What kind of purchase does dragon king need in the game? Guide to Dragon Knight: dragon knight, destroyer of thrones, unburnt, king of mid…. What to collect on Dragon Knight

Davion or Dragon Knier t is a melee hero with the main skill - strength. Suitable for playing even for a Dota novice, because... this hero is a kerii, i.e. he constantly needs gold and experience to be effective. And also Dk - pusher, disabler and tank. His abilities allow him to do all this. Let's talk about them.

Davion Knight's skills

First– allows you to release fire forward, which deals damage to all enemies in a small area. The ability deals good area damage and also allows you to farm quickly.

Second– Dragon Knight inflicts a fairly long stun on one enemy. Well, what can I say, he has a stun in Africa, but here, already at the first level of the skill, it takes a very long time.

Third– an aura that increases our hero’s HP regeneration and gives armor. This skill is relevant later in the game, when the damage of enemies increases. But this skill can also be upgraded if the enemy has skills that greatly reduce armor, such as Dazzle’s ult, weaver bugs, etc.

Ult– our hero is transformed for a long time into a flying dragon, which has a long-range attack. Also, with each level of the ult the dragon becomes stronger.

The first level allows you to demolish buildings very effectively, because he has a special corrosive attack. This attack also slows down the enemy and deals poison damage over time.

The second level gives the dragon splash damage, it is 100% in a small area and 50% thereafter. The corroding attack from the previous dragon is also retained.

The third lvl of the dragon retains the splash attack from the previous dragon, and also has a slowing ice breath in the area. Those. Enemies move and attack more slowly.

Sequence of learning skills

In 90% of cases, we level up the first skill as quickly as possible to deal maximum damage in the shortest time to the maximum number of enemies. Next, it’s optimal to pump up 2 skills, sometimes pumping up a third. But there are rare cases when, on the contrary, you need to pump up 3 skills and 1 time the second, and then upgrade it.


What should Dragon Knight collect?

Starting items

For early game

Items according to situation

The bracer will increase the characteristics, but if the game is going really badly, then we take 1-2 more bracers. From boots, of course, we take Fri. I've seen some people take phases and immediately say no! DMG is of no use to us, the most important thing for us is to increase the attack speed to deliver more blows when the enemy is stunned from 2 spells. Fri will also increase survivability and attack.

Why is the dominator the main thing? Because at first we don’t pump up to the maximum of 3 spells, but we need to heal. It is also important that it increases armor, gives good dmg, and also allows you to tame various creatures from the forest. Don’t forget to subdue all sorts of animals, firstly, they can greatly help in pushing, and secondly, they can greatly increase your armor or attack. The effectiveness of the dominator increases greatly if you take forest mobs under your wing.

Next - if stuns and magic do not give life, then we take bkb, and we should have enough armor. But if that’s not enough, ribs are our choice. If the bash doesn't allow you to do anything, then the halberd is our choice. If the enemies attack very quickly and run around, then we take Sasha Yasha. Taraska - if all 5 attack you, there are only carries in the team and no one else can tank. In general, look at the situation guys.

15-12-2019Knight Davion Guide - Dragon - Davon - Dragon Knight - dragon for Dota version6.83d/6.84c. Davion is the last of the race of Great Druids who had control over the essence of the dragon. According to legend, 6 Great Dragons left their small offspring by mixing their blood with human blood. This is how the masters of transformation and the powers of fire among people were born. But what is powerful, we are afraid of and try to destroy - little Davion was left alone in this huge world after the destruction of all his relatives.

Unable to somehow protect himself, to master the legendary form, he became a hermit. He wandered until one day he met a druid in the depths of the forest. So he got a house for 15 years. During this time, he realized his inner power and also became an excellent swordsman. Now he has become the mighty Dragon Knight. But the legion came and the druid who sheltered him was called to battle with evil, where he met his end. Davion was furious when he learned of the death of his only friend, and swore before the mighty forest that he would direct his power against all the evil of the world and there would be no rest for him until there was peace in Azeroth. Scourge has arrived and Dragon Knight is eager to fight on the side of Sentinel.

