Dragon Age Quests in the Brecilian Forest. Walkthrough of Dragon Age - Ancient Treaties. Brecilian Forest In the grip of a curse

The quest starts after the Battle of Ostagar. We hold in our hands the ancient treaties of the Gray Wardens. One potential ally is the Dalish elf clans. You can find one of the clans in the Bressilian forest. On the approaches to the camp we will be met by a patrol led by the elf Mithra (the Dalish guard will be greeted warmer than the others). After the conversation, she will take us to Guardian Zatrian, the leader of the clan. As it turns out, the elves already know about the onset of the Blight, but cannot help, since they have too few people. All or almost all hunters are gnawed by the curse of werewolves who also live in this forest. Zathrian offers help in exchange for healing his clan.

Let's go into the forest. Having killed several wolves and aggressive werewolves, we meet a group of intelligent ones who will advise us to get out. They can be convinced or intimidated (with sufficient influence skill or strength), or fought with them. In any case, the werewolves retreat, saying that the forest itself will deal with the intruders. In one of the branches, an interesting character awaits us - the Great Oak, a revived sylvan who speaks in verse, and not in “white” verse (like, for example, Morrigan). The tree will say that its acorn was recently stolen and will ask you to bring it. You can find it in the adjacent part of the forest. Behind the tree there is a clearing with tents. After the examination, the entire team, except for magicians or characters with developed willpower, falls asleep. It turns out that this is an illusion created by a demon. After the victory, search the chest - there is a great gift for Zevran (if he remained on the team).

Having gone deeper into the forest, we see dense fog around one of the turns. He interferes with access to the ruins. Around the opposite turn is a tree stump. When you try to search him, another funny character will appear - a crazy hermit who loves to play riddles. He has the acorn for the Great Oak. You can get it in two ways:

  • Exchange. An equivalent would be Daniela's scarf (quest "In the Power of the Curse") or a book (reward for the quest to find iron bark).
  • Kill the hermit and take the acorn.

We return the acorn to the oak tree and get the “Oak Branch” staff. He will help us get through the fog. There is another way to get it - kill Oak and take the staff from it.

Having passed through the fog, we again meet intelligent werewolves. They are annoyed that the forest allowed us to pass. After the conversation they will attack. When the leader has about half his health left, the battle will be interrupted by a white wolf with root-like growths on his paws. He will knock down the Guardian, allowing the werewolves to retreat.

The path to the werewolf's lair lies through the ruins. When we enter, the werewolves will block the direct path to the lair. You'll have to fight your way through two levels teeming with undead and other enemies. After the squad descends into the werewolves' lair, they will have to fight the owners. Near the last door we will be met by another intelligent werewolf. He will say that the mistress is waiting for the Guardian to talk. Entering the hall we meet the Runner we already know (the leader of the first group we met) and a strange-looking nymph who is the spirit of the forest. She will say that Zatrian himself called her, and also created the curse himself, and will ask her to bring him. You can find the Guardian in the upper level of the ruins, where there is a direct path from the lair. The same one that the werewolves blocked.

The elf will say that the spirit is the source of the curse and a cure for hunters. You can agree and go kill all the werewolves and the Mistress of the Forest, or you can bring Zatrian to the Mistress. In the latter case, we will have a choice of three options:

  1. Still, kill the werewolves by receiving the medicine and concluding an alliance with the elves.
  2. Remove the curse by forming an alliance with the elves
  3. Kill the elves by forming an alliance with werewolves.

In any case, this will be reflected in the epilogue.

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Walkthrough of Dragon Age: Origins Bressilian Forest

Walkthrough of Dragon Age - Ancient Treaties. Brecilian forest.

After completing all additional quests, you can head to Brecilian forest to gain the support of the elves in the Assembly of Lands. As soon as you enter the forest, the patrol you meet will ask you to go to the guardian Zatrian. He agrees to help you, but he doesn’t have enough people due to the war with werewolves. Accordingly, you must stop this war in order to get more helpers. You can find werewolves deep in the forest, but first stop by the gunsmith.

Look at his goods, notice the light armor and weapons. Pretty good light armor, and good bows and blades. Give your tank soldiers longbows, even if they do not have developed shooting skills, in some cases it will be much easier to take your time, and slowly shoot the enemy from afar, and not rush headlong into battle. I also recommend taking all the available side quests in the camp, the reward for them will be useful when completing the story quest.

