Artifacts the binding of isaac afterbirth. The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth - items and their descriptions. Computer games. Coins and keys

This article will talk about the characters of the remake of The Binding of Issac - The Binding of Issac: Rebirth.

There are eleven characters in the game. Five of them (Isaac, Magdalena, Cain, Judas and ???/Blue Kid) are from the original game. Eve and Samson were added in subsequent updates. In Rebirth, four more were added to these seven Persians (Azazel, Lazarus, Eden and the Lost). Each character at the beginning of the game has different values ​​​​of characteristics and artifacts.

They are all really Isaac in various forms. Magdalena, Cain, Judas, Eve, Samson, Lazarus and Eden are just Isaac in disguise, Azazel is his demonic image, ???/The Blue Kid is the dead Isaac, and Lost is his soul.

All references to the Bible in the names of the characters are quite obvious, so I will not focus on them.

Isaac (Isaac)

Isaac is the main (and only, in fact) character in the game. For him and have to play initially. At the beginning of the game, he does not stand out for anything special, but after passing the ??? / the Blue Kid of the Cathedral, Isaac has an initial artifact - D6, which allows you to change the artifact lying on the pedestal in the room.

Items to unlock

Magdalene (Magdalena)

Magdalena can be unlocked by collecting 7 red hearts in a single run. It's just Isaac in a blonde wig. Unlike Isaac, Magdalena has more health and luck, and has an artifact that gives a red heart when used, which gives a better chance of passing the race. True, she is not significantly slower than Isaac, but this is easily corrected during the race with a number of artifacts and accelerating pills.

Items to unlock

Cain (Cain)

Cain opens with a set of 55 coins in one run. Isaac, but with a patch over his left eye. Stronger and faster than Isaac, however, he has less health and flight range of tears. A good character for nimble players who do not care about high health. In addition, initially he has an artifact that increases luck and the chance of winning in slot machines.

Items to unlock

Judas (Judas)

Unlocked by killing Satan. Isaac, but in a fez. Even stronger than Kain, but very little health - just one red heart. The rest of the characteristics are the same as those of Isaac. Has as an artifact the Book of Belial, which increases damage even more for the duration of one room, and three coins.

Items to unlock

If any character dies while having the Judas "Shadow artifact, then they are reborn as Dark Judas, which has almost the same characteristics as Judas, but the damage is increased to 2, and the speed to 1.1

???/Blue Baby

Can be opened by killing Mother's Heart ten times. Dead Isaac. It is unique in that it cannot get red hearts, only gray or black ones, which is a big disadvantage since they are rarer. The characteristics are slightly better than Isaac. As an artifact of The Poop, allowing you to, well, shit.

Items to unlock

Eve (Eve)

Eve is unlocked by going through two floors without picking up hearts. Isaac in a different wig and with a dead bird on his head. Health and damage is less than that of Isaac, but at the same time, Eve has already two artifacts, one of which increases damage and speed when health drops to one heart, and the other, after receiving damage, calls for a bird that attacks enemies.

Items to unlock

Samson (Samson)

Samson is unlocked by going through two floors without taking damage. Isaac in a wig and bandana. Interesting in that thanks to the initial Blood Lust artifact, his damage increases with damage. It can be beneficial to run into spikes with them a couple of times if a heart has fallen out, and the character has full health. However, the reinforcement only holds one floor.

Items to unlock

Azazel (Azazel)

Three deals with the devil in one run - and Azazel is open. He is the demonic image of Isaac. Starts with three black hearts, but unlike ???, can also get red ones through artifacts. Instead of tears, it hits with a kind of ray from its mouth, very strong, but effective at a short distance. It is practically impossible to increase it - both the corresponding artifacts and pills give Azazel a very weak increase in range.

However, he still remains the most cheating character in the game - he flies from the very beginning of the game, and takes out the bosses on the first two floors literally from two or three volleys, even being "empty". At the beginning of the game, he has an absolutely useless tarot card "Fool", teleporting to the initial room of the floor.

