Planes in gta san andreas titles. Codes for GTA: San Andreas. Codes for airplanes in GTA San Andreas

The game "GTA: San Andreas" is perhaps the most popular game in the series, it was released back in 2004 in October, and immediately gained popularity. An open world, many activities, addictive gameplay and much more games at that time could not provide, but GTA: San Andreas could.

Among all the abundance of entertainment in the game, players can sit at the helm of a variety of aircraft. However, as you might guess, their control is different from that of cars. Because of this, many players got lost at first and crashed their aircraft more than once. In the article, we will talk about how to fly a plane in GTA: San Andreas. This manual will help everyone easily master the basics of controlling all aircraft in the game.

Where to find the plane

But before talking about how to fly a plane in GTA: San Andreas, it's worth talking about where you can find and how to get that same plane.

In order not to rant for a long time, it is worth going straight to the point. You can find the plane at the airports of the city. But the catch is that many may not know where these airports are. It doesn't matter, in this case you can use a little trick - cheat codes. Perhaps this is the easiest way to find a plane in the game. More precisely, you will not even look for him, he himself will appear in front of you.

So, to get the plane, you need to register one of the following cheat codes: JUMPJET or URKQSRK. The first code materializes a military fighter in front of you, on board of which there are rocket launchers and special traps to divert enemy missiles from you. The second code will give you a small piston powered biplane. He has no weapons, but he is more agile.

Unfortunately, cheat codes will not allow you to get the largest plane in GTA: San Andreas, you will need to find this "bird" yourself. And it is located at the airport in the city of Las Venturas.

Aircraft control methods

After we figured out where you can find planes in the game, you can talk about how to fly a plane in GTA: San Andreas.

Fortunately, almost all devices are controlled in the same way, with the exception of just one - a military fighter. But about him a little later. Now let's take a look at the passenger plane in GTA: San Andreas, which can be found at Los Santos International Airport, it is located at the very bottom of the map.

So, having climbed into the plane, you will need to initially drive it out onto the runway in order to accelerate. To do this, use the W and S buttons. With W, you will move forward, and by holding S, you can go backwards. Also, to correct your direction, use the Q and E keys, turning the plane's nose left and right, respectively.

So, you are standing on the runway and ready to take to the skies - there is nothing easier. To do this, hold down the W key and gradually pick up speed, as soon as you accelerate to the limit, hold down the down arrow button (↓) and the plane will begin to climb. You can now control the elevators by pressing down (↓) or up (). To turn left or right, you can use the same Q and E, but to make a quick turn, turn the wings to a vertical position using the A or D keys, depending on where you are going to turn, and hold the down (↓) key. It will be uncomfortable at first, and you may break the device a couple of times, but over time you will learn everything.

How to fly a military fighter

So you learned how to fly a plane in GTA: San Andreas, but we dismantled an ordinary passenger plane, now let's talk about a military fighter, since its control is a little different.

The difference is insignificant: the fact is that it takes off vertically, jet turbines are used for this. That is, by sitting in the vehicle and holding W, you will not pick up speed, you will simply fly up. To get into, so to speak, normal flight mode, you need to align the turbines horizontally.

To do this, initially dial the desired height, and then hold down and hold the 8 key on Num-Pud for about three seconds. Everything, now the plane is controlled in the same way as a passenger one. By the way, you can land in the same way or by moving the turbines to a vertical position and dropping thrust - it's up to you.

Now you have finally learned how to fly a plane in GTA: San Andreas.

Currently codes for GTA San Andreas do not lose their popularity, and even more, they are gaining more and more! In GTA San Andreas, the codes are presented in the widest and most diverse range, because we can get almost everything we want, whether it be cars, bikes, military equipment such as planes, helicopters, tanks, as well as a bunch of useful chips like infinite health, money, we have the ability to change the weather and time of day, yes ... literally everything is now under our control by entering GTA San Andreas game codes!

GTA San Andreas Codes for weapons

Undoubtedly, weapons are so deeply embedded in the gameplay that we are no longer able to even imagine a game without them. After all, let's think, in order to complete most of the missions, we will need weapons, and even more in free play! Therefore, in GTA San Andreas, the weapon code becomes literally an indispensable thing, because thanks to it, we quickly get a complete set of weapons chosen by us, it is for the speed of achieving the result that GTA SA cheats for weapons are valued.

By the way, for more realism of what is happening, there is a mod that implements the visualization of a full set of weapons over the shoulder of the main character!

LXGIWYL - weapon set #1 (AK-47, shotgun, 9mm pistol, rifle, mini MP5, rocket launcher, spray paint, brass knuckles, bat, Molotov cocktail)
KJKSZPJ - weapon set #2 (sniper rifle, Tec-9, Desert Eagle pistol, M4 assault rifle, Sawed-Off, grenades, fire extinguisher, knife, flamethrower)
UZUMYMW - weapon set #3 (9mm pistol with silencer, sniper rifle, M4 assault rifle, MP5, chainsaw, thermal RPG, Spaz, mines)

Codes for GTA San Andreas wanted

GTA San Andreas cheat codes, as mentioned earlier, are valued for speed and effectiveness, let's imagine a situation that we are being chased by cops, we have n-th number of wanted stars and we urgently need to break away from the chase, otherwise an arrest will follow! What are we going to do? The answer is simple, let's enter the desired GTA San Andreas Wanted Code, or rather, to lower the wanted level, because, for fans of extreme sports, there is also a cheat to increase the number of stars!

