What can be made from diamonds in minecraft. How to find diamonds in Minecraft. Where and how to find diamonds alone

As strong as in real life, diamonds in Minecraft are mined from the corresponding ore. Its deposits are usually generated underground, at a height of up to twenty blocks from the bedrock. However, statistical analysis shows that the largest accumulation of such ore is observed in five to twelve cubic meters above the administration.

At the same time, getting such valuable material is a rather rare piece of luck. Although blocks with diamond ore (which have a gray stone texture with light blue blotches) usually come across whole veins - up to eleven units - they still need to come across.

Until such material can be attacked, more than one pickaxe may have to be broken. By the way, only an iron tool is needed and must be enchanted with a silk touch (however, it is possible without it, but then the extraction will not be so effective). To get more diamonds from the ore, it is worth mining them with a tool enchanted for good luck. However, there is another way to extract them - melting in a furnace.

Difficulty finding a diamond

The search for diamond ore is a rather resource-intensive process. Until luck smiles, you can grind off a few picks and eat a ton of food. In addition, to descend into the mine, you will need a lot of torches - you will have to illuminate the dug tunnels so that hostile mobs do not spawn there. It also does not hurt to take a weapon with you (in several copies), especially if the game is played in multiplayer: there are a lot of those who are eager for other people's diamonds.

One of the obvious dangers for a miner aiming at the extraction of a valuable mineral is that the resource he needs is very often adjacent to lava lakes. It is better to get rid of them, displacing any solid blocks, and then destroying the latter. The water poured onto the lava will also help (at the same time, it is possible that several cubes of cobblestone will turn out).

Many experienced gamers use the following method to find diamond veins. They cut a tunnel at a height of about six to twelve blocks from the bedrock and from it in different directions at a distance of about every two cubes they divert perpendicular corridors. So great is the chance not to miss the diamond ore vein.

When on the way comes across earth (by the way, a sure sign of the proximity of the desired mineral) or gravel, it is better to scoop them out with a shovel or other simpler tool, so as not to waste the strength resource of the iron pickaxe on them. Of course, we must not forget to install torches on the walls of the tunnels.

Seeing a vein of diamond ore, it is worth digging in from all sides before mining. This precaution is necessary due to the fact that there is often a lake of lava directly under the valuable resource. Here, the player's character will face not just death, but also a certain loss of inventory. By the way, it is better to hide the mined diamonds as soon as possible in a secluded (preferably sealed) place. Then, if a gamer loses his gaming life, they will not be lost.

Other ways of mining

Diamonds are found in the gameplay and already in the form of the precious stones themselves. You can find them in various treasuries, abandoned mines, in temples, in fortresses and other places where there are chests. However, one should not assume that this method of their extraction is much easier than going down the mine.

Quite the opposite - any treasury is fraught with much more dangers than ordinary man-made mines a stone's throw from the player's home. Temples are often multi-level, they often have a lot of labyrinths and traps that a gamer needs to overcome at least in order to determine where the exit is.

In addition, such locations are usually teeming with monsters of all stripes. The treasures even contain hostile mob spawners, constantly spawning these creatures into light. Therefore, the gamer will need all his cunning and playing skills to think over the tactics of combat and passing such obstacles. The valuable resources that he then discovers in the chests, including diamonds, will be a small reward for such a mini-feat.


Diamonds are a rare resource in Minecraft. The value of this block is in its strength. A diamond pickaxe is much more durable than an iron one, although iron products in Minecraft are also very strong. The number of uses for which a mineral pickaxe is designed is several times greater than the number of blows with an iron tool. A diamond drill is generally cool. This drill produces obsidian faster. Such a drill, as a component of a drilling rig, is irreplaceable. Finally, such a drill, in comparison with a saw (chain), does less damage. This is the reason for the race for diamonds. The question is where to find them, and whether it is possible to get these minerals quickly and very much. Yes, since we mentioned the drill, we also need a mod that adds power tools to Minecraft, including the drill.

