Atlas map of the world. Large world map with countries in full screen. Old school, nostalgic political map of the world



a map of the globe showing states, capitals, large cities, etc. In a broad sense, this is a collection of information about the state affiliation of territories, the subject of the study of political geography. The process of formation of P. k.m. dates back several thousand years. There are several periods. Ancient (before the 5th century AD) is associated with the development and collapse of the first states on Earth - Ancient Egypt, Carthage, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, etc. In the medieval (5th-15th centuries) large land masses (in particular, Europe) were completely divided between different states. The new period (from the turn of the 15th-16th centuries to the end of the First World War) corresponds to the beginning of European colonial expansion and the spread of international economic relations throughout the world. The newest period (from 1917 to the present day) is divided into three stages: the 1st is characterized by the emergence of the USSR, changes in borders in Europe, the expansion of the colonial possessions of Great Britain, France, Belgium and Japan; The 2nd is associated with the collapse of colonial empires in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Oceania and the beginning of the socialist experiment in a number of countries in Europe and Asia; The 3rd stage is characterized by the unification of Germany, the declaration of independence by the republics of the former USSR and Yugoslavia.

Concise geographical dictionary. EdwART. 2008.

A political map of the World

1) a geographical map of the globe or its parts, which reflects the territorial and political division.
2) A collection of information on the political geography of the globe or a large region: location, borders, capitals of states, forms of government, administrative-territorial structure, interstate. relationship. The political map of any region is not constant over time, i.e. it is a historical category. Changes in the political map can be of two types: quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative associated with government ter. and boundaries. Quality changes are associated with transformations in the political system of the state.
Quantitative changes in the political map include territorial gains or losses. These processes can proceed peacefully (for example, the Russian development of Siberia in the 17th century, the purchase of Alaska by the United States from Russia in 1867, the voluntary concession by France of some districts of its African colonies in favor of Germany in 1911), or they can occur in the form of military actions (changes in state borders as a result of the 1st and 2nd World Wars, the conquest of Mexican Texas by the US Army in 1845, etc.). The unification and disintegration of states can also be attributed to quantitative changes: these transformations are clearly visible on the geographical map.

Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Edited by prof. A. P. Gorkina. 2006 .

See what "POLITICAL MAP OF THE WORLD" is in other dictionaries:

    A political map of the World - … Geographical atlas

    US CIA (as of 2011) Political map of the world, geographical map, reflecting ... Wikipedia

    In the narrow sense of the word, a geographical map of the globe on which all the countries of the world are indicated. In a broad sense, a body of information about the political geography of the world. The modern political map of the world includes St. 200 countries. Political Science:… … Political science. Dictionary.

    In the narrow sense of the word, a geographical map of the globe on which all the countries of the world are indicated. In a broad sense, a body of information about the political geography of the world. The modern political map of the world includes St. 200 countries... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    a political map of the World- A map that shows all the countries that exist on the globe; in a figurative sense, the historically established system of state borders and relationships between countries... Dictionary of Geography

    In the narrow sense, a geographical map of the globe on which all the countries of the world are indicated. In a broad sense, a body of information about the political geography of the world. The modern political map of the world includes over 200 countries. * * * POLITICAL MAP… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    World map is a geographical map that shows the entire globe. The most commonly used are the political and physical maps of the world; thematic maps of the world are also widely used: tectonic, climatic, geological, ... ... Wikipedia

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    Political geography is a scientific discipline that studies the formation of the political map of the world, geopolitical structures, the location and territorial combinations of political forces, their relationship with the spatial organization of political life in ... ... Wikipedia

    Political geography is a social geographical science that studies the territorial differentiation of political phenomena and processes. The author of the term “political geography” is considered to be the Frenchman Turgot, who pointed out in the middle of the 18th century to ... ... Wikipedia


1.1. Modern political map of the world

What information does a political map of the world convey?

· A political map of the World - This is a geographical map that shows the territories, borders, and largest cities of all countries of the world.

The main objects of the political map of the world are countries, territories and their borders.

· A country - territory, having certain borders, enjoying state sovereignty or being under the authority of another state and deprived of state independence (colonies, trust territories).

