Wot how much does a premium account cost. How to get a free premium account in world of tanks? What is a premium account

Today we will tell you how to get premium and gold when registering in the World of Tanks game, or rather:

  • 2 premium tanks;
  • 900 in-game gold.

To do this, you need to follow a few steps following our instructions. Let's go in order:


After you complete all the steps listed below, your World of Tank game account will have 2 weeks of premium, 900 gold and 2 premium tanks.

Step 1.

The first thing you need to do is go to your email, which you will use to register in World of Tanks. An email will be sent to it with a link to confirm registration.

Step 2

Copy and go to the registration page at the following link:


Step 3

Randomly fill in the registration form that appears in World of Tanks, indicating the email address from . Then click on the inscription Do you have an invite code? and enter the following code:


Accept the user agreement and click the "Continue" button. For entering this invite code you will receive:

  • Tank T-127;
  • 7 days of premium account;
Step 4
Step 5

On the World of Tanks website, go to your personal account: in the upper right corner, click on your name in the game.

Step 6

Here you need to change the password for your account to any other. For this you will receive 300 in-game gold.

Step 7

Immediately you need to link your wot account to your mobile phone. The prize for this operation is 100 gold.

Summing up

If you have done everything exactly according to the instructions, your game account will have 2 weeks of premium, 2 premium tanks and 900 gold. The whole procedure takes no more than 5 minutes. We remind you once again that this method of obtaining game advantages for World of Tanks is intended only for beginners and works at the stage of registering an account. It's always better to start from scratch. Our guide will help you with this.


Today, popular Internet resources support many electronic payment systems, and it is not difficult to buy an account, you just need to follow a few links. One of the most popular payment methods for premium accounts, if the site is behind, is PayPal. Why foreign sites? The fact is that at the moment, users of the system living in Russia do not have the opportunity to accept and withdraw money from the system, only pay for their purchases. Therefore, if the site is foreign - PayPal can be an excellent way to pay for a purchased premium account. If the site is designed mainly for visitors from Russia, then let's look at other ways to pay for a premium account.

There are many systems with which you can pay for a premium account using a card. If the site where you want to purchase a premium account supports any of them, you will find out about it by clicking on the " " link. In order to withdraw money, you just need to enter the card number, the name of the cardholder in Latin, the expiration date of the card and the CVC code. Before doing this, be sure to read the instructions on the site so as not to make a mistake and transfer the required amount to the desired address. In such cases, money is debited immediately, and the account of the site management is received instantly. That is, you will have a premium account immediately after transferring money to the required account, and you can enjoy all its privileges.

If you do not have a credit card, or you do not want to use it to pay for a premium account, you can use electronic payment systems such as Webmoney, Yandex money, and the like. To create an account there, you need to register on the site and create an electronic wallet there. You can find out about the ways to replenish this wallet in the "how to replenish an account" section. As a rule, answers to such questions are in a special section, and this information can be easily found as soon as you register as a user of one of these electronic payment systems.

Also, many sites for paying for a premium account offer to print a receipt and pay it at the nearest bank branch, or make a money transfer using any of the popular systems, but the disadvantages of these methods are that you will have to wait a few days to get a premium account, until payment will be made. Sometimes this takes quite a long time, up to a week. If you want to buy a premium account right now, try payment methods on yourself from the comfort of your home. It's comfortable!


Pay for premium accounts and make any other money transfers only on sites that are trustworthy. Sometimes it is better to do without additional privileges, but not fall into the hands of scammers.

One of the most successful marketing solutions of recent times is the free-2-play system in games and its analogues on the Internet. The idea is that a part of the service's capabilities is available to the user for free, while the remaining half requires a paid account, with the acquisition of which there are often problems.


To get a premium account in the game - buy it. In most cases, the product strictly separates paid and free users with a single monetary contribution - "purchasing a premium version", for example. To a greater extent, such a system is used by small casual and indie projects, which can be found on major gaming portals.

