Eternal end and a new beginning. Walkthrough of campaigns in Eternal. Exile from Praxis



  • Skip the attack.
  • Play Valkyrie Enforcer. Silence the Towering Terrazon, thereby removing the permafrost from it.
  • Hero of the People receives +1 attack for a new combat skill (Flying).
  • Attack.


  • Cast Bring Down on Champion of Chaos. This will remove his attack bonuses and make him vulnerable to the spell Suffocate.
  • Use Suffocate.
  • Use Purify on the Back Alley Bouncer.
  • Use Temper on the Vampire Bat.
  • Attack.


There are two solutions to this puzzle.

  • Use Vara's Choice on The Tormentor.
  • Place the Seneschal of the World to Come (Steward of Prophecy).
  • End your move.
  • At the beginning of his turn, the opponent will be forced to sacrifice Obrak the Insatiable (Obrak, The Feaster) - that is, he will simply disappear.
  • Use the spell Deathstrike on The Tormentor.
  • Attack.
  • Attack with the Cabal Rogue unit.
  • Play Praxis Displacer, return the enemy to The Tormentor's hand.
  • Play Vara's Choice on an enemy and make them drop The Tormentor.
  • At the start of your opponent's turn, you will be forced to sacrifice Obrak, The Feaster.
  • Attack.


  • Cast Vara's Choice on your Dawnwalker under permafrost.
  • Use the power card.
  • Play Herald's Song and put the second Dawnwalker from your hand into the discard pile.
  • Play Herald's Song again and put the Seneschal of the Past in the discard pile.
  • Play Ayan, the Abductor. Use his ultimate for nine runes.
  • Take away the Seneschal of a dying world (Steward of the Past) with your ultimate. He will receive a bonus to attack, it will be equal to three.
  • Since you played a creature with more than five attack, Dawnstriders will come out of the discard pile. They have Suppression and you will get health from the Shepherd's Horn relic.
  • For all the health gain bonuses, your Cabal Slasher will receive enough attack.


  • Use Silence on the Scorpion Wasp.
  • Attack.
  • After your opponent uses the buff on Stonescar Magus, use Bring Down, which is a quick spell.

Relic Weapons


  • Use the Runic Revolver. Thanks to the Lightning Attack property, you can kill the Centaur Outrider without damage.
  • Equip Starsteel Daisho. Since due to the weapon's property it can be attacked twice, hit your opponent's hero again in the same turn.


  • Use the Stonescar Maul weapon. Your attacks now have Suppression.
  • Use Gun Down on the Soul Collector.
  • Use Violent Gust on the Scorpion Wasp.
  • Hit the Umbren Reaper with your hero.
  • Attack with the Fevered Soul unit. From the spells you use, he will receive a sufficient boost to damage.


  • Use the Shining Hammer (Auric Runehammer). Gain immunity to damage this turn.
  • Kill the Umbren Reaper with a Torch.
  • Kill the Jotun Hurler with a weapon.
  • Place the Spiked Helm on a unit and attack with it.


  • Equip the Stonescar Maul.
  • Use the Armorsmith, it will become free due to the existing armor.
  • Equip the Talon of Nostrix. Current relic weapons will be discarded.
  • Use the spell Reforge and pull out the Stonescar Maul from the dump. Now he has even more bonuses.
  • You put it on again.
  • Attack.


  • Equip the Talon of Nostrix (Talon of Nostrix) to replace your existing weapon.
  • Play the Excavate card. You can now put Scepter of Nobility back into your deck.
  • Place a Rakano Artisan, equip him with a Warhelm and attack.
  • Play the Arena Champion (Crowd Favorite) and take a weapon from the deck.
  • You put it on and attack. Under all bonuses you will gain five damage.

Echo (Drawing Cards)


  • You play Nesting Avisaur. Use it to place the Static Bolt card on the top of the deck.
  • Play as the Elysian Trailblazer. Now the lightning will have an echo.
  • Attack with the Tundra Explorer unit. You will draw two spells, free and with increased damage.
  • Finish off the enemy with spells.


  • Play the Loaded Climber (Cliffside Porter).
  • Use Combust to sacrifice a Cliffside Porter and kill an enemy creature.
  • The spell Dark Return is taken from the unit's discard pile. He has Echo, so you'll get two copies.
  • Place both units that received the +1/+1 bonus.
  • Lord of the Frontier Lands (Frontier Jito) makes it possible to attack with everyone at once.


  • Play the rune.
  • Post the Voice of the Speaker. Your power cards now have Echoes.
  • Use the Herald's Song to put the Privilege of Rank into the discard pile. This card is played automatically.
  • Play the Seek Power spell and draw a power card.
  • During this time, the Talented Psionic Savant has gained enough attack from the drawn cards, attack with a unit.


  • Play Accelerate on one of the Pteriax Hatchlings.
  • Play Tinker Apprentice and buff the same unit.
  • Play Nesting Avisaur and put a unit with bonuses on top of the deck.
  • Play the spell Inspire and draw a creature with a copy of it, at a reduced price and with bonuses.
  • Deploy both and attack, taking advantage of the dash.


A very long and painful mystery. It relies on the Fevered Soul unit receiving a +2/+2 bonus for each spell and gaining enough attack. Essentially, you will reach a stage where the process will loop and you will be able to cycle through cards until the end of the deck. So:

  • Play both Trail Stories cards to make the Second Sight spell free.
  • Play Second Sight and add a rune to your deck. Play another rune.
  • Play Excavate and get Second Sight again.
  • Post the Elysian Trailblazer. The card will now have a copy.
  • Play Levitate on a unit. The spell is needed not for the sake of flying, but to pull a card from the deck.
  • Play Second Sight again and put the rune back.
  • Play the second Excavate card and draw Second Sight again. It will be at the top of the deck, but can be reached again with a copy!

Voila: you have a bunch of Clairvoyance and Echo cards to shuffle back and forth. Get the unit's attack to 26 and attack.

Poison, Hunting, Aegis

Deadly Poison


  • You play Stormcaller.
  • Place the Venomfang Dagger on it. This gives the poison property to the unit.
  • Use his ability to deal one damage to Rolant's Honor Guard unit. This is necessary so that the enemy cannot replenish his health.
  • Deploy Blazing Renegade and Soaring Stranger.
  • Attack with all units.
  • Finish off the enemy with a Flaming Torch (Torch).


  • Play Scorpion Wasp and block the Sandstorm Titan Avatar with it.
  • Use the Talir's Favored and Temple Scribe units to block the Horned Vorlunk.
  • On your next turn, use Synchronized Strike.
  • Attack with the Humbug unit.