Natural way

Diamonds are mined from diamond ore. This is, if we talk about the standard way (but there is also an industrial, artificial, giving infinite reserves). The ore is located underground in Minecraft, at levels 1-16. The most popular levels are from 8-13. Well, the most "diamond" is level 12. It is here that the main deposits of diamonds are. Here it is most logical to look for them. The local ore, if you're lucky, can donate 10 diamonds at a time. Ore is often found just below the lava. By the way, this is a good reason not to dig under yourself - you can easily "swim". To hammer over yourself in Minecraft is no less dangerous. The ore that you find under the lava will give you its diamonds if you pour the molten rock into a hole dug nearby with a bucket.

The ore won't give up its treasures so easily. Only a diamond pickaxe, and an iron pickaxe, are capable of extracting the desired mineral in Minecraft. Before "digging in", you need to get ready. Here's the minimum to take with you:

  • Pick.
  • A bunch of torches.
  • Sword. To defend against mobs, you need to make a sword. A sword is like a knife in the kitchen.
  • Then, when you have already reconnoitred, drag the chest under the ground. Why constantly go up, if you can put a chest next to it and, once, and the diamond is already there. Like a sword, a chest is an irreplaceable thing in Minecraft.
  • Stove. An extremely useful item, as well as a chest and a sword. By the way, the mined diamond can be given to the "defense industry" - a diamond sword is cooler than others. Once again by the way, if you make a double chest, it will be an incentive to mine more cool blocks like diamond.

An approximate algorithm: you dig in Minecraft in the intended place, if you manage to find it, quickly work with a pickaxe, the ore is melted into a diamond, put it in the chest, continue.

Artificial methods

Diamonds can also be found on the surface. In fortresses, mines, if you're lucky, you can find them, but if you need endless sources, then this is all wrong. Endless resources will be provided to you by the al. Or, if you like, call it a plant, or a farm. A plant is an industrial, artificial method of extracting these minerals. How to make such a generator? There are different tricks, but we propose to make the generator, perhaps, the simplest (and fast). Details can be found in the video, but for those who like reading a short guide on how to make a diamond generator in Minecraft:

  • To begin with, you have to make an artificial portal to the Minecraft hell.
  • Make parapets 9 blocks long from both portal columns. For example, wool. Again, the details on the video about the generator.
  • Pour 2 blocks of water into this pool.
  • Such a plant requires the installation of two workbenches on the parapets.
  • To clone endless al., You need to jump into the water. How exactly, see the video about the generator.

We told (and showed a video) how to make a diamond generator in Minecraft. Infinite supplies are possible, as the wiki says, if you use cheats, codes (commands). Artificial diamond can be obtained by prescribing a certain code. What kind of code, you can find out in the reference. Codes are, by the way, completely different. But this method, like the diamond, is too artificial. Another artificial (non-industrial) method is cheating. But, moreover, even in Minecraft, he does not provide endless al.

For being with us, you get a bonus - a super skin of diamond armor for Minecraft. You can find it here.

Everything in the game has 6 types of ores: coal, iron, gold, lapis lazuli, red ore, and the most valuable one is diamonds.


Coal is a substance that is always in circulation. It is needed for everything and a lot: to explore the caves you need torches (craft: 1 coal on top + 1 stick below). After exploring the caves, you need to process the found ores and stone in the stove, where coal is also needed. Therefore, do not pass by. It should always be in the chest near the stove.


You can't do without iron in the game: How can you go to caves or at night on the street, where a bunch of monsters live, without uniforms? From iron, you can create a pretty strong sword and armor for yourself, and you can go on a hike without fear that a creeper will sneak up behind and explode into shreds. By the way, for a hike you need a compass and a map, which include a fair amount of iron. But you can also secure your home by making a fence and an iron door out of iron.


Of course, you can also create armor from gold, but it is very soft and breaks quickly. But this is not a reason not to collect gold: it is necessary in the construction of railways. The most important benefits of gold are gold nuggets (1 gold -> 9 nuggets), which are used to create golden apples.

Lapis lazuli

Lapis lazuli is only used in one direction - the dye. But although there is a lot of it in the caves, use it wisely: it is better to dye a sheep once than to waste hundreds of lapis lazuli.

Red ore

Red ore is used by players to optimize their game and build destructive mechanisms and invisible traps from mobs and enemies. There is a lot of it in the caves, but if you have planned that grandiose, then it ends so imperceptibly.


Diamond is the most valuable and durable everywhere, including in MineCraft. With it, you can create flawless armor and sharp weapons, by enchanting the first and second, you will swim across the lava river and kill the end-dragon. By the way, the enchantment table and the music box must be made using diamonds.

