Game activity in the conditions of federal state educational standards. Business game for pre-school teachers with presentation Games in kindergarten according to Federal State Educational Standards

Tatyana Fadeeva
Game as a means of educational activity in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

I present to your attention my experience in using gaming educational technologies in all educational fields.

And I want to start with the words of an unknown poet, who wrote:

"I tried to reach the child's heart with words,

they often passed by him unheard.

I tried to reach his heart with books,

he gave me puzzled looks.

In despair I turned away from him,

“How can I get to this child’s heart?”- I shouted.

He whispered to me ear: “Come,” he said, “ play with me» .

A game is one of the leading species preschooler activities. Throughout the entire period of preschool childhood, all activity built on a systematic approach through the game.

And no matter how important organized activity, preparation for schooling, the nature of the child requires fulfillment of the need for the game. The gaming subculture of preschoolers has changed, and their favorite roles and plots have changed. Consequently, the gaming subculture of children must be studied and its features taken into account in the pedagogical process. For child development the game gives:

1. The ability to act in terms of ideas, thanks to which the development of productive imagination.

2. Navigate in the sphere of human relations;

3. Coordinate your actions with others; the constantly changing environment of the game requires coordination of the efforts of its participants, which contributes to the development of cooperation and communication between children;

4. The ability to find ways out various life situations, flexibility, development of psychological stability, joyful and friendly emotional background.

The goal of play therapy is not to change the child or remake him, not to teach him any special behavioral skills, but to give him the opportunity to “live” situations that excite him in the game with the full attention and empathy of an adult.

Main condition for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard- teaching children through play, because a game constitutes the main content of the life of a preschool child and is his activities. It activates the will and mind of the child, touches his feelings, increases vital activity of the body, promotes physical development. The game is needed so that the child grows up cheerful, healthy and strong. The most in-depth study of this topic and generalization of the material being studied has grown into a thematic module on self-educationGame as a means of educational activity in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard».

During the study and research of which the following goals were set and tasks:

Target: revealing the child’s personality and developing his creative potential through mastering gaming activities.


To ensure that children develop diverse ideas about reality and the ability to use these ideas to create new game plots.

To promote the emergence of friendly partnerships and gaming associations based on interests in the game, to teach children to independently negotiate with each other, fairly distribute roles and resolve conflicts themselves in an ethically acceptable form.

Enrich children's speech by facilitating the development of role-playing dialogue games;

Create conditions for joint gaming.

Develop independence, initiative, imagination and creativity in games;

I started my work by creating conditions for gaming activities, that is, with subject-spatial environment, meeting the requirements Federal State Educational Standard. After all, creation conditions for implementation this direction is a motivating factor for gaming activities in order to master gaming skills and enrich life experience.

Subject-spatial Wednesday should provide the opportunity for communication and collaboration activities of children and adults, motor activity of children, be content-rich, methodologically supported, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe. Having revised the subject-spatial group environment To improve it, cabinets with drawers on wheels were purchased for ease of use, comfortable furniture for a doll corner, a hairdresser, a puppet theater, and a screen was made.

(“There are children in the group play in various activity centers that ensure the diversified development of children in the main directions: physical, social-communicative, cognitive, speech and artistic-aesthetic. All activity centers are designed to integrate the content they contain. educational areas and marked with a marker").

Main and leading activities preschool age are creative games.

Role-playing a game- one of the creative games.

When organizing and systematizing the material in the center of role-playing games (such as "Shop", "Salon", "Hospital", "Studio", "Car park")gave children the opportunity to create a game plot display your knowledge, impressions, ideas about the world around us, recreate social relationships. All equipment is contained in containers with markers, making it easy to play anywhere the children choose.

A transformable screen was made with the help of parents "Machine-Ship". We use this multifunctional screen both for role-playing games and in classes. For example, by car we take a trip to the forest or to the country, and by ship we go sailing to the island of stones, to the underwater world of fish and shells, or on a cruise to different countries.

In the mummers corner you can dress up as you wish and play up any image.