  • Apply Viper's Bite to the unit that wants to block (most likely it will be a Bloodsucking Beetle).
  • Buff everyone with Fire (Trigger-Happy). Due to the lightning attack, the enemy will not receive any health.


  • Wear the relic weapon The Last Word. This will give your attacks Lightning Attack and Poison.
  • Kill one unit with the help of Shadow Help (Vara’s Favor), Temper (Temper) and a blow from the avatar itself.
  • Use the rune.
  • Declare an attack with all creatures.


  • Post the Alpine Tracker. It deals one damage to everyone.
  • Cast Viper's Bite on him.
  • Take it back to your hand using Teleport.
  • Post it again. Now all units will die, and the enemy will receive additional damage.
  • Attack with a unit.

Hunting (Killer)


  • Equip the Venomfang Dagger on Talir's Favored.
  • You can also buff her with the Predator’s Instinct card.
  • Kill the Attacking Terrazon with the Hunting skill.
  • Attack with all units.


  • Play Alluring Ember and Skycrag Wyvarch.
  • Buff units with Trigger Happy.
  • Using your Vivarh, you aim to kill the Silver Harbor Provocateur (Argenport Instigator).
  • Use Combust to sacrifice a Vivarch to kill the Lurking Sanguar.
  • Attack.


  • Play Rakano Flagbearer.
  • Buff him with Xenan Initiation to give Hunt and +1/+1.
  • Use it to attack the Scorpion Wasp.
  • Take an Alluring Ember from the deck, which received +2/+2 from the previous unit's Battlecry.
  • You attack the enemy, since he has a Charge creature.


  • You play Humbug.
  • Buff the Xenan Intiation and Talon Dive on the Ground Beetle. Attack with the Scorpion Wasp unit. Due to the suppression and impact on the player, the Spark ability from the Skyrider Vanguard can be activated. Play a unit.
  • You attack with Pteriax Hatchlings, which have +1 to attack.


  • Kill the Rhinarc creature with the Predatory Carnosaur Hunting ability.
  • Apply Hunt to all units with the spell Formation “Cobra!” (Striking Snake Formation).
  • Attack the Dormant Sentinel unit with the Ancient Terrazon Hunt.
  • Attack a unit of any of the remaining enemies with Sand Viper Hunt.
  • Play Bad News. Your units are ready for battle again.
  • Use the Hunting Carnosaur to kill the Sand Snake.
  • You attack.



  • You declare an attack and wait for a response.
  • When you put Shelterwing Rider into your hand with Safe Return, the unit also gets +1/+1.
  • Post it again.
  • Attack next turn.


  • Attack with Bartholo, The Seducer.
  • Use the Leave a Witness card to leave Icaria (The Liberator) alive.
  • On your next turn, play Blazing Renegade. Attack with both units.
  • Equip your avatar with the Jawbone Hatchet, which will get +2/+2 due to the Flash.
  • Attack the enemy with your avatar.


  • Protect yourself and the Fencing Master unit with the Protect spell. Confirm. Cast Protect on Shelterwing Rider.
  • Use your Eye of Winter relic to freeze the Spirit of Resistance.
  • You attack with units.


  • Play Ticking Grenadin and cast Protect on it.
  • Attack with creatures, then use Harsh Rule.
  • The bombbot will deal three damage to the enemy, since Aegis will protect him from Silence (Cruel choice does not save him from his own spell).


  • Cast Eilyn's Favor.
  • Deal one damage with Stormcaller's ability. damage to the player himself.
  • Cast Lightning Storm. Oddly enough, the Aegis will absorb all the Requiem properties of the dead bombs.
  • Play Champion of Fury and attack with it, casting Protect.

Combat Ready, Double Damage, Ambush


Bronze Simply attack and use Execute on any enemy unit that was blocking.


  • Use the Stalwart Shield on the Cabal Rogue.
  • Summon the Valkyrie Enforcer and use silence on your own Owl unit.
  • Attack.


  • Use Rebuke on the Sandstorm Titan.
  • Use Flash Freeze on the remaining units.
  • Use Accelerated Evolution on your creature and select Combat Ready. It will receive Double Damage and +1/+1.
  • Attack.


  • Use Ruin on Rolant, The Iron Fist, and then Polymorph and Violent Gust on it.
  • Use Rockslide on the remaining two to remove the Aegis.
  • Use Scare and Chill on units.
  • Attack.


  • Play Fencing Master.
  • Place Permafrost on the Frontline Cyclops. This will make it possible to use the special property of your unit - equip it with a Precious Sword (Gemblade).
  • Next we need the Precious Sword to be in the discard pile. To do this, use Accelerated Evolution on Cyclops and select Combat Readiness.
  • Attack with the Renegade Valkyrie unit and end the turn.
  • Block (Fencing Master) an enemy unit.
  • Next turn, pull (Gemblade) out of the abyss with (Reforge). Play weapon on Valkyrie.
  • Use the second card (Accelerated Evolution) on your unit and select Combat Readiness. Now with all the bonuses the creature will be able to deal enough damage.

Double Damage


  • Declare an attack with all units.
  • Buff the Renegade Valkyrie with Rapid Shot, as she will be blocked by Rolant’s Honor Guard. Due to the lightning attack, the enemy will not receive health.


  • Play Tinker Apprentice. Buff the Twinbarrel in your hand.
  • Kill an enemy unit with a Torch.
  • Place a Censari Brigand and give her a Double-Barreled Shotgun. Then buff with the card “Strength of Many”. The unit deals double damage to the player.


  • Announce an attack.
  • Buff Rampage on Ferocious Stranger. Use Teleport to remove the creature that blocked it.


  • Buff the Emerald Ring relic from the Excavation Assistant unit.
  • Place the Spiked Helm on the Silver Wing Familiar.
  • Place Shogun of the Wastes. Attack with all units.
  • Place the One-Eyed Jotun (Jotun Cyclops). Its flash property will give you a Snowball, which you need to use on the enemy.


  • Place a Forge Wolf. It deals 1 damage. damage to the enemy and you will be able to activate another card's flash ability
  • Place Lavoloma (Groundbreaker). He will receive a double damage bonus.
  • Put the Twinbarrel on the Towering Stranger.
  • You play the Calderan Gunsmith. Each unit will damage the enemy's avatar.
  • Attack.



  • Play Storm Lynx. The attack focus will change to this unit.
  • Play Unlock Potential and attack.


  • Play the card Ayan, the Abductor. Units will receive a buff from Katra, the Devoted because you have restored health.
  • On your turn, attack: you will receive a buff from the Oasis Seeker.


  • Play Storm Lynx. The unit will not die because you have the Xenan Obelisk. The dinosaur is not blocked.
  • Next turn, play the Enchanted Guardian (Arcanum Monitor), which gives a powerful bonus to other units. Since you are playing a unit with 5 units. attack, Friednly Wisp draws two cards into your hand, and from this the Talented Psionic savant receives a bonus to attack and defense.
  • Attack.


