Who creates games and how? Gaming professions Who develops games

Do you dream of making games, but don't know where to start? The simplest answer is to get a job as a tester.

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Getting into the gaming industry is not so difficult: it is enough to have the knowledge and skills that are in demand in the industry. Programmers, artists, 3D animators, designers, and producers are always needed here. As a rule, these positions also require specialized education.

The positions of marketers and PR specialists, community managers and testers are much less demanding on crusts. Today we will talk about how to become a tester. The article was prepared by a company expert Bytex Artem Lukyanov based on his many years of experience working in a test studio, as well as lectures that he gave as part of the educational program “Management of Internet Gaming Projects” at VSBI.

So, game testing- this is where an ordinary player who dreams of working in the gaming industry, but does not yet have specialized skills, should start. However, this does not mean that the work of a tester is not knowledge-demanding. On the contrary, much is expected from applicants, because the tester, in fact, is directly involved in the development of the game.

Under the sign of quality

Let us warn you right away that working in the QA department (from the English quality assurance, quality assurance - this is the testing process) has little in common with the “dream job” that beginners dream of. The one where “play games and get money for it.”

In fact, this is a very painstaking, monotonous and sometimes tedious task that requires perseverance and concentration. You need to go through the same level or map many, many times: go through it up and down, check the boundaries, lighting, physical models, textures...

And so - eight hours a day, five days a week. It’s good when the project is large, and even better - multiplayer. Then they constantly change something, add it, balance it, and every new day brings new challenges. It’s another matter if the project is single and small. It gets to the point that “old-timer” testers remember not only all the bugs, but also who discovered and filed them and when.

Another common misconception among beginners is related to overestimating their gaming experience. It doesn’t matter that after thirty thousand battles in “Tanks” you have learned not to “blend in.” It is much more useful if during all this time you have thoroughly studied mechanics. The ability to understand how and what works is no less valuable than gaming experience.

The principle “the more you play, the better” has also not been canceled. The test studio's projects can be very diverse: from casual browser games to huge MMOs. You never know which genres or game series will come in handy. It helps the tester to have a broad outlook and a passion for, for example, modeling, motorsports, weapons or medieval armor - often the project being tested is in one way or another connected with such hobbies.

Someday, probably, specialized courses will appear in educational institutions that will train first-class testers. But nevertheless, in the profession of a tester, not so much diplomas and certificates will be important, but the ability to quickly delve into the essence of the issue, understand familiar things and generally think diversified.

Just for fun, try writing a so-called test case for a ballpoint pen. He must take into account many aspects of the subject being studied. How do you know if a pen is writing in the right color? On different materials? From different angles? At different pressure levels?

As you can see, even testing an ordinary ballpoint pen can contain (and does contain, because they are also tested) a lot of aspects. Now imagine how much you need to check in a game like Skyrim. One of the tasks of a tester, by the way, is not only to check something and file bugs, but also to create test cases. Before the interview, we advise you to familiarize yourself with professional terminology - it will help.

In general, there is plenty of necessary information on the Internet. Finding everything related to your future job is not difficult. To successfully pass an interview, we immediately recommend Roman Savin’s book “DOT COM Testing”. This is a succinct, simple and lively description of the profession. The book is very valuable, if only because it was written not by an armchair theorist, but by a professional practitioner with extensive experience.

One famous folk artist said that you need to come prepared for interviews with stars. Test studios, of course, are not stars, but they also require certain preparations on the part of the applicant. Be prepared for tricky questions. They might say to you: “Describe how you would test this TV remote control”? Or from the air conditioner. We gave the example with a ballpoint pen above for a reason!

Of course, it would be nice to speak English. In addition, you will need the ability to write algorithms competently and in detail. Many, for example, are completely lost when they are asked to describe the sequence of actions necessary to descend the stairs.

Let's assume that the interview was successful, you were accepted, and now you are busy testing. What's next for you? Working in a test studio primarily implies “vertical” career growth: first QA Engineer, then Senior QA Engineer, QA Lead, producer, deputy head of the test studio... Higher, and higher, and higher!

But “horizontal” growth is not uncommon. Let's say a company has started to engage in automated testing of applications, and a simple tester just knows Python and can write scripts. Nobody or anything limits the test studio employee - everything depends solely on him. A test studio is like a springboard: with due diligence, an employee can make a good career jump both inside and outside the test studio.

That's all for now. In the next article from the “Game Dev for Players” series, we will talk about how games are made in virtual reality. You can listen to a lecture on this topic live at VSBI at the VR-Today conference on May 17. Find detailed information and the opportunity to buy tickets on the conference page.

Leave your feedback and suggestions on what else you would like to know about. We will be happy to tell you what and how it works in the gaming industry, so that you can join it too.

