Walkthrough of Myst V: End of Ages. Anthology Myst download torrent


1. "QUIR" - Dungeon World. Beginning of the game
"DEREBO" - World of Four Spheres
2. "TAGIRA" - World of Ice
"DEREBO" - World of Four Spheres
3. "TODELMER" - World of Sky
"DEREBO" - World of Four Spheres
4. "NOLOBEN" - World of the Tropics
"DEREBO" - World of Four Spheres
5. "RELISHAN" - World of Barro. Game finale


We present to you a review of the latest game in the MYST series with basic tips for true players familiar with previous versions of the game MYST - one of the smartest and most elite search games in the adventure genre. It should be said that "MYST V - END OF AGES" is no less complex, but more dynamic. The graphics of the various worlds are extremely polished and incredibly beautiful. The characters are written down to the smallest detail and are as close as possible to the real person. And new adventures in wonderful worlds will bring true pleasure to both beginners and experienced players.
A total of seven episodes of the game "MYST" have been released:
1. "MYST PPC" - 1 CD.
2. "MYST" - 1 CD.
4. "REAL MYST" - 1 CD. 3D worlds with a new ending.
5. "MYST III - EXILE" - 4 CDs or 1 DVD.
8. "MYST V - END OF AGES" - 1 DVD or 3 CD.
The basic components of the "MYST" series are considered to be the games "MYST", "RIVEN - THE SEQUEL TO MYST", "MYST III - EXILE", "MYST IV - REVELATION" and "MYST V - END OF AGES".
During the game you will have to solve problems of varying degrees of difficulty using a 5-point system. Clues are found during the search process, linking colors, sounds and shapes into a logical sequence. All other settings are located in the "Options" section.
Note. By default, the passage uses the “clockwise” principle: the description of the rooms and the location of objects is from left to right.
Located at the top of the screen. To go to the toolkit, right-click:
1. Diary
2. Diary sheets
3. Magazine
4. Recording
5. Exit


1. Dungeon World - KVIR

1.1. Central Hall
You are standing in a round Central Hall with seven arched passages, at the end of which there are wrought iron arched doors. Seeing you, strange mysterious creatures that vaguely resemble monkeys leave the Hall. Directly in front of you is a table covered with a red patterned carpet. On the table is the Book of Mist in a metal braid. The book does not open. The sound of a distant earthquake can be heard periodically. The floor of the Central Hall is split by a crack. It is obvious that it is not safe to remain in the Hall. Having examined all the doors, we are convinced that six of them are closed and only one can be opened by pressing the door handle. This is the second door from the table - from left to right. By pressing the handle we open the door and through the arched opening we find ourselves in a passage with colored stained glass windows, the arch of which rests on columns. To the right, the passage opening is blocked with masonry. We go to the left, go down the steps of the stairs and through the arched doorway we find ourselves in the Small Hall with two lancet windows, from which a view opens onto the inner balcony of the Hall of the Rainbow Sphere. The arched exit from the Small Hall leads to the first landing of the stairs leading down. Going down to the third platform, we see a lamp standing on the floor in front of the arched passage to the left. There is a magazine near the lamp. We take the magazine. Standing on the landing, we see that the stairs lead to a dead end - the passage opening is blocked with masonry.

1.2. Hall of the Rainbow Sphere
We go left past the lamp into the arched passage and enter the Hall of the Rainbow Sphere. At the arched window opposite the balcony, in the center of the dynamic force field of the Rainbow Sphere, which projects images of the Worlds, there is a Tablet in the form of a stone sculpture of four birds on a cruciform base. We enter the Sphere, approach the remote control and activate the Tablet with a touch of the hand. We leave the Sphere and listen to Yeshi’s monologue. At the end of the monologue, transition to the crater of the volcano.

1.3. Volcano
In the crater of the volcano we meet Escher, expressing his own point of view on the events taking place. At the end of the monologue, Asher disappears, promising a new meeting. In the center of the crater there is a small lake, on the shore there is a stone sword, its tip immersed in the ground. Inspection of the crater reveals behind an egg-shaped stone a hole with a rope ladder leading into the crater.

1.4. Dungeon
1.4.1. Level I
Having gone down the stairs, we go straight into the underground passage. To the right is an underground river. The rumble of the earthquake is heard again and tremors shake the walls of the passage. The passage leads into a tunnel. There are lamps on the floor to the left and right. At the wall opposite the exit from the passage there is a box with a blue lamp. Below is a page from Yesha's diary. The lamp on the right has the second page of the diary. To the left and to the right the tunnel ends in dead ends - the passages are blocked. At the top of the rubble, the blue eyes of some creature flicker. The hum intensifies. Two passages lead from the tunnel - on the right into Yesha's room, on the left - at the inscription on the wall - into the Round Hall with a light source on the ceiling with concentric circles, illuminating a central circle on the floor with a metal core in the center. There are three passages in the Hall. Two are closed by round metal panel doors with locking levers; in the open passage there is a dead end. We go to the right passage and examine Yesha’s room: a video recording on the projector, in the center of the room we take the third page of the diary from the couch, we examine the drawing on the bench in the stone niche of the wall, other objects, and at the exit on the left we find the Book of the World of the Four Spheres - Derebo.

World of Four Spheres - Derebo
Below the picture is a diagram of the placement of Rainbow Spheres in the World of Derebo - the starting point to other Worlds. Four squares - four Rainbow Spheres. The four lines between the squares are connecting bridges. Bridges are closed. To move freely between the Rainbow Spheres in the Derebo World, you must open the gates that lock each bridge on both sides. The lever lock post with the blue gate locking and opening button is located on the left side of the entrance to the bridge. We open the Book of the World and with the touch of our palm we go to the World of Derebo. By pressing the blue button on the left at the entrance to the bridge, we open the gates of the bridges and return to the room.
We leave the room and go right along the tunnel to another passage leading to the Round Hall. We meet Escher in the hall. Asher announces the exit and disappears. We go into the open passage and take the fourth page of the diary from the lamp. We exit the passage to the right, approach the door lever next to the round stone, pull the lever handle towards ourselves and open the metal panel door. We enter the tunnel and close the door behind us. We go straight along the tunnel and enter the Great Mine, where we meet Escher. We listen to Escher's monologue, and then carefully examine the Mine Hall. Steps lead to the viewing serpentine to the left, and to the right you can walk around the mine along the viewing platform. Near the steps of the stairs to the right of the entrance to the hall there is elevator landing 1. To the left of the landing is elevator control lever 1. Call the elevator by moving the lever towards you. We go into the elevator, pull the handle down and go down to the Mine to Level II.

1.4.2. Level II
We go right to the doorway with a round burning lamp at the top. We enter the room and make an inspection: there is a lattice window, in the center of the room there is a couch, next to it there is a burning lamp, we take the fifth page of the diary on the bench in the stone niche of the wall. Other items and the room itself are identical to Yesha's room. At the exit on the left we see the Book of the World of the Four Spheres - Derebo. We open the Book of the World and with the touch of our palm we go into the World of the Four Spheres - Derebo.

World of Four Spheres - Derebo
By pressing the blue button on the left at the entrance to the bridge, we open the gates of the bridges and return to the room.
We leave the room, go left to elevator landing 2. At the elevator control lever 2, pick up the sixth page of the diary. We call the elevator by moving the lever towards ourselves. We go into the elevator, pull the handle down and go down to the Mine to Level III.

1.4.3. Level III
We exit the elevator to the right and go down the steps to the meeting place with Escher. We listen to Escher's monologue, and then carefully examine Level III, where we have to solve the problem proposed by Escher. There are four drawbridges directed towards the center of the mine. The circular viewing area ends in dead ends in both directions. The only continuation of the path is to go down the stairs in the wall opening to a round platform. There are two descents from the site in both directions: left and right. Going left leads to a pedestal with a yellow button. Going down to the right leads to a pedestal with a blue button. On the floor is the seventh page of Yesha's diary. There are two descents leading from the pedestals in both directions - left and right. Both descents through the balconies merge into one, leading to an observation deck with a platform: Level IV.

1.4.4. Level -IV
The descents to Level -IV are distinguished by marks: yellow and blue bas-reliefs above the descent. Along the perimeter of the platform's observation deck there are eight balconies and a round metal panel door.
Task 1. Platform. Difficulty level - 3
In the center of the Mine bottom area is the main control panel for the platform's four worm lifts. It is necessary to activate the remote control, raise the platform, start the fans and supply air to the lower tiers of the Mine.

1. Press the blue button to activate the main remote control. The main remote control button lights up blue.
2. Press the yellow button to activate the main remote control. The main remote control is activated - the main remote control button lights up red.
3. Press the red button on the main remote control.
The platform lift mechanism is activated and the platform rises to Level III, providing access to the ventilation chamber. Along the second drawbridge to the left of the elevator we enter the ventilation chamber. To the left is an opening into the room. We enter the room and carry out an inspection: a video recording on the projector, we look at the drawing on the bench in the stone niche of the wall, other objects, and at the exit on the left we see the Book of the World of the Four Spheres - Derebo. We open the Book of the World of the Four Spheres - Derebo and with the touch of the palm we go into the World of the Four Spheres - Derebo.

World of Four Spheres - Derebo
By pressing the blue button on the left at the entrance to the bridge, we open the gates of the bridges and return to the room. We leave the room to the fan casing, pick up the eighth page of the diary and start the fans by turning the lever to the left. We observe the process of air supply through indicator pipes opposite the fan casing into the lower tiers of the Mine. We return to the platform to the main console. By pressing the red button we turn on the descent of the platform to Level IV. After the platform stops, press the red button again and quickly move from the platform to the observation deck. The platform rises and remains on Level III, providing access to Level V.

1.4.5. Level V
We go down to Level V along a metal staircase located at the edge of the observation deck, opposite the round metal panel door. We climb the metal steps to a small platform, approach the control panel and pick up the ninth page of the diary. Along the metal bridge we enter the tunnel leading to the air supply distributor. We start the air supply distributor by turning the lever to the left. From an opening in the tunnel ceiling, an arcing staircase descends to access the tunnel behind the metal panel door of Level IV.

1.4.6. Level IV
We go up the stairs, approach a closed metal panel door, turn the lever near the wall to open the door and pick up the tenth page of the diary. We go along the tunnel in the opposite direction and through the open door we enter the Round Hall with a light source above on the ceiling with concentric circles, illuminating a central circle on the floor with a metal core in the center. There are three round metal panel doors in the Hall. The right door is closed - there is a broken locking lever in front of the door. At the lever stand we pick up the eleventh page of Yesha's diary. The left door gives access to the room. We enter the room and carry out an inspection: we see the Book of the World of the Four Spheres - Derebo, we watch the video recording on the projector, in the second stone niche of the wall we take the last twelfth page of Yeshi’s diary, we examine other objects. We open the Book of the World of the Four Spheres - Derebo and with the touch of the palm we go into the World of the Four Spheres - Derebo.

World of Four Spheres - Derebo
By pressing the blue button on the left at the entrance to the bridge, we open the last gates of the bridges. All transitions of the World of the Four Spheres - Derebo are open - the choice of the next World is yours. Select the Rainbow Sphere of the Ice World - Tagira. We enter the Sphere to the pedestal. On the pedestal panel there is a table with symbols. Below the panel are three segments of a stone console. The panel is connected to the remote control by a return segment - a symbol of a hemisphere with three cylinders - the World of Four Spheres - Derebo. On the left segment of the remote control, the start button is a pentagram symbol. The table, central and right segments of the console are filled with symbols of pedestals as you progress through the World. We press the start button and go to the World of Ice - Tagira.