It will be easier for you to complete side quests if you play as an elf, and they will finally treat you normally, without arrogance. Well, if you are a different race, then, in principle, nothing difficult awaits you either, it will just take a little more time and effort.

To complete Kammen's quest, do not take Morrigan with you, but be sure to take Leliana. The quest is simple - you need to persuade an elf named Geina to reciprocate Kammen's feelings. After successfully completing the quest, you will receive Kammen's book and some approval from Leliana.

Now go to Western forest. Here you will see trees that may try to beat you. You will also be surprised to learn that werewolves are not monsters at all, but creatures who have been cursed and who also need help. Go to the southern part of the Western Forest, find there Great Oak, it won't be difficult. A tree that speaks in poetry is hard to miss. The oak also needs help - someone stole his acorn, a bad person. You will find the culprit in a nearby location - the eastern part of the forest. He will turn out to be a not entirely sane hermit named Hermit. He agrees to exchange the acorn for one of the items that you received after completing those same side quests: Daniela's scarf, Atrian's amulet or Kammen's book. Here you will have a choice: you can exchange the acorn for something you have, you can burn the oak at the request of Hermit, or try to take the acorn by force. If you choose the latter (I think you are unlikely to choose burning an oak tree), then just dig into the stump next to him, he will start a fight himself. Be careful, he is good at magic.

Regardless of which option you choose, after completing the Oak quest you will be able to go deep into the forest. Here you will be met by a squad of werewolves with their leader, Runner. Perhaps you have already met him before. Now we can't do without a fight. After the werewolves run, don’t hesitate and run after them. You will find yourself in ruins, where there are many spiders, do not relax. You need to run southwest to the large hall. In the hall, you should use the robber's ability to disarm traps. Once in the center of the hall, you will meet a dragon. In the battle with him, control spells will be very useful - freezing, paralysis and the like. Don't let him near the magicians, he tramples the victim underfoot. After you deal with the dragon, go up one floor. Again you will come across a squad of spiders. Go further along the corridor, but do not open all the doors at once, skeletons will attack you, carefully clear everything. Use fire spells against skeletons.

After clearing one room and another, go down below and see the altar. There is an amulet nearby, activate it, read the history of the crystal. Now agree to free the spirit and receive in return the specialty of a battle mage.

Having reached the large hall in the southeast, give the warriors bows, do not enter the room, but slowly and surely deal with the skeletons in the hall. Now you can carefully send the robber ahead and follow him, so there is a chance to bypass fire traps.

Walking a little further, you will see stairs leading down to another hall. Use bows again to shoot the enemy in the hall from the stairs without going down into the hall. There seems to be a bug in the game; if you attack him from the stairs, he will not run away and call skeletons for help. Besides, this way he won’t pester you with his spells. After dealing with him, go into the hall and go right towards the werewolves' lair. Here you decide for yourself - either get into a fight, or you can simply ask to be taken to Mistress of the forest. She will tell you about the Curse. You will have to decide for yourself who you will support in this situation, elves or werewolves. Whoever you support will be your assistant in the final battle. I think it’s best to agree to the Mistress’s offer. You will need to bring Zatrian and persuade him to sacrifice himself so that the Curse will subside. In this case, you won't have to fight werewolves or kill Raging Fang. In addition, you will still receive the support of the elves in the final battle. Good arrows will be very useful to you.