OSRBLHH - Increase wanted level by two stars
ASNAEB - remove all stars
LJSPQK - wanted level - 6 stars
AEZAKMI - never wanted by the cops

GTA SA Gear Cheats

GTA San Andreas game codes cover almost all spheres and areas, from vehicles to equipment of the protagonist, and we'll talk about the latter. We are always worried about the lack of health at the most inopportune moment, then the search for armor or money to buy a house, weapons or other needs. Or maybe we want infinite ammo or instantly get a parachute? Yes, now all this is becoming available, and, accordingly, GTA San Andreas codes for immortality will help us, and to strengthen the financial well-being of the character, we will enter the GTA San Andreas code for money, etc...
By the way, a mod is now available that will transfer an exact copy of the parachute from GTA 5 to our beloved GTA SA.

HESOYAM - full armor and health + $250.000
WANRLTW or FULLCLIP - infinite ammo, no reload
OUIQDMW - full combat gear while driving
NCSGDAG - Hitman level in all weapon skills at once
AIYPWZQP - free parachute

GTA San Andreas codes for cars

In GTA SA, codes for cars deserve a separate, unique and huge attention, because this is one of those indispensable and most useful things in the whole game! Well, tell me how often we walk in the game, maybe we go on walks between districts and cities ... No! Cars come to our rescue. As a matter of fact, the variety of car brands in the game is quite large, but sooner or later they all get bored, so let's diversify our fleet by entering GTA San Andreas Codes for cars.

CQZIJMB - Bloodring Banger
JQNTDMH - Rancher
VPJTQWV - Racecar 2
UBHYZHQ - Trashmaster
AMOMHRER - Tanker Truck
KGGGDKP - Vortex Hovercraft

And for lovers of something special, those who are ready for a lot and even more, we offer an excellent mod that will bring an ATV into the game, on which we boldly set off to conquer any road surface!

GTA San Andreas Codes for planes and helicopters

GTA San Andreas codes for planes

Continuing the theme raised in the discussion of cars in the game, we can safely say that the aircraft is one of those important, useful and interesting miracles of technological progress, thanks to which we overcome kilometers under the wing, even faster than we would have done on foot or even on the fastest car, because any car needs, albeit the worst, but the road, and when we get on a plane, we fly where we want! GTA San Andreas codes for airplanes will help us in many of our endeavors, reducing the time of arrival at any point on the map to a minimum, and simply, sometimes you really want to look at everything from above, from a bird's eye view, to feel like the owner of not only the earth, but everything airspace!

URKQSRK - Stunt Plane

However, the planes in GTA San Andreas are not only represented by the above models, they also offer two great mods: which adds the famous Boeing 777 to the game, imposing and majestic, which willy-nilly will make you feel like a real king of the air, as well as a mod that adds the most modern fighter, created with the latest technology.

GTA San Andreas codes for helicopters

Helicopters are no less popular and interesting than any other air transport in the game, in particular, airplanes. We are offered a number of models, from simple pleasure ones to more military ones, however, the GTA San Andreas cheat codes for the Helicopter will give us the main thing - the very beloved and cherished military helicopter, with super-tricky guns and a frightening and swift design - a dream !

OHDUDE - helicopter (Hunter)

Tank code for GTA San Andreas

So the so-called heavy artillery enters the battle! Under the solid and inspiring fear and respect for the sound of armor, we observe nothing more than a tank! Yes, GTA San Andreas cheats will be added to the tank especially for us, in any place of space, wherever we are, a real combat military tank, which not only imitates a combat vehicle outwardly, no, it can do everything the same as a real one - drive , shoot and have fun!

AIWPRTON - tank (Rhino)

And also, we have a unique opportunity to drive through the expanses of San Andreas on a real tank from GTA 5 thanks to the mod!

GTA San Andreas boat code

Let's get closer to the water, it doesn't matter if it's a river between cities or a blue ocean encircling the entire territory, what will we see? That's right, we will see a huge number of the most diverse water vessels, ranging from small pleasure boats and boats to more solid yachts and speed boats! We are given a huge choice, but ... how about having fun? We sit in the boat and, instead of a simple and unremarkable swimming Boats in GTA San Andreas now know how to fly!

AFSNMSMW - all boats fly

Unfortunately, in GTA San Andreas the code for the boat is not provided, but there is a worthy replacement - the program Car spawner for GTA San Andreas , thanks to which, we can call any vehicle, including all types of boats!