Tavern – neutral (strength).
Attack range - melee (125).
Movement speed – 290.
Initial attack – 46 – 52.
Attack at level 25 (white) – 113 – 119.
The initial amount of life at level 1 is 511.
The number of lives at level 25 without pluses is 1784.
The amount of mana at level 1 is 195.
The amount of mana at level 25 without pluses is 715.
Amount of armor at level 1 – 5 (physical damage reduction 22%)
The amount of armor at level 25 without pluses is 12 (42% reduction in physical damage)
Amount of armor with upgraded passive – 24 (physical damage reduction 54%)
Review night/day – 1800 / 800.

STRENGTH – 19 + 2.8 per level.
AGILITY – 19 + 2.2 per level.
INTELLIGENCE – 15 + 1.7 per level.

Dragon Knight Skills:

Breath of Fire

Dragon Knight has the powerful ability to spew dragons
magical flame even in human form at a distance of 500 destroying
even mechanical creatures. KD 12

Level 1 – Deals 90 damage, costs 100 mana

Level 2 – Deals 170 damage, costs 110 mana

Level 3 – Deals 240 damage, costs 120 mana

Level 4 – Deals 300 damage, costs 130 mana

dragon tail

Dragon Knight can stun enemies at a distance of 150 with his powerful
dragon tail, while causing them significant magical damage and
stun. Mana cost 100, CD 9 sec.

Level 1 – Deals 25 damage, stuns for 2.5 sec.

Level 2 – Deals 50 damage, stuns for 2.75 sec.

Level 3 – Deals 75 damage, stuns for 3 sec.

Level 4 – Deals 100 damage, stuns for 3.25 sec.

Dragon's Blood (passive skill)

Increases the hero's health recovery and provides additional protection.
Level 1 – Increases health regeneration by 1 per second and gives 2 defense
Level 2 - Increases health regeneration by 2 per second and gives 4 defense
Level 3 – Increases health regeneration by 3 per second and gives 6 defense
Level 4 - Increases health regeneration by 4 per second and gives 8 defense

Dragon form

Transforms into a dragon, gaining a ranged attack and additional bonuses depending on the level of the ability.
Level: Transforms into a green dragon. When attacking, deals 20
magic damage per second, for 5 seconds, affects
Level 2: Transforms into a red dragon. Gives
Possibility of splash attack. Deals 100% damage to others at a distance of 75
units, 75% damage at a distance of 150 units, 50% damage at a distance of 250
Level 3: Transforms into a blue dragon. Gives
splash attack (same as the red dragon) and slows down when attacking
Movement speed by 30% and attack speed by 20%, lasts 3 seconds.

Mana cost: 50
Cooldown: 115

ULT. Without him we are not a dragon. With him we have a passive slow at lvl 6
, on 11 40% splash, on 16 and slow and splash about 100%. In the late game
turns us into mass damage dealers. With this ult we don't need any bfs.

Red Dragon – has 5 bonus damage and deals splash damage equal to
100% at 75 range, 75% splash at 150 range, 50% splash at
distance 250.

Ice Dragon – gets 14 bonus damage, splash like red
dragon and icy breath with each attack, slowing down the running speed
enemy by 30% and attack speed by 20% for 3 seconds.

Comments on Dragon Knight skills:

Fire Breath is our mass damage skill. Allows not only
cause damage to a crowd of enemies, but it’s also good to farm creeps, destroying
these are ballistas or catapults.

Dragon's Tail - Our good stun in 3 seconds. It's cheap, almost nothing
it does damage, but it will! The sad truth is that point blank, but nothing in shape
The dragon can quickly catch up with the enemy.

Dragon's Blood is an excellent skill that allows you to feel comfortable being in the lane and having decent HP and armor regen.