Today there are 193 independent states on the political map of the world: 43 in Europe (including the Russian Federation); 48 in Asia (including the Palestinian State); 53 in Africa (without Western Sahara, the status of which is subject to regulation in accordance with the relevant decisions of the UN and the Organization of African Unity (OAU); 35 in the Americas; 14 states in Australia and Oceania.

· State - political form of organization of society. The main features of the state: 1) the presence of bodies exercising supreme power, extending to the entire population; 2) the presence of a right - a set of generally binding rules of conduct established by the state; 3) the presence of a certain territory over which the power and jurisdiction of a given state extends.

Each country has its own characteristics economic-geographical location (EGP), which is understood as the country’s position in relation to the centers of the world economy, raw materials and sales markets.

The process of state formation lasted several millennia. Some states (Egypt, China) have about 6 thousand years of history, others a little more than 200 years (USA). Some modern states in their current form have existed for less than 15 years (Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, etc.).

The process of forming the political map of the world also goes back several thousand years. Its beginning is associated with the period of the primary stages of the social division of labor, the emergence of private property, which determined the social stratification of society. Its further deepening led to the intensification of state building and the struggle for the redistribution of spheres of influence. The change in social formations determined the boundaries of the main stages in the formation of the political map of the world. Among them:

1. Ancient - up to 5 v. AD, is characterized by the formation and development of such major centers of civilization as Egypt, China, India, Mesopotamia. Many states of the ancient world arose in the Mediterranean and are associated with the heyday of Greece, Rome and Carthage.

2. Medieval - covers approximately V-XVI centuries. A large number of feudal states are emerging in Europe, trade ties between them are intensifying, and the territorial claims of feudal states against each other are causing numerous military conflicts. At this time, Byzantium, the Holy Roman Empire, Kievan Rus, the Muscovite State, Portugal, Spain, and England appeared on the map.

3. New - formation of a modern political map: ( From the 16th century to the end of the First World War) - corresponds to the entire era of the birth, rise and establishment of capitalism, the formation of the colonial empire. Thus, in 1876, only 10% of the territory of Africa belonged to Western European countries, while in 1900 it was already 90%.

4. Newest - from 1914 to the second half of the 90s. 20th century - associated with two wars, the October Revolution in Russia, the formation of the socialist and capitalist camps, with the political and economic confrontation between them. This stage also includes the collapse of the colonial empires of Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, the USA, Japan and a number of other metropolises, as a result of which more than 100 new independent states emerged in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

5. Modern - from 1990 to the present day. The most important events of this period, which radically changed the political map of the world, include:

· Collapse of the socialist camp;

· Collapse of the USSR into 15 sovereign states;

· Reunification of Germany with the GDR;

· The collapse of Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia and the formation of seven independent states on their territory (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia).

· Separation of the independent state of Eritrea from Ethiopia;

· Reunification of Hong Kong with the PRC;

· Disintegration of Serbia and Montenegro into two independent states.

1.2. Diversity of countries of the world. Political system

When studying the political map of the world, various criteria are used to group states into groups. The most common of them are indicators characterizing the country:

1. by territory size:

· The largest(more than 3 million sq. km)- Russia, Canada, USA, China, India;

· Large (1-3 million sq. km) - Argentina, Mexico, Mongolia, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia;

· Average(less than 1 million sq. km)- Great Britain, Germany, Poland, Japan, Türkiye;

· Dwarf (less than 0.01 million sq. km)- Vatican, Andorra, Monaco, Liechtenstein, San Marino.

2. by population - the largest (million people) are China (1280), India (1045), USA (287), Indonesia (217), Brazil (174), Pakistan (148), Russia (145), Bangladesh (134), Nigeria ( 130), Japan (127).

3. by national composition of the population -single and multinational;

4. according to the characteristics of the geographical location -coastal, inland, island, peninsular, archipelagic countries.

Countries are also grouped according to such political characteristics as political system (monarchies and republics), administrative-territorial structure (unitary, federal, confederal).

If the unification of states is based on qualitative characteristics, then they speak of typologies countries

· Economically developed- approximately 60 countries of the world.

