Kill the dragon witcher 2 walkthrough. And the dragon came. Below are some comments on the various endings and intermediate moments of the game

When you gain control again, turn around and run up the stairs to tower(M31, 26) where you will find Shealu. When running up the stairs, do not stop for long, as the stairs will gradually collapse. Also pay attention to the dragon, which will break the walls of the tower and breathe fire into the gap.

At the top of the tower you will meet a sorceress. After a short conversation, Sheala will begin to teleport, but someone has replaced the diamonds in the device. You have a choice:

  • Do not remove the fake diamond - Sheala will explode;
  • Take out the diamond - Sheala will tell you where to find Yennefer, and then teleport away.

Shortly after this, a dragon will appear. The room is too small to dodge. Try not to get too close, otherwise the dragon will try to bite you or hit you with its paw. Attack from the side to deal more damage. The dragon can also breathe fire. Before this, she freezes for a moment, and this is a good opportunity to deliver two or three power blows. When the dragon loses some of its health, a cutscene will begin, as a result of which you will find yourself in the open air - climb to the upper platform.

The rest of the fight will be similar - you need to attack from the side to deal more damage. Use Quen to protect yourself from fire. If the dragon breathes fire, try to be on the other side of the area to avoid it. From time to time, the dragon will fly away and then attack in one of two ways: with its fiery breath or rushing over the platform itself; Roll away to avoid these attacks. The dragon can also move along the ledge - at this time do not go to the edges, otherwise it will hit you with its tail or bite you.

When you knock the health out of the dragon, a QTE (speed button mashing) will begin, but only if you play on high difficulties: you need to first jump on the dragon and then avoid falling during the battle. When you land in the forest, you have to decide the fate of the dragon:

  • If you saved Philippa (Iorveth's path) you will save the dragon's life and exchange a few words with Saskia.
  • If you saved Triss or Anais, you can kill the dragon or just leave.

So, you are in snowy Loc Muinn. Go down the slope. The elf Iorvet will be next to you. Along the way you will need to kill a dozen harpies. As a result, you will reach the remains of the ancient city, make your way through the ruins. When you meet the “Order of the Flaming Rose”, you can choose your next path.

You can send Iorvet through the underground tunnels, and rush straight to the knights. Or you can go into the dungeon together. You can go to the Order then if you have saves from the first part and there Geralt was friends with Siegfried. If this is not the case, then it is better to go together with the elf.

In the dungeon you will meet the evil Head Eye. You will kill him without spending much effort.

When you get into the fresh air, you will hear a conversation. The bottom line is this: some sorceress Philippa Eilhart is languishing in prison. There are two ways to get into the dungeon. The first way is simple and fast, and the second is simple and lengthy. To complete The Witcher 2, you need to anger the guards, and wait until Geralt gets punched. As a result, you will find yourself in prison. There you will meet the long-awaited Philippa.

After talking with her, you will learn that she knows about Saskia’s secret and wants to use the secret to strengthen a certain magical mysterious society. Unfortunately, the conversation will be interrupted, as the sorceress will be taken away by King Radovid. He will order your companion's eyes to be gouged out, then he will move on to your person. Naturally, they will not take your life right away, but you will need to wait for the council’s decision. But you can’t waste time, so it’s worth getting out of the dungeon.

You won’t have to think for long, as Ambassador Fitz-Esterlen will come. He will talk about his insidious plan, and at this time you will be able to untie yourself with the help of “Igni”. Then there will be a video. There will be a conversation with the already blind Philippa. You will have to make a choice - save her from captivity, or go to help Triss.

Walkthrough of the game The Witcher 2 – Where is Triss?

It is quite logical to go to help Triss. Take Fitz-Esterlen hostage and go with him along the secret passage. The ambassador will show the way along it. You will come out, but directly under the Nilfgard camp. Its settlers do not treat the "White Wolf" very well.

They will kill the ambassador and put a fairly high reward on your head. Their leader will leave, leaving them to be torn to pieces by the faithful dogs. In such a situation, it is best to use the “Quen” sign. When you've dealt with all the bastards, go to the door. You will find that it is closed. Take a detour. There is a staircase near the place where the battle took place. You can use it to climb the walls of the camp. You will have to kill a couple more of the emperor's soldiers.

When you get to the hill, be prepared to fight a bunch of soldiers. At first they will attack three people at a time, then they will knock down dozens of them. When you've killed everyone, climb up the hill and continue to the dungeons. After talking with Renuald aep Matsen, prepare for the next Nilfgardian attack. When you kill them, you need to fight 1 on 1 with Matsen. He is not such a strong fighter, but has a huge supply of vital energy.

After his death, take the keys and go down to the dungeon where Triss is languishing. There will be a rather serious conversation with her.