In the center of labor "Workshop" The children enjoy assembling and disassembling machines, skillfully using a saw, a screwdriver, and a hammer, which contributes to the development of fine motor skills and thinking, the formation of labor skills, and the fundamentals of safety in various types of work. A game in all these centers promotes implementation social and communicative direction of children's development.

For the purpose of artistic and aesthetic development of children, there is a workshop for creativity in which children try themselves as sculptors and artists. And in the musical and theatrical activities they are artists and musicians. Theatrical activity helps to unite children, unite them with an interesting idea that is new to them activities. In the theater, preschoolers open up, demonstrating unexpected facets of their character. Timid and shy people become active and confident. Children show their musical abilities playing in musical and didactic games made by the hands of educators and parents. All this is a guarantee of maintaining and developing children’s interest in any type of creativity, musical, theatrical or artistic. activities, education of aesthetic feelings.

Equipped for speech development "Book World" in which children, if they wish, can look at books, illustrations corresponding to the themes of the week, and compose a story based on the pictures.

For comprehensive development, there is a center for educational games, where there are games aimed at developing perception, fine motor skills, imagination. Children love it very much play"Colored caps", "Beads", "Buttons", lacing, different types of mosaics, fasteners. And near the touch board there is a queue of people who want to flip the switch, open and close the lock, and turn the dial on the phone.

Cognitive development by Federal State Educational Standard in a preschool educational institution involves involving the child in independent activity, its development imagination and curiosity.

Children in the experimental corner playing vegetable grower, sow seeds, watch the growth of seedlings, which helps to learn how plants grow and develop, find similarities and differences between them, and notice interesting features of their appearance. Here are the preschoolers play in didactic environmental games, and also look at shells, stones, fantasize, and make their own discoveries.

A special place is reserved for patriotic education. The time the child spends in it does not pass for nothing:

Playing games"Our town", "Monuments of Winter", "Microdistrict 2 - Stroitel", "My house", children get acquainted with the sights of their city, microdistrict. Collecting puzzles "State symbols of Russia" learn about the coat of arms and flag. Boys love to study military equipment made by the hands of their parents and play as soldiers, because they are the future defenders of our Motherland.

For implementation physical development of children, has its own corner. Everything here is aimed at meeting children’s needs for physical activity and developing the skill of following safety rules. With the help of various outdoor games, children become familiar with sports equipment and improve it. These are games like "Ring Throw", "Towns", "Flying saucers", "Golf". They are carried out during a morning walk and after an afternoon nap.

In my work I pay special attention to folk games. As one of the effective types therapy game I use folk games with nursery rhymes, round dances, joke games. For example "Water", "Stream", "Burners", "Strap". Using folk games I'm implementing not only the developing and educational functions of gaming technologies, but also various educational functions: they introduce children to folk culture.

Children in all centers play optionally in small subgroups and individually, choosing an activity to your liking.

The integrated use of gaming technologies for different purposes helps prepare a child for school. From the point of view of the formation of motivational and emotional-volitional readiness for school, each play situation of communication between a preschooler and adults, with other children is a “school of cooperation” for the child, in which he learns to both rejoice in the success of his peer and calmly endure his own failures; regulate their behavior in accordance with social requirements, and equally successfully organize subgroup and group forms of cooperation. The problems of developing intellectual readiness for school are solved by games aimed at developing mental processes, as well as special games that develop elementary mathematical concepts in a child, introduce him to the sound analysis of words, and prepare his hand for mastering writing.

Bottom line:

At the end of the year, based on the results of monitoring, there is a positive trend in all educational fields. Children have become more sociable, active, and independent. Therefore, we can conclude that the use of gaming technologies in educational process has a beneficial effect on the comprehensive development of children. Without noticing it, children gain new knowledge playing a variety of games.

In the future of my work, I plan to replenish the subject-development environment with new interesting games and tutorials, involving parents in their production.

For the purposes of the career guidance program, we entered into a cooperation agreement with the staff of vocational school No. 36 in Ts. Khazan. In the course of cooperation, I think that the knowledge gained in conversations and on excursions will help to learn more about professions and in organizing new plot and role-playing games: "Vegetable grower", "A carpenter".

