Taking the "master". Taking a “master” How to find out what you need to get a master

The “Master” class badge, along with “Expert” and “Scorer”, is one of the most popular awards. But unlike them, “Master” characterizes the player’s skills in a particular technique. We’ll talk about what this reward is and how to get a “Master” in World of Tanks in this article.

Class badges awarded to players characterize their skill in using a tank. In the latest patch, another similar reward was introduced - award marks/stars on the gun. But the badge of class is given for the experience gained in a certain battle. As for the stars/marks on the gun, they are received for average damage on a certain vehicle. Moreover, class marks, unlike marks, are not marked on the tank modules. Thus, none of the players in battle will ever know whether you are a “Master” of this vehicle or not.

In the tank forces of the Russian Federation, tank driver mechanics are issued with class badges from driver mechanic 3rd class to “Driving Master”. The developers did not complicate their lives and translated these types of cool features into the game.

In total, each player on a specific tank can receive the following degrees:

Badge of class 3rd degree is received by a player who has earned more experience in battle than the maximum average experience of 50 percent of the players fighting with this vehicle.

Badge of class 2nd degree is received by a player who has earned more experience in battle than the maximum average experience of 80 percent of the players fighting with this vehicle.

Badge of class 1st degree is received by a player who has earned more experience in battle than the maximum average experience of 95 percent of players fighting with a given vehicle.

“Masters” can only be obtained by players who have more experience per battle than 99 percent of players.

The following do not count towards experience for class: experience for the first day (X2/X3/X5), experience for having a premium account, additional experience for completing combat missions. Only “pure experience” gained in battle for damage, exposure, capturing and shooting down a base, and tanking are taken into account.

Having found out what a “Master” is, it’s time to think about the question: how to get a “Master” in WoT?

As you know, to get a “Master” you need to gain an amount of maximum experience that will be higher than that of 99% of users playing on a similar tank. In this case, you can immediately receive a higher degree, bypassing 1-3 degrees. And the reward for subsequent battles will not decrease. As a result, having received the “Master”, you will remain one forever, despite the subsequent decrease in statistics on the tank.

It is impossible to determine how much experience is needed for a reward on a particular tank, since the statistics are constantly recalculated. But everyone understands: the more popular the tank, the more difficult it is to earn a reward. Therefore, to obtain a “Master” on a certain tank, you will need to follow several rules:

  1. The upgraded crew directly affects the amount of experience earned in battle. After all, it is much better to drive a tank with a 100% crew than a vehicle whose crew is 50% upgraded.
  2. If possible, carry gold consumables and shells with you. Shooting with gold will certainly “drive” your account into the minus, but will allow the tank to penetrate everyone. And, as you know, experience is given mainly for damage inflicted on the enemy.
  3. The longer you live in battle, the more chances you have to gain the maximum amount of experience. You are on an artillery or tank destroyer - take secluded places. If you prefer to ride an ST or LT, don’t get into trouble at the beginning of the battle, otherwise the “Masters” will “hand” you in the hangar.
  4. It is much easier to get a “Master” in a platoon of several tanks. Since it will be easier for you to destroy the enemy with the help of friends.
  5. Remember that the main thing in battle is victory. Only if you win will you be able to receive a high reward, since if you lose, you will be given a reduced amount of experience and silver.
  6. Try to destroy tanks above your level. Both for damage to one’s own light and for damage to a high-level opponent, they give more experience.

We can say with complete confidence that if you follow these rules, you will be provided with a “Master”. What other items would you add to this list? Share your experience with readers!

The rank of MASTER in the game World of Tanks is the highest when completing a battle - this is the highest indicator of experience and credits. This badge of class is received mainly by those players who destroy the maximum amount of equipment at a time; in addition to other awards, it is the highest.

There are many ways on the Internet World of Tanks how to get a video master, where players share their own experience of destroying opponents

The “Master” class can only be obtained on medium and heavy tanks; beginners are not suitable for such an action, and preferably starting from the fifth level. Previously, all those who tried to beat the battle to the master used cheats and modifications, as they expand some abilities in the game, and can help win the battle easier.

