Intellectual quiz "What? Where? When?" in the older group. Methodical piggy bank Game what where for the preparatory group

Alla Steksova
Game “What? Where? When?" in the preparatory group of the preschool educational institution

Game "What? Where? When?"

Developed by: teacher of MBDOU Kindergarten "Rainbow" Tuluna Steksova Alla Vladimirovna.


Summarize, systematize, consolidate children's knowledge of the material covered.

Tasks: 1. Learn to answer questions and solve riddles. Strengthen knowledge of mathematical concepts, speech development, knowledge of Russian folk tales.

2. Develop auditory and visual perception, curiosity, communicative speech of children;

3. Cultivate interest in different types of activities and creativity.

4. To form the personal qualities of children: a sense of camaraderie, responsibility, mutual assistance, the ability to work in a team.

Equipment: game table, top, questions in envelopes, black box, ice, badges, stand with numbers, tablecloth, medals, group decoration.


Presenter:“Hello, dear guests, fans and participants of the game!”

We are pleased to welcome you to our elite club “What? Where? When?"!

Holidays are always held in this hall; our children perform, read poems, and sing songs. Today we have gathered for an unusual holiday - a celebration of intelligence, ingenuity, resourcefulness, competition and mutual assistance.

Today a team of experts is playing against a team of educators.

Dear club members and spectators!

During the game, you must carefully monitor the progress of the discussion and at the end choose the best player.

Our experts are invited to the club! (MUSIC)

1. Leading specialist in audio and video equipment – ​​G. Roman

7. The most thoughtful - E. Kirill.

8. And the very best is the team captain V. Elizaveta.

And now I will introduce you to the rules of the game!

You see on the gaming table there is a top with an arrow and there are envelopes. There is a number written on each envelope, it indicates the question number, which envelope the arrow of our top will point to, we open that envelope and read the task. Experts must answer all the questions that are in 8 envelopes. For each correct answer, experts are given 1 point.

In the 7th envelope there are as many as 5 questions - these are BLITZ questions that experts must answer quickly. If they do not answer at least one question, a point is awarded to the team of educators.

So let's start the game! (The teacher spins the top.)


The arrow points to the envelope with the number 1.

Dear experts, here are plot pictures in front of you. Look at them carefully.

And now attention to the question:

Remember and tell the poem using these pictures.

What is the name of this poem?

And now attention, the correct answer (poem “Snow”).

Points are entered on the scoreboard.

The teacher spins the top, the arrow points to the envelope with the number 2.

Attention question:

"Fun puzzles."

1. A puppy is sitting on the porch,

Warms his fluffy side.

Another one came running

And sat down next to him.

Which one of the guys will answer?

How many puppies are there? So the correct answer is: (2)

2. Visiting Alyonka

Two chickens in bast shoes,

Cockerel in boots

Chicken in earrings,

Drake in a caftan,

Duck in a sundress

And a cow in a skirt

In a warm sheepskin coat.

Who will answer us sooner?

How many guests were there? So, the correct answer is: (7)

3. Somehow four guys

They rolled down the hill.

Two people sitting in a sled

How many fell into the snow? So the correct answer is: (2)

4. Mom bought nine sausages.

Pussy stole one in an hour!

How many sausages did we get? So, the correct answer is: (8)

Points are entered on the scoreboard

Spin the top, the envelope with number 3.

So, attention, a black box is being brought in. You must guess from the question what is in it.

Without boards, without axes,

The bridge across the river is ready:

The bridge is like blue glass

Slippery, fun, light. So, the correct answer is: (ice)

What is ice made of? So the correct answer is:

What properties of water does ice have? So the correct answer is:


Spin the top, the envelope with number 4.

Attention question:

You made two snow women and dressed one of them in a woolen coat and hat.

Which one will melt faster in the spring? (Children's answers).

And we listen to the correct answer. So the correct answer is:

(The one that was not dressed up will melt faster)

And now – musical pause.

Musical physical education. Dance "Colorful game".

So, we've played and it's time to get back to the questions.

Spin the top, envelope with number 5

Attention question:

-Collect a fairy tale.

What is the name of?

Who wrote?

In what Russian folk tales are these fairy-tale characters found? (The heroes of fairy tales, the hare, the rooster, the fox, sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka, come out to the music.)

So the correct answer is:

1. "Kolobok"

2. “Zayushkina’s hut”

3. “Teremok”, “Fox with a rolling pin”

4. “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”

5. “Geese-swans”, etc.

The teacher spins the top. The arrow points to the envelope with the number 6.