Dragon Form is the skill that makes Dragon Knight out of us -
dragon knight Already starting with a green dragon that poisons the target
you can start actively hitting enemies from afar. Red allows us
It’s good to farm together with fire breath, but ice breath is just scary
the crowd of our enemies with its slowdown.

Leveling up Dragon Knight skills:

Buildup: CO 1



Description: Used almost everywhere. Stan at lvl 1 and then max out the passive with the first cast.



Comments on leveling up skills:

We focus on fire, since this is our damaging mass skill. At 4
lvl needs to make a choice whether to pump up a passive or a stun. If
It’s hard on the line - download passive. If everything is quite easy and
we just take the stun for the purpose of further ganks. Next we focus on fire
and a passive, since spending lvl 3 on a stun is almost pointless for
early stage. since 0.75 sec. stun and 75 damage will not give much.

You can, of course, pump up your stun, for example, to lvl 1 or 2 for kills on
online, but in my opinion it’s more effective to download Dragon Knight the way I do
suggested above.

Items for Dragon Knight:

Awareness of the character's role:

It seems that Dragon Knight is suitable for several roles: tank, ganker, late. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Tank – Our basic parameters, as well as the Dragon’s Blood skill, are made from
We have a good tank with a lot of armor. Tempting but boring
option. Because Dragon Knight can do much more than just

Ganger is a good option due to our stun and breath, but at the same time
you need to run almost point-blank towards the goal. And at the expense of our ganks
we will waste precious time on farming, although these 2 goals are ideal
needs to be united.

Leith is, in my opinion, the best option, since Dragon Knight is simply
can farm incredibly quickly. Breath + dragon splash clears the forest and
lines in seconds. Therefore, the late stage comes quite early for us and
preferably to an ice dragon. It is unlikely that anyone will leave us.



There are several factors that influence where to stand Dragon Knight.
Firstly, what enemy is in the mid lane and how skilled he is. Secondly,
your initial purchase and expected character leveling line.
In general, to get into the late game as quickly as possible, I would suggest you
stand on the mid lane or another solo lane. Our regen and armor allows us
farm creeps with almost impunity, almost without paying attention to
enemy, especially if your allies have heroes with auras like wood or see.
In addition, starting from lvl 3 you can safely finish off creeps using
skill, but at the same time constantly causing damage to the enemy hero. In that
The following artifact will help us:

Thus our constant breathing will not allow him to feel
superiority over DC. You can act on a line with allies
absolutely the same. With higher dominance, you can easily arrange
run at enemy heroes. Our stun at lvl 1, after all, will stun at 2.5


This is a stage of the game that requires you to do as much as possible.
active actions. Those. You must always either farm or be in
combat - no need to waste time on simple movements; no need to move
on the map. Farm, kill, farm should be your priority.
They turned into a dragon and quickly cleared the forest, went online and killed
enemy. Here is a rough outline of your actions. If, for example, there are 4-5 in mid
There are just as many enemy heroes and yours, and no one can start a fight. That's about
What does this tell us - a waste of time. While they stand you
farm, but nearby.


The fateful hour has come when the Ice Dragon appears in your hands
and an excellent purchase in inventory. Now there is simply no escape from you. You are brave
you can start a batch by flying into a crowd of enemies and starting to distribute to your
a good splash left and right. Well, help arrived from outside
your comrades will be very useful. Typically this stage begins
quite early, as Dragon Knight is leveled up and collected
quickly enough with the right rational actions, and of course,
if the enemy allows it.

Friends of Dragon Knight:

Aura for HP regen


Aura for mana regen

Enemies of Dragon Knight:

Will kill us with his ult

Will reduce our damage or give slip


Davion, "Dragon Knight" is a fighter best suited for a mid that excels at pushing the lane and fighting teams that rely on physical damage. Avoid stacking it against teams with a lot of magic damage, pure damage.

While it has decent play potential, your ideal plan is to aggressively take on enemy heroes and force them to pay attention to you. This requires a strong deception phase, including farming the ancients, which you can kill yourself once you reach level 12 and have the Armlet of Mordiggian.