In conclusion, I want to say that despite everything originality different types of games have a lot in common between them. They display surrounding reality and are based on independent children's activities. All games are emotionally rich and bring joy to children,

Currently, one of the most pressing problems in modern preschool pedagogy is the problem of play. All specialists (teachers, pediatricians, neurophysiologists) have proven the value of play for child development. Play plays a fundamental, vital role in the development of a child, therefore deprivation of play activity in childhood is destructive for normal development.

It has been proven that it is play activity that is crucial for the formation of the main new formations of preschool childhood: voluntary behavior, creative imagination, self-awareness, etc. It is the game that is the content of communication of preschoolers; it develops interpersonal relationships and children’s communicative abilities.

As you know, in preschool age the leading activity is play. When properly organized, play creates conditions for the development of a child’s physical, intellectual and personal qualities. Three interconnected lines of child development harmoniously fit into the child’s natural environment – ​​a game, which for him is both entertainment, a way of learning, and a sphere of application of his imagination: to feel – to learn – to create.

Play as an important means of socializing the personality of a preschool child is considered in the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, and the right to play is enshrined in Art. 31 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education notes one of the main principles - the implementation of the program in forms specific to children of a certain age group, primarily in the form of play, cognitive and research activities, in the form of creative activity that ensures the artistic and aesthetic development of the child (clause 1.2. (4)).

The Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education notes that the content of educational areas is determined by the goals and objectives of the Program and can be implemented in various types of activities - communication, play, cognitive and research activities, as end-to-end mechanisms of child development. It is also noted what kind of games are organized as part of the program: “at an early age (1 year-3 years) - games with composite and dynamic toys; for preschool children (3 years - 8 years) - a number of activities, such as games, including role-playing games, games with rules and other types of games (2.7.).

Working with younger preschoolers (3-4 years old), we rely on the principles of developing a game with a focus on the Federal State Educational Standard:

The formation of play occurs in joint play, where an adult is an equal partner;

When the game is organized in a special way, so that the child is presented with a game method;

The formation of play includes not only the formation of play methods in children, but also the method of play action;

The formation of the game is of a two-part nature: joint play and independent play of children.

We use different types of games on the following topics:

Games to develop imagination, TRIZ (inventive games. We train analytical thinking, learn to identify, compare, solve problems);

Psychological games (development of emotions, communication skills. Games for a good mood, little peaces, for dating);

Outdoor games;

Physical exercises, gymnastics, exercises.

The diversified development of children in our preschool educational institution occurs in the main areas: physical, social-personal, cognitive-speech and artistic-aesthetic, where children’s games take place in various activity centers containing a combination of educational areas. All activity centers are designed to integrate the educational areas they contain.

In the physical direction of children's development, we have created a zone of motor activity, in which children engage in outdoor play activities, where, with the help of various outdoor games, children interact and use sports equipment in games, we organize such games ourselves and conduct them directly under our leadership in the morning, on a walk, after a nap, during morning exercises, we conduct general developmental exercises in the form of a game, play in small subgroups or individually.

For the social and personal development of children, centers for role-playing games and a mini-museum of dolls have been created; mummer center. In the centers of role-playing games such as “Shop”, “Post Office”, “Barbershop” and others, younger preschoolers play role-playing games that reflect their knowledge, impressions, ideas about the world around them, and recreate social relationships.

The opportunity to play musical instruments and perform various types of theater (table, finger, picture theater) is provided in the center of musical and theatrical activities.

In the cognitive and speech development of the child, we have created a speech development center “We are exploring the world”, “Hello, book”, a center for educational games, and environmental centers. All these centers are integrated with such educational areas as cognition, reading fiction, and communication. The integration of these centers is aimed at developing the cognitive activity of children; introduction to reading educational and fiction literature; formation of sensory standards of objects of the natural and social environment. The center of educational games contains games aimed at developing sensory perception, fine motor skills, and imagination. Also nesting dolls with inserts, lacing, different types of mosaics.