Attention question:

Name the geometric shapes.

Before you are geometric shapes: circle, rectangle, triangle.

Name objects similar to these geometric shapes.

The teacher spins the top. The arrow points to the envelope with the number 7.

Attention, Blitz questions:

1. The duck laid an egg. Who will hatch from it? Hen or cockerel.

2. What comb won’t you use to comb your hair?

3. Under what tree does the hare hide when it rains?

4. There are 6 large cones and 2 small ones on the birch tree. How many cones are there on a birch tree?

5. Who are more in the forest: bears or animals?

Children's answers.

Correct answers: 1 - duckling, 2 - rooster's comb, 3 - under wet, 4 - none, 5 - animals.

The teacher spins the top, the arrow points to the envelope with the number 8.

Attention question:

“Guess the melody.” (Phonograms from children's cartoons sound. Children guess their names).

Our game has come to an end, let's summarize the results of the game (compare points on the scoreboard). Winner's reward ceremony!

Musical pause! Children sing the song "Smile".


1. Alyabyev G.M. “Matinee performances in kindergarten”, Novosibirsk ed. "Reef plus - book", 2004.

3. Kuvashova N. G. “Holidays in elementary school” Volgograd ed. "Teacher"

Target: Give children an idea of ​​the game “What? Where? When?”, introduce the rules of the game.

- continue to develop the ability to listen to other people’s opinions, defend your answer, justifying it;
- expand and deepen children’s ideas about the state;
- consolidate knowledge about state symbols;
- develop logical thinking, intelligence, the ability to solve simple mathematical problems, the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, the ability to construct a sentence correctly, tell a poem expressively, know the title and its author;
- develop cognitive interest in children;
- cultivate feelings of mutual assistance and perseverance;
- evoke joyful emotions in children, bring a holiday into everyday life;
- cultivate goodwill and contact in relationships with peers.
Vocabulary work: experts, symbol, hero,

Preliminary work:

Looking at illustrations for the game
- learning poetry,

Methodical techniques:

1. Conversation.
2. Creating a situation of success.
3. Search questions.
4. “Name the extra,” “Opposite words,” “Correct the mistake.”
5. Physical education session - musical break “If you have fun, do this.”
6. Mathematical problems.
7. Logical conclusions.
8. Physical education session - musical break “Spring song”.
9. Graphic exercise.
10. Speech dialogue. Poems about spring. Black box.
11. Summing up the game.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Guys, today I invite you to play a game with me: “What? Where? When?". Maybe some of you saw it on TV? (SLIDE 1)
-children's answers. Do you know which bird is the symbol of the game What? Where? When? (owl symbol). Why do you think this particular bird? (SLIDE 2)

The owl is considered a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. Then I will tell you about the rules of the game: pay attention, there are envelopes on the table with questions that you will need to answer. For each correct answer a point is counted. I wish you success and hope that you will cope with all the tasks. So let's begin.

(music START)
- Good afternoon, dear guests! We are in the intellectual club “What? Where? When?" Today a team of television viewers is playing against a team of experts from the preparatory “b” group of the Teremok kindergarten.
1. First round (Music, spinning top)(An adult spins the drum.)

Leading: Sector No. 1 fell out. This blitz was sent to us by the head of the kindergarten, Marina Vladimirovna Yudina.

  1. What are the colors of the national flag (what do they mean?) Who will be responsible?
  2. What is the name of the President of Russia?
  3. How many days are there in a week?
  4. What did they call a “warrior” in Rus' before?
  5. What flower blooms first in a forest clearing in spring?

(I give you a point for the correct answer.) And now attention, the correct answer (repeat the answers). The team of experts earns a point. (put a card with the number 1 on the board)

2. Leading. Round 2 (reel spinning) Music)

Leading: Sector No. 2 fell out. This question was sent to us by senior teacher Svetlana Vladimirovna Nevteeva.
« Name the odd one out»
1. Winter, Wednesday, spring, summer. (explain)
2. One, two, circle, four.
3. Plus, minus, Friday, equal.
4. Circle, square, march, triangle.

"Name opposite words»
1. The ice on the river is thick in winter, and (thin) in spring.

2. High - (low)

3. Long - (short)

4. Deep - (shallow)

5. Heavy - (light)

6. Cheerful - (sad)

7. thick - liquid

"Correct the mistake"

1. The worm pecked the starling.

2. The song was sung by the nightingale.

3. The furry caterpillar ate the tit.
4. There was a vase in the flower.

5. The children collected the children in a basket.

6. The fluffy mouse caught the cat.

The team of experts earns a point. (For a correctly completed task, get a point.)
Violin clef I'll put it on, we have a musical break, friends.

