Mind map: how mind maps can help a student. Mind maps or Mind Maps. Why do you need it and how to create a mental map online?

Mind maps are a convenient and relatively simple tool for organizing data. A mind map can be used for a variety of purposes. The tool has already received recognition among professors, designers, and creative people. Of course, mind mapping will also be useful for ordinary students, and for student planners it will be useful when solving work problems.

Note-taking problems

Almost all people have dealt with notes at least once in their lives. This method of record keeping is traditional, but it has several disadvantages:

The notes are complex in structure;
- these records take a lot of time;
- It’s difficult to remember something based on notes.

The main disadvantage of traditional records is the complex structure and lack of identified main categories. The notes look like sheets from the text. Yes, you can highlight certain things in them, but this will not help much. The main concepts are always hidden behind large amounts of text.

We remember the main concepts, focusing on certain keywords that serve as reference points. It is very difficult to find them in the notes. We have to deal with heavy phrases.

It's good if the handwriting is clear. If the handwriting is similar to medical script, then deciphering such cryptograms will require additional effort.

Benefits of Mind Maps

Mind maps were created by Tony Buzan as a counterbalance to traditional methods of note-taking and note-taking. Buzan is a psychologist who has a good understanding of how individuals perceive information. He removed all unnecessary things from the notes and proposed a very simple system that had already been used before him. Tony Buzan just rediscovered it.

Mind maps are:

A simple and convenient way to structure information;
- records that are easy to understand;
- presence of identified main concepts and categories, reference points;
- minimum amount of text;
- clear structure.

Mind maps are created on a piece of paper, which is usually placed horizontally. Instead of simple linear notation, the radial method is used here. All keywords are placed on threads, and it is recommended to use one word for each thread, rather than entire phrases. The person who keeps such a record only needs to choose the most vivid and memorable concepts that he will use as reference points.

When creating mind maps, it is important to remember that mind mapping involves more than just taking notes. Mind mapping can be attributed more to creativity than to the dry presentation of lectures on paper. Over time, each person who works with a mind map develops their own style of note-taking. And in the first stages you should follow simple recommendations.

One line - one word. On each of the lines emanating from their center, as well as on the branches that go from the main lines, Tony Buzan recommends placing only one word. According to him, it is this method that helps to focus on remembering information. One word provides the opportunity for additional images and associations.

A map is not a diagram. Experts echo Tony Buzan that a mind map should not resemble a traditional diagram. Words should be placed directly on the branches, without placing them in different rectangles and other graphic shapes. There is no need to take a ruler and draw a strict diagram; the branches of the mind map should be alive.

Printed font is preferred. When creating a mind map, it is better to use block letters. A map with entries in block letters looks neater. In addition, regular writing can be illegible. This will affect the perception of information.

Horizontal maps are more convenient. To create a mind map, it is better to place a sheet of paper horizontally rather than vertically. Some “creative individuals” even try to write by arranging the sheet in some bizarre way. This is extra work that doesn't pay off. A mind map is a creative thing, but it has a purely practical function.

Working with color and size. In a mind map, you can highlight more and less important reference points simply by changing the color when writing a word, using a different font size, or making some words more prominent. This is one of the important advantages of mind mapping. Here the recording possibilities are unlimited.

Letters or graphics? In mind maps, you can actively use pictures and graphics. Moreover, for the central concept, which is located in the very heart of the map, a picture is always needed. This could be an image printed from a computer or a hand-drawn drawing. It doesn’t matter how much the author has drawing skills, you don’t need to be the next Salvador Dali. Tony Buzan even claims that an entire mind map can consist entirely of drawings. For educational purposes, it is advisable for students to use both meaningful concepts in the form of words and graphics.

Playing with colors. Different colors need to be used for different branches of the mind map. You will definitely need a set of felt-tip pens, colored pens or markers. It all depends on the size of your card and the thickness of the paper.