1) "Big Seven" - USA, Japan, Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Canada - these countries account for about 50% of the world's GDP.

2) Smaller countries- The countries of Western Europe - their economic potential is noticeably lower, but in terms of GDP per capita, these countries are not inferior to the G7.

3) Countries of “settler capitalism” - Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Israel.

Developing countries- include more than 150 countries, home to about 70% of the world's population. This group is divided into:

1) Key countries – India, Brazil, Mexico, which have significant natural, human and economic potential, but in terms of GDP per capita are significantly inferior to developed countries.

2) Less developed countries of Latin America0 Asia and North Africa, whose GDP per capita exceeds 1 thousand dollars - Chile, Peru, Egypt, Tunisia.

3) Newly industrialized countries - Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, etc., achieved economic growth at the end of the 20th century.

4) Oil exporting- Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, etc., where, thanks to the influx of “petrodollars,” the per capita GDP indicator reaches the level of developed countries.

5) Lagging countries which are characterized by a multi-structured economy with strong feudal remnants and where the per capita GDP indicator does not reach 1 thousand dollars per year - Kenya, El Salvador, etc.

6) Least developed (poorest) countries, where consumer agriculture predominates, industry and services are practically absent, and GDP per capita is 100-300 dollars per year - Afghanistan, Nepal, Ethiopia, etc.

In this typology, it is very difficult to determine the place of post-socialist states, which in many indicators are not inferior to developed countries, but have a rather low GDP per capita. That is why countries such as Russia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, etc., are often identified as a special type. countries with economies in transition .

GDP (gross domestic product) -the total value of goods and services produced within a country at market prices for a certain period.

There are only two forms of government in the world - monarchical and republican.

· Monarchy - a form of government in which supreme power belongs to the monarch - king, duke, sultan, emir, prince and is inherited. There are 30 monarchies in the world.

Monarchies are:

1. Absolute - the power of the monarch is unlimited.

2. Constitutional - the power of the monarch is limited by the Constitution.

3. Theocratic - a form of government of the monarch when he is simultaneously the head of state and the head of the church.

· Republic - a form of government in which the highest legislative power belongs to an elected representative body - parliament, and executive power belongs to the government. More than 140 countries in the world are republics. Republics are divided into presidential ones, in which the president is vested with great powers and heads the government, and parliamentary ones, in which the main figure is the head of government, not the president. Presidential republics are: USA, Brazil, Argentina, Russia, etc., Parliamentary republics are Germany, Italy, India, Israel, etc. Socialist republics are China, Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam.

· A rare form of government are states within the Commonwealth. There are only 15 such countries. The formal head of state is the Queen of Great Britain, who is represented by the Governor General. These countries are former dominions of Great Britain (Australia, New Zealand, Canada, etc.).

In addition, the form of administrative-territorial structure can be unitary and federal.

· Unitary state - this is a form of administrative-territorial structure of the country in which there is a single, indivisible executive and legislative power in the country.

· Federal State – has a form of administrative-territorial structure of the country in which, along with unified (federal) laws and authorities, there are separate self-governing units (republics, lands, states, brands, etc.) that have their own legislative, executive and judicial authorities.

After the Second World War, the political map of the world reflected such important processes as the formation of a number of socialist states, the collapse of the colonial system and the emergence of dozens of liberated countries, and the growth of the non-aligned movement. But the main content of the entire post-war period was the global confrontation between East and West, the “cold war” between them. Numerous military-political alliances emerged, including two main ones: the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the Warsaw Pact Organization (WTO). Hundreds of military bases were created in different parts of the globe, and local wars broke out every now and then. Numerous centers of international tension and regional conflicts have emerged on the political map of the world.

Throughout the post-war period, the main “hot spot” remained the Middle East, including the Persian Gulf region. And not the least role in this is played by the historical interweaving of cultures and religions. Here the interests of not only Arab countries and Israel collide, but also of other states.