When organizing games, we were guided by the following factors: establishing a meaningful connection between children’s knowledge of the surrounding reality and their play; inclusion of all types of games in the pedagogical process; timely organization of a developing subject-game environment; qualified participation of teachers in the pedagogical process, ensuring the child’s right to play; an individual approach to the upbringing, training, and development of children in play activities; long-term planning for the development of the game; using effective methods and techniques to promote the development of the game.

Thus, the game has enormous developmental potential. Play has a positive impact on the formation of interactions and relationships among children. Games remove psychological barriers, instill self-confidence, and improve children’s communication with peers and adults. Experience working with children shows the need and importance of using various types of games in the pedagogical process in a preschool institution. The effectiveness of the results of a child’s gaming activity will be when teachers use games, taking into account the characteristics of children’s development, factors, principles of organizing gaming activities, taking into account the changes taking place in education, and relying on the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.


1. Smirnova E.O. Play in modern preschool education // Electronic journal “Psychological Science and Education” [Text]. – 2013. – No. 3. – P. 92-97

2. Federal state educational standard for preschool education [Text]. – M: Perspective, 2014. – 32 p.

« A game- This childhood life laboratory,
giving that aroma, that atmosphere of young life,
without which this time would be useless for humanity».

S.T. Schatsky

It's no secret that the problem of our time is the lack of desire among the modern generation to immerse themselves in the fairy-tale world of games. Not only small children play, but also animals. Nature gives man a clear example of the development of a full-fledged society. And we, part of this nature, must learn from it. How a child enters the world of play determines his future and, let’s not be afraid of this statement, the future of our country. Because from immersion in the world of fantasies and dreams in childhood, bold innovative ideas and technologies in science, art, and literature are born in adulthood, bringing prosperity and development to our society. It should be noted that no one argues with this position. But how is this implemented in modern practice? With each new generation of children, the play space of childhood changes. The socialization of today's grandparents took place in the courtyards, where they spent the whole day chasing a ball, playing "Cossack robbers", jumping ropes. And the games of our parents subsequently began to differ significantly from the games of the older generation in their essence, imagination and interests.

The modern generation even prefers individual computer games to collective yard games. This preference is largely determined by the employment of parents. They simply do not have enough time to communicate with their own children. And grandparents live separately from their grandchildren and also work, and many educators focus on preparing children for school. This trend is typical not only for our country, but also for the whole world. Scientists and educators from all countries are “sounding the alarm” about the disappearance of play in childhood.

In the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard and the requirements for the basic general education program of preschool education, a significant difference is the exclusion of educational activities from the educational process as not corresponding to the patterns of child development at the stage of preschool childhood. It becomes urgent for preschool teachers to search for other forms and methods of working with children.

At each age, there is a leading activity, within which new types of activity arise, mental processes develop, and mental new formations arise.

The leading activity of preschool children is play. When properly organized, play creates conditions for the development of a child’s physical, intellectual and personal qualities, contributes to the formation of prerequisites for educational activities and ensures the social success of a preschooler. Three interconnected lines of child development: “feeling-cognizing-creating” fit harmoniously into the child’s natural environment - a game, which for him is both entertainment and ways of understanding the world of people, objects, nature, as well as the sphere of application of his imagination and imagination.

When organizing the play activities of a preschooler under the conditions of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, we rely on regulatory documents.

Currently, the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education emphasizes the priority of activity-based technologies, one of which is game-based learning technologies. These are pedagogical technologies, the main goal and result of which is to change the student as a subject of activity. The main indicator of game-based learning technology is the presence of a problem, the solution of which is associated with the formation of a goal, and variability, the possibility of individual choice in the process of educational work with a teacher.

To maintain preschoolers’ interest in the game, a number of conditions must be met:

1. Free and voluntary inclusion of children in the game: not imposing the game, but involving them in it. The exception is excessive gambling: for money and things, as well as games that contain in their rules actions that violate generally accepted moral standards.

2. Children must understand well the meaning and content of the game, its rules, and the idea of ​​each game role.

3. The game should comprehensively cover all aspects of the child’s spiritual and physical activity. Play activities also contribute to the accumulation of children’s social experience.

4. Sufficient time for play and the availability of those toys that help children realize their plans, i.e. creation of an object-game environment.