Extraction and storage

Normal use of a pickaxe drops only iron and gold into a block of unprocessed ore, but if a pickaxe with a silk touch enchantment, then all will drop a block of unprocessed ore anyway. This block can be melted in a furnace, but this action will bring only 1 ore (and using a pickaxe on redstone drops 3-4 pieces, on lapis lazuli - 4-6. This is useless and brings a loss, but it is better to know about it.

Also, from 9 identical ores (with the exception of coal and redstone), you can create a block from this ore. It is used for compact storage or for the construction of "expensive" buildings. Of course, ore blocks can be inverted back into ore.

Diamonds. Perhaps the most valuable resource, and certainly the rarest. Every player wants to know how to find diamonds in Minecraft. If you do not have mods installed, then there is no other way but to dig the ground with your nose. However, even with mods, at the beginning of the game you will have to dig a lot. If you are looking for any quick way to mine blue stones, I can safely say that there is none.

Of course, there are cheats that allow find diamonds in Minecraft without significant efforts, but those who use them, or want to start doing it, the question arises: “What are you doing in survival mode?”. Indeed, for those who do not want to extract resources, but want to use them, the developers have long come up with a mode of creativity. There are even servers that run on it. Well, here we are talking about fair prey in survival mode.

As mentioned above, in order to mine diamonds, you will have to dig a lot anyway. You can do it thoughtlessly, having received a mine at the exit, in which you can easily get lost and, if you're lucky, a certain amount of the desired resource. Or you can use a technique in which you will not miss a single block of minerals, and at the same time you will have a decent chance of stumbling upon the most valuable resource. There is no secret here, but many simply do not think about how to make resource extraction more efficient.

So, first we need to dig to a depth of y = 16 and below. You can just dig down to the bedrock, then you definitely can't go wrong. The coordinates can be seen by pressing F3. There are no diamonds above. But at the bottom there are all kinds of resources, so it is more profitable to dig them there, because in the process you can stumble upon a diamond vein.

Once you are at the bottom, just start digging the tunnel to one side. Not too short, but not too long either. Then step back 2 blocks to the side and dig back. As a result, you will have such a tunnel system.

You can change the height, but remember that there are no diamonds above y = 16. But below, they are found in veins of 4-6 blocks. You need to dig them with at least an iron pickaxe. In this case, it is advisable to dig in the vein from all sides to make sure that there are no lava blocks next to it. It’s a shame when the precious stones found with difficulty are burned down, due to the fact that there is lava under the block.

Using this method, you will definitely not miss a single block with resources in the excavation site, thereby increasing the chance find diamonds in minecraft.

Diamonds are the most coveted material in Minecraft... And the point is not only that they are extremely rare, but also in their high practical value. Search and extraction of diamonds Is one of the most fun activities in the game. But before you get down to business, be sure to make sure you have the necessary tools. First of all, you will need iron or Diamond pickaxe, since when using wood, stone or gold, you will simply destroy the diamond ore without getting valuable blocks.

Search for diamonds

Having made a suitable pickaxe and taking a sufficient supply of torches, you can go in search of diamond ore. But to find it, you need to look in the right place. Diamond ore appears exclusively at levels 1 through 16, but most deposits occur at level 12. Your current level is indicated by the Y coordinate on the map activated by pressing F3 (Fn + F3 for Mac). Ore occurs in groups of up to eight blocks.

It's also worth remembering that lava is often present in levels 4 through 10, so try to stay higher. This way, you are guaranteed to be able to find diamonds and not get roasted.

  • When you find diamond ore, do not rush to dig it right away. First, inspect the neighboring blocks so that when you extract the desired resource you do not end up in the lava flow, losing all your inventory.
  • Always stock up on enough torches. Extraction of ore takes place deep underground and it is much more difficult to do it when you can not see anything.
  • The presence of lava does not guarantee close proximity of diamond ore. Despite the fact that many players associate its appearance with rare fossils, this is not the case. The fact is that at those levels where the most valuable ores, including diamond, are found, lava often appears, so it is common to see it.
  • And remember, in Minecraft you are only limited by your imagination. Therefore, you can always come up with your own way of finding diamonds.
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