Dragon age awakening is an important element. Vigil Tower - after the attack. Location of Avvar Crypt Keys under the Tower of Vigil in Dragon Age: Awakening

Vigil Tower- one of the oldest settlements in Ferelden. She is older than Denerim and Gwaren. The barbarians who fought the Tevinter Empire chose this location for a fortress so that their signal lights would be visible from a great distance when Tevinter ships approached the coast. Any significant invasion of Ferelden resulted in the Battle of the Tower. Its battlements were besieged by Tevinter, hostile barbarian clans, and Orlesians. The Vigil Tower was the first fortress taken by the Orlesians, and the last to be liberated. The dungeons of the Vigil Tower contain traces of the Avvar barbarians. For the Avvars, the Tower was both a fortress and a sacred place. Monuments to their gods and heroes, as well as monuments in honor of military victories, remained in the dungeons. The Vigil Tower dungeons are connected to the Deep Paths. There is reason to believe that the Avvars and Dwarves secretly traded with each other, breaking promises made to Tevinter in the days before the darkspawn.

You can try to penetrate the Avvar crypt located under the Vigilance Tower after clearing the rubble, which Sergeant Maverlis will report on. The entrance to the Deep Paths will open after the appearance of a fourth companion in the squad, for example, Sigrun from the Thicket Hills. The walls of the crypt remember not only the glorious moments of the history of the Avvars, but also the Great Strife, which brought many troubles. You can learn more about the Avvars from the pages of the Codex, which appear after examining the statues and reading the scrolls scattered throughout the basement and Deep Paths of the Vigil Tower. The great feud began because Ruadan, the shaman of the Avvar people, turned his back on the gods who had always protected him. Blinded by grief, he destroyed the gifts of the Father of the Mountains. But there were those who did not want to put up - Kal and Kiveal. Cala fled underground and begged Kort to save her. Court sent her saviors. They called themselves dwarves. The darkness drove Ruadan to madness, but it also gave him strength. He sent warriors against his own clan. Kiveal turned to the dwarves, and with their joint efforts they captured Ruadan.

Avvar crypt is divided into two halves: in the first crypt the warrior-defenders lie, and in the second, deep crypt, the Avvar lords are buried. The doors of the deep crypt are securely locked with four keys: Kiveala, Hakkona, Corta And Mistresses. You can find three of the four keys on the Deep Paths under the Tower of Vigilance, where you will also meet with the Dark Sorcerer, Ruadan, who will free himself from the shackles imposed on him by Kiveal and the dwarves during the Great Strife (the task “Revenge of the Ghost”). The fourth key lies in the Avvar sarcophagus in the first crypt. After the battle in the Forbidden Chamber in the Deep Roads, the sorcerer will take possession of the dead ogre's body and transform into a possessed ogre commander. Victory over a formidable enemy will cause him to disappear for a short time and move into the Avvar deep crypt, where, at the sight of his pursuing liberators, he will revive three Avvar lords, who will immediately rush into battle. After a difficult battle, the ghost will be destroyed.

Location of the keys to the Avvar crypt under the Tower of Vigil in Dragon Age: Awakening:

  • Key of Kiveala- an Avvar sarcophagus on the second floor next to the door of a deep crypt in the basement of the Vigil Tower.
  • Court Key- urn, Temple of Cort at the end of the northern branch of the Deep Paths under the Tower of Vigil.
  • Key of Hakkon- hatch, the first room in the southern branch of the Deep Paths under the Vigilance Tower.
  • Mistress Key- chest, dwarven outpost on the Deep Roads under the Tower of Vigil.
  • Crypt Key- the corpse of the creature of darkness behind the dwarf outpost on the Deep Roads under the Tower of Vigil.

Items from sarcophagi and from the body of an Avvar lord in a deep crypt under the Tower of Vigil in Dragon Age: Awakening:

  • (appears by mistake) - strength: 38; damage: 17.60; +20 fire resistance, +50% chance to set target on fire, +10 attack, +3 fire damage, 3 rune slots.
  • Ax " Storm of daisies" - strength: 41; damage: 10.80; +3% to critical chance. melee strikes, telekinesis, +2 nature damage, 3 slots for runes.
  • Armor " Risky idea" - strength: 48; armor: 18.75; +12 constitution and defense, 3 rune slots.

So, you have an entire fortress at your disposal, which from now on is your base of operations. There is a chest near the door to the courtyard where you can store what you don’t want to load up your backpack with. All your comrades will be here in the Throne Room. The mage ambassador Sera, in addition to selling recipes for runes and the runes themselves, can enchant your weapons and armor if you need it.

Check back here often. Not all tasks appear immediately - some require the fulfillment of certain conditions or the passage of a certain amount of time. In addition, this is where from time to time your companions will feel the need to talk to you (this happens after you have achieved a certain influence with them or after completing their personal quests).

Story quests

Speak with Seneschal Varel, Captain Garevel and Lady Wolsey, who will inform you of the situation in Amaranthine. Talking to them will give you three main missions of the game: “Last of the Legion”, “The Righteous Path”, “Shadows of the Black Swamps”.

Non-plot quests

The soldier guarding the entrance to the castle will tell you that the Gray Guardians captured an unknown person who was trying to get into the fortress. They had to work hard to catch him, and one of the Guardians half-jokingly remarked that he would make a good recruit. The prisoner is kept in the castle casemate until you, as the Commander and the current arl of Amaranthine, decide what to do with him.

Go to the dungeon and talk to the guard. He knows nothing about the prisoner, since he refused to give his name. Go and talk to him. The prisoner will tell you that his name is Nathaniel Howe and he is the son of the late Arl Howe. Nathaniel will be a little more aggressive if your GG is a Guardian from the Beginning and especially if he (s) is Cousland, but one way or another he admits that he came to the fortress with the idea of ​​​​killing you, but already changed his mind on the spot and only wanted to take something what of memorabilia, since he had nothing left related to his family. At the end of the conversation, a seneschal will appear and ask about your decision. Your options are to execute Nathaniel, set him free, or use the Right of Summoning, making him a recruit of the Gray Wardens. In this case, the seneschal will perform the Fusion ritual and Nathaniel - without much joy, I must admit - will join the ranks of your comrades. Nathaniel is a rogue archer, an analogue of Leliana. He can be very useful if your PC is not a robber, managing castles and traps and scouting the area.

If you return to the Throne Room a little later than your first appearance, you can ask Mistress Wolsey if she can help with equipment for your soldiers. She will advise you to look for more merchants who would agree to establish trade ties with the Vigil Fortress.

You can find two such merchants. You will come across Lilith while traveling on the world map, where you will have the opportunity to save her from attack. Another merchant, the qunari Armas, is located in the silverite mine of the Vending Forest. In order for him to agree to cooperate with the Vigil Fortress, you need to use Persuasion.

Seneschal Varel will introduce you to the banns of Amaranthine. If you have leveled up Persuasion, use it in your greeting to get more support.

If your PC is a Guardian from Orlesian, then Lord Guy, if you talk to him, will loudly declare his displeasure at the subjection of Amaranthine to the Orlesian. You can calm him down with Persuasion, and then you have to decide what to do with him. You can execute him to intimidate other dissatisfied people (which will worsen your relations with the nobility), release him in peace, or put him under arrest.

This quest appears when you take the oath of allegiance from the Banns of Amaranthine if you speak to Lord Eddelbrek. The problem is that you don't have enough soldiers to guard both the city and the surrounding lands, and you have to choose which one is a priority. (As a third option, you can choose to guard the trade routes.) Lord Eddelbrek, a large landowner, will advise you to protect the villages. If you talk to Bann Esmerell, she will try to convince you that the city, as the center of Amaranthine, needs protection more than ordinary peasants. Of course, they have their own interests in advising this way - Bann Esmerell lives in the city, and Lord Eddelbrek owns the land around it.

Inform the seneschal of their advice and give him instructions according to your choice of defense priority.

If you choose to protect merchants, the merchant in Uriah Fortress will offer you a wider range of goods.

If you decide not to protect the peasants (that is, you chose trade or the city), then in the future it will be more difficult for you to negotiate with them.

If you choose to protect the peasants, this will be reflected in the epilogue and you will gain more influence with them to calm them down when there is a possibility of rebellion.

If you used the Persuasion option in your greeting while taking the oath of allegiance from the Banns of Amaranthine, talk to Ser Tamra - she will warn you that a conspiracy is being prepared against you. She will promise to deliver the conspirators' letters to you in a few days.

If you didn't use Persuasion, talk to Anders during the ceremony and he'll tell you that he overheard a suspicious conversation that smacks of a conspiracy against you.

Talk to the seneschal and you will have several options to resolve the situation. You can do nothing and wait for word from Ser Tamra (or do nothing at all, if Ser Tamra did not share her suspicions with you, and you learned about the plot from Anders). You can invite family members of the surrounding nobility to “stay” in the castle, who will act as hostages if necessary. The seneschal will not greatly approve of this option, and your vassals will not particularly like it either. You can send soldiers to spy on the nobles, but this will not bring any tangible results, since ordinary soldiers are not very strong in the subtle matter of intelligence. And finally, the seneschal will mention a certain “Dark Wolf”, whom you can hire to extract information. If you decide to look for him, then in Amaranthine they will give you a note inviting you to a meeting. The Dark Wolf (or whoever pretends to be him... you know this if you completed a certain quest line in the Beginning) will get you the information you need, but first demand 50 gold as payment. If you do not have the required amount on hand, he will wait until you collect it. After receiving the fee, he will show you the place where the conspirators are gathering, after which all you have to do is go there and kill them. If you want, you can kill him after he gives you the information.

Note: You can receive a note from the Dark Wolf even if you decide not to use his services in a conversation with the seneschal.

Note2: in order for the Dark Wolf to receive the information you need, you need to move away from the streets of Amaranthine (the entrance and exit to any building is quite suitable).

One of the possible options for developing the Web of Conspiracy quest. Appears if the GG decided to wait for the development of events with the alleged conspiracy and do nothing about it. In this case, after an attempted peasant uprising, several banns led by Esmerel will be waiting for you in the throne room.

Seneschal Varel will protect you from the assassin's arrow, but you will have to carry out the further battle without him. The Banns are not very strong (and besides, your comrades will be with you), but they will have an orange boss with them - the assassin of the Antivsky Ravens. After the battle is over, exit the throne room so that everything in it returns to its place.

Note: This quest will not appear if you have already visited the gathering place of the conspirators, acting on the information received from the Dark Wolf.