2. World of Ice - TAGIRA

2.1 Cave
Upon arrival at the World of Ice - Tagir, we leave the Sphere and meet Escher with his inevitable monologue. We go forward to the hole outside. The exit is blocked by ice blocks. Having carefully examined the place of arrival, we notice thin ice on the floor of the cave. We place a table on the ice in this place; there is a crack running through the ice. A humanoid creature appears - a barro. Barro picks up the table, takes it to the Sphere and places it on the pedestal panel. We return to the Sphere, take the table on the panel, go to the crack and, having destroyed the ice, fall down to the exit outside. The exit from the cave leads into an ice pit, against the opposite side of which a wooden ladder is leaning. We go to the stairs and try to climb to the edge of the pit, but it is impossible to climb. What's stopping you? Obviously a heavy table. We place the table on the icy bottom of the pit and climb the stairs to the surface. In front is a pedestal with a vertical panel. The panel is empty. There is an anchor symbol on the panel. Behind the pedestal on the wall is a symbol of warmth. We remember both symbols. Click on the return symbol - the pentagram and return to the Sphere. We take the table and return to the stairs.

Task 2. Table. Difficulty level - 2
It is impossible to climb the stairs with the table. We remember that in the cave the barro picked up the table from the floor and carried it to the pedestal panel. At the top there is a pedestal with an anchor symbol. It is necessary to explain to the barro that this table should be installed on a pedestal with an anchor symbol.
1. Draw an anchor symbol on the table.
2. Place the table on the ice near the stairs.
3. We go up the stairs and go to the suspension bridge.
4. We watch the scene of installing the table on the pedestal panel.
5. We return to the pedestal and take the table.
Note. The drawing templates remain on the table.

2.2. Lake
We cross the suspension bridge and go to the village. Even when crossing the bridge, a high cone of a hut with a column of smoke is visible. It is obvious that the hut is inhabited. We head to the hut. On the right, in front of the steps leading to the entrance, there is a pedestal. We put the table on the pedestal, go up the steps, where Escher is waiting, burning with impatience to outline the next chapter in the history of the World of Ice. After listening to Escher's monologue, we examine the hut, remember the diagram on the wall and go outside. The hut is surrounded by a stone platform made of flat boulders. To the left of the exit we mark the first cone, connected by pipes to five other cones installed on stone hills: two cones on the right and three on the left. At the base of each cone is a stone control panel with an X-shaped lever. We examine the cones from left to right. At the third cone we meet Escher, offering to solve the next problem.

Task 3. Lake. Difficulty level - 4
Behind the hut there is a frozen lake. Two steam switches of type 1-3 are installed on the shore of the lake. A three-section distribution panel is built into the base of each switch. In the center of the panel of each section there is a retractable three-position control lever.
The remote controls differ in the color of the mounting screws:
- the screws of the right switch are blue;
- the screws of the left switch are orange.
It is necessary to heat up the lake, direct steam according to the diagram in the hut to steam switches on the shore of the frozen lake and move to the opposite shore of the lake.
1. Move all the levers at the base of the six cones to the extreme right position.
2. Take the table from the pedestal panel near the hut.
3. We go left from the pedestal along the green moss to the shore of the lake - a pipe system can be seen under the ice according to the diagram in the hut.
4. We take a position on the shore in the center of the diagram: the corner of the table is directed exactly to the junction of the three pipes.
5. Draw a heat symbol on the table.
6. We put the table on the shore and move aside.
A barro appears, followed by a flash of bright light, and on the other side of the lake a column of steam appears among the stone monuments.
Attention. All subsequent actions are limited by a time limit of 1 minute. 20 sec.
7. Go to the left switchboard. Control levers in the upper position.
8. Install levers 1-3 from left to right in the following positions:
Lever 1 - to the right position;
Lever 2 - to the left position;
Lever 3 - to the left position.
9. Go to the right switchboard.
10. Control levers in the upper position.
11. Install levers 1-3 from left to right in the following positions:
Lever 1 - to the left position;
Lever 2 - to the right position;
Lever 3 - to the left position.
12. We approach the shore and observe the appearance of a stone path to the opposite side of the lake. There is a bright flash of light and the path disappears.
13. We return to the pedestal near the hut.
14. Click on the symbol for returning to the Sphere.
15. Take the table - pay attention to the appearance of two new symbols on the central segment: the anchor symbol and the hut symbol - the ability to move to the corresponding pedestals.
16. Move to the pedestal by clicking on the hut symbol.
17. We go left from the pedestal along the green moss to the shore of the lake.
18. We take a position on the shore in the center of the diagram: the corner of the table is directed exactly to the junction of the three pipes.
19. Draw a symbol of heat on the table.
20. We put the table on the shore and move aside. A barro appears, followed by a flash of bright light, and on the other side of the lake a column of steam appears among the stone monuments.
21. We observe the appearance of a stone path.
Attention. The operation of the stone path is limited by a time limit of 1 minute. 20 sec.

2.3. Citadel
We move along the path to the opposite side of the lake, where we again meet Escher with the inevitable monologue. On the left is a pedestal between stone monuments. Let's go forward to the Sphere. As you approach the Sphere, the ice breaks up and the island with the Sphere moves away to an unattainable distance, turning into a Citadel. We examine and remember the symbol on the Tablet panel in the Rainbow Sphere. We return to the pedestal, draw a pedestal symbol on the table, put the table on the ice and step aside. The barro appears - we watch the scene of the table being installed on the pedestal panel. We return to the pedestal, take the table and draw the symbol of the Tablet panel in the Rainbow Sphere on the ice island. Barro appears and examines the table. Barro and the table disappear. Turning to the Rainbow Sphere, we see a table on the Tablet panel. We approach the pedestal and click on the symbol for returning to the Sphere. Upon arrival in the Sphere, we press the Tablet symbol in the right segment of the remote control and find ourselves on the ice island, where we meet Escher again. We enter the Sphere and see a table flickering with blue light on one of the four panels of the Tablet. By touching the palm we fix the first table of the Tablet. Click on the return symbol, return to the Sphere of the World of Ice - Tagira, click on the return symbol again and arrive in the World of the Four Spheres - Derebo. We leave the Sphere and go to the Rainbow Sphere of the Sky World - Todelmer. We approach the pedestal, press the start button and go to the Sky World - Todelmer.

Myst Uru Complete Chronicles (2004/RUS/P)

Year of manufacture: 2004
Genre: Quest
Developer: Cyan Worlds
Publication type: pirate
Interface language: only Russian
Tablet: Not required
System requirements:
> Operating system: Windows ME/2000/XP
> Processor: Pentium III or AMD Athlon 800 MHz
> RAM: 256 MB
> Hard disk space: 4.1 GB
> Audio device: DirectX® 9.0c compatible
> Video card: DirectX 9 compatible with 32 MB memory


"Uru: Ages Beyond Myst" is a great game that concludes the story of MYST. The developers carefully analyzed the history of the genre in search of unused moves that could improve this genre. And they succeeded in many ways - but most of all, by putting forward the concept of a multiplayer quest. Also added to the game two addons: To D"ni and The Path of the Shell. More than 10,000 years ago, the empire of the Dni civilization found its refuge in the dungeons of the southern part of North America. The people of Dni possessed a supernatural craft - the “Art of Inscription”. Thanks to this craft, they created “Books of Movements.” These manuscripts allowed people to travel between worlds, which they called "Eras." The people of Dni flourished for thousands of years, but one day a catastrophe occurred that completely destroyed their world. Their underground dwelling was completely devastated, and all the Books, and accordingly the Epochs, were lost........
until our time. A team of researchers unexpectedly stumbled upon traces and remains of an ancient civilization in the desert of New Mexico. They begin excavations and soon discover a close connection with the Dani people. They decide to organize themselves into a structure called the D'ni Restoration Council (DRC) or the Days Restoration Council. Their goal is to find and understand everything related to this unexplored page in the history of the Earth. A few days ago, the DRC sent you an invitation to join their research as an independent expert.
"The Path of the Shell" is the second and final addition to "Uru". "The Path of the Shell" is more exciting, more intricate and much more beautiful. As you collect clues and pieces of the final puzzle, you will have to explore two new worlds. You will ride the train and swim, chase crabs and puzzle over strange mechanisms in order to start playing " The Path of the Shell”, you must first complete “Uru”. Otherwise, you will not get to Relto and will not be able to solve puzzles, the keys to which are hidden in Uru locations (for example, in the Qadisha clue room).
This version completely eliminates all the errors that were in the previous version of URU: Ages Beyond Myst. A complete and high-quality translation into Russian has also been made.

Game Features:
Complete and high-quality translation
Support for 3D accelerators
Full 3D gameplay
Complete freedom of movement

URU Complete Chronicles includes:
URU: Ages Beyond Myst
To D"ni
The Path of the Shell


Year of manufacture: 1995
Genre: quest
developer: Cyan Worlds, Inc.
Publisher: Brøderbund Software, Inc.
Publication type: pirate
Interface language: only Russian
Medicine: Not required
Platform: PC
System requirements:
minimal for iron,
Windows 95/98 or other versions in compatibility mode or using emulators such as DOSBox.
The game does not need any additional recommendations - it is the founder of a whole trend of puzzle games. A magical book comes into our hands, which describes a mysterious island. Turning the last page we find ourselves on this island, full of mysteries and tragic secrets. We have to unravel the secret of the family of the ruler of the island.
This is the best translation of the game that exists.

Add. information:
In the game folder there is an Iso image + cover



Vyacheslav, Perm


16-01-2018 16:27:25

but I

Riven: The Sequel to Myst (Myst 2)

Year of manufacture: 1997
Genre: Quest
Developer: Cyan Worlds, Inc.
Publisher: Brøderbund Software, Inc.
Developer website: www.cyanworlds.com/
Interface language: RUS (excellent translation of text and sound, but there are several untranslated points)
Platform: PSX-PSP
System requirements: Tested on 5.00 M33-3 (using pops 3.90)
Description: Although Riven is a continuation of the game Myst, its events largely depend on the novel "Myst: The Book of Atrus", released in 1995. The plot of the game is a logical continuation of the first part and begins its development from the world of D'ni, where ...


MYST 4: Revelation

Year of manufacture: 2004
Genre: Quest
Developer: Ubisoft Montreal
Publisher: Ubisoft
Developer website: ubi.com/enca
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC
System requirements:
OS: 98SE/ME/2000/XP/Vista/7
Processor: 700 MHz Pentium III or AMD Athlon
RAM: 128 MB RAM (256 MB for Windows XP)
Video card: DirectX 9.0 compatible, 32 MB RAM DirectX 9.0 compatible sound card
Hard Drive: 3 GB available disk space (8 GB recommended)
Description: This is a world where the line between fiction and reality is blurred. Where consciousness rushes about in search of an answer to a single question: what is reality? Here...


Real Myst 3D

Year of release 2000 Genre Quest Developer The Cyan Worlds, Inc., Learning Company Publisher The Learning Company Developer website Does not exist Interface language Russian Platform PC System requirements 450 MHz Pentium II or faster 64 MB RAM 300 MB free disk space 6x CD ROM or faster 640 x 480 3D Hardware accelerationDescription: A remake of the very first part of the cult series. Support for 3D accelerators, complete freedom of movement, changing the time of day and weather in real time + a new additional fifth episode and a new ending.
Add. information: Full version from Fargus (cover from another...


Year of manufacture: 1997
Genre: Quest developer: Cyan Worlds
Publisher: Broderbund Software
Publication type: pirate

Medicine: Not required
Platform: PC
System requirements:
Minimum: CPU 100 MHz, 16 Mb, 4 Mb Video
Recommended: CPU 200 MHz, 32 Mb, 8 Mb Video
Description: It all starts with the fact that you accidentally stumble upon an old book, and when you open it, you are suddenly transported to another, alternative reality. This is Riven. It was created by Atrus, a man with an amazing talent for creating books that transport their readers to other worlds. Yours...


