How to level up all the perks in the Inquisition. Is the "Warrior with two-handed weapon" class even playable? How to quickly level up your character in Dragon Age: Inquisition - Tips

The attributes in the game are still the same six, however, now they cannot be changed independently, that is, the increase occurs automatically and directly depends on the character’s class. All attributes influence a certain parameter, and it is different for each class. However, the calculations use the same formula, where the value of 10 is necessarily subtracted from the attribute. That is, let’s say you play as a warrior whose “strength” attribute is equal to 21, then his attack bonus will be: 11*0,005 = 0,055 * 100% = 5,5% .

    1) Force– increases the character’s physical abilities. Each point increases the defensive damage bonus (by 1 percent per promotion) and the attack rating of warriors (by 0.5 percent per promotion).

    2) Dexterity– increases the character’s composure, reaction and agility. Each point increases your critical damage bonus (works for all classes) and attack rating (by 0.5 percent per upgrade).

    3) Magic– increases the character’s connection with the Shadow and improves the ability to manipulate it. Each point increases the damage bonus per barrier (by 1 percent per upgrade) and increases the attack rating (by 0.5 percent per upgrade).

    4) Cunning– is responsible for the character’s intelligence and cunning. Each point increases defense against ranged attacks and critical strike chance (by 1 percent per upgrade).

    5) Strength of will– increases the character’s determination and spiritual fortitude. Each point increases magic defense and attack performance (by 0.5 percent per increase).

    6) Body type– is responsible for the endurance and physical strength of the character. Each point increases melee defense and health indicators (for all classes by +5 for promotion).

Magic automatically increases magicians after gaining a level, the strength is at warriors, and dexterity is robbers. For every two levels the increase is 1 unit. “Not enough,” you say, but you should know that you can increase attributes by developing various abilities, for example, Static Charge, when opened, increases Constitution by 3 units. You can also increase the values ​​of attributes using high-level equipment, which gives a very high bonus to these indicators.

As you can guess from the name of this subheading, the main indicator here is attack. This characteristic increases all damage that the character inflicts on his opponents. It is expressed as a percentage and is added to the total damage from the weapon. Attack is mainly affected by the class attribute, but it can also depend on the hero's abilities and the equipment he is wearing.

Guide to the attribute system and features of pumping up a Tank

Guide to the attribute system and features of pumping up a Tank

Critical Chance(depends on the “cunning” attribute) affects the chance of inflicting damage on the enemy, increased by the indicator indicated next to the Critical Damage Bonus (depending on the agility attribute). Critical damage is demonstrated in battle by large, bright numbers above the enemy.

An equally important parameter is armor penetration, since each additional percentage ignores one point of enemy armor.

Parameter healing on kill shows how likely it is that your finishing blow will restore some of your health. Bonus damage when attacking from the flank Demonstrates the percentage damage bonus your character receives when attacking an enemy from behind or from the side.

Bleeding on contact shows how likely it is that your hit will cause the target to bleed once it lands. This negative effect lasts for a few seconds. Index stun on hit works the same as the above parameter, but instead of bleeding it causes stun on the enemy.

Naturally, the most important parameter here is health, because as soon as it drops to zero, your character will immediately fall without creation and lose the ability to fight for his life. If all party members die during the battle, then you will have to replay the battle from the very beginning. The fallen hero can be raised again, but for this it is necessary that no one bothers his companion to bring his seriously wounded comrade to his senses. The characters' health, unfortunately or fortunately, does not automatically regenerate over time. The game presents only four methods of restoring it, namely:

Guide to the attribute system and features of pumping up a Tank

Guide to the attribute system and features of pumping up a Tank

    Using health elixirs (eight pieces are issued for the entire group; you can replenish their supply in camps, fortresses and in the Shelter; the maximum number can be increased to twelve pieces);

    Using restoration elixirs (increases health not immediately, but gradually; each character can have his own supply of restoration potions);

    Throwing bombs healing mist(the healing power is less than that of a health potion, but it acts over a certain radius and, after improvement, is capable of raising party members who are not created):

    Visiting camps, fortresses and the Shelter automatically restores the heroes' health.

An increase in health occurs when the character level and its attribute increase body type. In addition to the health scale, the hero is saved from fainting by a spell such as barrier(a strip of blue light displayed above the health school) and the parameter defense(“torn” gray stripe displayed above the health scale).

Only warriors can increase the defense indicator. However, the ability Horn of Valor, for example, can provide defense to non-warrior companions. Initially, this parameter is zero, but it gradually increases during battles and remains so until someone is able to completely break through it or the group decides to go to a new location using fast travel. The maximum value of this indicator depends on a number of warrior abilities. By default, it is a quarter of your maximum health.

Guide to the attribute system and features of pumping up a Tank

Guide to the attribute system and features of pumping up a Tank

Mages are able to impose a barrier on themselves and their comrades in arms. In terms of effectiveness, it is somewhat weaker than defenses” and becomes less effective over time, so it should be placed immediately before the battle.

Thus, when the heroes are attacked by enemies, all the damage is first taken by the barrier (if one has been created), then the defense begins to disappear (again, if there was one at all) and only then the characters lose health.