Use paid features. The second popular way to get a "premium account" is micro transactions in the game. On Steam, the most prominent representative of this system is Team Fortress 2, where you cannot unlock any significant features for money, however, using Steam, you can buy cosmetic items or modified weapons for your . At the same time, you get the status of a “paid user” after the first purchase.

On sites in "premium" is rarely permanent. Most often, you pay for a privileged position for a certain time (a classic example is file hosting services that give out “high-speed access” for a limited time - from a day to a month), after which you have to make another payment if you are still interested in the project's services.

Thousands of players play the most popular game World of Tanks every day, the premium store site gives you the opportunity to go to the plus after each lost battle. On our service, you have the opportunity to purchase premium equipment at the most reasonable prices, but it costs some money, but it's worth it. Each exploration or battle will become interesting and, most importantly, profitable for you, pumping will not take as much time as playing on conventional vehicles. How long does it all take? This is hard to answer, but it also depends on the skill level of the player himself, the fights and the number of fights in the game.

The store site opens up the horizons of opportunities for players, it happens that the premium equipment that you like has already been sold from the official store, but this does not mean at all that it is no longer available in the format of bonus codes for third-party stores.

What does premium technology give in practice?
- Increased by 1.5 times the accrual of experience and credits per battle
- The ability to earn free experience and have it at your discretion
- Quick research of pumpable cars
- Preferential level of battles (not for all premium vehicles)
- Accelerated process of improvement and training of the crew

The tank store in World of Tanks gives everyone the opportunity to enjoy the privileges, we are constantly replenishing the range of our store. Almost round-the-clock support helps to advise and answer all customer questions online. We provide absolutely free support in the period before the purchase, and after any problems. Each tank comes with an additional slot in the hangar, you don't have to worry about free space, you can replenish your collection right now.

How to buy a premium tank for World of Tanks?

Buying in our store does not take too much time, everything is clear on an intuitive level. You can always try out your first purchase on our unique game roulette World of Tanks. We would like to highlight the main differences between our store and others, so that you can draw a conclusion for yourself:
- 2 years of perfect work, during this time about 8 thousand units of various goods were sold
- Transparency of the system, not a single claim for all 2 years.
- The presence of a legal entity, we have an individual entrepreneur registered in Moscow, which means that we cover possible risks and always pay tax on each purchase
- Many payment methods, you have the opportunity to buy goods with almost any payment method convenient for you.

As you can see, you can trust us, our World of Tanks premium store provides personal guarantees to each buyer in our store, in case of inoperability or non-delivery of the goods, you will receive a refund or a replacement at your discretion. Now it's as easy as possible to buy a World of Tanks tank, you can safely buy equipment / premium days / gold for yourself, or as a gift to your friend.

In 1941, German electrical engineer Konrad Zuse created the first Z3 computer, which had most of the features present in a modern computer. Its main difference from previous developments was the possibility of programming. The era of computers has arrived.

History of computer games

And although computers were created primarily for use in the military and scientific fields, people almost immediately thought about how to adapt them for entertainment purposes. And now, 10 years later, in 1951, a computer designed to play Nim was introduced in the UK. Thus, the game "Nim" became the progenitor of a whole direction in programming. In 1969, two remote computers were connected over a network: the Internet was born. Since the 90s of the last twentieth century, there has been the most rapid growth in the popularity of the World Wide Web, and already in 1996, the alpha version of the first truly successful Internet game "Ultima Online" was launched. In 2009, the Belarusian company Wargaming began testing, and in August 2010 released the official release of the game called World of tanks, translated from English - "World of Tanks", which quickly became popular both on the territory of the former Soviet Union and throughout the globe .