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Main plot
Nature of the Beast
When we get to the Dalish camp, we are not greeted very warmly. This is understandable, the people of the forest elves are tormented by a terrible curse. We talk about the details with the keeper Zatrian. He will tell us a story about a spirit named White Fang, with whom the curse began. To put an end to its influence, it is necessary to find this spirit in the deep thickets of the Brecilian forest and kill it. Only in this case will the Dalish help the gray guards in the battle against the creatures of darkness.
The disposition is clear, we take secondary tasks from the camp residents and go into the forest. In the first location, in addition to the annoying werewolves led by the Runner, we will meet the ancient ent of the Wise Oak. Quite a funny character, he speaks in florid verses. He agrees to help us find the spirit, but before that we must help him. Some thief stole... an acorn from him. We agree to look. Let's go to the second location. There you will find a thicket, the path into which will be blocked by fog. Let's explore the area further. At one of the edges you will meet an abnormal old hermit. Talk to him and make sure that it was he who stole the acorn from the oak tree. After answering a couple of his questions and asking a couple of his own in response, the hermit will invite you to exchange something. Agree and exchange the ancient elven helmet first. Then you can also exchange the acorn (I exchanged it for silver rings). However, if you have no more items to exchange, then you can take the acorn. Leave the conversation and climb into the stump. The hermit will be outraged by your action, summon three demons of anger and start a fight with you. After you deal with him, return to the first location to the Wise Oak. The Ent will be simply happy and as a reward will give a staff that removes the spell of the fog. Now we go to the second location again and go into the very heart of the forest. There the Runner will attack us again, but this time he will leave alive (the white fang himself will save him). The werewolves will retreat to the ancient ruins, and we will follow them. On the first level there will be a door barricaded by werewolves. We have to go on a long and dangerous detour. Our path will lie through ancient tunnels, teeming with undead and spirits. In the very depths of these halls we will meet the first dragon. Not very big, but it could very well kill us. There is only one tactic: paralysis and freezing will help you. Having killed the overgrown lizard and taken its treasures into our hands, we go into the opened passage to the second level of the ruins (the lair of werewolves). At the beginning there will be a very serious battle. About a dozen werewolves will come out, so it’s better to fight in a narrow passage. Having dealt with the monsters, we move on. And then, finally, their envoy will come out to us and take us to the mistress of the forest. She will tell us a slightly modified story, compared to what we heard from Zatrian. It turns out that the White Fang was not called by the enemies, but by Zatrian himself, in order to get rid of the enemies. Only he did not take into account that the descendants of old enemies have now become werewolves, who, out of banal revenge, turn the Dalish into similar monsters, and simply eat some of them. Now the choice is yours, you can imagine yourself as a hero and try to kill another ten werewolves along with the Runner, the mistress of the forest herself and four strong ents (it’s unlikely that you will succeed honestly). It would be much wiser to agree to bring Zatrian to the ruins and persuade him to lift the curse. The mistress of the forest will open a quick way up for you. Zatrian will already be waiting for us. If the conviction is pumped up to the second level, then he will agree to go to the ruins and talk with the spirit. There are three options for the development of events.
1. You support the Runner and kill Zatrian.
2. You support Zatrian and kill all the werewolves and the spirit itself.
3. You stay on the sidelines until the last moment, eventually a serious battle will begin “every man for himself”, during which it is better to beat Zatrian, because in this case, with his last breath, he will stop the fight and agree to lift the curse. Now all the werewolves will become people whom you will let go wherever they look, and the elves will support you in the general battle with the creatures of darkness.
The elves will also support you if you play the ending according to the second option, but this is somehow an overly bloody method, and also damn difficult.
But if you choose the first option, the elves will be destroyed, and werewolves will fight the creatures of darkness. One way or another, you will get allies.

Minor quests
Wounded in the forest
In the first location of the forest, you will come across a wounded hunter Deigan. Bring him to his senses and ask him about what happened. He will then fall unconscious again (you can rob him). Take it to the Dalish camp. The quest will end here. After some time, talk to him. If you nevertheless robbed the hunter, he will ask you to return the figurine to him, and will also thank you for saving him.

Rare ironbark
Master Varathorn will ask you to find an iron tree in the forest and remove the bark from it. As a reward for this, he will make you either armor or a bow (your choice). You can find the tree in the western part of the first location of the Brecilian Forest.
Note: if your persuasion skill is 3, then you can persuade Varathorn to make you both a bow and armor. If you don’t ask for anything for the bark you brought, then Varathorn will give you his amulet.

Elven ritual
While exploring the ruins deep in the forest, you will find an ancient clay tablet. On which the stages of performing one ritual will be drawn. As soon as you find a room with a lake and a locked door in the middle, immediately get down to business:
1. Go to the lake and take the jug from its bottom.
2. Scoop up a jug of water from the lake.
3. Place the filled jug on the altar.
4. Bow before the altar and pray
5. Take the pitcher from the altar and drink some water.
6. Pour the remaining water into the lake.
After these actions, the locked door will open. In a huge hall you have to fight an ancient spirit. This is a strong opponent, but the reward for defeating him is very worthy - the Juggernaut armor.

