Ready-made ecology quest for children. Ecological game scenario. The song "Wounded Bird" sounds

"Ecological serpentine" scenario based on a station game for high school students

Petryakova Olga Borisovna methodologist of the MBU DO "House of Children's Creativity", Krasnoslobodsk, Republic of Mordovia.
Description of work: I bring to your attention a scenario for a station environmental game. At each station, children answer questions and receive one point for the correct answer. Each station has its own jury, they put points on the route sheets. At the end of the game, the jury, using the route sheets, calculates the total number of points for each team. The team with the most points for all completed tasks wins. This development can be used by biology teachers, additional education teachers, and methodologists at institutions of additional education for children. The holiday scenario is intended for children of senior school age.
Subject:"Ecological serpentine" scenario based on a station game for high school students.
Target: To form in children the foundations of ecological culture, the child’s correct attitude towards the nature around him, towards himself and people as part of nature.
- to introduce global problems of pollution of the planet Earth;
- instill environmental thinking;
- form the foundations of environmental culture;
- teach how to solve environmental problems and problems;
Equipment: signs with station names, task cards, route sheets, pens, laptop.
Preparatory stage: Teams prepare a business card and homework in advance.
Progress of the event.
Good afternoon, dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to the House of Children's Creativity for the game "Ecological Serpentine".
We all owe our lives to the planet - the beautiful and only Mother Earth. Green from forests, blue from oceans, yellow from sands. Our planet is the greatest mystery and miracle. It contains the most mysterious mysteries from the origin of life to the future destinies of humanity.
The science of ecology studies our home - planet Earth and how to live in this house. Everything in our house is interconnected, everyone depends on each other: if the sun goes out, everything will freeze and be covered in darkness; if air and water disappear, there will be nothing to breathe and nothing to drink; if plants disappear, animals and humans will have nothing to eat... Therefore, preserving nature means preserving life.
Airfields, piers and platforms,
Forests without birds and land without water...
There is less and less surrounding nature.
More and more environment.

Just a few lines from Robert Rozhdestvensky’s poem, but they reflect the fact that all of us, people of the 21st century, almost imperceptibly for ourselves, turned out to be not just witnesses, but the culprits of these sad changes. After all, it is we, adults and children, who consume electricity, for the production of which there are entire industries, we drive cars that burn millions of tons of gasoline and require expensive asphalt roads... And factories and factories, huge cities that poison the air, soil and water...
We have gathered here today to discuss a number of issues related to such an important problem of our time as environmental protection. This problem is especially relevant now.
In the meantime, what is required of you? The main thing is that everyone is united by one goal - to preserve, support and improve the ecological well-being of the environment. Only through coordinated and close interaction can significant results be achieved.
Now let's start the game. I invite you on a journey through the stations, where you can win thanks to your knowledge, intelligence and team cohesion.
All your work will be evaluated by a competent jury. (Jury Presentation)
Now it's time for us to get to know your teams. I announce the “Business Card” competition. Each team is given no more than 3 minutes to present. Maximum score – 5 points.

Business Card Competition.
(command view)

Presenter: I see that all teams are ready to complete tasks. Now we are going on a journey through the stations, according to your route sheets. And at the end we gather in this room to hold a homework competition and sum up the results. (Each team receives a route sheet).

Station "Ornithological"
1. This is the smallest bird in our country, 5 times lighter than a sparrow. Lives in large and old coniferous forests. Feeds on small insects. From morning to evening, it swarms in the branches of the spruce, diligently clearing each twig of insects and their larvae. It sings modestly and quietly, but almost all year round, even in severe frosts. (Korolek)
2. This is a very shy and cautious bird. Spends its entire life high in the trees. Very beautiful and noticeable. Perhaps that is why it arrives from the south later than other birds, when the leaves are already rustling on the trees, and flies away before everyone else, before the leaves have fallen. The male sings amazingly beautifully, and the female makes sounds reminiscent of the squeal of a cat, which is why she is called both a flute and a forest cat. (Oriole)
3. These birds are called “northern parrots”. They received this nickname for their crooked beaks: the upper and lower parts are curved in different directions. Nests are built on tall coniferous trees. They hatch chicks in winter. The father bird is very caring. At first, he feeds both the babies and the mother. (Crossbill)
4. These birds make nests from straws and clay on houses, sheds, under balconies and eaves. Some nest in burrows on the high banks of the river. They dig holes themselves. Looking at the birds frolicking in the sky, we think that they are playing. In fact, they tirelessly catch small midges, mosquitoes and flies that fly in the air. These birds rarely and reluctantly fall to the ground, and to rest they sit on thin branches or wires. They even drink water and swim in flight, flying over the water and scooping it up with their beak. (Martin)
5. “They call me “the caretaker of the forest.” I wake up very early and start whistling, as if waking everyone up from sleep. I live in a tree, in a hollow. All my life I’ve been on my feet, running back and forth, up and down the tree, I only need wings to fly from one tree to another. I love nuts, linden nuts, and maple wings. In the fall, I hide food under the bark so that I don’t go hungry in winter. But my coloring is not very noticeable. " (Nuthatch)

Station "Logical chain"
It is necessary to emphasize the extra word in this chain.