  • Use Second Sight and put a Rhinorc Huntpack on top of the deck.
  • Place a Scorpion Wasp and block one of the Circes (Cirso, the Great Glutton). Due to its ability, it will try to turn your unit into a 2/2 Pig, confirm the action.
  • Use Weather the Storm on your unit. Confirm protection.
  • Play a warp card from the deck. Block a relic attack with it (automatically).
  • Attack next turn.


  • Use Refresh on yourself.
  • Confirm the attack.
  • Play Desert Mirage (Dune Phantom). End your turn.
  • Next turn, use Victor's Cry on the unit.
  • Attack.

Fans of card games are always looking for something new. The reasons for this are very different. Some have reached their limit in their favorite game, some have completed all the tasks, while others have simply played enough for a couple of ideas and want to take a little break from their usual tasks, refresh their brains on a new simulator. Such as, for example.

- a fresh and original card game that combines casualness with hardcore and a unique style, thereby attracting many players who are little familiar with CCGs. Very soon the game will be released for Russian-speaking users, and will be available on both stationary and mobile devices, which has a very positive effect on the speed of matchmaking. The unexpected wonders constantly discovered in it forced me to write down and photograph them, which ultimately prompted me to write an entire article about the gameplay features.

Below is a guide that is suitable for both beginners in and for those new to CCGs in general. I was inspired to compile it by the deep intellectuality of the game, so the guide turned out to be thorough and unparalleled.

1. Take a seat and learn the basics

How does the game begin? After the start of the game, both opponents take a place at the playing table. Each person has a deck on the right, and on the left are displayed:
  • A graveyard void where used spell cards and destroyed creature cards go.
  • Action points. They are all called differently (runes/sigils, mana), but the essence is the same: they are needed to pay the cost of the card. Fully restored at the start of your turn.
  • At the top left is a button to display the last move.
  • Even higher is the noseless, mouthless gray torso of a man. Your friends are hidden in it if you dare to add someone. It’s also easy to see the nickname of the previous opponent.

In the center of the table there is a field on which cards are laid out. It is divided into two halves, one for each player. The sides are crowned with portraits with the players’ avatars (face) and the number of health. At the start of the match, the health value is 25. In order for the player lost, his health points must drop to 0 or lower. In addition, the player will lose if there are no cards left in his deck.

The most important thing in the game is your cards in hand. Their location is easy to notice if you look a little closer. The number of cards in your hand is limited, and if at the end of the turn there are more than 9, then one of the cards will have to be thrown into the abyss. And you can’t put more than 12 creatures on the table, but you can always sacrifice one in order to put a more useful one in return.

Players take turns. Each move is divided into phases. In the main phase, creatures, weapons, etc. are displayed. If there are creatures on the battlefield, they can be selected for the attack phase. In it, one player attacks, the other chooses creatures to defend. You can select as many creatures as you want to block one creature. After an attack, the creature is depowered and cannot block during the opponent's turn.

An attacking creature deals damage to ALL blockers if its attack points are equal to or greater than the defenders' health points. Otherwise, the attacking player will choose the creature that takes damage first.

When choosing creatures, it is possible to use quick spells and creatures with the ability "Ambush". These same cards can be used during the enemy's turn if there are any free ones left. Rune/Power Cards. The game will pause briefly and highlight the cards in your hand that can be placed right now. Otherwise there will be no pauses.

2. Let's talk about mechanics

Oh, this is science, around which there is always a lot of controversy! There are many features that will be listed in random order.

2.1 Essence and cards

Many of the card games, from poker to flip-flop, are turn-based, which is not surprising. So here everything is divided into moves. At the beginning of the very first turn, you will have 7 random cards in your hand. If you don't like them, you can change them once for 7 others.

The first player to go is chosen randomly. This is the tradition of classic CCGs.
Obviously, the main goal of the match is to defeat your opponent. This can be achieved two ways:

  1. Reduce enemy health to 0.
  2. Wait until he runs out of cards in his deck.

Since the second method is: a) long b) tedious c) difficult to implement against players d) useless for beginners, we will consider the main methods of the first.

Damage in the game is divided into combat damage and spell damage. Combat damage is dealt by creatures and the hero during an attack, and spell damage is essentially everything else.

Since the game is a card game, it has cards(latest news!). There are four types, but essentially there are five: power, creature, spell, relic, and weapon cards.

Power Cards / Rune Cards / Power card- the most important cards in the game. They are analogous to lands in MTG and differ from each other in color. So far, power cards with the runes of Time, Order, Shadow, Fire and Elements are available in the game.

What are they for? Each turn, the default player can play 1 regular power card to gain one active rune and one world power point. Unusual cards, banners and thrones, give two points of world powers at once.

Rune points- a resource that is spent on playing cards. Their stock is restored every turn, and the maximum, obviously, depends on the number of cards with runes in the deck, which must be at least one third of the total number of cards in the deck. In fact, runes = mana in some other game. World power points are not spent at all on summoning cards. Cards with runes are drawn from the deck along with other cards, but not together or instead of them.

Each card has its own price, indicated in the upper left corner. This means that by playing one Fire rune, you can play a red or neutral creature for one. If a creature costs 1 rune, but requires two points of Elemental / Shadow world powers, then you will have to either play two turns in a row of Shadows and Elements, or play one throne / standard card. If on turn 3 it turns out that you have no rune cards in your hand, and all the creatures are 4+, then you will have to think about your own tactics, because you will not be able to play these creatures.

Further runes I will name everything that relates to power cards, and influence or points and factions- something that refers to world forces, since the phrase slightly depresses me world power points.

Creatures, which is understandable, they fill the table with their carcasses. They are the main fighting force in the game. The best way to protect yourself from damage is to field many, many different creatures and destroy or neutralize all enemy creatures.

Creatures cannot attack after entering the battlefield, but they can block. Attacking the creature Exhausted, meaning it is unable to block until the start of your next turn.

Spells Some are ordinary, some are fast. Speed ​​lies in the ability to cast a spell during the enemy's turn or during the attack phase, if you have enough rune points, of course.

Many spells heal or provide armor. Treatment adds additional health points, so it is quite possible to increase the standard 25 health points to 100. Armor has its own counter and icon. It protects the player's health from incoming damage until the player's armor is reduced to zero.

Relics refers to the special equipment that a character equips. It can strengthen the player himself or bring trouble to his opponent. In both cases, it can only be removed using special effects.

