Smite mythology of the gods. All the gods of the world - impressions from the release version of Smite. The gods are dragging mid

After reading the materials located on this page, you will learn about the basic principles of the game, which all beginners who want to win or at least not hear negative feedback from other players should know about.


Let's look at a map of one of the main game modes Conquest, which is an analogue of the famous Dota. This map has three main lines: solo, duo and mid, as well as a labyrinth of paths in the Jungle (the Jungle is also called the Forest).

Solo line the side line having the shortest length, as well as the shortest distance between the enemy and allied tower. The line is notable for the fact that it is quite easy to dodge enemy attacks, as well as lure him under the fire of an allied tower. Most often on this track you can find classes such as Warrior and Mage.

Duo line another side line, characterized by the greatest distance between the towers. Usually on this line there are players of the Hunter class, along with a support defender or a mage. The support should place wards regularly, as this line is easy to gank.

Mead the central line, on which, almost always, you can meet a magician (other classes very rarely choose this road). Be prepared for the fact that this line will be stormed most often, because the magician is usually an easy prey. Most often, a player with rich gaming experience and skill is placed in mid.

Jungle small paths laid through vegetation and trees. Usually they are navigated by players of the Assassin class, who devote most of their time to farming, as well as supporting other players.


All playable Smite characters are divided into five classes: Mage, Assassin, Hunter, Warrior, Guardian.


Mage the most universal class, which has a weak auto-attack and relatively weak defense (at the beginning of the game). Most often, magicians act from behind the backs of thick-skinned allies, who take most of the damage.

Their magical abilities are the most effective, but in close combat they are extremely weak. Almost all gods of this class are carries, but some can also serve as a support, allowing the allied carry to farm and gain experience.


Assassin (Forester, assassin) a class designed for farming and providing support to other classes. Most often, there is only one assassin in the game, and therefore if you see that someone has already chosen him, then it is better to take another hero so as not to receive a barrage of criticism against you.

The Assassin deals good physical damage and is extremely effective in close combat. Its full potential is revealed in the middle of the match, after purchasing 2-3 artifacts that increase attack speed and damage. And with proper pumping, it can single-handedly drag down the outcome of the game.


Hunter (also called ADC) weak at the beginning of the match, but incredibly powerful in the middle and end of the game, of course, subject to proper leveling. At the beginning of the game, it is recommended to coordinate your actions with support so that he absorbs excess damage, helps fight the enemy, or heals the hunter. In the middle and at the end of the match, as well as after purchasing the necessary items, it turns into a death machine and can act independently. The class has a ranged attack and deals physical damage.


Warrior something between the Assassin and Defender classes, perfect for beginning players, as well as people who don’t know who to choose. Most often, the Warrior acts alone, but can also work in tandem with other players. Has good defense and attack indicators, but is very weak at the beginning of the game, especially against magicians. At the end of the meeting, the character’s vitality increases greatly, which allows him not only to withstand damage from opponents, but also to inflict it himself, like a tank.


Defender This is a support class and a classic tank, with good defense but relatively weak damage. Has a wide range of capabilities to gain control over opponents, which will allow allies to easily destroy them. It is worth understanding that this is the purest support class, and therefore you should not chase frags. Your allies will do this for you, your task is to help them with this, taking damage on yourself or slowing down your opponents.


There are 4 main buffs in Smite:

Blue. Allows you to restore magical power and also replenish mana reserves. It will be extremely useful for magicians and classes with magical abilities. He can be found near the solo line.

Red. Increases the amount of damage done with a basic attack, extremely useful for warriors, assassins and hunters. Located between the duo and mid lanes.

Orange. Increases the movement speed of heroes, especially useful for the Assassin class. He can be found between the solo and mid lanes.

Violet. Increases attack speed and also increases physical and magical attack. Located near the duo line.