Jetpack code for GTA San Andreas

The code for the Jetpack for GTA San Andreas adds the so-called jetpack for GTA San Andreas to the gameplay, thanks to which we can easily overcome any distance and height, despite the presence of airplanes or helicopters, or runways, we fly where we want and where we want!
Jetpac code for GTA San Andreas will allow you to look at the game from a slightly different angle, feel like the owner, looking down on the map, where some events are taking place, there is a hectic life!

ROCKETMAN or YECGAA - jetpack (Jetpack)

GTA San Andreas codes for game characteristics

GTA San Andreas codes for the characteristics of cars and traffic

No matter how cool and cool we choose, anyway, we are constantly limited by something, either insufficient driving skills, or we simply want something more, for example, only rural cars on the road, or maybe make all cars invisible? All this and more is now possible!

VQIMAHA - maximum driving skill
XICWMD - cars become invisible
PGGOMOY - control becomes perfect
BGKGTJH - only cheap cars drive on the roads
GUSNHDE - only expensive cars drive on the roads
CPKTNWT - explosion of all cars
LLQPFBN - pink cars
IOWDLAC - black cars
RIPAZHA - the car can fly
BMTPWHR - villagers on sidewalks and rural transport
FVTMNBZ - collective farm clothes and cars
THGLOJ - minimum traffic on the roads
COXEFGU - nitrous oxide on all vehicles
BSXSGGC or BUBBLECARS - in a collision, cars fly away from each other

GTA SA codes for character characteristics

Cities, cars, planes... But, without what, all this will not be interesting to us? Of course, you are right, without the main character - the acting character, whom we are constantly improving, treating him almost like ourselves, looking for the best.
GTA SA codes for character characteristics give us the opportunity to improve and give superpowers that go beyond the limits that the game developers have set for us!

BAGUVIX - immortality, does not die from bullets
CVWKXAM - infinite oxygen
AEDUWNV - never hungry
BTCDBCB - thick
JYSDSOD - hunks
KVGYZQK - thin
BEKKNQV - attracts whores (girls)
OGXSDAG - most respect
EHIBXQS - the biggest attraction
VKYPQCF - highest endurance
NATURALTALENT - max driving, piloting, cycling and bike skills
AFPHULTL - Japanese sword and ninjas everywhere
KANGAROO - mega jump

GTA San Andreas weather codes

The weather for GTA San Andreas carries the most important, albeit almost imperceptible for us for the time being semantic load. After all, remember, when it rains and there is zero visibility in front of us, the mood involuntarily drops and we want the sun again, blue sky, or vice versa ... And the weather has become subject to us!

AFZLLQLL - always sunshine
ICIKPYH - hot weather
ALNSFMZO - clouds everywhere
AUIFRVQS - it's raining
CFVFGMJ - foggy weather
MGHXYRM - thunderstorm
CWJXUOC - sand storm

Code to change the time for GTA San Andreas

Time is a very relative concept, when we are looking forward to something, it flows very slowly for us, and when we are late, on the contrary, it flies at the speed of light ... So let's control time, speeding it up or slowing it down, using time codes for GTA San Andreas.

XJVSNAJ or NIGHTPROWLER - constantly midnight
OFVIAC - the sky turns orange (21:00)
YSOHNUL - acceleration of time in the game
PPGWJHT - speed up the game
LIYOAAY - game slowdown

Other Cheat codes for GTA San Andreas

Below are the cheat codes for GTA San Andreas, which are difficult to attribute to any specific separate category, but this does not make them less interesting and useful for us!

BAGOWPG - attack peds from all sides
SZCMAWO - commit suicide
ZEIIVG - green wave at all traffic lights
YLTEICZ - car chases
ASBHGRB - Elvis's all around
BGLUAWML - armed pedestrians attack
AJLOJYQY - the war of pedestrians among themselves
CIKGCGX - party on the beach
MROEMZH - Los Santosa Gang Members Everywhere
BIFBUZZ - members of other gangs everywhere
JHJOECW - bike super jump
JCNRUAD - Smash "n Boom (mega auto explosion on collision)
LFGMHAL - super jump
IAVENJQ - super punch
IOJUFZN - state of rebellion
PRIEBJ - the state of the madhouse
MUNASEF - state of adrenaline
SJMAHPE - recruit anyone (9mm)
ZSOXFSQ - recruit anyone (Rockets)

Of course, we want to warn you - if possible, we recommend that you go through the game and save without cheats, because only then can we proudly declare that we honestly went through the whole game! Why do we need codes then? The answer is simple - have fun! Use any of them, change the weather, fly cars and boats, what can I list, do whatever you want, the main thing is not to save the game with the cheats introduced, because then we will not be able to fully enjoy an honest passage of the game.

