That's Japanese. Japanese medium tanks in World of Tanks: Blitz. Medium tanks of the Japanese branch

Just recently, the World of Tanks developers announced the first details of the World of Tanks 0.8.10 update. Most players were expecting the long-awaited patch 0.9 instead of update 0.8.10, but since such patches usually make significant changes to the gameplay, which will not happen this time, the developers decided to give the update the serial number 0.8.10. And so, what awaits us in the WoT 0.8.10 update.

Japanese branch LT and ST

First of all, we should tell you a little about the new gaming faction - Japan. The equipment of this nation was present in World of Tanks and before that, however, there were only a few premium vehicles in the game, most of which were in the hangars of test players. It was impossible to buy any Japanese tank with in-game currency, but the WoT 0.8.10 patch will correct this situation a little. Along with the release of the update World of Tanks 0.8.10 the first full-fledged branch of Japan will appear in the game - 9 medium tanks and 4 light ones.

In the WoT game, each faction has some characteristics, something that distinguishes it from other nations. Some types of vehicles, such as British tank destroyers, the new, recently added German tank destroyer branch with a loading drum, or French vehicles are radically different from their counterparts in other factions. Many similar examples can be given. What's going on with the new, first Japanese branch of LT? World of Tanks 0.8.10, which smoothly transition to the ST along the development branch, here all the tanks differ from their counterparts of other factions, but the Japanese do not have any cardinal and outstanding innovations. But still, how do Japanese tanks differ from others?

Mobility and acceleration

All Japanese tanks in World of Tanks 0.8.10 have fairly high specific power indicators - they quickly gain maximum speed and turn quite quickly. Players who are accustomed to conducting dynamic battles and maneuvering between enemy tanks will undoubtedly like these features of the new tanks.


Good mobility is, of course, good, but because of this, the armor of the tanks suffered a little. Japanese medium tanks, unlike tanks of other factions, have good frontal armor, but there is no armor at all on the stern and sides.


Good mobility, maneuverability, good armor, but what about the armament of Japanese tanks in World of Tanks 0.8.10? Oddly enough, the weapons of all tanks have average accuracy, a slightly longer reload time, slightly increased armor-piercing and damage per shot.

Elevation angles

It should also be noted that in addition to all of the above, Japanese tanks in World of Tanks 0.8.10 have another very important advantage that few can boast of - excellent, one might even say one of the best, vertical aiming angles, which allows for much more effective combat on uneven terrain. If other tanks need to move out from behind the hill for several meters to make a shot, then when playing on Japanese tanks there is no need to do this - all tanks have excellent vertical aiming angles.

In general, medium Japanese tanks World of Tanks 0.8.10, especially the last tenth level, turned out to be very good. However, well-balanced tanks, as statistics show, after some time they “cut” - they lower their technical characteristics, but if this happens, it will be at least after several patches or months.

Screenshots of Japanese tanks in WoT 0.8.10

Below are screenshots of not only all the new Japanese tanks that will be released with the WoT 0.8.10 update, but also two USSR medium tanks of levels 9 and 10. The last two will be added to the game World of Tanks also included with the WoT 0.8.10 update. On the screenshots themselves you can also find the technical characteristics of the tanks in top condition.

Japanese tanks World of Tanks - in the game they are represented by only two branches, light and medium tanks. The armored vehicles of this nation are distinguished by their low weight and, as a result, low armor. But among the advantages of the Japanese World of Tanks tanks, we can highlight the aiming angles and speed, and most likely the developers will give these tanks will have excellent damage.

Japanese tanks online WOT - what can be distinguished from the ST is that the top equipment was a copy of the American equipment and that implies strong turrets and good one-time damage.

More recently, very specific and little-known Japanese tanks have appeared on the battlefields of World of Tanks. So far there is only one development branch for top technology, which contains light and medium equipment. Such a small number of tanks is due to the availability of very little data, but let's hope that the developers will be able to obtain information and introduce the full branches of tanks of this nation into the game. But, for now, let’s look at the existing armored vehicles, which have not gained such significant popularity, but they can still be found in random places.

