2 сезон игры престолов telltale games. Как разработчики выбирают время для релиза

What is Telltale Game of Thrones Season 2 release date ? Everyone’s asking that question, and the short answer is the 2019 season, because developer Telltale Games announced a multi-year deal was closed with the TV show’s producer HBO. Meaning Season 2 is in the planning stage right now. Sadly they confirmed Season 2 is on hold until they finish their other 2017-2018 games. – We’ll update this page with an exact launch date once it gets confirmed! – For now let’s go over the rumors for Season 2 after yet another cliffhanger that concluded Season 1’s ending! So please share your Season 2 ideas in the comments!

Take a look at how the Asher ending of the final episode of Season 1 has a Season 2 preview trailer at the end here:

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  • Telltale Game of Thrones Season 2 Release Date

    Originally we guesstimated 2017-2018 as the release period of Season 2! Why?

    Because Season 1 made its debut in December 2014 and it took a full three months before the next episode got released in March 2015 (opposed to the usual 4-6 weeks), since the studio is working on so many point-and-click adventure games at the same time (6 series at present). Overall, it took them a full year to finish the six-episode season. — As a result we expect the developers to take a little more time to work on the first few episodes of Season 2, so that they won’t have to rush them out the door, while still keeping up with the yearly TV show seasons; Then with more preparation having been done before the first episode debuts in 2017. This would mean Season 2 gets to keep the same bi-monthly schedule as the last half of Season 2, which is what most Telltale series seem to aim for. Delays notwithstanding.

    The first official press release from season 1 indicates we can look forward to many seasons!

    “Telltale Games and HBO announce Partnership to Create Games based on Game of Thrones. 2012 Studio of the Year and HBO Global Licensing in multi-year, multi-title partnership to Create Games Based on Emmy Award-Winning Television Series.”

    To quote: Telltale Games and HBO® announce Partnership to Create Games based on Game of Thrones® . 2012 Studio of the Year and HBO Global Licensing in multi-year, multi-title partnership to Create Games Based on Emmy® Award-Winning Television Series.”

    What are the hints for Season 2?

    “Season 1’s Episode 6: The Ice Dragon” ending spoilers ahead.

    Throughout the first season you controlled five characters affiliated with House Forrester of Ironrath, a house of the wolfswood in the north of Westeros. Other locations in the game included The Wall and King’s Landing.

    The second season will continue the story with the remaining Forresters, the untimely deaths in the family being filled up by newly discovered bastard children who were previously banished to the North Grove.

    At the very end of Episode 6, we’re left with multiple open endings that the Season 2 preview trailer presents as clear “coming up later” scenarios normally reserved for the “on the next episode of Game of Thrones” segment. Further confirming continued plot-points for Season 2.

    So don’t worry, the downloadable episodic game series will no doubt be back for more with Telltale’s Game of Thrones Episode 7 to 12!

    Game of Thrones cast interview:

    Before Episode 6’s release on November 16th 2015, the stars of the critically-acclaimed HBO TV show explain why you should get on board! Here’s the interview with Emilia Clarke (Daenerys Targaryen), Natalie Dormer (Margaery Tyrell), and Iwan Rheon (Ramsay Snow) who all appear in-game as their characters from the TV series.

    Updates: Future updates will be added in this section.

    November 20th 2015 Update: Kevin Bruner has directly confirmed Season 2 and hints “the Forresters did have a very rough time in season one, but there is a larger story to be played out” since “the choices players make in season one set the stage for what’s to come” in “later episodes”.

    Mr. Bruner is Telltale’s CEO and co-founder, who’s also executive producer on Telltale’s Game of Thrones episodic series was interviewed by HWR.com about Season 2 and had this to say.

    Quote about Season 1’s cliffhanger leading into Season 2: “When we initially announced the series in 2013, we let everyone know this would be a multi-title, multiyear partnership with HBO. After this week’s finale, I’m pleased to officially confirm that there will be a second season of Telltale’s Game of Thrones series and that it’s currently in development.

    The questions left on the table at the conclusion of season one - who survived and who didn’t - as well as all the other choices you made play a huge role in the second season. We’ve been planning the second season all along, but I really shouldn’t be revealing more than that.”

    Quote about how far along Season 2 is: “While we cannot divulge any of the specific details, we can say that Telltale’s approach to game development is much more like television than most other game developers. Across all of our series - The Walking Dead, Minecraft: Story Mode and more - the development process at Telltale spends a significant amount of time upfront in the writer’s rooms not just with writers, but designers, directors and creative input from all across the studio. It’s not unusual for our games to exist longer on whiteboards and sticky notes and in scripts than they do in traditional game production. It’s incredibly similar to how TV often spends so much time in preproduction and planning before moving into actually shooting. It’s from then on that we take the live development aspect into play, observing the audience and their feedback as we adjust and build upon the experience along the way.

    I’d say that’s been a defining approach here at Telltale over the last 10 years, as we’ve always envisioned our games as more in line with interactive drama and playable cinema than what most might traditionally think of as “games.” So while we cannot say exactly how far along season two is right now, we can say that there’s never a shortage of sticky notes on the walls around the studio.”