Myst 3-Exile

Year of manufacture: 2001
Genre: adventure
Developer: Ubi Soft devsite: http://www.myst3.com/
Interface language: Russian
Platform: XBOX
System requirements: XBOX
Description: Good old Myst, but in full 3D. You can go wherever you want and however you want. Magnificent completely redone graphics and new sounds. Every self-respecting Myst fan should buy this game. The first thing that catches your eye after a few minutes of playing Myst 3: Exile is the superbly executed cutscenes, which amaze with their clarity and cinematic quality. The perfect acting fits perfectly into the style and environment of the game. Per...


Year of manufacture: 2003
Genre: Adventure / 3D / 1st Person / 3rd Person developer: Cyan Worlds
Publisher: Ubisoft
Interface language: Russian only
Medicine: Not required
Platform: PC
System requirements: Pentium III/Athlon 800 MHz 256 MB memory 3D accelerator with 32 MB memory 2 GB hard drive
Description: Here is the continuation of the famous adventure game - Uru: Ages Beyond Myst (from the creators of Myst and Riven). It is almost impossible to describe this majestic epic in one paragraph. We are just trying to introduce you to a huge fantasy world, which has no equal and has never been before. From horizon to horizon...


Year of manufacture: 2004
Genre: quest developer: Cyan Worlds
Publisher: Ubisoft
Publication type: pirate
Interface language: English + Russian
Medicine: Not required
Platform: PC
System requirements: Recommended requirements Pentium 4/Athlon XP 1.4 GHz 512 MB memory 3D accelerator with 64 MB memory 2.5 GB hard drive
Description: More than 10,000 years ago, the empire of the Days civilization found its refuge in the dungeons of the southern part of North America. The people of Dni possessed a supernatural craft - the “Art of Inscription”. Thanks to this craft, they created “Books of Movements.” These manuscripts allowed people to change...


Mysterious Oasis

Year of manufacture: 2014
Genre: quest, hidden object
Developer: alawar
Publisher: Alawar
Developer's website: http://www.alawar.ru/
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC
System requirements: - OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8 -
Processor: 2.0 GHz and higher -
RAM: 1024 MB or higher - DirectX 9.0 or higher - HDD: 170 MB free space
Description: A natural disaster struck the Earth, destroying all life on the planet. Devastation and destruction reigned where life had recently flourished. You are the only one left alive, having lost track of time since the disaster, amid chaos and devastation, you are trying to...


Year of manufacture: 2009
Genre: "I'm looking"
Developer: NevoSoft
Publisher: NevoSoft
Developer website: http://www.nevosoft.ru/
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC
System requirements: ¤ OS: Windows XP/Vista ¤ CPU: 1.0 GHz ¤ RAM: 512 MB ¤ DirectX: 8.0 ¤ Hard Drive: 126 MB
Description: This amazing story began when one young man, sitting at home, suddenly realized that he had not seen his brother for quite some time. This was strange, since they usually visited each other regularly and talked on the phone. The young man immediately got ready and went to his brother. Having arrived to him...

but I

Mysterious diary. Return to the island

Year of manufacture: 2010
Genre: Hidden Object
Publisher: Nevosoft
Developer website: www.sunraygames.com/
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC
System requirements: Windows XP/ Vista -CPU: 1.0 GHz -RAM: 512 MB -DirectX: 9.0 -Hard Drive: 131 MB
Description: After the events of the first part of the game, the brothers Victor and Gustav founded stations on the island to conduct various research. After months of hard work, they finally moved deeper into the island. A place that could only be reached by swimming underwater. The heart of this island was a special vault where the brothers again found T...


Star Wars Jedi Power Battles Cover Star Wars Dark Forces Cover
Year of manufacture: 1995
Genre: Action, Space flight. developer: LucasArts
Publisher: Lucas Arts Entertainment Company
Publication type: license
Interface language: English only
Medicine: Not required
Platform: PSone
System requirements: Sony Playstation One 1 Players Memory Card 5 blocks
Description: Star Wars Rebel Assault II Continuation of the relatively successful Rebel Assault. This time, a certain "Rookie One" is investigating the disappearance of a merchant ship in the vast expanses of the galaxy. He manages to find out that the Empire created...

Year of manufacture: 1995
Genre: Space simulator
Developer: Origin Systems
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer's website: http://electronicarts.ru
Interface language: English
Platform: PC System requirements: Windows 95/95/XP Pentium I AMD 128 MB RAM GeForce 16 Mb DirectX DirectX-compatible sound card 12x CD-ROM Keyboard, mouse.
Description: In 2673, conflict erupts between the border worlds' alliance and the confederation: both sides blame the other for attacks on merchant ships and colonies and prepare for war. Tolvin, having completed his service...


Red Raven. Mysterious Legion / Red Crow Mysteries: Legion

Year of manufacture: 2011
Genre: Hidden Object
Developer: Cateia Games
Publisher: Big Fish Games
Developer website: www.cateia.com/
Interface language: Russian (authors: Our Version team)
Platform: PC
System requirements: Windows XP / Vista / 7 1 GHZ CPU 512 MB RAM 350 MB Hard disc space 64 MB 3D video card DirectX 9
Description: Do you like to experience a feeling of fear and feel the shivers running down your spine? Then the new game “Red Raven. Mysterious Legion", full of ghosts, demons and paranormal phenomena, is just for you. You are the only person in the world who can resist...


Timon & Pumbaa's Jungle Games (1995)

Year of manufacture: 1995
Genre: ARCADE developer: Disney's
Publication type: pirate
Interface language: English only
Medicine: Not required
System requirements: System Requirements: A 486 with 33 MHZ or faster processor, 256-color VGA, Windows 3.1 or later, Windows All compatible, 8 MB RAM, 8-bit Sound Card (16-bit highly recommended), Joystick and Mouse compatible . This reviewer used: 90 MHZ Pentium, 8 MB RAM, and Win All.
Description: A wonderful fun game for children from 3 to 100 years old

Dedicated to the cutting edge of science and intellectual thought of humanity as a whole.

According to the plan of the “provocative investigation” undertaken here, the reaction of the participants in the process should have come from the mouth of some prominent and authoritative representative of the scientific mainstream. Well, the hidden mechanics and mysticism of synchronicities ensured that this person turned out to be Professor Sean Carroll.

The same American theoretical physicist who was mentioned at the very end of the previous episode - as the husband of journalist Jennifer Ouellette and one of the prominent public speakers of the dominant community in science.

Of course, when it comes to this kind of rapid reactions, what is meant here is not at all that the leaders of world science have suddenly become terribly tense and are now excitedly waiting and reading each of the next issues of the Sci-Myst series. Most likely, none of them had heard anything about this project. Haven't heard yet.

But the key essence, salt and pepper, so to speak, of the ongoing action lies precisely in the fact that seemingly unrelated events, developing in their own way in different places on the planet, right before our eyes, are miraculously intertwined into a single and organic whole . And insignificant, perhaps individually and in themselves, in the totality of these events give rise to something not just amazing, but truly, one might say, grandiose...

Well, the job of Sci-Myst is to observe and record everything that happens with interest. And even - from time to time - a slightly provocative nudge. Or pull you to a different point of view, to put it more precisely. To expand the horizon..


Exactly, Layers of Reality (by Sean Carroll, 2015 May 28) , is the title of Carroll's current speech on the website Edge.org. And what’s interesting (but it’s unlikely to surprise Sci-Myst readers) is that in the scientist’s text itself, this very combination of words – “layers of reality” – does not appear ONCE. However, for everyone who is aware of the multi-layered structure of the world around us, this message should sound like a kind of beacon signal, a password or a symbol of those trends that are palpably in the air...

In fairness, it should immediately be noted that Carroll still uses a consonant term in one place of his big speech - “layers of structure.” However, this is far from the main thesis of the scientist, since he speaks mainly about significantly different things.

About that, in particular, the extremely strange state that the current science of physics demonstrates in its fundamental theoretical part. About such a state when there are very powerful mathematical theories, seemingly capable of “explaining” almost everything in the world, but at the same time suspiciously incapable not only of great discoveries, but generally of predicting anything new and interesting, however previously in observations and experiments of the unknown.

In technical philosophy of science terms, this problem boils down to Karl Popper's famous concept of falsifiability. Simply put, the idea boils down to the fact that any truly scientific theory that claims to be true must present an experiment, the outcome of which will either confirm its correctness, or, conversely, demonstrate the falsity of the basic hypotheses at the heart of the theory.

For many years, this concept was very popular with mainstream science, because it created the impression of solidity of the edifice built by theorists and, moreover, greatly helped in the fight against all sorts of false scientists and charlatans. But then the situation gradually developed in such a way that the main theory for the development of particle physics began to be considered string theory, and for cosmology, accordingly, the theory of inflation. But it was both of these theories, to the great confusion and confusion of researchers, that turned out to be unfalsifiable.

That is, there are no, and in principle are not put forward, in other words, such experiments and observations in science, the results of which could refute, at least hypothetically, those mathematical constructions that form the basis of the theories of strings and inflation.

Some regard this condition as the deepest crisis of theoretical science. But Sean Carroll considers this situation completely normal:

In a somewhat bizarre way, these theories have literally proven to be unfalsifiable - because we simply don't know how to set up the kind of experiments that could prove them wrong. Although [these theories do not at all predict “anything,”] they make very definite predictions.

I believe that if Karl Popper himself had been asked about this matter, he would have considered these theories completely scientific. Because there is nothing wrong with them. Popper never said that falsification and refutation should be easy. He simply said that a theory must make well-defined predictions...

... And we would all be terribly ashamed if we just gave up our current theories, and then suddenly - maybe next year - someone will figure out how to connect theory with observations. Who knows, maybe this will happen in ten years. But this is exactly how science generally works.

These arguments are easy enough to agree with - unless you know that we are talking about theories that were first put forward in the late 1960s and early 1970s. In other words, those who promised “someday” the appearance of decisive experiments 10, 20, and 30 years ago. And in the same way, capable of promising this even 50 years in the future...

To understand such a bizarre situation at the most advanced frontiers of theoretical science, one can, of course, look for an explanation in the unprecedentedly developed mathematical apparatus. Which provides researchers not only with very developed and flexible tools, but also with harmonious interconnected structures of some other worlds, to some extent or completely different from ours, but governed by generally similar physical laws.

However, you can also look for the reasons for the prolonged stagnation in a completely different place. And again with the help of ideas from Professor Sean Carroll. As you know, in addition to purely scientific articles, this scientist also writes from time to time popular science books telling a wide audience about the successes of modern physics. Well, to sharpen his arguments and test the public’s reaction, from time to time he tests out his new ideas on this subject in his own blog, “The Ridiculous Universe” (http://www.preposterousuniverse.com/).

In particular, 5 years ago, in the fall of 2010, Sean Carroll posted there kiss series publications, dedicated to one grand theme: “The laws underlying the physics of everyday life are already fully understood by scientists”...

Explaining the essence of such an impudently formulated thesis, Carroll immediately makes a reservation that he does not mean at all that science has already fully comprehended everything about the structure of the surrounding world. Moreover, he has no idea how close scientists have come to a comprehensive theory for absolutely everything. But the theorist is confident that he really knows how close humanity has come to a comprehensive theory about the basic laws underlying all the phenomena that we encounter in everyday life.

Because (proclaims Sean Carroll) we already have all this knowledge!