Weapons in turn, they named permanent enhancements for cards and characters. The weapon is sent into the abyss along with the creature, and the player's weapon (Relic Weapon) disappears when the player's last point of armor is broken. A player cannot attack another player while there are enemy creatures on the table. Please note that helmets, shields and armor are also called weapons. This is the convention of localization.

2.2 Card effects and abilities

Many cards have combat effects designed to make it easier to smash your opponent's face. Active when on the battlefield (on the table). There are 13 combat effects in total, and many more non-combat effects.
  • Aegis- the most difficult effect for beginners to understand. Blocks one targeted enemy spell or effect, such as silence, damage from Preparations or destruction of weapons. Does not work against mass purges, against poison, against hunting. Looks like a blue bubble around the creature or player icon. Doesn't work in Bezda.
  • Charge- the card can attack immediately after entering the table.
  • Deadly poison- if a creature deals combat damage, the creature receiving this damage will die, regardless of its health indicator. This means that if the carrier of the poison dealt only 0 damage, the defender will not die.
  • Double Damage- allows the creature to deal double damage. For example, some creatures deal double damage to the player's face, but normal damage to other creatures.
  • Combat readiness / Endurance- one of the most pleasant effects in the game. A creature with this perk regains strength after an attack, and can block immediately after it. Also, the creature is not affected by curses, fetters, or deprivation of powers through spells and other effects.
  • Flying- creatures with flying are blocked only by other creatures with flying.
  • Hunting/Killer- allows a creature to immediately attack any other creature outside of the attack and block phases in exchange for deprivation of powers.
  • Life Steal- the player receives as many health points as the amount of damage caused by a creature with a similar effect. It doesn't matter whether it killed the creature or not, you will still get it. Extra health, of course.
  • Suppression / Overwhelm- creatures and spells with the ability deal excess damage not to the void, but to the enemy’s face.
  • Lightning Strike / Quickdraw- if the attack of the attacking creature is greater than the health of the blocker, then the blocker dies without causing damage. The effect works only if the creature is attacking rather than defending the player.
  • Stealth / Unblockable- by the name it is obvious that its owner is not subject to blocking by creatures.
  • War Cry/Warcry- when attacking (just mark a creature to attack) with a creature with a battle cry, the first weapon or creature in the deck is enhanced by +1/+1 or more points. There are spells with the same effect model
  • Revenge- when a card dies, it is shuffled between the top ten cards of the deck, losing its effect, gaining an effect instead Rock. Works with spells, but only if the spell was successfully cast.

Now, you have information about all the combat effects and their effects, but that’s not all, far from all. There are a lot of effects in the game, and many of them are not classified at all. For example, there is a creature that blocks the flight of all creatures with flight. It does not remove cards from the perk, but rather blocks them, and the effect lasts as long as the creature is on the table.

2.3 Additional effects

To keep things simple, it would be reasonable to divide all creature effects into more understandable categories: passive and active. Passive acts as long as the card is on the table or has not yet been silenced; there is no need to perform additional actions. Active ones are triggered when the creature is played or the cost of the effect is paid.

One of the most interesting effects can be considered active, which greatly diversifies the gameplay. It's called Preparation / Summon. When a creature hits the table, the effect described on it is triggered. Some of them have analogues among spells.

For example, Curse And Stun. Shackle prevents an enemy creature from performing any actions for two turns. The curse permanently binds an enemy creature. Both effects are almost painlessly removed by silencing.

Some effects are very similar to combat effects, but they should not be confused, since there are cards that only work with combat effects:
  • Mute/Silence- the second most difficult effect in the game. Removes all descriptions, curses, etc. from the card and weapon, but retains the current health and attack indicators, unless the attack depends on the description on the card. Blocked Aegis.
  • Requiem/Entomb- Creatures with Requiem/Entomb play the effect before heading into the abyss.
  • Echo / Echo- bifurcates a card drawn from the deck. It even works on cards that hit your hand on the first turn.
  • Reckless- forces the creature to attack every turn, even if you would like to save it for defense. Until you attack him, you won't be able to complete your turn.
  • Euphoria/Ultimate requires paying a certain price to unlock the creature's bonus skills. A similar unnamed effect requires that a creature be depowered in exchange for something nice, like receiving a card or destroying another creature.
  • Rock/Destiny- it used to be called Autoplay, the name was changed to something more pathetic and understandable. Incomprehensible, actually. A card with an effect is immediately played after being drawn from the deck, and the next card is automatically drawn in its place.
  • Hand of Fate/Fate- when a card hits your hand, a certain effect is triggered.
  • Empower- each played rune card causes a certain effect described on the card. For example, the characteristics of a creature increase for 1 turn. Moreover, silence does not remove characteristics, but removes the ability to further strengthen the card.
  • Ambush- an analogue of a quick spell for creatures. The effect of the card will work; you can block with the creature. You can use it to block Hunting.
  • Transforms / Transmute- some rune cards turn into more combat cards after you reach 5 rune points. Into creatures, weapons, etc.
  • Empty / Depleted- the inscription means that the runes received from the card are inactive (empty) until the next turn, if the necessary conditions are not met.
  • Cunning / Infiltrate- if a card deals damage to a player for the first time, the effect described on the creature’s card is triggered, sometimes quite strong. A very insidious effect indeed, since it works if damage from Suppression, also triggers from cards that deal direct damage. A good example would be a map Kalderan Armorer, whose Preparation reads: “The enemy hero takes 1 damage for each of your minions on the battlefield.” You already guessed that Insidiousness triggered by this unit of damage?
  • Distortion/Warp- You can see a card with this ability when it is on the top of the deck and play it. In short, it is as if the card is in your hand, remaining the top card of the deck.
  • Mentor- allow you to deplete the powers of one of the battle-ready creatures on the table in order to designate him as an Apprentice/Student. Cannot be applied to cards that have already lost their powers.
  • Lifeforce- When a player receives health points, a certain effect is played. Moreover, some effects, such as receiving an additional card or summoning a creature, will work if you place them after gaining health, but in the same turn.
  • Spark- cards receive an additional effect if played after an enemy player has received damage to the face.

After playing a few times, you will notice that almost all the creatures in the game have a signature that identifies their biological species. Alas, this has almost no effect on the game itself. Signed cards only Marked/Strangers They really synergize with each other so much that they can be used to assemble a huge, unnecessary and unplayable deck based purely on the names of the cards.

It seems that the main purpose of these subclass signatures is to complicate the work of translators, especially when they encounter male Valkyries or Japanese Oni demons, a copy of the MTG samurai deck, which are called demons. This is not all important, but it gives information that a fairly large amount of data in the game is completely useless at the moment, but gives bright hopes for the future. Although there was a subclass that was completely removed from the game, which was called Nightsworn.