Completing this quest will also end the Web of Conspiracy quest.

This quest will appear to you after you complete one of the story quests. The sentry at the gate will tell you that the seneschal was looking for you. Go to the throne room.

As Earl of Amaranthine, you will have to make decisions to punish your offending vassals. You can also completely refuse to understand matters and leave decisions on them to the discretion of the seneschal. If Varel makes decisions, then there will be no consequences from them - neither positive nor negative.

In total you will have to deal with three cases. One of the peasants, Alec, stole two bags of government grain to save his family from starvation. The theft of crown property carries the death penalty, although if the grain belonged to someone else, he might get off with the rod. You can execute him, have him flogged, or have him join the army, which will allow him to feed his family. Executing Alec (shorter - flogging) will arouse the discontent of the peasants and in the future it will be more difficult for you to come to an agreement with them.

The second case concerns a case of desertion. A soldier named Danella left her post because her family was threatened by the Spawn of Darkness. You can execute Danella, since even in peaceful days desertion always meant the death penalty, you can take into account her circumstances and put her in prison for a year, or you can do nothing against her and offer her to transport her family to the Fortress, where they will be safe. In the latter case, this will worsen the situation with the desertion of soldiers who will not be afraid of severe punishment. If you execute Danella, this will worsen your reputation in the eyes of the peasants.

If you received a warning from Ser Tamra and have not yet gone to deal with the conspirators on a tip from the Dark Wolf (or have not hired him at all), then you will have to deal with the case of Ser Temmerley, nicknamed the Bull. Ser Tamra was found murdered and Ser Temmerly was seen running from the crime scene, but there is no further evidence against him. You can execute him, release him, or put him under arrest indefinitely while the investigation continues.

Note: Ser Temmerley's case replaces Danella's case.

The latest case is the trial of land claims. Earl Howe promised Lady Lysa Pacton the lands of Ser Derren, who had opposed him and Tairn Loghain in the past. Besides the obvious options of siding with Lisa or Derren, you can take the land for yourself (this will net you 100 gold) or give it to Lisa, but cast Persuasion on Ser Derren, promising him appropriate compensation.

These events will happen after you complete two of the main quests. Upon returning to the Vigil Fortress, you will see a crowd of angry, hungry peasants who demand that the fortress's storerooms with food supplies be opened to them.

In other cases, you will have to fight them.

Waldrik Glavonak, a gnome builder, will approach you with a request for additional resources to upgrade the fortress. You can tell him to make do with the amount that has already been given to him, but if you want to improve your castle with the latest word in Dwarven technology, then promise him 80 gold (or pay it right away if you have it).

Note: Your decision to spend more on your fortress can affect certain events at the end of the game.

If you talk to Waldrik Glavonak some time after completing the Price of Business quest, he will complain about the poor condition of the fortress walls and suggest that you look for a suitable material - for example, granite - to repair them. You can find granite in the Vending Forest, where you will go during the Path of Justice story quest. Report your find to Waldrik and send soldiers to guard the workers.

Whether you reinforce the walls with granite or not can affect certain events at the end of the game.

Herren and Master Wade, who have temporarily settled in your fortress, will ask you to supply them with materials from which they could make suitable equipment for your soldiers.

In total you can find three deposits:

Veridium deposits are located in the dungeon of your own fortress, where you will go during the quest “What Lies in the Abyss.”

The iron deposits are located in the Kal'Hirol trading area, where you will go during the main mission "Last of the Legion".

Silverite deposits are located in a mine in the Vending Forest, where you will go during the story quest “The Righteous Path”.

Talk to Sergeant Maverlyce. She will express suspicions to you that the Spawn of Darkness who attacked the fortress appeared from the dungeons of the castle, which, according to some, reach the Deep Paths. The sergeant also suspects that the explosions caused by the gnome Dvorvik caused several collapses in the dungeon, and now there are Fiends there, cut off from the surface.

Tell her to order the rubble to be cleared and go inside the dungeons.

In a small room marked on the map as “Prisoner's Notes”, several screamers will ambush you. In the same room there is a cache - activate the statue of Andraste, and then the torch on the wall, and the secret wall will move to the side, revealing a chest with good loot, including a ring that gives + 4 to physique.

In a room marked "Dungeon" there are several prisoners under lock and key. If you let them go, Nathaniel and Anders will approve. The corpses on the floor here will come to life when you enter the room, so be prepared.

A little to the west of the prison cell is a closed door. If you pick the lock, you will find an Avvar crypt behind a small corridor. A dozen or so skeletons - warriors and archers - will appear in the crypt when you enter it. Their appearance can be activated in stealth mode - if you want to throw spells at them from afar before they notice you. After the battle, examine the sarcophagi. In one of them you will find a key. This is one of the four keys you need to unlock the door in the crypt, the rest you will find a little later when you clear the rubble into the deeper parts of the dungeon.

If you don't have a robber with you or his lockpicking skill is not high enough to open the door, that's okay. A little later, after clearing the second rubble, you will find the key.

In the northernmost part of the dungeon you will find Adria, the undead and a deposit of veridium, which you can report to Herren. You will also find that due to another blockage you cannot move forward. Sergeant Maverlis will promise to inform you immediately when the rubble is cleared.

The rubble will be cleared after you complete one of the story quests. Talk to Sergeant Maverlis - she will take you to the cleared area.

So, you find yourself on the Deep Paths, so it is not surprising that you will meet with a variety of Creatures of Darkness. There are also undead here and there, but you won't find anything too serious until you meet the orange ghost boss - the Dark Ghost.

Dark Wraith can deal a lot of damage with electricity, which, if you remember, drains mana and stamina. After a while, when his health is reduced by about 25%, he will call on several skeletons to help. When you have dealt with everyone and reduced the Phantom's lives to almost zero, he will retreat into a kind of dungeon, where he cannot harm you, but you cannot do anything to him either.

Activate the device from which the ghost-holding beam emanates. This will free him and give you the sub-quest "The Revenge of the Phantom", but it is not necessary to complete this quest.

Move forward and you will soon find another orange boss - the Ogre Commander, surrounded by other Spawn of Darkness. When you deal with him, the Dark Ghost will take over his body and you will have to fight him a second time.

After defeating the possessed ogre, Sergeant Maverlis and Waldrik will appear. Waldrik will put in place defense mechanisms that will keep Vigil Fortress safe from attack from below for at least another ten years.

After you tell the sergeant that you wish to go to the surface, this quest will be completed.

This quest is closely related to the quest “What Lies in the Abyss”. In the first room in the castle dungeon you will see a wounded mabari. Attached to it is a note for help from a woman named Adria. You can simply examine the dog and take the note, or use the Survival skill and calm the animal down first (for this you will receive +2 respect points with Nathaniel). Apparently, Adria fled to the basement to escape the Spawn of Darkness. Nathaniel will be very excited by this note, since, according to him, Adria was like a mother to him.

You will find Adria in the northernmost part of the dungeon. Unfortunately, she has already turned into a goul and will attack you as soon as she notices you. Her death will complete this quest.

From Adria's body you can remove a wonderful ring for a magician - the Ring of Mastery - which gives + 10 to the power of magic.

In the room north of the entrance to the Deep Roads you will find the Temple of Cort. If you touch the altar, you will have a choice of what to do with it.

If you offer a donation in the form of a diamond or a golden idol, which can be found on the corpse of a nearby Spawn of Darkness, you will receive a good two-handed ax “Fury” as a reward. If you place Corrupt Iron on the altar, which can be found a little further along the Paths, it will desecrate the altar and destroy it. You won't get anything.

If you take the offerings from the altar for yourself, you will receive 15 gold, but the golems in the room will come to life and attack you.

This quest appears to you after freeing the Dark Wraith from his light prison in the Deep Roads. Once you defeat him as an Ogre Commander, the ghost will disappear. He will retreat to the Avvar crypt, which you probably already noticed during your clearing of the Vigil Fortress dungeons.

To get into the crypt itself, you need a key, which is located on the body of the Spawn of Darkness in the Deep Roads near the gate that Waldrik sealed, but in the same way you can simply pick the lock. But in order to get into the room with the ghost, you need four more keys. One of them is located right there in the crypt, in one of the sarcophagi. One lies in a chest near the Temple of Cort in the Deep Roads. The other two are in locked chests, also in the Deep Roads.

Once you have unlocked all four locks, you can proceed to the room where the Dark Ghost will take over the body of the Avvar Lord (orange boss). He will be assisted by two more revived Avvar lords. When you defeat all three, your quest will be over.

You will receive this quest from Dvorkin Glavonak after completing one of the story quests. To work on bombs, for which he has a rather unhealthy addiction, he needs lyrium sand (not to be confused with dust!). To complete the quest you just need to give him 2 portions of lyrium sand. Lyrium Sand can be found in Kal'Hirol and in the Silverite Mine in the Vending Forest.

Letters to the Guardian-Commander:

The sentry at the castle gate has several letters for you. These are petitions from your vassals with various requests for help.

One of your vassals, Lord Bensley, has had his daughter, Lady Eileen, kidnapped by bandits and are demanding a ransom of 30 sovereigns for her. Go to the territory that appears on your map. You can pay the bandits the required amount - and then it will all be over. You can refuse to pay - in this case you will have to fight and the chance that the girl will die is quite high. If you have developed Persuasion, then you can persuade the bandits to first return the hostage to you, and only then you will pay them. After Eileen is returned to you, you can either pay as promised, or attack them - the girl will not be harmed in this case.

If Eileen is alive, the guard at the gate will give you a message from Lord Bensley with gratitude and 10 gold.

The widow living in the Turnoble estate asks you to protect her from the Spawn of Darkness. Unfortunately, there appears to be no way to do this - even if you go to the indicated location immediately after receiving the letter, all the inhabitants of the estate and their few defenders will already be dead. All you have to do is kill the Spawns of Darkness who have seized the estate, and your quest will be completed. From the body of the widow Turnoble, among other things, you can remove 13 gold and a diamond, and on the body of the templar, not far from the exit, there is part of the Stormrunner set.

This quest will appear some time after completing the two previous quests - “Ransom for the Daughter” and “In the Far Side”.

This letter is not even a petition as such, but simply information for you that a ship with goods crashed off the coast of Amaranthine. People were saved, but goods were not, and they remained on the coast, where, most likely, they would be plundered by looters and robbers in the near future. Go there and deal with a group of marauders, which, in addition to archers and warriors, will also include a Blood Mage. The quest will end when you take the first batch of goods from the chest.