General information

First of all, I would like to note that Japan is a very closed country, so the use of foreign technologies somehow does not suit them. Let's close our eyes to the initial level and start immediately from level 5. Up to the highest level, all models have an individual design, which allows the Japanese to stand out among other tanks. But if you do a superficial review, you can immediately see that they are terribly reminiscent (referring to high level) of the top German tank called Leopard 1. These shapes, this speed, everything seems to be the same, but in fact it is a terrible coincidence of circumstances , which for unknown reasons was formed during the creation of the tank. But this is not about that now, I would like to note the good weapons of the Japanese, decent accuracy, acceptable speed and rather ill-thought-out armor. But all this does not prevent you from playing comfortably in the Japanese and enjoying it.

Comparison with other nations

Compared to other top representatives, and it would be advisable to compare high-level medium tanks, Japanese tanks have a very weak prospect in terms of combat potential. This is due to their weak armor, and they have good accuracy, speed and damage, but their armor lets them down very badly, which forces them to simply remove this tank from the leading positions. The most interesting thing is that, although they have some level of versatility, they still could not show their best side. Accordingly, the leading place is occupied by the French Bat.-Châtillon 25 t, the second place strictly belongs to the Soviet T-62A, the third place is given to the Germans, but the fourth place, together with the British, is occupied by our Japanese representative called STB 1.

Positive and negative sides

Japanese tanks turned out to be a pretty good nation, which is excellent for providing support to its ally. But due to a rather primitive disadvantage, which is weak armor and direct slopes of the armor plates, these tanks lose any advantage in battle. Therefore, weak armor is the only and most significant disadvantage of this technique.

As for the advantages, they include the above mentioned: speed, accuracy and damage. But there are also distinctive features that allow you to feel confident in battle, these are the vertical gun aiming angles, which make it possible to fire at the enemy from almost any position, be it a hill or a hole, as well as good maneuverability, which allows you to use such a common technique like a "dance" that causes ricochets. But due to, as I said earlier, “direct” armor, the percentage of ricochet is not so high.

Recommendations regarding equipment, skills and equipment

Despite the fact that Japan has always had a certain approach to everything, it has the same simple tanks as the whole world, which require certain technical equipment. So, like all representatives of military equipment, the first step is to install the rammer, which is the basis for absolutely all tanks. Next, it’s worth considering coated optics; it will allow you to notice the enemy much earlier and be the first to deal damage. But the third cell is recommended for the use of an aiming stabilizer, which will allow you to balance the sight and shoot much more accurately while moving.

As for equipment, it is worth remembering that for fast tanks you need to install even more power. Therefore, the set is as follows: a repair kit, a small first aid kit and tightened speed controllers.

But the crew for Japanese medium tanks is also practically no different from all other nationalities. The first thing, naturally, is to pump in the light bulb, and let the rest of the rows take care of the repairs. Next, absolutely everyone is recommended to study the martial brotherhood, the third skill should be camouflage, and the fourth skill column should be spent on learning special skills, such as off-road king, smooth turret rotation, etc.

Tactical Application

If we take into account the tactics of the game, then the best approach for Japan (at the moment) is the active support tactic. That is, you must decide at the beginning of the game on the flank you want to occupy and then determine your position there. Ideally, you should attack in the third wave, so that there are PTs between you and the attackers. This will allow you to keep your tank safe and sound, support attackers and, if necessary, protect tank destroyers. This is so far the only tactic that works well in tough battles. You can also use the “pack” tactic, which involves a rapid rush of identical tanks; together you can destroy any target.

Japan is the youngest nation in the World of Tanks game. It has still been little studied, has not yet been practically tested, but it already has both positive and negative sides. Should I play it? It’s definitely worth it, but if you’re really principled, then it’s best to choose another nation. But for collectors of technology, this nation becomes a mandatory study order. The top tanks there are really attractive, they will obviously look good in your hangar.

Sep 25, 2016 Game guides

Tanks are the center of World of Tanks Blitz. Understanding the differences between tanks and knowing which tanks from which country are best for you is half the battle in the game. In this guide, I will try to describe the Japanese branch of tank development in as much detail as possible, but at the same time I will not go to extremes and will not write out huge tables with numerical data for each tank. The purpose of this guide is to give you an idea of ​​the direction in which you would like to take your Japanese tanks. If you would like to get acquainted with all the branches of tank development in the game as a whole and in less detail, then try contacting .

Japanese tanks: a general view

If you have already read the general guide to tanks of different nations, then this paragraph will not tell you anything new - but otherwise, or for repetition, you should familiarize yourself with it before we move directly to the tanks.