5. When creating a gaming environment, you should consider:

  • gender differences in children (the interests of both girls and boys must be respected equally);
  • carry out timely changes in the play environment, taking into account the enriching life and play experience of children;
  • select games in accordance with the interests and mood of the children;
  • organize non-overlapping spheres of independent children's activity within the play area (intellectual, theatrical and gaming, creative, plot-role-playing, construction and constructive and games with motor activity).

Game-based learning is one of the main components of the educational process. This technology has its own methods and techniques, as in any other pedagogical process.

It is necessary to take into account the features of the implementation of gaming technology in preschool educational institutions

  1. Creative activity of the teacher.
  2. Selecting a game during which didactic, educational, developmental and socializing tasks will be solved.
  3. Taking into account the characteristics of the participants in the game.
  4. Accounting for the time of the game.

In the modern classification, there are 2 types of games:

1-games with fixed, open rules,

2-games with hidden rules.

N.A Korotkova identifies the following forms of play in the educational process:

  1. Play as a cultural practice, free story play, free play with rules.
  2. Game as a pedagogical form: didactic story game, didactic game with rules.

Playful learning is carried out by a number of child motives:

  1. Cognitive - interest in the material, the novelty of events.
  2. Affiliation is the desire to establish or maintain relationships with peers and the teacher, to contact and communicate with them.
  3. Procedural-substantive - incentive to activity by the content of the activity, and not by external factors.

There are three types of motivation:

  1. Gaming
  2. Motivation in helping adults
  3. Self-interest motivation.

The first type is play motivation - “Help the toy”,

The second type of motivation is helping an adult - “Help me.”

The third type of motivation is based on the child’s internal interest. "Myself or myself."

When motivating children, the following principles should be observed:

You can’t force your vision on a child.

Be sure to ask your child’s permission to do a common activity with him.

Be sure to praise your child’s actions for the results obtained.

Acting together with the child, the teacher introduces him to his plans and ways to achieve them.

By following these rules, the teacher gives children new knowledge, teaches them certain skills, and develops the necessary skills.

In conclusion, I would like to give all teaching staff a number of recommendations that it is advisable to follow in their practice:

Follow the main motto in a child’s life: play from morning to evening wherever the situation allows, regardless of the circumstances of the surrounding life, which is clogged with the computer curtain of reality.

And at first, educators, like beacons, call children to their games, and later the educators themselves become participants in these games.

Encourage children to come up with stories and rules for their games themselves in their daily play and learning activities.

I would like to advise parents the following:

Love your children for who they are.

Encourage them to want to play with themselves, with their peers, toys, and animals.

Always find a response in children when they invite you to play with you.

Thanks to the game, penetrate more into the child’s inner world, and you will learn a lot of new and interesting things about your children, which will help you maintain relationships with them in the present and future.

Business game for teachers of the preschool educational institution “Experts of the Federal State Educational Standard”

Anufrieva Irina Viktorovna, senior teacher of the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution “Kindergarten “Bell”, r.p. Dukhovnitskoye, Saratov region.
My publication will be of interest to senior educators, methodologists, deputy heads of preschool educational institutions, and all those involved in organizing educational and methodological work.
Target: clarification and systematization of the knowledge of teachers of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. Leading:
It's good when in the morning
The game begins!
Laughter, fun, running around,
When the kids are playing.
You'll envy the kids:
Both girls and boys.
But today is a special day,
We gathered for a reason.
And today we, adults,
The game begins!
Understand the rules of the game
Remember what for what!

WARM UP. "Brain attack"

Question one.

For team 1: What is the name of the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation?
For team 2: What is the name of the Minister of Education of the Saratov Region?

Question two. (presentation slides)

Who is this? (photo for both teams)

(don't forget about the bell and the right of first response)

Task 1 “Crossword of the Federal State Educational Standard”
(execution time 5 minutes)

1. One of the requirements for a developing subject-spatial environment?
2. One of the types of children's activities
3. What is a standard in one word?
4. What type of activity does labor education begin with at an early age?
5. Stages of childhood according to the Federal State Educational Standard (one of the ages)?
6. Who closely interacts with the teaching staff and are partners according to the Federal State Educational Standard?