For our "basic" set of laws is the standard model of particles obeying the rules of quantum field theory, combined with general relativity, the general theory of relativity, to describe gravity. And in the everyday life of the world around us (as the scientist assures the public) there is nothing that would not be in full agreement with the theories of this basic set.

And in order not to waste time on trifles, Carroll proposes to deal with one of the truly most complex counter-arguments - with the mysteries of the work of our consciousness. It is clear, the physicist agrees, that to this day science still has a lot of questions and unclear things regarding the structure of the human mind. So why is there still such strong confidence that no other physics is involved here, still unknown to us?

Just in case, again making the reservation that in such a matter one cannot be absolutely 100% sure, Carroll proves that this is not required here. By all standards generally accepted in modern science, the idea that the physics already known today will be able to explain the functioning of the brain seems to scientists not just stronger, but much more powerful than other competing ideas...

But to convince someone otherwise, you would have to point to something that our consciousness clearly knows how to do, and that is in obvious conflict with the Standard Model or general relativity.

What would be the refutation for my claim that we understand the laws underlying everyday phenomena?

A simple thing. Point out at least one example of such an everyday phenomenon that provides evidence of a “new physics” beyond the laws we know. Something that is directly observed and requires a violation of general relativity and the standard model.

That's all it would take. – But there are no such phenomena in our life...


This indisputable fact of our life will certainly help us to see very clearly that scientists live in a bubble of their own theories, divorced from the real world.

In February of this year, a certain John Podesta, one of the “gray eminences” of the seemingly ruling Democratic Party in the United States, once again left his official post as a senior adviser in the Obama administration (in order to now focus on managing Hilary Clinton’s election campaign). Podesta accompanied this political maneuver with interesting comments on Twitter, where he listed his 10 main achievements and 10 main failures over the past period of work in the White House.

In this list, we are specifically interested in only one, the most important failure of Podesta ( https://twitter.com/Podesta44/status/566279431505731584), about which he himself wrote in these words:

Number 1: And finally, my biggest failure of 2014: Failed to get the UFO documents released again and again...

If you think at least a little about the meaning of these words, then we are talking here not just about one of the phenomena classified by the authorities, but about a very, very large, gigantic scale and significance phenomenon of our everyday life. About a regular and very unclear phenomenon for most, about which absolutely everyone is aware - from children and housewives to the military, intelligence services and leaders of the largest states on the planet.

No matter how aware of it and absolutely not engaged in studying the UFO phenomenon, only one significant category of humanity is the scientists of the scientific mainstream. Because for them everything is very simple: “Yes, there is no such secret phenomenon. And period”...

The UFO phenomenon is important and interesting precisely for the reasons that it clearly and convincingly refutes all the ideas of scientists that we have comprehended physical laws at the level of everyday life. For UFOs are an open challenge to all scientific claims to “understand reality,” whether at the levels of particle interaction and the laws of gravity, or at the level of the inexplicable workings of our consciousness.

There is a lot of documentary evidence that these objects are capable of moving in violation of the laws of physics known to us (they accelerate and decelerate with gigantic acceleration, change the direction of movement at right and even acute angles, suddenly disappear and appear both in the field of view of humans and radars). Moreover, there is ample evidence that the inhabitants of these objects or bodies are intelligent beings from other worlds beyond the Earth. And what is especially noteworthy is that people constantly and without any problems come into contact with these creatures to communicate. And although communications may well be verbal, in one of the human languages, most often communication occurs in thoughts, telepathically.

From these numerous and carefully recorded communication sessions, it is known that guests come to us from various parts of the galaxy and the universe as a whole. That is, from places that are at an unimaginable distance even for traveling at the speed of light. In other words, they appear here fundamentally DIFFERENTLY – not along the surface of space. And almost all of them - to one degree or another - are our relatives, be it by DNA structure or simply by common intelligence.

Nowadays, when almost everyone has digital photo-video cameras and smartphones at hand, the number of more and more new UFO footage posted on the Internet is simply going off scale. But for serious science, this entire layer of our life simply does not exist. For all such facts are nothing more than “stupid pranks of jokers, deception of charlatans, ordinary natural phenomena and other things that have long been known in life”...

And yet, in order to plunge the investigation into this odious, no doubt, but also the richest in discoveries area, one has to take very small and careful steps, clearly demonstrating to everyone how little science actually knows yet - both about the life of the cosmos and about the life of our planet.

To ensure the narrative has a real-time scale, as before, several notable “cover stories” in the May 2015 issues of well-known popular science magazines will be selected as the basis or key points of the plot. And along the way, when comparing these recent examples with strange information from channeling (that is, information received from channels of telepathic communication with the minds of other planets and layers of reality), you will see an interesting thing.

To see how the latest findings of scientists are gradually, but increasingly, coming into agreement with the very bizarre "inner knowledge" of ordinary people - clearly bringing us closer to an understanding of a single intelligent life permeating the cosmos in all its corners.

Well, as a preamble to the main topic, it will be useful to recall a couple of biographies from the history of science.


Among the great variety of outstanding scientists, it is not at all difficult to find the names of such authoritative scientists, whose fundamental ideas were initially very popular among colleagues and the public, but later, for one reason or another, were rejected and forgotten. There are far fewer among this same group of scientists whose ideas, after a long time, have to be recalled again and again laid into the foundations of a continuously developing scientific picture of the world.

In the history of science of the 20th century, the names of paleontologist Henry Osborne and astrophysicist Fred Hoyle should be attributed to this rare species. Strictly speaking, the controversial theories of these well-known scientists are still considered incorrect and long rejected in the world of scientists. But in order for fundamental science not to continue to mark time, as has been happening, in fact, since the beginning of the 1970s, but to begin to really move forward again, sooner or later, one way or another, it will still have to admit that which Osborne and Hoyle insisted.

The much older of the two, American paleontologist, zoologist and geologist Henry Fairfield Osborn (1857 - 1935), is perhaps best known for three of his achievements. The fact that he discovered the giant predatory lizard Tyrannosaurus Rex to science and the world (or otherwise, for the first time he gave a description and proper name for one of the most famous dinosaurs of this planet). The fact that for a quarter of a century he headed the famous American Museum of Natural History in New York, providing it with scientific prestige and tremendous success among the masses. And also, finally, by the fact that Osborne developed his own theory of evolution - as they now write, “based on the very popular science of eugenics at that time and ideas about the racial superiority of some species over all others”...

To be fair, Osborne did try to apply his unorthodox biological theories seriously to human evolution. And his passion for eugenics, as the science of improving heredity, was cast by the strong racism of Francis Galton, Darwin’s cousin and founder of this doctrine. In particular, evolution according to Osborne was combined with Galton’s ideas that the Aryan race of the Anglo-Saxons, by their exclusive origin, has the right to world domination...

It is probably clear that after the advent of the Third Reich of the Nazis with their ideas of racial superiority and the purity of Aryan blood, the entire evolutionary theory of Henry Osborne was hopelessly compromised and completely rejected by the world scientific community as erroneous. So today very few people are aware of its key ideas, with the exception of specialists. Although, like the music of Richard Wagner, say, the forgotten evolutionary theory of the long-dead Osborne can hardly be to blame for the fact that the Nazis liked it...

Well, since we will probably need at least two of Henry Osborne’s basic ideas about the foundations of biological evolution in the future, it seems necessary to get acquainted with them.

First of all, this is, in the author’s words, “Aristogenesis – as a creative principle that causes evolutionary development towards a certain completion.” A broader term in biology for approximately the same thing is “orthogenesis,” that is, the development of a species not randomly, but in a very specific direction (without specifying who or what sets this direction).

Formulating slightly differently, Osborne defined the “law of aristogenesis” (from the ancient Greek “origin of the best or noble”) as the gradual, over long periods, appearance in a species of new structural characteristics that improve its adaptability or adaptability. It is important that we are talking about characteristics that are predetermined in the genetics of the species already at the initial stages and are developed independently of natural selection.

Another important law of evolution according to Osborne is “polyphyly” (from the ancient Greek “many tribes”), that is, the widespread, usual appearance of many related lines of the same origin. Lines that are ultimately derived from a common source, but coexist in parallel over vast periods of time.

Henry Osborne considered both polyphyly and, in particular, aristogenesis to be the most important factors for the appearance of Homo sapiens on Earth. In particular, aristognesis, according to Osborne, was a key, albeit rather mysterious, factor in evolution, a certain intelligent authority and creative principle, thanks to which the peak and “end result” of evolutionary development was the generation of humanity...

Although our other hero, Fred Hoyle (1915-2001, his 100th birthday is this month, by the way, is June 24), is most often mentioned as an outstanding astrophysicist, cosmologist, popularizer of science and science fiction writer, here is his personality and scientific creativity are recalled primarily because of the many “dissident” research works on the theory of evolution and the problems of the origin of life on Earth.

In the history of science, besides Hoyle, there were, perhaps, no physicists-mathematicians of this caliber who would so decisively and deeply engage in carefully calculated criticism of the dominant theories and views in biology. First of all, views on the role of chance and natural selection in theories of the origin of life from inanimate matter and its further evolutionary development.

If we talk about Hoyle’s own position on these problems, then he had a very specific (and clearly consonant with the philosophy of Hinduism) theory - about the evolution of life in space, which is meaningfully and purposefully carried out by a cosmic super-intelligence. In general, the scientist’s concept, which simultaneously combines mathematics and morality, is quite adequately characterized by the title of one of his most famous books, “The Intelligent Universe.”

Details about Fred Hoyle's active dissident activities in science can be found in the material " The Great Dissenter"(not to mention the scientist’s books), but here it is necessary to talk about one very important episode of his life. An episode that is very persistently avoided in all biographical essays, in encyclopedia articles and in books devoted to the great life and work of this truly extraordinary thinker.

The powerful impetus that shifted Fred Hoyle's interest from astrophysics to the theory of evolution in the early 1970s was his highly unusual psychological experience, roughly similar to that of the mathematician Vladimir Voevodsky. That is, powerful telepathic contact and communication with another form of mind.

Taking advantage of his prominent position in British science, on May 10, 1971, Hoyle called journalists to a press conference, during which he stated the following:

“Humans are just pawns in a huge game played by extraterrestrial intelligences that control every step of humanity. These extraterrestrial forms of consciousness originate from another universe with five dimensions. Their laws of physics and chemistry are completely different from ours. They have learned to push back the barriers of Time and Space that limit us.

These superintelligent entities are so different from us that it seems completely impossible to comprehend or describe them using human concepts. These entities appear to be completely devoid of physical limitations such as bodies, and are more like pure intelligence. They reach any point in the Universe in a matter of seconds.

These entities are everywhere - in the sky, on the sea, on the earth. They have been here for countless years, and seem to control the evolution of Homo Sapiens. Everything that man created was possible only thanks to the participation of these intelligent forces.

The only reason I called this press conference is because no government in the world will release this information. The authorities are afraid of panic and believe that if people become aware that they are controlled by intelligent forces, they will cease to obey their governments...

For those who would like to see for themselves how right Fred Hoyle was about the fears of the authorities, and also how diligently they still suppress this information from the lips of an authoritative scientist, it is enough to conduct an elementary experiment. First, enter the words “Fred Hoyle” into any search engine to evaluate the Internet abundance of information about the famous astrophysicist, and then expand the query to “Fred Hoyle pawns” - in order to find at least one official source where this text from the press conference would be given "about pawns."

Well, for everyone who likes to think for themselves, it is proposed to compare Osborne’s theory of aristogenesis with information from Hoyle’s message. In particular, it makes sense to pay attention to how organically “extraterrestrial intelligences that are different from us and control life on Earth” fit the role of “a mysterious factor in evolution, a certain intelligent authority that directed the generation of man” on this planet.

