Frater walkthrough. Review of the game Chosen: Well of Souls, The. Terrible, nightmare, insane 19th century

Another Diablo 2 clone

Name of Russian localization: Frater: Messenger of Light.
Genre: hack&slash.
Developer: Rebelmind.
Publisher in the CIS: Akella.
Number of disks: 1 DVD.
Minimum system requirements: Pentium III 1.4 GHz, DirectX 7.0 compatible video card with at least 64 MB of memory (GeForce2 class), 384 MB of RAM, 600 MB of free hard disk space.
Recommended system requirements: Pentium IV 2 GHz, 128MB VRAM (GeForce FX class or higher), 512 MB RAM.
Similar games: Diablo 1-2, Dungeon Siege, Space Hack.

For more than six years now, game makers from different countries have been entertaining themselves with the hunt for Diablo. The rules are simple: Diablo needs to be caught up in all respects, and then killed. And although there are quite a few hunters for the title of “Best hack & slash”, the number of newcomers who want to prove themselves does not decrease over the years. This time the Polish studio Rebelmind decided to challenge evil. In order to immediately distinguish themselves from competitors, the developers based the plot not on fantasy cliches or myths of the past, but exclusively on stories of their own composition, written in the style of science fiction of the late 19th - early 20th centuries.

A very necessary divine part of the secret heavenly natural philosophy...

Or, to put it simply, “alchemy,” according to Rebelmind, took huge strides forward in the 19th century. The sages unraveled the secrets of the Philosopher's Stone, the Emerald Tablet of Hermes, and even the “Dream of Osiris.” And it is not surprising that there was an alchemist named Marcus Dominius Ingens, who turned his knowledge into evil and opened the way for the demons of hell into the human world. The other alchemists were pretty frightened and, with the help of the “Dream of Osiris,” they decided to call for help to the Chosen One, who sits on the eternal throne in the Place of Balance in deep meditation. It was not possible to contact him live: the so-called “black broadcast” interfered. And in the black air, I must say, the quality of communication is disgusting: just clicks and crackles. And here, whatever one may say, they had to call us in the person of a specially trained hunter to fight evil (like Van Helsing) in order to clear the air and contact God’s messenger.

Terrible, nightmare, crazy 19th century

As I already said, driving out evil is the task of the Chosen One. We will not encounter many enemies, not much more than ten thousand. But these ten thousand hardly fit into 20 hours of gameplay. As a result, we are faced with a massacre reminiscent not even of Diablo, but rather of Crimsonland: hordes of monsters are waiting for us on the road, hiding in the bushes, in houses and on the roofs of houses, biting, throwing fireballs, resurrecting each other and in every possible way do not want to die at our hands . Not only that: we are regularly bombarded with meteorites from the sky, the earth is splitting under our feet, and clouds of black ether are rising from the swamps. The most important places are guarded by quite strong unique monsters, the battle with which will require many healing bottles and a little tactical skill. By the way, for completely clearing the entire zone of monsters there is a prize: additional development points.

The height of the developers' fantasy is impenetrable fiery walls that kill instantly as soon as you touch them. You can overcome these walls only by completing an additional task, solving a simple puzzle, or simply successfully slipping through at the moment when the fire goes out. Additional tasks are extremely simple: turn off the straight path, kill fifty monsters, break some key statue and immediately return back. However, these tasks are noted in the journal and there is a reward for them.

The game is divided into five parts: Eastern Europe, Ethiopia, South America, Siberia and Hell await us. After killing the last demon in each part, you can call it to your aid by spending a few “faith” points. Faith is spent only on summoning a demon; it is not pumped up, but is restored gradually, like a reserve of strength (stamina).

Great heroes and simple warriors

There are three characters for whom you can play the game: the priest (in the original) Simon, the archer (or rather machine gunner) Elena and the warrior Tong Wong. They differ in background, voices, initial equipment and just one skill. If desired, Elena can easily master magic, and Simon can master martial arts. Leveling up is very similar to that in Diablo: each level we get five points to increase four main parameters: strength, agility, occult and endurance. Strength is needed by a warrior, agility by a shooter, occultism increases the mana reserve, and endurance increases the character's health. In addition to the basic ones, there are also additional skills. All of them are passive, but only one “attacking”, one “defensive” and one “other” skill can work at the same time. There are not many skills, but they are pumped up quickly and largely determine the style of play: you can level up “escape”, “impressive appearance” and “increase speed” and simply run past enemies, or you can “poison” and “puncture” to give the monsters a bloody bath. Skills can be increased by one for each level, and they only increase to a maximum of five.