Optimal format. A mental map done correctly does not contain empty spaces. At the same time, the branches and words on it are not compressed into a limited space. To create a mind map, you should choose a sheet of paper of the appropriate size. Traditionally, the popular A4 format is used for a small map. For a large mental map, A3 sheet is suitable.

Where to use mind map

Mind mapping is very convenient:

When teaching, creating lecture notes and books;
- when solving various creative problems;
- during brainstorming sessions;
- in the process of preparing materials on complex topics;
- in planning;
- to generalize and structure existing knowledge;
- in preparation for presentations.

It is also believed that working with cards enhances intellectual abilities. The mind map also has a disadvantage: mental maps are focused on a single concept, which is located in the middle of the diagram.

Mind map and learning foreign languages

Mental maps will help you understand not only a lecture on philosophy, but also a foreign language. Today, not many people use this method to work with language, but the popularity of the technology itself is gradually growing. Mind maps can be used, for example, to parse text. There are two approaches to parsing foreign text using a mind map, one is designed for beginners, the other for advanced users.

Method for Beginners

When starting to work with a foreign text, you can penetrate deeper into the essence of the language using mental maps. The essence of the method is very simple:

  1. First, it is recommended to divide the entire text into paragraphs.
  2. When drawing up a map, the paragraph number should be placed in its center as the main concept.
  3. From this number there will be branches indicating sentences.
  4. There is no need to write anything on the branch itself, which denotes a sentence. Words and their translation are placed on additional branches.

By looking at such a mental map of a paragraph, you can see additional meanings in it.

Method for beginners

For the advanced, there is another scheme for compiling mind maps. Experienced users need to break the text into paragraphs, focusing on meaning and content. Each passage should have a central theme.

  1. The central theme of the passage is placed in the very center when compiling a mind map. To denote the topic, you need to choose one bright keyword.
  2. From the central topic, you should draw branches that will indicate the main ideas contained in the passage.
  3. Additional branches with keywords (support points) are created on the branches.
  4. Only new words or unclear expressions are accompanied by translation here.

Why would this method be beneficial? It would seem much easier to study a text in a foreign language by simply working with a dictionary and rewriting all new expressions or words. In fact, the traditional technique of maintaining a dictionary is not so effective. After all, we remember foreign words and expressions only in context. The more we work with contexts, the better we understand the nuances of another's language. This is why mind maps are so useful in learning a foreign language.

The theoretical basis for a foreign language can also be visually presented in the form of mind maps. Many students use simple traditional notes, but they are of little use. There is too much text in such notes and the central concepts are not visible at all.

Visualization as the basis of mind mapping

Mind maps are effective if only because they use both hemispheres of the brain. If, when studying standard and already familiar notes, a student includes the left hemisphere in his work, then when working with mind maps, the right hemisphere also begins to function intensively.

Moreover, the brain does not tense up during the compilation and study of mental maps, but rather relaxes. The material is not intensively studied and memorized, as in reading notes. Something close to visualization occurs.

When studying any topic, we strive to cover as much material as possible in the shortest period of time. When we no longer have a note or a book in front of us, but a mind map, the speed of perception slows down somewhat, but there is an expansion of meaning, an immersion in the essence. This is very useful when studying a topic in depth. Sometimes new meanings open up for students and fresh thoughts appear.

How are mind maps created?

Mind maps can be drawn manually or using special programs that are available on the Internet. A good place to start is by experimenting with hand-drawn maps. Later, it makes sense to switch to applications, if there is such a desire. Mental maps that are made manually differ from those created in programs only aesthetically. They're not that perfect. But the diagrams should not differ in the accuracy of each line.

So, to create a map you need:

Take a sheet of paper in A4 or A3 format;
- in the center of the sheet place the main concept, concept, problem and picture that would symbolize the issue under consideration;
- the central concept is in a circle or frame;
- from the main idea you need to make several branches;
- new branches can be created from each branch.

In this way, step by step, you will analyze the problem into its components. Some people create mental maps using a pencil, because such notes can be corrected by erasing the excess. However, the founder of the system does not recommend doing this. It is better to leave the “history of the development of thought” without removing errors. They can be marked as unimportant using a special marker or simply crossing them out.