How to start the game correctly

Immediately after the system selects a sufficient number of players and the character selection window opens, you should write in the chat which line you plan to go to. If you are a beginner or your option has already been taken, then you should change your choice or try to convince another player to change the hero. Never choose a hero without communicating your choice in chat. Firstly, this can seriously affect the gameplay, since team tactics will be seriously imbalanced, and secondly, you will be blamed for all the problems and possible defeat.

Also keep an eye on other players' choices. The presence of two magicians or two Assassins on a team will negatively affect the outcome of the match, unless the opposing team has similar problems.


Golden Fury

When killing a Fury, all team members receive 300 gold. Fury usually has a lot of HP and is quite strong, but with proper skill, even one player can kill it (usually the Assassin and Hunter classes can do this). It is recommended to fight the Golden Fury alone after reaching level 15, as well as if you have 4 items.

Fire Giant

The death of the Fire Giant allows the team to receive a special buff that gives health and mana regeneration, and also increases physical and magical attack. At the same time, to receive the buff it is not necessary to deal damage, it is enough to simply stay alive. The Fire Giant can only be killed by a team, as it deals much more damage than the Fury. In addition, the giant's abilities allow him to attack both a single target and an area.

Tactics for playing different classes


If you play as a mage, then you should go to the center line (mid) or solo.

If you go to mid, then as early as possible you should pick up the red buff, which is located between the duo line and mid. All this time, try to coordinate your actions with players of the Defender and (or) Hunter class, since the magician is quite weak in the initial stages of the game. After the buff is picked up, we return to mid.

Your main task is to try to push your line, and then go help your allies. But, at the same time, you should not forget about the mid, since the enemy will most likely try to restore the balance. Moreover, the middle will most often become the target for attack, and therefore we recommend that you place wards on both sides of the forest.

During team fights, try to neutralize enemy mages and carries, without the need to be heroic and get into trouble. Remember that a good magician is a living magician, and therefore you shouldn’t get too carried away and lose your head in pursuit of the next frag. By dying, you not only give the enemy experience and gold, but also leave your line unprotected.

If you decide to go solo, then your first priority is to help the Forester pick up an orange buff. If everything goes well, then in gratitude for this, he will help you get a blue buff. After this, the game tactics will be approximately the same as in the mid lane. We push our line, after which we help our allies, periodically returning to solo to defend and repel attacks.


At the beginning of the game, you should stock up for comfortable farming in the jungle. Bumba’s Mask items, which are suitable for almost all gods, will help us with this. For the characters Thanatos and Ne Zha, you should buy Death’s Toll, since they have passives that provide good healing, but additional damage will not hurt them. You should also purchase boots to increase the hero's mobility, as well as Hand of the Gods to quickly kill cyclops. With the remaining money we buy potions to restore HP.

After that, we go to the Jungle, from the solo line and select an orange buff, together with a warrior or mage. After this, we help our allies get the blue buff. Next, we attack both fury camps located on our half of the map, after which we help our teammates hold solo.

At the third minute, another fury camp should appear in the forest, which should also be attacked. If the orange buff ends, you should pick up a red one. If that one stops working, then we take orange again, etc.

Having reached the fifth level, we begin to actively take part in the batches. At the same time, we clear out the furies when they appear. At later stages, the effectiveness of your attacks will increase significantly, and therefore you should actively use them, earning experience and gold for the team.


The Hunter may experience a frequent lack of mana at the beginning of the game, and therefore it is recommended to solve this problem by purchasing a Bluestone Pendant. After shopping, we move to the Tao line, taking with us a Defender or another hero in the role of support.

It is worth remembering that the full power of the Hunter is revealed in the second half of the fight, and therefore at the beginning of the game you need to swing, but not actively go to the front. Try to act from behind the Defender or under the cover of other players. Players should also learn to shoot and aim accurately, since misses are an unaffordable luxury.


We immediately move to the solo lane, simultaneously helping the Forester get the orange buff, and he will help us get the blue one. At the beginning of the meeting, the Warrior is also quite weak, especially if a magician is playing against us, and therefore there is no need to pretend to be a hero and get into trouble. We just finish off the creeps, help our allies and save money to buy the necessary artifacts. During the purchase, it is necessary that the damage and protection be at approximately the same level and then you have a chance to become a real tank.