Walkthrough of the game WITCHER 2 – Meeting of the Sorcerers

When you get out of the camp, the girl will offer to split up. Quite reasonable. Buy a new weapon from the local blacksmith, brew some elixirs, and go to the place where Triss Merigold is waiting for you. The entrance is guarded by soldiers - kill them. Go inside and watch the video. Sheala was sentenced to death for the murder of royalty. But before putting on the shackles, she will call on a tame dragon for help. He will take her away from the battlefield, leaving behind a lot of scorched territory. Geralt was trapped. At the same time, you need to deal with the sorceress, otherwise Saskia will deal with you, becoming a dragon.

Walkthrough of the game The Witcher 2 – And Came the Dragon

Go up the slope and run into the tower. Walk along the steps carefully, they collapse. Among other things, you will be disturbed by a dragon who just wants to fry the hero. When you are at the top of the building, watch the video, activate the crystal until the sorceress is torn into pieces. As a token of gratitude for her rescue, she will want to tell you that she did not kill anyone except King Dimovend. It turns out that the “snake” witcher is to blame for everything. Say goodbye to Sheala and get ready to fight the dragon.

Although the dragon looks formidable, in fact, using the “Quen” sign will help you defeat this bull very easily. When the health of a representative of the old race is at a critical level, a QTE scene will be launched. In it you need to quickly click on the left mouse button. As a result, Saskia, in the guise of a dragon, will fall into a tree and pierce herself through. If you chose the path of saving Triss rather than Felippa, then feel free to leave.

Walkthrough of the game The Witcher 2 - Epilogue: Assassins of Kings

When you arrive in town, you will be greeted by Vernon Roche. He will tell you that Summer is waiting in the shopping area. Having been quite surprised, go to the meeting place. On the way, you will meet marauders ransacking Iovert's body. It's good that the elf is still alive, but he needs help. While Triss is busy treating a sick comrade, you must continue on your way.

When you meet your main enemy nose to nose, you will again have a choice. You can question the Witcher or challenge him to a fight.

If you decide not to fight, then you will go drink vodka with him to find out about the motives that prompted you to do this. So you will find out that Leto killed to revive the witcher school that raised him. If these arguments seem unconvincing to you, you can kill him.

Well, the walkthrough of The Witcher 2 has come to an end. Geralt has cleared his name, the king's killers have been found. But there are new adventures ahead, in which Triss Merigold and Vernon Roche will help!

For several years now, one of the legendary games based on the novel by Andrzej Sapkowski has haunted gamers around the world. Returning home after work or school, they immediately turn on their computers and set off into a world of new adventures, where they will have to help Geralt understand the intrigues and deceptions, and also come out clean, proving that he was not involved in the murder of the king. And thanks to new technologies that have become available through the use of the modern graphics engine RED Engine, you will enjoy fine and very clear depiction of every facial feature, equipment and the surrounding world.

If you are just starting your exploration of the gaming world, you should definitely at least get acquainted with the game "The Witcher 2". It may not draw you in with its plot and you will never learn how to kill a dragon in, but you will still have an idea about the legends of the gaming world and will always be able to carry on a conversation with friends.

So, the bottom line is this: you need to complete quests, additional side tasks, solve puzzles, play mini-games, collect new items, cards, drawings, recipes and tips to successfully complete subsequent missions. The game is quite exciting, but don’t think that you will easily complete everything.

Avid players, choosing medium or hard levels of passage, more than once stocked up on strength and patience to conquer enemies, traveling through cities such as Vizima or Loc Muinne.

In addition, thanks to a well-thought-out plot, during which you still need to find out who killed the king of Temeria, you will certainly become immersed in the game and no one will be able to tear you away from the game action.

To successfully complete one of the main missions of the game, each PC user should gain certain combat skills, acquire good magical defense, agility, potions, and, of course, have the appropriate level, because... in torn clothes and with a frying pan in your hands, you are unlikely to defeat the fire-breathing monster. Therefore, you should not rush to quickly pass certain levels; in pursuit of speed, you will not be able to complete additional quests (side tasks), in which unique artifacts may await you. With their help, you can increase certain characteristics that will not be superfluous in the fight against evil.

So, what should you pay attention to when playing "The Witcher 2":

  • When completing the main task, you will have to make decisions yourself. The further development of the storyline will depend on this. This is very exciting because... allows you to play through the game not just once, but several times and always learn something new, be on your guard and look for unique things.
  • In side quests, the developers also invite all players to decide for themselves what to do with this or that item. For example, in the quest “The Heart of Melitele,” one of the mercenaries, nicknamed Small, made a bet. He will be assured that he can survive with the help of one magical amulet during the assault without the use of any armor. Your role in this story is as follows: you can either confirm that the thing is really enchanted and has some power, or refute this statement. You will learn about the consequences of your choice as the game progresses. But, looking ahead, I note that the amulet will eventually end up in our hands and will help in performing more complex tasks.

