Мод питье майнкрафт 1.7 10

Данный мод добавляет в игру немного реализма, превращая окружающую среду в дополнительную механику игры. В частности, мод добавляет такие элементы, как жажда, температура тела, психическое здоровье, качество воздуха и физика. Кроме того, в деревнях вы сможете найти шахты, ведущие прямо до коренной породы, что многим игрокам покажется полезным.


  • Жажда: поддерживайте уровень влаги в организме с помощью прежде бесполезных колб с водой или же пейте прямо из источника, но будьте осторожны. Качество воды в некоторых локациях может быть низким, что вызывает опасные побочные эффекты. Вскипятите воду в печке или нагрейте в котле перед тем, как употребить.

  • Температура тела: снежные биомы представляют серьёзную угрозу вашему здоровью, если не подготовиться, как следует. Пустыни не так опасны – достаточно иметь запас чистой воды и снять железную броню, пока вы находитесь под солнцем. Низкие температуры приводят к обморожению, в то время как высокие – к быстрой потере влаги и, в худшем случае, к самовозгоранию!

  • Психическое здоровье: низкий уровень психического здоровья приводит к слуховым галлюцинациям, а, в крайнем случае, к ухудшению зрения. Избегайте темноты и зомби, постарайтесь не попасть под удар эндермена и носите с собой цветы.

  • Качество воздуха: находится долго под землёй, без свежего воздуха, опасно для здоровья. Факелы безвредны, но огонь и лава оказывают ужасное воздействие. Устройте вентиляционную шахту или держите при себе запас листьев, чтобы избежать удушья.

  • Физика: обеспечьте структурную прочность ваших зданий и шахт, иначе они обрушатся под вашими ногами. Чтобы избежать этого, воспользуйтесь строительными лесами при возведении сооружений.

  • Новые рецепты: добавьте снежки в чистую воду, чтобы получить холодную воду. Изготовьте седло из железа и кожи. Поместите колбы с солёной/грязной/холодной водой в печку, чтобы получить чистую воду.
  • Скриншоты:

    Тёплый лагерь посреди тундры

    Обильное потовыделение в пустыне

    В темноте вас поджидает безумие

    Строительные леса, поддерживающие дом

    Шахта в деревне

    One of the things that separate video games from real life is that video game characters’ needs for food, water, and rest are much more easily satisfied than those of humans. It is easy for you, the human player, to lose yourself in a video game world, but as your mother always used to remind you during those summer vacation video game marathons of your childhood, you can only fit so many Tetris blocks into formation or make Super Mario jump over so many pits before you get dehydrated. With the new Thirst Mod , Minecraft takes on even more of the challenges of real life.

    The Thirst Mod Minecraft provides an additional layer of challenge to Minecraft gameplay. In addition to your other tasks, your character has to find and consume beverages. If you do not have enough to drink, your character’s health and in-game performance will be adversely affected. By means of making you watch your character get thirsty, the Thirst Mod might even help you remember to drink enough water. You can tell how thirsty your is by looking at the thirst bar, which displays on the screen, just above the health bar. The more active your character is, the faster he or she will get thirsty.

    HungerDrinks: Adds Sweet Water (Sugar), Beef Stew, Bottled RedMushroom Stew, Bottled Mushroom Stew, Chicken Broth and Protein Mix (Egg) –

    Nether Survival: Adds 2 drinks using items found in the Nether. –

    Drinks Pack By taurn1998 (Adds many drinks from Minecraft items):

    Thirst Mod 1.7.10 aims to increase the difficulty of Minecraft by adding a Thirst Bar along with other goodies. Once installed, a bar similar to the Food Meter will appear in the HUD. The bar will begin to deplete during physical activity which is based upon a multitude of factors including movement speed, jumping, breaking blocks or not, attacking, losing health and even proximity to specific blocks. Once the bar begins to drop you can replenish the bar by consuming drinks to rehydrate yourself. With low hydration, several problems will arise beginning with the disablement of sprinting, and then slow health loss coupled with nausea effects.


    Rain Collector : This blocks enables you to collect rain water. It functions with many different containers available in the game such as Bottles, Buckets and Cups. The water received from this block is clean and thus can be drunk without any chance of poisoning and can also be stored for later use when it is not raining. To use it, simply place a container(mentioned above) in the bottom slot and watch the water slowing enter the container. Make sure the block is placed within a clear view of the sky or the internal bucket will not fill. Canteens can also be refilled with this method.

    Drinks Brewer : The Drinks Store is the core for all of your drinks. It allows you to create consumables which you can drink by placing a glass bottle, an item to "brew" and any fuel source in the game (even mods) in their appropriate slots as indicated. To use this block, you must first install content packs and if the game detects no packs, this block will be useless. The brewing item can be anything and is usually indicated the drink you are trying to create. For eg: Apple Juice will definitely be made using Apples.

    Drinks Store: The Drinks Store allows you to purchase drinks that would be otherwise be difficult to obtain. To use place in some coins, select your drink, select the amount and click buy. The coins will be taken from you and used in an alternate dimension called.

    Drinks : Without these you’d be dehydrating every second and dying. These drinks can be drunk when held and holding right click. The drinks replenish your bar differently in the level and saturation. More drinks can be created through the use of “txt” files and placing them in “/mods/ThirstMod/Content/.” Drinks contained in the core version include: Milk, Chocolate Milk, Fresh Water and also Boiled Water. Even though the mod edits no base classes, drinking from Soup, Potions, Water Bottles(poisonous) and Milk Buckets will also replenish your thirst.

    Expansion Packs : Drinks can be created in the Drinks Brewer from other mods by simply creating “txt” files and placing them in “/mods/ThirstMod/Content/.” Have a look at the Drinks Creating Tutorial later on to find out more! You can also add drinks from other mods in a similar fashion. A system is also available to enable drinks from other mods to heal the bar.

    Thirst Mod Recipes:

    Empty Cup(Wood):

    Just right click on water with Empty Cup.

    Cup of Clean Water: Also works with Charcoal Filter

    Cup of Clean Water:

    Dirty Filter to Clean Filter:

    Leg Cloth: (Any wool color works!)

    Charcoal Filter:

    Fresh Water: (Also works with Charcoal Filter)

    Fresh Water Bucket:

    How to install Thirst Mod 1.7.10:

    • Download and install Minecraft Forge .
    • Download the mod.
    • Go to %appdata%.
    • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
    • If the “mods” folder does not exist you can create one.
    • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into that.
    • Enjoy the mod.

    Drink Packs – Add new Drinks!

    Mo’ Drinks: Adds a lot more drinks using items found in vanilla minecraft –

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