For the Defender, at the very beginning of the game we buy Hand of the Gods, which is necessary to quickly kill the cyclops and, as a result, to receive the purple buff. This item also allows you to farm effectively, destroying creeps scurrying along the line. After that, we go to mid and help our teammate get the red buff. We actively place wards on the lane and help our carry farm, not letting him die, and we ourselves try to survive.

In the middle of the game, Hand of the Gods can be upgraded to Wrath of the Gods, which would make it easier to defeat the Golden Fury and the Fire Giant. Also, towards the end of the game, we will become more durable, which will allow us to withstand a large amount of damage without dying. At this stage, it is recommended to place wards near the Golden Fury and the Fire Giant. This way we can see when the enemy team is going to kill them. Thanks to this, your team can stop them from doing this or steal the Fire Giant or Golden Fury by simply dealing fatal damage to them.

Players today have no shortage of free-to-play MOBAs - inspired by the breakthrough and the developers rushed to explore a new gold mine. Only few people have achieved noticeable success, because unlike the same with, most imitators blindly copy the mechanics of their famous ancestors, without offering anything original in return.

Lost in translation

Unfortunately, there were some new problems - having redesigned the control scheme, the developers did not dare to take more radical measures. For example, you have to aim AoE spells the old fashioned way, but with a third-person view it has become much more difficult - a translucent outline on the ground can simply not be seen in the mess of special effects.

The Divine Arsenal is also not stellar - each character is endowed with only the usual four abilities (plus one passive), and the vast majority of things acquired during the match give exclusively bonuses to characteristics. Active items are located in a separate tab of the store, and you can take no more than two with you at a time.

The balance also raises some comments. There are too many heroes whose skills can incapacitate the enemy for a long time, so much so that you can’t even lift a finger until death. However, such questions often still depend on the coherence of the team, the composition of the teams and knowledge of the intricacies of the game.

But Unreal Engine produces a nice picture, and you don’t need to buy anything - five different gods are always available, although their rotation is irregular. You'll have to farm to get some of your favorites, but that's the standard model for free-to-play MOBAs. In addition, for $30 you can “open” all the celestial beings at once - both current and future.

In general, the game greeted the release with confidence: there are many characters and they are quite diverse, small rough edges are not very annoying, and there are just enough innovations here to stand out from your peers in the genre. So if you are attracted to the MOBA concept, or seem too “hardcore”, then it’s worth at least paying attention to.

Hello dear readers. Being a god is a difficult task, but we have written a special guide for you in Russian (the game is not Russified), because in Smite the gods are the main characters of the gameplay. For a successful outcome of the battle, you must carefully choose your character, know the specifics of the skills and the main role of each hero. Unfortunately, it is impossible to fit an overview of all the gods and their skills into one article, but we will try to tell you everything that can help you with choosing your first god. We present to your attention a small guide to the Smythe characters.

For every taste

In the game you can find gods from various mythologies - China, Ancient Greece, Scandinavia, India, Egypt and even the Mayans. In short, for every taste. All characters are very well drawn and have beautiful skill animations. But this is all an outer shell, and according to their characteristics and skills, heroes are divided into five groups - defenders, warriors, hunters, magicians and assassins.

Let's quickly review what makes each group special.

1. Defenders are essentially supports, they can be either ranged or melee, they can be frail or with a lot of health. The only important thing is that they always have abilities that greatly help the entire team in battle. That is, among them there can be both full-fledged initiating tanks and simple heroes who throw buffs on the team and have a lot of control.

2. Wars - heroes who usually have the ability to withstand high damage or, more simply put, tanks. As a rule, they hit in close combat, causing physical damage. Some of the warriors show themselves to be good damage dealers, and some are pure tanks.