The task of the preamble, in fact, is completed here, and therefore it is time to finally move on to fresh press publications.


In the May issue of Scientific American, the cover story is devoted to the amazing story of how, in the era of dinosaurs, the giant lizard Tyrannosaurus Rex, now also known in human life by its short “pet” name T.Rex, rose to the top of the food chain ( "Rise of the Tyrannosaurs," by Stephen Brusatte, Scientific American, May 2015).

Any story about the history of T-Rex, of course, cannot ignore its discoverer, Henry Osborne, already familiar to us. So in the current publication several lines are mentioned about him. In particular, how at the very beginning of the 20th century Osborne organized and sent a special expedition to Montana to search for fossil dinosaurs. And the result of this venture was the discovery of the bones of a huge carnivorous reptile with a huge head and terrifying-looking teeth.

Very impressed by the find, Henry Osborn could not resist and gave the dinosaur a special name such as “lizard king Tyrant” in order to emphasize its undoubtedly superior position over others in the world of ancient reptiles known at that time. Almost simultaneously with this discovery, in 1908 Osborne headed the Natural History Museum, where he assembled one of the best collections of fossil animals in the world, and the skeleton of a tyrannosaurus rex he reconstructed became the brightest star of the exhibition.

In fact, from that very time - for more than a hundred years (and even with the powerful inspiration of Steven Spielberg and his "Jurassic Park") - this huge creature, up to 14 meters long and weighing about five tons, began to absolutely dominate in popular publications and materials about dinosaurs.

But what is surprising is that the evolutionary history of this lizard has eluded researchers for an unusually long time - because there simply were not enough necessary fossils to reconstruct the genealogy. And although throughout the 20th century, scientists were able to find several close relatives of T. rex - who had similarly impressive sizes - this was clearly not enough for a complete picture. However, these findings convincingly indicated that the tyrannosaurus was clearly not some kind of exotic oddity of nature. Instead, these large predators formed their own branch of the dinosaur genealogy.

But at the same time, it was still very difficult for scientists to understand exactly when tyrannosaurs appeared, from which individuals they evolved, and how they managed to grow so large as to become the “kings of nature” at the top of the food chain. These questions remained unanswered in science until the beginning of the 21st century.

Well, with the beginning of the new century, everything somehow began to take shape in such a way that one after another, important fossil finds came. Discoveries that not only fill gaping gaps in the evolution of tyrannosaurs, but also significantly advance scientific understanding of this remarkable group of reptiles.

Taken together, all these discoveries demonstrate that tyrannosaurs had surprisingly deep – and at the same time outwardly very, very modest “roots.” Using an earlier metaphor from Fred Hoyle, we can say that initially tyrannosaurs looked like completely ordinary pawns in the vast zoological field of dinosaurs.

Moreover, since over the past 15 years, researchers have discovered about 20 new species of tyrannosaurus in a variety of places around the world - including the deserts of Mongolia and the permafrost of the Russian Arctic - a startling fact has been revealed. It turned out that this group demonstrates a much greater variety of forms than experts expected. In particular, species of tyrannosaurs have been discovered that have truly amazing anatomical features (and which, by the way, clearly demonstrate the evolutionary principle of “polyphyly” according to Osborne).

In short, all these finds have made it possible to piece together the Tyrannosaurus rex family tree - and the results of this reconstruction have every reason to be considered a scientific surprise. It turned out that at first and for a very long period, tyrannosaurs were, as they now say, marginal small predators, about the size of a person.

They achieved their enormous size and ecological dominance only in the last 20 million years of the dinosaur era. An extremely long era, it can be recalled, which began about 250 million years ago and lasted throughout the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. Until (supposedly) an asteroid impact 66 million years ago ended the age of dinosaurs and ushered in the age of mammals.

And one more interesting fact. In their genealogical totality, the tyrannosaurus species demonstrate how the evolution of the species has progressed over an amazingly long time to the point where they have become something of a pinnacle of reptile evolution. After all, if you think about it, then on the general chronological scale of our earthly life it is clearly visible that the time interval between the ancient tyrannosaurs and the final lizard-king Tyrannosaurus Rex - and this is an interval of 100 million years - turns out to be much longer in duration than the interval of 66 million years between the giant Tirex and the reign of the human race on Earth. That is, the new “king of nature” or “the pinnacle of the 5-pointed evolution.”

Somewhat later, naturally, there will be explanations as to why the six- and five-pointed design features in the structure of biological organisms are emphasized. In the meantime, it makes sense to simply once again recall and refresh the comments of the astrophysicist Hoyle on the peculiarities of the evolution of intelligent life directed “from the outside” (or, one might say, from the inside, depending on how you look at it) – in combination with Osborne’s theory of leisurely aristogenesis or “bringing out the best” species.

And let's move on to the next interesting publication.

Dwarfs and giants

The May issue of the popular science magazine “Astronomy” offers a cover story about very unusual and mysterious space objects called “brown dwarfs” or Brown Dwarfs ( “The little stars that couldn’t”, by Jesse Emspak. ASTRONOMY, May 2015, Vol 43, No 5).

In order to immediately become clear to what extent the cosmic bodies discussed here are unusual, it can be noted that the first brown dwarf in the starry sky was reliably identified and described by scientists only at the very end of the 20th century, in 1994-1995 years. However, the assumption about their existence in nature was made half a century ago, in the early 1960s.

When, by the beginning of the 21st century, the progress of technology in the field of astronomical observations significantly “opened man’s eyes” to the depths of the universe, it became clear along the way that brown dwarfs are an extremely abundant and diverse form of cosmic existence, occupying the widest intermediate range between stars and planets.

At first, they tried to call brown dwarfs “failed stars,” considering them more massive than the largest gas planets, but not large enough to trigger the thermonuclear reaction of hydrogen fusion, which is common for stars. Therefore, they simply glow dimly due to the energy of their internal processes.

But then it began to turn out that the more scientists learn about the very non-trivial physics of these “substars”, the more they are convinced that brown dwarfs have every reason to be considered among the most complex celestial objects of astronomy - both orbiting stars and often freely floating in interstellar space. spaces. In fact, close observations of brown dwarfs disprove almost all human theories previously considered correct for assessing stars and planets.

Brown dwarfs consistently exhibit different emission and absorption spectra than expected. Not the luminosity fluctuations and the rotation speed that our theories predict. There can be a very diverse composition of clouds - from iron and silicon elements to methane or water. Moreover, it is representatives of brown dwarfs that are today the only exoplanets outside the solar system that reliably have an atmosphere with water clouds.

And finally, and quite unexpectedly for “substars,” brown dwarfs in all their diversity, as it turns out, can have surface temperatures in an unusually wide range. From almost stellar heat and right up to the temperature of the human body (very recently, such “wandering stars” began to be discovered, where the water on the surface should be in a frozen state).

As the article concludes, astronomers now readily admit that a deep and comprehensive study of brown dwarfs greatly expands our knowledge of the cosmos - both about the evolution of stars and planets in general, and about the history of our solar system in particular.

But what the Astronomy magazine does not say - for obvious reasons - not a word is that there is a very impressive layer of “anti-scientific” information that directly links the characteristics of brown dwarfs not only with the evolution of space, but also with the evolution of man beyond Earth . And also with the evolution of tyrannosaurs.

In a certain sense, we can say that the tall humanoids living on Phoenix, one of the wandering brown dwarfs with an atmosphere close to that of the Earth, are, in fact, an “intermediate link” of evolution between the king of dinosaurs, T-Rex, and the current king of nature, Homo Sapiens.

But we can talk about the same thing in a significantly different way. For example, in the cuneiform tablets of the ancient civilization of Sumer, these humanoids are spoken of as “gods”, who are called Anunnaki (which, depending on the spelling, is translated in two ways - as “those who came from heaven” and as “those of noble blood”). In the same sources, the original habitat of the “gods” is called Nibiru and in some unclear way is associated with the constellation Lyra. Well, in the famous Sumerian text MUL.APIN this object is spoken of in the following words: “One large star - although its light is dim - divides the heavens in half and rises here. This is Nibiru, the star of Marduk, it changes its location and crosses the heavens."

From the mythology of Ancient Greece, from the myths of the peoples of the Indo-Iranian and South American regions, humanity knows a lot of different things about these “gods”. About their strength and wisdom, about their sometimes kind and sometimes fierce disposition, about their endless intrigues, conflicts and wars. Well, about their openly racist attitude towards people as the native population of a lower race, of course.

In short, if you treat the myths, fairy tales and traditions of the peoples of the planet as historical documents that tried to describe real events, then the entire history of mankind begins to look radically different. If you start adding additional information to this extremely distorted picture from various kinds of “angels and aliens” broadcasting through contactees, then the result is simply a wild mess in its diversity and inconsistency. If, of course, we lump everything together indiscriminately.

However, there are other ways to accurately understand this story. In particular, there is a feeling that the context of the “galactic family” should be used as a basis.


To begin with, to make the explanations of the dynamics of what is happening more accessible, it is useful to choose some kind of visual diagram. Well, in order to maintain the proper degree of mysticism, it is desirable that this scheme “appears to us on its own” - from somewhere in current events in accordance with the “laws of synchronicities”. And if you look closely, such a scheme really reveals itself...

And it looks like this.

Here we have one of the most recent examples of crop circles, which appeared on the night of May 29-30, 2015 in the town of Fox Ground Down, which is located in Dorset in southeast England.

This kind of pictogram is usually called the “solar cross” or, less commonly, the “Celtic cross”. Moreover, both the Celts and many other peoples of the planet, which is reliably known, had the sacred symbol of a cross in a circle long before the advent of Christianity. For us, however, something else is more important now - the usefulness of this diagram for illustrating the story.

The essence of the picture can be interpreted in this way: two complexes of polar opposites, displayed in the form of straight segments connecting pairs of poles; mutual intersection of interaction segments in the form of a cross; plus a circle interacting with all poles at the same time. Plus two significant additions that expand the laconicism of the original symbol.

Firstly, each pole turns into a spiral, folding inward and forming a multi-level sector occupying a quarter of a circle. Secondly, each of the poles is framed by an outer circle-petal, which again unites the four opposite worlds into a flower symbol. That is, a single living organism...

It is clear that someone else will see something completely different in the same picture, and depending on the context, this symbol can mean almost anything. But in the context of history, considered here and now, it is a very convenient diagram for depicting the interactions of those members of our galactic family who have had or still have the most significant influence on humanity on Earth.

And also to intensify mysticism. And also for those who are very far from the topic. In general, for anyone who is inclined to think that a deep ancient symbol is involved here completely arbitrarily and artificially, it is useful to recall that the “solar cross” is a traditional and generally accepted symbol for depicting the planet Earth in the science of astronomy. And also in a much more ancient human activity called astrology...

So, what kind of close relatives are reflected in this diagram? And what is the essence of their relationship, which is strongly imprinted in what we do and who we are today.

According to cross-sectional evidence from various sources, planet Earth is now visited by thousands of different visitors from different parts of the universe. For this reason, in order to more clearly outline the circle of our closest relatives, it makes sense to immediately name them and “seat them around the round table,” so to speak.

All these names, of course, are extremely arbitrary, since it is unknown what these aliens call themselves (and even with their generally accepted form of telepathic communication). It is much simpler and clearer for a person to simply point at one point or another in the starry sky and call visitors by the name of “their” place on our map.