Farming crepes will allow you to quickly get level 15 and BKB. If you can have all this before 23:00, you will surely be the most powerful hero on the map. Ask your team to join you as you push the lanes. Move away when your Dragon Form ult stops working and press again when it's active. Take all the T2s and then knock out the Aegis and go into battle.

This guide is based on my 600+ Davion plays (60% winning rate) plus countless hours watching pros and talking to 6k+ mid players about Davion. I'm confident this guide will help you understand Davion to the next level and most importantly help you win games.


Mid game

Playing mid

Hero skills

1 3 7 8
5 13 14 16
2 4 9 11



Persistence. Due to his Dragon Blood passive, he has above average flexibility growth for a strength hero (4th max) and damage reduction caused by Breathe Fire. Gives him very powerful abilities and allows him to live for a very long time in batches and reduce damage to enemies.
AOE Damage. Breathe Fire is a strong AOE nuke and Elder Dragon Form level 2+ that adds burst to his auto attack, making him very strong against illusion heroes. Also allows you to clear large crape camps very quickly.
Push. Davion is a great pusher for three reasons. 1) Elder Dragon level 1+ adds 100 magic damage over 5 seconds to its automatic attack. 2) AOE damage allows him to cut through waves quickly. 3) His durability allows him to tank waves and towers so his allies can advance longer.
Disabler. Even though he was never picked for this exact reason, Davion has one of the best stuns in the game Dragon Tail, which has a low mana cost, short cooldown, very long duration, and fast projectile speed. The downside is its melee range.


Small mana pool. Davion is very spell dependent at all stages of the game, and this weakness needs to be addressed quickly with items like Soul Ring, Magic Wand, Infused Raindrops, and Power Threads. He also has a mana regen talent at level 10, which you'll usually take.
Low attack damage. Although Elder Dragon Form adds 20 magic DPS for 5 seconds to his attack and his breath damage buffs him in some ways, he needs to get a damage item like the Armlet of Mordiggian and his level 15 damage talent before he can really give out good damage.
Poor mobility. Davion has no innate skill for initiation or escape. His 285 speed is also low, although he gains 25 MS in Elder Dragon Form. Important ones are Blink Dagger , Silver Edge , Hurricane Pike , Drum of Endurance , and/or Sange and Yasha .
Magic and pure damage. Davion tends to be at the center of battles and pushes the team forward, but his armor does nothing against magic and pure damage. Against magic damage we get items like Infused Raindrops until we get Black King and maybe Hood of Defiance. Against magic and pure damage, we will prioritize durability elements that increase our HP.

Bundles of heroes

I like teammates who bolster Davion's weaknesses, keep the enemy at bay, or can keep me alive while tanking.
Drow Ranger. Her aura increases your damage in dragon form, her ice arrows keep the enemy close, and her silence adds some utility that you don't have. She works great with a frontline warrior like Davion.
Luna. Her aura increases your damage when she gets close, she offers your team a good mix of magic and physical damage, and she gives your team hard pushing potential.
Vengeful Spirit. Vengeance Aura increases your damage when she gets close, Magic Missle is a great spell for ganking in team fights. Wave of Terror helps you kill Roshan faster, and Swap can save you from unexpected situations.
Io. Makes you even stronger as a tank and significantly increases your mobility.
Magnus. Magnus gives you a damage boost and can control enemies very well.
Underlord. Having Underlord on your team means he's not on the other team, which is a good thing since he'll hold you back a lot with Atrophy Aura damage and Firestorm percentage damage.

Skill Analysis


Generally, you will breathe Fire first because it helps with fighting, chasing, pushing, and farming. The debuff it inflicts on the enemy is very significant in battle, as you can use it early on to ruin the enemy's final hits and negate ganks. In battles you will also use it for pursuit and defense. In team fights, strike priority starts at the start of the team fight, unless you are trying to eliminate supports immediately.