Also, only one percent of the players who played in the last week can receive the MASTER class badge. All you need to do is gain as many frags and experience as possible, but here it is worth noting that it is not the damage that is taken into account, but the amount of experience. Experience is given primarily for damage to enemy vehicles, here it should be understood that different classes of equipment are taken into account, and for a high class you get more experience, for a low one, correspondingly little.

Even those players who are at the bottom of the list have the opportunity to get a master

To do this, you need to inflict damage with gold shells from vehicles that are in the top class or higher than you, you need to hit your own lights, if you hit someone else’s, then less experience is given. The next important factor is inflicting critical hits on enemy vehicles; the difference in tank levels is also taken into account here.

Critical applications are the main modules, such as: the forehead, tracks, guidance system, etc. and the crew. The easiest way, of course, is to destroy the tank; the tank will catch fire, which will entail a large amount of experience. The third factor is the detection of enemy units, for this you can also gain experience when a target is detected. It is better to use them for light vehicles; a lot of experience is given for detecting artillery.

There are several other factors that give experience, since the MASTER class badge is a relatively rare award.

Many players try to capture how to get a video master in World of Tanks and record it as a replay, or record a separate video file of the battle and post it on a video hosting or social network so that others can watch, comment or rate it.

The Master badge is one of the few awards in the World of Tanks game that indicates your ability to play a specific combat unit or how lucky you were in a specific battle. Let's take a closer look at the essence of this award and find out how to get a “Master” in World of Tanks.

Signs of class

According to official information, class badges characterize the mastery of a combat vehicle, and are issued based on the results of each battle on a particular vehicle, except for battles in the World War and in team mode (7/42). It turns out that the badge of class can only be obtained in random and company battles. There are four degrees introduced in the game:

Assignment of class marks

As can be seen from the explanation, the badge of class is awarded for experience earned in battle. Only the basic experience displayed in the battle results on the “Team Result” tab is taken into account. All other allowances and bonuses are not taken into account:

  • experience for the first victory of the day (x2, x3, x5);
  • bonus for completing combat missions.
  • presence of a premium account (PA).

It should be noted that the class mark once assigned is not reduced. The badge of class can only be improved - from 3rd to “Master”. Thus, you don’t have to worry that if the game on a particular tank deteriorates, you will lose your “Master”.

In update 0.8.11, the developers began issuing a badge of class at the end of each battle. However, the rule of the best reward is still valid - even if you were once again awarded a 3rd degree class badge (if you have a “Master”), the tank’s statistics will still show “Master”. It’s just that now the result of the battle is perceived more clearly - if you are not awarded at least the 3rd degree, then you did not bring any benefit in battle, although it is somewhat annoying to constantly receive the same degree 😉

How much experience do you need to take on Master?

It is impossible to find a clear answer to this question in open sources. Game servers recalculate experience tables every second at the end of each battle. The popularity of tanks varies depending on the promotions carried out by the World of Tanks developers.

But, you can indirectly assess the level of skill of a particular tank at the current moment. The resource wotreplays.ru can be of great help with this. Players love to post their “replays” on this resource. Incl. and “replays” of the battles in which they received the “Master”. Therefore, all you need to do is open a selection of workshop “replays” for the tank you are interested in, and see how much experience the players who posted their “replays” of battles over the next couple of days gained. It is clear that to obtain a “Master” you need to earn the same or slightly more experience in the next 2-3 days.

So, to get a “Master” based on the results of a battle, you need to earn as much experience as possible. The following are the main factors that contribute to increased experience.

1. Survive and win battles

The winning team receives 1.85 more experience than the losing team. Additional experience is also awarded for surviving the battle, including if the survivor was from the losing team. It is very common to find skilled players who survived a losing battle. Such players usually receive the same amount of experience as players on the 3-5 line of the winning team.

2. Try to play for a medal

With update 0.8.9, a new rule for accruing experience for the so-called. “Decent resistance” in case of team defeat. Thus, when receiving the “Battle Hero” achievement (“Warrior”, “Defender”, “Support”, etc.), an epic achievement or a platoon award, the players of the losing team will receive the same amount of experience and credits as the players of the winning team . Thus, having a medal based on the results of a lost battle allows you not to lose experience in accruing.