Within the framework of such conventional terminology, two important poles, directly responsible for the emergence of almost all the most famous religions on this planet, will be called “Phoenix Lyrans” (from the constellation Lyra) and “Sirians” (from the Sirius star system). Another pair of poles - “Pleiades” and “Orion” - of course, also left their mark in our religions and mythologies, but their influence is much more felt in processes collectively called the “resistance movement”. And finally, the fifth important participant, due to a number of factors close to us and all other relatives, it is advisable to designate it with a ring framing a cross and call it the well-known name in pop culture Zeta Reticuli - after the name of the star Zeta Reticuli .

If we generalize on the largest scale, then all these races - including the man of the Earth - there are good reasons to call the generic name “Lyrians”. For our basic constructive archetype - with the external form of a five-pointed humanoid - in this galaxy first appeared on one of the planets in the constellation Lyra. From where it then spread in a wide variety of modifications over many millions of years, eventually becoming as ubiquitous as the more ancient six-pointed archetype (reptiles, felines, and so on).

For a holistic understanding of the overall picture, it is also useful to always keep in mind that the upper aspects of the consciousness of the “five-pointed” in other times could well be the soul of the “six-pointed”. Or, accordingly, vice versa. Well, in general, if we talk about the life and fun of different types of consciousness in the broadest sense, then for them it is not that it makes no difference, but rather a matter of taste - what forms of life to incarnate into. And whether to incarnate at all. After all, evolution and creativity for the mind are available everywhere...

(Since this topic, objectively assessed, seems limitless and vast, anyone interested in details about our galactic family and how the people of Earth look from the point of view of other races and entities can recommend the informative web resource “ Russian channel to awakening", http://rchannel.chat.ru. On this site, at the end of the last century, a large compilation of channeling materials from many different sources was collected - in a neat and consistent translation into Russian.)

Well, here, since we are, in essence, talking about our spiritual-intellectual evolution, or otherwise, about the wanderings and ascent of a person in the conditions of a multi-level structure of consciousness, then first of all we need to emphasize this thing. We do not have adequate scientific terminology for this structure. Religions have it (albeit often inadequately), but science still does not. Unfortunately.

In order not to create unnecessary entities, let’s use what we have. The ancient Egyptians at one time had a successful concept of KA-BA-AH, somewhat reminiscent of a nesting doll - consciousness as a complex of shells nested within each other. KA is an external container of consciousness, a purely personal aspect of a person, living in embodiment in a dense body. BA is a more complex, collective aspect-filter, evolving through the process of accumulating experience from many incarnations of their Ka and actively interfering in their lives. And finally, AH is the shining pure mind, spiritualizing and inspiring, but not interfering, however, with the evolution of BA and KA.

It is quite possible to say that AH is both our personal and our common unquenchable source of internal light, constantly feeling its identity with the single mind of the universe. However, there will be nothing more specific here about this most important aspect. Because that's simply not what this is about.

Already from this highly simplified diagram it should be clear that BA, as a collective aspect of consciousness by definition, has a complex multi-level structure. Where each of the shell-layers has its own projection-body in one or another level of multi-layer reality. The physics of the structure is such that the higher the level of reality, the less pronounced the attachment of the essence to one form or another, reality becomes more and more plastic, and the concepts of space and time become more and more blurred.

As for the consciousness reflecting this reality, the higher the level, the stronger the inhabitants’ sense of their unity. It can also be said that as the level of consciousness rises, the entity feels more and more levels of reality as “its own”. The same thing can be reformulated in another way: the lower the level of consciousness, the stronger the entity’s feeling of its separateness and otherness from everyone else.

Along with the fact that the ascending BA souls, as they evolve, rise upward, gradually building up their bodies at the upper levels, there are also descending BAs that incarnate into more clearly defined bodies - also with the goal of expanding consciousness, in a sense.

For those forms of consciousness, the shells of which originated and live “above,” the incarnation “down” is an extremely unusual and meaningful experience, giving a lot of new interesting sensations. They are born into denser bodies as into a kind of virtual world, filled with many dangers, puzzling intrigues and exciting adventures.

A powerful sense of otherness in the lower worlds inevitably gives rise to conflicts, which, in approximately the same pattern, grow from interpersonal relationships to interfamily and intertribal, interethnic and interracial, interstate and geopolitical. Well, then all these squabbles move into space, to the level of interplanetary and interstellar conflicts.

And what is important is that essentially the same scenarios of family and neighborhood conflicts are played out everywhere in one form or another: disputes about whose territory is where; attempts at strict dominance and control, running into a desire for greater independence and freedom; heated debates over different views on the main values ​​of life... And so on, according to the well-known list.

When skirmishes and wars with varying intensity continue for tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of years, then everyone who fights with each other “below”, for the most part, completely forget both the cause of the conflict and the fact that they grew from the same root . But this kind of thing always remembers those aspects of consciousness “above” that conceived all this entertainment. And already very tired of endless conflicts, they are trying to return the gigantically expanded and sadly fragmented game to a state of harmony, unity and universal satisfaction.

The agreement of the parties to unify definitely appeared a long time ago - however, the first attempt in this direction was, to put it mildly, not very successful. But it is significant that it was undertaken and looked something like this.

Due to the peculiarities of the structure of our consciousness, the following fact is generally accepted: in order to achieve agreement between all warring parties, it is very useful for the souls of one camp to be more often born into the bodies of the opposite camp - for the natural unification and fusion of conflicting principles.

A certain planet in the Vega system, in the constellation Lyra, was chosen as a neutral field to gradually bring all parties to agreement, where they bred a new hybrid humanoid, which, they say, was very similar to us. And so the souls of all the warring parties of the galactic family began to be born en masse into the bodies of these humanoid natives. Now, in the limited space of one planet, reproducing all the pressing conflicts for their best resolution...

Instead of a reunion, however, something else happened. Over the millennia of its rapid evolution, civilization on the planet reached such a point of crisis that it ended in a global thermonuclear catastrophe, the death of all life on the surface and the retreat of the people into deep underground that lasted for centuries to preserve the species.

During their life in complete isolation, this race underwent radical changes in everything. Deciding that the catastrophe was caused by their excessive emotionality, they eliminated this aspect of the psyche through genetic manipulation, trying to achieve uniform reactions of the species to any stimuli. Adapting to the conditions of underground life, they reduced their growth and changed their metabolism, teaching the body to obtain energy like plants - from sunlight and through the absorption of nutrient solutions through the skin. Having lost their reproductive functions, they began to reproduce exclusively by cloning. And finally, when they finally decided to get to the surface of the planet, they saw a completely different starry sky above them...

As it turned out, the cumulative impact of nuclear war and radiation on the body of the planet launched previously unknown processes of transformation of matter - as a result of which their world literally “inverted space”, so that the planet found itself in a completely different star system - in the Zeta Reticulum. In short, as many of them decided to leave their tormented planet, the first experiment with the unification of the Lyran family resulted in the emergence of a very specific race of galactic wanderers - known to us as the Zeta Reticuli... There is reason to say that they became the alpha version for Earth's humanity.

When exactly and how this happened in detail is not known for certain, but various sources reported that the latest attempt to create a new humanoid race to unite the family was our planet Earth. Remembering the previous unsuccessful experience, this time it was decided to act differently.

And on the basis of several basic species of primates, half a dozen different prototype races of humanity were created here at once. In the hope that natural mechanisms of selection and evolution will help gradually form a single organism from several ingredients, optimal for survival and harmonious development.

The total number of participants in the joint project who contributed their DNA fragments to the hybrid races of earthlings was probably greater, but to understand the general dynamics, it is enough to list the five most important “donors.” More precisely, we are interested not so much in the characteristics of these alien races themselves, but in the key ideas that we have firmly adopted from them and have been embodying here for thousands of years of our own civilizations.

* Lyra – Sirius *

The endlessly played out drama in the plane of total domination and control – with the inevitable emergence of new empires with claims to “world domination” – is a projection of the ancient conflict between the “metropolis” of Lyra and the “colonies” of Sirius. Quotes are absolutely necessary here, because strong colonies quickly gain power and also acquire imperial ambitions, and then outpost colonies of new empires can appear every now and then within any metropolis.

The polar opposites of this struggle are focused around the principle of dominance. If one pole, the “Lyrian” one, puts physical power and control of territories at the forefront, then for the “Sirian” pole domination in the minds of the population is much more important. For if you rule the minds of the masses, then you control both power and territories no less effectively.

The turbulent history of earthlings with its endless imperial episodes provides any number of clear examples to illustrate these ideas. But if the “Lyrian pole” of total physical dominance is easily visible in the actions of any powerful empire - from Ancient Rome and Genghis Khan to Hitler and the current USA - then the “Sirian pole” turns out to be a much more subtle and cunning thing.

It is logical to count the rise of the ideas of Sirius on Earth from the moment of the withdrawal of the Jewish people from Egypt. At that moment in history, not only was a significantly new religion born (gradually replacing the previous, anthropomorphic gods of man, constructed from the images of the giant Lyrian Phoenix), but also a significantly new way of doing politics entered the system. From Sirius came not only Judaism, Christianity and Islam, but also such things as religious secret societies, Masonic lodges, gray cardinals, behind-the-scenes political lobbying and the like, hidden from the eyes of the general public, but giving power and influence to outwardly inconspicuous characters.

And in order to especially emphasize that, for all their differences, the poles of Sirius and Lyra definitely lie in the same plane (that is, they are opposite representations of the same idea), the principle of hierarchical control should be especially emphasized. Wherever in the organization of work there is a desire to designate a vertical of power with hierarchical principles of leadership - an increase in authority with a simultaneous decrease in responsibility for what has been done - we see one of the typical Siri-Lyra scenarios.

* Orion – Pleiades *

A significantly different pair of polar opposites - Orion and the Pleiades - lies, one might say, in a plane perpendicular to political games and battles of empires. We can say that on this axis we are faced with all sorts of manifestations of activity aimed at resisting the pressure of the authorities, at getting out of total control and dictate, at achieving freedom in thoughts and independence in actions.

The Orion Pole arose in the context of an empire formed as a by-product of the struggle between Sirius and Vega. This system combined the most stringent methods of government, adopted from both the Lyrians and the Sirians. In other words, absolute power controlled the body and thoughts not only at the physical level, but also at deeper levels of consciousness - when deliverance from oppression did not occur even after the death of the physical organism. (Since the people of Earth did not have this in their history, fortunately, the Empire from the Star Wars movie saga is cited as an analogy - with the remark that “in reality everything was much worse and more terrible.”)

Naturally, as a reaction to such powerful pressure, resistance forces have always operated in the history of Orion. But in full accordance with the general ideas of this race about justice, the resistance was also of a forceful nature - based on the well-known symmetrical principles such as “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” or “he who lifts the sword will die by the sword.” It is clear that the overall scale of violence and suffering only increased as a result... For Orion history, these are already very, very ancient sores, long ago successfully cured, but for us the same topic has not yet lost its relevance at all.

A radically different, diametrically opposed principle of resistance was chosen by that part of the Lyrian family, which we know as the Pleiades race (and, according to everyone, is most similar to us among all relatives). Having made a decision long ago to make a radical exit from the prevailing violence and lack of freedom, the ancestors of this race quite consciously “left the game”, isolated themselves in a separate star system and focused on suppressing everything negative in themselves.

With a wonderful and impressive, I must say, positive outcome. Except for the fact that in such super-favorable conditions for existence, individuals could often be born and live that, according to medical indicators, would seem to be absolutely normal, but in character they were not just calm and affectionate, but also extremely stupid. Almost like cows in a human body...

But be that as it may, it is from the Pleiades that in our culture come the incredible power of ideas about non-resistance to evil through violence, about unconditional love for one’s neighbor and that all people are brothers and sisters. It is better to remain silent here about the carpenter’s son Joseph and his wife Mary, but such famous figures in history as Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King clearly demonstrated to everyone how effective Pleiadian forms of resistance can be.

