, Gang ...

Leit is a neat and thoughtful game, because It's much less from our shield is much less, and the enemy has become ridiculous and go to pile. So now you shouldn't climb on the rags, only the team game goes here. You already have to be almost a full purchase, so let's now farm and your allies.

3.3.4) Farm and Push.Farm is an important component for any hero, we have something to be easily and fast \u003d)

Pharmacy options:
1) Lasthit - all art should own this art, and this will be able to sir enough. We have a high basic damage and finish Crip should not be a big problem for us. I draw your attention to the attack animation - damage is applied almost at the end of the animation, so you need a small training for good LH.


Shield on him - I get up so as to touch and Renge Crip and Miles, and then we try to make a lastry not our crimes, and we \u003d)


Shield on mile crip enemy - An interesting technique, which makes it possible to pick up the minimum of 2 enemy crips even before meeting with our cripows. How to fulfill: we are Line and see a walking bundle of enemy crips. Next, you can kide the shield on the middle mile Crip and get gold for 1 and 3 crip out of the column, and then we finish the rest. Plus this method is that we get gold faster and do not expose yourself any danger, because We are at a safe distance from the enemy. And also, enemies can not kill their crips until they do not have red lives. And this means that the shield will hang long \u003d)
Note: Creep with a shield can also eat or replace Dominator, Chanom, etc. Then the shield will be launched no enemy, but we.4) Shield on the hero of the enemy - For example, we for some reason remained alone on Line, and against usSven and Lesherak ... Let's go - we are a corpse, and after hanging the shield, he himself will be farm, but it will add gold to us, and soon the ally is suitable for Ganges.


Shield on his mile crip - This is the most common type of pharmium, because Not only gives us the opportunity to take Gold for enemy crips, but does not allow enemy-miles to cripam, thereby we leave them without gold or they try to shout and then they will punish themselves with a strong damage. The minus of this method is that the enemy can draw a crip with a shield - to quickly merge it and calmly farm further.Rule 1: Hang the shield is needed at that crip, which will be killed later than others.
Those. If you are a pack of your crips, thenno need to hang the shield on the first in line, After all, enemy crimes will begin to attack him first and we will not get the effect we need. We hide the shield on 2 or 3 miles Crip.

Push is the rapid kill of the enemy crips on Line with the aim of the speedy demolition of enemy buildings.

Sire can take any number of crips in 2 seconds. To do this, we run into a bunch of crips,

hinder the shield and we make a vacuum by collecting everyone around your person. You can not even beat anyone with your hands, everything will be in a matter of seconds.
After a successful gang or just murder 1-2, the heroes of the enemy immediately run on line and pursue it. If the Push is impossible, then we run on the next gang or in the forest, there we have already been beneficial
Gnolls and other animals. 3.3.5) Haras opponentUnder Haras, the enemy understands a serious damage to him in order to further kill him or not to give him calmly to farm. We will exercise Haras as follows:


Shield on our mile crip - Mile opponents will be extremely rare.


Shield on us "And we run to the enemy (but you don't need to immediately poke him with an attack, just run next to him, he will also get a serious DMG). He will most likely take away, and we will kill Renge Crip and go farm further. Our enemy remains without experience and without money.


Shield on the hero of the enemy - If NUBE is against you, they may not know that the shield hanged not on Sira also causes damage. So one hero may stupidly kill another, not even understood because of what.

4) Shield on us or on our mile crip + vacuum - everything is extremely clear here,

We are tightened by the vacuum to the unit with a shield And thereby not only speed up our farm and skipping line, but also the opponent's patsya.


Shield on Far Range Cryp Enemics "If a Renger is a hero against us, the shield will force him either to move and not shout, or move closer to us and we will be able to beat him with your hands. Well helps against newcomers, but against experienced players, this kind of Haras is not the best.Note: It is not necessary to just do the vacuum to do, it costs a lot of manna and causes too little DMG, which does not justify his mindless use. Always make a bunch of shield + vacuum. Moreover, the Vacuum Center can not be shifted clearly to the unit with a shield, but a little longer, because the enemy will still run on the inertia to his tower, which means it will be longer in the field of the shield. He will have to run it.3.3.6) GangesConsider two options for Ganges: 1) with Laina; 2) from the forest.

