How to make a big pickaxe in minecraft. How to make a pickaxe from three types of materials

This tool has been improved for a long time and was used in various spheres of human activity: mining and coal mining, the development of ore deposits, in construction, in agriculture, in war. In many museums around the world, weapons collections are decorated with elegant and formidable engravings, picks and other battle picks.

Seriously speaking, despite the modern types of various equipment, the pickaxe is still widely used today. Everyone knows the combined construction picks, with the help of which bricks are chopped during masonry, climbers always have a light and durable ice pick with them, geological exploration work will not do without this tool of various sizes: from small and light to real "battle" monsters able to split the rock in the right place.

To determine how to make an iron pick, you need to imagine and understand the difference between it and a pick. The classic shape has a sharp hammer-like nozzle, worn on a strong and long (up to one and a half meters) handle made of hard and viscous wood species.

In this case, the nozzle can only have a long pointed end with one striking part, the opposite side is made in the form of a butt. This option is called a pickaxe, it is often used in combination with a heavy sledgehammer, which is used to strike at the butt.

The second and more common option is the (erroneously called pick) pick, which has two sharpened striking pieces at opposite ends of a hammerhead. One end is made with a flat and wide, ax-like blade. The second, tetrahedral, pointed and curved: it is convenient for them to tear off, break out and uproot.

From the description of both options, it is clear that polishing your nails with such things will not work. This tool is designed for rough physical work. The long lever of the wooden handle and the rather large weight of the attachment, in combination with the pointed ends of the working striking parts, make it possible to inflict blows of enormous destructive force. This uses the power of one human muscular strength.

How to make a pickaxe from wood and iron?

The most primitive option iron pick you can make it yourself from a strong and thick enough stick. In it, at a distance of five centimeters from the thicker end, a hole is drilled in diameter slightly less than the thickness of the reinforcing bar. One end of a piece of such a rod is sharpened into four faces, and the other is riveted.

In the heated state, the metal rod is driven into the prepared hole. This is done carefully so as not to split the wood, you can first pick up and put on the crimp rings on top and bottom of the hole. You should get an L-shaped pickaxe. The intersection of the axes of the handle and the rod is wrapped crosswise with raw leather or tarred rope.

Option wooden pick can be considered a hoe, a primitive agricultural tool. They can be seen in photos taken in countries with patriarchal agriculture. Thinking about how to make a wooden pickaxe, you can probably use the tools from such photos as samples.

A result similar to the one described above can be obtained by cutting off a part of an even trunk with a branch growing from it. The tree must be hardwood with a branch thickness of at least two-thirds of the trunk thickness. Slices should be done five centimeters below the branch point and a meter and a half higher.

Then the resulting workpiece is sanded, and the branch is cut off at an acute angle at a distance of up to thirty centimeters from the place of growth. To increase the strength, the branch point and the protruding part left can be wrapped with tarred rope or leather tape; metal strips can be well placed under them.

The dimensions of the pick are kept for reasons of strength of the future tool. Leaving a branch that is too long can easily break.

How to make a stone pickaxe - a non-standard tool for our time

Whatever the strength of a wooden pickaxe, it will not withstand an intense load for a long time. Our ancient ancestor understood this: he probably spat, scratched the back of his head and began to look for a solution to the problem. And I found it. There are many stones on our planet. Among their abundance, it is not difficult to pick up a long, sharp and durable fragment.

Then you need to get a strong stick and rip off a small piece of skin from a wild boar running through the forest. Now all that remains is to attach the splinter to the end of the stick, wrapping the junction crosswise with raw leather soaked in saline. When dry, it will create an extremely strong bond. Everything, you can go hunting.

Now, knowing in general terms how to do stone pick, you need to correct the details and materials. Since now seven skins will be lowered by the environmental authorities for the wild boar, it is better to replace its skin with a strong resinous rope. Otherwise, the principle remains the same.

In conclusion, about the most commonplace. The pickaxe was not in vain considered and is considered not only a powerful tool, but an extremely dangerous weapon. Therefore, even accidental blows by it can become a reason for a premature meeting with the very smart ancestor who invented the first pickaxe.

Most new players who are interested in Minecraft do not know where to start the game and what to craft first. Of course, you need a workbench that you can't do without. What's next? Now it's time to create your own wooden pickaxe. This particular item is one of the main ones that will help you survive in the virtual world of Minecraft.

How to make a pickaxe in Minecraft?

In order to get such an item, we need to stock up on sticks and boards. We just extract wood of any species, we get the ingredients we need. Now you can start crafting a pickaxe - we place everything in the correct order on the workbench and get a tool.

That's all. You have obtained one of the most important tools in the game. Gradually, you have the opportunity to improve your device by replacing the boards with cobblestone, gold bars or diamonds. However, the very principle of obtaining a pickaxe will not change.

The main types of pickaxe

First of all, it should be noted that in Minecraft you can make a large number of varieties of picks. Of course, at the beginning of the game it is better to start by creating a wooden model, but as your skills develop, you can start developing more durable types of tools.

This is very important, because there are some materials in the game that can only be obtained by using certain tools. For example, stone blocks can be destroyed by hand, but you will not be able to get a cobblestone.

Once you craft a stone pickaxe, you can use it to mine coal. It is noteworthy that coal can be obtained not only deep in mines, but also by breaking stone blocks. Now that you have coal, create a torch and go explore the mines. But remember, there are a lot of monsters, so do not forget to take your weapon with you.

After exploring the mines, you will be able to mine ore, which is an indispensable ingredient when crafting an iron pickaxe.