Some smart people, card game legends, master strategists and shooter elites, will ask: why would newbies know, for example, that there is a legendary card in the red deck that mixes bombs into the opponent's deck? Well, the answer is obvious - this card is often found in PvE game modes, and even a beginner will find it very useful to know that the legendary red bombs are not blocked by Aegis. Or that the invulnerability effect only ignores combat damage.

The legends may be right, so I highly recommend reading the descriptions on the cards and comparing them to other combat effects. Since there is, for example, a card that adds +1/+1 to itself with each attack. It acts almost like a battle cry, but towards itself. Well, you've learned the basics of CCG. Well, or refreshed half-forgotten knowledge.

3. Influence, runes, forces, factions, world forces

Immediately after entering the game, you will have to go through the training campaign, whether you want it or not. In case you were wondering, each faction is led by an heir (claimant to the throne) or, in developer parlance, Scion.

In the company you will get acquainted with the basic mechanics, and, after complete completion, you will become the proud owner 5 basic decks. That’s exactly how many primary card colors are in the game. Each deck is unique and interesting, so I’ll have to tell you a little about each one.

Flame Deck (Red) / Fire contains many spells to deal damage, powerful weapons, creatures with high attack, and many more bastards with dashes and bombs. The main emphasis, as you understand, is on constant pressure from the opponent.

Shadow Deck (Purple), as many have already guessed, vile, insidious, sending, killing, stealing, blood-sucking and very dangerous. He willingly uses a rich arsenal of black magic, manipulates cards from the abyssal cemetery, and sacrifices his own minions. Good for both aggro and control.

Time deck (yellow) uses powerful slow-moving creatures and wise monks. Adepts of Time manipulate runes, copy cards and restore vitality.

It so happened that most of the creatures in this deck are associated with the desert, so genie-like spectrals, various researchers and a whole bunch of beetles found shelter in it. Despite the deceptive slowness, the deck is capable of taking over the board with many weak creatures and strengthening their strength with rare artifacts and spells.

Elemental Deck (Blue) / Primal unites snow, water and air creatures. The main idea of ​​the deck is powerful spellcasting, shuffling cards and controlling the board with curses. While the enemy looks at the full table of chained creatures, his face is caressed with heavy kicks by wind nymphs and dragons.

Order Deck (Green) / Justice full of knights, minotaurs and owls. Owls are not what they seem, so they are looked after by Valkyries - people with flying devices of unknown origin. Interestingly, the deck contains a spell that destroys all creatures on the table. There are also remarkable cardboards that give armor, or brand the enemy with shame. Very knightly style.

By type, players distinguish 5 archetypes: aggro, combo, control, tempo and medrange.

Agro- a fast deck for aggressively pressing your opponent.

Combo, in which the player sits on the defensive and waits for the right combo that is guaranteed to bring victory, or all of his cards synergize with each other. A simple example is sacrificing weak creatures to strengthen others or drawing new cards from the deck.

Control, when a player simply sits on the defensive, and then puts out strong creatures, or constantly clears the board.

Tempo decks designed to play cards for each move and put pressure on the opponent, outpacing the opponent in pace. The effect is achieved by destroying important enemy creatures or playing very powerful creatures. If you were able to throw a strong creature into the abyss, and then put it on turn 2, that’s tempo.

Midrange, in which the player tries to put strong creatures on the table as quickly as possible.

You don't have to mindlessly follow accepted deckbuilding templates, because the game constantly provokes you to invent something original.

Many will immediately notice that some types are combined and naturally there can be aggro-control of the deck, control-combo, etc.

All the colors of the decks also go very well together, and the developers gave each color combination a name and faction history. I won’t write about them, this is for enthusiasts, but the names are easy to spot on the rune cards.

4. Maps and deckbuilding

Each deck should contain from 75 to 150 cards, and a third will remain rune cards.
Let me remind you that all cards are divided into 4 main categories: Runes/Power, Creatures/Units, Effects (weapons, relics) / Attachment, Spells.

Rune cards are very diverse. There are regular cards that give runes to only 1 faction. Other cards after 5 runes are transformed into creatures, and when used they are always empty. The third cards are marked with two colors at once and have special effects:

  • Thrones/Seat enter the field empty if there are no regular runes in your hand.
  • Standards / Banners empty as long as there are no creatures on the table.
Secondary classification of cards - by rarity. Each card requires a certain amount of game currency to create. The higher the rarity, the higher the cost. Extra cards can be disenchanted, each card can be represented by 4 copies. You can put as many as 4 identical legendaries into the deck if you so desire.

According to their uniqueness, cards are divided into:

  • Regular cards. You will have to pay 50 stones for creation. 1 stone per spray
  • Unusual. -100 per creation/+10 per disenchant
  • Rare.-800/+200
  • Promotional cards. Issued only on special occasions. -600/+100
  • Legendary. -3200/+800

In addition, each card is presented in two types. Premium cards are animated and cost much more, but drop less often. To create a legendary premium card you will have to pay 9600 stones. Or get 3200 tripe to create cards.

Cards fall out of sets. Each set contains 100 stones/scraps for card making and 12 cards, with one guaranteed to be rare or better. 1 set costs 1000 gold, and the price is not very interesting from the point of view of economic benefits.

5. Main features of the game

Everything in the game 7 modes.
Three against AI (Campaign, Trial, Forge of Worlds), four against players (Special Event/Regular Play, Ranked Play, Skirmish).

So far there are only two options in the campaign: a free campaign and a campaign for 20,000 gold, in which you select your own deck against 16 opponents. For completing the game you will be given a collection of cards.

Farming gold is quite easy. It is given for achieving achievements (1000 damage, 1000 killed creatures, etc.). Other times it drops from chests. The most pathetic chests are bronze ones. They drop one common/uncommon card and 50 gold. Silver chests drop slightly better rewards, and gold chests may yield packs of cards. The more valuable the chest, the higher the reward. The most rewarding chests are awarded for high achievements during the season and for completing special modes. Sometimes other chests of higher value pop out from chests.

Types of chests

  • Bronze ~ 50 gold and a regular card.
  • Silver ~ 250 gold and an unusual card.
  • Gold ~ 500 gold and set.
  • Diamond ~ 2000 gold, 1 or 2 sets, random premium cardboard.

5.1 PvE modes

Challenge/Gauntlet- free mode. With your assembled deck you go until 7 wins or 1 loss.
For the minimum reward, you need to defeat at least two opponents. Each playthrough gives an additional reward until you reach the maximum rating (master league). A good way to farm, but slow. It will do just fine as a workout. At the end, a boss awaits with special rules. Reaching the maximum reward is easy even with promotional decks.

