Nuka World settlements. Quest “Home Sweet Home” (DLC Nuka-World) Task #9: Talk to Shank

Without long preludes with lengthy advertising campaigns, a few months after the announcement, Bethesda studio launched Fallout 4. The new “lucky one” leaves another shelter towards the unknown and adventure. There are lands scorched by radiation, twisted trees and wild mutated creatures all around. Fallout is knocking on our hearts again, revealing to players the landscapes of destroyed Boston and its environs.

The story of the new hero begins exactly on the day of the start of that very war, which divided the history of mankind into “before” and “after”. Here we choose an appearance, a name and watch shots of quiet family comfort, which quickly give way to urgent evacuation.

The hero and his family barely have time to go underground, seeing their past fade away in the bright flash of a nuclear explosion on the horizon.

Then events begin to happen unexpectedly. All residents are frozen in a cryochamber, and when the protagonist first comes to his senses, he observes the abduction of his son. The next moment he again plunges into an icy sleep, from which he is destined to wake up completely alone. As a result of a technical failure, all frozen people die. Our hero, the last witness of the old era, gets out and finds out that a couple of hundred years have passed, and the world around has changed beyond recognition.

The game then develops according to a familiar pattern. We get used to new conditions, get weapons and armor, get acquainted with local residents, carry out assignments for them and join different factions. In the very first minutes we meet our dog companion, who signs up as our companion, then we quickly get involved in a mess with the raiders and even get power armor at our disposal. After this, the hero finds himself in the midst of a heated shootout, which ends with the appearance of a well-known monster called the “death claw.”

Instead of gradual immersion and an atmosphere of survival, we are offered a non-stop action movie, where we run and shoot, picking up new weapons and scraps of armor from the dead. One minute you already have a beam weapon, and a couple of moments later you have a minigun in your hands. You jump from the roof in armor and cover everything around with a hail of bullets. But then a “claw” jumps out and in a few blows dashingly ends your crazy raid.

And all this without any development of the plot - just run, kill, collect junk.

After you bring travelers to an abandoned village, the arrangement of their new place of residence begins. Plant vegetables, build a column - simple tasks of the monasteries require components that need to be collected or obtained by dismantling various rubbish. The crafting menu is no different in structure from the inventory menu - large scrollable and intermediate lists where you need to make a bunch of clicks to select the desired object. And no one talks clearly about crafting itself through this menu, so the simplest operations are stupefying at first.

First impressions of the game are mixed. There are a lot of fights, incomprehensible construction and there is no intrigue in what is happening. The situation changes as you get to know the world. As we discover new places and meet new people, we learn different stories and receive tasks. The list of quests becomes more extensive, the history of post-nuclear Boston acquires details, and the world opens up new interesting locations to our eyes. New motives even appear in the plot, pushing the mysterious Institute with its humanoid synth robots to key positions in the narrative.

The world of Fallout 4 turns out to be more diverse and unexpected than it seems at first. Familiar landscapes with half-empty hills and rare houses are replaced by massive factory areas and dense urban development. All these ruins are carefully stuffed with various supplies - from banal rubbish to medications and caches of ammunition. Many buildings allow you to climb to upper floors and even roofs. The cramped streets of old Boston sometimes turn into a whole labyrinth of alleys and crawl spaces through roofs and eaves.

Any adventure in the game is fraught with random encounters with ghouls, wild animals, raiders or super mutants. Robbers or mutants have their own habitat areas, so even complete clearing of a region does not guarantee safety when visiting again. Among other dangers of the surrounding world are the usual radioactive zones. Now we may also find ourselves in the epicenter of a sudden radioactive storm, which, given the low protective properties of the armor, will force us to seek shelter.

As you wander aimlessly around the city and suburbs, you can discover some new task or even become a participant in a random event, but the main adventures develop as you complete story quests. When concentrating on the main storyline, the game also throws up interesting side quests, which often arise as a kind of offshoot. This could be a search for people, gang warfare or spy vicissitudes. But even with the external variety of tasks, most missions, one way or another, come down to a single scheme of following to the final point with clearing out all those resisting along the way, in order to at the end receive an item or a hint for new searches. Bright characters and new unusual locations make such raids interesting. But if nothing new is offered during the task, then it takes on a taste of sameness.