Musical pause

3. Presenter: Let's continue the game. Round 3. (spin the drum Music.)

Presenter: Sector No. 3 fell out. This question will be asked to us by the teacher of preparatory group “a” Maryavina L.N. Attention!
1. The apples in the garden were ripe, we had time to taste them. Five are rosy, liquid, three are sour. How many are there? (8)

2. The hedgehog gave the hedgehogs eight leather boots. Which of the guys will answer - how many of them were evacuated? (2)

3. There are tubs against the wall, each tub contains one frog. If there were five tubs, how many frogs would there be? (5)

4. Name the previous and subsequent numbers (5,8,11,).

Presenter: The experts answered correctly. The expert team earns a point.

4. Presenter: Let's continue the game. Round 4. (spin the drum Music.)
Presenter: Sector No. 4 fell out. This question will be asked to us by the teacher of the preparatory group “B” Gashchuk T.I. Attention! Solve problems:

1.What do a polar bear and a goose have in common?

  1. Under what bush did the hare sit during the rain?
  2. What do crocodiles eat at the North Pole? (crocodiles don't live there)
  3. What kind of dishes can't you eat from? (from empty)
  4. The duck laid an egg. Who will hatch from it, a hen or a rooster? (duckling)

The team of experts earns a point.

5. Presenter: Round 5. Music Sector No. 5 fell out
Attention experts! This question will require a lot of perseverance on your part. accuracy. You need to finish drawing the pattern; to do this, sit at the tables and take pencils.

Envelopes with questions are laid out in a circle on the table, with a spinning top with an arrow in the center. The team consists of six players. One minute is given to discuss the issue. The captain answers. The game goes to six points.

The event is designed for children in grades 3-4.


A story has survived to this day about how an English sailor sent his mother a gift that was valuable at that time - an overseas drink. The mother invited the guests to a delicious meal. She boiled the entire product in a bowl, drained off the brown, bitter water that was unnecessary, in her opinion, divided the grounds into portions and, seasoning them with sour cream, served them to the table.

This drink has been known since ancient times. They first started drinking it in China. Later it became a popular drink in many countries, but at first it could not be grown and prepared everywhere.

What drink are we talking about? (About tea.)

It is known that stars are different: old and young, large and small, cold and hot. And the color of the stars is also different. It depends on the temperature of the star. If a star is very hot, then its color is white or slightly bluish. If the star is cooler, like our Sun, then its color is yellow or orange. And there are even cold stars. What color are they? (Red)

Nowadays, cars mostly run on gasoline. But the very first car in history was not fueled with gasoline! This car drove slowly and carried only one passenger at a time. The driver was called a “chauffeur,” which translated means “stoker” or “stoker.” What did the first car in history work on? (On wood.)

At all times, children loved to play. For example, our grandmothers played hide and seek just like us, and our grandfathers played “grandmothers” (a game with dice), and also football, but not with a rubber, bouncing ball, but with a heavy rag one. Our ancestors also played with “zhivuli”. What did they not make “zhivulya” from? From clay, from long potatoes, from painted wood chips wrapped in candy paper, from a folded rag. What do they call “zhivulya” nowadays? (Doll)

This animal cannot run like other four-legged animals. It hops in large leaps on two long hind legs, and short front legs are pressed to the chest. A large tail helps him maintain balance while jumping, so that when he lands, he doesn’t fall or bump his nose. When the animal sits down to rest or eat, the tail is at work again - the animal leans on it. And if wild dingoes attack, he will be able to kick them so badly that they will suffer. He will lean on his tail and kick with his back leg.

Who does this wonderful tail belong to? (Kangaroo)

There is a legend about how a nymph lived in the forest. She was very chatty. The gods did not like this, and as punishment they deprived her of the gift of speech. But not completely, but in such a way that the nymph could only repeat the endings of strangers’ words overheard in the forest.

It so happened that the nymph met a very handsome young man. From her love for him, she began to lose weight and eventually turned invisible. Since then, the invisible nymph, wanting to remind the world of herself, repeats in the forest the words of others she overheard. Name this nymph. (Echo)

Blitz.(You have 20 seconds to think about each question.)

