Role-playing game in the younger group "hospital". Summary of the role-playing game "Hospital" in the second junior group Game of entertainment in the 2nd group Hospital

Valentina Amelchenko
Summary of the role-playing game “Hospital” in the second junior group

Summary of the role-playing game« Hospital» in second younger group.

Target: To develop children’s ability to play role-playing game« Hospital» .


Develop the ability to choose a role (doctor, nurse, patient);

Perform several interrelated actions while playing with toys (listens sick, prescribes treatment, gives an injection, puts a thermometer, etc.);

Learn to interact in stories with two characters (doctor - sick) ;

Build skill accompany their actions using verbal symbols;

Develop a dialogical form of speech;

Help to communicate kindly with each other.

Equipment and materials:

For games"Magic bag" (inside: thermometer, bandage, syringe)

Children's set " Hospital" (thermometer, syringe, phonendoscope, bandage, cotton wool, etc.);

Chairs for patients;

Robes for doctors and nurses;

Preliminary work with children:

Excursion to the medical office to observe the work of a nurse in a kindergarten;

- conversations on the topic: “Going to the doctor at the clinic,” etc.

- looking at illustrations: « Hospital» , "Pharmacy";

Reading fiction literature: K. Chukovsky "Aibolit, V. Suteev “About the hippo who was afraid of vaccinations”;

Didactic games;:"Who is this?", “Who needs what, "What is he doing?".

Creation and playback game and problem situations;

Teaching gaming techniques.

Game roles and rules:

At the initial stage of the game, the teacher takes the leading role - the role of doctor, nurse, and later this role is played by the children themselves. (joint actions with an adult by imitation, following a model).

Progress of the game:

Children come into group, stand around the teacher.

Educator: Guys, guess riddle:

Seryozha coughs loudly.

He seems to have bronchitis.

They call the clinic

And they say to Seryozha:

– Don’t be afraid and don’t cry –

Good children are coming to see you together: (doctor)

Educator: That's right, guys, this is a doctor.

Educator: If someone gets sick, adults or children, where do we go?

Children: IN hospital, to the clinic.

Educator: What is the job of a doctor?

Children: Inspect sick, prescribe treatment.

Educator: What kind of doctor should a doctor be?

Children: Attentive, caring, kind.

Educator: Well done boys! Well, our time has come, let's play now! Do you want to play?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Guys, let’s play the game “What does the doctor need? To do this we will take our magic bag.

(children choose from the proposed items the ones the doctor needs and tell why, in their opinion, this or that item is needed).

Syringe - give an injection.

Thermometer - measure temperature.

Vata - lubricate wounds.

Bandage - bandage a wound.

Educator: Children, someone is crying in our corner. Oh, but this is a Katya doll. Now I’ll ask her what happened and I’ll tell you.

Educator: Katya’s doll has a sore throat. She was walking outside, got her feet wet and caught a cold. We need to do something urgently. I came up with an idea!

Now I will put on a white coat and treat her. I will be a doctor.

Here I have hospital, my office. Here are the medicines

Thermometers, syringes for injections, bandages...

And I also need an assistant - a nurse. She will write prescriptions and perform procedures. Who wants to help me? (choose a nurse from among the children).

Well, Katyusha, let me examine you.

Now I’ll take a phonendoscope and listen to you.

The lungs are clean, open mouth: But the neck is red.

The nurse will write to you now recipe: This is cough syrup. And you will definitely get better.

Educator: Goodbye Katyusha no more pain.

Guys, now let one of you be a doctor.

Open hospital for everyone, come get treatment as soon as possible. Come see your doctor. In order not to jostle and disturb each other, patients can sit on chairs and wait for their turn. Look how many patients are sitting on chairs and everyone is in pain, let's help them?

Children, come on!

We choose a doctor and a nurse among the guys. (Example: doctor - Gosha, nurse - Ksyusha).

The teacher acts as an observer and, if necessary, helps correct the children’s play actions.

Doctor (Gosha): Hello, sick! Come in, sit down! Tell me exactly where your pain is concentrated?

Patient (child): Hello. I fell and my arm hurts.

Doctor: Let's see what's wrong with your hand. Which big wound, now we will treat it well, lubricate it with iodine, like this. Please go to the nurse, she will give you painkillers (makes an injection with a syringe). Get well. Goodbye.

Patient: Hello.

Doctor: Hello. Come in, sit down. Tell me what happened?