In the second half of the 1980s, international relations marked a transition from confrontation to mutual understanding and cooperation. Good neighborliness began to replace mistrust, suspicion and hostility. Nowadays this applies to relations between Russia, the CIS and the USA, between the countries of Europe, the Asia-Pacific region (APR) and other regions. The political map of the world reflects such important processes and phenomena as the unification of Germany, the formation of the CIS, the beginning of real disarmament, the dissolution of the Department of Internal Affairs, the proclamation by NATO countries of the Partnership for Peace program, in which our country participates. By political means it was possible to untie the tight knots of many regional conflicts.

As a result, international tensions have subsided, and the world has become calmer and safer. The United Nations (UN), which includes 185 countries, plays a great role in defusing tensions.

All changes occurring on the political map of the world are studied by a new branch of social and economic geography - political geography (geopolitics). Her areas of interest include: features of the social and state system, forms of government and administrative-territorial division, domestic and foreign policy, political and geographical position of countries, assessment of borders and border areas, assessment of borders and border areas, geographical differences in the social class structure population, religious, national composition of the population, etc. the main taskstudy of the geography of international relations, the balance of power between the great powers.

Satellite maps from Google are popular. This is a convenient and practical tool that allows you to view the planet at any scale. The satellite image reveals details: small streets and alleys near the house, cities, countries and continents. This became possible thanks to satellite imagery.
Earlier to receive pictures from space filming was used with a television camera with a signal transmitted to the station or filming with a special photographic camera, the images of which were displayed on film. Today, modern space technologies make it possible to look at the planet thanks to the scanning mechanism built into satellites.

Satellite Map: Applications and Purposes

Currently, real-time satellite world map is used in many fields: analyzing the state of agricultural fields, forests, oceans and identifying the location of friends using a smartphone. Google satellite map is used for these resources.
The main purpose of using satellite images of the world from Google remains navigation. The website features a world diagram showing continents, states, cities, streets and highways. This helps you navigate the area, appreciate its landscape, and simply travel around the Earth without leaving your home.

Quality of online world map images from satellite

The highest resolution images are available for the largest cities in Ukraine, America, Russia, Belarus, Asia, Europe and Oceania with a population of more than a million people. For settlements with fewer inhabitants, images are available in limited quantities and of poorer quality.
Despite this, everyone can take a detailed look at the territory of their home, nearby streets, and look at photos of the planet from almost any point. The pictures reveal the placement:

  • cities, towns, villages,
  • streets, alleys
  • rivers, seas, lakes, forest zones, deserts, etc.

Good quality cartographic images allow you to examine the landscape of the selected area in detail.

Google map capabilities from satellite:

Google satellite maps help you see things in detail that are difficult to assess on regular charts. Satellite images preserve the natural shape of an object, its size and colors. Ordinary, classic maps undergo editorial elaboration before printing and circulation to match the scale, as a result of which the natural colors of the area and shapes of objects are lost. The cartographic images retain their naturalness.
In addition, you can quickly find the city of interest in any country on the map. The diagram has a column in which you can indicate the country, city, and even house number in Russian. In a second, the diagram will zoom in and display the location of the given object and those located next to it.

Satellite world map mode

Satellite images have the ability to switch to world map mode. It helps to view the territory on the surface of the planet, get as close as possible to the selected object, and consider the layout of the location. This mode allows you to quickly and conveniently plan your trip route, move around the city, find attractions, etc.
By specifying the house number, the diagram will display its location relative to the city center in a second. It is also possible to plot a route from the initially specified object. To do this, click on the appropriate button and enter the address.

Map of the earth from satellite to website

the site allows users to use a satellite map in real time completely free of charge. For convenience, the map is divided into countries. To search for a specific city or get acquainted with the area of ​​the state, click on the one you are interested in and begin your “travel”. The service is constantly improving, work is underway to post high-resolution satellite images of small settlements.
Good quality online satellite cartographic images posted on our website help you quickly find the desired object, examine the landscape, estimate the distances between cities, and find out the location of forests, rivers, seas and oceans. With Voweb, traveling around the world has become even more accessible.

