How to beat chess. How to almost always win at chess. All figures will move

Chess is not just a well-known game of intellectuals, but also quite a gambling game that combines logical thinking, the ability to analyze a situation and foresee several options for resolving it. By playing chess, we not only let our brain work at 100%, but also reduce the risk of developing sclerosis at an older age. Inveterate players constantly participate in competitions, thereby working out and developing strategies that allow you to defeat any opponent. That player is stronger, who in any situation in the game has the answer to the question of how to win at chess even in a very difficult tournament. There are many strategies and everyone uses them in their own way.

It is clear that experience comes with age, and not all chess players are happy to share the secrets of their brilliant game, but for beginner chess players, we have prepared a selection of some basic strategies on how to win chess quickly. If you master them, perhaps your game results will improve, but we emphasize once again that you need to constantly train, and with different opponents, in order to become a professional in your field.

Instructions on how to win at chess:

  • The strategy of the protected passed pawn is that you can certainly place various pieces on your half of the board in such a way as to make them winning. So, if you use the protected passed pawn method, you can open up freedom of action for your king and protect the pawn from the influence of the opponent's pieces.
  • The undermining strategy is to use pawns to counter the attack of the opponent's king by stirring one or more of them in order to weaken the opponent's strength. Simply put, you succumb in some cases, thereby opening up access to interesting enemy figures.
  • The stalemate shelter strategy is used when there are already few pieces left on the playing field. Your actions are to protect your king from the enemy with the help of pawns.
  • The half-pat strategy is that you place your king on the edge or in the corner of the game board - in the "half-pat" position. In this case, we play the game with pawns, but learn this lesson - never deprive your king of mobility, otherwise, you can lose the game.
  • Extra pace strategy - is that you acquire reserve moves that can lead to a win. So, if you use additional moves with pawns, it is possible to make a diversionary attack with the king, which is sent to the enemy kingside.
  • Checkmate with a knight and a pawn - this option is possible when the enemy king is motionless, as it is located in the corner of the board. Then you can try to checkmate with one knight and a pawn.

Joking ways to win at chess

Well, now, some ways that, although they will not help you become a champion in the game, will significantly cheer you up.

  • Encourage your figures with soft whispers.
  • At each check, it is necessary to perform the dance of a cheerful kangaroo, after which it is businesslike to straighten the tie and, as if nothing had happened, sit down at the table again, asking: well, what do we have there?
  • Every time you make a move with the knight, say: "Tygydym-tygydym-tygydym-oops!"
  • Take a photo of Kasparov with you and ask him for advice before every step.
  • Before walking, stand on your head, explaining that when there is blood flow to the head, you think better.

In order to succeed in chess, you should not only practice regularly, but also love this game. A person who is truly passionate about something is doomed to success.

Good day, dear friend!

I suppose, to the question "How to win at chess?", You are unlikely to be satisfied with the answer: "Checkmate". And therefore we will analyze this topic in a little more detail.

What's the catch?

The fact that the question in the title of the article does not have a clear answer, except for the one given above. I hope I didn't disappoint too much.

Chess is not a game of chance. In the sense that they do not relate to gambling such as card games or slot machines.

The reason is very simple. The element of luck, luck, is reduced to a minimum in chess. The game, for example, on slot machines is purely based on luck.

Playing poker requires some skill, but the element of luck is also great. Due to the fact that you can initially get cards with an 80% chance of winning against any opponent (for example, two aces).

Everything is different in chess. It's a game of complete information . Both opponents have the same set of pieces and "hidden cards". If a novice player sits down at the board against a master, his chances of "getting kicked off" are almost zero.

I think for a chess player with some experience, even if it is small, the question posed in the title of the article looks quite naive. He knows the answer. To win, necessary:

  1. Good to play chess
  2. Good to play in this particular game
  3. It is good to play in this particular game against this particular opponent.

Chess is a game of skill. And yet it would be wrong to confine oneself to this statement.

There are some tips , which can be given to beginner chess players who set themselves the question from the title of the article.

Cavalry Charge

With this approach, we quickly develop pieces, including the queen, and strive to checkmate.

There are enough examples where such a strategy succeeded very quickly.

in 3 moves

Checkmate in 3 moves is a kind of cliché. In fact, this typical checkmate, as you can see, is set in 4 moves.

It is also obvious that Black is not obliged to receive this childish mate at all. They can play, for example, 3…g6 and on 4.Qf34…Kf6

in 5 moves

It is not difficult to conclude that without the help of whites, such an oil painting is hardly possible.

for 7 and 9 moves

3...Nd4- a bad move, but counting on a mistake. A trap into which White fell into with all his might.

The King's Gambit is not the kind of opening where it is permissible to move slowly with pawns.

A cavalry charge is a risky business. Success is possible only if the opponent's play is completely wrong or simply "blunders".

For example, the well-known "childish" mate "in three moves", which is shown above. Black can easily parry the attack and get a better game (see example).

Quite a "wild" example of swearing in 2 (!) move and also well known:

I don't think there is any reason to seriously bet on such a result of the game. The probability of such a play by White is almost zero. At least this has not happened in my experience.