In the grip of the curse
Once in the second location of the Brecilian forest, you will meet the female werewolf Daniella. She will tell you a little about the curse that torments many of the forest's vows and about her unbearable torment. She will also ask you to kill her and tell her husband Athras (in the Dalish camp) that she loves him. We get a scarf from her and save her from suffering. Afterwards in the camp we tell Atras about everything, give the scarf and receive an amulet as a reward.

Kammen's grief
In the Dalish camp you will meet the hunter Kammen. Talk to him, he will clearly be preoccupied with something, but will not want to tell everything to the first person he meets. If the persuasion skill has been studied to level 2, then we convince him to tell us about his problem. It turns out that he is in love with the elf Geina. And although the feelings are mutual, they cannot get married until Kammen proves himself by getting the skin of a wolf while hunting. To complicate matters, hunters are prohibited from going into the forest due to werewolf attacks. There are several options for completing this quest:
1. Agree to help Kammen get the skin. We go to the first location of the Brecilian Forest, kill the wolf, skin it and bring it to the hunter.
2. Talk to Geina and convince her to marry Kamen without any skins.
Note: This quest can only be completed before you resolve the conflict with the werewolves in the main story.

Galla Elora
The elf Elora will tell you that one Gaul is seriously ill, but she cannot understand why and how. If you or one of your companions has learned the survival skill to the second level, then we agree to help Elora. We examine the gall, after which we report that in fact it is another animal that is sick. The quest is completed.

Mage's Treasure
In the forest, both in the first and second locations, you will come across ancient tombstones on which runes are written. if they are disturbed, an ancient dead man will appear with a bunch of his followers. This is a very, very strong enemy, I advise you to fight him when Morrigan has already learned the “cone of cold” skill and the armor on the GG and other warriors is heavier. After getting rid of the dead, search the boss. From each of them you will take the remaining parts of the Juggernaut set (gloves, helmet and boots).
Note: First you need to activate the northern tombstone in the second location; until this moment, the runes on the remaining tombstones will not be disturbed.

Warrior Sorcerer
In the ruins, in one of the nooks and crannies, you will find a small sphere with a spirit imprisoned in it. Talk to him and help him free himself by transferring him to the nearby altar. After this, the spirit will reward you with the opportunity to learn the “battle magician” ability.

Werewolf x30 Beast Rank 2
Rabid Werewolf x5 Beast Rank 2
Shadow Wolf x7 Beast Rank 2
Gatekeeper x1 Beast Rank 3 Optional quest battles Nature of the Beast.
Swiftrunner x1 Beast Rank 3
Witherfang x1 Animal Rank 4
Revenant x1 Daemon Rank 4 Quest battle Black vessels.
Zathrian x1 Blood Mage Rank 4 Optional quest battle Nature of the Beast.
Greater Shade x2 Daemon Rank 3 Quest battle Nature of the Beast, if you support the werewolves against Zatrian.
Wild Sylvan x3 Beast Rank 2

In the Dalish Camp, in exchange for the help of the elves in the fight against the Blight, the keeper Zatrian asks to destroy the leader of the werewolves, Mad Fang. The path to the werewolf lair passes through all locations of the Brecilian Forest: western and eastern Brecilian, the upper and lower levels of the ruins.

In eastern Brecilian the path is blocked by a magical barrier. There are two options for overcoming it.

First option. In western Brecilian, the Great Oak asks you to find an acorn. A hermit in eastern Brecilian has an acorn. The acorn can be taken from the stump, but the hermit will become hostile. Or you can exchange the acorn and other things from the hermit for some elven things - the sunset ring from the Shadow Camp, Danielle's scarf, Atras's pendant, Kammen's book, Lanaya's songbook, Deigan's boots, etc. The oak tree will give the Oak Branch staff, which allows you to pass through the barrier.

Second option. For killing the Great Oak, the hermit will turn an ordinary skin into a werewolf Magic werewolf skin, allowing you to pass through the barrier.