Protection from magic represents the percentage of resistance to damage from elemental and magical attacks. There are also options sustainability to various elements (cold, fire, spirit magic and electricity), expressed as a percentage. These bonuses are given from various equipment and abilities. You can also get a permanent bonus to resistance from different elements by completing new zones in the Solasan Temple. If we talk about the parameter stun by getting hit, then it shows how high the chance is that the enemy will be stunned after an attack on the character.

The main protection parameter is armor level. It reduces the physical damage the character takes. Armor level before demonstrates how much physical damage the armor will absorb when attacking the hero from the front. This indicator is relevant for warriors fighting with a shield. In this case, you can see how much damage the shield blocks.

Although the previous parameters and attributes changed in the third part, they are still familiar to many players, which cannot be said about concentration. It is a completely new parameter, which is a special resource that is acquired by the character when causing damage to opponents. Even one hero can attack, but the entire party will accumulate concentration. Initially, it is distributed evenly among all group members, but with the help of equipment bonuses it can be distributed slightly differently. The Inquisitor also has a unique passive ability called Coordinated Action, which makes it possible to increase the accumulation of this indicator while performing cross-class combinations.

Guide to the attribute system and features of pumping up a Tank

Guide to the attribute system and features of pumping up a Tank

The concentration parameter comes in three levels, obtained gradually as you progress through the game. The maximum value of the first level is one hundred units. If you pump up the organization from Cullen, then this figure can be increased to three hundred units. Surely you are wondering why concentration is needed at all. The fact is that each character (and to be more precise, all specializations and the Inquisitor) have special abilities that consume concentration. They have incredible power and efficiency. Their usefulness will directly depend on the concentration scale. Quickly moving around the map or arriving at the Vault does not reset this parameter. Don’t forget about the existence of concentration, because in difficult battles it can save your squad’s life.

Mana/Stamina are necessary to use abilities, however, in Dragon Age: Inquisition these parameters have changed slightly - from the very beginning of the game it is maximum and amounts to one hundred units. In addition, they are not affected by willpower in any way. You can increase them using elixirs (temporary effect) or inventory bonuses. They can be improved qualitatively by reducing the cost of abilities and reducing their cooldown time.

Level cannot be called an attribute in the traditional sense of the word, but a lot in the game still depends on it, so you need to pay special attention to gaining experience. Experience points are given to all party members at once, but each character has their own experience scale, for this reason the heroes will not receive the next levels at the same time. Also keep an eye on the level of your opponents. The developers have completely removed auto-leveling for enemies from the game. All locations in Inquisition are divided into several zones - in the initial ones you will encounter only low-level opponents, and in later locations - only high-level ones.

Guide to the attribute system and features of pumping up a Tank

Guide to the attribute system and features of pumping up a Tank

I do not recommend engaging in battle with enemies who are three levels or more superior to you. Yes, if you win, you will be given a lot of experience, but there is a high probability that your squad will simply be killed, and this will not even be done by bosses, but by ordinary opponents. In addition, you should not expect that you will be able to kill weak enemies in batches, receiving a “sea” of experience for this. The fact is that the game does not give out experience points for opponents whose level is three or more below yours. The only thing you will get from them is mediocre “loot” (equipment).

As you gain new levels, you will be given ability points - one point per level. They must be spent on discovering new skills. You can also get skill points by using amulets of power, tied to certain characters and issued for completing certain quests.

Upgrading the tank

Inquisition is a party-based role-playing game in which each hero must effectively fulfill their assigned role, otherwise each battle will be difficult for you (of course, we are talking only on high levels of difficulty). Before we look at upgrading a tank, I would like to talk about what the main roles are in such projects.

    1) Damager(DD) - this is the name of the character who deals maximum damage. Almost any class can fill this role. His main task is to inflict huge damage on the enemy, but in such a way as not to attract the attention of this very enemy, otherwise he can switch from a tank to a damage dealer. In Dragon Age: Inquisition, the Rogue plays this role best.

    2) Tank– as can be understood from the name, this character must take all the damage from opponents. Its functions include performing two tasks: provoking the enemy and the ability to withstand his attacks. Warriors are best suited for this role.

    3) Controller– is able to have a negative impact on enemies by controlling their behavior. Any class can act as it, but the most effective controllers are made from magicians, since they have abilities with which you can stun (keep in one place), scare and repel enemies.

    4) Support(support) – the developers decided to completely cut out healers (mages who can heal their comrades) from the game, and therefore support mages came to the fore in Inquisition. Their spells are mainly based on a barrier, which can not only strengthen the defense of their comrades in arms, but also give them certain bonuses.

Guide to the attribute system and features of pumping up a Tank

Guide to the attribute system and features of pumping up a Tank

Firstly, as you already know, for each level increase or use of an amulet of power, the character is given one ability point, with which you can unlock new skills for the hero. We advise you to first improve the skills you already have open. The fact is that the game has a limit on the number of slots intended for abilities. You will not be able to install more than eight skills in the quick access menu, that is, if you open the ninth, you will either have to not use it, or replace another ability with it.

Secondly, in Inquisition, skill damage directly depends on the damage of the weapon you use. Therefore, if you think that the abilities are not effective enough, then you should create or find a new, stronger weapon.