Wise alchemists did not dare to entrust their important mission to one person. We can summon a stone golem or the iron bird Neferkar to help us. In battle, an assistant is indispensable: he is strong, almost like our hero, and he can always be resurrected with a special scroll. By killing enemies, the assistant increases his level, and we can choose to increase his attack or health. In addition, the assistant can be strengthened by pumping up something similar to auras, which are useful not only for the assistant. There are many locations in the game, NPCs help us pass through them - sometimes our hero is covered by ten or even more people.

Alchemists' Arsenals

Medieval alchemists were engaged in a completely peaceful business - gold mining, but alchemists, on the contrary, use gold to create powerful spells. To learn a spell, you need, like in Diablo 1, to buy and read a book. By reading the same books, you can increase the power of existing spells. The magic of alchemists consists of three schools: fire, water and ether. The vast majority of spells from all three schools are aimed at destroying enemies. The only differences are in immunities: many monsters are immune to spells from one of the schools.
There are also regular shops that sell armor and weapons. The range of weapons is quite large: from a bow to a heavy machine gun and from an ordinary stick to a pair of long swords. Less armor: there are slots only for body armor and helmet. Weapons and armor can be ordinary, magical and unique. The characteristics of magical items are chosen randomly according to the system of postfixes and prefixes common in action/RPGs: for example, “Innocent Machine Gun” is a machine gun that has increased durability. The number of unique items is limited; their properties are determined by the developers themselves.
But the best way to spend money is to create items yourself. There is a special item conversion window for this. The system is simple: you can add any item to the original weapon or armor by paying a certain amount of money. In this case, the magical abilities of the original item will be retained or replaced by similar, but higher abilities of the added item. Any weapon, when added to another weapon or armor, reduces its strength, but at the same time increases the armor's defense and weapon attack. Strength is not difficult to restore by mixing the item you are interested in with any armor. Rings, scrolls and bottles only reduce the conversion cost. Thus, monsters never drop useless items: they can be immediately “attached” to those already worn.
Frankenstein's Follower Skin

As stated in the system requirements, the engine Farter-a uses DirectX 7, the capabilities of which were exhausted five years ago. As a result, the graphics are not even up to par with competitors from the hack & slash genre. However, I can’t call the engine bad. Firstly, thanks to the work of the designers: long locations are not burdened by monotony, the water in the rivers is shaded and reflects everything that it should. Characters do not get stuck every second, clinging to some barrel or bush. Quite the contrary: the bushes bend if we want to pass through them. Secondly, the engine works quickly and without glitches. Even in the toughest battle, you can calmly turn the camera, without fear that a suddenly slowed down mouse will cause your death.
There is almost no music in the game. Its remains are drowned out by the noise of the battle. Except that in fights with unique monsters, the themes begin to play more cheerfully, but, as the experiment showed, they get boring in the first ten minutes. But the voice acting of the dialogues does not raise any complaints: “Akella”, which saved a lot of time on the voice acting of Oblivion, released a fully translated version in the CIS even earlier than it was released in the West.


  • Dynamic gameplay worthy of the hack&slash genre.
  • Original plot and atmosphere.
  • Great design.
  • Well-debugged and fast engine.

Nasty things:

  • Lack of side quests.
  • Simple character development system.
  • Technologically backward graphics.
  • Almost zero music.

Rating: 5.5


Can only be recommended to true fans of the hack&slash genre who enjoy cutting out clouds of enemies. An unusual plot and a couple of original gameplay features will not let you get bored in the middle of the game.

does not strain the mind with sophisticated riddles, and the hands with complex controls. This game is created solely for relaxation and entertainment.

  1. The Polish studio with the self-explanatory name “Mind of the Rebel” seems to see its potential audience as consisting exclusively of experienced players. "Messenger of Light" goes against all the basic principles of a product available to the general public. Excessive complexity, incredible stinginess of the economic system and an extremely poor range of weapons and equipment force the consumer to look for ways to survive in this inhospitable world. But it is enough to accept the conditions of the game, and the impressions themselves will change polarity.
  2. you can mix any items with each other, changing their characteristics;
  3. all dialogues are voiced to the last;
  4. surprisingly decent localization with minor flaws;
  1. There are some elements of tactics and planning.
  2. backward graphics;
  3. almost complete absence of secondary tasks;
  4. excessive difficulty at the beginning;
  5. not very user-friendly interface;

From visitors to this alternative universe they just want minimal brain work, a little dedication and devilish patience. Out of habit, you won’t be able to run the distance set by the scriptwriters in a couple of evenings with a “Winner” sticker on your forehead. This is a rare case when two sets of weapons, a hefty list of spells and a branching tree of skills have to be used depending on the situation, and not variety for. Here you are an unexpected guest who has yet to justify his unexpected appearance at the ball. And the title of Chosen One helps little in achieving this goal.

