How to get rid of out of memory. Out of memory Minecraft: what to do and how to get rid of this error

In Minecraft, an out of memory error can appear, due to which it is impossible to continue playing. The reason is that the game does not have enough RAM allocated to it by the system.

How to fix the error?

If a browser with many tabs is launched in parallel with Minecraft, or other similar software that requires a large amount of RAM, then all this must be turned off before starting the game. It is also worth disabling mods and various "improvers" - they can heavily load PC resources. If this does not help, then proceed as follows:

  1. Set up a Java machine. Open the Java Control Panel, go to the "Java" tab, go to the "View" section. There should be one line, if there are more of them, we delete everything except one arbitrary one. In the remaining line, in the "Runtime Parameters" column, write -Xms(x1)m -Xmx(x2)m, where (x1) is the minimum amount of RAM available for the Java machine, and (x2) is the maximum. It is preferable that the second value does not exceed 75% of the total PC RAM. For example, if it is 2 gigabytes, then the following entry -Xms750m -Xmx1500m will do. Confirm the changes by clicking on OK, then reboot the system.
  2. Set priorities. Open the game and Task Manager. Go to the Manager window on the Applications (Details) tab, find the javaw.exe process among the lines, right-click on it, go to "Set Priority" and select "High" in the drop-down menu.
  3. Lower graphics settings. This is possible if the game does not crash immediately, but after some time intervals. Lower all settings to the minimum and try to play for at least a few hours. If during this time the out of memory error did not appear in Minecraft, then proceed in two ways. You can leave everything as it was, or increase the quality of the graphics gradually to find the setting that caused the crash.

The "Out of Memory" error usually appears when a lot of programs are running on the computer using the resources available to the computer. Computer memory or RAM (Random Access Memory) is used by a computer to quickly store data for processing.

When does this error appear?

As I noted above, running several programs at once can overload the amount of available free memory, which will lead to an “Out of Memory” error. This can happen both with new programs and with programs already running on the computer. Sometimes this can happen, regardless of the amount of free memory available.

Cause of "Out of Memory" error

The reason for these errors is a little more complicated. The Windows WIN32 subsystem has a limited amount of available memory. If the memory in the WIN32 subsystem desktop heap is in use. Windows may give an "Out of Memory" error message.

Computers that do not work like Microsoft Windows operating systems are not too vulnerable. This issue mainly exists for Windows NT 3.5 and Windows NT 3.1 users

How to fix the "Out of Memory" error

To fix this issue, you need to edit your Windows Registry. Editing the registry is a risky business. You need to act with caution, and only strictly according to the instructions:

  • Registry backup - so you can restore it later if something goes wrong.
  • Click here to learn how to back up and restore your registry.

To avoid problems, follow these instructions carefully.

  • Increase the desktop heap size to fix this issue.
  • Launch the Registry Editor by opening the RUN dialog with the Windows_Key + R keyboard shortcut or from the Start menu. In the RUN dialog box, type regedit to run Regedt32.exe.
  • From the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subtree,
    Skip to the next section:
  • \System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\SubSystems
  • Select Windows.
  • Select String from the Edit menu.
  • Increase SharedSection parameter

From here, follow these steps depending on your operating system

For Windows NT:

  • SharedSection = XXXX, YYYY
  • Add ", 256" or ", 512" after the yyyy number.

For Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003:

  • SharedSection is used to determine the size of the system and desktop, it uses the following parameters
  • SharedSection = XXXX, YYYY, ZZZZ

For 32-bit operating systems

  • Increase the value of yyyy to "12288" and increase the value of zzzz to "1024".

For 64-bit operating systems

  • Increase the value of yyyy to "20480"; Increase the value of zzzz to "1024".

Do you have a quick fix for the “Out of Memory” error? Write it in the comment form to this article, and if your version is useful, we will definitely supplement the guide.

Many Minecraft players often encounter such a problem that they are thrown out of the game and out of memory Minecraft is written in the error log. What to do and how to solve this problem?

Essence of the question

In order to solve this problem and get rid of the error, you will have to try a little. In fact, there may be several reasons. So: how to get rid of out of memory (Minecraft), what to do to make the error disappear and how to insure yourself against such problems in the future? First you need to know that this message usually appears for several reasons, and all of them are eliminated with very simple steps.