Thirdly, the game provides an option friendly fire, which can greatly influence the choice of skills you unlock. You should know that spells that have a range can hit your companions.

Tank features

So, as I said earlier, the tank must withstand all enemy attacks and prevent them from attacking its allies. He must always be at the forefront of the group. If the Inquisitor is not a tank, then I advise you to switch to a character of this type when exploring locations, so that the tank is always the first to engage the enemy.

Guide to the attribute system and features of pumping up a Tank

Guide to the attribute system and features of pumping up a Tank

During the development of the tank, it is necessary to pay attention to three types of abilities: the first should help to get closer to enemies as quickly as possible; the second is to increase aggression on the part of the enemy; third - increase the character's defense.

Usefulness of abilities in the "Weapon and Shield" category
Silent defense is one of the most important skills for a tank equipped with a shield, so its use is mandatory. The warrior places a shield in front of himself and blocks all damage due to his endurance. Enemy attacks increase the tank's defense indicator. A complement to blind defense is Chevalier's gait, which gives a 30 percent armor bonus to all companions within four meters of the tank. I also recommend opening it if possible.

Don't say that revenge is a useful ability for a tank, but for a low-level character it can be very useful, since it can be used to push away weak opponents. Moreover, without it we cannot open the arrow deflection skill we need. It is recommended to use revenge against enemies who have managed to inflict damage on the character.

Boom deflection– reduces damage from front shooting attacks by fifty percent, and also increases physique by three units. There are a lot of archers in the game, so we definitely take this ability.

Blind defense works most effectively together with military determination. This ability restores ten percent stamina for every 10 percent health lost. This allows you to use blind defense repeatedly.

Guide to the attribute system and features of pumping up a Tank

Guide to the attribute system and features of pumping up a Tank

If you look at the description of the ability bear trembles wolves, you can see that it prevents opponents from flanking the tank and reduces the chance that the character will be stunned when attacked from the front. However, no numbers are given here, so it is not known exactly by what percentage the chance of being stunned is reduced.

Snatch with a twist– this ability can be used to quickly approach an enemy, since when using it, the character makes a strong dash forward and deals a powerful blow to the enemy. With it you can increase the damage done by your tank.

A not entirely useful ability for a tank is shield strike. It makes it possible to destroy the enemy's defenses, but in no way improves our own defenses. There is no need to open it.

Blade deflection– an excellent passive ability that increases resistance to damage dealt from the front by twenty percent. Combines perfectly with the Arrow Deflection skill.

Usefulness of abilities in the Two-Handed Weapon category
I will say right away that a tank with a two-handed weapon in Inquisition is not the best solution. Yet Iron Bull More suitable for the role of damage dealer. However, you can try to make a tank out of it.

Guide to the attribute system and features of pumping up a Tank

Guide to the attribute system and features of pumping up a Tank

Block and shoulder strike represents the main tank type ability in this category. I recommend taking it at the very beginning. With its help, the character repels the enemy's first attack and immediately delivers a powerful counterattack. Additional ability impeccable protection increases defense for each successfully repelled attack.

When opening progress of the battle Each critical hit will reduce the recovery speed of the character's abilities. The tank deals few critical hits, but I still recommend taking this ability to unlock the next ability.

Using the ability hilt strike You can stun the enemy for a short period of time. This is the best control skill for warriors. In addition, there is a high probability that after being stunned, the enemy will attack the tank with a two-handed weapon.

There are no more useful abilities for a tank in this category. If you have nowhere to spend points, you can open shieldbreaker– This ability allows the character’s critical hits to penetrate shields and armor, destroying the enemy’s armor.

The usefulness of abilities in the “Combat Master” category
This category is aimed mainly at controlling the battle, or more precisely at helping your companions and weakening your opponents.

Guide to the attribute system and features of pumping up a Tank

Guide to the attribute system and features of pumping up a Tank

By using hook the warrior pulls the enemy towards him, thereby distracting him from the battle with another party member. Improved option - hook with slap- not only makes it possible to bring the enemy to you, but also to give him a good blow, and with such force that he leaves the battle for three seconds. A very useful ability for a tank, so we definitely take it.

Ability crippling blows weakens enemies - the fact is that each critical attack will reduce the enemy's damage by fifteen percent. If your equipment is focused on delivering such attacks, then the skill will be useful in battle, but it seems to me that the tank does not really need it.

Tendon trimming– when attacking from the back, a warrior is able to slow down the enemy by fifty percent. However, a tank rarely comes up behind someone, so the usefulness of this skill is also questionable. In general, I note that you should open them only in order to get to other abilities in this branch.

Take combat somersault I don't recommend it. If you look at the description, you can see that it allows the tank to get out of the thick of the battle and go behind enemy lines. Firstly, the tank, on the contrary, always needs to be in the center of the battle. Secondly, you can get closer to the enemy using a dash with a twist from the Shield and Sword category.

Strike of Mercy– Damage dealt to stunned or knocked down enemies increases by thirty percent. The tank, in principle, does little damage, so this ability can only be opened as a passing ability.