Patient: I have a stomach ache.

Doctor: Let's watch, listen patient with a phonendoscope: "Breath! Do not breath"(the doctor examines sick) . Nurse write me out tablets for the patient.

Educator: All people are examined, vaccinated, and examined by a doctor. You see guys, doctors help both adults and children. What will we tell them for this?

Children: Thank you!

Educator: Always attentive, with love

Our doctor is treating you guys.

When your health improves -

He I'm most happy!

Publications on the topic:

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Summary of the role-playing game “Hospital” (junior group 2) Purpose: to teach children to take on the role and perform the corresponding games.

Role-playing game "Hospital" first junior group. Educational area “Socialization” 1. Develop in children the ability to accept.

Summary of the role-playing game in the senior group “Hospital” Summary of a role-playing game in the senior group on the topic: “Hospital” Prepared and conducted by teacher: Ezhkova T.V. Accompanying game: “Daughters.

Objectives of the role-playing game: consolidate previously acquired ideas about the medical profession; stimulate children's creative activity; enrich children's vocabulary with words (pharmacy, thermometer, doctor, pharmacist, medicine); develop dialogical speech, visual and effective thinking; cultivate a friendly relationship with your playing partner.

Preliminary work: an excursion with children of the second junior group to the medical office, a story from the experience of visiting a doctor, reading K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Aibolit”, bringing in a new toy “Doctor’s Suitcase”, didactic game “What does a doctor need for work”.

Vocabulary work: pharmacy, thermometer, doctor, pharmacist, medicine.

Subject-game environment. Equipment and attributes: animal toys: elephant, tiger, hippopotamus, lion, leopard, monkey; a doctor's costume, equipment for the role-playing game "Hospital", "Pharmacy", a pharmacist's costume, sailor and sailor costumes.

Game roles:

Doctor Aibolit (educator)- treats animals: measures temperature, writes prescriptions, examines patients.

Pharmacist– accepts a prescription, dispenses medicine, accepts money for medicine.

Captain- supervises the construction of the ship, operates the helm, and repairs the ship.

Sailors– build and repair the ship, follow the route on the map, ensure order on the ship.

Motivation. Problem situation: A monkey arrives from Africa and brings a letter in which the animals ask Doctor Aibolit to come and cure them.

Progress of the game

A monkey (soft toy) appears in the group and brings a letter.

The teacher reads the letter: “Doctor, come to Africa, and quickly! And help our kids!”

Educator (V.). Oh, guys, the letter says that animals in Africa are sick! Tell me, guys, is it good to be sick?

Children. No!

IN. Yes, guys! Being sick is very bad. And the letter says that animals in Africa are getting sick. How can we help them? (Children's answers).

The teacher invites the children to go to Africa to cure the animals. He asks how you can get to Africa. After listening to the children's answers, they come to the conclusion that they need to build a ship.

Building a ship from a large wooden construction set.

IN. So our wonderful ship is ready, but we cannot set off without the captain and his assistant sailors (the distribution of the role of the captain and sailors on the initiative of the children).

IN. Across the seas, along the waves, we go to Africa to treat animals.

Children, where are we going? - (To Africa). What are we going to do there? (Treat animals)

Children come to Africa.

IN. During our trip, our ship rocked violently.

I think it's worth fixing it. Children are given tools. The captain and his assistants remain to repair the ship, and the rest move on.

IN. Guys, how are we going to treat animals if we don’t have medical instruments? We urgently need to go to the pharmacy. But first we will choose a pharmacist. (They choose a child to play the role of a pharmacist on the children’s initiative).

IN. Children, what is the name of the person who works in a pharmacy? (Pharmacist.).

Children buy tools at the pharmacy and go on to look for sick animals.

Children approach the play area, where the “Hot Countries” poster is hung and palm trees are located. Animals sit under a palm tree: hippopotamus, leopard, lion, elephant (toys).

IN. Guys, look, here are our sick animals. Choose who will look after whom. And I will be Doctor Aibolit (puts on a doctor’s robe).

Doctor Aibolit (educator). Please take a seat and wait your turn.

Doctor Aibolit receives animals.

Dr. Aibolit. Hello. What happened to you? (Children's answers.). Now we are taking his temperature. Tell me, how will we measure the temperature? (Children's answers). I write you a prescription, you now go to the pharmacy, buy the medicine and come back to me.