Japanese tanks are few in number - essentially they are limited to the light and medium classes. A significant difference between these tanks is the presence of a wide variety of representatives among them, which allows both light and medium Japanese tanks to act as heavy tanks and tank destroyers with sufficient efficiency. Also, given that the Japan branch is smaller than others, you can get to know all the different tanks relatively quickly and get into the game.

Now let's move on to a more detailed review of Japanese tanks.

Light tanks of Japan

The first tank in the development line of the Land of the Rising Sun is the Renault Otsu - a modification of the French Renault FT tank. This model has good armor and fairly powerful weapons, but at the same time is inferior to other tanks in mobility and gun accuracy. Moreover, this tank is not very large and quite narrow. With such a tank, due to its advantages, you can set up excellent ambushes and shoot enemies up close. Next comes the Type 95 Ha-Go light tank, which has significantly lighter armor, but is also more mobile than the Otsu. Otherwise, it has approximately similar characteristics to its “ancestor”, but is capable of equipping a gun with an extremely high damage rating (but relatively low penetration). The small Type 98 Ke-Ni tank follows the Ha-Go and is even lighter and more mobile than its predecessor. He is difficult to hit, and his upgraded guns fire quickly and painfully. The only problem that remains is the weak armor - so it’s best to shoot from cover, without catching the enemy’s eye, just like a tank destroyer. Japan's latest light tank, the Type 5 Ke-Ho, gets slightly taller but significantly narrower than even the Ke-Ni. It should be used in much the same way - the main difference from the previous tank is a top-end rapid-fire gun with a high penetration level, which makes the Ke-Ho even more dangerous in ambushes than even the Ke-Ni.

Medium tanks of Japan

Your first mid-tier Japanese tank may appear right after Otsu - that is, already at the second rank. Unlike many Japanese light tanks, the first Chi-Ni medium tank has fairly strong curved armor and is capable of fighting the enemy openly. His weapons also contribute to this - among them there is a weapon with a very powerful damage indicator, and there are also quick-firing and weaker penetrating weapons. The problem with this tank is its low mobility and not the highest accuracy of weapons - but this does not prevent it from “tanking” and working as a team. The next Type 97 Chi-Ha is inferior to its predecessor in the level of hull armor (relative to rank), but at the same time it has excellent weapons with a high rate of fire and a fairly strong turret, which allows it to provide excellent fire support to allies from behind cover. Its continuation is the Type 1 Chi-He, which also has relatively light armor, but can equip both an accurate, powerful weapon for long-range fire, and a rapid-fire weapon for close combat. It is fast enough, so it can be used both for combat from afar in “stealth” mode, changing cover, and in close combat, maneuvering around the enemy.

The next tank, Type 3 Chi-Nu, is a real sniper, which brings it closer to a tank destroyer - it is relatively large, and its armor is relatively thin, and at the same time it is not fast and mobile, but it deals huge damage with shells high caliber from an extremely accurate gun with high aiming speed. With the help of such a tank you can destroy even tanks of a higher rank, but the main thing is not to get under fire yourself. The next Type 4 Chi-To after it is little different and also uses sniper tactics, but at the same time it is quite maneuverable and is able to quickly move between covers and turn in one place. Type 5 Chi-Ru, a descendant of Chi-To, changes tactics - despite the same large dimensions and not the most durable armor, it has a high level of “health” and a rapid-fire gun, allowing it to quickly fire many projectiles at the enemy. The problem is that the penetration of these shells is quite low, so fighting openly without knowing the enemy’s weak points is most often pointless. But if you understand the weak points of enemy tanks, then Chi-Ru with its drum firing principle will help you destroy almost every enemy of your rank you encounter.

Next comes the STA-1 tank, which focuses on a powerful penetrating gun with a high rate of fire and good accuracy - it’s extremely pleasant to shoot at enemies with this, especially considering the mobility of the turret. However, this tank is practically devoid of armor, so the best tactic for it is not to “tank” the enemy, despite the powerful weapon, but to shoot the enemy from the flanks and from behind cover at a medium distance, which is also facilitated by the good mobility of the STA-1. The ninth rank medium tank, Type 61, follows the STA-1 and acts as a sniper or support agent - it is maneuverable and accelerates quickly, and its guns are good at penetrating enemies and dealing a lot of damage. Its main problem lies in the combination of weak armor and high silhouette - it is quite easy to hit and it is unlikely to withstand a large projectile hit, even at an angle.