Guide to the attribute system and features of pumping up a Tank

Guide to the attribute system and features of pumping up a Tank

Better take a look at the skill deep reserves, increasing the speed of stamina building by almost fifty percent. Works great together with deep defense.

War Horn– with its help you can scare all enemies nearby for six seconds. Additional ability broken spirit It also reduces the armor of enemies and increases the defense damage of companions. Works great in conjunction with Battlecry, so be sure to pick it up whenever possible.

Ability horn of courage More suitable for a support tank, as it gives a bonus to damage and armor to all his comrades in arms.

Usefulness of Vanguard abilities
This category contains abilities that help the tank protect its allies on the battlefield. Most of the skills located on the bottom right are aimed at protecting comrades in arms, and on the bottom left - the character himself. Decide for yourself what to open first. However, if you control the tank yourself, then it is better to choose the abilities of the right branch. Only the first two top abilities are required to open.

A very useful ability is battle cry. It is capable of provoking all nearby enemies, and also increases defense by twenty percent for each enemy that “responds.” Additional ability call to arms also increases armor by two hundred percent (lasts ten seconds). True, it takes almost a third of the entire stamina scale, plus it takes more than twenty seconds to reload. For this reason, it should be used in such a way as to affect the maximum number of enemies.

Guide to the attribute system and features of pumping up a Tank

Guide to the attribute system and features of pumping up a Tank

A more economical version of the battle cry is considered challenge to a duel. It operates, of course, over longer distances, but is only capable of covering one enemy at a time. But it costs less and provokes one hundred percent, plus increases defense by ten percent. I recommend using it during boss battles.

Mad bull– using this ability, the warrior accelerates his run and crashes into enemies, knocking them down and increasing his defense. But you should know that when using it, the character will run until he runs out of stamina or runs into some obstacle. You can turn it off manually yourself. Unfortunately, the computer is not able to use this skill effectively, since sometimes the tank simply runs away from the battlefield in an unknown direction. I recommend removing the crazy bull in tactics. If you constantly control the tank, then this skill works great together with the battle cry.

In a deep defense, the ability will be very useful unwavering defense, which increases the maximum defense value by a quarter. It would also be a good idea to open the ability faith in steel, giving a 20% bonus to armor.

An ambiguous ability can be considered retribution, which returns fifteen percent of the damage they dealt to enemies. The fact is that the tank is usually equipped with powerful armor, and therefore receives very little damage. However, you will still have to unlock this ability if you want to gain access to the Unbreakable skill.

Guide to the attribute system and features of pumping up a Tank

Guide to the attribute system and features of pumping up a Tank

Inflexibility instantly gives the character a 10% bonus to defense for each enemy nearby. It costs nothing and takes over thirty seconds to recover. Pairs well with the Warcry ability.

With ability bodyguard your tank will take all hits aimed at your companions and receive part of the damage from them (fifty percent). The addition to this ability reduces damage taken by half.

Choosing a Specialization

The warrior has three different specializations, but the tank will only be useful Knight, since in the branch of this subclass there are abilities that increase the character’s defense and allow him to more effectively distract opponents. Yet Ripper focused more on damage, and therefore will be useful to the damage dealer, and Templar effective only against demons and magicians, so in battle with other enemies it will be ineffective. By the way, you can get the Knight from Lord Chancer, the Ripper from Thram, and the Templar from Ser.

Now let's look at the Vityaz's abilities: Line in the sand is a very useless thing, especially if the tank is controlled by a computer. For it to be effective, you must either stand directly in front of a group of opponents, or be in a narrow corridor. Therefore, it should be opened only for the sake of other abilities.

The following ability is considered the only good replacement for blind defense. By using walking fortress You can protect the character not only from the front, but also from the sides and back. Its improved version also increases the tank's defense every time an enemy hits it. Its duration is short, but it is capable of saving the hero during mass battles, when a group of enemies is immediately attacking the tank.

The knight also has good passive abilities - for example, stronghold increases maximum defense by a quarter, stronghold adds twenty percent to armor, and durability allows you to stun an enemy attacking a tank. There are also intransigence, which allows the character to survive even the most powerful attack.

You can attract the attention of enemies using counterstrike. It also gives the tank maximum defense and allows him to constantly carry out counterattacks - this will help tie enemies to your knight for a long time.

A very risky ability is to death, since if you use it when fighting a boss, you can receive huge damage, but the enemy will also be seriously injured in this case. I recommend not to take risks and it is better to use the battle cry along with the war horn. Yes, it costs more, but your tank will remain safe and sound. However, her additional ability is not bad - it increases the tank’s defense for each attack it makes on an enemy.

Thus, the Vityaz is perfect for a tank, so it is safe to say that the best tank in Dragon Age: Inquisition is Blackwall(in addition to the Inquisitor, of course, if he was upgraded as a tank). Cassandra(Templar) has a good bonus to fighting demons and magicians, but she only has one passive ability, which gives her a bonus to defense against enemy attacks. Iron Bull with a two-handed weapon it is better not to use it as a tank at all. In addition, the Ripper will constantly need control, otherwise he will quickly be put down on both shoulder blades.

In this guide, we will introduce you to some good builds for mages in the game. Most of these will be based on a specific specialization featured in the game.