3. Attack tanks above your level

The damage you deal to higher level tanks is rewarded with additional experience. To put it simply, we can formulate a trend: damage against low-level tanks gives less experience per unit of damage than against same-level tanks. And damage for high-level ones is more experience per unit of damage than for single-level ones.

4. “Shine” as much as possible, “hustle” the enemy

Damage to enemies inflicted by allies while you are shining also increases your experience per battle compared to the situation when you are not shining. Likewise with the damage inflicted by your allies on the enemy whom you were able to “put on the harp”.

5. Participate in “kneading”

It has been experimentally established that the closer the enemy is to you, the more he shoots, the higher his level, and the larger his caliber relative to yours, the more experience you will be awarded for the so-called. active actions during the battle.

For example, you can stand behind a stone on a light tank and “X-ray” your enemies. Enemies cannot shoot at you, because... you are behind cover, but can fire at your allies. You, in turn, “highlight” the location of enemies to your allies, contributing to their (the enemies’) destruction. This is the ideal situation for obtaining a "Master":

  • there is active enemy fire around you;
  • you “highlight” the enemy;
  • you survive the victorious battle.

Perhaps these are the most obvious ways to increase experience based on the results of a battle. What other factors do you think contribute to increasing the experience earned per battle? Share your experience in the comments with others!

And also remember that you can always order the coveted “master” from our drivers, description. Therefore, come to us and you will receive your medal very quickly, watch the replay and enjoy the high results!

Good luck in the battle in the vastness of WoT, see you! 😉

The Master Badge is one of the few awards in the World of Tanks game that indicates your ability to play a specific piece of military equipment. Let's take a closer look at the essence of this award and find out how to get a Master in World of Tanks.

Signs of class

According to official information, class badges characterize mastery of a combat vehicle and are issued based on the results of each battle on a particular vehicle.

You can only get the Badge of Class by playing in random and company battles. There are four degrees introduced in the game:

  • Badge of class 3rd degree:
    50% players on this technique.
  • Badge of class 2nd degree:
    awarded to a player who has gained more experience in a battle than the average maximum experience for the week 80% players on this technique.
  • Badge of class 1st degree:
    awarded to a player who has gained more experience in a battle than the average maximum experience for the week 95% players on this technique.
  • Badge of class Master:
    awarded to a player who has gained more experience in a battle than the average maximum experience for the week 99% players on this technique.

Assignment of class marks

As can be seen from the explanation, the badge of class is awarded for experience earned in battle. Only base experience, displayed in the battle results on the Team Result tab, is taken into account. All other allowances and bonuses are not taken into account:

  • nor experience for the first victory of the day (x2, x3, x5);
  • nor a bonus for completing combat missions.
  • nor the presence of a premium account (PA).

In update 0.8.8, a bonus was introduced for worthy resistance. The bonus is awarded to players of the losing team upon receiving the Hero of Battle achievement, epic achievement or platoon award. In this case, they will receive the same amount of experience and credits as the players of the winning team. And this bonus is ADDED to the base experience, and IS taken into account when calculating the badge of class. The size of the bonus is displayed on the third tab in the battle results.

How much experience do you need to take on a Master?

It is impossible to find a clear answer to this question in open sources. Game servers recalculate experience tables every second at the end of each battle. The popularity of tanks varies depending on the promotions carried out by the World of Tanks developers.

But, you can indirectly assess the level of skill of a particular tank at the current moment. The resource wotreplays.ru can be of great help with this. Players love to post their replays on this resource.

Including replays of the battles in which they received the Master. Therefore, all you need to do is open a selection of master replays for the tank you are interested in and see how much experience the players who posted their replays of battles over the next couple of days gained.

It is clear that to obtain a Master you need to earn the same or slightly more experience in the next 2-3 days.

So, to receive a Master based on the results of the battle, you need to earn as much experience as possible. The following are the main factors that contribute to increased experience.