ROUND 3. “Pig in a poke”

You “pull” a card with a question from the bag, I read it out. If the team is ready to answer, it rings the bell. The jury evaluates the correctness of the answer.

1. Name the educational areas in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.
*social and communicative development;
*cognitive development;
*speech development;

*physical development.
2. Which educational area includes productive activities?
*artistic and aesthetic development;
3. What is the leading activity in preschool childhood?
*a game
4. What type of children's activity begins the development of work skills in children?
*self-service and basic household work;
5. What are the stages of preschool childhood?
*infant, early, preschool;
6. What requirements does the Federal State Educational Standard determine?
- Requirements for the structure of OOP DO
- Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of OOP DO
- Requirements for the results of mastering OOP DO

7. What are targets?
*Socio-normative age characteristics of a child’s possible achievements at the stage of completion of preschool education;
8. Name the types of children's activities in preschool age (communication, construction from different materials, motor, perception of fiction and folklore, gaming, cognitive-research, visual, musical, self-service and basic household work)
9. What requirements (principles) for the developing subject-spatial environment must be taken into account when implementing the Program?
*RPPS should be content-rich, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe
10. Is pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring) carried out during program implementation? If so, by whom and for what purpose?
*Can be carried out by a teacher to individualize education (including supporting a child, building his educational trajectory or professional correction of his developmental characteristics and creating individual routes), as well as to optimize work with a group of children.

ROUND 4. “You for me, I for you”

Teams ask each other questions. Both the completeness and complexity of the question and the completeness and correctness of the answers are assessed.

*** To what age (early or preschool) do the following targets apply:
- the child is interested in surrounding objects and actively interacts with them;
- has active speech included in communication; can make questions and requests, understands the speech of adults?

*** Determine which educational area the following tasks belong to:
- assimilation of norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and ethical values;
- formation of positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity;
- formation of the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, and nature.
(Socio-communicative development)

ROUND 5. “Pedagogical puzzles”

Teachers are given the task of composing a phrase, previously cut into individual words, phrases (the phrase is cut one, two, three words at a time). The task completion time is 5 minutes.

Suggested statements:

*** According to SanPiN 2013, preschool children should spend 3-4 hours a day walking.
*** What should a teacher know when going on an excursion with children? Exact number of children, route.

ROUND 6. “Auction of pedagogical ideas”

Teams are asked to write in 1 minute and then name as many new words, phrases, concepts that you encountered when getting acquainted with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education document.

(Federal State Educational Standard, standard, targets, subject-spatial developmental environment, transformable and multifunctional environment, support for children's initiative, individualization of education, optimization of work with a group of children.)

Within 5 minutes, teams must come up with a name for the event - a super event within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard, determine its purpose, and develop a small plan for its implementation.

The jury sums up the results

“FGOS Experts” Announced

A few more interesting questions on Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education, which can be introduced into the game if desired.

**Is pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring) carried out during the implementation of the program? If so, by whom and for what purpose?
(Can be carried out by a teacher to individualize education (including supporting a child, building his educational trajectory or professional correction of his developmental characteristics and creating individual routes), as well as to optimize work with a group of children).

Extract from the Federal State Educational Standard:
3.2.3. The results of pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring) can be used exclusively to solve the following educational problems:
1) individualization of education (including support for the child, building his educational trajectory or professional correction of his developmental characteristics);
2) optimization of work with a group of children.
If necessary, psychological diagnostics of children's development is used (identification and study of individual psychological characteristics of children), which is carried out by qualified specialists (educational psychologists, psychologists).
A child’s participation in psychological diagnostics is permitted only with the consent of his parents (legal representatives).
The results of psychological diagnostics can be used to solve problems of psychological support and conduct qualified correction of children's development.

**When deciding which management tasks, targets cannot serve as a direct basis?
- certification of teaching staff;
-assessment of the quality of education;
-assessment of the level of development of children;
-evaluation of the implementation of municipal
(state) assignments through their inclusion in the quality indicators of the assignment;
-distribution of incentive payroll fund for preschool employees.