1) On Line, any gang begins with the preliminary Haras of the enemy, because Hero from FUL HP killed is extremely difficult, without having 2 mills / dissemeybles (you have already read about Haras). So, you are a little bitten 1 of the opponents and are ready for an attempt to kill: It is best for the Allian-Stanner, such as Venga. You

throw a shield on yourself, And at that time, Winga - Stan in the enemy. You become in front of the enemy so as to block him the path of retreat, hit 1 time and continue to bite it, lamage shield and the ally, too good to stick the enemy in the back. If he can run away from you, thenreturn it with vacuum, trying again to be in your back and you rehearsed the path again. If he is still alive, thenwe throw the shield again (if he ended)Speed \u200b\u200bper yourself And run next to, finishing with a hand when the enemy will be Lowe HP.

If there is no ally-inner, the principle remains the same, just instead of the mill goes

Speed \u200b\u200bper yourself and block the enemy, periodically beat with hands +Vacuum + again speed \u003d frag. Note: Beit with hands only when you overtake the enemy a little, so that the shield always put the damage victim. If you click just to attack the enemy in the back (when it runs away from you), even when you are at speed, we will hit and dwell on time and the enemy will get less DMG than could in the case with the right position of us, regarding his modeling.2) Ganges from the forest begins, in principle, similar to Ganges on Line "Without Stanker": wewe put on the shield, do speed And we run out of the bushes hitting with the hands and pursuing a scoundrel. Next is the sameVacuum, again speed And Block again and at the right moments beat with your hands.Note: Do not forget that on 4 LVL, our shield causes 75 DMGs per second, which is only a little less than our hand damage, but the damage with the hands here we have less frequently than once per second. Therefore, sometimes it makes sense just run next to the enemy and let him die from the shield, because By hitting the enemy, we risk falling back from it.3.3.7) "+" And "-" pumping+ We get +1 Leit Damager in Tim
+ we are gangham and carry a rustle from the early lvl
+ We do not give normally to swing enemy on Line
- We do not give a swing to our ally, if we stand together
- We will focus, because With us the main damag \u003d\u003e we are always in danger and we are prioritized for the opponent's gangs
- If the opponents have many studies / disapelers, then the BKB is needed, and this is minus 1 art on Damag, and this is you will not make Tripl Kil in the knee
- As a damager, we are extremely dependent on the arts, so to be good leit-dd, you need a lot of expensive arts on DMG and the speed of attack, which in turn exclude many articles on survival and other
The star takes place to be, and in the pub you can easily enslave such an assembly. On KV and closes, Sira is likely to be a support-tank, and others guys will be lady ...

3.4) Development through "Sapporta"Well, finally, the routing for more serious games is through a support. Few love to play like that, and many simply do not know how and do not understand the role of a support.

The Sapport is a hero who will promote the victory of the team at the expense of the following things:
- assistance in farm to its ally
- help in Gange and earning frags to their ally
- Card Intelligence: Ward
- Mobility of players: Our "Speed" and our Kura (Applied!)
- help in the knee
- deprivation of experience of enemies: Creep's removal, finishing their crips, etc.

Note: If you have 2 strong hero solo - then we run into the forest along the already proven schema.
If not, then we go on a complex line with an ally-leta and in every way we please the latter \u003d), respectively, then we consider the version of the link on Line with an ally.3.4.1) Skillbilda 1) Speed
2) Shield
3) Shield
4) +
5) Shield
6) Vacuum
7) Shield
8) Vacuum
9) Vacuum
10) Vacuum
11) Ult
12) ult
13) +
14) +
15) +
16) ult

Why speed by 1 lvl and why only 1 time?
- speed is needed immediately, because We have in priority to save if that ally or yourself from Ganges. More than more than enough in the early stages of the game.
Why shield? We like a support ...
"The shield will be needed to interfere with the enemy + Haras Heroes, which will give the opportunity to normally feel our kerry or kill the outburned opponent.
MB makes sense to pump a vacuum at the beginning?
- MB and there ... it all depends on the aggressiveness of the enemy and your ally. If we count on early gangs / murders, you can start to run before. But then you need to always carefully follow the manna, so that everything is enough.