Cruel entertainment for people in which animals die. (Hunting)

Rapid advance of troops. (Attack)

A worker who is always painting something. (Painter)

This Russian folk holiday is celebrated on June 24th. In the old days, during the holiday they sang, danced, danced in circles, and put flower wreaths on their heads. The main event of the holiday is the night search for fern flowers. It was believed that whoever found it would be rich and happy. This holiday also opened the swimming season.

Remember the name of the holiday. (Ivan Kupala holiday)

Black box. (Guess what is in the black box.)

They hit Yermilka on the back of the head.

He doesn't cry, he just hides his leg. (Nail)

Until this vehicle had an inflated tire, people had to suffer a lot, for which they called it the bone shaker. Another name for this vehicle is a spider, since in front it had a huge metal wheel with many thin shiny spokes, which very much resembled a spider’s web.

What is its name now? (Bike)

Super blitz. (One player remains. He is given 10 seconds to think about each question.)

The country's armed forces. (Army)

A small piece of fire flying into the air. (Spark)

The back of the boat. (Stern)

. “Kaput” is what the ancient Romans called this vegetable. They spoke Latin and lived on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, from where it came to us, to Russia. "Kaput" means "head". The vegetable actually resembles a head. He fell in love with the inhabitants of the Russian land. When planting it in their gardens, the peasants said: “Don’t be long-legged, be big-bellied; don't be empty - be thick; don't be old - be young; don’t be small, be big.”

Name this vegetable. (Cabbage)

Intellectual quiz "What? Where? When?" for older preschoolers of preschool educational institutions.

1. Give children joy and pleasure from educational games. 2. Maintain interest in intellectual activity, the desire to play games, showing persistence, determination, and mutual assistance. 3.Teach children to work in subgroups. 4 Be able to listen to other people’s opinions, defend your answer and justify it. 5. Develop logical thinking. 6. Foster a sense of mutual assistance and perseverance.
A table with a playing field divided into 8 sectors. Puzzles, road signs, pictures with syllables, cards with numbers, cards with traffic light colors, audio recordings, chips.

The intro of the program "What? Where? When?" 4 teams of children come in / 5-6 people each / Each team takes a seat at its own table.
Educator: We are glad to welcome you, dear game participants, spectators and guests! Today we will have an entertaining and educational game "What? Where? When?" During the game, our children will show their knowledge and skills acquired in kindergarten. Each team will receive chips in the form of strawberries for the correct answer, because our kindergarten is called?

Children: Strawberry!
Educator: At the end of the game we will sum up the results. Whoever collects the most chips will be the winner of the game. Before us is the playing field. There are numbers along the edges. I will turn the arrow, and whatever task it points to is what you will do. Ready to play?

Children: Yes!
Educator: And so let's welcome the four teams! Team number one!
1 team:"Knowledgeables"!
Educator: Motto!
1 team: We are strong and brave, dexterous, skillful. Our motto: Don't lose heart! Go through everything and find out everything!
Educator: Team number two!
Team 2:"Why!"
Educator: Motto!
Team 2: We are inquisitive minds. We're asking first-name questions. “Why?” is a favorite question! Helps us grow!
Educator: Team number three!
Team 3:"Sages"!
Educator: Motto!
Team 3: We are almost like sages, we read a lot. Smart people and smart girls - we want to know a lot!
Educator: Team number four!
Team 4:"Fireflies"!
Educator: Motto!
Team 4: Our light may be weak and we may be small, but we are friendly and therefore strong!
Music from the program "What? Where? When?" is playing. The teacher turns the arrow. The arrow stops at number 8.

Educator: And so task number 8, these are “fun puzzles”. Now I will read out the problems, you solve them together and they must show me the correct answer. Cards with numbers lie in front of you. You are given 15 seconds per task.
1 task: The apples in the forest are ripe. We managed to taste them. Five are ruddy poured, three are sour. How many are there? (8)
Educator: Consult. Time has passed.
Music from the program What? Where? When?. The children consult and count. Each team raises an answer card.

Educator: Okay next task.
Task 2: Three lambs lived together, and there were four more kids. Quickly count everyone, how many are there in my family? (7)
Educator: Consult. You must show me the correct answer.

Educator: And the last task. Subtraction problem.
Task 3: Four bunnies were walking from school and suddenly they were attacked by bees. Two bunnies were saved from evil, but how many didn’t make it? (2)
Educator: Be careful and consult.