Note: Apparently, this product is only good for selling - but, on the other hand, each batch costs two gold pieces, and there are more than a dozen of them.

Master's work:

Wade still dreams of working with the exotic materials you might find on your travels. This quest includes three small subquests - based on the amount of exotic raw materials that you will discover during the three main missions:

If you bring Wade the Ancient Dragon Bone found in the Black Swamp Queen's Lair, he will give you a list of the ingredients needed to craft it into the weapon of your choice - a one-handed sword or a two-handed sword.


Ancient dragon bone.

Fresh Dragon Egg (found in the Wending Forest Silverite Mine in the Dragon Trainer's room).

Diamond (can be found - for example, on the Deep Paths under the Vigil Tower).

Large Fire Protection Potion (can be purchased from Uriah in the throne room).

Fire rune of the great master.

The Vigil sword will have the same bonuses regardless of whether you choose its two-handed or one-handed version. In addition to the basic characteristics, you can ask Wade to pay attention to attack, defense, ease of attack, or let him make the choice himself.

Defense Bonuses: +10 Defense, +10% Chance to Evade Attacks.

Attack Bonuses: +15% Critical/Backstab Damage, +3% Critical Strike Chance.

Ease of hit bonuses: +50 stamina, +0.5 stamina recovery in battle.

Wade's own choice: +3 to all stats.

Depending on whether you choose Mobility or Strength for the sword, it will receive the following bonuses:

Mobility: +6 attack, +5 cold damage.

Strength: +1.5% armor penetration, +5 fire damage.

If you bring Wade a piece of the Inferno Golem armor that you will have to fight in the final battle of the mission in Kal'Hirol for the quest "Last of the Legion", he will give you a list of the ingredients he needs to forge the armor.


Inferno Golem Armor

Master Lyrium Potion (I personally didn’t come across it as a drop from monsters or traders, but you can make it yourself if the magicians have the appropriate Potions skill. The recipe for the potion is in the sarcophagus in the dungeon of the Vigil Tower - where you will come for the final battle for the quest “The Ghost’s Revenge”).

Pure Iron (sold in Amaranthine from the gunsmith Glassrick).

Wool stuffing - in a chest on the northernmost street of Amaranthine, not far from the Dark Wolf.

Bloody Lotus - can be found almost everywhere, including the vicinity of the Vigil Tower (when you arrive there at the very beginning of the game) and the Vending Forest.

Golem Armor is a massive suit of armor with excellent increases in Strength, Constitution, Fire Resistance, and Physical Resistance.

If you bring Wade a piece of wood from the Elder Sylvan, who is located in the Vending Forest, he will give you a list of the ingredients he needs to make a bow or shield of your choice.


Wood of the Elder.

Flawless Ruby (can be found - for example, in Kal'Hirol - or bought from Master Henley in Amaranthine).

Oil (in the kitchen of the Lion and Crown tavern in Amaranthine).

Veins (found on dead mabari in the Black Swamps).

Rune of the Great Lightning Master (you can make it yourself).

After completing the quests “Heart of the Forest”, “The Power of the Golem” and “Bone at Work”, the quest “The Master’s Work” will be considered completed.

Hi all. Once again I was convinced that a game without bugs is like Marx without Engels or Leshchenko without Vinokur.
Bugs, of course, are not fatal, but they can ruin your mood for a long time. For some, a thief, with full leveling, stops detecting traps, for others, something else. Personally, when I tried to transfer all the things from “Beginning” to “Awakening”, the slots for runes disappeared in my armor. Because of this, I even had to completely demolish the game and reinstall it again. Another, rather pleasant, bug happened in the mine, when after anesthesia only the things worn by the characters disappeared, but the inventory remained untouched. However, I never found my things - only the things of my companions. Therefore, after loading the save file in front of the mine and putting the GG armor in my inventory in advance, I restored the Status Quo in the cell.
Maybe someone will find this information useful. Therefore, I am posting the article that I took here:

FAQ on bugs in the “Awakening” addon (Game world, Tips, Walkthrough)
Since the developers are in no hurry to please the audience with a patch that would patch up numerous holes in the add-on, we decided to collect the most serious bugs that can interfere with your progress in the add-on and tell you how to avoid their occurrence, if such a method is available (dancing with a tambourine is not provided) .
This material does not claim to be binding on the recommendations given; I wrote it to make life easier for those who have not yet played “Awakening” or have just started, in order to protect them from their mistakes. If you are lucky and do not encounter any of the described bugs, I will be infinitely happy for you =).
And I will be even more happy if the studio finally stops posting news about souvenir swords for opening letters, and posts a patch that will correct all the outrages described below.
General recommendations for using the addon:
First and most importantly: I advise you to disable the “Fortress of the Guardians” DLC before starting the game, if you have it installed. Because, despite the promises, skills are transferred from it, but do not work, and to be honest, the skill branch that is given there, in my subjective opinion, is not worth the hassle of installing fan mods that can ruin something else. Items from it without mods are also not transferred. Plus, there is a glitch with textures when, when the “Fortress of the Guardians” is turned on, the “Vigilance” sword from the addon looks like the “Star Fang” from the content. I also advise you to disable fan mods that have not been updated for the release of the addon - they provoke bugs.
Second and no less important from the point of view of the actual passage: carry out the Initiation on time, as soon as you find the next recruit - initiate. And complete the quest “Shadows of the Black Swamps” if possible, one of the last. Otherwise, you risk losing the opportunity to complete some quests related to party members.
Third: save. Save and save again, don’t be content with just autosaves and the F5 button, it’s better to save every five minutes than to spend five hours catching up later.
Fourth: do not rush to install patch 1.03 before installing the addon. It can provoke some glitches. And no one forbids installing it on top of the addon if necessary)).

So, let’s go through the creation of the Bioware studio with a red pencil, so that descendants can maneuver between quests without complicating the game for themselves by the impossibility of completing them:

1) Thefts and flights.
There is information that when installing patch 1.03, problems with theft begin and the game begins to crash frequently. Those who have encountered such a problem (or do not want to encounter it) are recommended not to install this patch on the original version of the game yet (if you already have everything installed, you need to reinstall the game, patch it to version 1.02a and install the addon), since during installation addon, all necessary changes are made to the code for the add-on to work.

2) Quest “The Righteous Path”, Architect’s Laboratory:
Certain conditions can cause the protagonist's equipment to disappear after being put to sleep by the Architect.
This can happen if the Experimental Facility your equipment will be equipped on does not meet the requirements of your items.
You will know that this glitch has occurred because the Guardian will wake up in the dungeon wearing only his underwear, unlike his party members, who are dressed in the usual peasant outfits and if your unused equipment is still on you.
It can be solved by rebooting until you go to sleep and removing your gear.
PS: upon awakening, your inventory must be empty - after all, you have been stripped to the skin))

3) Quest “The Righteous Path”:
An attempt to complete the quest without Velanna in the group can lead to the collapse of the main storyline, and can be manifested by the following tricks: the player will not be able to leave the Mines; the player can wake up again in the dungeon, but without the key, and so on.
It can be solved naturally by taking Velanna into the group.

4) Quest “Dedication of Velanna”.
If you take Velanna into the Gray Wardens, you should Initiate her before you find yourself in the Black Marshes location. There is a possibility that after completing the quest in this location you will no longer be able to carry out the Initiation. Accordingly, Velanna will not be able to join the order if the Vending Forest is completed as the last of the story quests. In the dialogue with the seneschal, the option required for Initiation simply will not appear.

5) Quest “Sigrun’s thieves’ past.”
If you start the Law and Order quest before meeting Sigrun, you may not be able to start her personal quest, since the gnome who initiated it will disappear from Amaranthine. The same effect is possible if you give Sigrun something before meeting Mischa.
Solution: Don't talk to the Dark Figure or Constable Aidan in Amaranthine until you complete the story quest in Cal Hirol. After its successful completion, recruit Sigrun into your squad and go to Amaranthine. After passing the city gates, turn right and go to the city church, there you will encounter a gnome and Sigrun's quest will be safely started. After this, you can safely take on the “Law and Order” or “Smuggling Route” quests.

6) Quest “Dedication to Sigrun”.
Just like with Velanna, you may not have time to initiate Sigrun if you recruit her after completing the Black Swamps.
Solution: Try to carry out the Initiation without going through Kal Hyrol to the end and without completing the quest “Last of the Legion” (exit through the Trade District into the Thicket Hills and run to the Vigil Tower).

7) Quest “Heart of the Forest”.
If you bring Wade an ancestral core (ancient Sylvan's core or heartwood in English) before completing Vending Forest, you may lose the opportunity to receive a bow or shield from him, since he will not talk to you about them, although the quest marker is above him the head will remain.

8) Quests "Law and Order" and "Smuggling Route".
If you undertake both quests, you will not be able to complete them. Moreover, if you talk to the Dark Person and then refuse to work for him, the city guard will still treat you negatively and say that you were bribed. Therefore, carefully select options in dialogues and save before conversations.
Solution: think carefully about which side you want to take on the quest. If you play as the Smugglers, you will be able to get to the guardhouse on the roof of the Crown and Lion Inn and you will be able to find an elf there who can be persuaded to help in the defense of the Vigil Tower.
If you choose the side of the city guard, your reward will be unique things that you can find during the quest: the gloves of the Slick, the boots of the Agile, the mantle of the Keeper of Knowledge (randomly dropped from thugs-mercenaries) and the Robe of the Villain (can be dropped from the leader of the smugglers, also he drops a rose thorn dagger and dragon skin gloves, but the armor is the most decent for robbers, and is quite expensive).
Thanks to warfalamey for reminding me about this bug.

9) Glitches in your diary and statistics.
When transferring your character from the original campaign, you may lose some codex entries and the counter of the most powerful enemies killed (the counter itself will remain, it will only be displayed empty).
Solution: Ignore it. Unfortunately, this is the only option for now.

10) Detection of traps.
Your character may lose the ability to detect traps (regardless of the level of cunning and the "Trap Study" skill). Nathaniel and Sigrun can see them, so either upgrade Nathaniel’s traps from the very meeting, or upgrade this skill for Sigrun, but do not forget that at the beginning she has a very low level of cunning (you can take a Focus textbook in Kal Herol and upgrade her to your needs, because there are a lot of traps in this location and without detecting them, firstly, you will lose experience from neutralizing, and secondly, you can suffer greatly from the “creatures of the dwarf mind”).
The ability to disarm traps works as before.