By and large, a game developer is the same as a programmer. Only an ordinary programmer operates with concepts from the real world, such as “users”, “purchases”, “accounts”, etc., but a game developer uses game concepts: “character”, “player”, “health”, “inventory” . This attracts many from the very beginning.

Modern games are very large and complex projects in which developers can have different specializations depending on the type and complexity of the game. For example, game mechanics specialists, 3D programmers, AI developers, UI specialists, programmers of various game utilities, network interaction, etc. can work in one team.

  • 3D programmer develops and visualizes the game world
  • Game mechanics programmer develops interactions between characters and entities
  • AI programmer develops artificial intelligence that can be endowed with characters in the game
  • Network Programmer develops everything so that you can play online
  • UI Specialist develops user interface mechanisms in the game

At the same time, the development team always has a chief (or lead) developer who sees the whole picture and brings all the parts together. This is the most experienced programmer on the team.

Game development is inseparable from the love of games. That is, to go into this profession, you need to be passionate about games as well as programming. The gaming industry is currently on the rise, game developers are needed everywhere, and a good specialist with a passion for games will be torn away.

The main drive in being a game developer is that you can see the results of your work. Not just to see, but to immerse yourself in the game world that you created with your own hands. During the lunch break, Mail.Ru Group developers not only have lunch, but also play. They also play in the evenings and sometimes on weekends.

Game development is afloat, it is promising and gaining popularity. We have prepared a detailed infographic on the path to learning game development.

There are many areas associated with game development, and each stage of training builds on the previous stage. For example, you shouldn’t immediately jump to game engines. Start with software development, studying mathematics with a focus on game programming, and only then move on to game development. Each of the stages presented is a step-by-step guide, including books and other materials.

0. Development of games for children

Many books focus on working with the legendary and intuitive development environment for children Scratch, including ScratchJr. After the basis comes information about Python Pygame. There is a book for 5-year-olds, but most of the material is suitable for children aged 8 years and older.

1. Computer science

Theoretical knowledge is a mandatory component, without which further study is meaningless. This selection of educational literature includes the basics, information about algorithms and mathematics in the context of studying computer science.

2. Programming languages

Speaking the language of a computer is not easy, but it is possible. And there are a lot of such ways. For example, the C language has significantly influenced the software industry by sharing its syntax with the popular C#, C++ and Java. C++, in turn, is a powerful language for creating effective programs and software systems. Many also write games in C#: the language is fast, convenient and allows you to start development faster.

But Lua adopted something from C++. Script language is good for game logic. It will make it easier to initialize a level, bind tasks to objects, change the behavior of NPCs interactively without having to recompile the project, and much more.

3. Creating applications

And if computer science is a theoretical basis, then there is more practice here. Game development is a bumpy road, and the best place to start is with apps. Books with practical tasks, as well as information about patterns and UML will help you figure out what's what.

4. Mathematics for game development

No, there will not be a school course in algebra and geometry. The selection is divided into the basics of mathematics in the field of game development and a more advanced level.

5. Game programming

Hardware platforms, operating systems, API sets, algorithms, cross-platform and other important aspects that will form the basis of the game being developed. The books are supplemented by a number of game development articles that contain useful information on programming.

6. Game engine development

The engine is the heart of the game, which “downloads” the functionality and necessary tools. In the first books you will get acquainted with architecture and design. Further, “game engines” are divided into tools, optimization, scripts and additional materials in the form of articles. During the introduction, patterns, algorithmic tricks, optimization in Unity and other nuances are touched upon.

7. Computer graphics

Yes, content is important, but it is computer graphics that are analogous to the application interface that users will see. Therefore, it should be given special attention.

No wonder this section is the largest. This includes the basics of programming with Real-Time 3D, DirectX and OpenGL. Everything is supplemented with information about rendering and technologies. Direct3D and OpenGL received special attention in the selection.

8. Game audio

Game development also concerns audio: these are sounds made by NPCs, the main character, phenomena or objects, as well as music. Audio programming included only two books, but they provide the necessary information in an accessible way.

9. Game physics and animation

One of the most difficult stages. In addition to the software basis and pictures, there must be laws according to which all this interacts. Game physics and animation programming are covered in 17 books. Imitation of liquid is separately affected.

10. Gaming artificial intelligence

There are a lot of computer-controlled characters: these can be mobs, quest givers, and even regular chess. An abundance of books will help you understand the principles of AI. Below is a list of useful thematic articles.

11. Multiplayer game programming

Developing single-player games is very different from multiplayer options. Here you need to take into account the connection, the operation of threads and other nuances. The selection is divided into articles and books about server programming, network programming and network protocol.