There are few situations where, instead of the caliber of a weapon, persuasion, personal charisma or an unconventional approach play an important role. Although there is a certain variability. Some actions have an impact on subsequent events, and this applies not only to the main storyline.

Variability in a combat unit is associated with the use of weapons and the formation of tactics. The main strategy in this case is built in two directions - open battle or attempts to temporarily win through secrecy. The second option will allow you to deliver a surprise first strike, place mines, or activate security robots by hacking the computer. But very quickly you will still be discovered, and then the fight will proceed at the usual pace, where the one who shoots faster and more accurately wins.

In addition to real-time shooting, there is the familiar V.A.T.S. With a strong time slowdown, you get the opportunity to set a specific point for aiming, distributing fire over several enemy locations or concentrating it in one vulnerable spot. According to personal feelings, V.A.T.S. plays a smaller role in the new game; real shooting is often more effective. In tactical mode, the chance of a headshot is always low, even if the enemy is completely exposed. The advantage of this mode is the ability to manually activate a critical shot after the required scale is filled.

For all its “shooter” nature, there is a slight feeling of poor responsiveness to your actions; throwing a grenade does not always work as it should. It takes a little getting used to the game and adjusting the camera sensitivity to suit you. But then you get complete pleasure from using different weapons, where each unit in the arsenal behaves differently depending on its characteristics.

Each pistol, rifle or beam weapon has several parameters, which are determined by the combination of installed modules. To upgrade a weapon, you only need components from which you can assemble a better stock, a new sight, a magazine, or change the power. It comes to the point that any weapon can be switched to automatic mode or reassembled with completely new characteristics. In accordance with your preferences, you make for yourself a slow and long-range weapon or a fast-firing one for close combat.

The armor has an equally flexible upgrade system. In addition to simple reinforcement, there are different options for linings, increasing the capacity of pockets and other nuances. A thin suit can be topped with shoulder pads, knee pads, and various bibs. All this can be changed, giving individual components different characteristics. There are also unique suits with fixed parameters that cannot be upgraded.

There are legendary items with special properties in the game. This could be a piece of armor with a bonus to some characteristic or a pistol with special damaging properties.

Power armor is also being upgraded. All operations are performed on specialized machines. And the acute shortage of resources requires a constant search for trash in order to parse it into its components. All operations are carried out in friendly villages. So, having loaded yourself to the brim with iron cans, household chemicals and other garbage, you need to return to such “bases”, disassemble all the junk into components and then work with resource materials.

Another important aspect that stimulates gathering is the development of friendly villages. What at first seems like an empty exercise, then acquires a certain meaning. The development of villages is associated with a separate faction. By expanding its influence through new territories and their development, then you can receive help. The very process of establishing a village is tied to attracting settlers, creating comfortable living conditions for them, and organizing the extraction of food and water. Another important issue is defense, which depends on the built posts and automatic turrets. After developing several villages, you can start organizing trade and caravans.

A completely unusual activity for Fallout, its own little urban planning strategy. But some may like this activity. If you don’t like it, then no one bothers you to ignore it. Moreover, there are also more militant factions that are not burdened with farming concerns. You can go to the Brotherhood of Steel, which organizes daring raids and winds over the wastelands in propeller-driven machines, showering all aggressive abodes with lead fire. The game itself, by the way, does not limit the choice of cooperation. As with all Bethesda games, you can work for all organizations up to a certain point.

The development of the main character is implemented through a system of perks. Visually, the leveling tree is implemented in an unusual way, although the overall system operates according to familiar principles. There are several main parameters that affect all other possibilities. The power of melee strikes and the weight carried depend on strength, endurance affects health and running, and so on. Subsequent improvements are possible by unlocking special skills - increasing the level of hacking, increasing the rank of pistols, etc. There are also very specific perks, like special bonuses at night or the likelihood of a defeated enemy exploding. For each new level, one point is given, which is spent on a new perk or improving one of the main parameters. You can’t do without the latter due to the fact that powerful skills also require a high level of certain parameters.

In addition to this, the game has a bunch of different magazines and so-called bobbleheads that provide special bonuses - from increasing individual combat parameters to increasing some highly specialized skills. All this is scattered throughout the nooks and crannies of the Fallout 4 world, so those who persist in exploring have a better chance of leveling up their hero.