It should be noted that magicians in the Dragon Age game series are almost the most interesting class and there are many reasons for this. Firstly, they have their own storyline related to the eternal confrontation between magicians and templars. Still, it is much more interesting to watch this confrontation when you are directly related to it. Secondly, the ability to combine different spells to obtain a unique effect. Thirdly, excellent visualization of magical techniques.

In the third part, the developers seriously worked on magicians; for example, they removed all their healing abilities and provided only eight slots for active skills. At first glance, many may think that this significantly reduces the number of possible builds, but in reality everything is different. The game features three basic, well-developed skill trees, each of which can be used to achieve different goals. Plus there are three more branches of specializations. As a result, you can create a huge number of combinations that can significantly change the magician's fighting style.

In this guide, we describe five different builds: two of them are based on basic skill trees, and the other three are based on specialization skills. To take full advantage of the build, that is, to unlock all the necessary skills, your hero must reach level eighteen.

Lord of the Underworld

Already from the name you can guess that this combination is based on the skills of the “Necromancer” branch. As a rule, magicians are considered dangerous fighters, capable of greatly harming the enemy with the help of powerful “spells” that hit the area. Necromancers are noticeably different from such wizards. The fact is that their attack spells do not deal damage immediately, but gradually (spirit mark or walking bomb), plus his main skills are based on control, and not on dealing huge damage.

Note: A controller is a character who can influence opponents, reducing their stats and controlling every move. For example, mages can frighten enemies, keep them in one place, or push them away from themselves.

With this build, you will not be able to support your companions, but you can seriously help them by controlling the enemy. For maximum effectiveness, your group should consist of two tanks that will protect you from enemies, and one damage dealer (preferably an archer). Thus, enemies simply will not be able to reach you, and in the meantime you will send various curses on them with impunity.

You should not give up the “step into the shadows” spell, which allows you to move away from the battlefield at a great distance. In battle, it is necessary to competently combine “spells” from basic branches that can cause damage in a certain area with the controlling abilities of the lord of the dead. In this case, you can deal with an entire crowd alone.

Skills used

The “Storm” branch - we open chain lightning, a flurry of energy, storm petrel, electrical conductivity and lightning. The first ability is effective against several monsters or people. When used, the caster releases an electrical charge that damages one enemy and then immediately transfers to others. It deals over two hundred percent of the damage of your main weapon.

Note: as you may have noticed, the damage of spells is not fixed, but directly depends on the characteristics of your weapon, that is, the stronger your staff, the more effective the abilities will be.

Thanks to the petrel, you can protect yourself from opponents who come too close to you, since this “passive” will hit them with lightning. The lightning spell can deal a lot of damage to a single enemy. In addition, it is capable of paralyzing the target for several seconds.

A great help in combat is a burst of energy that damages your enemies with elements. Works great against monsters with elemental weaknesses. But for this you will need to change staves in time. As for electrical conductivity, it increases the damage from all skills, but also spends a certain percentage of mana.

Branch “Underworld” - take sacrifice and flash. The second can inflict considerable damage on the enemy and cause him terror, while the first inflicts small damage across the territory. Note that eight slots may not be enough for all spells, so when more powerful abilities appear, you need to get rid of old ones. For example, you can remove the flash.

The “Winter” branch - opens a step into the shadows and an icy grip. For the first ability, you can unlock an additional skill called “Chilling Walk”. With the help of his grip, the magician is able to freeze the enemy, injuring him and preventing him from entering into battle. Particularly effective against fire demons of wrath. We already looked at another ability earlier.

Branch “Necromancer” - all abilities should be unlocked, plus secondary skills. Using “fear” you can force all enemies to run away in horror (works for six seconds). Thanks to the spirit mark, you can kill a strong enemy, since this “spell” deals enormous damage over twelve seconds. Plus, if a fighter dies while carrying the mark, a ghost will move into his body and he will become your ally. According to its principle of operation, the walking bomb is similar to the previous skill, it’s just that after death the enemy explodes, and it’s better not to ask what happens in this case to his companions.

The remaining abilities are passive in nature - they can increase the damage from all “spells” for a short period of time after killing the next monster or fighter, make it possible to suck the souls of the dead to raise your health level and reduce the parameters of enemies in a certain area. Using the haste ability, which works on concentration, the necromancer can speed up all his comrades and slow down his opponents.

Rift Maker

By developing a specialization called “Rupture Mage,” the mage has access to incredibly powerful spells that cause damage in a circle of small diameter. With this build, you will not be able to control the enemy’s behavior as well as necromancers do, but you will have the opportunity to destroy large groups of the enemy at once.

This build mainly combines skills from two branches: rift mage and underworld. The second has excellent abilities that cause large area damage, and the first can “boast” of having a spell that pulls all enemies to one place.

But do not forget that in Dragon Age: Inquisition you can meet monsters and people who are resistant to fire attacks, so you should open the barrier and ice grip. Most spells act at a great distance from the target, so taking a step into the shadow is not necessary.

The basic combination will look like this: cast abyssal attraction, pulling all enemies in one place, then hit them with a stone fist and a curtain strike to weaken them and knock them to the ground, then put a fire mine and use a sacrifice. Only bosses usually survive this attack.