**What are the specifics of preschool childhood?
Flexibility, plasticity of the child’s development, a high range of options for his development, his spontaneity and involuntary behavior.

**Highlight the requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the Program that the Standard includes?
- psychological and pedagogical conditions
- personnel conditions
- educational and material conditions
- material and technical conditions
- medical and social conditions
- financial conditions
- developing subject-spatial environment
- information and methodological conditions.

**What are the systemic features of preschool education?
The non-mandatory level of preschool education in the Russian Federation, the absence of the possibility of holding a child any responsibility for the result of mastering the Program.

**What is OOP DO? Expand the concept.
Basic educational program of preschool education.
A program developed, approved and implemented in a preschool educational institution (group) based on an approximate basic general education program for preschool education.

**Who is a family in the preschool education system according to standards?
Participant in the educational process and partner.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

2 slide

Slide description:

Play is one of the leading activities of a child in preschool childhood. In the game, the child himself strives to learn what he does not yet know; in the game, direct communication with peers occurs, moral qualities develop

3 slide

Slide description:

The game is a cross-cutting mechanism for the development of a child (clause 2.7. Federal State Educational Standard for Education), through which the content of five educational areas is implemented: “Social and communicative development”; "Cognitive development"; “Speech development”; “Artistic and aesthetic development”; "Physical development". Play is the main activity of children, as well as a form of organizing children's activities. The specific content of play activities depends on the age and individual characteristics of children, is determined by the tasks and goals of the Program, this is reflected in the Standard of Preschool Education.

4 slide

Slide description:

In paragraph 2.7. The Federal State Educational Standard for Education defines the features of the development of a child's play activity: - for preschool children (3 years - 8 years) - play activity, including role-playing games, games with rules and other types of games, communicative (communication and interaction with adults and peers).

5 slide

Slide description:

For the development of a child, it is important to develop play activities, since this will allow achieving the formation of social and normative age characteristics (clause 4.6 of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education): the child masters the basic cultural methods of activity, shows initiative and independence in various types of activities - play, communication, cognitive and research activities, design, etc.; is able to choose his occupation and participants in joint activities; the child actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games. Able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, empathize with failures and rejoice in the successes of others, adequately expresses his feelings, including a sense of self-confidence, tries to resolve conflicts; the child has a developed imagination, which is realized in various types of activities, and above all in play; the child knows different forms and types of play, distinguishes between conventional and real situations, knows how to obey different rules and social norms; the child has a fairly good command of oral speech, can express his thoughts and desires, can use speech to express his thoughts, feelings and desires, and construct a speech utterance in a communication situation.

6 slide

Slide description:

There are several classifications of games: Games that arise on the initiative of a child (children) Games that arise on the initiative of an adult Games that come from historically established traditions

Slide 7

Slide description:

Plot-role-playing game D. B. Elkonin called plot-role-playing game an activity of a creative nature, in which children take on roles and, in a generalized form, reproduce the activities and relationships of adults, using substitute objects. Mastering first actions with objects, then with substitutes, the child gradually begins to think internally in play.

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Role-playing games are divided into: games based on everyday themes: “home”, “family”, “holiday”, “birthdays” (a lot of space is given to the doll). games on industrial and social topics, which reflect the work of people (school, store, library, post office, transport: train, plane, ship). games on heroic and patriotic themes, reflecting the heroic deeds of our people (war heroes, space flights, etc.). games on themes of literary works, films, television and radio programs: “sailors” and “pilots”, based on the content of cartoons, films, etc.

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Before they start playing, children come up with an idea. So, the complication in the development of gaming skills is expressed in the following: - first, the idea of ​​the game appears on the initiative of an adult; - then - with the help of an adult; - in the future, the child determines the concept of the game on his own initiative.

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The ideas for children's games can be both monotonous and varied. games are meaningfully interesting, a serious approach to planning and carrying out work to familiarize themselves with the world around them is required (educational area “Cognitive Development” (clause 2.6 of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education). Solving the tasks of this educational area by a teacher will allow children to successfully master the content of other educational areas in integration, including the NGO “Socio-communicative development”: communication and interaction in role-playing games, the ability to be attentive to the feelings and emotions of others, etc.