11) Numerous jambs with a “reputation”.
The most common and strange bug of the addon is getting one hundred percent positive relationships with party members. Don’t be happy, because apart from the number, this bug does not add anything - neither inspiration nor an increase in characteristics, nor the “level of relationship” (that is, despite the 100 point mark, the character will continue to treat you neutrally). And besides this, this bug can interfere with the passage of the game (because it is quite difficult to reduce the ratio by 100 points) and possibly affect the epilogues.
I advise you not to give anything to your party members until you receive at least one point of approval or dissatisfaction from them. This will avoid most of the "reputation jumps" when giving gifts.
There is also another feature: the game “doesn’t catch up” with the fact that you changed the composition of the group, for example, before entering a church, and party members who are no longer standing behind you continue to express their approval/dissatisfaction with your actions (dialogue, of course, will not work, but the pop-up lines with the indicator of influence points at the moment will show you that Ogren, who was supposed to return to the tower, approves of scattering herbs that cause scabies on the bed of the local spiritual leader).
Therefore, if you are going to turn in quests that may upset your party members, select a group before leaving the location (unless, of course, you want to split with them). It is best to change the composition of the participants in the Vigil Tower or before leaving Amaranthine.

12) Items:
In addition to the aforementioned glitch with sword textures, the addon has some oddities with loot (things obtained from mobs). For example, you can find the sword of Ser Alvard (damn it) in the Avvarr crypt under the Tower of Vigil. But for the quest “The Lost Sword of Ser Alvard” you will need exactly the blade found in the Black Swamps. There are several important things that are the basis of sets (for example, the Vest of the Agile and the Robe of the Keeper of Knowledge), but finding them is almost impossible and all that remains is to methodically reload at the places of intended delivery in order to knock out the desired rag from a harmful enemy.
Some things you can only get if you choose a certain path - this is not a bug, but a reward (or punishment) for your choice.
But, some things are missing in the addon, although they should be there. Specifically Blackblade's boots and gloves. A fan fix has already been released for them, if you really want to dress your character in a black suit, try DAOnexusBlackbladeFix. To use this fix, you will need a console, and although I am not a supporter of mods, a console in this game is sometimes vitally necessary, so below, just in case, I provide instructions on how to use it.

1. Open the game folder, open the bin_ship folder in it. The path to it looks something like this: “disk name/Dragon Age/bin_ship”.
2. Find the daorigins.exe file and create a shortcut for it.
3. Right-click on the shortcut and select the “Properties” line.
4. Select the "Shortcut" tab and in the "Object" line add a space to the specified file path (the space is required) after it type -enabledeveloperconsole.
It should look like this:

5. After this, go to the My Documents/Bioware/Dragon Age/Settings folder and open the KeyBindings.ini file with notepad (it’s better to save the source file somewhere else first) and find the line in it:
and add the following after the “=” sign:
As a result, the line will look like this:
Save the file.
Instead of Tilde (tilde, that is, the letter “E” on the keyboard), in principle, you can write any other key that is not involved in the gameplay (for example, Z). But for me, for example, it’s easier with her, because she doesn’t come to hand when she doesn’t need to.
Now, in order to use the console, you need to launch the game through the shortcut to which you changed the parameter. In the game, press the key you specified (if all the others stop working, then the console is open), press the Backspace key, type the desired code and press Enter. Please note that in most cases the console is not visible and you have to type blindly.
If you find another bug in the game that is not described here - write, we will figure out what to do with it and how to get around it.
Clarification: all of the above are bugs that arise on the licensed version of the game, with bugs that arise on the pirated version, contact the authors of the repacks, because only they know where they messed up.

Main plot
Assault on the Vigil Tower
Our valiant gray guard, who received the title of commander after defeating the archdemon, goes to the Erling of Amarnatain entrusted to him in order to restore its prosperity and protect it from the creatures of darkness. We are greeted by Lieutenant Mhairi, a girl soldier from the Vigil Tower Legion, who dreams of becoming a gray guard. As we approach the tower itself, we see complete destruction and traces of battle, and a moment later the creatures of darkness will attack us. It becomes clear that the tower has been attacked. We take out our weapons and fight our way to the interior of the tower. Along the way we save all the survivors (see quest "Survivors of the Vigil Tower"), we meet the magician Anders, who wandered into the fortress, running away from the templars, and our old friend from the Original, the gnome Ogren, who, having escaped from his wife, decided to become a gray guard. The four of us make our way to the roof of the tower and save Seneschal Varel. The miniboss at the end of the quest will be a talking spawn of darkness. We kill him and complete the quest.

This is a global quest for the entire expansion. To complete it, you will need to complete a number of secondary quests in the main storyline:
As soon as you recapture the tower from the creatures of darkness, King Alistair will arrive at the fortress, accompanied by a high-ranking templar and several soldiers. Talk to your best friend in the Original. You will recall your travels together a little, after which Alistair will entrust you with the mission of restoring the Erling of Amaranthine and strengthening the influence of the gray guards in it. Naturally, we promise to do everything in the best possible way. Then the templar will intervene in the conversation and ask to hand over the criminal to her for execution. We're talking about Anders. Alistair will invite you to decide the fate of the fugitive magician. You can just keep it, or you can declare the right to call. If you go with the latter option, then Alistair will pointedly shut up the church representative. After Anders' fate has been decided, Alistair will wish you good luck and depart from the tower along with his entire retinue. And great things await us. First of all, we need to increase the number of gray guards. Seneschal Varel will offer you a rite of passage. As you remember from the Original, when Duncan initiated you, the ritual will require the blood of the creatures of darkness, a silver cup and 3 recruits. This time you won't have to get blood. The seneschal will also have the cup (he is a prudent man). You have recruits: Mhairi, Ogren and Anders. Begin the ritual. Unfortunately, not everyone will survive it (Mhairi will die).
After this, you will again find yourself in the throne room. Varel will introduce you to Mrs. Wolsey (she will take on the duties of treasurer) and to Captain Garvel (he will be in charge of everything related to the army and the protection of the surrounding lands). Each of this trio will have a task for you, the completion of which will help you complete the global quest "Awakening".

Minor quests
Survivors of the Vigil Tower
We simply save all the survivors during the liberation of the Vigilance Tower from the creatures of darkness (there are 4 of them in total, including the guy who will give you this quest). The main thing is to save the merchant, this will help you in the future.

First aid for the wounded
In the western part of the fortress courtyard, one of the soldiers will ask you to bring medicine for the wounded. The chest with these supplies is located in the southeastern part of the courtyard. Hurry up because the wounded may die.

As soon as you leave the tower on the street for the first time, a private girl will approach you and tell you about a thief who was caught the other day. Now he is languishing behind bars in a dungeon. Let's go there. The thief turns out to be the son of Rendon Howe named Nathaniel. For now, we will sort things out with him and talk about the atrocities of his father. The jailer will bring the Seneschal. What to do with the prisoner is up to you. The surest decision would be to declare the right to draft (in this case, you will immediately get a good thief into the party). however, you can simply give him his family things and let him go on all four sides (if you do this, you will later meet Nathaniel in Amaranthine with his sister, after which he can still be accepted into the gray guards). You can, of course, execute the poor fellow, but this is extremely stupid. One way or another, after you decide Nathaniel's fate, the quest will be completed.

Invasion from underground

Talk to Sergeant Maverlis. She will tell you that under the tower there is a network of underground passages, and since the creatures of darkness appeared in the tower suddenly, they most likely came through these caves. Perhaps they even lead to deep paths, but at the moment it will not be possible to find out, because... Thanks to the efforts of one crazy gnome-demolitionist Dworken (you saw him when they liberated the tower), the cave was filled with stones. You need to go down into the dungeons and reach the place of the blockage, getting rid of the remnants of the creatures of darkness. First, look into the room marked on the map with the inscription "prisoner's notes." Approach the statue of Andraste, and then pull the torch to the right of it, you will open a secret with a chest in which there are very useful things (one ring +4 to physique is worth something). Next, carefully examine all the rooms, free the prisoners from the dungeon, Anders and Nathaniel will approve of this. Then go to the wounded mabari and take the letter from his neck (take the quest "Adria's Fate"), with the help of Nathaniel, break into the old family crypt. In it, deal with the skeletons, search all the sarcophagi, find one key (you will find the other 3 later), then examine the bag in the center of the hall, take the Howe family bow from there (you can give it to Nathaniel). Leave the crypt and make your way to the rubble. There, talk to Sergeant Maverlis and the gnome architect Waldrick for the second time. They will decide to clear the rubble. The rubble will be cleared after you complete one of three main story tasks (your choice) and return to the Vigil Tower.
Venture into the deep trails. First, go north and complete a small task "Temple of Cort"(read more below). Then search the gem mine and fight your way through the undead and darkspawn along the only accessible passage, collecting the missing keys to the Avvar crypt. There will be no serious opponents until you enter the room behind the locked door. There you will be attacked by a ghost who fights very painfully with electricity. When he has a quarter of his life left, he will call upon the skeletons for help. Deal with them and take on the ghost again. He will not allow himself to be killed. When near death, he will be transported to a place where you cannot damage him (he will not damage you either). A beam will keep him in a safe place. We activate the device that removes the beam and free the ghost (the quest will appear "Ghost's Revenge"). The monster will fly away in an unknown direction, but we will see it again. Let's go further to explore the deep paths. Soon we will stumble upon the mini-boss of this location - the ogre commander. You will have to kill him 2 times, because... after the first murder, a ghost will take over his body. As soon as the enemy is defeated, Sergeant Maverlis and Waldrick will come down to you. Talk to them and seal the passage to the deep paths for the next 10 years. As soon as you reach the surface, the task will be completed.

Adria's fate
In the dungeons of the Vigilance Tower, when we go to the rubble, we will stumble upon a wounded mabari. We take a letter from his neck, from which we learn that a certain Adria and her escort were ambushed by creatures of darkness somewhere below. Let's go look for the girl. We will find Adria almost at the very rubble, but alas, by that time she will have become a ghost. We kill her in order to save her from suffering and complete the quest.

Temple of Corta
Having gone to the northern part of the deep paths on the quest "Invasion from Underground", you will come across an altar with offerings. Touch it and decide what to do with it. The options are as follows:
-donate a diamond or a golden idol (you can take it from a corpse lying nearby) and receive a two-handed ax “Fury” as a reward;
-donate corrupted iron (can be found a little further on the deep paths) and desecrate the altar (in this case there will be no reward;
-take donations worth 15 gold from the altar (in this case, the golems in the room will come to life and you will have to fight them).
For any selected scenario, the quest will be completed.