Briefly about the game

WoT (World of tanks) allows the user to test armored vehicles of the early to mid-twentieth century in combat. At the same time, the performance characteristics of these tanks are as close as possible to the original. The game uses not only real-life pieces of equipment, but also experimental models, some of which are not even embodied in metal. There is a constant development of the game, new battle modes, equipment appear, various promotions take place. Tankers who are not interested in fighting alone can try platoon and company battles, as well as join a clan. This game is free, but for a more comfortable pumping of equipment, crew and accumulation of credits, a World of tanks premium account is provided, which is purchased for real money. The cost of this service is pegged to the dollar, but you can pay in any currency.

World of tanks premium account

For those who want to invest in their game account and thereby increase the effectiveness of their fights, we can advise you to buy game gold. We purchase a premium World of tanks account for it for a period of one day to a year, which allows, based on the results of the battles, to receive fifty percent more gaming experience and credits. If we take into account that the costs of ammunition, equipment and tank repairs remain at the same level, then the profitability of battles increases significantly. It should also be noted the possibility of receiving prizes in special promotions held by World of tanks: free premium, premium tanks, additional equipment - this is an incomplete list of what you can win by completing certain tasks. And the prize for winning contests announced on the WoT official website is often in-game gold. For example, in 2013, in connection with the fifteenth anniversary of the Wargaming company, a free World of tanks premium account was raffled off for a period of 15 years.

Tanks for farming

Talking about the opportunities for faster earnings (farm) in WoT, we should mention the special advantage of these vehicles in that they have increased profitability, as well as the possibility of transferring the crew from other vehicles of the corresponding class and nation without penalty. This allows you to simultaneously pump the experience of the crew members of other tanks. There are premium cars of various classes, levels and nations. Their peculiarity is that the characteristics of these tanks are a little short of the characteristics of pumped vehicles of the corresponding level. The reason for this is the policy of the Wargaming company, which consists in the fact that for money it was impossible to purchase equipment that exceeds that obtained by playing. Those who do not want to invest their hard-earned money into the game can purchase premium cars by participating in the company's numerous promotions. For example, in December 2013 - January 2014, there was an opportunity to earn the Soviet heavy premium tank IS-6, and in May 2014 - the American medium T26E4 Super Pershing.

World of Tanks accounts are a necessary thing to start the game: your achievements, personal information, achievements won and other statistical data necessary for the player will be stored here, helping you to assert yourself in the vast World of Tanks universe.

A World of Tanks premium account allows you, among other things, to receive additional in-game bonuses.

This can be done on the official website of the game. Along with achievements, all your in-game purchases are attributed to the account: new tanks, guns, modifications and upgrades are directly related to your game account.

Role-playing system World of Tanks

The role-playing system of World of Tanks is based on a set of experience and in-game currency. Everything is purchased here with the in-game currency: new tanks, equipment, and even improved weapons. In general, if you set out to create the tank of your dreams, then for this you will need to collect a lot of silver coins.

Depending on your success on the battlefields, for each battle you get a certain amount, for which you then make purchases inside the game.

Here, however, there is one nuance: in addition to silver, there is also another currency - gold. You can earn gold by participating in developers' game flash mobs, clan wars or special events, but each gold coin gives you much more than the collected silver coins.

In addition, the experience gained is also important. Simply because without a certain amount of earned experience, most of the modifications and models of tanks and weapons will not be available to you. So developers always honor the balance in the issuance of experience and game currencies.

Regular World of Tanks accounts they work exactly according to this scheme: they went through the battle - they received a fixed number of experience points and game currency. However, for those users who want to speed up their gaming progress, there is a special offer: World of tanks premium account.

Benefits of a World of Tanks premium account.

The advantages of such an account are obvious: you are given a new, beautiful hangar with expanded functionality, for each battle you get 50% more experience and silver, and on top of that, you are also allowed to create your own clan to participate in subsequent clan wars and mine gold in the future . Here, however, it is worth making a remark - buying a premium account costs real money, not play money. All prices are online, so the choice between the regular game and the accelerated version is entirely up to you. The trend, however, is that almost every enthusiastic World of Tanks player sooner or later enjoys the benefits of a premium account.

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