1. Root, stem, flower, bouquet, leaves are parts of plants.
2. Sun, stone, oak, sky, snow - this is inanimate nature.
3. Elm, alder, fir, ash, maple are deciduous trees.
4. Hawthorn, euonymus, hazel, honeysuckle, Linden, are shrubs.
5. Nuthatch, jay, woodpecker, thrush, wren are wintering birds.
6. Bear, chipmunk, badger, squirrel- hibernate.
7. Spruce, pine, fir, birch, larch, thuja, juniper are coniferous trees.
8. Nightingale, swallow, swift, crow, cuckoo, larks are migratory birds.
9. Sparrow, nightingale, lark, thrush are songbirds.
10. Coltsfoot, chamomile, yarrow, nettle, dandelion, wolf's face- these are medicinal plants.

Station "Erudite"
1. What kind of wood is sold not by cubic meters, but by kilograms? (Karelian birch)
2. Which tree gives sweet sap, like birch? (Maple).

3. What kind of wood are matches made from? (From aspen).
4. What kind of wood is used to make skis? (Birch).
5. What terrible beast loves raspberries? (Bear)
6. Does the tree grow in winter? (No).
7. Which flower is called the flower of lovers? (Chamomile).
8. Is the hare sideways? (No).
9. What does a hedgehog do in winter? (Sleeping).
10. Which animal of our stripe has the loudest voice? (Elk)
11. The fastest animal? (Cheetah).
12. Where is the grasshopper's ear? (In the knees of the front legs).
13. What is the largest animal? (baleen blue whale, weight more than 200 tons).
14. Who has a mouth on its belly? (At the shark).
15. Which fish have weapons on their noses? (Sawfish, swordfish).
16. Is it possible to catch a lizard by its tail? (No, she'll throw it away)

Station "Golden placers of garbage dumps"
The correct answer must be underlined.

I. Most of the garbage that pollutes the Earth is:
1. Plastic
2. Glass.
3. Metal.
II. Before you start recycling waste, you must:
1. Sort.
2. Collect in one place.
3. Crumble.
III. To recycle plastic you need to:
1. Compost.
2. Burn under special conditions.
3. Melt down.
IV. Primary concern when choosing a landfill:
1. Protection of the surface of the earth and groundwater.
2. Fencing the dump site.
3. Equipping with appropriate equipment.
V. Harmful emissions have an impact:
1. Only for those regions where pollution has appeared.
2. To nearby regions.
3. Even in areas remote from the place where the pollution “saw the light.”
VI. The worst “additive” to water:
1. Household waste.
2. Pesticides.
3. Mineral fertilizers.
VII. Which radioactive waste is purposefully dispersed into the environment:
1. Gases.
2. Liquids.
3. Solids.
VIII. A plastic bottle or jar abandoned in the forest will remain unchanged:
1. 10 years.
2. 50 years old.
3. 100 years or more.
IX. The entry of harmful substances into the habitat leads to disruption of the functioning of ecological systems, called:
1. Pollution.
2. Environmental crisis.
3. Introduction.
X. The discarded paper will be “eaten” by invisible microbes for:
1. 1-2 years.
2. 5-8 years.
3. 20 or more.
XI. Garbology is...
1. home science;
2. soil science;
3. the science of garbage.
XII. The most effective way to combat the growing amount of waste entering the environment:
1. Their burial.
2. Development of legal mechanisms for regulating the process.
3. Recycling (reuse of waste).

Station "Forest Riddles"
1. Who travels through the air on a string?
2. Who has a pantry on the knot?
(At the squirrel).
3. What bird is called “white-sided”?
4. Chicks, which bird does not know its mother?
5. There are lumberjacks on the rivers
In silver-brown fur coats
From trees, branches, clay
They build strong dams.
6. The little animal is jumping:
Not a mouth, but a trap.
Will fall into a trap
Both a mosquito and a fly.
7. He is flying over the river,
This miracle airplane.
It soars smoothly over the water,
Its planting is on a flower.
8. I carry the house on my back,
But I won’t invite guests:
In my bone house
There's only room for one.
9. There is a rope lying
The cheat hisses,
It's dangerous to take it -
It will bite. Clear?
10. Waves carry to the shore
A parachute is not a parachute
He doesn't swim, he doesn't dive,
As soon as you touch it, it burns.

MBU DO DDT Gukovo.

City game program for primary schoolchildren. Scenario of the ecological game “House with a blue roof”

All teams lined up on the square.