Off the beaten path

Frater's setting is nineteenth-century eastern Europe. Firearms, experiments to turn lead into gold and “infernal machines” are in vogue, contrasting with the remains of medieval architecture. A certain magician with the noble name Marcus Dominus Ingens managed to find the philosopher's stone and, with its help, gain the notorious immortality. And so that no one would interfere with a measured life, Marcus cut the throats of all the most famous alchemists and preserved their souls in jars. Next on the successful magician's agenda is to take over the world with the help of a bunch of mindless demons and other horned and not-so-horned husks.

Only a trio of unknown heroes from different parts of the world can spoil global plans: Frater Simon - a young and very gifted sorcerer from Poland, the beautiful Elena, raised by a bunch of taiga hunters in the vastness of snowy Siberia, and the noble Tong Wong, born in the depths of the Tien Shan. Each of them has their own talents and style of resolving disputes, and together they are the only hope for civilization. The scriptwriters should not be blamed for such a trivial libretto. As long as the national culture is alive and folklore exists, villains with universal goals and modest “peasants” will appear on their “pages”, destroying filth with faith and a brave fist.

About the fact that cheese is not free...

In all other respects, “Messenger of Light” also tries to adhere to the accepted standards of the genre. Frater, Elena and Tong walk with measured steps across deserted areas, clearing them of evil spirits. Only occasionally on the road do you meet lucky people who survived this chaos and willingly join the chosen one. They are of little use, and their life is short - after the first serious skirmish, you will again be left in splendid isolation. “Pocket” companions last a little longer - golem and nefercar, unlike random companions, they have their own experience scale, slightly increasing their effectiveness.

At first, his own strength is desperately lacking - the hero, bearing the burden of the savior of humanity, is more like a baby, whom everyone will kick and not notice. Over time, the skinny messiah matures, acquires new skills, armor that really protects and weapons that can kill, and not make you laugh to death with their toyness. True, we will still have to live to see these happy days. The experience scale adds a teaspoon per hour and, as a reward for reaching a level, gives only a measly five points, distributed according to the main characteristics, and one for the development of skills. There are attacking, defensive and... “other” abilities to choose from, some of which even add luck.

Superman budget

Without the latter, living in this stingy universe will be extremely difficult. The trophies dropped from defeated creatures are only enough to barely make ends meet. And the brotherhood of alchemists, which sheltered the savior, preaches the principle of “friendship through friendship,” excluding the financial issue from it. Today, Frater is one of the most “greedy” games, where for fabulous money they will sell you an item that is ridiculously different in characteristics from the “regular” version. They will take him back at four times less price.

Money is required here for everything: restoring the lives of magical companions, buying potions, fixing constantly breaking things, replacing old weapons with new ones, identifying unidentified trophies and combining items. There is nothing superfluous on this list - each item constantly asks for financial investments, adding a certain amount of economic planning to the life of the Savior. You will have to do similar things during endless skirmishes with the messengers of a stupid wizard - regularly exchange a pistol for a club and activate exactly the set of skills that will be useful at that moment. Unlike its colleagues, the brainchild of Rebelmind strives to set at least some thresholds for the viewer on the way to the goal.

The pistols here belong to the melee category, you have to run away much more often than attack, and each magic blade has its own “client” with one hundred percent immunity to it. For the first couple of hours, I want to shoot myself as quickly as possible in order to get rid of the injustice creeping in from all sides. But over time, the rules become clearer, and the walk to the castle of the Antichrist gets on the right track. You begin to accept its peculiarities as the need to pay taxes and not throw leftover food at your neighbor across the street at a party. What is happening on the screen lacks only colors and that very “drive”, without which not a single event can take place today. And you won’t be able to forcibly cultivate these emotions in yourself, no matter how much you want.