Skills used

Branch “Underworld” - here we take sacrifice, flash, flashpoint, oncoming fell, pyromancy, fire mine and fire wall. We have already looked at some of the spells earlier, and therefore we will not talk about them again. We just note that, as with the necromancer, some skills can be gotten rid of at later levels. Decide for yourself what you don't need, but we recommend removing the flash.

If we talk about spells that have not yet been considered, then flashpoint is a good “passive” that can immediately restore an already used ability after your mage inflicts a critical hit on the enemy. In the initial stages, it will be of little use, since the mage rarely inflicts crits on opponents. However, then the magician’s likelihood of delivering critical hits will increase significantly, and this skill will be very useful to us. Thanks to pyromancy, the duration of burning and fear will increase by a quarter.

An oncoming attack significantly speeds up the recovery of skills. We open this “passive” as early as possible, because in this case the damage you deal per minute will increase significantly. But the most useful ability is the fire mine. It deals 1600 percent of weapon damage to opponents, and therefore can kill weak opponents in one go. But this spell does not begin to work immediately, but after a few seconds. Therefore, it should be combined with Abyss Rift or Stone Fist, which will stun enemies (keep them in one place). The wall of fire does not do much damage, but it causes fear in opponents.

“Winter” branch - we take the icy grip in order to be able to effectively fight monsters that have high resistance to flame. From the “Spirit” branch we open the barrier. This spell can protect your character from any damage for a short period of time.

The “Rupture Magician” branch - it requires all the “spells”. To open them, you will have to sacrifice several skills from the “Underworld” branch: flash and fire wall. We unlock additional skills for all spells. Veil Strike is capable of weakening enemies and causing them minor damage. Be sure to use it before casting more powerful attack spells. Thanks to the stone fist, you can force opponents to fall to the ground - this will take them out of the fight for a short time and allow you to lay a fire mine.

With the help of recharge from the veil and veil torpor, you can restore your mana and strengthen your spells, taking energy from weakened opponents. Choking Veil and Twisting Veil reduce enemies' stats and increase the damage of your magic skills. The attraction of the abyss is considered an incredibly useful ability - it pulls monsters and people to one point, and also weakens them.

Knight Mage

The basis of this build is the “Knight-Sorcerer” specialization. In its name, it is similar to the “Battle Mage” specialization, which was popular among players in the first part of the series. But at their core they are very different from each other.

In Dragon Age: Origins, the battle mage became practically a warrior, that is, he could wear heavy armor and fight with a sword rather than a staff. If we talk about the sorcerer knight, then he is an ordinary magician who is simply capable of fighting in the thick of battle and helping his allies with supporting spells.

The mage knight has good offensive skills (spiritual blade or counterstrike through the veil) and defensive skills (shadow cloak, shadow shield, knight protector). However, they achieve the greatest effectiveness when combined with the skills of the “Spirit” branch. Using an improved barrier and several “passives” you will be able to fight the enemy at close range and not die.

A spell that works on concentration is a return to life, which can completely turn the tide of the battle in your favor.

Skills used

The “Spirit” branch - in it we take the spirit of the defender, barrier, elegant protection, fortitude, revival and explosion of the mind. The barrier is notable in that it is capable of creating a special shield around the caster and his comrades, which acts as a temporary additional health bar. It disappears quickly, so you need to cast it before or during the battle. The secondary skill of this “spell” increases the speed of barrier recovery. The spirit of the defender will automatically activate the shield of a magician who has received heavy damage.

A mind explosion is a kind of push of power that allows you to throw opponents away from you and reduce their aggression towards the wizard. An excellent skill that will often save the life of your magician when fighting a group of enemies. Another useful ability is revival. By using this ability, you will instantly raise all your comrades lying on the ground to their feet. The power of spirits increases the strength of the barrier by half.

“Storm” branch - here we open chain lightning and a flurry of energy. We have already written about them in previous builds, so we will not repeat them. The “Winter” branch - we will need it in this: a step into the shadows and an icy grip. We have already described them too.

The “Knight-Sorcerer” branch - we take all the skills except the retaliatory strike through the veil. Most often you will use the soul blade and shadow cloak. The first skill allows you to create magical blades that penetrate the enemy’s armor and magical shield, causing damage directly to health. The second one surrounds the magician with a Veil and gives him invulnerability for a short period of time (two seconds). Helps to break into a group of enemies, inflict maximum damage and quickly retreat (use shadow step). Passive spells like shadow shield and knight protector increase the barrier's strength. The return to life ability, which consumes concentration, restores the health of all party members to maximum and constantly heals them for ten seconds.

Winter Defender

As you may have noticed, past builds were based on using the skills of the three specializations. However, this does not mean that in Dragon Age: Inquisition you cannot upgrade a good mage without using the skills described above. It just may be less effective in certain situations.

All healing spells have been removed from the game. The “Spirit” branch now includes spells that only support allies, but do not heal them. But with the right combination of these abilities with the skills of the “Winter” branch, you can create such strong protection for your companions that after each battle there will not be a scratch on any of them.