THE SONG “Wounded Bird” SOUNDS

HOST COMES OUT: Hello, dear friends! The all-Russian environmental public movement “Green Russia” announced the start of the All-Russian cleanup day “Country of My Dreams”. After all, the country is our common home, and it depends only on you and me whether our home will be clean, light and cozy! Today, September 16, our entire country is taking part in the cleanup. This event became a real holiday. Clean-up days, eco-lessons, master classes and environmental games are held in different cities.
And therefore, today we have gathered here, on Victory Square near the House of Children's Creativity to participate in the city environmental game - the quest “House under the blue sky!”

Rules of our game:

1. 12 teams participate in the game.

Each team will have to visit 6 gaming stations. At each gaming station, you guys will be met by teachers from the Children's Art Center.

Success at each station will be different - some teams will receive green tokens, some will receive blue or light green tokens. After completing all stages of the game, the team captains present their tokens to the main referee of the game - methodologist Natalya Viktorovna Zaitseva. Whichever tokens the team has more is the place it will take in our game. There are more green ones - 1st place, blue ones - second place, light green ones - third place.

Each team will move between stations - along its own route.
Captains are invited to receive route sheets.



Equipment: start line, 2 playing fields (a drawn square on the asphalt - 3 m x 3 m, with cells 30 cm x 30 cm, letters in the cells) at a distance of 7 meters from the start. Each player is given one plastic or plywood ring.

Presenter: Guys, in front of you is the playing field, the task of each player is to run to the playing field, find one name of an animal, bird or fish, put a ring on the first letter of this word and go back, passing the turn to the next player. The winner is the team that found 6 words (more words) on the playing field - names of animals and came to the finish line first. The winner receives a gold token, the 2nd team receives a silver token. If the team finds less than 6 words on the playing field - a bronze token.

A O V M A P 3 A Z C
A G K O 3 Y O L O S


Equipment: large cubes - 5x5, on them are signs with professions, 2 tables, cards with objects. Time to complete the task is 2 minutes.

Presenter: FOREST is our wealth! THE FOREST is the green outfit of our Earth. Where there is a forest, there is always clean air. THE FOREST is a home for animals and birds. THE FOREST is a pantry that generously gives away its gifts: nuts, mushrooms, berries.

Cards with professions - musician, doctor, carpenter, chemist, shipbuilder.

1. Paint.
2. Fir oil
3. Books.
4. Camphor.
5. Atlases and maps.
6. Newspaper.
7. Flavors.
8. Traffic jams.
9. Glue.
10. Decorations.
11. Glucose
12. Charcoal.
13. Piano.
14. Plastic
15. Construction materials.
16. Pencils.

The presenter distributes tokens: if the task is completed correctly - a gold token, silver - if there are cards left or mistakes are made (no more than 2), bronze - more than 2.


Equipment: accordion, animal masks or headdresses (for example: fox, cat, duck, zebra, lion, cow, etc.)

HOST: (One team takes part) Guys, imagine that there is a concert at the zoo. Select “artists” to perform a familiar song the way an ensemble of… (this is your choice). Dress up as animals and sing a familiar song in the voices of these animals.

The team receives a gold token - if the performance is very good, if the performance is not very good - a silver token, and a very poor performance - a bronze token.


Equipment: Large plastic barrels, skittles, mushroom cards

HOST (2 teams): Imagine that you went mushroom hunting in the forest, walk through the forest and see that there is a lot of garbage in the forest, of course you, like true ecologists, will collect garbage - bury it in holes, but large containers that you find it in the forest and take it with you. Your task is to pick up mushrooms by rolling the barrel between the trees (skittles), collect all the useful mushrooms, and not collect one dangerous mushroom, under the trees and bushes and return home safely.

Relay race of two teams. The winner receives a gold token, the team that came second receives a silver one, and those who knock down the pins receive a bronze one.


Equipment: cubes with waste inscriptions, 8 containers of different colors.

HOST (2 teams): In many civilized countries, there is a separate method of collecting garbage. There are garbage containers of different colors on the streets. Appropriate garbage is placed in them. Try this today too. Task: In front of you are 4 containers of different colors.

1. White (“Book” icon) – paper, newspapers, magazines, cardboard.
2. Yellow (Bank icon) – cans, bottles, plastic, metal.
Z.3green (“Sausage” icon) – food waste.
4. Black – (Skull and Lightning Icon) hazardous waste. (batteries, light bulbs, broken phones.)

The names of waste are written on the cubes. The cubes are laid out around the site.

On command - each team puts garbage in containers. The task completion time is 1 minute.


The winner is the one who collects and puts the garbage into containers the most and without making mistakes. Silver token – up to 5 errors, more than 5 errors – bronze token


Equipment: colored (yellow and green) cylinders and square boards with pasted pictures of animals.

HOST (2 teams): All animals speak in their own way. The cow moos, the mouse squeaks, etc.

Cylinders and plywood are laid out at a distance of 5 meters.