If you complete another side quest, which is called “Woe to the Vanquished,” you can receive armor and money as a reward at the end of the mission (in Flotsam). In the quest "Wild Hunt and the return of memory" you will have a chance not only to learn unique information about Herald's past, but also to gain additional experience points that will add strength, agility or endurance to you. In any case, going through the main missions or side quests, each player approaches the final chapter, where he will have a duel with the most dangerous monster of this world.

How to kill a dragon in The Witcher 2 - some nuances and subtleties of a successful battle

After spending more than one hour at the computer and spending a lot of energy, you finally made it to the tower, where you will have to sort things out with the insidious sorceress Sheala. After she mysteriously disappears from the screens of your monitors, a fire-breathing monster will immediately appear, with whom, as you already understand, you will have a difficult fight.

If we consider the strategy on how to kill a dragon in stages, it will look like this:

  1. As soon as you notice the appearance of this character, immediately put “Quen”.
  2. Don't forget to move and dodge close attacks all the time.
  3. counterattack after the dragon swings its claws. It will be more effective to use simple strikes or short combos and immediately run back. Although it seems that the damage done is small, such tactics will save your life and bring you a long-awaited victory.
  4. after the monster loses half its lives, it will fly away, giving you the opportunity to restore your vitality. After catching your breath, climb onto the roof, activate magical protection and remain vigilant. The fight is not going to be easy. Attacks must be continued short, which will consist of a maximum of two strikes. It’s boring, of course, but there’s no other way to defeat this winged creature.
  5. It is best to avoid flames and air attacks by constantly running in a circle. Having exhausted the monster, the final scene will begin, in which you, as always, will be given a choice: kill the dragon or leave it to die in the forest.

Video: How to kill a dragon in The Witcher 2!

While playing the computer game The Witcher 2, you will encounter an ancient dragon several times. The first time he poses a threat to you, and the second time the main character must decide the fate of the enemy. Let's figure out how to kill a dragon in The Witcher 2 and whether it's worth doing.

First meeting

The first time you see this powerful dragon is at the very beginning of the game. In the prologue, Geralt must protect King Foltest from attack. After some time, a winged fire-breathing beast appears on the horizon and begins to destroy everything in its path. This time you won't have to fight him, but just run away. To do this, the game helpfully offers cover and guides the player literally through the plot. After this meeting, you will not have a question about whether to kill the dragon in The Witcher 2. You will meet this enemy only in the very final part of the passage.

Second meeting

The dragon will serve as the final boss (unless you choose to fight Letho at the end of the game). As it turns out during the story, the beast is controlled by the sorceress Sheala. The action takes place on the top floor of the tower, where Geralt sorts things out with the sorceress. She is going to teleport away from the threat, but her fate depends on your hands (let her go in peace, or spoil the teleport, as a result of which the sorceress will be torn into thousands of pieces). After this moment, the wall will be broken by that same dragon and the final battle of several stages will begin. But to kill the dragon in The Witcher 2, you first need to prepare.

Preparing for battle

With the proper skill and patience, you can defeat the enemy with almost any equipment and leveling up. However, we will look at some useful tips. With their help, you can kill the dragon in The Witcher 2 much easier and faster.

For the final battle, it is best to prepare two swords - Deitven and the Forgotten Sword of Vranov. Both weapons increase damage against large monsters, which is great for us.

Second tip: be sure to stock up on potions. The priority will be Thunder and Raffard's Potion. Combined with upgrading Cataclysm to level two and oiled swords, you can kill a dragon in The Witcher 2 very quickly.

Speaking of weapon lubrication. You will need Falka's blood, which is best applied to the sword in advance. Now you are completely ready for battle!

First stage

After the dragon breaks through the tower wall, cast the Quen sign on yourself and dodge the flames. During the break, run up to the monster's head and strike several times. This procedure must be repeated until the enemy has half his health left. The difficulty is increased by the fact that the room at the top of the tower is extremely small, making it almost impossible to dodge. After this, the game will show you a short video.

Second stage of the battle

The action moves to the roof of the tower itself. The dragon has half its HP points left, so it's a small matter. The monster will fly across the entire roof, trying to knock you down. It is enough to dodge with a somersault. Periodically, an enemy will land on the edge and breathe fire on you. To kill a dragon in The Witcher 2, you need to dodge fire and strike several times from the side. The enemy will also attack with his tail over the entire roof area. It is advisable for Geralt to be on the opposite side. When the dragon's health reaches zero, a cut-scene will begin in which you will have to go through a QTE (press the buttons on the keyboard at the right time).