Items to unlock

Lazarus (Lazarus)

Lazarus is unlocked by getting four gray/black hearts in one turn. Isaac in a wig (again, yes). The stats are worse than those of Isaac, but it has a pill and a resurrection. He (or any other character with the Lazarus "Rags artifact) resurrects with much cooler stats and the Anemic artifact.

Items to unlock

Eden (Eden)

Eden can be opened by playing The Womb. They can only be played with Eden tokens, which are given for killing Mother's Heart/It's Alive. This is Isaac with a random wig - it changes from run to run. A very random character - his stats are based on Isaac's, but vary quite a lot. Accordingly, the style of play for him is always different. The artifacts unlocked for him are as random as he is.

Items to unlock

Undefined (teleport to treasure room/secret/super secret/erroneous/black market) Complete Boss Rush
Glitch Baby (satellite) Complete Mom's Heart/It Lives on Hard difficulty
Book Of Secrets (gives map/compass/blue map effect when used) Defeat Satan
Blank Card (when used, has the same effect as the card/rune you are holding) Defeat Isaac
Mystery Sack (drops a coin/heart/key/bomb after clearing a room) Defeat the Lamb
Mysterious Paper (Chance to trigger a Polaroid/Negative effect if half a red heart is left after taking damage/no red hearts left) Defeat???/Baby Blue

The Lost

The worst character in every sense. It is difficult to open it, it is almost impossible to play it. It personifies the wandering soul of Isaac, and it must be opened like this:

  1. We die for Isaac from the explosion of the Multiboom mob on the first / second floors (seed XEQH N0EB- there is a multi-boom in the room next to the starting one, there is also a room with spikes next to it to reduce health before the multi-boom)
  2. We die for Magdalena from our own bomb on the third / fourth floors (everything is simple here, but just in case, seed ALFA 0NTS- in the treasure room an artifact that gives bombs)
  3. We die for Judas from Mom on the sixth floor (we reach mom as usual, lower hp in front of her on fires / spikes and kill ourselves about her kick, which she always does at the beginning of the battle).
  4. We are killed for Azazel about Satan. It is best to kill yourself on his second form - in the first fight, not with Satan himself, so they will not count. and there will be no chance that you will die from the mobs that he summons in the third stage.

If you died incorrectly, immediately after death, without waiting for the suicide note, press Esc, and then hold R - the entry will restart, and the chain will not break!

This character has no hearts. That is absolutely. And they cannot be obtained during the game. All artifacts that give hearts are absolutely useless for this character. If such an artifact came across as a reward for the boss on the first floor, feel free to restart the run. In part, death from one poke is compensated by flight and free deals with the devil, but only in part. The Dead Cat artifact will be incredibly useful as it grants nine lives without any side effect on the Lost. Any items/artifacts that grant invulnerability or a shield are irreplaceable. All artifacts that give stats/items for damage are useless to the Lost.

How great is this combination?

First, you have a great chance to get into the devil's room. This room often happens to be this very Kitty (9 lives). Before you take it, ask the price of the second thing. If the thing is worthwhile, then take it first, and then the cat. If you have one or two hearts, and the little thing costs one more heart, then you can take it, but in this case you will not have lives at all. If an item costs exactly the same number of hearts as you have lives, then when you try to take the item, you will die. The exception is items that give you blue hearts.

For example: or

Secondly, thanks to cat , you can afford to take almost everything you need in the devil's rooms.

It is worth considering that it is better not to select everything at once Health Up on the floor, take only Soul Hearts (blue hearts) . Running to the end of the level with one red heart is doubly beneficial.

  • 1. Test rooms will always be open - both normal and with the boss, which gives good goodies.
  • 2. After collecting things from To Devil's rooms it will be possible to raise the level of red lives.

It would also be nice to have or for this layout, then the secret and super secret rooms will also be open. All these items are very easy to collect before the boss. Mum .

The starting items of the characters will play into your hands, for example, Judas immediately has Book of Belial , a Cainlucky foot .

The second alignment, when Isaac already opened (opened by passing the Womb character ??? ).