Frater looks like a blast from the past. Poor architecture and creepy models with “cartoon” animation evoke only pity and no other emotion. Exterminating lanky monsters, absurdly waving their arms, is more like trampling flies with pencils on a summer afternoon, when boredom and afternoon sleep prevent you from concentrating on something more important - not at all scary and often just as ordinary. This world sounds just as poor and monotonous as it looks. Unless the dialogues are voiced until the last “hello-bye” and at the same time do not cause much discomfort, with rare exceptions. This time, the selection of translators and actors involved in the dubbing of the localized version was successful. The only amusing thing is the “satanic ulcers” and “blue brook rifles” found everywhere in the assortment of the local gunsmith. For some reason, the authors divided the usual character control scheme in two - the actual movement and camera rotations. Such delights add nothing but irritation, forcing the player to do extra work. You are unlikely to be able to rest in such conditions. The creation of the Polish studio does not go beyond the boundaries one step: non-stop chopping of monsters, collecting trophies, changing equipment and periodic chatting with the surviving population are included in the standard set of any representative of the genre. The main thing is missing - passion. It is he who gives meaning to what is happening, and not the mythical goals set by staff writers. Despite a lot of shortcomings, "Messenger of Light" is addictive, although very moderately. Over time, you stop paying attention to the graphics, which are vulgar by today’s standards, and the clumsy movements of the main character and the creatures he comes across along the way. All that remains is bare action with minor but frequent visits to a tiny laboratory and a persistent feeling of the meaninglessness of the campaign due to the absence of clearly defined rescuers.

You are on the page of the game The Chosen: Well of Souls, created in the RPG genre, where you can find a lot of useful information. The game was released by Rebelmind studio. The walkthrough of The Chosen: Well of Souls found here will help you quickly solve in-game problems and get tips on difficult moments. Also for the game The Chosen: Well of Souls, codes and cheats are simply necessary for everyone who likes to receive free bonuses.

The game The Chosen: Well of Souls was localized in Russia by the Akella company, but this does not eliminate the need for a localization, because sometimes errors manifest themselves during the game, and the original version is always better than the remade one. And playing in your native language is more enjoyable. You will play alone, going through each stage without anyone's help.

Reviews and feedback from readers will help you decide if a game is worth your time. Considering that the game was released on 2007-10-01, we can say that it belongs to the category of classics.

In addition to general information, you may need a variety of files. Use add-ons when you are tired of the main plot - they will significantly expand the standard features. Mods and patches will help diversify and improve the gameplay. You can download them in our file storage.

System requirements:
P4-1.4, 386MB RAM, 64MB 3D Card
Genre: Action/RPG
Rating: 6.5

Lead and steel

The Poles from Rebelmind continue to explore their favorite genre with enviable persistence. After the original Grom, the authors switched to solid, but lacking in zest, Diablo clones, which are still being baked to this day. If Maximus XV Abraham Strong (the toy has a ton of alternative names, if this doesn’t tell you anything) could at a stretch be called “Diablo in space,” then the setting of the latest release has not left the planet Earth at all. Frater has in common with the above-mentioned creation not only a common genre niche, but also a rather worn-out engine and a scanty plot, spread thinly over a couple of dozen hours of leisurely storytelling. Rebelmind definitely doesn’t like short games, preferring to draw a bunch of unnecessary locations, populating them with hundreds of demons, just so that the player doesn’t get to the credits too quickly.

Three hunters, one antichrist and a bunch of alchemists

The time of action was chosen to be an alternative universe of the late 19th century, and the location was the ancient town of Kamienitz (Southern Galicia, Europe). It was there that the underground laboratory of the brotherhood of alchemists settled, who help hunters who are trying to resist the hellish creatures released by the sorcerer Mark Dominius Ingus. This vile man, who was once a member of the brotherhood, killed all his associates and opened wells of souls connecting our world with the world of demons. For what, you ask? Yes, all for the same thing - to fill all the lands with devilish spawn, gain unlimited power and move up to first place in the ranking of magician dictators of all times and peoples. To stop the presumptuous old man, all that is required is to caulk four wells (in Europe, Africa, South America and Siberia), take into your service the monsters guarding them and beat the demon lord in a fair fight in his lair.
Actually, that's all. The authors simply did not have enough imagination for more. In Fater, which is quite strange, there are not even side quests. At all. Having wandered around the starting city a little, we come across a “secret” alchemist base, which is designed to serve as “many cities with dozens of NPCs.” Only here is it possible to repair/identify/sell or buy weapons and uniforms, stock up on magic scrolls/books and healing flasks, and also listen to several lengthy monologues from one of the five “teachers” regarding the current task. You can teleport to the base at any time, and for free, and at least during the battle with the next boss. As we progress, every now and then we come across townspeople who are in difficult situations, and for some reason we are not allowed to communicate with them. The maximum that such characters are capable of is to rattle off a memorized phrase (occasionally a whole paragraph) and rush into battle only to die ingloriously around the next turn.
Heroes. There are only three of them, as usual. Warrior, archer and mage. Alas, there are no differences between the saviors of humanity, except for appearance, initial weapons and backstory. But more on that a little later, but for now let’s get acquainted. The orphan Simon spent his childhood in a monastery; later his fathers sent the talented youth to the alchemist Peter, who taught the boy all the intricacies of witchcraft. It’s strange, if he was so successful in the field of magic, then why does he know only one spell at the beginning of the game? Huntress Elena was born in a remote Siberian village, she was the only survivor of the entire village after an attack by werewolves. Since then, he has been running through the forests in search of werewolves and ghouls. Finally, Tong-Wong, a monk who descended from the Tien Shan mountains, where he studied oriental martial arts. It is said that his sword, the Blade of Spring Rain, is a formidable weapon that even demons are afraid of; so why then wasn’t it put into inventory at the first meeting, handing over to the seasoned warrior not even a sword - a club?