The final stage

To kill the dragon in The Witcher 2 at the third stage, you just need to correctly complete the QTE scene. You will jump on the beast and deliver several fatal blows, after which you and the dragon will fall to the ground. Next, Geralt will have a choice - kill the dragon or leave. In The Witcher 2, this decision does not significantly affect the overall ending of the storyline.

If you completed the game on Iorveth's side, then you will have a dagger with which you can heal the dragon and free it from the shackles of Sheala. If you sided with Roche, then you have the option of leaving the beast alone and leaving. Subsequently, you learn that the monster survived and flew away.

The third option is to finish off the enemy with your own hands, which will lead to some consequences in The Witcher 2. Kill the dragon or leave - it's up to you. In general, it all depends on your preferences and position as you progress through the game. This moment does not affect the ending during the conversation with Leto.

Main quests - general

Where is Triss?

We receive the quest automatically by choosing to save Triss in the quests " for the sake of a great goal" or "in the name of Temeria! "

Stage 1: guide Fitz-Oesterlen to the Nilfgaardian camp

If you follow the path of Iorveth, and decide to save Triss, you will take the ambassador hostage. Enter the sewers and move towards the exit to the Nilfgaardian camp ( M33, 7). The guards will let you through.

If you follow Roche's path, the ambassador can be found behind the door ( M31, 15), leading to the Nilfgaardian camp. After a short conversation, you will also take him hostage and will have to escort him to the camp.

Stage 2: Defeat the Nilfgaardians and find where Triss is being held

In the camp ( M31, 27) will stop you Renuald- unfortunately, your hostage will not impress him and will be killed, and you will have to fight with six soldiers. Try not to move too far away from them, otherwise they will take out their crossbows. The main gate will be closed, so you will have to find another way.

Climb up stairs (M31, 28) to the upper level and move on, eliminating enemies along the way. You have to fight a lot of enemies. They will attack in groups of three. After killing everyone, climb up - there is another battle ahead.

Attention! Sign Heliotrope very useful when fighting a group of enemies. If you have not developed the magic branch, you can redistribute talents in the quest " memory of old years ".

This time focus on battle mage. He is not a strong opponent, but he can cause problems. After eliminating everyone, deal with Renuald .

Stage 3: take the key from Matsen's body and free Triss

After defeating him, take from the body Key to Nilfgaard's camp And Triss's cell key . Go down to the basement ( M31, 29), open the gate with the received key and free Triss. After a short conversation about Bed leave the camp - you can move to the meeting Lodges.

Reward: 2500 XP

You will unlock the quest" Meeting of sorcerers ". A description of this quest can be found below in the general quests section.

Attention! This is your last chance to complete the side quests. Starting the task " meeting of sorcerers ", they will all fail.

Meeting of sorcerers

We receive the quest automatically after completing one of these quests: “spellbreaker”, “where is Triss?” or “flesh of the flesh”

Stage 1: head towards the amphitheater

The quest may look different depending on the side chosen and the decisions made. Near amphitheater (M31, 24) you may encounter:

Iorvet– Iorveth’s path, saved Philippa, completed the quest " spellbreaker ".
Triss– both ways, saved Triss, completed the quest" where is Triss? ".
Roche- Roche's path, saved Anais, completed the quest " flesh of flesh ".

If it is Iorveth, he will deal with the guards himself, but if it is Triss, you will have to deal with them yourself. In the third case, you will meet Roche at the entrance.

The progress of the meeting is almost identical for both paths, but depending on your previous decisions, there are some differences:

Iorveth's Path- you helped Philippa, the ambassador will come to the meeting and bring Leto.
Both ways- you saved Triss, you will intervene in the council and accuse Sheala of murder.
Roche's Path– you saved Anais. If you gave her to Radovid, the girl will rule the country as soon as she grows up; if you gave her to the Temerians, the girl will be crowned.
Roche's Path- If you didn't kill Henselt in Chapter 2, he will join the council.

The dragon will save Sheala from arrest.

You will unlock the quest" and the dragon came ".

And the dragon came

We receive the quest automatically during the quest" meeting of sorcerers"

Stage 1: Defeat the Dragon

Once you've regained control, turn around and run up the stairs to tower (M31, 26), where you will find Shealu. When moving up the stairs, do not stand in one place for a long time, as it will gradually collapse. Watch out for the dragon, as it will break through the wall a couple of times and burst into flames.

At the top of the tower you will meet the sorceress. After a short conversation, Sheala will try to teleport, but someone has replaced the diamond. There are two options:

Do not take out the fake diamond - Sheala will be torn to pieces
Take out the diamond. Sheala will tell you where Yennefer can be found and then teleport away.