FULLCLIP, WANRLTW - Infinite ammo and shooting without reloading.
OUIQDMW - Automatic aiming of weapons when firing from a vehicle.
NCSGDAG, PROFESSIONALKILLER - The highest level of proficiency in all types of weapons.
LXGIWYL - Weapon set #1 for amateurs (knuckles, bat, 9mm pistol, shotgun, micro SMG, AK-47, rifle, rocket launcher, Molotov cocktail, spray paint).
PROFESSIONALSKIT, KJKSZPJ - Weapon set #2 for professionals (knife, Desert Eagle pistol, sawn-off shotgun (Sawn-off shotgun), Tec-9, M4, sniper rifle, fire extinguisher, flamethrower, grenades).
UZUMYMW - Nutty Weapon Pack #3 (Chainsaw, Silenced Pistol, Combat Shotgun, MP5, M4, Stinger, Remote Control Explosive).

Cheats for health, armor and money:

HESOYAM - Full health, armor and $250.000.
BAGUVIX - Infinite health with protection from bullets, fire and shock, however, from explosions, falling from a height, hitting a car, you can still get hurt or drown by choking on water.
CVWKXAM - Unlimited underwater breathing.
AEDUWNV - Always full and never hungry again.
MUNASEF, ANOSEONGLASS - Adrenaline level.

Police Attention Codes:

ASNAEB, TURNDOWNTHEHEAT - Remove the crime rate (all wanted stars disappear).
LJSPQK, BRINGITON - Raise the crime rate to the maximum (6 wanted stars).
OSRBLHH, TURNUPTHEHEAT - Raise the crime rate by 2 stars.
AEZAKMI - Elusive, never caught or arrested.

Attractiveness codes and statuses:

OGXSDAG, WORSHIPME - Maximum respect.
EHIBXQS, HELLOLADIES - Maximum sexuality.
BTCDBCB - CJ is very fat.
KVGYZQK - CJ is skinny.
BUFFMEUP, JYSDSOD - CJ is a muscular jock.
VKYPQCF - Max Stamina.
VQIMAHA, NATURALTALENT - CJ has the maximum level of control over all transport.
BIFBUZZ - Gangs have captured absolutely the entire state of San Andreas. The streets of the cities are completely empty, there is no one on them except for the bandits from the opposing factions, who are firing without respite.
MROEMZH - Gangs are everywhere, they will surround you everywhere, even where they do not exist (for example, Ballas in Las Venturas).

Cheats for cars in codes for GTA Sanandres:

AIWPRTON - Tank Rhino
CQZIJMB - Bloodring Banger
PDNEJOH-Hotring Racer 73
VPJTQWV - Hotring Racer 07
UBHYZHQ - Trashmaster
RZHSUEW - Caddy Golf Cart
AMOMHRER - Tanker Truck
JQNTDMH - Rancher

Codes for planes in GTA San Andreas:

JUMPJET - Hydra Aircraft
OHDUDE - Hunter Helicopter
URKQSRK - Stunt Plane

Codes for the rest of the equipment in San Andreas:

KGGGDKP - Vortex Hovercraft
AIYPWZQP - Get a parachute

Codes for car characteristics and traffic:

COXEFGU - All cars have nitro, but its supply is limited, so you will have to get out and get back into the car to replenish it.
CPKTNWT - Blow up all cars. All vehicles in the player's field of vision will be blown up.
XICWMD - All vehicles become invisible (transparent), except for motorcycles. The cars only have wheels.
PGGOMOY - Perfect control. Increased sensitivity and sharpness in driving. Out of habit, it is very easy to turn the car over.
ZEIIVG - Traffic lights are always green. The green light is on steadily.
YLTEICZ - Aggressive drivers. Drivers and their passengers start a shootout with the police.
LLQPFBN, AGRUXVHIQYH - All vehicles turn pink. Let the glamor in San Andreas.
IOWDLAC, AGRUJRYMNOL - The color of all cars becomes black. Mourning in the State...
RIPAZHA - Flying cars. Once the car accelerates, you can take off. Control like in an airplane.
FVTMNBZ - All cars and people from the countryside. Rednecks drive through the cities of the state of San Andreas.
AFSNMSMW - Flying boats. All boats and yachts fly, although yachts cannot fly high, because it is too heavy.
BGKGTJH - There are only cheap slow cars on the streets of SA.
GUSNHDE - On the streets of SA only expensive fast and sports cars.
BSXSGGC, BUBBLECARS - At the slightest collision of your car with other cars, they lose weight and fly off into the air.
JCNRUAD - Any car you sit in becomes almost indestructible, and when it collides with it, other vehicles break in.
CVWKXAM - The result of the code action is undefined.
VKYPQCF - The result of the code action is undefined.
BMTPWHR - The result of the code action is undefined.

Weather codes:

AFZLLQLL - Sunny clear weather.
ICIKPYH - Very sunny weather.
ALNSFMZO - Cloudy weather.
AUIFRVQS - Rainy weather.
CFVFGMJ - Foggy weather.
MGHXYRM - Thunderstorm.
CWJXUOC - Buran (sandstorm).

Time codes:

YSOHNUL - Speed ​​up game time.
PPGWJHT - Speed ​​up the gameplay (gameplay).
LIYOAAY - Slow down gameplay.
XJVSNAJ, NIGHTPROWLER - always midnight. The game clock stops at 00:00. If you die, then after the return it will be noon - 12:00.
OFVIAC - Orange sky. The color of the sky will be the same as in the first screenshots of GTA San Andreas. Also the code will stop the time at 21:00.