3. Hunters - usually ranged and have a high attack speed. They deal high physical damage due to their basic attack ability. Such characters are called carries. They are usually in line with the caliper. They are highly dependent on farming and items.

4. Mages - these gods are most often ranged. Their damage, as the name implies, is of the magical type. They can inflict great damage in a short time due to their divine abilities (burst damage). Often dependent on mana.

5. Assassins are mobile, causing large and fast physical damage. Most often they hang out in the forest, as they can clear out monsters alone. Also good at ganking (quickly destroying the enemy on the sly).

As soon as you decide which class you like to play for, you can start thinking about buying your first god. Yes, unfortunately, most of the heroes are paid.

You have to pay for everything

You can buy paid heroes both for real money and for in-game money (favor). However, when you go to your profile, you can see that there are several gods available for you to play. These are free gods, open initially, you don’t need to buy them, these are heroes for beginners. After playing for them, you can get comfortable, understand which class you like best and already choose a god for further purchase. There are also several temporarily free gods available each week. New week - new free characters. This is also implemented so that you can familiarize yourself with as many gods as possible before purchasing.

Hero prices are as follows. To purchase one god, which costs approximately 300 gems, you will need to spend about 400 rubles. But there is an opportunity to buy all the gods at once, cheaper in bulk. To purchase all the heroes at once you will have to pay about 2,000 rubles, depending on the euro exchange rate. Much cheaper than buying separately.

There are also small tricks on how to get free gems. The game often hosts various promotions, there are many promotional codes, using which you will receive skins for heroes, gems or other goodies. You need to keep track of all these events by subscribing to the newsletter from the Smythe developers.

Which god should I buy first?

How to choose the right one? In principle, you can just read the description in Russian about each god in the game and try to decide, but it’s still better to listen to our recommendations, and then it will be easier to choose. So, which hero is worth the money? Probably the most powerful god. But here is the whole problem, all the characters are quite balanced and there is no best god. If you have already decided on the class you want to play for, then it will be easier to choose.

  • Calipers and tanks

If you like to help your group, and you would most often like to play as a support, that is, as a defender, then it is better to purchase Hades. He can both deal good damage and help the team very well by casting silence on enemies. If you prefer melee heroes, then take Ares, he can tank well, throws a shield over the entire group and stuns enemies. Or, if you like to heal, that is, heal your team, take Hel, although she does not belong to the group of defenders, she perfectly heals allies with her magical skills.

  • Assassins

Do you like to shred left and right the most? Take a closer look at Bakasura if you like melee combat. He will cut into pieces anyone he meets one on one. Or, for example, Ratatoskr, looks like a cute little squirrel, but is actually a dangerous enemy. Ratatosk, of course, is a little complicated, but very flexible, he has many different nuts with him, which give him passive skills and allow him to use different battle tactics. Among experienced players, Thor is also considered popular, he is a very good assassin, and with proper management he can be very powerful. So, if you like it, then feel free to buy it, learn to play for it and you will be cooler than everyone else.

  • Mages and hunters

If you prefer magic, then feel free to buy Poseidon. He can summon the terrible kraken, and in general, has powerful AOE damage. Or Zeus, also a very powerful magician. For hunters, we can recommend Artemis, an excellent ranged hero with high single-target damage. Belongs to the group of hunters. At the early stage of the game, you need to play her carefully, this character is a carry and fully reveals itself in the late game.

Honestly, all gods are good and if you liked someone only because of their appearance or for some other reason, then feel free to buy it, because any hero will be useful, and if you are disappointed, which is unlikely, then buy a second one . But we hope that our little guide helped you navigate the heroes from Smite. Subscribe to our blog updates so you don't miss new articles. Also leave your comments and share the article with your friends on social networks. Bye bye.