When you meet Raging Fang in the werewolf lair, several options for completing the quest will open.
- Or you can reconcile Zathrian and the Mistress of the Forest, which predetermines the help of the elves in the final battle of the game. Lanaya will have to be informed about the reconciliation in the Dalish camp.
- Or you can kill the Mistress of the Forest (in the form of Mad Fang), which predetermines the help of the elves and Zatrian (if you save his life) in the final battle of the game.
- Or you can convince the Mistress of the Forest to destroy the elves (there will be a movement to the Dalish Camp and a battle with the elves), which predetermines the help of werewolves in the final battle of the game.

1250 XP for receiving help from the Great Oak or Hermit;
1500 XP for completing the quest.

It is necessary to destroy six vessels and the Revenants associated with them. The vessels are located in the Tower of Mages (rooms of senior magicians), in Denerim (random meeting on the outskirts of the city), in Orzammar (royal palace and Caridin crossroads), in the Brecilian ruins (lower level and lair of werewolves).

shield Dead coat of arms from a revenant in Denerim.

Quest for the Community of Magicians (can be taken in Redcliffe or Denerim). You need to collect five scrolls of Banastor. The scrolls are located in the Brecilian ruins (the lair of the werewolves), in the Tower of Mages (the rooms of the senior magicians and the large hall), in the Ruined Temple.

175 XP and 5 gold coins for completing the quest.

Walkthrough - Brecilian Forest

Walkthrough - Brecilian Forest

Story quests

Essence of the Beast

WITH immediately after entering the territory of the Bressilian Forest you will be stopped by a patrol of Dalian elves. They take you to Guardian Zatrian, who sadly admits that he would be glad to help the Gray Guardians, but - alas! – at present there is no way to do this. And the reason is that the elves are at war with local werewolves, many of them are already infected. And there is absolutely no salvation from this curse... well, unless someone who, out of the goodness of his heart, is not averse to risking his life, will go to the Bressilian Forest and kill the wolf Withersfang, with whom this curse began.

L The werewolf den is located in the ruins in the southern part of the Eastern Forest, but you can’t get there so easily - the magical fog turns you back every time you enter it, and there is no other path leading to the ruins.

WITH There are two ways to remove the effect of fog.

    1. Complete the quest of the Great Oak, which is located in the Western Forest, and return the stolen acorn to him. The acorn is in the possession of a crazy hermit in the Eastern Forest, and you can either kill him (but he is a rather powerful magician) or peacefully exchange the acorn for something interesting for the old man. For example, he will gladly take Danayla's scarf, Atrian's amulet, or a book received from Kammen.

    2. Agree to the hermit’s proposal to kill the Great Oak.

IN In both cases, you will receive an item that allows you to pass through the protective fog without interference.

U ruins, you will have to fight a group of werewolves led by their leader Swiftrunner (Fast Runner). However, as soon as you take away almost all of his lives, a white wolf will jump on you and the werewolves will take advantage of this to escape. Follow them to the first tier of ruins.

L The staircase leading to the werewolf lair is located very close to the entrance, but at the moment it is closed, so you will have to find a way around it. Go to the southwestern part of the map. This tier is quite small, so, having fought off several spiders along the way, you will soon find yourself in front of a relatively spacious hall, on the floor of which you will see several corpses. Send a robber ahead if you have one in your party - the floor in this room is littered with traps. When you find yourself approximately in the middle of the hall, its inhabitant, the dragon, will happily greet you. Fortunately, this is a small dragon, but it can still be quite dangerous - tactics, of course, depend entirely on the composition of the group and your personal preferences, but one of the safest methods is to keep it permanently paralyzed or frozen. After his death, you will inherit the dragon's treasures - a very impressive pile of a wide variety of things, which lies a little further.

D Rakon was the guardian of the stairs to the lower tier, so now you can freely go further.

IN The second tier of ruins is larger than the first and the enemies (mostly undead) on it are quite numerous. They especially love to pounce on you from almost out of nowhere, crawling out of all possible cracks, including behind your back. Be careful.

IN In a huge hall in the southwestern part of the ruins, several skeletons will greet you on the stairs. Deal with them and move on - and you will see an Arcane Horror. He has a bad habit of teleporting throughout the entire hall from end to end and also summons additional skeletons to help him. The safest way to deal with him is to simply shoot him from the stairs with bows, periodically healing - in this case he does not move and does not cause skeletons. (If you have Andraste's Arrows in your inventory, then you can finish him off without receiving the slightest damage.)