Modern political map of the world- these are geographical photographs that bring together all the countries of the planet, their form of government and government structures. A comprehensive image of countries fully shows important political and geographical changes: the emergence of new countries, their connection and division, changes in status, changes in area, loss or acquisition of sovereignty, changes in capitals, their renaming, modification of the type of government, etc.
The map is depicted in different ways. In some versions, it may have an addition - displaying the relief of the Earth's surface. This is the most dynamic type of map, reflecting geographical and political changes. Therefore, Voweb invites visitors to familiarize themselves with the latest edition, highlighting current changes over the past decade.

Political map in Russian on the website

Three stages in creating a modern political map

The image of the planet that appears before us today is the result of long-term changes. The political-geographical map was formed over decades, and its process consisted of three stages:

  • The end of World War 1, which marked the beginning of the founding of the RSFSR (later the Soviet Union of Socialist Republics), Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and the collapse of the Ottoman Empire
  • The end of World War 2: Germany disintegrated into the GDR and the Federal Republic of Germany, the creation of the socialist republic of Cuba, the emergence of other countries in Oceania, Africa, Latin America and Asia
  • 1991 - collapse of the USSR

At the third stage, after the split of the Soviet Union, many countries joined the CIS. Since the end of 1990, the Federal Democratic Republic and the German Democratic Republic have reunited into a single Germany, Czechoslovakia has broken up into the Czech and Slovak Republics, and Hong Kong has returned to the People's Republic of China, which previously belonged to Great Britain.

Free interactive political map of the world online

Online resources offer to buy a card. The Voweb website provides the opportunity to use a political-geographical map completely free of charge. The pictures are interactive, move or shift them in different directions, examining the areas of interest.
Develop your knowledge, learn new and interesting things. Voweb is constantly working to improve the service, offering modern political maps in high resolution in Russian.

The maps of the world that we see from childhood — especially those that are shown to us in school — shape our understanding of how the world works. There would be nothing wrong with this if we did not forget that a flat map is just a conditional and distorted representation of a round world.

However, many of us transfer the stereotypes learned through the map to our personal attitude towards the real world. We are beginning to believe that there are countries that play a dominant role in the world, located in its center, and there are those that play a subordinate role, located on its periphery.

As will be seen below, in different countries - Russia, Europe, USA, China, Australia, Chile, South Africa - world maps are very different. It all depends on what the map author chooses in each of the following three conditions: 1) how to center the map relative to West and East; 2) how to center the map relative to North and South; 3) what projection method to use.

World map for Russia

The vertical axis of the world (centering the West and the East) passes through Moscow. Both America and Australia find themselves on the periphery of the world. The Pacific Ocean is not perceived as a coherent space.

World map for Europe

The vertical axis of the world passes through London. As with the Russian map, here both America and Australia find themselves on the periphery of the world, and the Pacific Ocean is not perceived as an integral space. Additionally, the equator (centering North and South) is shifted toward the bottom half of the map, making Africa, South America, and Australia appear smaller relative to North America and Eurasia than they actually are.

World map for USA

The vertical axis of the world passes through the USA. America turns out to be an “island” washed by the Pacific Ocean from the west and the Atlantic Ocean from the east. As in the European map, the equator is shifted to the lower half of the map, which makes the size of North America and Eurasia much larger in relation to the sizes of South America, Africa and Australia than it actually is. In addition, the perception of Russia, India and China becomes more complicated for an American: these countries are present to an American twice — in the west and in the east.

World map for China

On its map, China is located on the western coast of the Pacific Ocean. All continents have access to this ocean, except Africa and Europe, which thus find themselves on the periphery of the world.

World map for Australia

There is a general stereotype that what is above dominates, and what is below is in a subordinate position. Australians not only draw the vertical axis of the world through their continent, but also place it on top of all others, turning the map 180 degrees. Like the USA, they find themselves as an island lying between three oceans: the Pacific, Indian and Southern. Antarctica, hidden at the very bottom on all other maps, begins to play an important role.

World map for South Africa

South Africa, like Australia, appears at the top rather than at the bottom of the map, which makes it perceived as a country that dominates all others. South Africa turns out to be a peninsula wedged between two oceans: the Indian and Atlantic. The Pacific region and Russia are moving to the periphery of the world.

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