Task- as soon as the leader says - who says this: for example - which of the animals “howls”, 1 member of each team runs, finds an object (cylinder or board) with the corresponding animal and brings the object with a picture to the start, the second listens to what word the leader says and repeats the same. There are only 12 animals the team needs to guess, i.e. Each child will have to run 2 times. The team then builds a tower using the items they brought. The winner is the first to build a pyramid and correctly identify all the animals without errors and build the pyramid the fastest. If you made more than 5 mistakes - a bronze token.

Order of questions:

1. Dove - cooing
2. Snake - hisses
3. Goose cackles
4. Sheep bleats
5. Goat – hesitating
6. Lion - roars
7. Fish gurgles
8. The horse neighs
9. Squirrel - clicking
10. Chicken - cackling
11. Bee - buzzing
12. Owl - hoots


Equipment: a flower-shaped labyrinth drawn in chalk on the asphalt, 5 squares of different colors.

HOST (one team): The team’s task is to go through the maze as a team without stepping on the line - find 5 squares of different colors in 30 seconds, then bring the squares to the leader. For each color of the square, come up with 2 vegetables or fruits - which will match the color of the squares.

Yellow – lemon, banana, pepper, cherry plum, potato
Red - tomato, pepper, cherry, sweet cherry
Green – cabbage, cucumber, parsley, dill, celery, kiwi, avocado, quince, peas
Orange – carrots, sea buckthorn, peppers, pumpkin, orange, tangerine
Purple – eggplant, beets, plums, cherry plums, peppers, basil.

If you met the deadline and named vegetables and fruits - a gold token, if you didn’t meet the deadline, but named them - a silver token, if you didn’t meet the deadline and didn’t name them - a bronze token


Equipment: Whatman paper A 2, felt-tip pens, easels (4)

Creation of posters on nature conservation:

1. “Take care of the forest!”
2. “Save water!”
3. “Keep it clean!”
4. “The earth is our home”
5. “Let’s save the air!”
6. “Let's save the world around us!”
7. “Don’t be late to save the planet!”

Presenter: Guys, we ask you to line up in your places and show everyone the environmental posters you made! Well done everyone! Photo for memory!

Presenter: Dear players, let's begin the award ceremony.

Awarding certificates

Our game has come to an end. Tell everyone, friends, parents, classmates that you became participants in the All-Russian action “Green Russia”, which was held throughout the country today. After all, our country is our common home under a blue roof - and it depends only on us what it will be like! Love and take care of our planet!

Gaming stations:

1. “Relay race with rings” - teacher Revina M.Yu.
2. “Station of good thoughts” - teacher Semenova M.A.
3. “For mushrooms” - teacher Yugova M.V.
4. “Beauty is purity” - teacher Pinkina L.B.
5. “Pyramid” - teacher Bobrova M.A.
6. “Labyrinth” - teacher Kuznetsova N.A.

Quest “ECOLOGICAL ORIENTATION” for college students and high school students

Author Tamara Vladimirovna Tkachenko, teacher-methodologist of Ingulets College
State higher educational institution "Krivoy Rog National University"
Increase the level of environmental literacy, develop skills in applying environmental knowledge in non-standard situations, and expand knowledge about the nature of your native land.
Develop intelligence, the ability to quickly find solutions to assigned problems, independence
thinking, creative abilities, emotional-volitional sphere.
To develop communication and team skills in the game, a culture of communication, the desire to win and the ability to lose with dignity.

- formation of environmental thinking;
- expansion of erudition;
- deepening local history knowledge;
- improving orienteering skills;
- strengthening physical health;

If the game is played outdoors: for each team, an area plan with a route and indicated locations, a compass, manuals for competitions necessary for each location, signs indicating the location.
The game can also be played in the school premises and in the yard, if it is large enough: instead of a site plan, a plan of the room and yard with indicated routes.

Game conditions
Several teams can take part in the game, which will start the game from different locations (you only need to go through them in the specified order). At each location there is one of the jury members and his assistant. Teams must have a name, logos, and it is advisable to have a motto for each location (I give examples of mottos). Points are awarded for correct answers. A bonus point is added for correct explanation of the answer. The time taken to complete the route is also taken into account in the team classification.

The emblem could be like this

In order to complicate the game conditions on the route between locations, you can use simple obstacle course elements used in tourism, for example, “log”, “web”, “blockage”, “bumps”, “pendulum” and others - this will make the game even more exciting .

Start of the competition

Attention guys, the game is waiting for us again!
And the cooks are preparing for dinner by the fire,
You are knowledge, resourcefulness and speed and drive
Show up, and the jury will announce your verdict!
Teams, let's start!

Teams are given route sheets, they are introduced to the rules of the game, and time is recorded for each team.

Location 1

Eco-friendly - not eco-friendly

The team forms, names itself and motto

Our actions are different
We repeat them as usual,
But it's time to think
Let the game help us.