Immediately after this, a dragon will appear. The room is quite small, and fighting the dragon in it can be quite difficult. Try not to get too close, as the dragon may bite you or hit you with its paw. Try to attack from the side, thereby causing the maximum possible damage. The dragon can also burst into flames - at this moment it freezes, and you can manage to deliver two or three strong blows. Once the dragon loses enough health, a cutscene will begin and you will have to move to the roof of the tower.

The fight will be similar - attack the head to deal maximum damage. For fire protection use Quen. If the dragon starts shooting fire, run to the opposite side of the roof to avoid damage. From time to time the dragon will fly, attacking in two ways - fire, or flying overhead. In such moments, just dodge. The dragon also climbs the walls of the tower - do not get close to the edge, as it can attack with its tail or bite.

After removing all the dragon's health, a QTE scene will begin - at high difficulty levels you need to jump on the dragon and then stay on it. Having landed in the forest, we decide his fate:

If you saved Philippa (Iorveth's path), you will save the dragon and exchange a few words with Saskia.
In other cases (rescued by Triss or Anais) you can kill the dragon or leave it to die.

You will unlock the quest" assassins of kings " (epilogue).

Side quests (general)

Poker Game: Loc Muinne

We receive the quest from Adrian Cherny, Adeline, Philly or Eilai

Stage 1: Beat the elves at dice poker

IN Kaedweni camp you will find several people eager to play dice. First you need to defeat two elves: Philly And Eilai .

Attention! Don't throw the dice too hard as they may fly off the playing field. In this case, their result is not counted.

After rolling, you can choose which dice you want to roll again and then increase your bet. After the second throw, the game ends and the one with the most points wins.

Possible combinations: none, pair, two pair, three of a kind, four of a kind, small and big straight (1-5 or 2-6 respectively), full house (three dice of the same value and one pair) and poker (all five dice of the same value) .

Stage 2: Beat the sorcerer at dice poker

Your next opponent will be Adrian Cherny - he is sitting at a table nearby.

Stage 3: Beat the sorcerer's apprentice at dice poker

The next opponent is a young student Adeline, sitting next to the sorcerer. This time the game will be more difficult because luck favors her.

Stage 4: Beat Lockhart the Incredible at Dice Poker

Your last opponent is Lockhart the Incredible , stands on the square ( M31, 18). After defeating him, you will be able to take gold, or choose one of three items: the rune of earth and fire, runic armor enhancement, or a blueprint for strengthening the corvid shell.

Arm wrestling: Lok Muinne

We take the quest from notice boards or take it from the Mighty Numa

Stage 1: Defeat the Mighty Numa in arm wrestling

You can take the quest from notice boards (M31, 19), or by speaking directly to Numoy. You can find it near the entrance to the sewer ( M31, 17). There are two options:

Start to fight By the mighty Numa - most likely you will lose. Description in stage 2, option A.
Talk with Marcus, student of Numa. From him you will learn that Numa uses the elixir to increase strength. Description in stage 2, option B.

Stage 2, Option A: Fight Numa

If you decide to fight, you will most likely lose. There will be two options:

Admit defeat - you won't win until you talk to Marcus and you won't know that Numa cheats. Let's move on to stage 2, option B.
Tell him that he is cheating - this will be possible if you have completed the quest " arm wrestling " in the second chapter or talked to Marcus .

Participation rate : 100 – 200

By accusing him of deception, you can:

Fight him ( QTE). Having lost, it will be fair to fight in the arms of Numa.

Additional reward: 25 XP + 25 XP

Intimidate him - if this succeeds, the fight in the arms of Numa will be fair.

Additional reward: 10 XP + 25 XP

Reward: 100 XP and

Stage 2, option B: talk to Marcus

If you first talk to Numa's student, you will learn that its owner uses a potion to increase strength, and for the symbolic sum of 200 orens you can purchase it too.

You can fight Numa knowing that he is cheating.
You can buy and drink an elixir, which will automatically equalize your chances with Numa - then you will win without any problems.

Additional reward: 25 XP

Reward: 100 XP and drawing of strong long gloves

Encrypted manuscript

We receive the quest during the task " order for gargoyles", found in one of the chests ancient manuscript(M31, 10).

Stage 1: Find someone who can decipher the magical records

During the quest" order for gargoyles "in one of the chests you will find ancient manuscript . Unfortunately, you won’t be able to read it yourself, so you should contact Brasu of Ban Arda (M31, 20). To read the manuscript he will need the following ingredients: queen endriag pheromones , blood of a necker warrior , duckling brain And harpy egg(the latter can be replaced tongue of foulbrood ).