At the moment, there are two absolute favorites in the MOBA genre, who have been waging a fierce battle for the hearts, souls and personal lives of millions of gamers for several years now. We are, of course, talking about League of Legends and Dota 2. But the genre is not only rich in them - from time to time others burst into the mob market wanting to bask in the rays of glory and stand under a fountain of green bills. However, no one has been able to overthrow the favorites so far. Then the gods themselves decided to conquer the treasured Olympus - after all, this is their usual habitat. All this is SMITE from Hi-Rez Studios and that is what will be discussed in this article.

The gods are dragging mid

SMITE is actually not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Yes, he shamelessly borrowed a lot from the already well-known MOBA giants, but, nevertheless, he also offers his own unique, I would even say, divine twist. One of its main features is a whole army of assorted gods in the role of heroes. The game makers didn’t come up with the characters themselves, but simply wrote a little backstory about how the gods of Roman, Greek, Egyptian, Scandinavian, Indian and other mythologies, familiar to us all, came together to kick each other’s divine asses.

Mr and Mrs Smith

Each deity has its own unique skills that best suit their image, and also does not hesitate to upgrade standard role-playing game skills. This system is very reminiscent of division into classes, but SMITE is notable for the fact that it is almost impossible to single out the same tank in battle. Each god can play almost any role, allowing you to adjust your chosen one as you play. The puny and thin sun god Ra, with proper pumping and straight arms, will be able to distribute such lyules that even all sorts of Odins and Zeuses will run away in panic, feverishly trying to extinguish their gray-haired beards. Is it possible that not everyone will make a healer, since the ruler of the dead Hades, for example, and the ruler of the seas Poseidon are not logically suitable for this role. But the beautiful Aphrodite will gladly rescue her entire team from the other world, and even give the offenders a slap on the hat.

God's for show

A lot depends on the curvature or straightness of your hands in SMITE. Here you can forget about auto-targeting skills at the enemy and magic, which acts in the direction the character is directed. If the skill is guided, then a stripe will appear under your god’s feet, the direction of which can be controlled with the mouse, but if it is an AUE attack, then a circle (no, not a life-saving one) of a certain radius will pop up under the hero.

Since there is no cursor, we will have to control our sky guards using the old familiar WASD. Many will think that this is even simpler, since in ordinary MOBAs you just have to click the mouse button half to death, but this is not so. Now your LMB will most likely fall off altogether after the first game - finishing off creeps has become much more difficult, since there is no auto-attack. Accordingly, earning experience with gold coins becomes more difficult. At first, this terribly infuriated me, and my mouse even went into free flight several times with the final destination of “the wall.” But after spending a few hours in SMITE and applying tape, you get used to the unusual mechanics.

In online mode

The main advantage of SMITE is undoubtedly the number of available modes. It would seem that they can offer an experienced MOBA gamer? One or two classic modes? Not so. There are five of them in SMITE, and just to make it seem a bit less, the creators also drew a lot of picturesque maps. Each mode has its own merits and turns the game into something other than the hackneyed “ruck to mid”, “two to lane” and “defy taver”. You can test your strength in Domination - something like capture the flag, Joust - one-on-one combat, Math of the day - every day players receive a specific hero, Conquest - classic Dota mode: one player goes mid, the rest push towers, then chop down the phoenix and for dessert - the Minotaur. The horned monster is a kind of throne from Dota 2. Only if the latter could only calmly wait during the attack? While he is being blown to hell, the Minotaur will happily distribute pendals to his potential offenders.

Divine Separate

For dessert, I left the Arena mode, which, it seems to me, deserves special attention. The heroes appear on a map designed in the style of the Roman Colosseum, with the rules corresponding to the environment. Teams receive their own portal and 500 points, after which gladiators begin to run from each side with the goal of desecrating the enemy portal. For each missed unit, the team loses one point, and for each lost player, five points. The point is that battles with other heroes here are much more dynamic than in Conquest, and at the same time they are not devoid of a tactical component. For example, the Monkey King can rush into the midst of enemy heroes, use an AUE attack, stunning them, slap everyone in the face with much more powerful attacks and quickly fall back to his own. At best, you will deprive the enemy team of points without losing a significant amount of health. If there are adequate players in the team, one session will last 20 minutes at most.