Plus, you will be able to not only support your allies, but also inflict considerable damage on the enemy. To do this, you will need to use the spells blizzard and ice mine. They will be most effective against enemies vulnerable to cold.

You also cannot do without the ability to step into the shadows, which allows you to leave the battlefield and help your comrades from a safe distance. The main goal is to support satellites with the help of a barrier and revival.

Skills used

Branch “Spirit” - take a pacifying aura, barrier, elegant protection, revival, dispel, mind explosion, life preservation, spirit of the protector, invigorating barrier and strengthening explosion. Some of these skills were discussed by us earlier, and therefore we will begin the description immediately with a calming aura. This passive skill reduces the enemy's aggro, making you completely invisible to them, so they immediately switch to your companions. The dispel ability removes all negative and positive effects from enemies or allies. Thanks to the invigorating barrier, your magical shield not only protects your companions, but also increases their rate of stamina and mana recovery.

Branch “Winter” - we open the icy grip, step into the shadow, ice wall, mine and armor, winter silence, blizzard and blizzard. Some of the abilities were studied by us earlier, for this reason we will move straight to the consideration of other skills. Winter Silence speeds up the mage's mana recovery after standing still for three seconds. In a protracted battle it can be very useful. Using an ice wall, a wizard can create a large enclosure made of ice. This wall can protect the magician from enemies. The ice mine is similar in principle to the fire mine. Although it deals much less damage, it is capable of freezing an enemy, rendering him incapable of combat for a short period of time.

Ice armor reduces damage taken by half. Use in cases where your caster is surrounded by enemies. Using this skill, you can also strengthen the tank, making it practically invulnerable to enemies. But the best “spell” in the “Winter” branch is considered to be blizzard. When used, a real blizzard appears, slowing down enemies in a certain area and causing them constant damage. The secondary skill enhances the main spell, after which it not only slows down enemies, but freezes them.

Once you reach level eighteen, you will notice that you will begin to have free ability points. We recommend that you spend them on skills in any specialization that interests you.

Fury of the Elements

Even without using specialization skills in the game, you can create a powerful mage capable of inflicting monstrous damage on your enemies. This build will be useful for those players who do not like to complete absolutely all the quests in the game, but just want to go through the main storyline. The fact is that in order to obtain one or another specialization, you need to spend a lot of time completing rather complex missions.

The elemental rage build will help you in battle with almost any type of enemy, since they are all vulnerable to certain elements. But do not forget that this magician does not have any protective spells, so it would be useful to keep another wizard in the party with a pumped-up “Spirit” branch.

Another drawback of this combination of abilities is excessive monotony. In battles, you will need to constantly use the same methods and skills in the same sequence. Plus, you will have to rely on your comrades in arms (tank and support mage) all the time, since you will not be able to protect yourself on your own.

However, if you use spells wisely and don’t get into trouble, you can take out large groups of enemies with just a few button presses. The main thing is to constantly monitor your health bar and keep another caster nearby.

Abilities used

“Storm” branch - open chain lightning, flurry of energy, arc burst, static charge, lightning, explosive lightning, storm atmosphere, storm petrel and static cage. We've already talked about many of these spells, so let's jump straight into looking at static charge. It sends a paralyzing electric charge to an enemy who is not attacking you. This will give you time to get out of his sight and set the tank on him. A thunderous atmosphere will speed up the use of abilities. The static cage allows you to stun enemies in a small area.

The “Underworld” branch - in it you need to take a flash, pyromancy, sacrifice, fire mine and flash point. We have already talked about all these skills earlier. Branch “Winter” - take winter silence, icy grip, wall and armor, as well as blizzard.

Well, that’s how it goes) I experimented with different classes and specializations and beat the game several times. I understand the confusion of players about the usefulness of a two-handed warrior, especially the Ripper. To play well as a two-hander, you must first understand the mechanics of the game. Which, by the way, is implemented very well. So what's the best way to develop a two-hander?
At the beginning of the game it is better to take a warrior with a shield; it will be easier to kill the Demon of Pride at the end of the introductory chapter. We need the skill of a weapon with a shield “Stunned Defense” (in my opinion it is given at the beginning) in order to take the passive skill “Bear trembles wolves”, which provides protection from attacks from the flanks. For what? Let me tell you something that is not obvious, passive skills work on any weapon (for a robber, only the “first blood” passive from a bow works for daggers, while all passives of daggers work for a bow). Without this skill, our two-hander will be hit in the back painfully. Next, we take the “block and shoulder strike” skill, improve it, and we can now safely take a two-handed weapon, stand in the middle of melee opponents and, with the help of a block, fill up the defense and simultaneously hit everyone on the head. To make Two-Handed even more unbreakable, you need to take all the left skills from the “Vanguard” branch (battle cry + battle anger + block and shoulder strike = we already have a colossal increase in defense and defense). But, don’t forget that the two-handed block does not block arrows and magic (unlike the shield block, which even when entering a rune you can press the shield, and all the magical damage of the explosion will be absorbed by the shield), therefore, in order to effectively fight with a two-handed weapon against archers and magicians, you need to take skills for approaching them are “Mad Bull” and “Hook Throw”. And besides, at level 13, our two-hander will be an independent combat unit: in a sword fight he will kill any crowd in batches, and thanks to his approach skills, he will effectively attack archers and magicians. (at level 7, on “nightmare” difficulty, a two-hander solo dealt with 4 enemies: two warriors, an archer and a mage, without losing health). Then all that remains is to increase the damage from ordinary attacks - by pumping up the “combat master” and “ripper” branches, or from skills, pumping up the “two-handed weapon” branch.