The latest Japanese tank at the moment is the tenth rank medium tank STB-1. It is low and may look like a German Leopard, but the STB-1 is more suitable for supporting allies than for direct battles - it deals the highest damage among all medium tanks of the tenth rank (while shooting very accurately) and very quickly moves, but its thin armor is not able to withstand several piercing blows. Shooting from behind your comrades, moving closer to the flank is the best tactic for the STB-1.


We've covered almost everythingnon-premiumtanks of Japan. Some models were reviewed in more detail due to their exclusivity and efficiency, others were not covered in as much detail as they are improved versions of their predecessors. There is a possibility that later new Japanese tanks will be added to the game (which has not been confirmed by the developers and is only speculation among players due to the presence of heavy Japanese tanks in the “tabletop” version of World of Tanks), so this guide may well be expanded in the future. After reading this guide, you can get a complete picture of the features of Japanese tanks and decide how (and whether it is worth it) to develop the development branch of this nation. I hope that this knowledge will help you in battles both on the side of Japanese tanks and in battles against them. Fight like a pro in World of Tanks Blitz!

So far there is only one branch of Japanese tanks in the game - medium tanks.

How do Japanese tanks differ from tanks of other nations?

Basically, Japanese tanks are distinguished by good guns, declination angles, as well as cardboard and barn-like dimensions. Nevertheless, in the World of Tanks game there are many fans of this nation. After all, the top tanks of this nation of levels 8-10 are quite good.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Japanese

Japanese tanks have good armor, as for a medium tank, and quite normal guns with acceptable penetration, accuracy and rate of fire. They even resemble them in some way, although the armor is worse.

Tanks 4-7 levels They have large sizes, weak and average dynamics, so many people don’t like them, and tactics must be very careful, because you can get quite a bit of damage. The dynamics are often not enough to get away from an opponent, and therefore those who were able to play well on these tanks learned the zen of playing on other middle-class machines.

But as mentioned earlier, their guns are good, everything is here: accuracy, rate of fire, and at level 7 even! And one more great advantage: Some guns are used as a Serbogold projectile with increased armor penetration. Let me explain for beginners: sub-caliber ones, unlike armor-piercing ones, have a normalization of 3 degrees (for armor-piercing ones, 5). I hope I convinced you that this thread is interesting in its own way and it’s interesting to download it.

Tankers, you've probably already seen the official announcement from the World of Tanks developers, in which they told us about the imminent introduction of the Japanese branch of tanks into the game. We bring to your attention a slightly expanded issue dedicated to the tanks of the land of the rising sun.

What will Japanese tanks be like in World of Tanks?

First, a comic with cute guys about Japanese tanks:

Due to the fact that Wargaming has launched its servers in Japan, they have to urgently release a Japanese branch of tanks in order to quickly win over the local target audience of patriotic noodle eaters and fans of all kinds of anime. Well, that’s right - the servers are running, but there’s nothing to play on.

Japanese tank development tree

The initial pairs will have a total of 14 tanks, representing the light and medium tank families of Japan. In particular, 9 medium tanks, as well as five light ones.

Japanese tank models

We present to your attention a selection of currently available renders of Japanese tanks.

Light tanks:

NC27 Otsu, tier 1, light tank

Everything will begin with him.

Type 97 Te-Ke, level 2, light tank

Type 95 Ha-Go, tier 3, light tank

Type 98 Ke-Ni, tier 4, light tank

Medium tanks:

Chi Nu tank, level 5, medium tank

Chi To, level 6, medium tank

Video about Japanese tanks

Official video from Wargaming

The very first video rendered by Wargaming. Everything is in the traditional style - beautiful, dynamic and too detached from the actual gameplay. This is a kind of attraction for beginners, and food for the old people’s imagination, like this is how battles should take place.

Opinion HomishOfficial

Homish naturally couldn’t ignore the announcement and made his own preview of the Japanese, which he calls “ cardboard shit"In his opinion, Japanese tanks are not particularly needed in the game now; the developers even upset him a little with this fact. Khomish also believes that Japanese tanks will be introduced into the game in patch 0.8.9 - 0.9.0.

Jovushka about the Japanese

Well, how about it? Zhov and won’t make a video about Japanese tanks? Enjoy watching to everyone who is not yet sick of his voice.

When will the Japanese tanks come out?

The estimated release date for Japanese tanks is winter 2013. It’s difficult to say more precisely now, but most likely it will be patch 0.9.0.

  • October 2013 - update 0.8.9.
  • December 2013 - January 2014 - update 0.9.0.

Something like this.

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