Children from Doctor Aibolit go to the pharmacy and buy the medicine they need.

Doctor Aibolit treats all animals.

Dr. Aibolit. Our animals are healthy and cheerful. They are beautiful and sweet and even want to dance with you.

Children perform the dance “Chunga-Changa” (lyrics by Yu. Entin, music by V. Shainsky).

IN. Guys, our animals are healthy and it’s time for us to go back to kindergarten.

The children board the ship and go back.

IN. So guys, we returned back to the garden. Tell me, did you enjoy playing today? (Children's answers).

Summary of the role-playing game “Hospital” in the second junior group

Target: To develop in children the ability to play the role-playing game “Hospital”.


To develop the ability to consistently perform two sequential actions of a plot (listens to patients, prescribes treatment, gives an injection, puts a thermometer, etc.);

Develop the ability to take on a role (doctor, nurse, patient);

Encourage children to creatively perform roles related to the implementation of actions;

Learn to act with substitute objects;

Develop the ability to accompany your actions with verbal notations.

Equipment and materials:


Illustration for A. Barto’s poem “Bunny”;

Toy Hare with a tied throat;

Role-playing corner “Hospital”;

Chairs for patients;

Robes for doctors and nurses;

Attributes for the role-playing game “Hospital”: thermometer, syringe, phonendoscope, medicines, etc.;

Role-playing corner “Family”;

Attributes for the role-playing game “Family”: different types of ice cream, cups, teapot, teapot, sugar bowl, spoons.

Preliminary work with children:


Examination of illustrations;

Reading fiction;

Didactic games;

Creating and playing game and problem situations;

Teaching gaming techniques.

Forms of organizing joint activities

Types of children's activities

Forms and methods

organizing joint activities


Thematic role-playing game "Hospital", the plot-role-playing game "Family" (accompanying plot)


Solving a problem situation

"How to help Bunny?"

Communication and interaction with adults and peers,

Questions for children



Examination of the illustration to A. Barto’s poem “Bunny”,

Pupils reading A. Barto’s poem “Bunny”

Progress of the game:

The teacher draws the children’s attention to an illustration to A. Barto’s poem “Bunny” located on the easel.


Who is shown in the illustration?

Who knows this poem about Bunny?

(The child reads the poem by heart.

A toy Bunny appears with a bandaged neck. The bunny is crying.)


Why do you think Bunny is crying?

What hurts Bunny?

Can you and I help Bunny?

What do I need to do?

(Children's answers.)


Let's help Bunny and take him to the hospital. In order for us to play the “Hospital” game, what do we need to prepare, what might we need?

If there is difficulty, the teacher asks guiding questions:

What is the doctor wearing?

What does a doctor need to work?

(Creating a playing space.)


Now I will be a doctor. To cure Bunny faster, a nurse will help the doctor see patients. Who will be the nurse?

Doctor (educator):

The hospital is open to everyone, come get treatment as soon as possible. Come see your doctor. In order not to jostle and disturb each other, patients can sit on chairs and wait for their turn.

Who will go to the reception with Bunny?

Doctor (educator):

Hello, let's see what's wrong with your Bunny's neck? What a red throat! Now I’ll sprinkle calendula tincture into your neck, like this. Please go to the nurse, she will give an injection to Bunny (the nurse gives an injection with a syringe). Get well soon, goodbye.

Patient (child):


Doctor (educator):

Hello, come in, sit down. Tell me what happened?

Patient (child):

I have a stomach ache.

Doctor (educator):

Let's take a look and listen to the patient with a phonendoscope: “Breathe, don't breathe” (the doctor examines the patient). Go to the nurse, take pain pills (tablets are substitutes for drink caps). Get well soon, goodbye.

Patient (child):


Doctor (educator):

- Hello, tell me, girl, what happened to you?

Patient (child):

- My throat hurts.

Doctor (educator):

Go to the nurse, she will give you a thermometer and you will take your temperature. No temperature. Let's see the throat, oh! The throat is red. To cure your throat, go to the nurse, and she will spray calendula tincture into your throat (spray with a round stick).

To maintain and develop the game, the teacher uses the following techniques:

Introduction of a new game situation: “Moms bring their doll daughters to the hospital”,

Introducing new attributes (different types of ice cream) into the game “Family” and introducing a new game situation: “At home after the hospital.”