Corrupt God

As for the hero’s equipment, here SMITE is not particularly different from the same Dota 2. A familiar store with all kinds of gear on site. Standard za'atar are shown separately, so even green beginners will be able not to get confused and dress up their hero normally. By the way, there is even an opportunity to enable automatic leveling of skills, but this is for completely wooden gamers. If we talk about investing real money in the game, then SMITE is more like League of Legends. If you want new gods, be so kind as to fork out some cash. Of course, you can purchase a hero using virtual currency, but to do this you will have to sweat in front of the screen for about 3-4 days. Here even the most greedy player will get tired of farming for new gods and decide to invest real money in the project. And the cunning developers are counting on just this...

God's blessing

The game SMITE became a kind of saving straw for the independent team of Hi-Rez Studios, which, after the oblivion of the Global Agenda and the halt in the development of Tribes: Ascend, was going through hard times. Open testing of SMITE started back in January 2013 and lasted more than 14 months - an absolute record among similar new products. The developers themselves call the success of the game “very unexpected.” It was Smite that allowed Hi-Rez to expand its staff and achieve financial stability.


Here is living proof that innovation in a seemingly stagnant genre is entirely possible. Unusual, as for MOVA, controls and camera make you look at the usual brawl of heroes among the turrets from a completely new angle. And the mythological gods as the heroes themselves also give the project some kind of freshness and novelty. But for some unknown reason, the game doesn’t really drag on for long. After running around happily in the company of deities for about five days, I switched back to Dota. Otherwise, without me, the mid-crayfish will... screw up, that's it.

Final score: 7 points out of 10!

Smite is one of the most unusual MOBA games of recent times: unlike DOTA and League of Legends, it uses an over-the-shoulder view and focuses on the action component; its authors had a hand in such hits as City of Heroes, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and Call of Duty. In this material we will answer the most popular questions about Smite.

How to quickly earn favor (how to earn favor, where they give favor the most)

After completing the training, you will receive 100 favor. Winning a training match with one of the gods (can only be obtained once per god) - 50 favor. And after increasing the player’s level - 500 favor.

Each time you complete a created game in one of the modes, you receive favor in an amount based on the length of the game. Additionally, winnings give you bonus currency.

With your first win of the day, you will receive 100 favors, and subsequently - approximately 70 for a win and 40 for a loss. In a day of solo play, you can play six different normal modes. Therefore, if you win in each of the six modes, you will receive approximately 1020 favor per day (100 for the first win and 70 for the game itself).

How to get gems (how to get gems, where to get gems) in Smite

Gems are an in-game currency that is purchased outside of the game and used for microtransactions. This currency can be purchased at It is used to instantly open gods and purchase cosmetic skins, unique voice acting for them, as well as skins for wards and icons for your account.

Where to set up auto purchase Smite

The option to turn on/off auto-purchase is in the god selection menu for the match. To the right of the Lock In button you will find two checkboxes, one of which is called Auto Level Items. That's what you need. If you did not have time to turn off this option here, then already in the match itself, by pressing the I button, you will find the turn off button at the bottom, in the right corner.

When heroes change (when gods change)

Unlike, for example, League of Legends, the change of heroes is not tied to any day of the week, but to the release of patches and gods. Therefore, one time the gods can change after 42 days, and another time after two weeks.

When will the Russian localization be released?

It is still unknown, but the growth of the Russian-speaking community of the game will certainly convince developers of the prospects of the Russian market and speed up the process of its localization.

When will the jellyfish come out?

Where is Smite installed?

The game is installed in the same place as the Hi-Rez launcher.

Why do you need worship points?

The worship points earned for each match are directly tied to the mastery system. To achieve any mastery rank with a specific god, you will need an exact number of points. For the first rank, for example, 50, and for the ninth - 890.

Different modes give you different amounts of points: in League, for example, you get 3 points per minute, and winning a match will give you 5 extra points.

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