R After dealing with the Horror and the skeletons sitting in the side rooms, you will finally find an alternative entrance to the werewolf hideout north of the hall with the Horror.

The werewolves will attack you just a few steps after entering, but after you deal with the first two groups, they will throw out a white flag and offer to take you to a certain Mistress of the Forest for peace negotiations. Whether you accept their offer or not is up to you. If you accept it, then you will be taken to the Mistress of the Forest, who will tell you the curious story of the curse and ask you to bring Zatrian to them. If you agree, you will find Zatrian on the first tier of the ruins.

P The initial negotiations between the werewolves and the Guardian will not end well, and you will have to choose which side to take in the upcoming battle. If you choose werewolves, you will receive Alistair's approval.

WITH The damage may or may not be severe depending on your level and the composition of your group. If you kill Withersfang, Zathrian will give you support in the upcoming war with the Fiends of Darkness. If you defeat Zathrian, you can persuade him to sacrifice himself and remove the curse from the werewolves - in this case, Lanaya will provide you with the support of the elves.

A Alternatively, you can convince the Lady of the Forest to destroy all the elves, including Zathrian, as revenge for what she did. In this case, you will receive support in the war from werewolves. If you choose this option, you will not be able to complete the non-plot quests of the elves (if any of them are still uncompleted).

WITH It’s a really dark option: take Zatrian’s side, kill all the werewolves, and then finish him off too. In this case, you will still receive support from the elves, since they will assume that Zathrian fell in the battle with the werewolves.

E If you persuade Zatrian to lift the curse on the werewolves, you will earn Leliana's approval.

Non-plot quests

Dalish camp
Struck by the Curse

E Atras gives you that quest. His wife Denayla seemed to have died after a battle with werewolves, but Atras suspects that Guardian Zatrian told him a lie and in fact Denayla did not die from her wounds, but turned into a werewolf. You can promise him to find out the truth.

D You will find Enaila in the Eastern Forest near the northern exit. The poor woman is indeed now a werewolf, and will ask you to kill her, having first given you a scarf for Atras.

IN There is nothing you can do to help Danaila. If you refuse to kill her, she will attack you and end up dead anyway. Return to Atras. You can comply with Danaila's request and lie that she died from her wounds or tell him the truth (in both cases you can give him the scarf as additional proof of your truthfulness). One way or another, as a reward you will receive an amulet with +4% magic resistance.

E If you lie to Athras, you will earn Leliana's approval (+3).


ABOUT the gunsmith Varathorn will complain that Zatrian no longer lets clan members into the forest, and therefore they cannot replenish their supplies of a special bark - Iron Bark, which is very good for making both weapons and armor. You can promise Varathorn to find this bark, since you will still have to go into the forest on Zatrian's instructions.

TO Ora can be found in the Western Forest on a fallen tree near the northern passage to the eastern part of the forest. It is guarded by the wild sylvan, a possessed tree that will come to life if you get too close to it.

E If you give the bark to Varathorn, he will make you either a longbow with excellent damage against animals and good damage against undead, or medium armor with +25 stamina. Alternatively, you can refuse the reward altogether - in this case, Varathorn will insist that you take at least the amulet (it gives a high increase in resistance to natural damage, i.e. poison).

Kammen's regrets

M The young elf Kammen will share his personal problems with you if you are a Dalian elf. If you are not him, then you will have to use Persuasion/Threat to get him to talk. Kammen's problem is that his girlfriend Geina rejects his advances, since he is not a full-fledged hunter. Kammen would be happy to go hunting, but this is impossible, since Guardian Zatrian forbade clan members from going into the forest for fear of werewolves.

R There can be many solutions to the problem here. You can convince Geina to accept Kammen as he is, or convince Kammen to accept a wolf skin from you (if you don't have the skin, you can get it in the Bressilian Forest). You can also prevent them from being together by convincing one of them that the other hates him (really, why would you do this? Unless out of sheer malice of nature.) You can seduce Heina yourself and tell Kammen about it, who will run away in grief they look.