Trap game

The "trap" style is akin to a cavalry charge, although not as naive. In chess, there are a huge number of traps at the beginning of the game. There are even books on the subject. Only in one I gave about 30 examples.

Based on error

Generally speaking, there are two ways to win in chess:

  • Outplay the opponent
  • Take advantage of an opponent's mistake

In the first case you gradually increase your advantage through stronger play. And at some point there comes a natural denouement. In other words, quality turns into quantity.

In the second, - you do not make gross mistakes, "keep" the position, tension. And the opponent makes a serious mistake. In the games of beginners and even intermediate-level chess players, this will definitely happen.

Quite a working strategy that can lead to good practical results. Only one thing is important: do not “yawn” yourself.

The cure for yawning is self-control. Before making a move, we look to see if I am missing a checkmate, a piece, a pawn... Even when I have already raised my hand over the board for a move, it does not hurt to look at the position once again for the subject of a blunder.

Outplay the opponent

To do this, it is important, at a minimum, to play “correctly”. Follow certain principles. I will list only a few and briefly, since behind each of them there are more than a dozen books written over several centuries of chess history.

  • Fast development

In the opening, one should not move several times with the same piece. For beginners, it is recommended to display light figures first.

  • Convenient placement of figures

Elephants on the fields с4, b5, d3 f4, g5 e3. Horses to the center (f3 c3). Places rooks on open and semi-open central files.

  • Control of center fields

Pieces and pawns should be grouped closer to the central squares. Center - fields e4,d4, e5, d5. Control of the center is the key to advantage.

  • King's safety

At the first opportunity, it is better to “evacuate” the king with the help in order to secure it in the middle of the game.


If there were one or two secrets of victory, or a universal winning scheme, chess would have ceased to exist long ago.

The beauty of chess is that it still opens up endless spaces for creativity, intellectual and personal development.

And don't be afraid to lose. As said :

If you are checkmated, don't be discouraged, you still have hundreds of lost games ahead of you)

You can learn much more from a lost game than from a won game. You have to lose hundreds of games before you become a good player.

Hence the conclusion: in order to learn how to win, you first need to learn how to lose. These are the "laws of the genre." For one beaten they give two unbeaten.

Well, of course: To win not one-time, but on an ongoing basis, training and practice are required. I think this is quite obvious and I consider it unnecessary to develop this topic today.

Learn chess and win!

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Many people are wondering how to win at chess? And quickly, in 3 moves, according to a given scheme! This is quite real, but only in a game against a beginner who has just learned . Watch the video above for a very effective technique. If you are confronted by a sophisticated opponent, be sure to continue reading this article. With the help of these recommendations, you will be able to play a decent game even against a strong chess player.

The main goal of the chess game is checkmate when the attacked king cannot defend himself against the check. Checkmate is not easy, preparation is required. Every beginner needs helpful tips to answer the question: what rules must be followed in order to win a game of chess? Experienced mentors first of all guide novice chess players to adhere to 6 basic rules that will certainly help you gain advantages and win at chess:

Make the right opening moves

In the opening, it is required to ensure control over the chess battlefield. The goal of the first moves is to control the pieces and pawns in the center of the board. The player who solved this problem can dictate the direction of the game. In the position below, a pair of white pawns provides a qualitative control of the center of the field, while Black cannot boast of having this opportunity.

Do not give away figures unnecessarily

Each figure has its own game weight and should not be given away for nothing. But it is very desirable to take the opponent's pieces for nothing. The only thing you need to beware of in this situation is getting into. When exchanging, it is required to exchange one for another of equal value.

Develop pieces into active positions

The development of pieces is carried out to solve the problem of preparing for an attack on the king. The presence of active elements increases the capabilities of the attacking player. It is important to take into account the following features of the behavior of the figures:

  • pawns control cells;
  • it is better to place horses in the center;
  • Bishops controlling the long diagonals are very active;
  • rooks are more effective in the center, they like to be on open files;
  • the queen should not be locked up, it should have every opportunity to join the attack and help other pieces.

Coordinate your actions

Attack coordination is necessary for a simple reason: you can't even checkmate with one piece. Several elements must work in concert. At a minimum, you need to coordinate the actions of a pair of figures. One will declare a check, and the other will cover it from being "eaten" by the king. Experienced chess players, organizing an attack, can sacrifice a number of pieces. As a result, they achieve the collapse of the defense of the opposite side.

Keep the king safe

We must not forget about our protection. When choosing a move, you need to consider all possible threats. The king must be placed behind a row of pawns defending it.

Be polite in all situations

Politeness is an indispensable quality of a real chess player. Lost and winning games need to be scrupulously analyzed. In chess, without understanding the reasons for losing, you cannot learn to win.

Playing chess for beginners is not an easy task. Most often, chess for beginners is presented as entertainment and a pleasant pastime. To learn how to play really well, you need to take it seriously. It is necessary to spend a lot of time both on studying the theory and on consolidating knowledge in practice.