To complete the picture, it is necessary to mention that it was the Pleiades who were the main “parents” of humanity in infancy - initially providing helpless and unadapted hybrids with food, shelter, and basic survival skills in dangerous conditions of the wild. When new colonists, giant Lyrans from Phoenix, appeared on the planet, the Pleiades had to move and tolerate a new, much less pleasant “parent” for the native tribes.


It is more correct, in general, to speak of these colonists, who founded on Earth what is known in our legends as Atlantis, as aliens from Mars. Because before this colony was engaged in the extraction of Martian minerals. But when the result of a predatory attitude towards nature and the use of nuclear energy was the complete destruction of the planet’s ecology, they were forced to move to neighboring Earth. Well, the settlers began to use the local native population (which simply did not exist on Mars) as slaves in their mines and quarries...

As already noted, it is these characters who appear as wayward and jealous, sometimes kind and sometimes cruel anthropomorphic gods in many ancient religions of mankind - from the Mediterranean and the Middle East to Hindustan and the American continent. And it is from them that ideas about racial superiority, national superiority, the superiority of noble birth, and so on live and will not disappear in humanity.

At the same time, this race, divided by strict class barriers, has always had (and even now, they say, has) an abundance of people of extremely high spiritual culture, respected by everyone and enjoying enormous authority. The wisdom of these teachers is fundamentally different from the wisdom of the Pleiades, however, they cannot be denied high efficiency.

When, not without the participation of the Atlantean race and its specific technologies, a global natural disaster broke out on Earth - with powerful earthquakes, displacement of tectonic plates and a great flood - the result for humanity turned out to be extremely significant. Those peoples whom the Pleiades continued to carefully nurse, in great numbers either drowned or died due to other cataclysms - because in horror and helplessness they waited for their patrons to save them and pull them out. But those who were oppressed by the giants, unwittingly teaching them not only to submit to the “gods”, but also to rely only on their own strength - these people survived much more successfully.

Since we are still talking here - it’s time to remind you - about “multidimensional kneading chess”, where the roles of pieces and players change depending on the level, and different levels have not only different rules, but also different goals of the game, it should be especially noted that The great flood acted here as a “watershed” of fundamental importance. After which on Earth there was neither the drowned Atlantis nor its colonists, concerned about the purity of their race, who had left in search of a quieter refuge for themselves. Well, those who chose to stay, involuntarily, had to gradually dissolve among the proliferating Aboriginal peoples.

Dissolve – we emphasize – in the world of our density. As for other levels of reality, starting with the “afterlife,” each religion has built up heaps of its own virtual worlds-hierarchies. On the tops of which the same “gods” of antiquity continue to reign in one way or another. Well, or they think that they rule - as long as there are those who worship them...


Another important moment for life in our density was that after the flood - in accordance with the change in the rules at another, “supra-religious” level - the surface of planet Earth was isolated by a “cosmic quarantine”, prohibiting the direct and open influence of aliens on the native population. In order to provide earthlings with their own development, independent of external influences.

To make it clearer how this kind of quarantine works in the multi-level world of a single consciousness, we can give an analogy with any project conceived for implementation by a person. If the project is approved “at the top” (the Egyptians called it BAU - our collective Ba), then all the circumstances seem to turn out well by themselves, and things go “like clockwork.” Well, if another project there, in the BAU authorities, is regarded as “extremely undesirable,” then out of nowhere thousands of problems and obstacles will arise, persistently slowing down the work and making it clear that something is being done wrong. In the end, sooner or later, one way or another, such a project still has to be abandoned...

The cosmic quarantine, which turned our planet into a kind of reserve for “exotic animals living on their own,” operated for many millennia. And finally, another change in the rules and the lifting of quarantine, as various sources report, occurred on a historical scale quite recently - immediately after the end of the Second World War. This, in fact, was the reason for significantly more frequent observations of flying saucers in our skies and similarly incomprehensible objects in the waters of the world's oceans. Not to mention UFO crashes in stories like Roswell.


To better understand what has happened and is still happening in our history since the end of mankind's most terrible war, it is very useful to have an understanding of the two main ideas or two key concepts that underlie the basic conflict that polarizes our galactic family. This conflict is often described in terms of those who “serve themselves” versus those who “serve others.”

(To make it immediately clearer how complicated everything is here, it can be noted that on the other hand, taking a different look at the same disagreements, the situation looks like a fundamental ideological clash between “spiritual individuals living in the name of the One” and “a colony of faceless ants, living only for the collective interests of their group.")

There is every reason to say that in one form or another this conflict is reflected not only in the eternal confrontations between the Lyrians and Sirians or in the differences in the concepts of liberation between the Pleiades and Orion. To the same extent, this conflict polarizes each of the parties involved in the process, taken separately. Well, specifically in the conditions of the Earth, this ideological alignment gave rise to a very confusing intrigue - especially for the Zeta Reticula race and for its relations with humanity.

And in order to understand this intrigue from our human point of view, it is especially important to emphasize this thing. Although the conflict between “service to self” and “service to others” has indeed been a driving force in the development of our entire galactic family, specifically for our race it is, as they say, “NOT OUR PROBLEM”. And for the people of Earth, this “differentiation by the color of pants” definitely makes sense to look at this only in this way.

Firstly, because we were created here by our parents precisely in order to resolve all such conflicts, harmoniously combining all seeming contradictions. And secondly, our entire difficult history clearly and convincingly teaches that the “color of pants” declared and demonstrated to others in reality means absolutely nothing, remaining just a label useful at one time or another.

And this is not at all difficult for us to comprehend if we recall the history of one huge state, emphatically oriented toward collectivism and “service to others.” The essence of ideology in the USSR was reduced to the power of the people and slogans like “everything in the name of man, everything for the good of man,” and at the top there was ruled by a ghoul named Joseph Stalin - who served exclusively only Himself-as-the-state and mercilessly killed anyone in whom he saw the slightest threat to his absolute power. Moreover, those Soviet citizens who did not pose any threat to the regime were also exterminated in large numbers - just so that others would be afraid...

Likewise, it is very useful to remember radically different examples from life. From the life of, say, an organization like the Catholic Church. Giving unconditional priority to spiritual values, having an absolutely clear hierarchical structure with the Pope elected as head for life, this church ideally fits the definition of “serving itself” - as the focus and embodiment of the One on Earth. And at the same time, we see how over the past decades this church has been led by people of rare spiritual qualities, John Paul II and Francis, the brightest representatives of humanity of precisely the type that is called “serving others.”

In short, all of these are clear examples of how the people of Earth, through collective efforts, are trying to master the idea of ​​unity of seemingly radically opposite concepts and principles. And at the same time, if you analyze channeling materials from different sources, it is easy to see that people are still trying to win over one or another of the opposing ideological camps. Moreover, it so happened that the most noticeable and strange role in this “tug of war” fell to the lot of the Zeta Reticula race. This means that in order to better understand them and ourselves, it’s time for us to take a closer look at the Zetas and what they are doing here on Earth.

*Zetas and Visits*

Their main goal has long been well known (since it was never really hidden): on the basis of their race and the human body, to create a new and viable hybrid, providing them with natural reproduction and evolution. Not immediately, but in the end it became clear that the hybrid must have emotions, which the Zetas got rid of a long time ago. Because it is the emotional body that, as it turns out, provides the bridge for a person’s powerful spiritual ascent. The bridge from BA to AH, as the ancient Egyptians would say. And the super-intellectual Zetas, accordingly, once depriving themselves of emotions, burned this bridge almost to the ground, actually stopping their spiritual growth and becoming dully stuck in the same layers of reality.

This is a good time to emphasize that virtually all alien races visiting Earth (with the exception of our tall neighbors, the “Lyrian-Martians” of the Phoenix), in their natural state, by definition, exist in other, usually invisible to us, layers of density of multi-level reality. This, one might say, is the flip side of the fact that they are here at all. Long interstellar travel is possible only through the fifth, frequency dimension, where the density or, in other words, the carrier frequency of matter oscillations changes. And the natural transition of a race to the next level of density accompanies or “materially reflects” the evolutionary growth of its consciousness.

For this reason, almost all human contacts with aliens occur at different levels of our multi-level consciousness, that is, visitors come from within rather than from outside. And in order for us to see and realize them “here”, they deliberately, using technical means, rearrange the frequency of vibrations, shifting themselves into our layer of matter... But there are, however, those who are able to make themselves visible or invisible with just the effort of thought. However, they no longer require any ships for travel, so they are very distant relatives from us in terms of intelligence.


But let's return to the story about Zet. Their arrangements were such that until 1945, in order to solve their problem of hybridization, they were forced to work in matters invisible to us, in fact, only with the consent of the so-called Hierarchy of humanity. Whatever this phrase formally means, we must always understand that “we are here” did not choose this hierarchy for ourselves. In other words, it “serves itself”, consists of all sorts of our past gods or other beings of mass worship, and obviously considers itself an authorized authority between humanity and the hypothetical “One” (which no one has ever seen, naturally, since THIS is all of us , collected together).

Other parties - and first of all the Hierarchy itself - of course, have a completely different opinion on this matter. But now this is not the point. But the important thing is that the Zetas, in these bureaucratic conditions, had to declare an orientation like “service to self (the One).” Because this was the only way to resolve “in the authorities” all the issues related to their genetic experiments.

But then - immediately after the victory over Nazism and the birth of the UN - it suddenly became completely clear and obvious that the humanity of the united nations of the Earth resolutely rejects any ideas of world order associated with racial, national, class, gender and any other superiority of some over others. And although - given our difficult past - these rotten ideas strive to be reborn every now and then, like a Phoenix from the ashes, there is no doubt that the humanity of the Earth has clearly spoken out in favor of the elimination of all hierarchical ladders that secure some in a more privileged position than the position of others.

Accordingly, the hierarchy of our invisible rulers had to “change their sign” (after all, here on Earth this is a completely common thing). And declare that from now on we, humanity, are, they say, “serving others.” Under the leadership of almost the same characters (although some, they say, were still kicked out of there), but now they, as a rule, are called by the democratic words “planetary council” or something like that.

Likewise, for successful cooperation with our new-old Council, it has now become highly desirable for all alien parties concerned to have a "service to others" orientation. It is clear that the flexible-minded Zetas immediately decided to change their outdated orientation - however, this was not a matter of pure formality.


Who exactly came up with this new “ritual of passage with sacrifice” is not known for certain, but since human sacrifice definitely appeared in the history of the Earth with the direct participation of our Lyran “gods” from Phoenix, the history of UFO accidents should probably be deduced from approximately the same place. starting from Roswell.

The essence of this very first, very curly and multi-step combination, which laid the foundation for direct contacts of modern man with alien races, has not been revealed in detail by anyone to this day. Neither by our alien relatives through channeling, nor, especially, by government authorities through official documents. Moreover, to this day, Roswell is officially considered a myth, and aliens - as everyone knows - have never been and are not on Earth. And for nearly seventy years now, humanity has been trying to perceive reality in such a completely schizophrenic way.

However, many things about Roswell are still known from a number of informative sources. Based on the available facts, it is quite possible to reconstruct the general essence of what happened, which in general terms looks something like this.


Since the development of nuclear/thermonuclear weapons poses an obvious threat not only to the future of humanity, but also to life on the planet in general, it was considered that the people of Earth were ripe enough to become acquainted with their galactic family and its instructive history. It is quite possible that direct contacts of humanity with close alien relatives who had extensive experience of military nuclear disasters could teach us something. Therefore, the cosmic quarantine from Earth was lifted.