Children must consult with each other and come to the correct answer. Let's summarize the first task. Teams that provide correct answers receive chips for each answer.
Educator: Let's continue the game.
Music from the program "What? Where? When?" is playing. The teacher turns the arrow. The arrow stops at number 7.
Educator: Task number 7-blitz Gives 10 seconds for discussion and answer. . These are questions about fairy tales. Do you guys like fairy tales?
Children: Yes!
Educator: Then you should know the answers to these questions:
1 question: How did Carlson, who lives on the roof, lubricate his motor? (jam).
Question 2: What did the Good Fairy turn Cinderella's pumpkin into? (into the carriage).
Question 3: What did the absent-minded man from Basseynaya Street go to Leningrad on? (by train).
After each question, music from the program “What? Where? When?” plays. The teams discuss and nominate their representative to answer. A representative from each team is responsible. After which the teacher reads out the correct answer. At the end, each team receives chips for correct answers.

Educator: Let's continue the game.
Music from the program "What? Where? When?" is playing. The teacher turns the arrow. The arrow stops at number 3.
Educator: Look at this picture. Petya thought about it. He's going to school soon. Tell me in one sentence what is school?

Children: This is where they study, write, count, make friends, learn, etc.
Educator: Fine. But Petya doesn’t know what to take with him to school. There are envelopes on your tables. And there are pictures in the envelopes, take them out. What items are superfluous here and you won’t need them at school? And why? One minute for discussion. Time has passed.
Music from the program "What? Where? When?" is playing. Children discuss and choose pictures depicting objects that will not be needed at school. After which, a representative of each team answers the question and explains why this or that subject will not be needed at school. Based on the results of the team, those who answered correctly receive chips.

Educator: Let's continue the game.
Music from the program "What? Where? When?" is playing. The teacher turns the arrow. The arrow stops at number 6.
Educator: Task number 6. These are the rules of the road. There are road signs on your tables. I read a poem, and you find a suitable sign for it, show it to me and name it. Attention! Let's listen!
Educator: A boy and a girl were walking and ran into a triangle. All drivers in the world understand - these are children. (“Be careful, children.”) What sign is this?
Educator: What does this sign mean?
Children: Be careful children!

Educator: Well done! Next poem, listen!
This sign is of this kind: It is on guard for the pedestrian. Let's move with the doll together. We are moving in this place! (“Pedestrian crossing.”) What sign is this?
Children pick up a picture with a road sign.
Educator: What does this sign mean?
Children: Crosswalk!

Educator: Well done! Right. Next poem If a sign like this hangs, It means that the passage here is closed. Maybe they are laying asphalt or digging a hole. Maybe they are transporting bricks, building a tall house. (“Transmission is prohibited.”) What sign is this?
Children pick up a picture of a road sign
Children: Road up!

Educator: Fine! And the last poem, be careful! Look, it’s a dangerous sign: A man in a red circle is crossed in half. ...Here cars are rushing fast, There may even be an accident. (“Pedestrian traffic is prohibited.”)
Children pick up a picture with a road sign.
Educator: What does this sign mean?
Children: No Pedestrians!

Educator: Well done, everyone answered correctly. All teams receive a chip. The teacher together with the children: In the city people don’t just walk down the street. When you don't know the rules, it's easy to get into trouble. Be careful all the time and remember in advance “The driver and the pedestrian have their own rules.”
Educator: Let's continue the game. I'm spinning and spinning and I want to rest already!
Music from the program "What? Where? When?" is playing. The teacher turns the arrow. The arrow stops at number 5.
Educator: Guys, right at number 5 we have the traffic light game. Let's all go out.
The song "Traffic Light" /Jasmine/ is playing. Children are dancing.
Verse 1:
Each of us knows perfectly well
Which is very dangerous to violate
If sometimes you go to red
You're doing this in vain
Don't go to the intersection
Red light is on

Yellow will flash a ray of light
Turn on the speed correctly
You'll fly like crazy
Soon it will turn green
Believe me, it’s not in vain
The traffic light is standing

Red, yellow and green
Stop, ready, go
We've known for a long time
We need a traffic light
Red, yellow and green
Stop, ready, go
My little song
Let everyone sing

Verse 2:
Are you going home or to the sea?
Sing a song about a traffic light
Let him know it by heart from the cradle
That song for every child
Don't go to the intersection
Red light is on

Red, yellow and green
Stop, ready, go
We've known for a long time
We need a traffic light
Red, yellow and green
Stop, ready, go
My little song
Let everyone sing

At the same time, the teacher shows the colors of the traffic light. Children stand on red. On yellow they jump. On green - they walk. At the end of the song, the teams take their places.