E If you somehow bring Geina and Kammen together, you will lose 5 influence points with Morrigan, but will gain Liliana's approval (+5). If you seduce Geina, Liliana won't like it too much (-3).

IN As a reward for the quest, you will receive the book “Tales of Iloren” from Kammen. He will give you the book only if you either brought him together with Geina, or at least did not break their relationship forever (that is, you talked to her, but did not achieve anything).

Halla Elora

ABOUT The dna of the halls (elegant deer-like creatures that the Dalians use instead of horses, although they treat them with much more respect) is clearly unwell, and Elora, the caretaker of the halls, is worried that she may be infected with the poison of the Dark Fiends. You can examine the halla yourself using the Survival skill. To calm the halla, you need at least two points in this skill - and this time it’s you, the skills of the companions do not count in this quest. If you manage to calm her down, Elora will know what the problem is and your quest will be completed. If you prefer to take the "evil" path, you can lie to Elora that Halla is terminally ill and will not live long, and it is better to kill her out of mercy. If Elora believes you, you will receive halla horns as a reward - from it Varathorn can make an amulet with + 10 mental protection. (If she doesn't believe you, she won't talk to you anymore.)

Additional Information

ABOUT From Zathrian's first mate Lania, you can learn a little about the history of the Dalian elves (and get the corresponding entry in your Codex).

WITH Arel (a rather aggressive elf, especially if you are not a Dalian yourself) will tell you stories about the elves' past, as well as what he knows about werewolves, which will give you new entries in the Codex.

IN Arathorn sells unlimited quantities of dead and elven root, as well as poisonous extract.

N A little north of Varathorn there is a chest in which you will find a Love Letter (required for the quest "Services for Interested Parties" in Denerim).

Western Bressilian Forest
Wounded in the forest

IN In the center of the map, near the tombstone, you will find the wounded elf Deigan. Depending on how kind your GG is, you can take him to the elf camp, heal him and send him to the camp, kill him, or simply rob him. If you healed him or brought him to the camp, then the next time you talk he will give you a sapphire as a reward for saving him.

Mage's Treasures

E If you have already activated the quest for the magician's treasure in the Eastern part of the forest or the ruins, then go to the center of the map to the marked grave. If you disturb the security signs, a revenant with several skeletons (including a skeleton mage) will jump out at you.

Place of Power

R next to the revenant’s grave there is a Place of Power, which you need to activate on the instructions of the magic guild.

Safety sign

E If you received this quest in Denerim through the “Services for Interested Persons” line, then it is here, approximately in the center of the map, that you should shoot an arrow. (See the Denerim quests section for details.)

Additional Information

TO When you finish talking to the Great Oak, you will be attacked by several Wild Sylvans.

TO South of the Great Oak is an abandoned camp. If you examine it, your entire group will fall asleep and the Shadow will attack you. Usually only one member of the team would be awake to fight the Shadow (although sometimes others would wake up as well).

E If, after examining all the items, you chose the option “We need to get out of here quickly” in the conversation instead of staying and checking what’s going on or giving in to the temptation to rest, the Shadow will not appear at all.

T It’s not such a difficult opponent, even for one character, especially since it’s usually a magician - the worst thing is that after the rest of the comrades awaken, they all get injured.

E If you win the battle with the Shadow, the camp will disappear, and in its place several skeletons and a chest will appear, from which you can take Dalian gloves - a “special” gift for Zevran.

Eastern Bressilian Forest
Mage's Treasures

IN In this part of the forest you will find two graves - one in the very north of the map, the other in the south. If you disturb the security signs, a revenant and several skeletons will rise from each one. After killing the revenant, you will find a piece of Juggernaut's heavy armor on him and will receive a quest to collect it completely. There are four parts in total in this set. Two, as already mentioned, are located in the Eastern part of the forest, one is in the Western part, in the grave in the center of the map, and one lies in a sarcophagus on the lower tier of the ruins - to get to it, you need to perform the “Elven Ritual”. Your quest will be completed when you collect all four pieces.

E If you went into the Bressilian Forest early on and the revenants are too strong for you, try the escape tactic - even if all the enemies are chasing you, they will still spread out along the road and (maybe) will not attack you en masse. It’s also a good idea to throw something restraining like a Force Field onto the revenant - then you can deal with his assistants, and only then deal with him yourself, without being distracted by all sorts of little things. As a last resort, you can always return to this quest later, with better equipment and weapons.