Stage 2: get Bras from Ban Ard the ingredients to remove the spell

If in previous chapters you completed side quests and collected ingredients from monsters, you should have everything you need. If something is missing, you most likely will not be able to complete the quest. Although, in the sewer ( M31, 16) can be obtained duckling brain (M33, 3). Foulbrood's Tongue can be found there, but only during the quest" spellbreaker ".

Once you've collected everything you need, talk to Bras (M31, 20). He will decipher the manuscript - you will receive drawing of the Kerma sword .

Reward: 50 XP

Order for gargoyles

We take the quest from notice boards(M31, 19)

Stage 1: Learn more about gargoyles

To find out more about gargoyles, you just need to kill them - they can be found in three places: ( M31.5), (M31, 10) And ( M31, 21). You can also talk to Bras from Ban Ard ( M31, 20), or buy from him or Felicia Corey (M31, 25) book about gargoyles.

Stage 2: Find and deactivate magic seals

You will learn that gargoyles are magical creatures that guard the city and attack anyone in the protected area. To get rid of the monsters, you need to find and deactivate the magical seals that hold the gargoyles. There are three rooms with seals: south of the main gate ( M31.5), north of the main gate ( M31, 10) and near the amphitheater ( M31, 21).

In each room you will find a chest and four signs that need to be deactivated in the right order. To understand the meaning of each of them, you can buy four books" runes of power"y Brasa of Ban Arda (M31, 20) or Felicia Corey (M31, 25). Each of them contains a description of three runes - first you need to identify the four found in the room. In the screenshots below you can see the names of each of the runes.

The death rune resembles a scythe

The rune of time resembles an open hourglass or bowl

The beast rune looks like a snake crawling along a river bed

The rune of the sky is like a line on a parallelogram or, as some say, like pursed lips

To open the chest, you need to deactivate the signs in the proper order. In each room you will find notes with hints. Below you will find verses corresponding to the marked runes. After combining the information, deactivate the signs in the proper order. They are marked with colors: rune of death , time , beast , sky .

Attention! In each room, one of two combinations is possible.

Attention! In the northern basement ( M31, 10) you will encounter golem .

South basement (M31, 5)

Option 1(first rune combination):

The long shadow of a chamois,
The moon sings quietly.

Deactivation order: beast, sky, death, time.

Option 2(second combination of runes):

Three field mice
Dancing in a circle on sunset .
Stars like grains.

Deactivation order: beast, death, time, sky.

Northern basement (M31, 10)

Option 1(third rune combination):

Shiny fish
Quiet die on the fresco,

Deactivation order: beast, time, death, sky.

Option 2(fourth rune combination):

This comet ,
As if wolf on day ,
Lullaby of Evil.

Deactivation order: sky, beast, time, death.

Attention! In the chest you will find ancient manuscript , which activates the quest " encrypted manuscript ".

Basement near the amphitheater (M31, 21)

Option 1(fifth combination of runes):

Clouds as if bees ,
The bell is ringing .

Deactivation order: death, sky, beast, time.

Option 2(sixth combination of runes):

On darkened sky
The beauty of falcon flight.
Faster and faster.

Deactivation order: sky, death, beast, time.

Stage 3: collect the reward from Bras of Ban Ard

After breaking all the seals, return to Brasu of Ban Arda (M31, 20) for a reward.

Reward: 150 XP


Assassins of Kings

We receive the quest automatically upon completion of the quest "And Came the Dragon"

Stage 1: Find Summer

Depending on the side you chose and the decisions made, at the entrance to the city you will meet one of three characters:

Iorvet– the path of Iorveth, you saved Philippa.
Triss- both ways, you saved Triss.
Roche– Roche’s way, you saved Anais.

You will find out what happened during your absence, and together with your companion you will go to meet with Summer (M31.9). Along the way you will meet Nilfgaardian knights (the path of Iorveth, they saved Philip), or the Kaedwen (other options).

If you chose the path of Iorveth and saved Triss, the elf will be beaten by soldiers - you can intervene and save him, or leave him to his fate.

Having reached Summer, you can choose one of two endings:

Let him go. The game will end
Fight him. Description below.

Attention! During the conversation, your memory will return for the last time, thereby ending the quest" return of memory ".

Stage 2: Defeat Summer

The final fight isn't very difficult. Very useful Heliotrope, slowing down the enemy. With its help, you will quickly defeat Leto even on high difficulty levels.

Attention! If you haven't upgraded your Signs, you can redistribute your skill points in the quest " memory of old years ".

If you don't have this ability, the fight may be a little harder and longer. Just like in your first encounter, use Quen, and don't attack while Leto has him active. Dodge his bombs and Signs. Reduce the distance with quick attacks and try to attack from behind. When Letho dies, you will leave Loc Muinne with Iorveth/Triss/Roche.