Dragon Tail is one of the longest stuns in the game and a guaranteed stun at level 1. Since it costs a lot of mana and does little damage, its only purpose in battle is to secure a kill or close a gank. Stun duration and damage are also reduced slightly, so an early value point (usually level 4, 5 or 7) is appropriate and then you don't need to use the skill again until you have another skill.


Dragon Blood allows you to easily charge physical damage and use Armlet of Mordiggian and Soul Ring. HP regeneration is constant and will therefore restore you to full health faster.


As a general rule, you should use this skill whenever you can. Use your dragon form when a team fight is playing out, or you need to pick up ancient stacks of crepes. Sometimes you will use it to escape as it provides +25 MS. In the late game, save it only for team fights because you will be of little use if you are forced to fight in Knight form.

Some comments on the attack modifiers provided by Elder Dragon Form:
Corrosive Breath. Applies a debuff to the target that deals 20 magic damage per second for 5 seconds. Consecutive attacks refresh the duration. Since he is magical, he is not reduced by armor, which is why Davion destroys buildings so quickly. You can also buy yourself a few seconds to walk away from the tower when it's low on HP and let the poison destroy it.
Splash Attack. Corrosive Breath is applied to all enemy units within a 300 burst radius. The sweep attack does not affect structures, but enemy units may be damaged if Davion attacks a structure.
Frost Breath. Reduces the movement and attack speed of all enemy units within the attack radius by 30% and 30, respectively. The skill breaks immunity, which allows Davion to kite heroes such as Sven.

Talent Analysis

The talent lists chosen above are situational, but ideal. Check out the winning odds for each talent.

Level 10. The default mana regen talent is unless you're up against a lane that relies heavily on physical damage, in which case the extra damage reduction is an absurdly good choice. With the mana talent, Power Treads, Soul Ring, and Raindrops, you can easily stay at full mana while spamming Breathe Fire to farm.

Level 15. Only choose the HP talent if the main target is the tank and the others provide enough damage. Gaining a damage talent is one of Davion's most powerful and a great fighting ability.

Level 20. The Dragon's HR talent is usually vastly superior to the GPM talent with a few notable exceptions: 1) the game is likely to be very long, 2) you don't tank, 3) your passive will be knocked down (eg Silver Edge, Nethertoxin), 4) your main concern – this is magic damage (in this case you will need to buy anti-magic items).

Level 25. The power of the talent will increase your damage, HP and magic resistance by a significant amount at once. I would only recommend the stun talent if your team desperately needs to lock down an agile enemy like Weaver, Puck, or Anti-Mage.

Starting items are typical, but against Zeus, Phantom Assassin, Timbersaw, Batrider, Brewmaster, or Bristleback, you may want to start with Magic Stick instead of Stout Shield. Even if your allies provide you with generic Tangos, in most games I would recommend buying more of them.

At the start of the game

At 15 minutes you should have Armlet of Mordiggian. I agree with Purge that the Armlet is "Dragon Knight's best item yet." At level 12 you should be doing over 200 damage with Armlet active, not to mention the extra armor. This gives you a huge advantage over other opponents in the early game. Dragon Blood mitigates HP drain to a large extent, and once you get the 2x Dragon Blood talent, your HP regen will actually exceed HP drain and you can leave Armlet enabled by default.

The usefulness of the Armlet increases even more once you become effective at "switching the Armlet". I highly recommend you practice this with bots until you feel comfortable with it. Skillful Armlet switching can make a hero like Davion incredibly difficult to kill and lead to some stellar outings. However, if you're sure you don't like this item, I'd recommend Drum of Endurance or Shadow Blade.

Game on Mid

In the strategy game I prefer, the most important element you can have is the Black King Bar. It's not essential in every game, but to keep things simple, I recommend it as a core item. I also recommend building it before a mobility point for the simple reason that you don't need a mobility element to besiege towers. This will force the enemy to turn on you. When they do, activate BKB and crush them.