Killed - sold - into battle

The essence of the gameplay is quite traditional. It is proposed to run from the starting point to the exit point, destroying several dozen monsters along the way (or five times more, depending on your luck). Then follows a visit to the store, trade and purchasing operations, a return to the front line and the next round of endless cutting. It would be nice if “mochilovo” was served with some kind of spicy sauce, striking the imagination with graphic delights, spectacular fighting techniques or memorable animation, but no. Polish game makers (all nine people) prefer not to go beyond a modest budget. Even the puzzles here couldn’t be more banal. Just imagine for a second that the road is blocked by a force barrier that instantly kills the player. What to do? Guess the riddles of a stone statue, run in search of a mystical artifact in a nearby cave, turn some levers or mechanisms in the correct order? Nothing like that, everything is much simpler; several options (suggested by unnaturally glowing centers of flame) have accumulated throughout the entire game: step on an illuminated marker left somewhere nearby; destroy the stone statues (in just one place in the desert a problem may arise - shoot with a bow at the snakes BEHIND the force field); take down the guard monster. In general, it is not customary to move the convolutions in Frater; instead, the entire load is shifted to reactions and reflexes.

Good steel, bunches of lead or magic?

And nothing has changed

Technological progress has bypassed Poles for a long time. If they adopt fresh ideas, they carefully hide it. Externally, Frater looks like the already mentioned Maximus XV (aka Space Hack, aka Mercury 8), which has undergone a slight facelift. The same isometric view, the same schematic figure of the alter ego in the center, the same toothy-fanged creatures who forgot to have a proper breakfast in the morning. I was pleasantly pleased with the water and the change of time of day (at night the streets light up with lanterns), the landscapes can be considered pretty in some places, and it’s a shame to complain about the limited geographical coverage (the range includes blazing hot dungeons, deserts, ancient cities in the tropics and even snow-capped Siberia with wild bears and gas pipes everywhere). The spells don't have a lot of special effects, but the models of characters and creatures are, as they say, no good. While you can still look at them from a bird's eye view, lowering the camera to the ground is highly not recommended. No matter the hour, you will cut yourself on sharp corners. Moreover, this process cannot be called particularly convenient. The camera is controlled from the keyboard, and the hero is moved with the mouse - for the programmers from Rebelmind, doing this at the same time, in particular changing the scale or viewing angle, turned out to be very difficult. At least at first. As for the sound, we can say approximately the following about it. Firstly, Jaroslav Siwinski is in no way Jeremy Soule, and secondly, absolutely all lines and dialogues are duplicated in voice. For a project of this level, this is praise.

For the sake of the triumph of light, for the sake of expelling the forces of evil...

Frater is intended mainly for “Diablo fans” who are ready to forgive a lot for the sake of a week in the company of their favorite hack & slash. Including an outdated appearance, linear runs through the levels, imaginary differences between the heroes, a lack of interesting assignments, and at the same time, multiplayer. The saving straw is the need to change weapons, adapting to the characteristics of the next victim.
As a result, it’s a completely playable and slightly old-fashioned thing, without disappointments or revelations. Fans of the genre will most likely appreciate this.

P.S. "Frater" translated from German means a member of a monastic order. This is exactly how they call one of the local heroes in the original: Frater Simon.