Ghost's Revenge
The quest is activated after the first victory over the spirit of the deep paths and its release from the ray dungeon during the quest "Invasion from Underground"(see above). After the second victory over the spirit (in the guise of an ogre), this creature will fly away to the ancient Avvar crypt (the same one where we found Howe’s bow). By the way, if for some unknown reason you have not been there yet (you could not open the first door), then the key to it can be taken from the corpse of the creature of darkness (lies near the gate welded by Waldrick). We go to the crypt and insert all the found keys into the keyholes to open the second door. We go deeper into the crypt. The ghost will inhabit one of the three Avvar lords guarding the ancient burial site. Deal with them. Collect all the goodies and complete this quest.

Oath of allegiance
/Defense of lands

As soon as you enter the throne room for the third time, Seneschal Varel will inform you of a meeting with local nobles who want to swear allegiance to you. After the oath, you will have the opportunity to talk with three noble gentlemen. Two of them will beg you to provide soldiers to guard their territories: Lord Edelbrek for the village, and Lady Eknareth for the city. Talk to Varel about this. He will offer a third option: assign soldiers to guard trade routes. And so you will have 4 options for the development of events:
-protect farms - in this case, the peasant revolt can be easily calmed;
- to guard the city - there will be a riot with a fight;
-protect trade routes - there will be a riot, but in the fortress the merchant Uriah will have new goods (this will happen after a while), the peasants can be convinced not to rebel if you give them grain;
- to protect everything - nothing good will come of this, because you cannot chase two birds with one stone at once, much less three.
Decide what you want to protect, then approach Sir Tamra. She will tell you about the impending conspiracy against you (the quest is activated "Web of Conspiracy"). Now you can ask the seneschal to disperse everyone. Exercise "Oath of allegiance" this will be done.

Web of Conspiracy

During an audience with the nobility, Sir Tamra will tell you about the impending conspiracy against you. This is not surprising, because before you, the bloody bastard Rendon Howe was in charge here, and he had accomplices. Tamra will promise you to get the letters of the conspirators after some time, after which she will leave the tower. Talk to Seneschal Varel about the plot. He will offer you two options for solving problems:
-take into custody a family member of each subject from the local nobility in order to blackmail them into submission;
-go to Amaranthine, find the great spy called the Black Wolf and, with his help, reach the conspirators.
It's better to play the second option. The black wolf will find you on its own. As soon as you get to Amaranthine, the first ordinary city guard will tell you that a certain Wolf is waiting to meet you in the central square. Talk to him and give him 50 gold in advance. After a few days (just leave Amaranthine and enter again) he will return to the same place and tell you about the gathering place of the conspirators. Go there and kill everyone. By the way, the black wolf can also be killed after receiving the necessary information from it.
Note: This task can be completed in another way. Read more in the quest description below. "And you, Esmerel?".

The trial is coming!
The quest will become available as soon as you complete one of the three main story quests (your choice). Return to the Vigil Tower and talk to the private who brings you letters. She will say that Seneschal Varel is waiting for you in the throne room on an important issue. We go to the throne room and talk to the seneschal. We have to act as a judge and sort out three cases.
First thing
Peasant Alec stole 2 bags of government grain. According to the laws of Ferelden, theft of government property is punishable by hanging. You can do this:
- hang Alec;
-flog Alec with whips;
- conscript into the army;
It’s better to do the latter option, as it will be easier for you to peacefully put an end to the peasant revolt.
Second thing
Rendon Howe, former Earl of Amaranthine, promised the noblewoman Lisa Pacton the lands of Sir Derren because he opposed Loghain and Howe himself. Lady Pacton has official paper confirming her rights to this land, but Sir Derren is a long-time ally of the gray guards. You can do this:
-give land to Lady Pacton;
-give the land to Lady Pacton, but promise Sir Derren to compensate for the losses;
-give the land to Sir Derren;
-take the land for yourself.
The last option is the most acceptable, because you will receive 100 gold!
Third case
There are two options here. If you haven't figured out the quest yet "Web of Conspiracy", then events will go according to the first option, if you figure it out, then according to the second.
Option 1.
You need to decide what to do with the nobleman Temmerley, nicknamed Bull. he is accused of murdering Sir Tamra (the girl who told you about the plot). After listening to the dialogues, it will become clear to you that he is the killer, but there will be no direct evidence. You can do the following:
-release Temmerley;
- imprisoned for a very long time until all the circumstances are clarified;
-behead Temmerley.
Personally, I chose the latter, I didn’t like his face, he was a real bull.
Option 2.
The case of desertion. Private Danielle abandoned her post to save her family from the creatures of darkness. According to the laws of Ferelden, desertion is punishable by death, even in peacetime. You can do the following:
-execute Daniella;
-Put Danielle in jail for a year;
-allow her to move her family to the Vigil Tower.
The last option is good, but it will have a detrimental effect on the discipline of your soldiers. The first option will increase discipline, but will harden the peasants against you. Decide for yourself. Personally, I have always forgiven Danielle.
Once all three cases are dealt with, the quest will end.
Note: You don't have to make decisions yourself, but ask Varel to do it. In this case, there will be no consequences (neither positive nor negative), regardless of the decision made by the seneschal.

Peasants' revolt

These events will occur after completing any two quests from the main storyline. Returning to the Vigil Tower, you will see a crowd of peasants who will demand the opening of the fortress's grain warehouses in order to feed their families. You have several options:
-kill the peasants;
-convince them to calm down and give the grain;
-convince them to calm down and disperse;
The last option is most likely if you:
-they did not execute the peasant Alec during the task "The trial is coming!";
-gave the order to guard the villages during the mission "Defense of the Land".

And you, Esmerel?

This quest is one of the options for completing the task "Web of Conspiracy". You can get it if you did nothing to detect the conspirators. In this case, immediately after the suppression of the peasant revolt, an attempt will be made on you in the throne room. Varel will save you from the assassin's arrow. Then take out your weapons and kill all the conspirators led by Ban Esmerel and the Antivan assassin. Once all enemies are destroyed, the quest will end.

Trade must go on

During or after the Pledge of Allegiance, address Ms. Woolsey. She will ask you to expand the trading community in the fortress. Just invite all possible merchants to the Vigil Tower, convincing them in all available ways.
You need to find two merchants:
- Qunari merchant Armaas - can be found in the silverite mines of the Vending forest;
- Trader Lilith - you can accidentally put it on the map and recapture it from the creatures of darkness.
As soon as you invite both merchants, go to Mrs. Wolsey and receive 60 gold as a reward.

Issue price

Talk to the gnome architect Waldrik. He will gladly help you rebuild the fortress if you give him enough funds. To start, he will need 80 gold (the amount is not small, but it is worth it). Pay. A little later, Waldrik will need more building materials (see quest below).

Test of endurance
Once you complete the quest "Question price" and come to the Vigil Tower next time, Waldrik will have a new dialogue. He will complain that the local stone is not suitable for building powerful walls of the fortress. We need to find granite. You can find it in the Vending forest in its eastern part. We tell Voldrik about the deposit and promise to provide soldiers for protection. This will complete the quest.

Important element

In the fortress you will meet your old friend the blacksmith Wade from Denerim, as well as his assistant Heren. Wade is always happy to make some masterpiece equipment, but for now you will have to upset him and force him to forge weapons and armor for ordinary soldiers. For this, however, he will need good metals (veridium and silverite). You can find their deposits in your travels around the world. There will be three in total:
Veridius - in the dungeons under the Vigil tower;
Silverite - in the silverite mines in the Vending forest;
Iron - in the shopping district of Kal Hirola.
Just tell Heeren about each deposit you find. Once they are all found, the quest will close.

Give me a bomb!

Find lyrium sand in the silverite mines of the Vending Forest. Give it to Dworken and you will be rewarded with a powerful trap bomb. The gnome will ask you to find more sand. The second portion of lyrium sand can be found in Kal-Hirol, the third - on the deep paths under the Vigilance Tower. Dworken will make two more trap bombs for you, and the quest will close.
Note: It’s better to give the portions of sand one at a time, otherwise a bug may occur with the quest freezing (the mark above the dvorken will not disappear).

Master's work
Wade wants to make some unique weapons or armor, but for this he will need unique ingredients. There are 3 of them in total and each of them will have a mini-quest associated with them.
Heart of the Forest
In the Vending forest, kill Sylvan the Old Man and take the shotgun from his corpse. From this ingredient Wade will be able to make you a bow or shield. To do this, Master Wade will need the following additional ingredients:
-butter (in the kitchen at the King and the Lion inn in Amaranthine);
-flawless ruby ​​(can be bought from Master Henley in the Amaranthine market or found in Kal-Hirol);
-veins (can be removed from dead mabari in black swamps);
-rune of the great lightning master (you can make it yourself).
Golem Power
In Kal-Hirol, take the plate from the corpse of the boss golem. Wade can make good armor out of it if you bring him additional ingredients:
-master's lyrium potion (you can't buy or find it, you can only brew it; Velanna can do it perfectly, and the recipe for this drink can be found in the sarcophagus in the dungeons of the Vigilance Tower, see the quest "Revenge of the Ghost");
-pure iron (we buy it in Amaranthine from the gunsmith Glassrick);
-wool padding (in a box near the entrance to the guardhouse in Amaranthine);
-blood lotus (these flowers grow everywhere, you are sure to find them).
Get down to work
Find an ancient dragon bone in the lair of the queen of the black swamps. Wade will make it into a one-handed or two-handed sword (your choice) if you bring him the following additional ingredients:
-diamond (can be found on the deep paths under the Vigilance Tower);
-fresh dragon egg (can be found in the silverite mines of the Vending forest);
-large fire protection potion (we buy from Uriah in the throne room of the Vigil Tower);
-rune of fire of the great master (you can make it yourself or buy it).
You can choose for yourself what bonuses will be in the sword:
1st parameter
Penetrating power
+2 to armor penetration, +5 to fire damage.
+6 attack, +5 cold damage.
2nd parameter
+10 to defense, +10% chance to dodge attacks.
+15% critical/backstab damage, +3% critical strike chance.
Ease of impact
+50 to stamina, +0.5 stamina recovery in battle.
Wade's Choice
+3 to all stats.
Personally, I chose penetrating power + ease of impact.
Once Wade has completed all 3 masterpieces, the quest will be completed.