Educator: Let's continue the game.
Music from the program "What? Where? When?" is playing. The teacher turns the arrow. The arrow stops at number 4.
Educator: Task number 4. In front of you lies a syllabic caterpillar. This caterpillar has syllables written on it. You must now make words from these syllables in one minute and write them down on a piece of paper. Let's see which team gets the most words. And so the time went by, let's start!

Music from the program “What? Where? When?” started playing. Children discuss and write down words. At the end, the teams read out the words and count the number of words.
Educator: You guys did a very good job. And they came up with a lot of words. All teams receive chips. Well done! Applause from the guests.

Educator: Let's continue the game.
Music from the program "What? Where? When?" is playing. The teacher turns the arrow. The arrow stops at number 2.
Educator: Task number 2 - puzzles. I will now give you 2 puzzles each and you must solve them in one minute.

middle group


Develop attention, memory, ingenuity, curiosity, and creative abilities of children.

To consolidate children's knowledge of natural phenomena, teach them to answer questions quickly and thoughtfully.

Strengthen the rules of behavior in nature, in the forest, teach children to express their opinions, teach them to think logically.

Create an atmosphere of joy from joint activities.

Cultivate independence, friendly relations with each other, listen to the opinions of others, and do not interrupt.

Foster love and interest in animals.

Develop the ability to empathize and be emotionally and kindly related to animals.

Priority educational areas:“Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Artistic creativity”.

Activities: playful, communicative, productive.

Preliminary work: Conversations about the rules of behavior in nature, looking at paintings, solving riddles, solving crosswords, puzzles, reading books about nature.

Materials: pictures, envelopes with tasks, top, felt-tip pen, paper, business cards, blue box with a riddle, easels.

Progress of the quiz game

Get the children in the mood for the game - quiz.Children come in, calling out one flower or animal name at a time, as directed by the teacher. They sit on the mat. Calm music sounds. At the request of the teacher, the children clapped their hands, stomped their feet, stroked their head, neck, forehead, ears, eyelashes, and nose. Then they rubbed their palms.

Educator: Guys, today we will play a game - a quiz “What? Where? When?" we need to split into 2 teams.

Educator: I'll ask you questions now

It is not easy to answer them (the first team to raise their hand answers).

Warm-up: 1. How many tails do 3 donkeys have? (3)

2. How many ears do 2 mice have? (4)

4. Which insect has ears on its legs? (at the grasshopper)

5. What is the name of the mushroom that grows under a birch tree (boletus)

6. What is the name of the mushroom that grows under the aspen tree? (boletus).

(There are envelopes on the table, the teacher spins the top and gives the teams those envelopes that the arrow points to.)

Isector: Blitz tournament (only one person from the team answers)

Solve riddles.

1. The snowball is melting, the meadow has come to life,

the day is coming

when does this happen? (spring)

2. The fields are empty, the ground is wet,

the rain is pouring down

when does this happen? (autumn)

3. The sun is shining, the linden tree is blooming

the rye is earing, the wheat is golden

when does this happen? (summer)

4. Snow on the fields, ice on the rivers,

the blizzard is walking -

when does this happen? (winter)

IIsector “What kind of animal did the artist draw?”

(One of the team members draws an animal blindfolded; the members of the other team must guess what kind of animal it is.)


Contest: Which team will be the fastest to assemble a cut-out picture depicting an insect or a flower?

Warm-up: 1. Where is it more convenient for a hare to run, uphill or downhill? (uphill, because he has short legs).

2. What bird is called the forest doctor? (woodpecker)

3. Name the bird that is considered the best runner in the world? (ostrich)

4. What does a squirrel or fox need a tail for?

IVsector"Guess who's hiding" (Show slide.)

A game:"Bird, fish, beast" - children stand in a circle, the driver repeats the words “bird, fish, beast” and throws the ball, pointing at the child and stops at some word, for example: beast - you need to name some kind of beast, for example: lion.

Vsector "Our animals"

Homework is given in advance: tell one team about a domestic animal, the other team about a wild animal (where it lives, what it eats...). (Slide show)

The teacher brings in the blue box. There is a toy hedgehog and apples in the box. The teacher asks a riddle and distributes apples to the children.

Surprise: Instead of a fur coat there are only needles.

Wolves are not afraid of him either.

A sharp ball, no legs visible,

Of course his name is...

Educator: Thank you hedgehog for the treats! Well done boys.

The jury sums up the overall result, and the children receive prizes that were hidden in the box.

Educator: We thought and had fun

And sometimes they even argued

But we became very good friends

Behind our game

Game, game is replaced,

Game over

But friendship doesn't end

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

The full version of working with applications is available.

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