Note: Skill pumping will be directly dependent on the ally and enemy on Line. If an ally can almost 1 kill 1 of the opponents, then vacuum pumping is possible. For example, if the troll stands with us, then the vacuum can be administered in priority so that the frag takes it precisely, and not you. As always, it all depends on the specific game and the situation as a whole.

3.4.2) Itemsman (what to collect Dark Sira Sapporter)

Purchase, as actually everything else, will again depend on the enemy's charms, our allies and the strata that you will adhere to. In any case, to stand on Line and be a useful team as long as possible, our first artists will be:

Kura. - Not discussed, Mast Hev.
Basil - For rejuven Manna, we and the ally, + armor, strengthening Push.
Vangaard - Relax HP, survival in the knee and underexted Haras opponent.
Varda - If there is no more, then forward and with the song to put in the forest and on the hillock.

Bracera / Zeros - Intermediate art, are needed both for manna and to increase survival in the early stages. Choose depending on the aggressiveness of the game.

Guinza - If it is very necessary in Time +1 Disable. Take against powerful and dangerous DD (Troll, Mortar, Slatar, Balanar, Murlock etc) or against channeling ultrasEnigma .
In addition to the wonderful Diesel, Art will give us survival rate by increasing Stat and Regen Manna.

Shiva - We take for more damage to oo and strengthen the potential of the Pusher / Antipuster. Also increase our survival at the expense of armor and give a good passive.

Necro - if a lot of invisors (Ricky, Nerube, Gondar, Bonik etc) and for Pushchi. It will give us plus HP, MP and wonderful sammones, burning Mann to the enemy.

Vladimir - Logical continuation of the basil. Gives lifestilles to us and allies, increases the Push potential. Very relevant if you have a lot of allies miles or there is a char with sammones, such as Enigma, Mom or Furion.

Mecca - If the FAST is very necessary, then we take. It looks good with the same spells-sammones as in the previous paragraph.

Pipe - If my hops is then Mast Hev. The team will definitely grateful to you. Give us in addition to resistance also and regen Hp, which is very good.

Bot - We do not need to quickly beat, because the damage is small, so PT will notice. We, and so quickly run and damage us again, is not very necessary, the Fasiki in the furnace. If a lot of money, then take the bot. Need to quickly move on Linam and Push with an ally.

Taraska - To wish to cast and apply all active ripes, there should be a lot of HP in us, and the heart like nothing else is suitable for this purpose.

Ribs - We take when Ginus / Shiva / nec / Pipe has already been collected, i.e. After the primary right arts for Tim. In addition to the speed of attacks for the Allies, will greatly increase our survival rate at the expense of armor.

Blade Mail. - We take it, if we hurt and beat hard. This was already talking about this arte, I will not repeat.

What is rather unnecessary than relevant to Sira:

BKB - We are a support, let them focus on us than our kerry. If a lot of magicians, then cook the Pip, he will also benefit the rest of the team.

Linken is similar to BKB; We are a team player, not a single killer. Pipe will be better.

Arts on DMG - here we have a different role and hand out, alas, not us.

I described the main arts, but on the situation of the game may be needed other atems, for example, Arkana or Eah. Always analyze what is happening in the game and you will realize what will be the best purchase.

For example, I will give an approximate support of the support:

3.4.3) Tactics

As I have already spoke at the beginning of the "Sapporta" point, we will in every way we will warm our ally. What is the complexity here? In the fact that we must suppress our ego and sacrifice everything and all for the sake of teammates and the common victory. Not many love to play the boots, and most people do not know how. Do not understand the main task of the Sapporto - team support.