Forge of Worlds / Forge much more interesting. You will have to pay 2500 gold for entry. Next, you need to assemble a deck of 25 random cards, which will remain in your collection after completion. The computer forces you to choose from two colors and will then produce cards that match the style. You can get at least 1 rare and 2-3 uncommon or premium cards.

The goal is to defeat 7 opponents before losing 2 times. The reward will be a pile of gold and possibly 5 packs. But even for 5-6 opponents, the spent gold is practically reimbursed. The rank rises in the same way as in the Trial, and the difficulty increases.

I recommend building fast two-color decks, since the 50-card limit really hurts control decks. I guarantee that I have beaten the AI ​​more than once simply because they fought nonstop and exhausted the deck. And when there are no cards left in the deck, then its owner suffers defeat.

At the end of each season (before the release of a new set of cards), the rank for PvE is reset.

5.2 PvP modes

Events- the first mode in the list. Opens for the weekend every week and each time with new conditions. For the opportunity to participate in it you will have to pay a certain amount and usually it is in vain, since at best you will receive boosters for the price of entry. There you will meet experienced players with thoughtfully constructed decks who come into the game only for this mode. If you are a beginner, then, in my opinion, it is better not to play it, but to spend gold on better offers.

Regular games / Casual- the main PvP mode, where there is no rating system, but they regularly give 20-30 gold for a victory, and a chest for every third victory. In this mode, you can complete quests in which the completion condition is PvP mode, and receive a reward for the first victory of the day.

Ranked games- standard mode for competitions. Choose any deck and conquer the ladder. You start with the bronze league, which has three levels. Every three levels - a league increase. So everyone has a chance to go through the silver, gold, diamond and get into the master league. For every victory you are given a bronze chest, for every fourth, seventh and tenth - a silver chest. At the end of the season, players will receive a reward for the rank they have achieved.

Fight- an analogue of the Forge of Worlds. Only costs 5000. And there are very high chances of getting a legendary card. It's full of arena masters who scare newcomers with mind-blowing combinations of cards. The whole point is that the player is given sets of cards, and he takes turns with the computer to choose cards for himself. After choosing, the deck collection menu will open, so you can draw cards of different colors and change the deck as the competition progresses. So for 5000 you will get much more cards and stones than for buying just five sets, if you learn how to win.

Pack of tips No. 1

  • In a month of not very intensive play, you will collect almost the entire collection of cards from the standard set. So if you like flashy decks, consider whether you should destroy the premium cards.
  • You can reduce the number of cards in the deck. You need to click on the left side of the card in the list in the deck. The number of cards increases by clicking on the number displaying the number of cards in the deck.
  • Gain experience to defeat any opponents. The game is now almost perfectly balanced, and even aggressive decks have no obvious advantage over others.
  • Every three days you will receive a new themed deck and a quest to play on it. They are better than standard decks. I recommend completing the tasks associated with them immediately, as they can crowd out regular daily quests.
  • The best option is to build a two-color deck. And not necessarily red and green.
  • Buying packs is not very effective. Having learned to play a little, you can get much more benefits from paid modes. See for yourself: buy 2 packs for 2000 for 24 random cards, or play Forge of Worlds for 2500, choose 25 cards yourself, and receive rewards for victories.

Pack of tips No. 2

  • Don't be afraid to go over 75 cards. You still can’t add more than 150. If the deck has an idea, you can reach gold rank or destroy the AI ​​in challenges.
  • Determine cards for draft by the value of the card, based on the ratio of characteristics + effects / mana
  • Attack with all creatures at once - A/F button.
  • Pay close attention to the order in which the runes are placed.
  • Take advantage of the pauses between moves to think. And notice the enemy’s pauses, they are very informative in terms of possible responses to your aggression on his part.
  • If you speak English, I recommend the site, where tournament decks are often published.
  • For those who like to go through campaigns: Act 6 of the first campaign is easy to complete if you just clear the table until there are 10-15 cards left in your deck, only then hit the face. Then you will have a high chance of immediately getting the Infinity Throne and winning the game.
  • Think carefully about the hand you receive. Maybe you only need one or two mana cards to gain an advantage, since the remaining cards are very cheap? Or should you leave a hand with a lot of runes, so that the remaining cards will help you survive until you draw strong cards?

will be released in Russian in Russia summer 2017 and will be distributed through the Mail.Ru game center. A localized version for mobile platforms – iOS and Android – will appear a little later. Cross-platform plays a special role. You can take part in battles anywhere – on your home computer, tablet or smartphone. Identical mechanics are retained for all platforms, and progress, experience and rewards are also saved.

We share tips and decks for completing story campaigns

When you open Eternal for the first time, you immediately find yourself in a wonderful world of “revolvers, magic and steampunk.” The passage of training missions is combined with an analysis of the most interesting mode in the game - campaigns.

The first chapters tell about the monstrous cataclysm that occurred due to the fault of Keifas, the king of Miria. Sitting on the Throne of Infinity, he was blind and did not notice the approach of the army of those marked from the Shadow. In an instant the kingdom was left without a ruler. No one knows what happened to Keifas, and now several people are laying claim to the throne. We are introduced to everyone in campaigns "Fiery Soul", "The Empty Throne" And "Right to the Throne". After completing the story of each applicant, you will receive a whole deck of cards belonging to one of the world's elements.

We review stories as they appear in Eternal, but no one is stopping you from completing all the missions in any order. All missions are quite interesting and original.

Each match in the campaign takes place under special conditions. If you want to win, you will have to adhere to a certain fighting style or even build a unique deck for a specific opponent. In most cases, the decks that beginners get in the first couple of weeks of the game perform well. However, some battles are not so easy to overcome. We will give tips for each match so that you can quickly get the coveted legendaries and go conquer the ranked games!

Headhunt Campaign

The first and most difficult campaign for beginners. This is where promo decks will come in very handy: "Racano's Troops", "Depths of the Scar", "Latrean Secrets" And "Elysian Knowledge". In addition, you can use strong rating builds, which will be mentioned in future campaigns. Next we will look at each fight.

Inveterate thugs

  • Special condition: Enemy creatures gain +1 attack. When they go to the Abyss, you draw a card.
  • Removals here are worth their weight in gold. Try a "Depths of the Scar" or "Latrean Secrets" deck with a lot of clearing cards, such as "Burning Torch", "Instant Death", "Burn", "Caleb's Help", etc. We take creatures to a minimum (2- 3 is enough).


  • Special condition: Whenever you play a creature, it deals damage equal to its attack to a random enemy.
  • Play a build with a lot of cheap minions. The more health points, the better. You can take the Rakano Troops deck, but Elysian Knowledge will perform a little better.

Take alive

  • Special condition: the fatal blow must be dealt using a special card in hand (deals 3 damage).
  • The Depths of the Scar deck is great for this fight.