Game developer or gamedev- a specialist involved in the creation of program code, visualization and concept of the game, as well as the selection of tools for implementing the assigned tasks. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in computer science (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Short description

A developer can work either independently or in a team that consists of managers, game designers, sound engineers, testers and other IT specialists. The composition of the team directly depends on the project budget, but if funding is minimal, then the game developer performs the functions of all of the above specialists or those tasks that he is capable of doing.

Representatives of the profession can be divided into several groups:

  • real masters who develop popular games in well-known companies;
  • professionals involved in the development of high-quality games in the middle segment;
  • specialists who develop simple games (browser, mobile and others);
  • gamers and hobbyists who produce add-ons and indie games.

To work in this field you need a programmer's diploma. Mobile application designers, game designers and other IT professionals can also develop games after completing a short preparatory course.

Specifics of the profession

To create simple games, a specialist must have excellent knowledge of programming, but if he wants to earn more, he will have to devote a lot of time to acquiring new knowledge:

  • Unity tool and other engines that are necessary for creating 2D and 3D games;
  • object-oriented programming;
  • learning the programming language C#, Ajax and others;
  • optimization of 2D and 3D games;
  • 3D editors;
  • stages of gameplay design, drawing, visualization, animation, physics and other aspects of the game;
  • basics of game development for mobile devices and much more.

Gamedev is a universal specialist who, after training, should be able to create animation, visual effects, game concepts, design, know the basics of modeling and jurisprudence. Yes, a developer who works for himself must be able to not only protect, but also patent the developed game or software for it.

Many students today strive to master this specialty, but not all achieve success. Only the most creative and talented can get a job in well-known companies, while the rest of the graduates develop simple games and receive a substantial remuneration for this work.

Pros and cons of the profession


  1. An experienced and talented programmer will receive a decent salary for developing games.
  2. There is a chance to get a job in a well-known company and gain popularity in certain circles.
  3. Self-employed professionals can be creative.
  4. Games for PC and mobile devices are popular, so investors are willing to invest in the promotion of gaming software products.
  5. The profession gives you the opportunity to work with different platforms (OS, IOS/Android and others).
  6. Knowing programming languages, programs for creating 3D graphics, the basics of mobile application development and other areas related to the profession, a specialist will be able to try his hand at each of these areas.


  1. The developer must push his ambitions and creative ideas into the background, putting the requirements of the investor or customer first.
  2. Severe demands are placed on the experience and knowledge of a specialist, because the success of the project depends on his professionalism.

Personal qualities

A game developer must understand that creating a game is the first step on the path to success, because you need to assemble a team, find an investor, and conduct an advertising campaign that will really sell the created product. Therefore, the developer must have the following character traits:

  • stress resistance;
  • endurance;
  • absence of psychological problems;
  • tendency to work long hours;
  • the makings of a leader;
  • ability to work in a team;
  • entrepreneurial spirit;
  • well developed imagination.

Game developer training

If a student wants to develop games after completing his studies, he must initially master either the profession of a programmer or the specialty of a game designer. There is no specialty “game developer” in CIS universities, but after receiving higher education you can take an additional training course at a private IT academy.

Scream School

At this school, students will be able to receive a full education or take preparatory courses, as well as improve their qualifications. School graduates are highly valued in the labor market, so they quickly find well-paid jobs. The duration of training depends on many factors, including specialization, chosen program and others.

GeekBrains Online Courses

In just 4 months, people without additional training can master the profession of “game developer” by doing practical work. The course consists of a multi-level program, so students find work while still studying. After completing the course, the student is left with a portfolio, an excellent resume, work experience and a certificate!

Place of work

Modern business is gradually moving to the Internet, so game developers are in demand in the labor market. The fact is that mobile and browser applications are becoming a platform for advertising this or that product, and online and regular computer games have long been bringing a stable income to their owners.

Representatives of the profession will be able to find employment in agencies and companies that develop all types of games.


Payment for the labor of these specialists is most often made in stages based on the fact of the work performed. The size of the fee depends on the level of training of the developer, his responsibilities and the project he is working on, as well as the number of people in the team. But if a specialist wants to earn a stable income, then he should pay attention to the segment of browser and social games, mobile applications, and games for PlayStation.

Salary as of 08/08/2019

Russia 20000—90000 ₽

Moscow 60000—180000 ₽


A gaming software developer is able to realize his talent in any IT specialty, so all doors are open to him. He can open his own companies, create products that interest him, and then search for investors, work for a company or agency, receiving a stable profit.

Professional knowledge

  1. Programming languages.
  2. Knowledge of English is required.
  3. Ability to draw by hand or using special programs.
  4. Knowledge of Unity and other game engines.
  5. Ability to work with 3D editors, 3D modeling programs and other tools for developing game software.