The game obsessively offers different companions. The dog becomes the first partner. Then you can involve different story characters in joint raids, equipping them with armor and weapons. This way you can compensate for your weaknesses. If you specialize more in rifles, then the dog will help hold back the fighters breaking through, diverting attention to himself. A super mutant, who can be rescued from captivity in one of the skyscrapers, will also be a good helper here. If you are a grunt guy yourself, then give your partner a powerful rifle so that he doesn’t get in the way, but is as effective as possible.

Each such hero has his own story, which he reveals as your authority grows. Well, if you achieve a significant level of sympathy, then you can have a romance with one of your companions.

Fallout is given a special romance by its specific retro-futurism style, where the future resembles illustrations from old movies, and the heritage of the old era is clearly visible in the design. The fourth part carefully follows this style, but does not offer anything new. Only there are more different animated inserts with funny hand-drawn characters. At the same time, the animation of real characters has not improved much. And in terms of staging plot scenes, the game also did not step forward. The characters either shoot or conduct dialogue while standing at attention opposite each other. The simulation of life in populated areas is the simplest. In this regard, the game has received minimal development, and compared to the recent The Witcher 3 it looks faded.

Radio stations that broadcast old music in the style of the 60s also add their own atmosphere to the game. It fits well with the views of a destroyed city with collapsed bridges. But this type of musical accompaniment was also available in previous parts, without causing the same emotions.

There were no visual revolutions. Fallout supports DirectX 11, has better draw distance and better lighting, but sometimes you can still stumble upon some cloudy, fuzzy wall surfaces. The texture of many materials has changed; there is no feeling of ubiquitous “plastic”, as was previously the case.

The detailing of open spaces has increased due to high visibility and an abundance of trees and shrubs.

A thick fog has appeared, which sometimes completely envelops the surrounding world. The solar account gives it a special density.

The ray effect itself looks especially beautiful at dawn or sunset. The impression is that this is the most progressive visual effect, which under certain conditions noticeably improves the picture. At the same time, the rays greatly affect performance. Therefore, on weak video cards you can try to increase performance by slightly reducing the quality of the light rays.

Fallout 4 was not a new impetus for the series. At one time, Fallout 3 was captivating in the way the atmosphere and nuanced mechanics were transferred to the new gaming environment of a 3D action RPG. And although the old isometric fans were unhappy, the game was exciting and interesting. Fallout: New Vegas placed an emphasis on increasing the depth of role-playing mechanics with greater variability and a subtle approach to resolving game situations. Therefore, the sequel received an even warmer reception. But the new part causes mixed feelings. Some things are simplified (like the dialogue system), and some things are given too much attention (settlement development). I would like more subtle, well-thought-out quests, but the gameplay is biased towards action to please the mass player. This does not prevent you from enjoying the passage. Fallout 4 is good, but many expected more.

One of the most unexpected features of the Nuka World DLC in Fallout 4, which the developers provided to players, is the ability to transfer settlements to raiders, driving away peaceful settlers or other invaders (ghouls, Children of the Atom, raiders and mutants). However, most often players go to Yader-Mir after they have completed several Minutemen quests and built settlements for civilians.

Therefore, during the Nuka World story quest “Home Sweet Home” you will have to capture settlements from yourself (unless, of course, you decide to choose the merchant ending, which involves the complete destruction of all raiders), and this can lead to some surprises for the player and temporary complication of the game due to lost resources for construction.

Let's take a closer look at the features of Nuka World settlements.

The add-on has two options for interacting with settlements: building outposts - habitats for raiders and capturing “vassals” - settlements that will grow food for them. As one of the main characters of Nuka World, Shank, explains, people become raiders in order to be able to avoid poking around in the ground, so by forcing the bandits to poke around in the ground, you will noticeably reduce their level of happiness. So, the creation of vassal settlements with farmers who will work for the bandits is strictly necessary. Although, if there is an acute shortage of food, food can simply be thrown into the workshop.

Nuka World Settlements: Fallout 4 Raider Outposts

Outposts and vassals differ from each other not only in purpose, but also in capabilities. An outpost is no different from ordinary settlements: you can also build there, install turrets for protection and water purification plants. After creating three outposts, it will be possible to open raider shops in them.