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The content of the work is organized in accordance with the age of the pupils: 2nd junior group - enriching children's gaming experience through joint games with adults (individual and small subgroups) Middle group - mastering and developing role behavior, supporting children's gaming associations Senior group - enriching gaming experience by development and complication of the game plot Preparatory group - formation and pedagogical support of the children's team as a playing children's community

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Requirements for conducting the game Directions for managing the game Tasks for managing the game Enriching the content of the game 1. Encourage transferring events from everyday life into the game and thereby master the purpose and properties of objects. 2.Promote the ability to set a variety of game tasks. Formation of objective methods for solving game problems 3. Enrich detailed game actions with toys with a variety of content. 4. Timely form game actions with substitute objects.

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By older preschool age, the child’s play becomes “polythematic.” The game becomes an independent activity. Children always determine the concept of the game themselves or support the proposal of their peers. They set game tasks on their own. 5. Encourage the use of play actions with imaginary objects. 6. Lead to an understanding of the replacement of individual game actions with words. 7. Encourage children to use a variety of subject methods to solve assigned game problems. Development of independence 8. Develop each child’s independence in setting a variety of game problems. 9. Encourage children to independently choose various subject methods for solving assigned game problems. Encouraging interaction in the game 10. Encourage interest in peer games. 11.Teach them to play without interfering with each other.

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Role-playing actions in the game are accompanied by role-playing speech, at the initial stage of the plot-role-playing game - by role-playing statements (area “Speech development”, “Social and communicative development”, clause 2.6 of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education). Thus, during the period of formation of role-playing actions, attention is paid to how on the variety and emotional expressiveness of movements, gestures, facial expressions.

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The objectives of play management are complemented by the following: - Encourage children to take on a variety of roles. - Encourage children to use a variety of emotionally expressive role-playing actions when playing a role. - to promote the formation of the ability to accompany role-playing actions with role-playing statements addressed to a toy - a partner, an imaginary interlocutor, an adult and a peer. In older preschool age, play becomes an independent activity.

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Tasks of game management in senior preschool age Directions of game management Tasks of game management Enriching the content of the game 1. Enrich the themes of games, promote the emergence of interesting ideas, set reproductive and proactive game tasks for their implementation. 2.Encourage to display in games a variety of adult actions, relationships, communication between people. Methods for solving game problems 3.Encourage originality and independence in the use of objective methods for solving game problems. 4. Strengthen emotional expressiveness and diversify the role-playing actions used to display the role taken. 5.Encourage to take initiative in communicating with adults and peers about the game, promote the emergence of role-playing statements and role-playing conversation

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Interaction in the game 6. Encourage peers to set game tasks. 7. Teach children to accept play tasks set by their peers, or tactfully refuse them, and agree on play interaction. 8. Maintain long-term interaction in the game. Independence 9. Continue to develop independence in choosing diverse, interesting ideas and in setting various game tasks for their implementation. 10. Encourage the choice of original subject and role-playing ways to implement ideas in the game. 11.Teach yourself to negotiate with peers in the game

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Planning games by type of activity throughout the entire educational process, didactic games, leisure, active, theatrical games, games with rules, as well as organizing story games together with the teacher. Independent activity is accompanied by the organization of pedagogical support for amateur children's games (role-playing, stage-directing, experimental games ), as well as games with rules, active, leisure, and folk organized on the initiative of the children themselves. This creates conditions for the formation of age-related neoplasms.

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Organization of a subject-spatial developmental environment for organizing play activities One of the basic principles of preschool education (clause 1.4 of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education) is the amplification (enrichment) of the conditions for the development of preschool children. Therefore, in the third section of the Standard - “Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of preschool education”, among the conditions necessary to create a social situation for the development of children corresponding to the specifics of preschool age (clause 3.2.5), it is emphasized: the creation of conditions for children’s free choice of activities, participants in joint activities; supporting children's initiative and independence in various types of activities (play, research, design, cognitive, etc.); supporting spontaneous play of children, enriching it, providing play time and space.

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