Famous representatives of the profession

  1. American McGee.
  2. Will Wright.
  3. Hideo Kojima.

Game developer or gamedev- a specialist involved in the creation of program code, visualization and concept of the game, as well as the selection of tools for implementing the assigned tasks. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in computer science (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Short description

The developer can work either independently or in a team that consists of managers and... The composition of the team directly depends on the project budget, but if funding is minimal, then the game developer performs the functions of all of the above specialists or those tasks that he is capable of doing.

Representatives of the profession can be divided into several groups:

  • real masters who develop popular games in well-known companies;
  • professionals involved in the development of high-quality games in the middle segment;
  • specialists who develop simple games (browser, mobile and others);
  • gamers and hobbyists who produce add-ons and indie games.

To work in this field you need a programmer's diploma. Mobile application designers, game designers and other IT professionals can also develop games after completing a short preparatory course.

Specifics of the profession

To create simple games, a specialist must have excellent knowledge of programming, but if he wants to earn more, he will have to devote a lot of time to acquiring new knowledge:

  • Unity tool and other engines that are necessary for creating 2D and 3D games;
  • object-oriented programming;
  • learning the programming language C#, Ajax and others;
  • optimization of 2D and 3D games;
  • 3D editors;
  • stages of gameplay design, drawing, visualization, animation, physics and other aspects of the game;
  • basics of game development for mobile devices and much more.

Gamedev is a universal specialist who, after training, should be able to create animation, visual effects, game concepts, design, know the basics of modeling and jurisprudence. Yes, a developer who works for himself must be able to not only protect, but also patent the developed game or software for it.

Many students today strive to master this specialty, but not all achieve success. Only the most creative and talented can get a job in well-known companies, while the rest of the graduates develop simple games and receive a substantial remuneration for this work.

Pros and cons of the profession


  1. An experienced and talented programmer will receive a decent salary for developing games.
  2. There is a chance to get a job in a well-known company and gain popularity in certain circles.
  3. Self-employed professionals can be creative.
  4. Games for PC and mobile devices are popular, so investors are willing to invest in the promotion of gaming software products.
  5. The profession gives you the opportunity to work with different platforms (OS, IOS/Android and others).
  6. Knowing programming languages, programs for creating 3D graphics, the basics of mobile application development and other areas related to the profession, a specialist will be able to try his hand at each of these areas.


  1. The developer must push his ambitions and creative ideas into the background, putting the requirements of the investor or customer first.
  2. Severe demands are placed on the experience and knowledge of a specialist, because the success of the project depends on his professionalism.

Personal qualities

A game developer must understand that creating a game is the first step on the path to success, because you need to assemble a team, find an investor, and conduct an advertising campaign that will really sell the created product. Therefore, the developer must have the following character traits:

  • stress resistance;
  • endurance;
  • absence of psychological problems;
  • tendency to work long hours;
  • the makings of a leader;
  • ability to work in a team;
  • entrepreneurial spirit;
  • well developed imagination.

Game developer training

If a student wants to develop games after completing his studies, he must initially master either the profession of a programmer or the specialty of a game designer. There is no specialty “game developer” in CIS universities, but after receiving higher education you can take an additional training course at a private IT academy.

GeekBrains Online Courses

In just 4 months, people without additional training can master the profession of “game developer” by doing practical work. The course consists of a multi-level program, so students find work while still studying. After completing the course, the student is left with a portfolio, an excellent resume, work experience and a certificate!

Scream School

At this school, students will be able to receive a full education or take preparatory courses, as well as improve their qualifications. School graduates are highly valued in the labor market, so they quickly find well-paid jobs. The duration of training depends on many factors, including specialization, chosen program and others.

Place of work

Modern business is gradually moving to the Internet, so game developers are in demand in the labor market. The fact is that mobile and browser applications are becoming a platform for advertising this or that product, and online and regular computer games have long been bringing a stable income to their owners.

Representatives of the profession will be able to find employment in agencies and companies that develop all types of games.


Payment for the labor of these specialists is most often made in stages based on the fact of the work performed. The size of the fee depends on the level of training of the developer, his responsibilities and the project he is working on, as well as the number of people in the team. But if a specialist wants to earn a stable income, then he should pay attention to the segment of browser and social games, mobile applications, and games for PlayStation.

Salary as of 08/08/2019

Russia 20000—90000 ₽

Moscow 60000—180000 ₽


A gaming software developer is able to realize his talent in any IT specialty, so all doors are open to him. He can open his own companies, create products that interest him, and then search for investors, work for a company or agency, receiving a stable profit.

Professional knowledge

  1. Programming languages.
  2. Knowledge of English is required.
  3. Ability to draw by hand or using special programs.
  4. Knowledge of Unity and other game engines.
  5. Ability to work with 3D editors, 3D modeling programs and other tools for developing game software.

Famous representatives of the profession

  1. American McGee.
  2. Will Wright.
  3. Hideo Kojima.
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