All loot stored in the workshop before the settlement was transferred to the raiders will remain available, but supply lines with other locations will disappear. Therefore, when building your first outpost, be prepared for the fact that you will have to accumulate all the trash again. After you build several outposts, the loot stored in them will be shared. Raider settlements do not require the creation of supply lines.
The number of raiders at an outpost does not depend on the player’s charisma, and sometimes crowds of 30-40 people will gather there.

Commonwealth Capture: Vassal Settlements

But vassal settlements have a rather significant drawback: after accepting the quest to “vassalize” them, that is, transferring them to the power of the raiders, access to their workshop is lost along with the loot and caps stored there. It will also be impossible to build in these locations.

It makes sense to go around all the settlements before “sacrificing” and pick up all the stored loot from there. In addition, in order to get as much use out of it as possible, you need to plant as many vegetables and fruits there as possible so that there is something to feed the raiders, and also send as many people and robots there as possible to work on the farm. By the way, robots are more profitable, since they do not require food and beds.

It is also worth building a bed, an anti-radiation frame and a sink with drinking water in the settlement (furniture -> miscellaneous). In this case, even if you cannot build there, you will always have the opportunity to clear yourself of radiation, sleep, drink water and fill your bottles with it.

The Voltek settler control terminal (food -> miscellaneous -> white cabinet with a monitor) will work in the settlement even after it becomes a vassal, but its capabilities will be noticeably limited.

By the way, vassal settlements transfer tribute to all outposts at once, and not just to the one to which they were assigned. However, you can make a settlement a vassal only in the area covered by outposts, so you need to place raider settlements so that you can cover the entire map.

Some locations cannot be transferred to raiders or made vassals. These are the Alliance, the Castle (apparently the Minutemen are categorically against it), the 88th refuge, Bunker Hill, Zimonja Outpost and settlements from the Far Harbor add-on.

The Nuka World expansion for Fallout 4 ends in a rather unusual way. The fact is that it has two endings - good and bad, but the latter includes three more different options. The first is very common, as it is associated with the destruction of all raiders, and the second allows the raiders to become a powerful force that will be feared throughout the entire Commonwealth.

No matter how strange it may sound, we advise you to choose just the bad endings, which are the main and most exciting. Let’s add that you can capture outposts without killing civilians, so this will not affect your relationships with other groups. If we talk about the good ending, then it can be considered an alternative ending to the add-on, which you can get when completing the “Hunting Season” task. It is very short and does not carry any deep meaning.

Bad endings

Let us immediately note that this ending is bad only in words, but in fact it represents the canon chosen by the developers. So, in the last missions of the expansion, one of the gangs decides to start a riot. You will need to deal with it, and then perform a couple of simple steps. This is where the story of Nuka World ends. You will not be able to avoid killing the leader of one of the groups, but you will be able to influence which particular gang will betray you.

This will depend on which gangs you were most favorable to. You can show them your “love” by completing the tasks “Home Sweet Home” and “The Grand Tour”. Below are detailed instructions:

  1. During the "Grand Tour" mission, you will need to raise banners over various areas of the amusement park. There are five locations behind Yader Town. When raising the flag, you will need to select a gang, which will take possession of the zone you previously captured. Thus, you increase the trust level of the selected group and reduce the likelihood that they will decide to cheat you in the end. It's impossible to make friends with all three gangs!
  2. While completing the mission “Home Sweet Home” you will need to choose a group that will accompany you to successfully complete the mission. You will also have to send raiders from different squads to outposts.

Your choice in the first task plays the greatest role. If you want the gang you least like to start a riot, then you just need to not give them any of the captured locations. It doesn’t matter which group has more territories - the main thing is to leave one of them without zones. If you decide to give all the territories to one gang, then in the second quest you should provide an outpost to the one that you do not want to destroy in the future.

What's the point?

You are probably wondering why these complexities are needed at all? What difference does it make which group will have to be destroyed in the end, because they are all essentially the same. However, this is not the case, because the remaining criminals will provide your character with perks unique to them. Therefore, it is worth considering these perks first, and then choosing the group that seems most useless to you. It is impossible to get all 3 perks.

  • Pack perk “Leader of the Pack” – increases resistance to electrical and physical damage by a quarter. In addition, the damage you deal in melee increases by 25 percent.
  • Operator perk “Professional” – increases damage from guns with silencers by 25 percent, and also improves stealth by 10 percent (if the character is in the shadows).
  • Adept perk “Adept” - if you kill enemies with melee weapons, the AP scale will be restored by 25 percent.