Our tactic at the beginning The game comes down to seeking their crips, Harasa enemy and periodic runways into the forest with a possible subsequent gangom on Line.
Mid game - These are only Forest Rubber, where we promote Gangu with our allies and thereby give them the opportunity to quietly swing and earn frags. Also, do not forget to successfully fuse linen after the next beautiful gang.
Leit - Here we are a push / antipusher and in the kneading crawling gently and on time to have time to divert all our ability before we are sled ...

Tactic for the SAPPA comes down to understanding simple truth: "You are part of the team if the team is good, it's good to you. If it is good only to you, then you are a fucking support ".

3.4.4) Farm

Farm in our sudden, because Here they should not be rude, but a thimmete.

Our main tasks for farm:
- to finish your crips
- to finish alien crips if an ally will definitely not have time to pick up this crip
- Making a lastch for an ally is more comfortable, i.e. If you see that the ally "stops" attack to finish Crip, and Crip has a yellow hp, then knock 1 time this Crip and the ally immediately achieves him
- Disturb your crips in the forest and farm there - it is very useful to do when you have already skipped Line and are at the opponent's tower. And to return the crips closer to your tower, you will assign another wave into the forest
- do not finish alien crips that are intended for an ally and which he will have time to pick up
"When you've driven 1 enemy from Laina, then we go to the forest so that the whole experience takes the ally, and we will not lose in the experience and earn money. The enemy returned on line, we also come back
- From the middle of the game, we either in the forest or gangham or push after a successful gang. The only thing when Pharmim is unpunished - this is if we are 1 on Line or if you need a fast push. Then the shield and tighten all the vacuum to yourself

Note 1: By the middle of the game, you can help a very good to farm ally - You run forward your crips, hang shield on yourself and make a vacuum, tightening enemy crips. But after that, we immediately run away from them to the side, thereby you will leave very little HP from every crip and leit ally will be grateful to you. If an ally has a nyuk, then you can run right to meet him - he will immediately take the whole wave. If there is no night, turn down the coca crips to the side so that your crips do not switch to them and passed on, and the ally will continue for you and take the whole pack "with the hands."

Note 2: In the forest, Farmim is written above in the "Forest Farm" paragraph.

Note 3: Be careful when hanging on the shield, because You can accidentally pick up the crip of your ally.

3.4.5) Gang and Haras opponent

So that the ally is well swing to kill the enemy and give Fre-Farm Timmete. For this, we are the Harasim opponent by analogy with Karas from the point "Rashchka through Damaghera - Haras". Separately, I will only note that here Haras will be one of the main tasks for us, because Farm goes to 2 plan, and most importantly, knock off opponents away from Cryp. Therefore, do not hesitatehang on the shield And run up to the enemy inflicting 1-2 impact and rummage to finishing their crips.

Ganges is not different from previously described ganges. BUT! I remember the main task of the support and do remarks:
- We leave all the frags to the ally
- Take the frag only if we are confident that an ally will not be able to finish the enemy
- neatly block your model with a shield, so that you do not accidentally finish the enemy
- Vacuum on the runaway enemy we do when it does not have a low hp, but a little earlier, because He also fuses from the shield (we correctly refund him behind your back so that it is more difficult to escape) and +1 blow from the hands, the ally will just be left 1-2 hit to pick up frag
- Speeds hang on an ally to finish the running rascant
- hang shield on an ally if you beat a few enemies and you can defeat them

In Gange, it is important to catch the right moment and make earn frag by the ally. We will earn money in the forest and with the fasteners.

3.4.6) Salvation allies

I allocated this item separately, because We have a lot of abilities that allow you to help timmes to avoid death:
1) Speed - everything is clear here,hide at the runaway ally And he helps with heels, runs to the database. You can also hang acceleration on an ally if he just oversleep to another place - help a friend save time.
Vacuum - you can turn the whole ohow opponents For a decent distance, which is usually enough for an ally to escape to a safe distance. The main thing is not forget to escape yourself.
Ultra - illusions who appeared from enemy heroes at least on mile seconds butdrink the attention of the enemy + Perhaps the defendant movement.
Active arts arts - Meka, Pipe, Her, Hex, Shiva, etc. - Buy these items are not enough, it is important to apply them on time!Before the start of the knee, I make Pipe, at the very beginning of the knead, when the first castes flew - we make mek and Shiva. The most dangerous and nasty in Hex or eating. Do not forget to use all the above!