Cover the shop

  • Special condition: your deck is random. Good luck!

Exile from Praxis

  • Special condition: Each player receives a time rune at the end of each turn and plays it immediately.
  • Obviously, expensive spells and heavy creatures are stronger here than usual. “Keeper of Time” gains stats very quickly, and the opponent plays this card. Keep Silence ready. Guarantor of Prosperity and Embodiment of Wisdom also quickly gain additional skills, and Sheriff Ironton can generally win the battle alone. You're ramping up every turn (1-3-5-7-9 runic power), so odd-cost cards will be favored. Otherwise, everything is simple: place big creatures and do not skimp on removal on enemy ones.

Mad Sauromancer

  • Special condition: Every turn a random creature turns into a 5/5.
  • Play with cheap 1/1 meat. Starting the fight with a couple of babahoons will be just perfect. The legendary "Robber Queen" is very good here, but not at all critical.

Balls for rollers

  • Special condition: Enemy Babahoons gain a random combat ability upon entering the field.
  • Take as many removal spells and cards with the Silence property into your deck as possible. Shoot enemies and expose your strongest creatures.

Lair of the creature

  • Special condition: upon death, your creatures are sent to the enemy Abyss.
  • This won't help the enemy much. The Rakano Troops or Latrean Secrets decks are the most effective options for this fight.

Hoarder's Treasures

  • Special condition: The cost of all cards is reduced by 2.
  • The easiest way to win the battle is to use “Conductor of the Elysian League” on the “Clairvoyance” spell so that the card receives the “Echo” property. After which you can endlessly scroll through the deck and collect cards with a reduced cost.

Cart guard

  • Special condition: A 2/4 caravan with the Recklessness attribute appears on your side of the field. If you lose it, the battle will be lost.
  • Just take more weapons with you and “attach” them to the van. Cards with Deadly Poison, Lightning Attack, and Flying are the best choices for this fight. Also grab some cheap removal spells to fend off enemy creatures early on.

Two-faced Longhorns

  • Special condition: When you play a creature, its attack becomes equal to its health.
  • Bring cheap guys with low attack and high health. For example, “Desert Mirage”, “Golden-Horned Guard”, “Fledged Owl”, “Karmic Guardian”, etc. They get a great bonus and will quickly destroy the opponent's face.

Bloody Cliffs

  • Special condition: When the hero's health drops to 20 and 10 units, the enemy takes a random dragon card.
  • "Depths of the Scar" or "Rakano Troops" perform quite well in this fight. Accumulating armor helps a lot here.

Ghosts of the past

  • Special condition: the enemy summons random creatures from past fights.
  • It is enough to take a deck with good removal (already mentioned above) and everything will be fine.

Price per head

  • Special condition: The opponent gains 2 armor points at the start of their turn if they don't have any.
  • Aggressive decks won't work here, so take something heavier. For example, “Latrean Secrets” or “Elysian Knowledge”.


  • Special condition: The enemy summons "Treacherous Mercenary" every turn.
  • If you can stop her attack, then in the end the Countess will simply kill herself. Place creatures with stats of 2/3 or higher and simply don’t let the enemy attack.

Nothing personal

  • Special condition: The enemy starts with a 2/8 weapon.
  • When you break his weapon (or at the beginning of the 7th turn, if the weapon remains intact), the enemy silences and binds all your creatures. Additionally, he summons two 3/2 guys on his side of the field. If you kill them, you will draw a card from the deck.
  • Use Destruction on the first turn and Lightning Storm on the second. After which victory is practically in your pocket. Alternative: use the Elysian Knowledge deck and hold the defense until you can overwhelm the enemy with expensive creatures. In this battle, decks based on creatures with four or more health units perform well, since the enemy plays a lot of guys with three units of attack.

The Story of Horus Trever Campaign

The campaign chronicles the events that led to the defeat of Cephas, King of the Silver Haven. The story is heartbreaking, but the campaign itself is quite easy to complete (with the exception of the final mission).

In most cases, any fast aggro will do (such as Rakan's Troops or Rakano armor") or a control deck. For example, Big Combrei (“Big Combridge”). If you find it very difficult, you can peek decks for each mission.

In the finale you will need to defeat Cephas, his strong minions and clearing. Special condition for this fight: you summon a random marked person to your side.

Only creatures that are fat enough can survive Keifas's attacks. For a battle, you can take a deck of marked ones, which will strengthen each other. But don't forget to add Unleash and Riposte in there to avoid a merciless board clear. As soon as you feel the strength, you can safely go on the attack.

Dead Man's Revenge Campaign

The next campaign focuses on the rebellion against Rolanth, the king's brother. He usurped the throne after the disappearance of Keifas, and the people are clearly not happy about it. A story with a sad ending, but can be completed quite confidently with the help of the deck Skycrag Aggro .

Deck code:

2(Set3 #3)4(Set1 #13)4(Set2 #105)4(Set1#5)4(Set1 #193)4(Set1 #8)4(Set1 #20)4(Set3 #161)4( Set2 #187)4(Set1 #23)4(Set0 #27)4(Set1 #26)4(Set2 #194)9(Set1 #1)4(Set1 #187)4(Set0 #53)4(Set2 # 186)4(Set1 #425)

Copy all lines of the template (keyboard shortcut Ctrl+c). Go to the main menu of the game, click the “Cards” button, then “Load template” and select “Clipboard”.

In some missions, you may need to replace the deck (options are listed below).

  • Sympathizers of the resistance. Take the deck Argenport Midrange, don't forget to add four copies of Asphyxiation and Annihilation.
  • Run, cowards! Take the deck " Rakano armor"with two copies of "Smuggler's Snare", "Blades of Starsteel" and "Icaria, Liberator".
  • Don't hide. Take the deck " Rakano armor"with four copies of "Mistress of the Stone Scar" and two copies of "Operator of the Law." You can throw out “Defenders of the Throne” and two “Swords of Icaria”.
  • Burnt forest. Take the deck " Huuru Flyers" We give preference to flyers with costs 2 and 3, we take “Air Combat Master” and “Spiritual Guide” into the deck, as well as “Strategic Council” and “Wisdom of the Elders”. Free card draw is great, but keep in mind that you won’t be able to play them this turn.
  • Rise or fall. Take the deck Stonescar Midrange with four copies of "Mistress of the Stone Scar".
  • Bar fight. We take four “Novices of the desert temple” and “Guides”. Then we put out the strongest cards that come to mind.
  • Change of power. In this fight the basic build Big Combrei can handle it easily.

It is not necessary to create all the above-mentioned decks; even the most basic builds pass all tests. However, it will help you save a lot of time and nerves. Good luck!