In our opinion, the best perk is provided by Operators. The rest are aimed at players who like to kick enemies in close combat. In addition, it is this grouping that will bring you the most resources when owning zones.

Good ending

Let us remind you that this is an alternative ending and cannot be considered canon. So, if you don’t want to deal with raiders at all, then at any time you can simply kill them all, free the traders and activate the amusement park. To do this, you need to talk to a girl named Makenzie, standing in the market square of Yader Town. Take the mission “Hunting Season” and kill or attack one of the gang leaders. As a result, all raiders will become enemies for you, including Gage. In addition, in the log, all story quests with raiders and repeated missions will go to the failed section.

However, you will still be able to supply energy to the amusement park and complete a couple of other tasks.

Let’s add that even after completing one of the bad endings, you can take on the task “Hunting Season” and destroy the two remaining factions. However, it is unclear what will happen to the perks then.

In this quest, your character begins to take over the Commonwealth, organizing his outposts on its territory and ensuring their protection and supplies.

For convenience, use

Completing the quest “Home Sweet Home”

In this quest, the main character, together with Gage, begins preparations for the capture of the entire Commonwealth. These are very ambitious plans and to implement them, you need to be very painstaking and careful. Therefore, before starting active hostilities, it is necessary to establish supplies for the future army and organize protected outposts on enemy territory, and the enemy in this case is the Commonwealth. To start completing all these tasks, you need to talk with a character named Shank.

Task #1: Talk to Shank

Shank will turn out to be a very interesting character; he is not a member of any of the gangs, but is a personal adviser to the raider boss. Shank was invited specifically so that he would collect intelligence data about the Commonwealth, find places that could be easily captured, know where to hit, who to put pressure on, who to scare. Shank correctly says that zones in the Nuclear World are good, but territories in the Commonwealth are even better. In order to begin to capture the Commonwealth, the gangs must first create an outpost, a place from which they can conduct their raids, and for these purposes one of the settlements is ideal, which can be captured in several ways.

Task #2: Create an outpost for one of the gangs

According to Shank, you can simply capture the settlement by killing all the settlers, or you can convince them to abandon the settlement; the way to resolve this issue lies entirely with you, as the leader of the gang. After capturing the outpost, it will also need to be given to one of the gangs, and the diplomatic games continue.

The settlement that will become your outpost must be selected in the Pip-Boy, you cannot select any settlement, it must meet some infrastructure requirements, for example, there must be farms nearby so that you can feed the people at the outpost.

Optional: Drive away settlers from the selected settlement

After choosing a settlement, a side quest to clear it will begin, you will need to go to the settlement and either intimidate the settlers, or pay them to leave. Shank also advises turning to the operators for help; they can provide the main character with some “toys” that will help influence the settlers.

After moving to the settlement, you need to convince the settlers to leave, for example, you can pay them 1000 caps and they will leave, after which you need to build a signal flag in the workshop to indicate which gang will occupy the outpost. After this, the additional quest to clear the settlement will be completed.

After completing the additional task, Preston Garvey will hate the main character.

Task #3: Meet with the squad

After installing a tower with a flag, members of the gang to which you gave this settlement will come to the created outpost, you need to meet them.

Task #4: Talk to Shank

After the squad meeting, your character needs to return back to Yader Mir to talk with your assistant, this is necessary to clarify further plans. And then you need to force the nearby settlements to start supplying your outpost with supplies; again, you can either persuade them by force, or pay them.

Objective #5: Force settlements, supply your gang with supplies

Shank will correctly note that the element of intimidating settlements is very important, so he will give fighters from one of the gangs to help and all that remains is to choose which settlement needs to be brought into submission, that is, who to scare so that they begin to supply the outpost with supplies.

Optional: Subjugate the selected settlement

And again an additional quest will begin to subjugate the selected settlement and, just like with the capture of an outpost, you can either shoot or pay. After this task is completed, you need to return to Shank again and ask him what to do next.

Task #6: Talk to Shank

Everything seems to be going according to plan, but Shank reports disturbing news: one of the Commonwealth raider gangs has decided that the “newcomers” want to seize their territory and therefore are planning to attack your outpost. We need to answer them harshly so that their fate becomes an example for everyone.