Congratulations, you have completed the game!


M31 Lok Muinne

Attention! The card is the same for both sides. If a point belongs to a certain side, after its description it will be indicated in brackets: (Iorvet) or (Roche).

1. A crevice - you need to jump over it.
2. Cave No. 3
3. Exit from cave No. 3
4. Destroyed wall – connected with the quest “in the name of a great goal!” We get through it to Loc Muinne.
5. Basement / gargoyles – connected with the quest “order for gargoyles”.
7. South side door
8. North side door
9. The square is filled with soldiers. If you are on bad terms with them, stay away.
Summer – connected with the quest “Assassins of Kings”.
10. Basement / gargoyles – connected with the quest “order for gargoyles”.
11. Julien / Knights of Nilfgaard - one of the patrols that always attacks you.
12. Adrian Cherny, Adelina, Philly, Eilaya - associated with the quest "poker game: Loc Muinne".
Zilgarth – connected with the quest “Old Scores” (Iorveth).
13. Collapsed wall - allows you to move to another part of the city.
14. Harpies
15. Knights of Nilfgaard
Ambassador Fitz-Esterlen – connected with the quest “where is Triss” (Roche).
16. Sewerage
17. Mighty Numa / Marcus - associated with the quest "Handwrestling: Loc Muinne".
18. Lockhart the Incredible - connected with the quest "Poker Game: Loc Muinne".
19 Notice board – take the quests “Hand Fight: Loc Muinne” and “Order for Gargoyles”.
20. Bras from Ban Arda – connected with the quests “order for gargoyles”, “encrypted manuscript”, “memory of old years”, “mystical river”.
21. Basement / gargoyles – connected with the quest “order for gargoyles”
22. Dungeon
23. Philippa Eilhart's apartment - connected with the quest "spellbreaker" (Iorveth).
24. Entrance to the amphitheater – connected with the quest “meeting of sorcerers”.
25. Felicia Corey – associated with the quest “order for gargoyles”.
26. Tower – connected with the quest “And Came the Dragon.”
27. Nilfgaardian camp
28. Stairs
29. Triss – connected with the quest “where is Triss”.
30. Roche – connected with the quest “in the name of Temeria!” (Roche).
31. Barton – connected with the quest “old scores” (Roche).
32. Sewer – connected with the quest “Flesh of the Flesh” (Roche).
33. Tower of Detmold – connected with the quest “flesh of flesh” (Roche).

M32 Cave No. 3

1. Lok Muinne - exit ( M31, 2).
2. A crevice - you need to jump over it.
3. Glavoglaz
4. Endriaga Warrior
5. Lok Muinne - exit ( M31, 3).

M33 Sewerage

1. Lok Muinne - exit (M31, 16).
2. Guardian – connected with the quest “Memory of Old Years”.
3. Duckcat
4. Chest – connected with the quest “mystical river”.
5. Lok Muinne - exit (M31, 22).
6. Loc Muinne - exit (M31, 23) - connected with the quest "spellbreaker" (Iorveth).
7. Lok Muinne - exit (M31, 27).
8. Lok Muinne - exit (M31, 18) (Roche).
9. Roche – connected with the quest “Flesh of the Flesh” (Roche).
10. Lok Muinne - exit (M31, 32) (Roche).
! foulbroods , large foulbroods – connected with the quest “spellbreaker” (Iorveth).

mr. jack, thanks, I made the corrections

Maybe, of course, this will not be such an important consequence in the future to mention, who knows... but if we don’t go to save Triss, then Shilard Fitz-Esterlen survives and, accordingly, comes to the meeting, telling the names of absolutely all the sorceresses of the Lodge, well except for the late Sabrina and Yennefer, who essentially is no longer there. I just considered this an important point and decided to mention it) maybe everyone there will find out about the Lodge anyway, by the beginning of the 3rd part of the game) but still.

While I was writing, I also remembered a moment) as far as I understand, only during the playthrough as Iorvet does Assire var Anagyd die, when Shilyard kills her with a knife, after Triss’s decompression? There doesn’t seem to be this scene for Roche, as far as I found out, I haven’t played for him yet. If such a difference exists, then this point could also be mentioned) Assire is not the last character, as far as the books are concerned. I really liked her character in the books, so I defend her rights to be mentioned in the walkthrough xD

Well, that’s actually what I wanted to say about the matter)

P.S. I’m just looking for a passage option where a minimum of sorceresses suffer) because I consider it important to mention these points, maybe someone shares this “predilection” of mine and this information in the walkthrough will be useful for building your own “pro-sorcerer” passage