On each branch you need to write one keyword. If Russian words are not suitable, then there will always be analogues in English. Russian words are sometimes too long to reflect individual concepts.

When drawing up mental maps, do not make the diagram too confusing. Multi-level branches will only interfere with seeing the main thing. Sometimes it is easier to create several mental maps at once than to cram all the concepts into one sheet.

Mind mapping programs should be used by experienced users, partly because a beginner needs to master mind mapping and its basic principles. And only then can he use graphic tools for work.

Hi all! If you want to create a mental map online, you can use a special website in Russian, which has the necessary tools and clear navigation for beginners in this craft. The service that allows you to create a mental map is called MindMeister.

Program for creating mental maps

Let us analyze in order all the stages that need to be completed to obtain a visual and informative map diagram for any subject.

I will not describe in detail all the stages of compiling a Mind Map, but will simply add video instructions. If you don't understand how to make a mind map, then watch this video lesson.

Who can benefit from creating mental maps?

Creating an online mind map can be useful to anyone. Since such a map allows you to decompose the whole into its component parts and see the sequence and relationships between all stages.

Here are several areas of activity in which the use of mind maps will facilitate decision making and show the entire structure.

  • Webmastering. Any site builder simply needs to create a visual structure of his site in order to add them to sections and subsections.
  • Education. A map of school subjects will give an idea of ​​the program and the sequence of training in different topics.
  • Training. It will be useful for coaches to figure out the structure of their training in order to know where to start and where to move during classes.
  • Benefits for life. Any life situation can be examined in detail and broken down point by point using an online mind map.
  • Problem solving. If you have a difficult situation, then it’s time to break it down into pieces to figure out where to start solving the problem and where to go next.
  • Activity planning. With the help of a mind mapping program, you can always create an action plan and use it as a road map to move towards your goal and not lose your way.
  • Brainstorm. Another use for smart maps is to sketch out different ideas to find the best ones.

If you want to plan your time wisely and achieve your goals, then it’s time to get acquainted with the paid material - “Master of Mind Maps”

So intelligence cards as a means of achieving any tasks will help you throughout your life.

Examples of mental maps on the MindMeister service

As an example, I’ll give you a couple of my cards.

  1. Not long ago I systematized my activities and called the intelligence map “Work and Hobbies.”

I made the map with timing calculations so that everything was realistic and measurable.

  1. Another mental map is aimed at optimizing the time and monetary costs of working with a content project. Here I have calculated the approximate costs of delegating some functions to fill one of my sites.

Try creating a mental map online yourself and you will see the whole picture.

MindMeister service overview

Let's look at the pros and cons of this service, which allows us to create free mental maps online.

We hope that the time management techniques that we described earlier were useful to you. Some began to actively use the Pomodoro method, others liked to plan their affairs using the Eisenhower matrix or the calendar method.

We offer another effective tool that helps you very clearly plan anything - from going to the store to major life tasks. These are mind maps. They are also called mental maps or mind maps. Many people who start using this method find it extremely useful and the planning process fun.

In fact, you can use them anywhere. This tool helps you see the big picture of the work ahead and sequentially break it down into smaller stages. With the help of mind maps, marketers and sociologists conduct their research; this tool helps to create a semantic core or site map, prepare for an important event or draw up a plan for large-scale written work, sketch out a list of necessary things to do or plan a budget. In short, the technique is almost universal.

Here are just some of the areas where mind maps can be used.

1. Systematization of information

Mind maps allow you to structure any information. The compiled diagram will allow you to clearly display what properties, advantages or disadvantages this or that object has, how it can be used, etc.

Such a clear structure will make it easier to navigate a large amount of information both when preparing an article or speech, and during a presentation or lecture. Imagine that instead of a chaotic flow of words, listeners will see in front of them a beautiful and understandable diagram of what is being said - and you will understand how much more advantageous your speech will be.