ATTENTION: refrain from purchasing and spending balens during the “Cross-server events” and “Wild Plunder”, since balens purchased and spent in this way WILL NOT BE COUNTERED in this event! The event is available to players who have reached level 30 and above. The event lasts 7 days. You can exchange the accumulated sweets for goodies in the “House of Sweets” “Gifts for Login” By logging in...

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      “Title Lottery” - temporary event The event uses real balens (replenishment balens) and golden keys, which can be obtained for a certain number of spins. If there are keys, they are spent first. 1 attempt requires 20 balens or 1 key. The essence of the event is to collect a phrase from words. Event Rewards During the event you spin...

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      Dear players! From March 6 to 12, a festive event will be held - “Birthday”, dedicated to the game’s birthday: fulfill the conditions of game events and receive generous rewards! The event is accessible by icon: Consists of several parts: Gifts for entry Exchange store Replenishment rating Lottery Double reward Refund for replenishment Refund of part of expenses...

    • 05.03.2019

      Dear players! From March 6 to 12, a festive event will be held - “Anniversary”, dedicated to the game’s birthday: fulfill the conditions of game events and receive generous rewards! Event “Anniversary” Available to players by icon By completing various tasks, receive special items for the exchanger “Anniversary Coins” and chests with rewards “Anniversary Chest” The event itself consists of several…

    • 05.03.2019

      Dear players! The guild has a new functionality - “The Secret of the Kingdom of Constellations”. Fight monsters and other players, answer questions - and dive into the depths of the kingdom, earning guild points and other valuables. New feature - Explore the Magic City: Every day all guild members have 10 free exploration attempts. Click "Start...

    • 05.03.2019

      Magic tree. Available by icon Daily event, available to players from level 30. The event starts at 13:00, duration is 30 minutes. The event is divided into two events: Grow a tree and Guard a tree. Grow a tree. For the first 15 minutes, you need to grow a tree and gain experience for every 15 seconds. The amount of experience gained depends...

    • 05.03.2019

      Dear players! Starting March 5, the ability to host cross-server parties has been added to the game. Gaming couples can participate in the auction for a cross-server party every day. The auction takes place from 13:00 to 19:20 Moscow time. The winners get the opportunity to host a cross-server party. Cross-server coins are required for the auction and any activities during the party. Login to the cross-server party...

    • 20.02.2019

      Secrets of the Old Castle During the event, you can get many valuable things: red astral, orange talent card, balens and other valuable items. If you collect three keys of the same color, you can exchange them for a red astral, an orange talent card, or balens. The keys you have left can be used in the next event. If for...

    • 11.02.2019

      The event is accessible by icon: The event consists of many sections: -Alchemy; -Sale; -Replenishment rating; -Refund for replenishment; -Refund of part of expenses; Alchemy Increases alchemy rewards by 50%. Important: perform alchemy only after clicking on the “Get” button. The effect lasts only 2 hours. Available for players from level 30. During the event, players can...

    • 27.08.2018

      Purification of the soul of the Goddess is available in the Soul Purification tab. A total of 8 souls are available for purification. In order to open each of them, certain conditions must be met: Red soul Required number of stars of the Goddess - 4 stars Seals of the soul of the Goddess - 1 pc. Red Soul (Required resource: Soul Refinement Stone*) from 1 to 2...

    • 18.05.2018

      The event takes place in several stages: Registration of participants, distribution into groups Qualifying battles as part of their group. Play-offs among the leaders of each group (finals) Only players who have reached level 120 and have a BR of 1,000,000 or higher can register. Registration takes place from 10 to 22 Moscow time. There are 2...

    • 16.05.2018

      ATTENTION: refrain from purchasing or spending balens during the “Cross-server events” and “Wild Plunder”. The event is available for players level 30 and above. Prize balens are spent first, and then real ones. During the event, you can purchase in-game items at a big discount. When the number of purchases on the server reaches a certain level, everything...