1. Survive and win battles
The winning team receives 1.85 more experience than the losing team. Additional experience is also awarded for surviving the battle, including if the survivor was from the losing team. It is very common to find skilled players who survived a losing battle. Such players usually receive the same amount of experience as players on the 3-5 line of the winning team.

2. Try to play for a medal
Since update 0.8.8, a new rule has been introduced for awarding experience for “Worthy Resistance” in case of a team defeat. Thus, when receiving the Battle Hero achievement (Warrior, Defender, Support, etc.), epic achievement or platoon award, players on the losing team will receive the same amount of experience and credits as players on the winning team. Thus, having a medal based on the results of a lost battle allows you not to lose experience in accruing.

3. Attack tanks above your level
The damage you deal to higher level tanks is rewarded with additional experience. To put it simply, we can formulate a trend: damage against low-level tanks gives less experience per unit of damage than against same-level tanks. And damage for high-level ones is more experience per unit of damage than for single-level ones.

4. Shine as much light as possible, harp on the enemy
Damage dealt to enemies by allies while you're shining also increases your experience per battle compared to when you're not shining. Likewise with the damage caused by your allies to the enemy whom you were able to put on the harp.

5. Participate in games
It has been experimentally established that the closer the enemy is to you, the more he shoots, and the larger his caliber, the more experience you will be awarded for active actions during the battle.

For example, you can stand on a light tank behind a stone and x-ray your enemies. Enemies cannot shoot at you because... you are behind cover, but can fire at your allies.

You, in turn, highlight the location of enemies to your allies, helping to destroy them (the enemies). This is the ideal situation to obtain a Master:

  • there is active enemy fire around you;
  • you highlight the enemy;
  • you survive the victorious battle.

Perhaps these are the most obvious ways to increase experience based on the results of a battle. What other factors do you think contribute to increasing the experience earned per battle? Share your practical experience in the comments.

Where to order pumping

If a person is tired of racking his brains, how to get a master in wot, can contact . Having filled out the form, selected a tank and paid for the order, he will need to wait for the procedure to be completed, after which the coveted letter “M” will appear on the treasured vehicle.

In the “ ” section, the client can verify the integrity of the project.

People who log into World of Tanks every day and have thousands of battles behind them dream take the Master on a tank to prove to others your professional skill. The award takes pride of place in the account's achievements, allowing the owner to receive universal recognition.

What does it mean

Many people think how to get the Master badge in tanks, but do not know the meaning of the achievement, implying a different meaning by it.

The badge of class, along with the others, appeared in the project with update 7.2 and is intended to encourage active and skilled gamers. Rewards are issued for a specific combat unit, and their degree depends on the owner’s success.

“Master” receives 1% of players at a fixed object who have earned more experience than others in 7 days. Therefore, if a person thinks how to get a Master in World of Tanks, he needs to prepare for a busy week, during which he needs to fight as many successful battles as possible.

How are they distributed?

Determining the percentage of users who will receive a mark is determined according to a certain principle. If a person knows him, he will not have problems, how to get a master in WoT.

The achievement is given to 1% of players who have the best tank performance for the week;

Experience is calculated without taking into account premium bonuses and first daily wins;

If the account owner had a class badge of a lower rank, then after receiving a master in tanks, it is replaced with an emblem with the letter “M”;

The reward cannot be lost or transferred to another vehicle; it is earned only once.

Replay of the battle in which the Master was obtained - free
Duration: 1-4 days (depending on the tank)

What happens when ordering the service Obtaining a “Master”?

- Win percentage: from 55% to 90% wins
- Efficiency Rating: from 1800 to 2900 RE
- Average damage: from 1500 to 5000 (depending on technology)
- Average experience: from 900 to 1500

Conditions for performing the “Take a Master” service

- Sufficient amount of silver
- Availability of 100 gold (for changing additional equipment)
- Ability to install three additional driver's choice of equipment
- You must have an active premium account
- Possibility to retrain the crew to choose the driver
- The tank must be in a top configuration
- During the order you do not play on custom equipment
- Good crew
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