Assistant Jury Member
Attentiveness, friends, and diligence,
You will need them. Now attention:
You must choose from these photos
Only those that are environmentally important.

The team is offered a series of photographs or pictures depicting environmentally correct and incorrect actions of people (examples of photos: bathing in a bath, in the shower, an electric car, and a car with exhaust fumes, a trolleybus, sorted and unsorted garbage, garbage in the forest and its cleaning, a gloomy face and smile and so on).

Location 2

Team motto:
What to wear and what to eat
Everyone should clearly know
Unclear? Here's a reference:
Eco is an important prefix.

Assistant Jury Member
Look at the baskets:
A reward awaits you for your success,
We don't need a middle:
Take everything apart as it should.

The team is offered 3 baskets:
- in the first there are various goods mixed together: nuts and crackers with different flavors, chips, candies, various carbonated drinks (Pepsi, Fanta), hairspray, nail polish, detergents, mineral water, fruits, vegetables, things made of cotton, wool , linen, synthetic fabrics and the like;
-the second and third baskets are empty, one says “environmentally friendly”, the second says “not environmentally friendly”.
The team must sort everything into two baskets.

Location 3

"Red Book"

Team motto:
Plants, animals and birds
Not guests on our planet,
So let the pages turn green
The Book has us, the people, in charge!

Assistant Jury Member
Look at the pages:
There are plants and birds here,
Insects and animals -
If anyone is familiar with them, let's check them out:
Try to take away
Those that need to be protected.

Teams are offered photos or pictures of wildlife representatives, from which they need to choose those that are listed in the Red Book.

Location 4

"Food chain"

Team motto:
So as not to disrupt the cycle,
Everyone must give energy,
Is your chain long or short?
If you have it, pass it on, period!

Assistant Jury Member
Everyone needs energy
It's not easy to get it
Is the task clear to everyone?
We build a chain, but not according to height:
The pyramid principle is here
You all need to take this into account.

Teams are offered arrows, photos, pictures or toys, and crafts depicting links in the food chain that needs to be built.

Location 5

"Find a Pair"

Team motto:
Everyone has their own pair
We can find her
Ask us questions
And accept the answers!

Assistant Jury Member
Look at us
And define:
Who saved who for you,
Call me quickly.

The team is invited to put together a plant and its seeds, leaves, fruits, flowers (images of plants in the pictures, the rest is prepared).

Location 6

"Collect your food"

Team motto:
If you want to eat, don’t yawn,
Get food quickly
Who ignored the advice
He went to bed hungry!

Assistant Jury Member
Squirrel, hare, wolf, fox -
They all dream about food at night,
Try to guess
And help collect it.

Each team member is assigned a picture of the animal for which he must collect food (some types of food must be in several copies)

Squirrel spruce and pine seeds from cones, hazelnuts, acorns, mushrooms,
berries, bird eggs
Wood mouse plant seeds, blades of grass, mushrooms, insects, their larvae,
earthworms, green parts of plants, buds and bark
deciduous trees and shrubs
Hare herbaceous plants, bark and buds of deciduous trees and
Hedgehog insects, earthworms, frogs, mouse-like rodents,
lizards, snakes, eggs or chicks, fruits, berries
Already frogs, tadpoles, fish, mice, lizards, newts, eggs
birds, chicks
Frog insects, their larvae, tadpoles, earthworms
Fox mice, hares, birds, frogs, insects, carrion, berries
Boar rhizomes of plants, their green parts, acorns, insects and their
larvae, rodents, earthworms, carrion

Location 7

"Know and Obey"

Team motto:

If you are nature's friend,
Take care of everything around you
Appreciate her fully
After all, we have only one Earth!

Assistant Jury Member
You're out in nature today
The rules are known, like
List them out loud,
If you are a friend of nature.

The team is asked to list the rules of behavior in nature, they can be asked to draw prohibitory or restrictive signs

Location 8


Team motto:
Loves to compose and sing
Everyone is about nature,
So hurry up and see
What we will show you!

Assistant Jury Member
Our station, guys, is unusual,
That's why its name is "Artistic"
We are waiting for poems and songs, sketches,
To give you grades.
I wish you inspiration,
Start the show!

The team presents a song or poem, or a skit prepared for the competition. Points are awarded for compliance with the theme, performance, original songs and poems, songs-adaptions are taken into account (extra point)

After completing the route, the teams gather at the finish line and the jury sums up the results. The jury meeting time can be filled with amateur performances.

(11.8 MB)

Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all of the presentation's features. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

Target: to intensify the cognitive activity of students in the field of ecology and nature conservation of protected areas of the Leningrad region, to attract children's attention to environmental problems of the environment, to continue to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, and to develop the ability to work in a team.

What kind of world awaits our children if we ignore the issue of ecology?

A team of young researchers meets messengers from the future.

The eco-quest was organized by 11th grade students for 4th - 6th grade students. (10-12 years old).

This should be a team of 5-6 people.