I propose to put mark No. 34 on the map of Lok Muine - catacombs, the entrance to which is located in the central tower of the city on the market square. For a description of the quest "The Secrets of Loc Muine" appearing in the expanded edition.
Judging by my experience, if you play as Iorveth, then two scientists who in Flotsam propose some kind of “murky” experiments on the witcher appear in Lok Muin. This couple recruits Geralt to guard a “scientific expedition” to the city’s catacombs. Having agreed to help them, we activate the quest “Secrets of Lok Muine”. Going down the spiral staircase of the tower we will see two doors. Entering the first one we will come across a couple of brooks and ghosts. Apart from trash and unsolved "singing crystals" there is nothing valuable. Behind the second door, “scientists” and... Cynthia, paired with a Nilf magician, are waiting for us. I must say that this magician is a rare idiot. So, our choice is: kill them on the spot or help in research. Having killed, we fail the quest, but we leave with the head of a true patriot raised. Having agreed to help, we relishly hack the little guy in the liver, hinting that a good nilf is a dead nilf. So let's move out... In the catacombs as usual. Rotfiends, Endriags, even with the queen and... Redanian guests! Having cleared the corridors of monsters, we give the initiative to the “scientists”. Cynthia disenchants the first secret door by removing the illusion. To pass, you need to guess the riddle recited by a huge spotlight eye above the door. One of the “scientists” gets burned when he answers incorrectly. Geralt gives the correct answer - time. Let's go in. We beat the Redans or stand in a dark niche, the magicians can handle it themselves. Again the eye-searchlight broadcasting a riddle. A riddle in three stanzas of verse. The first stanza is the answer to the dragon constellation. The second is the moon. The third is a fortress (not a tower). We arrange people in niches with frescoes. Geralt to the fortress, Cynthia to the constellation, the magician to the moon. If everything is correct, then the door to the vault will open for you, but the last scientist will be burned. There's a huge talking golem in the vault. I couldn’t talk him out of it, although it’s obvious that there is such a possibility. After the battle, we examine the bookshelves and collect the scientist’s manuscripts. There are 5 of them. In addition, Cynthia finds another illusion, under which a mentoscope is hidden. In dialogue with her, we learn the meaning of our history and make a choice. 1. Use the mentoscope 1 time (a duel of magicians will arise, Cynthia will probably win and then suggest hmm.. what else can you offer). 2. Create a scandal by taking everything.

An American delegation arrives at the Soviet plant. They walk around the workshop and see: a master and a worker are standing near the machine. The translator is American and was asked to translate.
She, slightly embarrassed, translates:
- The master says to the worker: “Someone has entered into an intimate relationship with your mother, you, walking woman, even this raped cog, walking woman, you can’t, walking woman, do the right thing, walking woman. The director, a walking woman, will give you a good female genital organ, a walking woman, and will enter into an intimate relationship with you through the anus, a walking woman, if because of you, a passive homosexual, the plan again breaks down on the penis, a walking woman who should complete the plant!” In response to this, the worker replies that the worker has already entered into an intimate relationship with the director’s vocal organs, that the worker has entered into an intimate relationship with all the gears in the factory and, what is most incredible: he rotated the plant with all its plans on his penis!

guys, for those who don’t know, the encrypted manuscript quest can be completed in the third chapter, even if you haven’t collected anything before, but as I understand it, only for a roche. Foulbrood’s tongue and duckbill’s brain can be obtained in the sewer, yes. The harpy egg on the broken wall in the city (killing harpies) is also true. But by completing the important witness quest for Roche (seeing off Brigid), you can get the blood of the Nekers in the caves and by leaving the cave and chopping three cocoons-pheromones of Queen Endriag, who will appear shortly after the destruction of the cocoons. However, I don’t see the point in making a core, the drawing of which you will receive after all this, since by accompanying the same brigade in the same caves you can find a Sword Dancer which is much more powerful than both the core and the forgotten sword of the corvids initially. To my great regret, the Dancer has not yet been added to the local encyclopedia and no one can be sure of this. But here are its parameters:
"Dancer": Category "Magic Sword"

Dear offname, thank you for describing this quest!))
I’ll add it for those who still want to chat with the golem, and not fight with him.

So Geralt begins a dialogue with the golem guarding Daerhenna’s workshop. [Attention, using Axii is useless, because the golem is not a living creature!]
The essence of the conversation is to collect more information about Daerhenn and about the guard himself, only after that the necessary remark in the conversation will arise. I achieved this as follows [but this is not the only possible combination]:
1. Who created you?
1.1. Let's talk about Daerhenn.
1.2. May I ask you your name?
1.3. Let's talk about something else. [Return to main dialogue]
2. Who are you really?
2.1. Who might you miss?
2.2. Was there anyone here before us?

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