Velanna's dedication
"The Righteous Path". Ask Seneschal Varel to perform the initiation ritual. Everything will be successful, Velanna will survive. After this the quest will close.

Dedication to Sigrun
The quest will be available after completing the task "Last of the Legion". Ask Seneschal Varel to perform the initiation ritual. Everything will be successful, Sigrun will survive. After this the quest will close.
Note: complete the quests "The Righteous Path" and "Last of the Legion" before "Shadows of the Black Swamps", because otherwise, Varel may not have a line about the initiation of Velanna or Sigrun into the Gray Wardens.

Letters from a private
A private girl at the gate to the tower will receive letters from the population. These letters will contain tasks for you. Visit her periodically with each visit to the fortress.
Kidnapped daughter
Lord Edgar Bensley asks to save his daughter, who was kidnapped by bandits. Follow the beacon on the map to the transaction location. You can:
-give a ransom of 30 gold to the leader - you will save the girl, but lose money;
-attack the bandits - the girl will die;
-convince first to release the girl, and then take the ransom - in this case, the girl will remain alive, and the bandits can be deceived and not give the money, after which they can be killed without risking anything (this option is only possible with the maximum persuasion skill).
Depending on the execution option, the reward will be different:
girl dead and bandits killed - 5 gold
the girl is alive (no matter what happened to the bandits) - 10 gold.
The reward for this quest is taken from the private along with a second letter (with thanks) from Lord Bensley.
Far away in the fields
You are asked to save a family of farmers from the creatures of darkness. We go to the new marker on the map. The village will be devastated, the inhabitants will be killed (there is no way to save them). Kill all the creatures of darkness in the area led by the ogre. After clearing the area, collect all the goodies and return to the private for your reward.
Rescue operation
This quest will appear after completing the first two tasks during your third visit to the Vigil Tower. Go to the coast and deal with the looters who want to steal goods from the wrecked ship. We kill the marauders, take the goods and return to the fortress to the private.

Good day, dear players!

This post contains walkthroughs of all quests related to or originating from the Tower of Vigil.

Naturally, the post contains plot spoilers, so if you want to enjoy the passage of the addon, so to speak, in its original form, without hints, then it is better not to open spoilers. Well, if you need help getting through a difficult moment or need information on some quest, then this post is especially for you.

Walkthrough of the addon "Awakening": Tower of Vigil.

Walkthrough of the addon "Awakening": Tower of Vigil.


Story quests

Assault on the Vigil Tower

After briefly informing you that the Spawn of Darkness have not retreated to the Deep Roads, as they were supposed to after the death of the archdemon, and therefore you must deal with the situation as the current Guardian-Commander of Ferelden, you will be sent to the Vigil Fortress in Amaranthine. If you recall, this former domain of Earl Howe was given to the Gray Wardens by the monarch of Ferelden at the end of the previous game.

Accompanied by Mhairi - a warrior with a shield and sword - you arrive at the fortress and immediately notice that something is wrong. A second later, a frightened soldier will fly right at you, pursued by several Spawns of Darkness. After you deal with them, he will tell you that the fortress was captured by the Fiends of Darkness, who somehow managed to get inside without being noticed by the Gray Guardians.

After reporting the situation, the soldier will go home - either, on your order, he will go to look for a safe place, or to look for reinforcements from possible patrols on the road. Now you have the opportunity to get to know your companion a little better - Mhairi, who was previously a knight in Denerim and is now a recruit of the Gray Wardens. Mhairi has not yet undergone the Initiation ritual, but is enthusiastic about the opportunity to be a Gray Warden. Together with Mhairi, you will have to clear the fortress courtyard from the Spawns of Darkness. You'll encounter genlocks, garlocks, screamers, and even one ogre, but none of them are elite, so they're unlikely to pose a problem for you. In some places, surviving soldiers are fighting off the Spawn of Darkness, whom you can save. There are four of them in total (two in the outer courtyard, two in the inner one) plus a merchant, who, unfortunately, ended up in the fortress at the moment. You will receive nothing but moral satisfaction from saving soldiers, but the rescued merchant will later sell his goods to the fortress merchant at a discount, and he, in turn, will extend this discount to you.

Walkthrough of the addon "Awakening": Tower of Vigil.

Walkthrough of the addon "Awakening": Tower of Vigil.

Scared Trader - Generous Trader

Explore every corner - sometimes opponents appear only when you cross a certain point. In addition, there are many unlocked chests scattered around the fortress. If you exported your old GG to Awakening, then their contents may not be something significant for you, but if you started the game as a Guardian from Orlais, his equipment and cash supply are very limited, and considerable expenses lie ahead - so that every little bit will help the cause.

As you approach the inner gates of the fortress, you will be greeted with a stunning salute by a Genlock emissary - an ordinary one, though, not an elite one. After dealing with him and the rest of the Fiends in the courtyard, look around just in case to be sure that you didn't miss anything, and go into the building.

After a brief dialogue with Mhairi upon entering the fortress (where you can lose or gain influence with her), you are immediately attacked by several screamers. Having dealt with them, inspect the area. You will see that the northern corridor is closed with bars, and the western door is locked with a lock that cannot be picked. There is only one thing left for you to do - follow the eastern corridor.

As soon as you take a step through the door into the eastern corridor, you will meet another survivor of the attack - the magician Anders. If you yourself play as a magician (it doesn’t matter whether you are a GG from the Beginning or an Orlesian), then Anders may notice that he remembers you from the Tower, but, in principle, this does not matter much. Anders openly admits that he is a renegade mage who escaped from the Mage Tower. The Templars caught him and were already on their way back when, to their misfortune, they decided to make a stop at the Tower of Vigil. Not one of them survived the clash with the Spawns of Darkness.

Walkthrough of the addon "Awakening": Tower of Vigil.

Walkthrough of the addon "Awakening": Tower of Vigil.

To take a magician or not to take - that is the question...

Regardless of how exactly you conduct the dialogue with Anders, he will offer you to temporarily join forces. Anders is a spiritual healer who also has a super useful spell, Cone of Cold, which can be very useful, especially if your GG is not a magician (but even if he is a magician, then a second one in this situation is unlikely to hurt). He also has several unspent points that you can immediately invest in spells and skills at your discretion.

The three of you follow the door to the fortress wall. There, a group of Spawn of Darkness awaits you, led by your first elite opponent in the Awakening - a Genlock emissary. If your GG knows how to hide, then he (s) can quietly slip into the ballista and deal an impressive blow to the enemy with it before they notice you. Having defeated the enemy, follow further. Having crossed the threshold of the next door, you will find yourself in the western part of the entrance hall - just behind the door that could not be opened earlier. As it turned out, it was impossible to open it for a very good reason - behind it was piled an impressive barricade of various pieces of furniture and stones.

The lever behind the door opens the grate in the northern corridor. When you turn it, you will see how a certain gnome very spectacularly blew up a group of the Spawn of Darkness and disappeared. Deal with the few that are left alive and follow the grate to the north.

In the room north of the grate, you'll find Ogren fighting off several Darkspawn, which includes a Genlock Emissary and an Alpha Garlock. After the battle ends, Ogren will join your party. His welcome speech will be slightly different depending on whether your PC is an Origin hero or a Guardian from Orlais, but in any case, his respect for you will shift to Zero, as if he had never seen you before in his life. Alas. Out of sight, out of mind, no less...

So, now you finally have a full-fledged group at your disposal! Move on, dealing with opponents who at times will be elite. On the way, you will come across a wounded man named Rowland. In general, he won't tell you anything new, but depending on how you behave in a conversation with him, you can lower or increase Mhairi's respect. (If you order her to kill Rowland, then, of course, she will not like it, but if you tell him to “Get a grip!”, then her respect for you will increase.)

Rowland, unfortunately, cannot be saved. After finishing the conversation with him, go further to the door on the outer wall. Having crossed the threshold, you will encounter the very Spawn that the soldier and Rowland told you about. He does indeed talk, but the conversation will not last long and will almost immediately turn into a battle. This is your first orange boss fight in Awakening.

At the end of the battle, Seneschal Varel will thank you for saving him, but his gratitude will be interrupted by the arrival of none other than the monarch of Ferelden in person. If you exported the PC from Origins, it will be the one who became the ruler at the end of the game, and if you play the Guardian from Orlais, then it will always be Alistair. In the subsequent conversation, Ogren will offer himself as a recruit to the Gray Wardens. If you refuse, then you will no longer have the opportunity to get him as an ally. Also, the templar accompanying the monarch will demand the immediate arrest of Anders. If you decide not to interfere, you won't see Anders again. Alternatively, you can claim your Right of Summoning and, despite the objections of the templars, the ruler will allow you to take Anders as a recruit for the Gray Wardens.

Walkthrough of the addon "Awakening": Tower of Vigil.

Walkthrough of the addon "Awakening": Tower of Vigil.

Well, can I have a new magician? He's so funny...

Alistair/Anora will talk to you a little about your immediate task in Amaranthine. The conversation will be slightly different depending on whether your PC knows the ruler personally and how personally, but in any case, after that he/she will depart back to Denerim, wishing you good luck. Now you have to attend the Initiation ritual, which will be conducted by Seneschal Varel. After its completion, you will finally gain control over your hero and can begin to fulfill the duties of the Guardian Commander.

Note: The outcome of the Initiation is predetermined. Regardless of how you acted or what you said earlier, this will not affect the result.

Non-plot quests

First aid for the wounded

At the fortress walls in the western part of the courtyard, one of the surviving defenders will ask you to bring medical equipment for the wounded. The chest with medical supplies is located in the very southeastern part of the yard.

Note: in the chest not far from the wounded, for which you ran for medicine, there is a helmet from the Stormchaser set.

Survivors of the Vigil Tower

Inside the fortress, find and help several surviving inhabitants escape. You will receive this quest when you come across a man fighting off two Fiends of Darkness a little further from where you met Anders. You need to find the rest, and there are four of them in total (counting the above).

The second survivor sits in a side room in the northern corridor, literally a few steps after the grate that blocked your path. Go into the large hall through the door next to this little room and then turn east - in the next rooms after the hall you will find two more. (And in the last eastern room you will also find a Genlock Emissary and an Alpha Garlock.)

Walkthrough of the addon "Awakening": Tower of Vigil.

Walkthrough of the addon "Awakening": Tower of Vigil.