Young researchers are students in this game 5 "A" class. gymnasiums, messengers from the future - 11th grade students.

Messengers from the future: In this future, the Earth has turned into a giant garbage dump, sources of light and energy have dried up, and plants and animals have almost disappeared from the planet or mutated.

While traveling together with their “mutating comrades”, the guys learn a lot of important things - and most importantly, how to prevent such a sad future. Young researchers will learn to save water, sort garbage and make useful things out of unnecessary things; they will also learn how to save our planet from extinction!

Practical benefits of the “Saving the Earth” quest:

  • Careful attitude towards water.
  • Plants and animals.
  • Cleaning up household waste.
  • Garbage sorting.
  • Second life of household waste: new life for old things.

Quest, or adventure game, is one of the main genres of computer games, which is an interactive story with the main character controlled by the player.

The most important elements of a quest game are the actual narrative and exploration of the world, and a key role in the gameplay is played by solving puzzles and tasks that require mental effort from the player. Elements typical of other genres of computer games include combat, economic planning, and tasks that require the player to react quickly and respond quickly.

Start of action.

In 1-2 days, participants receive an envelope with a task - a word (phrase) is encrypted. This game used the Caesar cipher.


Text - In just a few hundred years, our planet could turn into a giant landfill, and to prevent this, messengers from the future have arrived to us. But they won’t be able to cope without the help of young researchers. We will start saving the planet on Friday at 14:00.


To participate in the rescue, you must solve the keyword using the Caesar cipher. SHIFT IS TWO.

yamrnrekb ECOLOGY

On the day of the quest, teams arrive at the specified time.

START- Assembly Hall.

Quest scenario

Mutating people emerge from the forest into a clearing (2 people).

Mutants: Don't be afraid! We won't harm you. We flew to you from the future for help. An environmental disaster on a global scale arose as a result of the development of civilization (pollution of the atmosphere, soil, and water in all parts of the planet). First, mutation began in those sectors that were most polluted. Later, nature failed and the mutation began to grow. Our scientists have found a way to go back in time to warn people about the impending disaster and change the sad future.

Therefore, we turn to you asking for help. Are you willing to help us?

In the distant past, specially protected natural areas - reserves - were created on the territory of our Leningrad region.

Since ancient times, man has been the most powerful of all living beings as a transformer of the natural environment - at least since the time when he learned to use fire, domesticated livestock, and invented plant growing.

But never have changes in nature been as rapid as in the industrial era of the development of human civilization. Now the natural environment has changed under human influence so quickly that a large proportion of species and ecosystems have not had time to adapt to these changes in any way - and are in danger of extinction.

It was the fear of forever losing species of wild animals and plants, natural ecosystems and landscapes that led to the emergence of specially protected natural areas - areas of land or water surface where economic activities that threaten wildlife are prohibited or limited.

But these areas were also destroyed by humans over time.

How it was possible to remember now (with sadness).

Let's try to clean up a piece of our Earth - part of the Leningrad region, where there used to be specially protected natural areas - reserves.

Quest rules.

The rules of the quest are communicated.

After completing the task, participants will receive a piece of clean “Earth” to cleanse the Leningrad region.

A map for children to complete the task and a table.

1 task
Assembly Hall
2 task
room 211
3 task
1st floor
4 task
1st floor
5 task
Assembly Hall
1st team
2nd team
3rd team
4th team
5th team

1. Water - water purification, respect for water - assembly hall

2. Plants and animals - room. 211.

3. Garbage sorting - 1st floor in the foyer, near the psychologist’s office.

4. Second life of old things - 1st floor in the foyer.

5. Reflection - assembly hall.

STAGE 1. Water - water purification, respect for water

Water is one of the main resources on Earth. Water is part of any living organism. All living things suffer from polluted water; it is harmful to human life. Therefore, water is our main wealth and must be protected! This topic is especially relevant in our modern world.

Participants in the quest watch experiments with water and complete tasks in the process.

After going through this block, the guys must draw conclusions and answer questions.

Experience “Vinegar vs. Detergent”

The biosphere is in danger due to human activities and the constant desire to increase profits at the expense of the global environment. Greenhouse gases contribute to global warming. Emissions from human activities continue to rise. Chemicals enter the atmosphere and have a detrimental effect on our Earth's ozone layer. Empty containers often remain in landfills indefinitely. We must do our part and take action now to help nature.

  • diluted vinegar
  • glass cleaner
  • cleaning cloth
  • old newspaper

Time to conduct the experiment: less than 5 minutes.

Let's start the experiment:

  1. Find a dirty mirror or window.
  2. Pour vinegar onto newspaper. The paper must be saturated enough to clean the surface.
  3. Rub half of the window or mirror in a circular motion for a minute.
  4. Use glass cleaner on the other half of the window.
  5. Take a cloth and soak it in detergent.
  6. Wipe the other half of the window in the same way for one minute.
  7. When you're done, look at the glass. Which half is cleaner? Is the difference noticeable?