Starting the game with this cube, I personally tried to collect the cat as soon as possible:

(of course, you can also, but to turn into a kitten, you need to collect at least three items)

Sometimes it is possible to collect parts of a cat almost from the first two rooms. If you come across a devil's room with two cat active objects (head or paw), take both objects in turn, return the cube to yourself and use it. Cat things will change to other cat things, take them and Voilà! We turn into a kitten. Then the main thing is to collect Rate Up and Tears Up, and then the passage without unnecessary problems is guaranteed.

To make it even easier for yourself, try to collect more charms around you. For example, the best option is: . I run with this set most of the time. To make it easier to save yourself from suffering due to the long rollback of the die D7, stir up at every opportunity Nun Robes .

The second part of this "guide" of the room.

Have you already come across secret rooms, the ones that open when the walls in the middle explode? You might not notice the pattern of their location, but it is still there.

The secret room is most often located near the store and borders two or three rooms, and sometimes if you have a labyrinth curse or a room XL, then four rooms. The main thing is that in 95% of cases the secret room will be framed by at least two walls. Sometimes there is an exit from the secret room to the super secret.

The Super Secret Room always only has one wall in common with the normal rooms, which makes it a little easier to find - just exclude adjoining rooms and corners between the three rooms. It is more difficult to find a super secret room if it is a continuation of the secret room, that is, it is sort of located between two walls, only one is normal, and the other is the wall of the secret room.

The cursed room - the one with the spikes - often borders on the secret room, except that going through it deals damage, but sometimes it's worth it. I always go to it when I get a chance. The red chest in the center of the cursed room can give not only useful things like pills, blue hearts, items, but also useless things - bombs, troll bombs, spiders. Another chest can teleport you to a room Angel/Devil.

This applies more to rooms, therefore I am writing here: if it is possible to use a tablet Forget me now , I do it, because this is a great chance to get good items, especially if they are levels Caves or Necropolis.

Tactics of dealing with some Bosses:

- it is most logical to run from him in a circle, giving him a chance to approach you, so that he does not accidentally change direction.

- it’s also better to run in circles, but get even closer so as not to fall into a pool of blood. Do not forget to quickly run past the ghost, he spews out streams of blood.

- this bastard likes to attack with acceleration, so we stand at the left or right wall and at the last moment, when the boss is already nearby, we run up or down. After ramming, the boss will slowly roll back towards the middle.

- easily killed in any scenario, if you run behind him. Only flies will pose a danger to us, which must be eliminated in a timely manner, but this is not at all difficult.

- keep an average distance slightly above or below the boss, then we will not be damaged by his excrement and bullets. The only thing is, watch your eyes.

- this person can be finished off with bombs if she accelerates in your direction. She swallows the bomb and stands for some time, at which time she can still be knocked out with tears.

- Bombs also work on her, so if you don't have penetrating tears or Tech 1 or 2, then use bombs to minimize losses. Beware of red stool.

- here the main thing is to catch the pace of this monster. We run from one side, force him to spew a stream of blood, run across to the other side, wait, dodge. As easy as pie.

- the ugliest of the Riders. Try to dodge the scythes without shooting at them, but only shoot at this bastard, so he will change shape faster. Then pay attention to the rider himself, and save the horse for last.

- The problem with this boss is that if you are slow and have a low rate of fire, then you will kill him for a long time and painfully. In any case, first take out the heart, and then aim at the back of the mask. Bombs, Poison Shots and Technology 1 and 2 will help us a lot.

- to avoid damage, go behind the boss, but not close to the wall. After the boss jumped on you, run behind him again and fire at him. It is also a good tactic to drive him to the lower corners. We force him to jump, for example, into the lower left corner, run behind his back and shoot. As soon as he jumped, we run to the lower right corner and wait for the boss to jump again. Again we run behind the back and so on.

- I draw attention to the fact that when tears hit this boss, he shoots back with the same tenacity. But the bullets don't fly very fast, so you have a couple of seconds left to deal damage and run a little higher or lower. At the third stage, when the Angels appear, run in a circle and try to pay all your attention to the boss, dodging the Angels.