Task #7: Meet with your squad at the outpost

Once at the outpost, you need to ask any of the gang about the current situation, the main character will be informed that there is a large detachment of raiders nearby who are clearly going to attack your outpost, you need to deal with them.

Task #8: Clear the settlement

To begin with, just talk to the leader of the raiders, he will threaten violence, but your character can simply convince the leader that he and his gang leave, or simply feed them “lead”.

Task #9: Talk to Shank

Having solved the problem with the alien raiders, we return to Shank, hoping that this is definitely the end of the quest. But no, now you need to create “greenhouse” conditions for the members of the gang who are at the outpost, provide them with entertainment, food and other entertainment.

There are multiple endings to Fallout 4. Which one will you choose? What abilities and rewards will you unlock? Read this spoiler-filled guide for more information on how to secure the future you want as Fallout 4: Nuka World draws to a close.

Fallout 4: Nuka-World has two main endings: one where you stick to the “good” path and defeat all the raiders, and three options for the “bad” ending, where you help gangs of raiders become a serious force in the Commonwealth.

Unusual for Fallout 4, “ bad” ending Nuclear world– main; You are intensely encouraged to take on the life of a raider and set up shop in a theme park: such actions seem to carry no consequences in terms of the attitude of the main Fallout 4 factions, even when you hand over your established settlements. Meanwhile, “ good” the ending is only available through the side quest “ Hunting Season”, and he is cruel and short; read below how to start and complete the quest “ Hunting Season”.

How endings work in Fallout 4: Nuka-World

The main, “bad” ending is definitely more interesting than the other two; towards the end of the main path of Fallout 4: Yader-mir, one of the three raider factions will switch to you, and you will have to destroy them to finish the story. There is no way to avoid this, but you can control which faction goes rogue.

Which faction you fight during the ending of Fallout 4: Yader-World depends on how much favor you show to each of the three raider groups in Yader-World, which in turn is determined by your actions during two quests: “Grand Tour” And "Home Sweet Home". Here's how it works:

  • During the “Grand Tour” quest, you will have to raise a flag in each of the five parks, claiming them for one of these three factions. Assigning a park to a group greatly increases your favor with them. There is no other way to be completely fair to the three groups.
  • During the “Home Sweet Home” quest, you can choose a raider group that will accompany you on quests, which slightly increases your favor towards them.

The system seems to be heavily weighted towards the “Grand Tour”, so the easiest way to ensure your least favorite faction gets away with it is to ensure that they get fewer parks than everyone else. Divisions such as 2-2-1, 4-1-0, 3-2-0 will all result in one gang getting very angry at you.

If you split the parks 3-1-1 or even 5-0-0, there is an equal chance that either of the two unfortunate gangs will switch to you. Avoid the wrath of the faction you want to remain friends with by taking on their raids with you during Home Sweet Home.

Abilities of Yader-World factions: how to choose a gang to support

Upon completion of “Home Sweet Home” you will automatically proceed to the final quest “ Show of force“, in which you will have to fight the third faction, trying to restore power to the generators in Yader-world.

At the end " Show of force“You will be given two of three possible abilities, which depend on which gang is alive; there is no way to get all three at once. Here's what's on offer:

  • Professional: 25% bonus damage for silenced weapons, 10% bonus to stealth in the shadows.
  • Chosen One: When killing an enemy with a melee weapon, 25% AP is restored.
  • Alpha Male of the Pack: 25% bonus to melee and melee damage, 25% bonus to resistance to standard and energy damage.

One last note, when deciding which faction to support, the Operators will leave more loot than other gangs when you give them a park, so if you like their ability, give them all five parks and use Home Sweet Home to increase favorability to your second favorite faction, this will be the most profitable route.

Hunting season

Don't want to be a raider? Do not worry. At any point during the story quests in Fallout 4: Nuka-World, you can change your mind and decide to kill all the raiders instead, freeing the merchants to run the park. Just visit Mackenzie, doctors at the Yader Town Market, and receive the quest Hunting season.

Even though McKenzie makes you believe that you can just kill the leaders and that's fine, attacking any of the leaders is enough to anger them, and there will be a fight with every raider in the park - including Gage, your companion. This will also lead to disruption of the entire history of Yader-World and parallel tasks.

However, you can still restore power to the park, and some of the other quests will still be available.

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