Stepan Tretyakov

The key to successfully completing an online card game Eternal – this is knowledge of game secrets and nuances. In our knowledge base we will introduce you to the most important secrets, in our opinion. So let's get started.

Where to start the passage

For newcomers to the gaming project, it is extremely necessary to get acquainted with the basics, which will become useful for you at the beginning of the passage, and will also help at the initial stage of “farming” cards and gold.

Initially, you find yourself at the site of the first missions of the campaign, where your first storyline will begin. Here you can acquire extra cards and get the initial basics with which you will move forward. It is recommended to complete this story campaign to the end.
What to do next, you decide for yourself, whether to immediately begin your conquest of the game rating, or to fight and enthusiastically win computer artificial intelligence in various tests.

It is worth remembering that it is very difficult for a beginner who has neither experience nor cards to become a legendary player who can easily conquer the heights of the game. Therefore, it is worth going from a beginner to an experienced player, as all participants in this project do.

Start the Gauntlet mode

Participation is free. You will have your own deck. Here you will have to face AI players, with whom you will fight until you have 7 victories or 1 defeat on your account. With each of your victories, the prizes increase, but you shouldn’t be afraid of losing either, they don’t expire.

This method is the most accessible and easiest to begin to understand the basics of decks, because from your opponents you will constantly see certain card synergies and strategies that, if desired, you can apply in the future.

Having won seven victories in a row, you receive not only chests earned during the game, but also additional rewards that directly depend on your rating in this mode (bronze, silver, gold, diamond).

With every 7 wins, your rating increases and more prizes are given. At some point you will be able to reach the maximum rating, and the additional prize for 7 wins will no longer be given out. Achieving this result means only one thing - you have outgrown this mode and can continue passing by switching to another mode. But if you wish, you can stay in this mode as long as you want.

Forge mode

Participation costs 2500 gold or 250 crystals. In this mode, your computer opponent becomes a deck of random cards. The game continues until your account has 7 wins or 2 losses.

Each time you are given a choice of three cards with different elements. But you shouldn’t rush to choose, because the first two selections (“peaks”) determine the colors in which you will build your deck further. The first two different cards selected determine the elements whose cards the game will provide you with.

In this mode, each time you are shown three cards, one of which goes into your deck. Then the runes of the necessary elements are added to them.
You will have to play with computer characters, so here you have the same training opportunity as in the “test”.

Prize system:

  • All 25 cards you choose are added to your collection and remain yours forever.

  • For the results of all games you receive a reward, the amount of which depends on the number of victories received. With each victory, the prizes increase.
For seven victories you get 1600 gold and 3 sets of cards. But this reward could be even greater.

In this mode, you can train your skills in building decks, and at the same time you can hunt for the missing card. Perhaps you will be lucky and you will get this card. There is also an opportunity to get a legendary card.

Draft mode

Participation costs 5,000 gold or 500 crystals. Your opponents are other players. Battles between rivals take place with decks of cards consisting of random cards. The game continues until your account has 7 wins or 3 losses.

This mode is already very serious and there is no room for mistakes. There is a full-fledged rating system here and it is quite interesting.

First you have to collect a pool of 48 cards, for this you are given a choice from random cards. The first time you are given 12 cards to choose from, then 11 and so on until the end until there is only 1 card left.

With each choice, the card system changes. You are given the task of “opening” 4 sets of cards and forming a final deck, adding elemental runes to it or removing extra cards from the deck.

What do you get upon completion of this mode.

  • Opening four booster packs, each of which gives you 100 dust, as if you opened a purchased booster.

  • All cards you choose are added to your collection and stay with you.

  • Opportunity to take part in player competitions for prizes. At first you will lose, but each time you gain experience, which will help you win consistently in the future and compensate for your draft costs, and eventually get all 7 wins.

  • Based on the results of victories, a reward is awarded, the amount of which depends on the victories you received with your deck. All 7 wins bring 6000 gold, as well as 3 sets of cards.

In this mode, battles are held between players with decks that have been assembled in advance. Decks for rating battles can consist of 75 cards. You must earn a rating in order to move from one league to another. There are 5 of them in the game: bronze, silver, gold, diamond, champions league.

Each league, except the Champions League, has three levels. When you enter the league, you initially find yourself at the third level. To move to a new level, you need to collect 100 rating points. Points are awarded for winning the match, and, on the contrary, are deducted for losing.

Once you manage to collect 100 points, you move on to the next level. Having completed all the levels of a given league, you move again to the third level, but this time the league is higher than the previous one. For example, having completed level 1 of the silver league, you move to level 3 gold, and so on.

If you fail to gain rating points for a long time, and your account remains at 0, then you lose a level in this league and move to a lower level. If you lose approximately fifty rating points, your rank decreases.

The Champions League is the highest gaming league. There are no levels here. When you join this league, you receive a personal number rank, the change of which is affected by the results of the matches.

The season of these competitions lasts a month, at the end of which each participant receives their reward. In this case, the received rank is reset to bronze or silver - it depends on your achievements.

Seal Cards

Although this game project is in many ways similar to HS, there are still differences between them. In Hearthstone, the mana pool grows by 1 with each turn, but in Eternal, in order to increase the amount of the resource, you need to play sigil cards.

Printing is available in 5 colors:

  • red – flame, with direct damage and aggression functions;

  • green – order, with functions of strengthening individual creatures;

  • blue – wildness, with card drawing functions and unexpected tricks;

  • purple – darkness, with the functions of manipulating dead creatures;

  • yellow – time, with the functions of increasing the amount of mana and simultaneously strengthening all your own creatures.

Each time you play a seal of a color, your total mana limit increases by 1, as well as your influence within that color. Mana is replenished at the beginning of each of your turns. With influence you gain access to playing cards. Seals are available in two colors, but you can only play one at a time.

One of the properties of game creatures is tied to this interaction. But it is worth noting that this mechanics of obtaining resources has one significant drawback: if you don’t get mana or, on the contrary, only get seal cards, then the game will turn out to be one-sided. The opponent can do cool things, and you just have to sit there without the opportunity to oppose him with anything.

In this game project, the developers have provided a convenient deck editor, which has many filters, as well as the ability to view detailed statistics for each deck.

The cards themselves, which can be played for the mana received from the seals, are of 4 types:

  • spells– cards for causing damage, destroying creatures, and so on;

  • fast spells– cards with the ability to play on the opponent’s turn or during an attack. You can suddenly make your own creature more powerful or destroy any dragon your opponent has just played;

  • equipment (weapon)– cards for strengthening one creature. They are put on a creature and increase its performance. Once you receive special instances, you can equip your character, after which he can deal damage to the enemy himself;

  • units– cards of new creatures.

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