In conclusion, I attach a few of my walkthroughs with successful layouts:

For Isaac:

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth- gives us a lot of pleasure and at the same time a lot of curses, starting with the fact that some objects do not want to get out of anything, and trials loosen our nerves so that you can’t fall asleep later. However, when you finally play through the game, you realize that this was the best hours of the game. I recently completed the game and the first save cell now triumphantly informs me that I am a True Platinum God, I immediately set to a new passage, and perhaps soon I will have to complete another one, since . For now, I would like to give some advice from my own experience.


I noticed that many people still ask how and where to look for a secret room, super secret, and so on.

Chamber of Secrets usually located where there is maximum contact with other rooms, that is, at least two walls, mostly three or four. It is worth noting that all the walls adjacent to the hypothetical secret room were free, that is, no abysses, no stones and mushrooms, as well as thorns, if any, then the room is elsewhere. Most often, the room is close to the store and the treasure room, so finding the secret room is usually limited to one or two attempts.

super secret room usually located close to the boss room and has only one wall that it touches. Usually it is found with one or two attempts. Most often I look for it in the hope that there will be a lot of lives.

Score has undergone changes. Now, in order to have more goods, you need to deposit money into the donation machine. In total, you need 999 coins + 1 coin, then the machine will explode. Donations will increase the amount of goods in the store and open some artifacts.

Angel Room. If everything is clear with the Devil's Room and there are a lot of artifacts and conditions that it appeared, then everything is more complicated with the angelic one. Firstly, a lot of items for collecting the entire collection are hidden only in this room, and secondly, a bug may happen that the item simply will not fall out to you and no matter how much you reroll. I had it with godhead about 20 passages and never got an artifact, and several times I went through the entire angelic pool (there are about 25 items). Here's the perfect strategy to sort through all the items in the angel's room at once (if you're lucky, of course).

Be sure to select the head of Satan, avoid all sorts of Evil Up artifacts and select a keychain Rosary Bead, we skip the first room of the devil (we go into it, but we don’t exchange anything), this will all increase the chances of the Angel Room. For the room itself, it is best to have D6, if not, then Pandora's Box is desirable (may give two artifacts). Also desirable Waffle or Cancer (artifact sign of the zodiac) and Sharp Plug, this will allow pressing the spacebar and wasting a life to roll back D6. In the angel's room, we kill the angel himself by blowing it up with a bomb and get two artifacts that we can change. In this way, I collected all the artifacts I needed.

Room "I am a mistake". This is a rare room that has a slim chance of being entered with a pill and a high chance if you use Undefined. You can ideally have fun with this artifact at the Chest level. You will be able to teleport to "I am a mistake", collect artifacts (if there is a good room), go under the beam and start the Chest again with new items, but with the same rooms and enemies, the rollback ambassador Undefined again in "I am a mistake" and so on ad infinitum until you break the pool. Then you will have all the artifacts with milk cartons.

Worthy of a separate discussion basement room or "Retro Treasury". You can find it either in a room with a bed, in the center of the carpet or under a stone, or under a blood donation, money receiving machine and a fortune teller. It is divided into two types. Either there will be a simple basement with a side view with one item, or a passage to a large room with several items in exchange for lives, beggars and a passage to the next level. Busy room.


This time, Edmund McMillen approached the tests with a special perversion, as he likes it, and now, in addition to seemingly not very difficult ones, almost impassable ones come across, only if luck is your middle name. I will write only about those that cause fierce complexity or have some interesting nuances.

1. head trauma- items at the start: Small Planet, Soy Milk, Small Pebble and Iron Ingot.

The problem is that we have minimal damage, and it is difficult to hit some running enemies, while static enemies start to rush about from hits and can hit us. Firstly, the most ideal thing is to find an ember in the devil’s room, then our tears will become larger and more lethal in the process of rotation, and secondly, if the ember is not found, then shoot at the enemies standing with your back to them, that is, in the opposite direction, so thus the bullets will reach faster and almost without a miss. If the enemies are not fast, then you can stand still, then they will not even be able to approach you, since the shock wave will always throw them away.