So, you have an entire fortress at your disposal, which from now on is your base of operations. There is a chest near the door to the courtyard where you can store what you don’t want to load up your backpack with. All your comrades will be here in the Throne Room. The mage ambassador Sera, in addition to selling recipes for runes and the runes themselves, can enchant your weapons and armor if you need it.

Check back here often. Not all tasks appear immediately - some require the fulfillment of certain conditions or the passage of a certain amount of time. In addition, this is where from time to time your companions will feel the need to talk to you (this happens after you have achieved a certain influence with them or after completing their personal quests).

Story quests


Speak with Seneschal Varel, Captain Garevel and Lady Wolsey, who will inform you of the situation in Amaranthine. Talking to them will give you three main missions of the game: Last of the Legion, The Righteous Path, Shadows of the Black Swamps.

Non-plot quests

Who is this sitting here with us?

The soldier guarding the entrance to the castle will tell you that the Gray Guardians captured an unknown person who was trying to get into the fortress. They had to work hard to catch him, and one of the Guardians half-jokingly remarked that he would make a good recruit. The prisoner is kept in the castle casemate until you, as the Commander and the current Earl of Amaranthine, decide what to do with him.

Go to the dungeon and talk to the guard. He knows nothing about the prisoner, since he refused to give his name. Go and talk to him. The prisoner will tell you that his name is Nathaniel Howe and he is the son of the late Arl Howe. Nathaniel will be a little more aggressive if your GG is a Guardian from the Beginning and especially if he (s) is Cousland, but one way or another he admits that he came to the fortress with the idea of ​​​​killing you, but already changed his mind on the spot and only wanted to take something what of memorabilia, since he had nothing left related to his family. At the end of the conversation, a seneschal will appear and ask about your decision. Your options are to execute Nathaniel, set him free, or use the Right of Summoning, making him a recruit of the Gray Wardens. In this case, the seneschal will perform the ritual of Initiation and Nathaniel - without much joy, I must admit - will join the ranks of your comrades. Nathaniel is a rogue archer, an analogue of Leliana. He can be very useful if your PC is not a robber, managing castles and traps and scouting the area.

Trade must go on

If you return to the Throne Room a little later than your first appearance, you can ask Mistress Wolsey if she can help with equipment for your soldiers. She will advise you to look for more merchants who would agree to establish trade ties with the Vigil Fortress.

You can find two such merchants. You will come across Lilith while traveling on the world map, where you will have the opportunity to save her from attack. Another merchant, the qunari Armas, is located in the silverite mine of the Vending Forest. In order for him to agree to cooperate with the Vigil Fortress, you need to use Persuasion.

Oath of allegiance

Walkthrough of the addon "Awakening": Tower of Vigil.

Walkthrough of the addon "Awakening": Tower of Vigil.

“Greetings to all the honest and not so honest company” (c)

Seneschal Varel will introduce you to the banns of Amaranthine. If you have leveled up Persuasion, use it in your greeting to get more support.

If your PC is a Guardian from Orlesian, then Lord Guy, if you talk to him, will loudly declare his displeasure at the subjection of Amaranthine to the Orlesian. You can calm him down with Persuasion, and then you have to decide what to do with him. You can execute him to intimidate other dissatisfied people (which will worsen your relations with the nobility), release him in peace, or put him under arrest.

Defense of the Lands

This quest appears when you take the oath of allegiance from the Banns of Amaranthine if you speak to Lord Eddelbrek. The problem is that you don't have enough soldiers to guard both the city and the surrounding lands, and you have to choose which one is a priority. (As a third option, you can choose to guard the trade routes.) Lord Eddelbrek, a large landowner, will advise you to protect the villages. If you talk to Ban Esmerel, she will try to convince you that the city, as the center of Amaranthine, needs protection more than ordinary peasants. Of course, they have their own interests in advising this way - Bann Esmerel lives in the city, and Lord Eddelbrek owns the land around it.

Inform the seneschal of their advice and give him instructions according to your choice of defense priority.

If you choose to protect merchants, the merchant in Uriah Fortress will offer you a wider range of goods.

If you decide not to protect the peasants (that is, you chose trade or the city), then in the future it will be more difficult for you to negotiate with them.

If you choose to protect the peasants, this will be reflected in the epilogue and you will gain more influence with them to calm them down when there is a possibility of rebellion.

Web of Conspiracy

If you used the Persuasion option in your greeting while taking the oath of allegiance from the Banns of Amaranthine, talk to Ser Tamra - she will warn you that a conspiracy is being prepared against you. She will promise to deliver the conspirators' letters to you in a few days.

If you didn't use Persuasion, talk to Anders during the ceremony and he'll tell you that he overheard a suspicious conversation that smacks of a conspiracy against you.

Talk to the seneschal and you will have several options to resolve the situation. You can do nothing and wait for word from Ser Tamra (or do nothing at all, if Ser Tamra did not share her suspicions with you, and you learned about the plot from Anders). You can invite family members of the surrounding nobility to “stay” in the castle, who will act as hostages if necessary. The seneschal will not greatly approve of this option, and your vassals will not particularly like it either. You can send soldiers to spy on the nobles, but this will not bring any tangible results, since ordinary soldiers are not very strong in the subtle matter of intelligence. And finally, the seneschal will mention a certain “Black Wolf”, whom you can hire to extract information. If you decide to look for him, then in Amaranthine they will give you a note inviting you to a meeting. The Black Wolf (or whoever pretends to be him... you know this if you completed a certain quest line in the Beginning) will get you the information you need, but first demand 50 gold as payment. If you do not have the required amount on hand, he will wait until you collect it. After receiving the fee, he will show you the place where the conspirators are gathering, after which all you have to do is go there and kill them. If you want, you can kill him after he gives you the information.

Note: You can receive a note from the Black Wolf even if you decide not to use his services in a conversation with the seneschal.

Note2: in order for the Black Wolf to receive the information you need, you need to move away from the streets of Amaranthine (the entrance and exit to any building is quite suitable).

And you, Esmerel?

One of the possible options for developing the Web of Conspiracy quest. Appears if the GG decided to wait for the development of events with the alleged conspiracy and do nothing about it. In this case, after an attempted peasant uprising, several banns led by Esmerel will be waiting for you in the throne room.

Seneschal Varel will protect you from the assassin's arrow, but you will have to carry out the further battle without him. The Banns are not very strong (and besides, your comrades will be with you), but they will have an orange boss with them - the assassin of the Antivsky Ravens. After the battle is over, exit the throne room so that everything in it returns to its place.

Note: this quest will not appear if you have already visited the gathering place of the conspirators, acting on the information received from the Dark Wolf.

Completing this quest will also end the Web of Conspiracy quest.

This quest will appear to you after you complete one of the story quests. The sentry at the gate will tell you that the seneschal was looking for you. Go to the throne room.

As Earl of Amaranthine, you will have to make decisions to punish your offending vassals. You can also completely refuse to understand matters and leave decisions on them to the discretion of the seneschal. If Varel makes decisions, then there will be no consequences from them - neither positive nor negative.

In total you will have to deal with three cases. One of the peasants, Alec, stole two bags of government grain to save his family from starvation. The theft of crown property carries the death penalty, although if the grain belonged to someone else, he might get off with the rod. You can execute him, have him flogged, or have him join the army, which will allow him to feed his family. Executing Alec (shorter - flogging) will arouse the discontent of the peasants and in the future it will be more difficult for you to come to an agreement with them.

The second case concerns a case of desertion. A soldier named Danella left her post because her family was threatened by the Spawn of Darkness. You can execute Danella, since even in peaceful days desertion always meant the death penalty, you can take into account her circumstances and put her in prison for a year, or you can do nothing against her and offer her to transport her family to the Fortress, where they will be safe. In the latter case, this will worsen the situation with the desertion of soldiers who will not be afraid of severe punishment. If you execute Danella, this will worsen your reputation in the eyes of the peasants.

If you received a warning from Ser Tamra and have not yet gone to deal with the conspirators on a tip from the Dark Wolf (or have not hired him at all), then you will have to deal with the case of Ser Temmerley, nicknamed the Bull. Ser Tamra was found murdered and Ser Temmerly was seen running from the crime scene, but there is no further evidence against him. You can execute him, release him, or put him under arrest indefinitely while the investigation continues.

Editor's note: This case supersedes Danella's case.

Walkthrough of the addon "Awakening": Tower of Vigil.

Walkthrough of the addon "Awakening": Tower of Vigil.

- I'm taller, I should be a model!

And I have a better tan! And the dress is exclusive!

The latest case is the trial of land claims. Earl Howe promised Lady Lysa Pacton the lands of Ser Derren, who had opposed him and Tairn Loghain in the past. Besides the obvious options of siding with Lisa or Derren, you can take the land for yourself (this will net you 100 gold) or give it to Lisa, but cast Persuasion on Ser Derren, promising him appropriate compensation.

Peasants' revolt

These events will happen after you complete two of the main quests. Upon returning to the Vigil Fortress, you will see a crowd of angry, hungry peasants who demand that the fortress's storerooms with food supplies be opened to them.

In other cases, you will have to fight them.

Issue price

Waldrik Glavonak, a gnome builder, will approach you with a request for additional resources to upgrade the fortress. You can tell him to make do with the amount that has already been given to him, but if you want to improve your castle with the latest word in Dwarven technology, then promise him 80 gold (or pay it right away if you have it).

Note: Your decision regarding additional funds for the fortress may affect certain events at the end of the game.

Strength test

If you talk to Waldrik Glavonak some time after completing the Price of Business quest, he will complain about the poor condition of the fortress walls and suggest that you look for a suitable material - for example, granite - to repair them. You can find granite in the Vending Forest, where you will go during the Path of Justice story quest. Report your find to Waldrik and send soldiers to guard the workers.

Whether you reinforce the walls with granite or not can affect certain events at the end of the game.

Important element

Herren and Master Wade, who have temporarily settled in your fortress, will ask you to supply them with materials from which they could make suitable equipment for your soldiers.

In total you can find three deposits:

Veridium deposits are located in the dungeon of your own fortress, where you will go during the quest “What Lies in the Abyss.”

The iron deposits are located in the Kal'Hirol trading area, where you will go during the main mission "Last of the Legion".

Silverite deposits are located in a mine in the Vending Forest, where you will go during the story quest “The Righteous Path”.