Codes for the gameplay:

AJLOJYQY - People fight each other with golf clubs.
BAGOWPG - Have a bounty on your head.
FOOOXFT - Everyone is armed.
SZCMAWO - Suicide.
ASBHGRB - Elvises are everywhere.
BGLUAWML - People attack you with weapons.
CIKGCGX - Party on the beach.
MROEMZH - Gang members everywhere.
BIFBUZZ - Control over the streets.
BEKKNQV - Girls…
JHJOECW Huge Bunny Hop.
LFGMHAL - Mega jumps.
IAVENJQ - Mega hit.
AEDUWNV - You don't know the word "hunger".
IOJUFZN - Riot mode.
PRIEBJ - Funhouse Theme.
OUIQDMW - Full aiming of weapons in the car.
THGLOJ - Shortened movement.
SJMAHPE - Recruitment of any (9mm).
ZSOXFSQ - Recruit anyone (Rockets).
CRAZYTOWN - Everyone goes crazy.
NATURALTALENT - All your skills are pumped to the maximum parameters.

Most cheats used in GTA San Andreas (game without mods)

Driving a car in the games of the GTA series is an essential attribute, because you will spend a lot of time behind the wheel. These games have always had a huge variety of cars for you to try out. They have different handling, can accelerate to different speeds and so on. Therefore, every gamer could have a lot of fun for long periods of time. However, it is worth noting that aircraft and other aircraft did not appear for a very long time. But in GTA "San Andreas" everything has changed, and a variety of means for moving through the air have become available to users. However, it is worth noting that almost everyone had difficulties with management, because this process was made more realistic, and you have to make allowances for various factors. Therefore, special attention should be paid to how to fly a plane in GTA San Andreas. It is at this point that most gamers have serious questions.

Planes in GTA "San Andreas"

Before considering in detail the question of how to fly a plane in GTA San Andreas, you need to understand the appearance of these vehicles in the game. There are more than ten of them, and they all have different characteristics. First of all, it is worth noting that they are divided into reactive and screw, each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, and most importantly, control features. To start flying a plane, you first need to get it, and this can only be done in certain places. You can wait until the moment when you get a chance to fly in the air according to the plot task, or you can hurry things up and find the places where the planes are located on your own. So, let's say that you have already found yourself What do you do next? How to fly a plane in GTA San Andreas?

Aircraft control

Do not think that this action in the game is something unimaginable. The fact is that you have to use almost all the same keys as when driving a car, but at the same time you will need much more diligence and attentiveness, as well as smoothness in movements. But still, how to fly a plane in GTA "San Andreas"? First of all, you should understand that you will need all the same movement buttons. The A and D keys are responsible for turning left and right, respectively, but for a smoother turn, it is better to try the Q and E keys. The W button is responsible for acceleration, that is, you can increase speed when you hold it down and slow down when you release it. Do not forget that the plane can also rise higher and descend lower. The up and down arrows are responsible for this, but just note that the down arrow allows you to go higher, and the up arrow allows you to go down, and not vice versa. That's all the basics of controlling an aircraft, the rest is a matter of practice. Complete missions in GTA "San Andreas" in which you need to use a plane, fly on your own, and in time you will be able to pilot any vehicle without any problems.

Alternative management

However, this is not the only way to control the aircraft, there is also an alternative. It is not recommended to use it when you need to complete important missions in GTA San Andreas. The fact is that here you need to be very fine with a computer mouse, since control is carried out exclusively with its help. With the right key pressed, you will be able to look around, otherwise you will control the plane. This is not very convenient, but if you are not able to play the keyboard at all, you can try this method - it will suddenly come to you easier. You can also be helped in this case in the game GTA "San Andreas" codes. Airplanes can be obtained by entering combinations of symbols, rather than exploring the city in search of the desired means. However, please note that the codes will not teach you how to fly, so you will have to deal with this on your own.


Taking off is one of the most important moments of a flight. Naturally, if you can't take off, then you won't have to learn how to fly a plane, so deal with this process first. Here you have two additional keys to learn. Num 2 allows you to retract the landing gear, and Num 8 allows you to take off directly. So, if you want to take off horizontally, then you will need to accelerate to a certain speed, which varies from aircraft to aircraft, and then press these two keys to lift off the ground and retract the landing gear. It may seem that Num 2 is not a particularly important key, since you can fly with it, but it is not. It will be much more difficult for you to control the aircraft if you do not retract the landing gear. Also note that this key allows you to perform vertical takeoff if you have a fighter jet that supports this feature. In this case, also do not forget to turn off this mode so as not to experience difficulties with control. Planes for GTA "San Andreas" are a real find, as the fans liked this innovation incredibly. But the control raises a lot of questions, but if you study this manual, you can soar like a bird without any problems.