2. solar system Transcendence, Delight at a Distance, Forever Alone, Halo of Flies.

The simplest test among those where it is impossible to use tears. The main thing here is sleight of hand and consistently developed tactics to which enemy from which side to approach. The red fly deals the most damage. When we reach mother, we can stand at the left door, a little higher, so that the hand comes out, but does not hurt (I always kill mother like that, because she does not use her foot and only tries to hit us with her hand from the door).

3. suicide king- Vomit, Mister Mega, My Reflection, Random Pill.

I passed this test the first time, as I received at the very beginning Soy milk. Tears flew often and did not have time to return. True, the damage was greatly reduced. The second very useful artifact would be Pyromaniac which I also got. In principle, a Pyromaniac alone is enough to painlessly pass the test. If none of this came across, then we act as follows - we shoot from a swoop, that is, we run forward and spit, then the tear will make such an arc that it will reach the enemy, besides, if it comes back, you can easily catch it dodge by running up or down.

4. Cat Got Your Tongue- Guppy Head, Guppy Tail and Woolball.

We are a kitten right away, which means we can release flies at opponents. The easiest way to complete the game, call a friend and run the test in pairs, since shooting a friend will generate flies from you, but if you also take sulfur, then each shot of a friend will generate several dozen flies.

Without a partner is more difficult, but possible. You need to deftly wield a ball of wool, from pursuing enemies and you can easily hide behind. To simplify the passage, look for an artifact Magic Fingers and save money, it will help you deal massive damage to the enemies in the room.

The Binding of Isaac computer game literally blew up the gaming world with its release - all of a sudden, among the giant projects that spend millions of dollars, whose graphics are close to realistic, and the requirements for the computer are sky-high, a small game appears, not even written on a full-fledged engine, own or someone else's. It's in flash, and it's beautiful. An extensive "roguelike" (rogue-like - games in which the world is constantly generated randomly, and the death of your character is final, and you have to start all over again), which has a fascinating story, beautiful art, and incredible depth. Simply put, this project has conquered gamers all over the world.

Naturally, this did not end there, everyone wanted to see the continuation of Isaac's adventures - and the developer gave gamers The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, the second part of the project, which turned out to be even more ambitious and exciting. But even on this, the creators did not exhaust themselves - and released a large-scale addition to the game, which was called The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth. Items, features, levels, plot twists, characters - all this appeared in large numbers in the new part of the game. Therefore, you should definitely purchase and install the add-on if you have the original part. After all, if in the original there were 342 items with which you could ensure a safe journey to the final boss, then in The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth the items increased significantly in number - there were 95 more of them. This article will discuss only a few of the most interesting of them.


In The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth, items can affect many aspects of the game, not just your combat abilities. For example, you can take this item - it is best used where there are many useful things or artifacts. After all, when using it, all items in the current room double in quantity. Thus, you can act cunningly and go to the merchant, use this item, thanks to which its goods will double, and you can pick up duplicates for yourself absolutely free. In The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth, items like this can have a huge impact on your playthrough.


You can imagine this article as something like The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth, Wiki - the items here will be described in a little more detail than in any Wikipedia, however, here, of course, you will not find descriptions of all 95 items that were added with the new addition. Emphasis will be placed on the most useful or the most interesting and unusual items such as this one. Even in the first part of the game, everyone was familiar with pills - their effect could be positive or negative, and to varying degrees, and it was not always known what exactly such a pill would give. But in any case, it was a pity to spend it, and this item, which looks like the same pill, allows you to get the effect of the one that is in your inventory, but without using it. This means that if the effect is negative, then you can just throw it away with peace of mind, and if it is positive, you can reuse it. Please note that this article does not provide descriptions in The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth item ID (this is necessary for cheating). Here you will find only a description of things and how to use them.

wooden nickel

In The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth (Afterbirth), items are not always so easy and transparent to use. For example, this coin is given from the very beginning of the game to the Guardian character after you have donated at least thirty-three coins to a special machine in the previous playthrough. What gives this item? It can only be used once, and after use, it has a fifty-five percent chance of giving you a random coin. That is, you can get either nothing, or one coin, or five, or even ten - not bad for a start. As you may have noticed, on the information resources for The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth (Wiki), items are described briefly - here you will find the most complete information.