Invasion from underground

Talk to Sergeant Maverlis. She will express suspicions to you that the Spawn of Darkness who attacked the fortress appeared from the dungeons of the castle, which, according to some, reach the Deep Paths. The sergeant also suspects that the explosions caused by the gnome Dvorvik caused several collapses in the dungeon, and now there are Fiends there, cut off from the surface.

Tell her to order the rubble to be cleared and go inside the dungeons.

In a small room marked on the map as “Prisoner's Notes”, several screamers will ambush you. In the same room there is a cache - activate the statue of Andraste, and then the torch on the wall, and the secret wall will move to the side, revealing a chest with good loot, including a ring that gives + 4 to physique.

In a room marked "dungeon" there are several prisoners under lock and key. If you let them go, Nathaniel and Anders will approve. The corpses on the floor here will come to life when you enter the room, so be prepared.

A little to the west of the prison cell is a closed door. If you pick the lock, you will find an Avvar crypt behind a small corridor. A dozen or so skeletons - warriors and archers - will appear in the crypt when you enter it. Their appearance can be activated in stealth mode - if you want to throw spells at them from afar before they notice you. After the battle, examine the sarcophagi. In one of them you will find a key. This is one of the four keys you need to unlock the door in the crypt, the rest you will find a little later when you clear the rubble into the deeper parts of the dungeon.

If you don't have a robber with you or his lockpicking skill is not high enough to open the door, that's okay. A little later, after clearing the second rubble, you will find the key.

In the northernmost part of the dungeon you will find Adria, the undead and a deposit of veridium, which you can report to Herren. You will also find that due to another blockage you cannot move forward. Sergeant Maverlis will promise to inform you immediately when the rubble is cleared.

Walkthrough of the addon "Awakening": Tower of Vigil.

Walkthrough of the addon "Awakening": Tower of Vigil.

"You killed a whole bunch of creatures of darkness!

And I can also embroider..."

The rubble will be cleared after you complete one of the story quests. Talk to Sergeant Maverlis - she will take you to the cleared area.

So, you find yourself on the Deep Paths, so it is not surprising that you will meet with a variety of Fiends of Darkness. There are also undead here and there, but you won't find anything too serious until you meet the orange ghost boss - the Dark Ghost.

Dark Wraith can deal a lot of damage with electricity, which, if you remember, drains mana and stamina. After a while, when his health is reduced by about 25%, he will call on several skeletons to help. When you have dealt with everyone and reduced the Phantom's lives to almost zero, he will retreat into a kind of dungeon, where he cannot harm you, but you cannot do anything to him either.

Activate the device from which the ghost-holding beam emanates. This will free him and give you the sub-quest "The Revenge of the Phantom", but it is not necessary to complete this quest.

Move forward and soon you will find another orange boss - the Ogre Commander, surrounded by other Fiends of Darkness. When you deal with him, the Dark Ghost will take over his body and you will have to fight him a second time.

After defeating the possessed ogre, Sergeant Maverlis and Waldrik will appear. Waldrik will put in place defense mechanisms that will keep Vigil Fortress safe from attack from below for at least another ten years.

After you tell the sergeant that you wish to go to the surface, this quest will be completed.

Adria's fate

This quest is closely related to the quest “What Lies in the Abyss”. In the first room in the castle dungeon you will see a wounded mabari. Attached to it is a note for help from a woman named Adria. You can simply examine the dog and take the note, or use the Survival skill and calm the animal down first (for this you will receive +2 respect points with Nathaniel). Apparently, Adria fled to the basement to escape the Spawn of Darkness. Nathaniel will be very excited by this note, since, according to him, Adria was like a mother to him.

You will find Adria in the northernmost part of the dungeon. Unfortunately, she has already turned into a goul and will attack you as soon as she notices you. Her death will complete this quest.

From Adria's body you can remove a wonderful ring for a magician - the Ring of Mastery - which gives + 10 to the power of magic.

Temple of Corta

In the room north of the entrance to the Deep Roads you will find the Temple of Cort. If you touch the altar, you will have a choice of what to do with it.

If you offer a donation in the form of a diamond or a golden idol, which can be found on the corpse of a nearby Spawn of Darkness, you will receive a good two-handed ax “Fury” as a reward. If you place Corrupt Iron on the altar, which can be found a little further along the Paths, it will desecrate the altar and destroy it. You won't get anything.

If you take the offerings from the altar for yourself, you will receive 15 gold, but the golems in the room will come to life and attack you.

Ghost's Revenge

This quest appears to you after freeing the Dark Wraith from his light prison in the Deep Roads. Once you defeat him as an Ogre Commander, the ghost will disappear. He will retreat to the Avvar crypt, which you probably already noticed during your clearing of the Vigil Fortress dungeons.

To get into the crypt itself, you need a key, which is located on the body of the Fiend of Darkness on the Deep Roads near the gate that Waldrik sealed, but in the same way you can simply pick the lock. But in order to get into the room with the ghost, you need four more keys. One of them is located right there in the crypt, in one of the sarcophagi. One lies in a chest near the Temple of Cort in the Deep Roads. The other two are in locked chests, also in the Deep Roads.

Once you have unlocked all four locks, you can proceed to the room where the Dark Ghost will take over the body of the Avvar Lord (orange boss). He will be assisted by two more revived Avvar lords. When you defeat all three, your quest will be over.

Letters to the Guardian-Commander:

The sentry at the castle gate has several letters for you. These are petitions from your vassals with various requests for help.

Kidnapped daughter

One of your vassals, Lord Bensley, has had his daughter, Lady Eileen, kidnapped by bandits and are demanding a ransom of 30 sovereigns for her. Go to the territory that appears on your map. You can pay the bandits the required amount - and then it will all be over. You can refuse to pay - in this case you will have to fight and the chance that the girl will die is quite high. If you have developed Persuasion, then you can persuade the bandits to first return the hostage to you, and only then you will pay them. After Eileen is returned to you, you can either pay as promised, or attack them - the girl will not be harmed in this case.

If Eileen is alive, the guard at the gate will give you a message from Lord Bensley with gratitude and 10 gold.

Far in the fields

Walkthrough of the addon "Awakening": Tower of Vigil.

Walkthrough of the addon "Awakening": Tower of Vigil.

We always come to the end of the “holiday”...

The widow living in the Turnoble estate asks you to protect her from the Spawn of Darkness. Unfortunately, there appears to be no way to do this - even if you go to the indicated location immediately after receiving the letter, all the inhabitants of the estate and their few defenders will already be dead. All you have to do is kill the Spawns of Darkness who have seized the estate, and your quest will be completed. From the body of the widow Turnoble, among other things, you can remove 13 gold and a diamond, and on the body of the templar, not far from the exit, there is part of the Stormrunner set.

Rescue operation

This quest will appear some time after completing the two previous quests - The Kidnapped Daughter and Far in the Fields.

This letter is not even a petition as such, but simply information for you that a ship with goods crashed off the coast of Amaranthine. People were saved, but goods were not, and they remained on the coast, where, most likely, they would be plundered by looters and robbers in the near future. Go there and deal with a group of marauders, which, in addition to archers and warriors, will also include a Blood Mage. The quest will end when you take the first batch of goods from the chest.

Note: Apparently this item is only good for sale - but then again, each batch costs two gold pieces, and there are more than a dozen of them.

A Craftsman's WorkWade still dreams of working with the exotic materials you might find on your travels. This quest includes three small subquests - based on the amount of exotic raw materials that you will discover during the three main missions:

Down to the bone

If you bring Wade the Ancient Dragon Bone found in the Black Swamp Queen's Lair, he will give you a list of ingredients needed to turn it into the weapon of your choice - a one-handed or two-handed sword.


Ancient dragon bone.

Fresh Dragon Egg (found in the Wending Forest Silverite Mine in the Dragon Trainer's room).

Diamond (can be found - for example, on the Deep Paths under the Vigil Tower).

Large Fire Protection Potion (can be purchased from Uriah in the throne room).

Fire rune of the great master.

Sword "Vigilance" will have the same bonuses regardless of whether you choose its two-handed or one-handed variant. In addition to the basic characteristics, you can ask Wade to pay attention to attack, defense, ease of attack, or let him make the choice himself.

Defense Bonuses:+ 10 to defense, + 10% chance of evading attacks.

Attack Bonuses:+ 15% critical/backstab damage, + 3% critical strike chance.

Ease of hit bonuses:+50 stamina, +0.5 stamina recovery in battle.

Wade's pick:+ 3 to all characteristics.

Depending on whether you choose Mobility or Strength for the sword, it will receive the following bonuses:

Mobility:+6 attack, +5 cold damage.

Force:+1.5% to armor penetration, +5 fire damage.

Golem Power

If you bring Wade a piece of the Inferno Golem armor that you will have to fight in the final battle of the mission in Kal'Hirol for the quest "Last of the Legion", he will give you a list of the ingredients he needs to forge the armor.


Underworld Golem Armor

Mester’s lyrium potion (I personally didn’t come across it as a drop from monsters or traders, but you can make it yourself if the magicians have the appropriate Potions skill. The recipe for the potion is in the sarcophagus in the dungeon of the Vigil Fortress - where you will come for the final battle for the quest “The Ghost’s Revenge”).

Pure Iron (sold in Amaranthine from the gunsmith Glassrick).

Wool stuffing - in a chest on the northernmost street of Amaranthine, not far from the Dark Wolf.

Bloody Lotus - can be found almost everywhere, including the vicinity of Vigil Keep (when you arrive there at the very beginning of the game) and Vending Forest.

Golem Armor– Massive armor with excellent increases in strength, physique, fire resistance and physical resistance.

Heart of the Forest

If you bring Wade a piece of wood from the Elder Sylvan, who is located in the Vending Forest, he will give you a list of the ingredients he needs to make a bow or shield of your choice.


Wood of the Ancient Sylvan.

Flawless Ruby (can be found - for example, in Kal'Hirol - or bought from Master Henley in Amaranthine).

Oil (in the kitchen of the Crown and Lion tavern in Amaranthine).

Veins (found on dead mabari in the Black Swamps).

Rune of the Great Lightning Master (you can make it yourself).

After completing the quests Heart of the Forest, Golem's Strength and Working on the Bone, the quest A Master's Work will be considered completed.

Give me a bomb!

You will receive this quest from Dvorkin Glavonak after completing one of the story quests. To work on bombs, for which he has a rather unhealthy addiction, he needs lyrium sand (not to be confused with dust!). To complete the quest you just need to give him 2 portions of lyrium sand. Lyrium Sand can be found in Kal'Hirol and in the Silverite Mine in the Vending Forest.

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