In other words, to begin with - in preparation for acquaintance - it became possible to openly demonstrate extraterrestrial forms of intelligent life in the skies. But with the next stage - direct contacts at the official level - there was a serious problem.

The first delicate attempts of the aliens to enter into communication with our authorities ran into a completely inadequate (albeit predictable) reaction. As a result of thousands of years of our evolution, heavily implicated in fears, a person perceives any unknown thing primarily as a threat. And if it further turns out that a previously unknown potential threat can be controlled, the person begins to study it - as another object of his unsafe environment.

Well, if it turns out otherwise that a new unknown something cannot be controlled and influenced, then they simply begin to avoid it in every possible way. If this something does not pose a direct and obvious threat, then a person often begins to simply ignore such objects or phenomena. It's as if they don't exist at all.

Moreover, it is significant that such a specific model of behavior is especially important for power structures. For their main function is to manage and control. And if situations are identified in which the authorities can do absolutely nothing, then in these conditions it is most convenient to pretend that nothing like this is actually happening...

When the reasons for the reaction became clear, then somewhere in invisible authorities it was concluded that in order to push our authorities to the first official contact with aliens, they need to clearly demonstrate that forms of extraterrestrial life can, in principle, be as vulnerable as and our species Homo Sapiens. In other words, a person will make contact more easily if he witnesses an alien accident and receives all the remains of the disaster at his disposal. Including the bodies of the crew...

Well, since the race of Zeta Reticula was, on the one hand, what is called vitally and vitally interested in its direct participation in such processes of rapprochement, and on the other hand, it was required to take certain steps confirming loyalty to the “new camp”, choosing a victim for such a cruel The ritual of sacrifice turned out to be quite understandable and predictable.

Further events turned out to be much worse predictable. Since it was decided to crash the Zeta ships not just anywhere, but in a symbolic place - not far from the first and at that time the only airbase in the world, Roswell, armed with atomic bombs - the US military authorities reacted to the situation in a very specific way. They immediately - taking advantage of the desolation of the area and impromptu inventing an absolutely ridiculous cover story - collected and dragged all the remains to a military base, classifying what happened with the highest vultures of military state secrets...

What happened next with this whole story is one way or another described in a great variety of various investigations, books and articles, more than abundantly mixed with legends and disinformation from the special services. The ufology community now has a lot of information of the most varied degrees of reliability - about subsequent official contacts of the US authorities with aliens, about a number of other accidents-sacrifices of UFOs of other races, about a whole complex of deep underground bases provided to aliens in the United States and Australia, and a lot about than else.

*Big Lie*

All this information, however, has virtually no value or importance. For they are all born and live in the realm of anecdotes, urban folklore and mythology - that is, absolutely beyond the boundaries of serious science or politics, philosophy or religion.

The only important thing here is that in 1947, the Big Lie was born on planet Earth. Without any exaggeration, the biggest deception in the entire history of the 20th century, and one might say, in the entire history of modern humanity.

And what is especially unpleasant, perhaps, is that our entire “supermundane hierarchy of humanity,” or the council, or whatever they are positioning themselves now, seems to be quite satisfied with what happened. Formally, contact has been made, and among the peoples of the Earth there are certain power structures that regularly or constantly interact with aliens.

Well, the fact that all this is done in the deepest secrecy... Well, on Earth such secrets are a very old and completely common thing. This means that everyone else probably just hasn’t matured enough to make contacts.

*Grains of Truth*

All this, as already said, is a Big Deception. Because the truth looks completely different. And it lies in the fact that today any person - simply by virtue of his birth on this planet - by definition has the right to know not only his alien relatives and ancestors, but also the reasons why our galactic relatives are now experiencing a keen interest in the humanity of the Earth .

And of course, it is not at all an accident that the response to the Big Lie, to official silence and suppression of information was that in huge numbers, seemingly completely ordinary people suddenly discovered the gift of contact channels. In other words, it is unclear how important, meaningful and consistent information suddenly began to simultaneously come from many sources that clearly could not have generated it themselves.

And it is these communication channels – now at the personal level of “ancient family ties” – that no state or intelligence agency can effectively control and suppress.

What kind of information goes through these channels? A completely adequate idea of ​​the essence of the interest that aliens have in us can be given by the lines of the following compilation, compiled from fragments of various channelings from independent sources and races of aliens:

If you don't like the state of your world, then it is you who must change, individually and en masse. This is the only way for change to have an effect. You shape your own dreams and you shape your own physical reality. This world is what you are...

The main task of the people of your planet is to overcome racial prejudices and carry out the process of genetic unification of earthlings. We are not saying that you all have to look exactly the same like the Zetas. This is an extreme.

But we want to encourage you to show, at the level of aspirational energy, the desire to carry out the process of genetic integration on your planet. When the barriers are broken down and your good will prevails, you will not necessarily and immediately be required to physically carry it out. Goodwill is enough to heal the effects of your resistance to integration in the past.

When life arose on Earth, aliens began to take reincarnations here. Today, 99% of the Earth's population are the same ancient aliens, trying to resolve their no less ancient conflicts.

The earth was chosen as the place where the final integration would take place. This will happen right here, because all those souls who are now here once belonged to various groups of aliens, and they have gathered here “under one roof” specifically for this.

Now all this looks like a local, purely earthly process. But its consequences are much broader. The earth helps, in its own way, the evolution of the entire universe. And human DNA is the successor and the beginning of a whole process that will affect many, many worlds...

The human race combines the genetics of the entire galactic family. In the perspective of the drama that we have all played out over many lifetimes in many systems, the human race of the Earth has become the beginning of genetic, mental, emotional and spiritual integration. The integration we strive for. That's why everyone thinks you have the best chance of becoming our future super race. You've already made a good start...

Of course, it would be nice to support such inspired and inspiring words with some beautiful and visual picture from the widest range of works in the “crop circle” genre.

And after a very short search, such a picture is actually found. Moreover, by no coincidence, of course, this work appeared exactly a year ago, in the summer of 2014, in the same English county of Dorset, where the current “solar cross” is located. That is, almost certainly, the authorship of last year’s picture is the same.

Since all such graphic messages are addressed, rather, to our subconscious and intuition, rather than to the logical-rational mind, each person extracts something different from such a picture. But in order to make it easier for intuition to catch on to something meaningful here - in addition to the obvious 5-fold symmetry - we can remind you of KA-BA-AH. That is, about the “three-story” structure of consciousness living in the biological organism of every person (or aliens with a body of a related five-pointed structure). And also to clarify that the pure shining mind of AH, according to a long tradition, is depicted as a winged bird.

And if you manage to “find” in the elements of this picture an allegorical image of the five alien races of our ancestors, who, in order to achieve mutual agreement, entered into cross marriages and gave birth to bodies for the embodiment of the rest of the family members - thus forming the body of a human being on Earth with the genetics and BAU of all five races - then you, consider, have practically comprehended your amazing origin.

Well, if you don’t see anything so significant here, that’s okay too. This means there will be something to meditate on. Or at least think about the benefits of meditation...


To complete such a large and detailed story, it’s time to remember “The New Scientist with a Double Bottom.” That is, a wonderful British weekly that almost every month publishes something meaningfully ambiguous on its covers and pages.

Additional reading on the topic:

UFO: case history. From the factual side, it is an extremely rigorous study, based exclusively on reliable documents, demonstrating the full depth of mental illness in modern science. Which by any means avoids recognizing facts if they do not fit into the established theoretical structure.

The fact that the Mystery line includes several models of affordable three-way acoustics is undoubtedly commendable; therefore, they know about trends and aspirations. In this particular model, the bass head basket is not loud, and the midrange housing is completely dull. Midrange speaker mounting lugs with perforations - if the seat is equipped with two-point fastening, it is easy to get rid of the extra lugs. The diffuser material is bright yellow polypropylene, due to its texture it is similar to Kevlar. Inside the voice coils, phase equalizing bodies in the form of a “bullet” (22 mm) are installed on stands. There is a low plastic O-ring on the outer rim of the midbass. The midrange driver has a medium-high ring, that is, its height approximately corresponds to the height of the suspension corrugation. It is a pity, of course, that the grille frame does not provide an additional barrier to the acoustic short circuit. But the frame of the bass head provides a very good seal. The corrugations of the bass head centering washer have a progressive cross-sectional shape. The wires from the contacts to the voice coils are routed using the second method, that is, without violating the integrity of the diffuser. The magnets are protected by rubber covers. The diameter of the bass speaker magnet is 80 mm; the midrange driver's magnet dimensions are 70 x 12 mm. The diameter of the tweeter fabric membrane is only 20 mm, which should help expand the dispersion of the HF head radiation. The kit includes housings for mounting tweeters without rotating the axes (that is, perpendicular to the surface) and housings with rotating the axes by 10 or 55 degrees. The crossover consists of four capacitors, one of which is polyester, and three coils. Decoding the crossover device gave the following formula: II + (I + I(Zobel)) + II. As you can see, the mid-frequency driver is connected through the Zobel circuit; without this precaution, the efficiency of the first-order low-pass filter would be low.

It should be noted right away that it is not often that you can hear such cymbals from acoustics in the entry-level price range - clear, detailed, made of the “correct” metal. The drum dynamics are accurate, but in drum solos it feels like the kick drum is overshadowing the snare drums. In male vocals, the honest transmission of sibilants is captivating, but low notes live their own lives, independent of the other vocal components. The female vocals are calm, melodious and detailed. The attack on the bass is well conveyed, the double bass is clearly audible, although the deepest bass, of course, is not very convincing. Violins are very musical, but sometimes they lack materiality.

Maximum/nominal power (according to the manufacturer), W 220/65
Reproducible frequency range, Hz (-3 dB) 68 - 22000
Sensitivity, dB/W (1m) (150 - 15000 Hz) 89
Average nonlinear distortion factor (90 dB (1 m), 160 - 4000 Hz), % 0.545
Nonlinear distortion factor (90 dB (1 m), 80 - 125 Hz), % 1.40

As always, we start with the mechanics (without emotions, everything has its own section). The power factor of the bass driver is low, 4.3 T m. However, the moving system is also the lightest in today’s group, so according to theory, the sensitivity of the bass head promised to be serious (88.5 dB/W). The sensitivity of the mid-frequency head (also according to calculations) is about a decibel lower, but the result of the efforts of all three components, as can be seen from the table (already based on measurements with a crossover), turned out to be quite worthy. For “sixes” we do not consider this sensitivity indicator to be exclusive, however, we note: Mystery’s sensitivity is slightly higher than that of other “colleagues”. Nonlinear distortion in the bass is average, at mid frequencies lower than that of other participants.

Free advice: It is better to orient the midrange “in your face” and mount it in a volume of 0.75 liters or more.

Mystery MF-6.3
3250 rub.
Relatively high sensitivity
Low distortion at mid frequencies
No attenuator
For that kind of money it’s just a gift
Design 8
Frequency response 8
Sensitivity 8
Bass potential 8
Sound 9
Total 41

A comparison of the frequency characteristics of individual components shows that the bass and mid-frequency sections work together over a two-octave area: from 1 to 4 kHz. The result of this is a rise in the resulting frequency response, starting from 700 Hz, so that the system's response in the upper midrange is higher than the sensitivity of each head individually. But the authors of the development were unable to obtain a perpetual motion machine of the second kind: the impedance of the system in this area is noticeably reduced, so the input power here is higher. The total frequency response turned out to be quite flat (total unevenness is 7 dB or 3.5 dB, starting from 1 kHz. The dispersion of the tweeter radiation, as expected, is quite wide, but it is better to orient the midrange driver towards the listener at a minimum angle and keep it close to the woofer.

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