But landing is the stage with which users have serious difficulties. And here it is very difficult to advise something, because in this case practice decides everything. Don't forget to extend the landing gear, land only on long flat areas without any obstacles, approach the landing smoothly on a tangent - that's all the advice. Here you will have to practice and maybe even crash a couple of planes, but over time you will develop the necessary skill.

A variety of aircraft and codes on them

What pleases many in this game is the variety of different aircraft. By the way, there is a way that will allow you to add even more aircraft to GTA San Andreas - mods. Planes are added without any problems, but even those that are in the game will give you incredible pleasure when you learn how to fly them. If you are reluctant to look for aircraft throughout the city, you can use the codes. For example, JUMPJET gives you the coolest fighter jet, while URKQSRK gives you a simple propeller plane.

The first plane in the GTA series was a toy plane in Vice City, which was associated with a very difficult mission to plant bombs in a skyscraper. In those days it was very cool and advanced. Since then, the GTA world has changed beyond recognition: real planes appeared for the first time in San Andreas, and in the fifth part of our favorite series, almost 2 dozen of the most diverse planes are available to gamers! No wonder, because the game now has a huge international airport - the busiest place in the entire state; and several private airfields. In the game world, there are planes of various classes: from the long-loved Dodo "maize" to awesome jet-powered fighters; from small private VIP aircraft to huge passenger liners and cargo aircraft. Read our article and you will definitely learn everything about aircraft in GTA 5!

How to fly a plane in GTA 5

Aircraft control is one of the most difficult processes in the game, so it is not surprising that players constantly have questions about how to fly an airplane in GTA 5.
First, let's look at the control scheme. We will use the computer keyboard, since this is the most common device :) The “W” key increases the engine speed, causing the plane to accelerate and roll forward (if it is on the ground). "S" - reduces speed, slows down the plane. "A" and "D" are responsible for turning right and left. Takeoffs, descents, and nose pitches are done using the NumLock keyboard. "8" - tilt the nose of the aircraft forward (take off), "5" - tilt the nose down, "4" and "6" - left and right, respectively. The "G" key is responsible for opening and closing the chassis. Right mouse button - fire.
Theoretically, everything is simple, but in reality, a beginner will have to go through a number of crashes in order to learn how to fly an airplane. Therefore, we recommend that you always stock up on a parachute if you don’t want to turn into a wet red spot on the pavement :) You can take off from any flat surface, but it’s better, of course, to use special runways or at least take into account the required take-off distance of your aircraft (more on this will be discussed below). The flight process itself should not cause any special problems. Just try to keep the plane parallel to the ground until you master all sorts of tricks. But that's only half the battle. Problems may arise with how to land the plane. First you need to fly a few hundred meters directly above the ground, gradually decelerating the engine. Then release the landing gear and begin to descend. The moment the wheels touch the ground, you can start braking. If the speed at this point is not low enough, you can push off and take off again. In this case, it is better not to try to continue landing, but to go for another circle, otherwise you risk crashing.
We hope our instruction helped you, and you will no longer have questions about how to take off or how to land a plane :)

Planes in GTA 5

Consider in detail all the planes available in GTA 5.

1. Dodo

Dodo is a true legend for fans of the Grand Theft Auto series. He appeared in GTA 3, becoming the first controlled aircraft in the series. Since then, the Dodo has moved from one part to another, little changing its appearance and characteristics. In the fifth part, Dodo became a seaplane. Below it are pontoons for landing on the water. In addition, under them it has a landing gear and can successfully land on land. This plane is one of the most versatile in the game. It has a minimum takeoff and landing distance. Dodo is designed for four people: the pilot and passenger in the cockpit, and two more are located on the pontoons. At the same time, passengers on pontoons can fire from personal weapons during the flight. An excellent advantage, agree. Dodo has a very good top speed, but its acceleration and maneuverability suffered somewhat due to design features.
Where to find the plane? The plane appears in the following locations after passing the Sea Plane random event:
— A lake in the Vinewood Hills near Franklin's house.
- Alamo Lake in the village of Galilee in Blaine County.


Titan is a cargo plane with four propellers under the wings. The main purpose of this model is the transportation of military cargo in the game. The Titan has a low speed and can dive rapidly in the event of even minimal engine problems. These shortcomings are compensated by its high reliability, ease of piloting and unpretentiousness: the plane can be landed almost anywhere - from artisanal landing strips to the desert and even wide bridges! In addition, it requires a minimum runway length (compared to other aircraft in its class). In general, this is a typical cargo aircraft in GTA 5 with all the ensuing advantages and disadvantages.
Where to find the plane? Can be found on the airstrip in the military Fort Zancudo. True, at the entrance to its territory, a wanted level of 4 stars awaits you.