Regret Wynn

E If you have already received the quest Wynn's Regret, then not far from the crazy hermit you will find Enerin (for details, see the companion quests).

The killer of your brothers

E If you have already received this quest through the mage quest line, then you will find malefics in the northern ruins near the revenant’s grave. (See Mage Quests for details.)

Additional Information

U ruins in the north-central part of the map, two ogres will attack you.

WITH The crazy hermit, in addition to the acorn you need, will offer you to bargain with him for a helmet (an ancient elven helmet, part of a very good set) and a book (gives an entry in the Codex). Here are some things that are of interest to him: Danayla's scarf, Atrian's amulet, the book received from Kammen.

First tier

Services for interested parties

N and to the north and south of the entrance are two false brick walls - if you get close enough, you'll see that these are actually secret doors. Behind each of them sits a pair of skeletons in ambush. In the chest in the southern room you will find a love letter, which you need for the quest “Services for Interested Parties” in Denerim.

(Another small secret room is located behind a false wall a little further, opposite the stairs leading to the werewolves' lair. Although there is nothing particularly interesting there.)

Second tier

Elven Ritual

IN In the spacious hall you will see the ghost of an elven boy. It doesn't matter what you tell him - as a result, the ghost will run away, and a whole horde of skeletons will appear around you. Depending on the level of your group, they may not pose much of a threat to you, but if you have problems with them, you can always quickly retreat as far as possible, preferably to the very entrance to the tier - then there is a good chance that they are behind you Only part of the walking dead will follow, and it will be much easier to kill them.

IN In a small room to the south of this hall you will find a clay tablet and a scroll describing an ancient ritual. Go further and at the first intersection turn north. You will find yourself in the hall in which you must perform this ritual. We carefully read the scroll, study the tablet and repeat the instructions exactly:

1. Take a jug

2. We fill it with water.

3. We put it on the altar.

4. We pray.

5. Take a sip of water from the jug.

6. Pour the remaining water from the jug into the pool.

(Keep in mind that if you haven't found the scroll and tablet yet, you won't be able to do anything with the altar. The ritual can only be performed once they've been found.)

E If you correctly reproduced all the manipulations, the previously locked northern door will open. Behind it you will first find a couple of skeletons - nothing too scary - and the ghost of an elf. As in the case of the boy, it doesn’t matter what exactly you tell her - everything will end in a battle with the Shadows, including the Shadow of the elf herself. All three are elite. After the battle, you will find Juggernaut armor in the sarcophagus, which is part of the quest to collect the Juggernaut set.

Warrior Mage (ArcaneWarrior)

N and at the next intersection from the hall with the ritual you will find a trio of skeletons, but do not relax: as soon as you deal with them, you will immediately be attacked by a much more serious ambush of a dozen opponents, some of them appearing behind your back. After you deal with them, go to the southern room, where you will find an altar and a phylactery. Touch the phylactery, and you will understand that the spirit of an elven magician has been in it for many centuries. The spirit will offer you to free him, promising in return training in the “Mage-Warrior” specialization (allows magicians to wear armor and actively participate in hand-to-hand battles, if you develop the entire branch). You can also simply release the spirit without asking for anything in return. You will not receive a specialization then (you can try this option when you play through it again, since it will already be open), but Alistair will approve of your actions (+2).


IN in the huge central-southern hall, in which skeletal archers are waiting for you, and the floor is literally strewn with traps (if there is a robber in the group with a well-developed ability to hide, you can try to disarm all the traps before the battle begins), you will find the corpse of the adventurer and his magazine. The journal is part of the “Unchained” quest - but it will appear in your journal only when you have collected all the information on the mysterious Liberated from various sources.

Additional Information

IN In one of the southern rooms you will find a “black bottle”. This is one of six vials that will summon a revenant if you break it.

Lair of Werewolves
Scrolls of Banastor

IN In the southeast room you will find "ancient texts" with a scroll of Banastor - one of the five scrolls you need for the mage quests.

Additional Information

IN In the southwest room you will find a "black bottle". This is one of six vials that will summon a revenant if you break it.

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