Never forget about the teams - they are yours! Let them help them - they will help you.

3.4.7) "+" And "-" pumping

Get a soldered leta ally ahead of time
+ We are as a result of an excellent support-tank, a useful team
+ get a good gangger
- You will not be appreciated in the pub
- Sad farm, no frags, no Godlainka ...
- requires knowledge of the game and experience

As a result, pumping is very interesting precisely to experienced players who feel the game and can make all active ability and leave frags to allies, while staying alive. As I wrote, this option will be regarded as: "Oh, Sira Stat 1/3, yes you are scho, you don't drag the game at all!" And no one will notice that you have 24 Assist ... But, as they say, it is

Best friends

We will prepare our enemies vacuum for their ultrasound

Pug. - hinder it acceleration and no one will run away from him

Miner - We can pull enemies gently on his mines

AKS - We are shielding on it and we are tightened to him enemies - and enemies in his power

- we are on them shield, and they quietly run and laugh opponents without leaving the Inviz

Worst enemies

Antimag. - destroy the magicians - his vocation

Silenser - Also a very unpleasant personality for all magicians

Neuble - can easily kill us from your penny, and Manu Zaget, Emagne

Hyde in Dark Sirawritten for dota allstars v6.78


- Do not have problems with farm (a set of money and experience).

- Very multifaceted, can be anyone in a team.

- In Gange (attack on the enemy line) is very useful.

- It looks good as a support (support hero)

- relatively simply kills heroes in the early stages.

- Good counterweight to the guns (heroes engaged in the demolition of the Step and Base).

- The level of initial armor pleases.

- The initial damage is not bad.

- For the team will become the most needed link.

- We are weak in terms of health (like all magicians, with an emphasis on intellect).

- In the early stages of the game heavily needed man.

- The increase in dexterity with increasing levels is not enough, which lowers its potential of Herokiller (the hero having good abilities to kill other heroes of the enemy).

- Folded for beginners.

- Magician with near battle.

Let's look at the skills (magic) of the hero.


In the future, in the guide, we will call Dark Sira - DS. DS tightens enemies in one point, causing damage at the same time, does not work on the allies.

  1. Level - 40 units damage.
  2. Level - 80 damage units.
  3. Level - 120 units of damage.
  4. Level - 160 units of damage.

Recharge: 24 seconds.

Mana stands: 100/130/160/190 units.

About magic with simple words: all the enemies that have fallen into the zone of the spell will be pulled to the center, magic is useful in team battle, since when we hide enemies into a bunch, allies in magicians driving around the area can deliver the enemies of major troubles.

Ion Shell.

Envelops the goal of the energy shield that burns closely neutral and enemy units within twenty seconds, the damage itself is not applied.

  1. Level - 30 units damage per second.
  2. Level - 50 damage units per second.
  3. Level - 70 units of damage per second.
  4. Level - 90 damage units per second.

Recharge: 10 seconds.

Mana stands: 70/90/110/130 units.

About magic simple words: Here is our magic that will provide us with a successful development and an excess of money, throwing this magic to one of the crips, which no one beats, and it pushes next to the battle, we can take about three crips from the pack, and this approximately 120 coins. And now imagine that the pack of crips has accumulated a major, how much can we pick up gold and experience from her? That's right, quite a lot.


The selected unit begins to move with the maximum possible speed - 522 - within a few seconds.

  1. Level - 3 seconds.
  2. Level - 4.5 seconds.
  3. Level - 6 seconds.
  4. Level - 7.5 seconds.

Recharge: 12/11/10/9 seconds.

Mana stands: 20/30/40/50 units.