One way or another, every person who respects this game should know the general concepts of strategy, tactics and basic combinations.

Strategy and tactics in chess

For the game of chess, tactics for beginners play a key role. Basic techniques: double strike, fork, bunch, exchange, sacrifice. It is worth saying that attack, defense and even move are also tactics.

Let's take a look at the less obvious ones.

This is a project for beginners, approved by our readers, in which you or your child will be able to improve their playing skills, complete a chess category, and grow up to the winner of regional tournaments in a short time. The teachers are FIDE masters, online training.

Double punch.

A situation where several enemy pieces attack one piece.

Starting position. White's rook is attacked by a pawn.

White's move. The black pawn is attacked by White's rook and bishop.

So, a double strike occurs when a piece makes an attacker and another. In this case, the rook made the attacking bishop piece.


It is a type of double whammy. The difference is that the fork guarantees the loss of at least one enemy piece.

Black's knight placed a fork. White is guaranteed to lose a rook.


A situation in which one or more pieces are in a disadvantageous position to attack.

The white king is attacked by a rook. In this case, the white knight cannot take the rook, because the king will be under attack by the bishop: such a move is prohibited by the rules. White's knight is "pinned".

Exchange. A move in which both players lose one piece each: they exchange.

Victim. A situation where a player deliberately concedes one or more of his pieces. A very important technique, used as a distraction.

Basic combinations and traps in chess

Successful chess for beginners requires knowledge of the basic types of combinations: overlapping and blocking. Such traps will allow you to win many opponents at the initial stage.


The essence of this winning combination is to interrupt the connection and deprive the opponent's pieces of maneuver.
Consider the situation:

The black king is under the reliable protection of the queen and bishop.

White makes an unexpected move:

At this point, black resigns. Why? The fact is that the rook's move completely limited the possibilities of the enemy queen and bishop.

Two cases are possible:
1. Black takes the rook with the queen.

2. Black takes the rook with the bishop.

In both cases, the enemy queen was covered and stopped protecting the king.


The essence of this combination is to attract an enemy piece in order to deprive it of space. With this combination, it is easy to checkmate.

Everything will become clear with an example:

The black king is cornered. White's goal is to deprive him of the a7-square and checkmate with the knight.

White move:

Black has no other options but to capture the knight with the bishop.

Having deprived the king of the move to a7, White easily checkmates with his knight:


We have considered the basic chess combinations and tactics. As a bonus, we suggest watching a video on the topic.

It is also known that information does not stay in the head without practice. It's time to play chess, consolidating the acquired knowledge in a real game!

Below you can watch a video lesson of chess.

Chess for beginners video

Chess is one of the most difficult games on Earth. The most important thing in this game is attentiveness, strategy, patience and intelligence. There are countless moves by which you can easily defeat your opponent. There are also many ways to checkmate beautifully. One of these methods is a quick checkmate.

A chess game can last from a few minutes to several days. But there are combinations that will help you win at the very beginning of the game, trapping the enemy. There are many options for how to checkmate in the opening of the game. Let's consider some of them.

This is a project approved by our readers, in which you or your child will be able to improve their playing skills, complete a chess category, and grow up to the winner of regional tournaments in a short time. The teachers are FIDE masters, online training.

1. Stupid mate

Such a checkmate can only be delivered to a novice opponent who has begun to get acquainted with the game. This checkmate is put on the second move of the chess game, if you play with black pieces, but if you play with white, then it is only possible on the third move. In total, there are eight combinations of a stupid checkmate, but it is always put by a queen or a bishop (less often).

You can win this way by placing the black pawn on e7, and then move the black queen along the h4 diagonal (h5 in another situation) to the e1 square (or e8, if moved along the h5 diagonal).

2. Quick checkmate in three moves without capturing pieces

To win a chess game in three moves, it is better to choose white pieces. You need to move the d2-pawn to the d3-square, then put the king's pawn on e4. This is necessary to open the diagonal for the queen's moves. The opponent must reveal his king by placing a knight-pawn on g5. It remains to defeat the opponent by placing the queen on the h5 square. Checkmate!

Such a checkmate is very simple, so the opponent will immediately remember it and next time will not allow you to win in this way, because of this you cannot rely on such a checkmate.

It is necessary to open the diagonal for the queen and force the opponent to open the king's defense, so the e2-pawn moves to e4. After that, you need to capture the opponent's pawn with your e4 pawn (e4xf5). The enemy king is exposed, so the queen moves diagonally to h5. End of the game!

It's nice to defeat an opponent in a couple of moves, but, unfortunately, all combinations of this kind are remembered at once. Therefore, a quick checkmate can only be delivered to beginners or very inattentive players.

Interesting fact! Quick checkmate at the international championship

It is known that at the major championships they twice put a stupid checkmate. But sometimes a quick checkmate has other reasons. For example, in the 1970 International Chess Championship, the world famous grandmaster Oscar Panno refused to play at 7 pm due to religious beliefs, so his opponent Fischer won without making a single move.

Video - Quick mate in chess

Video - Children's checkmate in chess

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