To form relationships in the game, the teacher uses techniques: reminders of a friendly attitude towards each other, encouragement of politeness.

The adult leads the game, pushing for interactions.


- Well done guys, we have an interesting game. An attentive nurse, she greeted everyone, was kind, attentive, gave injections well, and took the temperature. The patients were polite, patient, and not capricious.

And for this, I will treat you with vitamins. Thank you!

Options for organizing educational activities in special moments:

  1. Children playing the role-playing game “Hospital” in independent activities.

Interaction with parents:

  1. Design and sewing of clothes for the role-playing game “Hospital” (robes and caps for doctors and nurses).
  2. Selection of attributes for the role-playing game “Hospital”.
  3. Selection and printing of illustrations for A. Barto’s poem “Bunny”.

Summary of the role-playing game “Forest Hospital” for children of the second junior group

Role-playing game for children 3-4 years old “Forest Hospital”

To develop in children the ability to take on a role and perform appropriate game actions, use medical instruments during play and name them; promote the emergence of role-playing dialogue, form a sensitive, attentive attitude towards the sick person, and evoke sympathy for sick toys.

Excursion to the nurse's office, reading fiction, looking at story illustrations.

Crow with a telegram; toys: bear, bunny, cat, fox, wolf, etc.; children's hats and gowns; “Doctor” game set: thermometer, syringe, bandage, cotton wool, pipette, phonendoscope.

GAME TASK: cure sick animals.

At the initial stage of the game, the leading role is taken by the teacher - the role of the doctor, and later this role is played by the children themselves. (joint actions with an adult by imitation, following a model).

Organizing time:
a crow flies out:
Kar-kar-kar? Here's a telegram for you
The teacher takes the telegram and is surprised.
I wonder from whom?
The teacher reads the telegram:
Help, help?
Send a doctor quickly!
Our animals are sick
They must have eaten a lot of snow!

And now they have tonsillitis, scarlet fever, hepatitis and diphtheria.
What should we do, what should we do?
How to overcome diseases.....?

Educator: Are all the animals in the forest sick? How can we help them?
(Children reason).
Educator: And who is the most useful in the days of illness and cures all illnesses? (children's answers)
Yes, doctor. The doctor has a lot of tools and medicines that he uses when he treats. Look how much the magpie brought in the bag, everything is mixed up here, let you help me choose everything, the necessary things that the doctor will need for his work
(From a variety of items, children choose those items that the doctor may need).

Syringe - give an injection.
Thermometer - measure temperature.
Vata - lubricate wounds.
Bandage - bandage a wound.
Zelenka - treat a scratch.
Phonendoscope - listen to the work of the heart and lungs.
Syrup - drink for cough.
Tablets - for temperature.
Robe, cap - the clothing of a health worker.
Brick, Iron, Pan, Ball, these objects remain lying, The teacher finds out why the children did not take them.
That’s right, the doctor needs all this for work, and now it’s time to go, the animals have been waiting for us, hurry to the forest clearing to help (let's go on a train...)
The locomotive is moving, moving
Past the fir trees and birches,
Chug, chug, chug, chug
And the wheels are knocking.
Whistling loudly su-su-su
Now we are already in the forest.

Well, here is the clearing, we have come with you... Look, guys, how many animals there are, but they are sad, don’t smile and don’t play at all...
And here comes the fox, she says, oh I was bitten by a wasp
And the dog is a watchdog, his chicken pecked on his nose
The poor hippo grabbed his tummy, his hippo's tummy hurts. And there are chickens nearby, squealing like piglets.
And this is a bunny that got hit by a tram, my little bunny, my boy got hit by a tram and his legs were cut and now he’s sick and lame, my little bunny.
And the cat Murka also fell ill, the unfortunate cat injured her paw, sits and cannot take a step,
Perhaps your throat hurts?
Do you need to do something urgently? We need to take all the animals to the hospital.
And here is the hospital, I will be a doctor, now I will put on a white coat and treat. (the teacher puts on a robe and shows the children how to treat)
The bunny came to the hospital. What hurts the bunny? The bunny caught a cold in his ear - he forgot to close the window.
How can we help him?
I'll take a phonendoscope and listen to you. I put it to my chest and tell you to breathe deeper. The lungs are clear, there are no wheezes. Let's look at the neck, open your mouth wider and say A-A-A, and now the ear. We also need to measure his temperature - let's put a thermometer on him, raise your paw (puts thermometer), and you need to wait a little. Yes, you have a high fever, you need to take medicine urgently to relieve the high fever. Yes, the bunny caught a cold. We need to give him pills and drops in his ear. And the bunny will recover quickly. Let's write out the prescription now.
Educator: Guys, where are the drugs sold? (at the pharmacy)
Yes, here we have a pharmacy, a pharmacist works there, he makes and dispenses medicine. Look what else the pharmacist gives out (tablets, patch, ointments, syrups, vitamins)
Well guys, I can’t do it alone, I need helpers. Let’s help me get the job done. We put on scrubs and become doctors.