You take out a huge pump and pump out the elusive substance “fun” from the old woman. Having packaged a bunch of gray trash onto disks, you give it a meaningless name and pray that the marketing department will come up with sweeter slogans and a brighter cover. That's all. The next Clone Kopirovich Kalkin is ready to fly into the trash bin.

Hellgate: Poland

Frater- one of these mutants. It crawls in the tail of technological progress, showing landscapes of the caliber Dungeon Siege, mumbles something incomprehensible about the invasion of demons on Earth, hellish cauldrons and four portals that need to be slammed shut forever, and chases players through formulaic levels.

Western Europe, Ethiopia, South America, Siberia - seemingly different regions, but carved from the same blank. Two types of animals plus a variety of humanoid monsters, among which there are sure to be poisonous, magic-spitting and resurrecting creatures. Standard route (forest/field - city/castle - dungeon), standard entertainment (run straight ahead and kill, filling your backpack with useless ballast).

TO Diablo They also send classes that differ only in the starting values ​​of their characteristics. The warrior has developed strength, the archer girl, whose arsenal includes not only bows, but also guns and revolvers, has dexterity, and the sorcerer has occult knowledge. Don’t even dream of raising a hybrid: the meager 5 points awarded when you reach a new level barely allow you to keep up with the ever-increasing demands for blades, armor and spells. But there is a fourth parameter - “endurance”...

Currency is a much scarcer resource. Gold flows into the wallet in a thin stream and disappears after a series of visits to the alchemical laboratory, which here replaces the city square with merchants. There is no money even for essential things like potions and scrolls to treat his constantly dying partners - a mechanical fly with a built-in blaster and a golem with a surprisingly stupid face. Almost until the very end you feel like a homeless person rummaging through a garbage can.

What can we say about fooling around with modifying objects! In theory, this idea sounds good: they picked up some helmet with the cursor, put it in a special window and threw useless belongings there. The weapon increases damage and defense, but reduces durability. Armor increases service life. Potions, rings and scrolls reduce the cost of transformation. The modified object also inherits other properties of the “donors” (bonus to reflecting blows, etc.), turning into an extremely useful and, alas, damn expensive accessory.

But there are more than enough points to “pump up” your skills. Talents are divided into three categories: defensive, offensive and... um... "other". The assortment as a whole is not bad, but it’s a pity to spend money, because abilities from the same section, being passive in nature (that is, you don’t have to torture the mouse every second to turn them on), do not work together. Oh, do you want to get tired less often and quickly replenish your mana? Sorry, not in this life. The only solution for those who want to sit on several chairs is to juggle skills through the menu. Dubious pleasure.

Dried apricots

Apart from the skewed balance, any Diablo-an average lousy clone is obliged to offer a handful of exclusive “highlights”. U Frater there are two of them. The first is the “Reserve” item, which allows you to postpone the item in the store until you have extra coins (which, given the “generosity” of the designers, is unlikely), so that the coveted item does not evaporate when you visit the store again. Unfortunately, for saving trinkets from a pseudo-random number generator (Rebelmind, recalling the experience of her previous action/RPG Space Hack, did steal prefixes and suffixes for names from Blizzard) please pay extortionate prices.

The next surprise - the ability to summon demons - appears after the closure of the European portal. Infernal reptiles join our banners as the story progresses. They come to the rescue at the press of a button, show a spectacle rich in special effects and melt into the ether, if, of course, the hero has enough faith. Its stock is restored on its own and does not depend on other statistics, although enchanted belongings sometimes speed up the process. By the way, if you take a magician as bail, don’t look for robes, pointed caps, capes and other classics from merchants. Elemental masters roam the world Frater in shabby leather jackets and rustic wide-brimmed hats, flaunting fashionable staves.

However, if you try, you will find faint glimmers of light in the Polish miracle. Thus, it supports widescreen screen modes, honestly leaves the cold corpses of enemies, allows you to save at any time, instantly teleports you to the storage shed, and the phenomenally stupid “bosses”, who do not know how to choose a victim, stretch out their paws without much suffering. True, when telling your friends about your impressions, you will most likely remember a nightmare inventory where there is no automatic sorting, bear skins that fall from dinosaurs, mournful melodies and dreary “fantasy” chatter performed by two (!) overacting actors.

Polish hell

Akella, who saved several thousand dollars on quality voice acting, is easy to understand. Indeed, why waste your energy and time on a deliberate “go-getter”? For the same reason, the lack of multiplayer is not sad either - there are more interesting games. I ask you very much, dear Slavic brothers: stop feeding us pale reproductions of Blizzard’s imperishable. Tired, to be honest.

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