Note: Manufacturers of glass cleaners use various tricks to lure people into buying their products. They write on the label that they use only natural ingredients. But in most cases this is not the case! So, be careful when buying detergent.

Observation: Which window cleaning method do you consider the most environmentally friendly?

Conclusion. In most cases, there is no difference between vinegar and detergent! Many detergents contain harsh chemicals that are harmful to the environment and atmosphere. Vinegar is a non-toxic acidic liquid and is just as effective at cleaning glass surfaces as store-bought detergents. The newspaper was used to demonstrate how recycled material can replace wiping cloth, which requires a lot of energy to produce.

Experience “Cleaning up oil spills”

An oil spill occurs when liquid petroleum hydrocarbons are released into the environment as a result of human error. This form of pollution can take months, even years, to effectively clean up the environment. The consequences can be devastating, especially for birds and marine life. Birds that are exposed to the ravages of an oil spill are prone to kidney damage, liver failure, dehydration and metabolic imbalances. One of the most destructive oil spills occurred in 1989 in Prince William Sound in Alaska.

To complete the experiment you will need:

  • small piece of aluminum foil
  • vegetable oil
  • baking dish
  • several cotton balls

Time to conduct the experiment: about 15 minutes.

Let's start the experiment:

  1. Pour water into the baking pan (fill the pan halfway with water).
  2. Make a finger-sized boat or boat out of foil.
  3. Fill the boat with oil and place it on the surface of the water in a baking dish.
  4. Capsize the boat.
  5. Wait a few minutes for the oil to contaminate the water and begin to spread.
  6. Now it's time to restore order. Use your cotton balls to absorb the oil by placing them on the contaminated area.

Note: It won't take you long to deal with this problem. But imagine how much effort will be required when a large amount of oil is spilled.

Observation: You will notice that the oil remains on the surface of the water and begins to dissipate at an almost exponential rate. If you created waves in the water, the oil would spread at a faster rate.

The result: the cotton balls absorb the oil, but also take in a lot of water along with it. If you were to try to clean up a bucket of spilled oil, you would have to put in a lot more effort.

Having made the correct conclusions, participants receive “clean water”.

STAGE 2. Plants and animals

The participants are met by geneticist Ruslan.

Ruslan: Currently, the entire territory of our planet is subject to various anthropogenic influences. The consequences of destruction of biocenoses and environmental pollution have become serious. The entire biosphere is under increasing pressure from human activity. Environmental protection measures are becoming an urgent task.

Environmental problem – problems of the relationship between society and nature, environmental conservation. Over the course of thousands of years, man has constantly increased his technical capabilities, increased his interference in nature, forgetting about the need to maintain biological balance in it.

The load on the environment increased especially sharply in the second half of the 20th century. There was a qualitative leap in the relationship between society and nature when, as a result of a sharp increase in population, intensive industrialization and urbanization of our planet, economic pressures began to everywhere exceed the ability of ecological systems to self-purify and regenerate. As a result, the natural cycle of substances in the biosphere was disrupted, and the health of the current and future generations of people was under threat.

The environmental problem of the modern world is not only acute, but also multifaceted. It appears in almost all sectors of material production and is relevant to all regions of the planet.

Participants are shown what mutations have occurred in animals.

Game "Animal Mutations"- (link)

To save animals and plants, questions must be answered.

1 A collection of specially collected and dried plants.
2 The largest berry, the fruit of a vine.
3 A medicinal plant with a dangerous name for animals.
4 A valuable medicinal plant, the name of which indicates how many leaves it has.
5 What brings tears without pain and sadness?
6 A flower whose name is associated with ringing.
7 Homeland of the tomato.
8 What is a camel's hump made of?
9 Born in water, but lives on land?
10 Who sleeps with their head down?
11 The largest animal on land.

STAGE 3. Garbage sorting

Modern people consume much more than previous generations. Consumption volumes tend to rise every year, and with them the volumes of waste increase. The problem of garbage today is no longer just a difficulty, but a global environmental challenge that requires an immediate solution. In some countries, awareness of the dangers of waste pollution has come quite a long time ago, but in some countries the situation remains at the same level. The environmental problem of waste has received a strong boost due to technological progress. Undoubtedly, he has given humanity an incalculable amount, but the waste situation in the world has also worsened. New types of materials (for example plastic) have been developed that take hundreds of years to decompose or do not decompose at all. As a result, they rot in landfills, releasing a whole bunch of toxins.

Garbage decomposition takes many years.

Participants must independently propose a way to solve all these problems. If the answer is correct, then the participants must sort the garbage into containers on their own for a time of 1 minute.

The task is to look at the photo of the “garbage dump” and pay attention to how old it is necessary for complete decomposition of waste.


STAGE 4. Second life for old things

TASK - Place a comma - Contaminate cannot be recycled.