About magic simple words: Saves everyone and all from an imminent death, as an ally under this magic begins to run away well, very quickly. It will also allow us to quickly move between the lines, creating the effect of surprise. Including catching up with this magic, too, can be sufficiently successfully.

Wall of Replica.

Creates a wall, when passing through which the enemy appears, it appears copies, which is managed and friendly in relation to us. It can be improved by agname (value in brackets - value after assembly of aghanging).

  1. The level - illusion is obtained by 300% and cause 70% (100%), duration of 15 seconds.
  2. The level - illusion is obtained by 300% and apply 80% (120%), duration 30 seconds.
  3. The level - illusion is obtained by 300% and apply 90% (140%), duration 45 seconds.

Recharge: 100 seconds.

Mana stands: 200/300/400 units.

About magic Simple language: This ulta is both folded and simple. First, its use is quite elementary, put the wall and all who will pass through it, get 150 damage and their copy on our side. Secondly, the number of different combinations with the help of the wall is huge and you will have to study them yourself, since it would be necessary for them a separate guide (which may well appear). However, in the team battle, if you leave the vacuum and the wall at the same time, you can sow confusion among the enemies, increasing the chances of the team for the successful outcome of the battle.

What order to pump magic:

1)Ion Shell.
2) + (Stats, Yellow Pluses)
3)Ion Shell.
4) +
5)Ion Shell.
7)Ion Shell.
15)Wall of Replica.
16)Wall of Replica.
17)Wall of Replica.

When pumping magic, you need to consider the features of the game, we are given the most common option. You may have a lot of question. Where is the ult? At the beginning, it is not relevant, since the enemies of weak and serious damage will not apply their copies. Why do plunks instead of vacuum? Vacuum inflicts little damage and stands a lot of mana, so it's not profitable in an early game. Why do not download speed? Initially, we need a farm, so we take a shield and pluses, and it is unlikely that we will need to run away from enemies at the initial stages of the game.


With his magic of causing fat (the inability to pronounce spells) spoils us the whole game.
Silence (silence) - our main problem.
It is no pleasant to the trax.
A very unpleasant opponent, since we are mostly wearing magicians, and the North is a good set of anti-Mahagian things, they will not have sweet against him. Although with the usual attack we can compete, but still.
Under his ultra, we cannot pronounce spells, plus demolitions a lot of health.
Burns Manu and ignores the damage from the shield, plus at the speed we are unlikely to run away from it, as it has blink.
Silence in the amount with a big damage with the usual attack will give us as you should take it.
It has immunity to magicians and very strong in the usual battle, we should not hurt him with manual attacks.
The mana is burning out, and with competent management and will bring us all the health with magicians.


Throw the shield on it, and he runs around in invisibility and causes damage to enemies.
We are tightened by enemies to it, throw the shield, it includes the first magic and dissipating enemies.
We tighten enemies to him, and he ultimies.
We collect him enemies under the dome.
We are preparing vacuum to him soil under the productive mill.
His ult will work as effectively after our vacuum.
We tighten enemies closer to the tree, and it ultitles.
Our vacuum and black hole are well combined, without leaving the chances of enemies to escape.

Principal Procure:

Hyde N.dark Sirai consider when playing in dota 5 × 5, i.e. Gold at the beginning will be 603.

Forest Dark Sir.

Shield for block damage from neutral animals from the forest, and with the help of the toporist you will kill them faster and you can cut the forest.

Dark Sir - One (Museum) on the middle line. Stout Shield will bring the courier, since at the beginning it is not needed on the midline (midway), because the distant battle will be most often against you, and the shield blocks better damage from melee enemies. A pair of mantle will be significantly added to the stock of mana and can more often use Ion Shell..

Dark Siron the top or bottom line. The courier may take the museum (well, if no one wants to take, then take you). The heroes of the melee are more often about the line, so we take the shield necessarily, in the extreme case you can go to the forest or on the taps, then there will be a vanguard from the shield. Mantle will give a bonus to the stock of mana so that you can throw on yourself, ally and crips Ion Shell,also, the twigs will add a little to the characteristics, and the tango is needed in order to eat at the lines every time.