    August 29th 2017 Update: Telltale’s Job Stauffer stated in an August 2017 interview with Eurogamer that Season 2 is on hold. To quote: “Right now that is on hold. We haven’t announced it, which does not mean it’s never coming but I think right now we’re anxious to get back into Wolf, Walking Dead and Batman and see where things go with the narrative of the show before we really come back to the table with something we’re excited about.

    Hot off , Telltale Games has announced that it will proceed with Season 2. Speaking with The Hollywood Reporter , Telltale CEO Kevin Bruner had this to say:

    I’m pleased to officially confirm that there will be a second season of Telltale’s Game of Thrones series, and that it’s currently in development. The questions left on the table at the conclusion of season one, who survived and who didn’t, as well as all the other choices you made play a huge role in the second season. We’ve been planning the second season all along, but I really shouldn’t be revealing more than that.

    When THR asked Bruner how far along Telltale was in the development of Season 2, he said that Telltale’s process resembles that of a television show, saying that a significant amount of time is spent talking in the writer’s rooms with not only the writers, but the designers, directors, and creative teams as well. “It’s not unusual for our games to exist longer on whiteboards and sticky notes and in scripts longer than they do in traditional game production.

    That unique approach is probably why Telltale Games is held in such high esteem when is comes to story-driven gaming. Before playing Telltale’s offering, I was deeply enthralled with the studio’s Walking Dead game, so I knew that a series from Telltale would be fantastic, and I was not disappointed.

    THR also asked Bruner about the dark ending of Season 1, and how House Forrester’s story mirrors that of House Stark. Bruner mentions that there is always a price to be paid for playing the game of thrones, and that things rarely end well in this world. He also talked about the necessity for players to feel like they were familiar with the story, which is why House Forrester’s plight is so much like that of House Stark.

    As for when we can expect Season 2, Bruner only mentions that the story is still on the whiteboard and sticky notes-stage. As for the question of where this game fits into Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire canon, Bruner says that Telltale has been working closely with HBO in the creation of its story, and how House Forrester came from a single line in A Dance with Dragons :

    The army covered twenty-two miles the first day, by the reckoning of the guides Lady Sybelle had given them, trackers and hunters sworn to Deepwood with clan names like Forrester and Woods, Branch and Bole.

    From there, the Telltale team fleshed out House Forrester’s backstory, where it stands in the hierarchy of the harvesting and stewardship of the Ironwood forest, and as bannermen to House Stark. In regards to canon, however, Bruner says that Telltale’s story lands “somewhere in between.”

    Spoiler Alert!

    Please take care to tag spoilers in your comments by wrapping them with . Spoilers in comments are hidden by a gray overlay. To reveal, simply hover or tap on the text!

    Дата выхода - это та временная черта, после которой игра считается вышедшей, что обычно подразумевает, что ее уже можно скачать и опробовать в случае приобретения лицензионной копии. Например, дата выхода Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series - Season 2 (Game of Thrones: Season 2) - 21 сентября 2018.

    В последнее время все чаще девелоперы позволяют купить игру заранее - совершить предварительный заказ. В ответ на поддержку со стороны потенциальных покупателей, которые настолько верят в успех проекта, что отдают деньги за него еще до релиза, разработчики делятся различными бонусами и эксклюзивными материалами. Это может быть саундтрек, артбук или какие-нибудь мини-аддоны для игры.

    Таким образом, предзаказ фактически позволяет купить игру до ее официального выхода, однако это не значит, что заявленная дата выхода теряет свое значение, так как полноценно поиграть можно только после релиза.

    Почему нужно знать даты выхода игр?

    Хотя бы потому, что так удобнее планировать свое время и финансы. Если вы знаете, например, когда выйдет Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series - Season 2 (Game of Thrones: Season 2), то вам будет проще сориентироваться: заранее отложить деньги на ее покупку, распланировать дела так, чтобы иметь возможность погрузиться в игру сразу, как только она выйдет.

    Очень многие геймеры отслеживают даты выхода игр с помощью специальных календарей и тематических статей о самых важных релизах месяца или сезона. И то, и другое вы можете найти и на нашем игровом портале сайт

    Как разработчики выбирают время для релиза?

    Они руководствуются сразу множеством факторов. Во-первых, им важно знать, что их целевая аудитория сможет сразу же влиться в игровой процесс, поэтому игры реже выходят в сезон отпусков, а также в те месяцы, когда на работе обычно аврал, а у студентов - сессия.

    Во-вторых, для успешного релиза разработчики стараются сопоставлять свои планы с анонсами потенциальных конкурентов. Например, если речь идет о шутере, то выпускать его одновременно с новой Battlefield или Call of Duty не очень разумно.

    В-третьих, дата выхода обозначает так называемый дедлайн - ту самую черту, после которой игра уже готова. Это означает, что ее нужно успеть доделать в заявленный срок. Увы, это не всегда получается, и потому дата выхода игры может сдвигаться один или даже несколько раз.

    Вдобавок к этому, выход Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series - Season 2 (Game of Thrones: Season 2) на PC и консолях может отличаться - часто разработчики стараются сначала выпустить одну версию, а уже потом перейти к следующей.

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