This sign means that the packaging itself is made from a material that can be recycled. If there are numbers from 1 to 7 inside the pictogram, then they mean the name of the material from which the packaging is made. In ascending order of numbers, they mean: polyethylene terephthalate, high-density polyethylene, PVC, polypropylene, polystyrene or other plastic. Sometimes, instead of letters, capital Latin letters can be used, which mean the same thing.

Participants need to find this sign on the packaging and say what can be made from this material.

Participants can view the table for assistance.


During the quest, participants receive “pieces of pure Earth.”

As the task is completed, the teams come to the assembly hall and cleanse the Earth.

When everyone completes the task, the “Earth” should be clean - and part of the Len. The area is also clean.

But we leave part of the Earth unchanged and tell the participants that in real life, and not in a game, we must think about our future and everything is in the hands of man.

On a large sheet of paper, the guys will write down their conclusions about the quest and each participant will paste a piece of paper about their activities.

Yellow color - everything went well, I want to take part in another quest again.

Green color - it was interesting, but I had to think, I made a few mistakes.

Red color - it was difficult, not clear and not interesting.

"Tree of Success"

This is a reflection for the creators of the quest. Paint over yourself and sign.

, Cool management

Division into teams.

Leading: our planet is recognized as imperfect; unable to withstand the radiation of the Absolute Planet, it is exposed to radiation. You need to escape from it before it’s too late! Today I will give you a chance! You have the opportunity to occupy territory on the Absolute Planet, for which you will need to demonstrate your abilities and skills. So, the selection of inhabitants of the new planet begins. You need to move from station to station in an interesting way so that the cohesion of the team and its individuality are visible. Reade set Go!

(the task of the presenters at the stations is to convince the guys that there is no need to fly to any planet, you need to take care of your own. In addition, at the stations the guys receive syllables from which they will have to assemble a phrase)

"Life Program".

To ensure that universal chaos does not occur on the Absolute Planet and that the ecology is not disturbed, it is necessary to develop requirements for the inhabitants of the planet (rules of life on the planet).

(can we comply with these requirements on our planet? It’s easy to do! After all, then life will become easier and more pleasant for all of us.)

“One mote, two motes.”

We often think that dropping a candy wrapper on the ground will cause a lot of harm. What if everyone drops a candy wrapper?.. What will this lead to?

Now you can prove to me that one sheet of paper is a lot. Your task is to climb through the sheet as a whole team.

(Station presenter: “ You are very friendly and united. It is in your power to help our planet not perish..»)


(Answer: Human traces should not turn into scars on the body of the earth. Take care of it.)

"Oh, this world"

Assemble the cut picture with the landscape. Appendix 2

(Station presenter: “Only on our planet can you find such beautiful places. Don’t rush to leave our planet. Let’s preserve its beauty!”)

"We are for it"

Prepare and show a creative miniature “We want to live in a clean area!”

(Station presenter: “And on whom does cleanliness in the area depend? On ourselves. We are the masters of our planet and we are responsible for it.”)

"We are speaking"

Come up with and recite the chant “We are for healthy nature”

“Don’t rush to throw it away”

Come up with 15 ways to use an empty tin can; light bulbs, disposable cup (optional)

"Ecological Kaleidoscope"

  • Does the butterfly have the most sensitive nose? (Yes)
  • Are there any claws on lynx tracks? (Yes)
  • Does the wolf run with its hind legs forward? No
  • Does a fly have 6 legs? (Yes)
  • Can a blackbird freeze its tail? (no, he winters in the south)
  • Is the male cuckoo calling? (Yes)
  • Does the squirrel eat fresh mushrooms? (No)
  • Are birds more afraid of hunger than cold? (Yes)
  • Does the swift fly the fastest? (Yes)
  • Do ants swim? (Yes)
  • Is a black leopard called a panther? (Yes)
  • Is the ostrich the largest bird on earth? (Yes)
  • Does a dragonfly live in the forest? (No)
  • Does the tree grow in winter? (No)
  • Does a grasshopper have ears on its feet? (Yes)

Find out by the names of literary characters animals, birds, insects:

  • Gena (crocodile)
  • Rikki-Tikki-Tavi (mongoose)
  • Kaa (boa constrictor)
  • Ludwig14 (little fox)
  • Matroskin (cat)
  • Gray neck (duck)
  • Shushara (rat)
  • Torila (turtle)
  • Baloo (bear)

(Station presenter: “We have not yet revealed so many secrets of our nature. Why fly to another planet”?)

(At the last station, the guys must collect a phrase. Hint: “We stay on Earth!”)

Host: And so, I’m ready to send the ship to the new Absolute Planet. You have collected a password that will allow you to go on your journey. Whoever says it louder and more friendly will take the soft seats by the window. (The guys shout “We stay on Earth!”).

Host: Don’t understand?! Well, it's your choice. This is your planet, then don't let it die!

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