2. Training

When preparing for exams or taking courses, you have to memorize and systematize a large amount of material. Mind maps are an excellent tool for making notes or plans for articles, coursework, and dissertations.

With the help of mental maps, it is easy to break down any question into its components, and they, in turn, can be broken down into even smaller sub-items. Thus, you get a detailed holistic analysis of any issue that will be before your eyes in the form of a clear diagram.

Another advantage of cards is that you can “split” information almost indefinitely, adding new branches to existing ones. As a result, you won't miss even the smallest details.

3. Generating ideas

If you need to solve a problem or question, mind maps also come in handy. With their help, it is convenient to record the results of brainstorming while discussing work tasks and everyday issues.

Any problem is placed in the center of the map, for example, where to go on vacation, how to organize a party, how to open an online store - in a word, anything. Further, as ideas arise about ways to solve the problem, branches are added to the central part. They “grow” with new branches describing ways to implement a specific idea. Here you can reflect the specifics of each solution found, consequences and possible pitfalls.

You can draw such maps yourself or together with colleagues, draw them by hand on a sheet of paper using colored markers, or work in a special program - the result will still be very visual.

4. Decision making

Cards work similarly when you need to make a decision. If you are used to being guided more by logic than by intuition, then the method will be useful to you.

In the center of the map, a current issue or problem is depicted, on the branches of the first level possible solutions are placed, and on the branches of the third - the likely consequences of this method of action. These consequences can be broken down into positive and negative.

This way, you can clearly compare all possible options and choose the most optimal one.

5. Planning

You can plan anything using mind maps: budget, time spent on a project, or actions to implement it. You can even make a shopping or workout plan for the week.

The only significant disadvantage of planning using cards is the difficulty of binding to specific deadlines. If, for example, you use a Grant diagram, you can clearly see in what sequence and in what time frame this or that event should occur, how it is related to others in time. In mind maps, you can only indicate the deadline for completing a specific task.

There is a way out: combine planning using maps and the SmartProgress service, in which you can specify intermediate deadlines for completing a block of tasks, as well as receive reminders. Thus, the map will allow you to see all the points of completing your task as a whole, and SmartProgress will perform a disciplinary function.

When planning, in the center of the mind map, indicate the final global goal, for example, “journey”. On the first level, write down everything that is necessary to realize your goal: location, budget, route, cultural program, participants, luggage, etc. On the second and subsequent levels, specify each point in as much detail as necessary.

  • Information structured in such a scheme is easier to perceive by the brain, because looks ordered and embodied in the form of a specific image. This form is easy and long remembered.
  • With the help of mind maps, we enable associative thinking - more natural for our brain than linear thinking, which works when compiling sequential lists. That is why, with the help of mind maps, it becomes easier to systematize and put in order large amounts of information.
  • Perceiving the map, we first fix our attention on general points, gradually moving towards specific ones, which helps to correctly determine priority areas.
  • The map allows you to clearly see all the details of the project down to the smallest, and it is easy to identify possible inconsistencies and interference.
  • It’s convenient to mark completed items, and you can add new branches at any time.
  • Heterogeneous elements easily “coexist” side by side within the same map.

Principles of map construction

At the beginning of the work, the main idea (idea, problem, goal) is indicated in the central part of the page. The branches of the first level contain the main key concepts, components, associations that the central image evokes in you. Next, each beam is supplemented with branches of levels 2 and 3. There can be as many levels as necessary to fully reveal each component.