3. Besra

This interesting plane appeared in the GTA 5 universe after the release of the San Andreas Flight School add-on. In fact, this is a training fighter, but due to its excellent technical characteristics, it can be used not only as a simulator :) The aircraft engine is equipped with an afterburner mode, thanks to which Besra has a gorgeous speed, and in this indicator is second only to two other military aircraft. As for acceleration, here Besra has no equal in the whole game! This winged monster has a very light fuselage, and the "span" of the wings is very compact. Thanks to this, Besra is the most controllable and pilot-friendly aircraft. Airplane stunts are his forte. In addition, it should be noted the excellent ability to quickly reset the flight speed as well as the minimum length of the required runway: Besra can land even on ordinary roads.
Where to find the plane? After the release of the add-on, Besra will appear in the hangars of the main characters.

4. Vestra

Vestra (in Latin means "your") is a small light aircraft that appeared in GTA 5 after the release of The Business add-on. This is the smallest aircraft of all that are equipped with jet engines. Thanks to this feature, Vestra has an excellent weight / power ratio and is one of the fastest aircraft in the game, second only to combat aircraft. In addition, due to the short length of the wings, it is also one of the most maneuverable aircraft. It's capable of changing direction extremely quickly, so you won't find anything better for plane racing, aerial stunts, or city flying (the latter being the Vestra's small size). Due to the fact that the aircraft is equipped with a jet engine, do not try to fly it vertically upwards: this design does not allow this. The plane will go into a dive and you may crash.
Where to find the plane? After installing the add-on, this model should appear in the hangars.

5. Shamal

Shamal is a medium-sized jet aircraft for civilian transportation and trade. It first appeared in GTA San Andreas, and now, with some design changes, it has moved into the fifth part of the game. As in San Andreas, Shamal is available from the very beginning of the game at the main airport of the city. The aircraft turned out to be very multi-tasking and can be used for almost any activity. With it, you can easily evade police pursuit, even if the wanted level is very high. You can also train novice pilots on it (the plane is very easy to fly). More experienced players can easily participate in air races in GTA Online using Shamal (the jet engine gives great opportunities in terms of speed - according to this indicator, Shamal is the fifth in the game). Moreover, given its good maneuverability, you can perform all sorts of aerial stunts! With all these options, perhaps it would be superfluous to talk about the possibility of making a comfortable and pleasant flight to the other side of the map. For all this, Shamal is the best fit.
Where to find the plane? In different parts of the Los Santos International Airport, you can meet 6 copies of this aircraft model.

6 Buckingham Luxor

Luxor is a private business jet. In terms of its characteristics and appearance, it is very similar to Shamal, but at the same time it has a luxury class. Luxor is good for leisurely flights of lazy celebrities, but it is less suitable for air racing. Although it shares the same specs with its less affluent twin, the Luxor clearly has inferior agility and sharpness, can't make the same sharp turns and slow down instantly. Although it has excellent speed on straight sections. Use this model when you want to slowly fly over the business district of Los Santos, showing everyone your level of wealth, but for action, it's better to choose something else :)
Where to find the plane? Like Shamal, Luxor appears throughout the airport. True, this model is less represented: there are only three of them. The described aircraft can be found in Devin Weston's hangar if you have reached level 50. Plus, sometimes he is found at the Sandy Shores airfield.


Miljet is a military jet passenger aircraft available in GTA 5 after the release of the Flight School add-on. The characteristics of the aircraft are average. As you would expect from an aircraft of this size and weight, it takes quite a long time to accelerate to maximum speed. However, two jet engines allow for impressive speed, although it takes time. The large wingspan of this model determines a rather low maneuverability. But this is not required of Miljet. The aircraft has good stability and durability: the enemy will have to fire a lot of bullets before the Miljet fails.
Where to find the plane? The aircraft will appear in the hangars of the protagonists after installing the named add-on.

8. Velum

Velum is a light fast monoplane with one engine on board and a propeller. It has high speed and practically has no rivals in its class. In addition, it is a very maneuverable aircraft, with good handling and the ability to change direction abruptly. On the other hand, this model has rather long wings, which slightly reduces the value of maneuverability, but adds stability and stability. This plane needs a long runway. Able to carry four passengers, which together with high speed make it an excellent vehicle for GTA Online.
Where to find the plane? You can usually meet him at Los Santos International Airport, near hangar A17 south of the main terminal. In addition, the plane can be obtained by killing Tom in the Delivering the Truth mission. In the Online version of the game, the plane sometimes appears at the Sandy Shores airfield.

9 Mallard

Mallard is a light monoplane with a single propeller engine on board. The engine is quite powerful and provides excellent speed and acceleration values. Not a single aircraft of this class in the game can compare with it! Mallard's light body gives it good maneuverability and handling, and for aerial tricks it's probably the best choice.
Where to find the plane? You can often meet Trevor at the airfield. The Mallard is also used in flight school missions, but unfortunately cannot be saved.

10. Duster

Duster is a small aircraft designed to spray pesticides on fields and vineyards. However, the only moment when this process is shown is shown in the trailer released on the eve of the game release :) However, the opportunity to fertilize the fields is given to players in the Online version of the game. Duster is the slowest aircraft in the game. Another disadvantage is the need for a very long runway. The acceleration time before takeoff takes as much as 7 seconds. In return, he was provided with excellent handling.
Where to find the plane? Often this aircraft can be seen flying over Grapeseed. In addition, one copy is located in the Grand Senora Desert, at the western end of Marina Drive.