The reasons

What might cause this problem:

  1. The RAM of the computer is too weak, which is why the temporary memory of the computer cannot cope with the load, and the game world simply does not load, as a result of which a similar error is generated.
  2. If the problem is not in the RAM, the computer is quite strong, but in any case it throws out and writes out of memory Minecraft, what should I do in this case? Everything is simple. Even if there are 8 gigabytes of RAM, perhaps they are limited. In order to solve this problem, you need to give more space to Java. How to do this, we will understand a little below.
  3. Perhaps the wrong version of Java was installed, that is, if the operating system is 64-bit, but the 32-bit version was installed, such problems are possible. To solve them, you need to download from the official website of "Java" the original version for the desired operating system, if it is 64-bit, therefore, you need to download for 64, and if 32 - the corresponding one. Now it's time to understand, when an out of memory (Minecraft) error occurs, what to do and how to fix it.

Correction of this error

As it was written above, this problem is eliminated in a few seconds. It does not matter which operating system is used, be it Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, and so on. The problem is solved in the same way. If the first problem arose (the computer is too weak), then, alas, nothing can be fixed. Is it possible to install mods that reduce the graphics and size of the world, so the problem may disappear. Or you can buy a more powerful computer. However, if it gives an out of memory error, what should I do? Minecraft crashes on a strong computer. And everything is simple, you need to follow the instructions:

  1. Install the latest version of "Java" from the official site (if not installed).
  2. Log in to the control panel. On Windows 10, this can be done with the "Minimize + X" keys, selecting the "Control Panel" section from the list.
  3. You need to go to the "Java" settings, which are located in the "Control Panel" section. Java will be written there. It's best to keep the icons small so it's much easier to find.
  4. Further, when the "Java" settings are opened, you need to select the Java subsection and click on View. Next, in Runtime Parameters, you need to enter the following command - Xincgc-XmxYG. Only instead of the letter Y you need to enter the amount of GB of RAM. If the maximum amount is 4 GB, instead of Y you need to enter the number 2, if 8 - you need to enter 4. This will be quite enough. Here is the solution to this problem.
We solve the problem when "Out of Memory" pops up
If you have installed a texture pack and you have a black screen, install |
For 16x and 32x textures, McPatcher is not needed.

In order not to appear "Out of Memory", you must do the following.
Runtime Parameters:

  1. Opening the control panel
  2. We are looking for a shortcut with "Java" or "Java Control Panel"
  3. Click the "Java" tab
  4. Click "View"
  5. Check if there is only one line! If there are more, go to the next instruction.
  6. Under "Runtime Parameters" we write, for 32-bit it is recommended: -Xincgc -Xmx768M , for 64-bit you can choose at your discretion... For example, -Xincgc -Xmx2G ; -Xincgc-Xmx1512M
  7. Press "Enter"
  8. We restart the computer
For -Xmx, don't set it to more than 3/4 of the computer's total memory.

There is another way by which you can change the size of memory allocated by Java.
Environment Variables:

  1. Right click on "My Computer" and select "Properties"
  2. Select the "Advanced" tab
  3. Click "Environment Variables"
  4. At the top, click "Create"
  5. Name: _JAVA_OPTIONS
  6. Enter the parameters you need into the value. For example, -Xincgc -Xmx2G .
And you can also run the game using a bat-file, of course with a different size of Java.
Bat file:
  1. Let's create a notepad. You can choose any name
  2. "%ProgramFiles%\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe"-Xincgc -Xmx2G -jar Minecraft.exe . In quotes, you must specify the path to java.exe . Instead of "Minecraft.exe" write the name of your Minecraft launcher. Everywhere it is important to observe the case of letters!
  3. Open "File" in Notepad
  4. Click "Save As". Choose where you will save it (no matter where you save it)
  5. The dot in the name should be followed by bat . For example Minecraft.bat or ololo_piw_piw.bat
If you still get an error or a few lines in "Runtime Parameters", then this instruction is for you:
  1. Remove Java from computer
  2. We clean the registry. Programs for cleaning the registry -,
  3. Remove minecraft
  4. Download and reinstall Java. If you have a 64-bit system, install 64-bit Java. Otherwise it won't allocate as much memory as you want.
  5. Install minecraft again
  6. Go to one of the instructions
If the error still pops up, turn off the sound.
None of this helped - you have little RAM, or the processor is weak.

-Xincgc - Garbage Collecter, releases unused objects from memory.
-Xmx - Sets the maximum memory size.
-Xms - Sets the minimum memory size.
Bat-file - A file containing a sequence of commands to be executed by a command interpreter.
Registry - A hierarchically built database of parameters and settings.

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