Toxic Shock

Items in The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth can vary in power, but some of them are incredibly powerful. For example, this passive improvement is very serious, as it has many effects that will come in handy for you. So, when you receive this improvement, it begins to act passively. The moment you enter the next room, all enemies that are already there take damage equal to twice the strength of your tears, after which they become infected and continue to take double damage for a few more seconds. Thus, you can practically not be afraid of rooms with a large number of opponents, which were previously difficult to deal with. Now you just need to go into the room and wait a couple of seconds - most of the enemies will die, and you can easily finish off the rest. But you should pay attention to the fact that the effect of this item does not apply to those monsters that appear in the room later - as a result of opening a chest, the death of a specific enemy, and so on. As you can see, in the case of a game like The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth, item descriptions need to be detailed so that you don't miss out on a very important detail.

Mega Bean

It's no secret that this game talks "on you" with various unpleasant topics, such as nausea or gases. It is to gases that the use of this item leads. Your character unleashes a poison gas that deals five damage and then your standard tear damage for a few seconds to all enemies within the radius. Note that this is an explosive effect, meaning you can give them access to the secret room if you run out of bombs.

glass cannon

This item must be handled with the utmost care - it is better to use it only on the most terrible bosses or if you know that you can instantly replenish your health. So, if you activate this item, then your health will be reset to half a heart, no matter how many hearts you had before - even the shadow ones are affected. In return, you get one shot of a spectral tear that passes through enemies and deals 45 damage to each of them - enough to destroy any living creature in the game.

bomber boy

This is a rather interesting improvement that acts passively. When you activate this item, you get five bombs - this is a one-time effect. But now each of your bombs will explode a little differently. The explosion is now much larger, which will help you deal more damage to opponents. And this applies not only to ordinary, but also to troll bombs. It's also worth noting that the effect stacks with any other abilities that affect bombs, whether it's the ability to push them in a certain direction or make gift bombs out of them.

crack jacks

This item gives you a permanent increase in health per heart, and you are given not just an empty container, but a full heart. However, this is not all that such a thing allows you to do. The fact is that when it is activated, a keychain appears on the floor of the room in which you are located - also an object, but only of a slightly different kind. You can only have one, and it gives you some kind of permanent upgrade - for example, every ten seconds in the room all secrets are highlighted, or you can reduce damage for yourself due to the fact that all troll bombs will turn into normal ones before exploding . So this will also benefit you a lot.

Religious "bagel" Edmund McMillen and Florian Himsl grew to truly biblical proportions. In the beginning there was an original and there was an addition to it -. Here he would safely go down in history and reap the fruits of glory, but no - Isaac, really not having time to die. Mamochkin's basement "ate" about a hundred more hours.

She receives development in a new mode - Greed. The player is "drowned" by waves of evil spirits, and during periods of calm they are allowed to buy equipment in the store. Towards the end, another strong man is released against us - Ultra Greed. This monster, at least with the repertoire, everything is fine. Unfortunately, Greed, along with Daily Challenges, which are a set of daily modifiers, is the main element of the expansion. In the promised hundred hours of gameplay, they make up the bulk.

However, in some places BoI suddenly improved. New satellites appeared in the rudimentary "co-op". Moreover, another character, Lilith, is even "imprisoned" under it. Adam's ex-wife cannot attack enemies on her own, but she has a combat-ready creature. The developers did not heed the requests of fans for a real co-op mode and preferred to develop a dead end direction.

* * *

There are many good things too. The desire to make money is understandable - after the release of the remake The Binding of Isaac again at the peak of popularity. But it is unlikely to immortalize the original. Under the afterbirth, alas, was a dead fetus.

Philip Vujacic

The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth

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