    • 16.05.2018

      ATTENTION: refrain from purchasing and spending balens during the “Cross-server events” and “Wild Plunder”. In the Pet Improvement Wheel event, you can get a number of very useful items to strengthen your pets: Souls and Pet Essences. ATTENTION! The event is available to VIP players who have reached level 70 (when the ability to use pets becomes available). On the screen...

    • 04.05.2018

      “Victory Day” event Accessible by icon By completing various tasks, receive special “Red Star” badges and chests with “Victory Day Set” rewards. The event itself consists of several tabs. Available tasks: “Login” tab. To receive a reward you must log into the game. The update occurs at 00:00, so in order to receive a reward for logging in after the update, ...

    • 04.05.2018

      ATTENTION: refrain from purchasing and spending balens during the “Cross-server events” and “Wild Plunder”, since balens purchased and spent in this way WILL NOT BE COUNTERED in this event! Event "May Rush" Accessible by icon Alchemy Increases alchemy rewards by 50%. Important: perform alchemy only after pressing...

    • Dragon Knight- one of the fattest heroes in the game. Looks great from the very beginning of the game and does not lose its relevance until the end.
      He has very interesting spells that make him not only a tank but also an excellent damage dealer and a good pusher. He is an uncomplicated hero, so he is perfect for beginners. It's all about his excellent health regeneration, as well as a huge supply of health and good armor. It’s quite interesting to play for him, because he can not only be a tank, but also killing the enemy hero is not a problem for him. We have an excellent camp that lasts quite a long time. Fire will allow us to deal area damage, as well as a unique ultimate that allows us to turn into a powerful dragon. Dragon types change several times when leveling up your ult. At the last level we get a dragon with an ice area attack.

      What to collect for Dragon Knight:

      We already know that our hero is a good tank, but with an excellent ability to deal significant damage, it’s not for nothing that we were given a stun spell and the ability to slow down at level 16. Therefore, we will collect it taking into account all its capabilities.

      Power Threads - by collecting it we will receive an excellent bonus to attack speed, as well as a good increase (+7) to strength. After all, we remember that our hero will be a kind of damage-dealing tank.

      Dominator - we need vampirism, so we collect it, other artifacts with this ability are not suitable for us. Because they won’t give the same effect as Dominator. which can then be improved in Satanic

      Monkey King Bar is a great artifact, although not everyone collects it. gives a good attack speed, and also greatly increases our damage. We have a chance to deal an additional 100 units of damage and stun the target for 0.01 seconds. We will also never miss our enemies again.

      Assault Cuirass is ideal for us, because we have good damage and excellent armor, but we still need to work on our attack speed and remember that we are a tank, so the armor bonus cannot be ignored either. This artifact perfectly increases the parameters we need so much. It also looks great with the Monkey King Bar and our camp.

      Black King Bar - although we have an excellent supply of health and good armor, experienced enemy magicians or heroes with stunning can control us and we will not be able to do anything, but by collecting this artifact we get the avatar spell. Which will completely protect us from enemy spells.

      Heart of Tarrasque - the last artifact that we will collect for Dragon will be Tarasque, because it gives an excellent bonus to the maximum supply of lives, and greatly increases our strength, and therefore damage. We also get fantastic life regeneration.

      Of course, our hero can collect other artifacts, but I did not include them in this guide.
      Artifacts for Knight Davion:

      Friends and enemies of dragon Knight:
      Among our friends we see other heroes with the ability to stun; the combination of Ax + Dragon Knight in the lane looks very confident. And if we have a healer with us, for example: Dazzle or Warlock, then it will be very difficult to stop our farming.

      There are no special enemies. Everything is standard

      A very strong and interesting hero who will be a pleasure to play. Playing as him, you can really fray the nerves of your enemies. Even beginners will be able to control this hero, since there is nothing complicated in his control, such as the chance that you will be killed is sharply reduced, thanks to a long stun and excellent health regeneration. Dragon Knight is perfect for players who not only like to play the role of a tank, but also want to kill enemy heroes. I hope you liked our Dragon Knight guide and be sure to try playing as this hero.

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