A hospital for birds and animals has been opened. Go get treatment there as soon as possible!
Children approach the animals and choose a sick animal for themselves.
Children are treated: They put thermometers on, give me pills, and give me medicine. They put drops in the nose, sing them from the pacifier, and make compresses.

Educator: So we cured sick animals. Well done guys for helping. Now they are laughing, jumping and having fun.
Did you like being doctors and helping the sick? And when you grow up you will be doctors.

Always attentive, with love
Our doctor is treating you guys.
When your health improves -
He is the happiest of all!

Role-playing game “Hospital” in the 2nd junior group.

Marina Vasilyeva
Role-playing game "Hospital"

Summary of the role-playing game “Hospital” in the 2nd junior group.

Goal: To expand children’s understanding of the work of a doctor; developing the ability to apply previously acquired knowledge about the surrounding life in the game.


1. To develop in children the ability to take on a playing role (doctor’s assistant, patient).

2. Encourage children to play out the plot of the familiar game “Hospital”, using familiar medical instruments (toys)

3. Promote the emergence of role-playing dialogue.

4. Develop a caring attitude towards your health, the ability to show sensitivity and care towards a sick person.

5. Consolidate knowledge about the rules of conduct in public places.

Vocabulary: doctor, thermometer, phonendoscope, pills, bandage.

Equipment: doctor costume, “Hospital” toy set, dolls.

Preliminary work: reading the fairy tale “Aibolit” by K.I. Chukovsky, examining medical playing instruments. Review of illustrative material on the topic.

Progress of the game:

The teacher calls the children to him, they stand around the teacher.

Educator: guys, today guests came to our group, let’s say hello to them.

Children: hello.

Educator: but that’s not all the guests. Today the doll Katya came to us. Let's say hello to her.

Children: hello Katya.

Educator: Katenka, why don’t you say hello to us?

Katya, would you like us to give you some sweets? (Katya just shakes her head)

Do you want ice cream? (Katya just shakes her head)

Why are you silent Katya? Do you just shake your head and feel very sad?

Guys, what do you think happened to Katya? Katya told me in my ear that she was sick.

Katya, what hurts you?

Katya: sore throat

Educator: you probably ate ice cream?

Katya: no, I ate snow and sucked an icicle

Educator: Guys, is it possible to eat snow and suck icicles?

Children: no, the snow is cold, dirty.

Educator: do you guys eat snow and icicles?

Children: no.

Educator: Well, Katya got sick. Guys, tell me, when people get sick, where do they go?

Children: to the hospital.

Educator: who treats them?

Children: doctor, doctor.

Educator: Well guys, let's take Katya to the hospital in our car. Take your seats, fasten your seat belts, let's go. (we eat to the music “Machine” and perform movements in accordance with the text.)

Educator: Well, we arrived at the hospital. Today I will be the doctor. Now I will put on a white robe. And you guys will help me see the sick. Patients sit on chairs and wait their turn. And the doctor will begin to treat the Katya doll. But remember the hospital must be QUIET. Do not make noise. Do not interfere with the doctor treating patients.

This is a thermometer, now I will measure the temperature

Yes, the temperature is very high.

Well, Katya, let's look at the neck, open your mouth.

The neck is red.

Now I’ll take a phonendoscope and listen to Katya.

Oh, what wheezing.

So Katya, here are some pills for you, you need to take them morning and evening, but only one at a time. And be sure to drink boiled milk with honey. Get well soon Katya.

Come in next. Hello, what's your name? Tell me exactly where your pain is concentrated?

- (Reception of sick patients)

Educator: The doctor will certainly help, but it’s better not to get sick. Guys, what should you do to avoid getting sick?

Children: Dress warmly, do not eat snow, do not suck icicles.

Educator: Well done guys.

The game continues with the participation of children.

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