  1. Include not only logic, but also associative thinking - this way you help the brain to comprehensively consider the problem and quickly find not the most obvious, but perhaps the best solution.
  2. For each branch, use a different color - this makes it easier to visually distinguish between different areas of activity. If several people will use the map, indicate each person's tasks in a different color. At the same time, do not use more than 8 shades - a card that is too colorful will be harder to perceive.
  3. Don't forget about the peculiarities of color perception. Red, orange and bright yellow attract attention first of all; highlight the most important points with them. The calmest shades are brown, blue and green - use them for less significant items.
  4. A map that is too “branchy” will be more difficult to perceive than a simple and clear one. Try not to use more than 5-7 branches of the second and subsequent levels, highlight the main ones.
  5. Special programs are great, but drawing by hand stimulates the thinking process. By depicting the problem on a sheet of paper, you are already beginning to solve it.
  6. Do not try to reduce the map to a standard form. It reflects the style of your thinking, allow it to be a little “wrong” if your associations require it.
  7. Pictures, pictograms, and symbols are easier to remember than text, so feel free to come up with them yourself and use them when making a map. The more unusual, original and emotional they are, the better. This will make it easier to perceive and remember.
  8. Try to use words to a minimum. Long text is more difficult to comprehend. Try to write short phrases, fitting them into one line.
  9. Highlight the most important points with thicker lines; the branches of the first level should be thicker than the subsequent ones. Write more important information larger. The length of the line must be equal to the length of the word.
  10. Use divisions between branches, connect blocks with closed lines, and show relationships with arrows.

Special services

Although drawing by hand is useful, not everyone likes it. If you are one of them, use computer programs to create mind maps. They come in different designs, capabilities, and compatibility with different platforms, so choose the one that's right for you.

One popular mind mapping tool is MindMeister, an online service compatible with the Meistertask planner. It is also possible to connect paid PRO packages. The convenience of this service is the “cloud” method of saving data, so the desired card can be opened on any computer. The service provides ample opportunities for a creative approach to compiling mental maps: there are a variety of templates, the interface is bright, and the controls are easy to understand. In short, it's worth a try.

And yet, psychologists advise creating cards by hand. In this case, already in the process of drawing, you will activate your creative thinking and begin to think about the problem. On the other hand, the use of modern technologies makes the process quicker. Decide for yourself what is more convenient for you.

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Mindmaps are a great tool for planning and managing ideas. Want to prepare an agenda for your annual conference or plan your work schedule? Make a SWOT analyzing a company, developing business processes or preparing a development strategy? Use free ones tools to create mind maps.

This is a desktop tool available for Windows and Mac. In the free plan Lite There are 25 templates available for creating mind maps.

You can use this service even without registration. has n Easy to use drag'n drop interface.

In the free plan you can create 3 m indmap. For every friend you inviteprovides the ability to create one mind map at a time. The site has about 60 standard templates.

  • Draw

Absolutely free tool with no restrictions. This service is available to users both online and in desktop version. You can save ready-made mental maps in Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, Gi t Hub, Trello or direct download to your computer in the following formats: png, jpeg, svg, pdf, html, vsdx, xml, url.

A free plan is provided for one account. Users of such credentials cannot create mind maps with more than 60 objects. Otherwise, free accounts, like paid ones, have access to an extensive database of templates and can work on documents together with other participants.

Free accounts will be given 6 months of free use of the online tool. In the service you can not only create mind maps, but also manage projects. INThe possibility of team work on documents has been implemented. The finished mental map can be published on social networks: Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn and Pinterest.

  • M ind42

The capabilities of this tool are modest compared to others. Users have access to only one font and block type. Map branches cannot be changed at your discretion. M ind42 is a simple service without unnecessary tricks. If you need to quickly make a simple mind map, then this tool will come in handy.

  • X mind

A beta version of the desktop program is available for free use. The test version includes 30 mind map templates and 89 stickers. Text formatting is available in the editor Markdown. The finished mental map can be exported to pdf format.

  • M indjet

The desktop program is available free of charge for seven days. Users are provided with a library of icons and images, more than 130 ready-made templates. IN iMindMap you can convert data to 2D and 3D presentations, pdf files, tables, pictures and audio files.

  • M apul

Free members can create one mind map and export it in jpeg format. The editor offers a drawing mode, rectangular branches, and background changing. The website contains a library of copyright mind maps.

  • Loopy

Free online tool with no registration required. A distinctive feature of the service is the creation of interactive mind maps. With their help, you can depict active processes. The finished m indmaps can be saved as a link or GIF and inserted into the website code.

What tools do you use to create mental maps and for what purposes?

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