In turn, the iron pickaxe is the tool that allows you to extract gold or diamond ore - the ingredients of the corresponding devices.

Now let's take a look at the features of each tool:

  • The wood pickaxe is the weakest. Usually it is done only to get a cobblestone, after which it is not used at all;
  • The stone model has a hardness level of 132 and is capable of breaking blocks. In addition, it serves for the extraction of ore;
  • The most commonly used pick is an iron pick, which is quite durable and cheaper than a diamond pick. Its strength index is 251;
  • The most durable type is the diamond pick. Such a tool can destroy even obsidian without any problem. This item has a durability indicator of 1562.

Thus, we have learned how to create different types of pickaxes. This item is one of the most important for survival in the game. In addition, without it, it is impossible to extract a single mineral.

Type - tool

Durability - wood - 60, stone - 132, iron - 251, gold - 33, diamond - 1562

Where to look - do it yourself / find in abandoned mines or villages

Foldable - no

Description and features

How to create a pickaxe in minecraft also needs to be figured out literally from the first steps in the game, since you will definitely need this if you plan to stay in the game for a long time. It is with the help of this tool that the very necessary ingredients and ores will be mined, which you will certainly find use!

A lot of useful resources are stored in the bowels of the earth, so you will certainly have to engage in mining - mining in mines is one of the most important ways to replenish your own stocks of common and precious metals, stones and other things.

So, we begin to figure out how to craft a pickaxe in minecraft. There are several picks that differ significantly in terms of performance, so the screenshots below will show you how to make each of them and what is needed for this. Open the workbench with the right mouse button and lay out the ingredients in the following order:

The very first such tool of yours will be a wooden pickaxe (if you do not play on an online server where starting chests are provided), since it is with the help of it that you will be able to extract a cobblestone - this happens during the process of breaking a stone, and it should be noted that the cobblestone will fall out exclusively subject to extraction with a pickaxe, whereas if you break a stone with your hand / any other object, nothing will fall out when the block is destroyed.

Also very important is the fact that some ores must be broken with a pick made of a certain material in order to get this ore when a block is destroyed, and not lose it irrevocably.

There is an option that when a certain ore is mined, it will not turn into something else (for example, when mining a stone, we get a cobblestone, or when mining a redstone ore (red stone, red ore), red dust falls out) - for this, an enchantment must be applied to the pickaxe "Silk touch".

We figured out how to craft a pickaxe in minecraft, now we find out their main technical parameters, shown in the table below:

Frankly, making gold picks is a useless exercise, since even with the increased mining speed, its low strength makes it at least unprofitable.

If you play with the ThaumCraft mod, then they can be easily turned into a source of gold nuggets using a crucible, otherwise we go to the mine and grind picks there.

Now you know how to make a pickaxe in minecraft. This is another achievement on the path of your prosperity in the virtual world, therefore, as usual, I can only wish you not to stop there - there are still many interesting things and accomplishments ahead that you will certainly master!

If you are just starting to get used to the huge world of Minecraft and are already faced with the need to create your own mine, then you will need some simple tips on how to make a pickaxe in Minecraft, which are set out in this guide.

Why do you need a pickaxe

Pickaxe is a very important game element that any minecrafter uses. Using a pickaxe, you can start mining ore, and from it, in turn, create other necessary materials. Many blocks can also be mined with a pickaxe. Since resources are always needed in the game, be prepared to create many tools for their extraction. Each pickaxe has its own strength indicator, after which it breaks, so it is better to remember the recipe for their creation.

How to make a pickaxe in Minecraft?

The recipe for making a pickaxe is quite simple - for this you need to have two sticks for the handle and material. Planks, cobblestones, iron, and even gold and diamonds can serve as material for creating a pickaxe. Each of the materials presented changes the characteristics of the pickaxe. Their strength and the rate of extraction of certain resources vary.

Various materials

Starting from wooden and ending diamond pickaxe, characteristics increase depending on the material. However, there are some exceptions. For instance, golden pickaxe, has the lowest strength, but it is indispensable for the extraction of many materials - coal ore, sandstone, hellstone and others.

Before you start digging your mines, it is better to take care of creating a sufficient number of picks in advance, because they are not so durable. In addition to directly creating tools with your own hands, they can also be found in an abandoned mine or village, so it will not be superfluous to check the chests.

Pickaxe enchantment

In addition, the pickaxe can be enchanted, which gives it special properties. With the help of certain enchantments, the service life of the tool, the speed of extraction, or the chance of resource drops can be increased. Also, some enchantments allow you to extract blocks that are usually inaccessible - grass, ice, cobwebs, and others.

Video - How to make a pickaxe in Minecraft 1.5.2

How to make a stone pickaxe in Minecraft

Are you tired of a bad wooden instrument and want something better? There are several types of pickaxe in Minecraft. They all differ in strength. How exactly? Here's a good example.

As you can see, the diamond pickaxe has the best quality. But, it is more difficult to make it. More precisely, it is more difficult to get resources. After all, diamonds are located at the very bottom of the caves.

After you make the very first pickaxe, you will need to craft a stone pickaxe. Most likely, you do not know how to do this. Therefore, let's deal with the question of how to make a stone pickaxe in Minecraft.

In fact, there is nothing difficult here. The process has already been described on our website. But it said about a tool made of wood. And now we are interested in a stone.

The creation process is exactly the same, only there are changes at the end.

1. Create boards.

4. Create a stone pickaxe. As you can see, for this you need to connect the stone and sticks.

There is nothing complicated here. All other pickaxes in Minecraft are created in the same way, only at the end you need to use a different material.

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