And a few words about the robber. It seems like someone mentioned the difficulty of playing as a dagger. It's very interesting to play a dagger if you choose the storm specialization. Because a dagger, even in invisibility, can accidentally die from an AOE strike or spell, then you should only approach opponents under “Mercury”. The rest of the time, in order not to fall under massive attacks, you should first of all kill archers and magicians, and approach melee soldiers and dragons, as I already said, under “Mercury”. For such tactics, pumping up the “invisibility” and the “sabotage” branch is suitable, and at the same time throw a couple of points on the “daggers”. Of course, his hand damage will not be as huge as that of a dagger assassin, but he will be able to control the entire battlefield without pause and add variety and interest to the gameplay. I advise you to leave the “assassin” specialization for the archer. An archer upgraded in this way will be able to inflict a crit from invisibility due to the skill “maximum of mastery”. from 10,000 to 26,000 depending on the items, and the plus will be separated from the enemy by a distance, which will allow you to avoid damage.

Leveling up your character in Dragon Age: Inquisition is a classic RPG process of gaining experience and then investing points in the necessary skills and abilities. Experience in the game can be gained by completing quests, destroying enemies and closing rifts.

As you level up, your character's base attributes increase. In addition, you receive skill points (perks), which are needed to acquire new skills.

Leveling up also opens the way to previously unavailable missions and new, more dangerous opponents. It is important to understand that character development in Dragon Age: Inquisition is not such a fast process, so you should not thoughtlessly invest in new skill points.

Close the rifts

You are the Inquisitor, the only hero capable of closing the shadow rifts scattered throughout the game world. By closing another rift, you receive valuable experience points, which vary depending on the region in which the rift is located.

Destroy high-level opponents

An old tip for all RPGs: look for high-level enemies in “difficult” zones and get a ton of experience for killing them. Of course, you need to have the appropriate equipment and be prepared for difficult battles.

Destroy dragons

Total in Dragon Age: Inquisition has ten dragons and, as you can imagine, these are the most difficult opponents in the game. Killing these monsters promises you a huge amount of experience and useful things.

Capture fortresses

Fortresses, as a rule, are guarded by high-level opponents. Choose goals that suit your abilities and gain additional experience.

Explore the world

Many simple activities in Dragon Age: Inquisition, such as gathering herbs or hunting animals, grants additional experience. Studying the secrets, documents and treasures hidden in the game world will allow you to quickly increase your level.

Josephine Perk


By completing various tasks, you gain experience and new levels. Therefore, if you think that your level is not high enough to progress further, you should pay attention to side (minor) tasks.

Not much different from leveling up in various other RPG games. Almost all actions will bring you some kind of experience. This number includes the so-called “Breaks”, completing various tasks and, of course, the classic killing of enemies.

Each time your hero gains a new level, his standard attributes increase. In addition, you also receive skill points, which you can spend on acquiring new abilities/skills/abilities.

Having received a new level, you will be able to complete a task that you could not complete before or was inaccessible, since there are stronger opponents there. Before you begin the task, first look at what level is required (minimum), then decide for yourself.

The most important thing in the game is leveling up your heroes. Of course, this is not a very fast process, even if you do everything listed below.

Shadow Rifts are something you encounter early in the game and fight through afterwards. You, as an Inquisitor, can close/seal these Rifts! You can find these “holes” absolutely all over the world! During the training you will be taught how to do this. In return for closing the "hole" you will receive experience. The experience you gain depends on what area of ​​the game you are in, that is, each area gives a different amount of experience.

You can get to the area where enemies are higher than you and try to kill them. Killing such enemies will give you much more experience than if you killed a regular enemy. But you just need to be prepared for the most difficult situations and have the appropriate equipment. In the bad case, you will simply commit suicide.

There are a total of ten Dragons in the game - they are the most dangerous in the entire game! Once you kill the dragon, you will receive a simply magnificent reward along with tons of experience.

Usually such places are guarded by high-level enemies, so this is another way to gain more experience! If you are not too confident in your combat potential, then try to refrain from what you have started, otherwise the result will be sad.

Sometimes, simply exploring the world will allow you to gain experience much faster. Even the most insignificant tasks, such as setting up a camp, hunting game, searching for herbs, can bring much more experience. And considering that the game can be said to be “crowded” with various documents, secrets, treasure maps and other items/details, collecting experience will not be a problem.

In addition, you can get to know the world around you much better with the help of the Inquisition perk, which is taken from Josephine. You will be able to gain much more experience for various finds. Therefore, it is best to postpone reading documents until later until you have learned this skill.

Naturally, the most accessible and obvious point in pumping is. Sometimes you won't be able to progress further in the story because your level is too low, so it's best to focus on the side quests and Inner Circle quests.

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