11. Luxor Deluxe

The Luxor Deluxe is a VIP version of the regular Luxor aircraft. However, the Luxor itself is obviously not for the poor :) The model appears in the game after installing the Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 add-on. Compared to the regular Luxor, the new version has improved braking, but worse acceleration and maneuverability. This is due to the gilded body, which significantly adds weight to the aircraft. Now passengers can drink champagne, smoke cigars and use high-speed Internet directly on board the aircraft. Interestingly, the price of $10,000,000 is the largest online version of the game in the world. Other than that, the plane is nothing special.

12. Mammatus

Mammatus is a small general purpose aircraft with one engine on board and a propeller. The slowest aircraft in the game on the same level as the Duster. To brighten things up a bit, it needs very little space for takeoff and landing. Although sometimes, after a quick takeoff, he begins to dive down sharply - the situation is not for the faint of heart. Otherwise, this aircraft is a good choice for novice pilots. Its flight and control are very stable and confident. Turbulence is almost not felt. In GTA Online, it is very convenient to transport a small gang of four people on it. On the other hand, paying only $150,000, you can buy a luxurious Velum, which is better in all respects. Therefore, Mammatus is best left for beginners and collectors.
Where to find the plane? You can often see him flying over Los Santos. He occasionally appears at Trevor's airfield and Michael's hangar at the airport.

13. Cuban800

Another small light aircraft powered by two four-cylinder engines. Their power is enough for an airplane, but no more. All technical characteristics of this aircraft are very limited. Its distinguishing feature is that in the event of a failure of one engine, it can manage for some time with another. In this case, however, the speed and acceleration become even less. In general, this aircraft is ideal for a leisurely familiarization flight over the world of GTA 5, at its low speed it is very convenient to admire the panoramas that open up. For all other cases, you can choose a better option.

14. Velum 5-Seater

The five-seater Velum becomes available in GTA Online after installing the Heists Update add-on. In fact, this is still the same Velum from a single player game. The only difference is the presence of five seats. In terms of technical characteristics, this is one of the most worthy aircraft in the game: the speed is at the maximum level (compared to aircraft of this class). Maneuverability suffers slightly due to the long wings, but in return the player gets a stable and smooth flight, as well as low sensitivity to turbulence. Another small minus is the need for a long runway. But in general, the developers turned out to be a very good aircraft, especially if you use it to transport players in multiplayer.
Where to find the plane? The plane can be purchased for 950 thousand $ after completing the mission "Escape from"

15. Large passenger aircraft (Jet)

In GTA 5, for the first time, a large passenger airliner that can be controlled has appeared! The prototype of the passenger aircraft is the legendary Boeing 474. You can only control the aircraft in single player mode. Jet is the second largest aircraft in the game. Despite its impressive size, this aircraft is one of the fastest in the game. No wonder, because its prototype, the Boeing 747, develops an incredible speed for the game of almost a thousand kilometers per hour! The maneuverability of the game liner is also surprising - it is at a very good level, much higher than in real life. The fuselage of this large passenger aircraft is very strong and can withstand many hits from firearms. This power is offset by the fragility of the engines, which explode on the first hit and disable the aircraft. In addition, the slightest touch of any object to the engine is enough for it to explode. In general, this model is unsuccessful for traveling around the island: in fact, the only place where it can be successfully landed is Los Santos International Airport. In other places, you will have to resort to an emergency landing.
Where to find the plane? A large passenger plane can only be found at the airport, where else can it be :) It is interesting that in addition to this, 2 crashed and drowned passenger liners can be found in the coastal waters of the island. One is at the bottom of the sea near Paleto Bay. The second is at the bottom of the port of Los Santos. The first of them is not covered with corals, which suggests that the wreck happened recently. The second, judging by the corals on the fuselage, has been resting at the bottom for quite some time. Weapons are also scattered around him, and bullet holes are visible in the cockpit. All this suggests that the aircraft was involved in smuggling.

15. Large cargo plane (Cargo)

Finally we got to the biggest plane in GTA 5! Cargo is a large military cargo aircraft with 8 jet engines on board. In terms of technical characteristics, it is very similar to the passenger liner described in the previous paragraph. It has the same high top speed and good acceleration, but the situation with maneuverability is much worse. Its wingspan is as much as 60 meters, which has an extremely negative effect on maneuverability and the ability to turn quickly. On the other hand, such dimensions make it one of the most stable and controllable aircraft in the game. Another plus is that Cargo does not need a large runway, and it takes one second to get off the ground! The downside is that this strip must be fairly wide and even, since the aircraft is very fragile.
Where to find the plane? Unfortunately, you won't be able to fly the biggest plane in the game. At least in an honest way without the use of codes or a trainer. The plane is involved in several missions, but the plot is structured in such a way that it is never possible to take possession of it.

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