Final procure:

Option number 1.

Dark Sirin Leteratera (hero for late play). So it is necessary to gather if the game in the beginning was set and you have managed to accumulate for a radiac to 25-30 minutes. Or if there are a lot of magicians in the team who will not be able to fulfill the role of tanks (heroes who take damage) or put a strong damage to enemies and by the end of the game from them there will be very little sense.

Health regeneration, damage block in battle, thanks to which we can run under the shield to the most bunch of crips.
Add damage with the usual attack.
In total with our shield, it will just just have a huge number of killed crips, plus a good bonus to the attack.
It will increase our survival in battles and give aura for allies and the attack speed for us.
It will increase the regeneration of mana and health and will give damage that applies further, it also looks good with a shield.

Option number 2.

Pumping Sirain the magazine, which will always give Mana, will be departed, slow down the enemies, kins Surge.on an ally, so that he managed to escape or the enemy will turn into a harmless little animal. So you should gather in most cases. Namely when you have good damages (heroes that cause damage, such as the mort, troll, jigging, trax, etc.) and tanks (Centaur, CD, AKS, etc.) in a team.

Why do these items collect?

Very useful for magicians in particular, in addition will give us additional magic, turning enemies in the animals, which will perfectly complement our set of spells making us an even more useful part of the team.
In any case, we must survive and mine money, but how it is done, it was painted in the first embodiment.
Adds us an armor units, thanks to which our overall vitality rises. As a pleasant bonus gives us another magic in the form of a slowdown of enemies and a small damage - in a compartment with a wave range allows you to almost not leave the chances of enemies to escape. Plus - constant aura-slowdown.
Improves our ult and gives bonuses to characteristics.
We must bring the maximum benefit of the team? Therefore, we collect arcanes, which, by the way, will be a good increase to mana and its regeneration.
If you are going to become a support, hope and support team - this should be one of your first artifacts, since used at the right moment, Mekanasm can save our comrades from inevitable, seemingly death.

Objects on the situation:

We must heroically accept magic as a support. And it will be nice to look, if we are trying to finish it in the first place without it.
It may be suitable for creating an unexpected effect so as not to give enemies to catch up, as you already flew into their system with the shield included in front of the entire team. Although all this can be done at speed.
If we are beaten often and willingly, you collect Blade Mail.
If the enemy has a lot of magicians who put big damage spells, it will be helpful to collect the Pipe instead of BKB.
Two walls will create even greater confusion among the enemies, in addition, will give us good bonuses to mana regeneration and a little to the characteristics.
It may be very useful. It will give the speed of attack, its strength and passive and active magic. Passive will help with farme, so that we instantly demolished the crips, and the active will come in handy in battle, as we should be in his center.
It will give bonuses to the characteristics of mana and its regeneration, a little speed. With the help of active magic, we can turn off dangerous opponents from the battle.
In order to have time we had time to spill all their plans to reality, we need a lot of health, and Taraska, how can it be suitable for us.
I think there is no need to paint what we need all those decent bonuses that give this subject to mana, health, etc. Plus, even if we desire, then bring the team benefit.
It is quite expensive, but if there is someone from the discharge of strong magicians in terms of damage or cracking fat (the inability to pronounce spells), which are very acting on the nerves, it may be quite by the way. Usefulness compensate the high cost of full.
Dast mobility, even more mobility, just a hurricane mobility!
It will give us a good damage with the usual attack and periodically departing crises (enlarged damage).
It will be relevant only if the enemy has two or more characters with damp or butterfly.
Give vampirism to us and allies. It will look good if we have a lot of melee characters. But keep in mind that if someone has already collected Vladimir, you do not advise you to collect it too.
It will be an excellent artifact for us for damage. It also has a passive ability that lowers the opponent's armor.
It will give us damage from the usual attack in the amount with the manne and its regeneration. As a pleasant addition gives active magic Silence, which you can shut up the most active magicians.

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