How to find your father in fallout 3. Storyline. How to complete Betty's tasks in the Tranquility Lane quest

City landscapes after 2077 began to present a very terrible sight: devastation, decline in morality, unsanitary conditions, a complete absence of any flora and terrible mutant animals. In such a cruel world, being roasted by a fire ant is much easier than finding a bottle of clean water. In addition, the nuclear disaster revealed the true moral character of people - brutal murders, robbery and even cannibalism became almost the norm. The only areas of intelligent civilization are a few cities and the remaining armored shelters.


The game begins with the birth of the main character. In the father's monologue, we are given the choice of the gender of the game character. The choice is actually simple: a boy or a girl.
“You will have a wonderful future!” - says the father. Next we write your name. Afterwards, we will select the appearance of the main character of the game Fallout 3.
Main points when editing:


Right there in the introductory video we are given to understand that the main character’s mother dies, and he is left alone to be raised by his father.

First steps

The character turns one year old, and he tries to move in space, teaching the gamer how to control the main character of the game Fallout 3. The first task in the game will be to walk a short distance to his father, who is located nearby. Afterwards, the father leaves the game character alone in the room. A task appears: proceed to the gates of the arena and then open them. Next, we approach the SPECIAL book lying on the floor, in which we add another five points to the hero’s characteristics at your discretion.
The following parameters are found and edited in SPECIAL:

7. Luck

After adding points to the selected parameters, the father appears in the room and explains his mother's favorite quote from the Bible to his son.

Growing Up Fast

We smoothly move forward nine years and find ourselves on the birthday of the main character of the game, who turns ten years old. At the time of the holiday, the Overseer gives the hero a special device Pip-Boy 3000, obliging the hero to take part in the work on the shelter in the future. During the birthday celebration, we will need to communicate with other characters, simultaneously asking them for gifts and even participating in a small skirmish with a local hooligan named Butch. At some point, the father comes up and asks to come to the reactor level to receive a specially prepared surprise. We follow to this place and find there our father’s assistant named Jonas. After some time, the father comes and gives a surprise in the form of an air rifle, at the same time asking him to hit several targets and then hit a radroach (a large radioactive cockroach).

The future is in the fog

The main character of the game turns sixteen, and his father demands that he pass a special GOAT exam. On the way to class, we meet a company familiar from our birthday: Butch, Paul Hannon, Wally Mac, who pester a girl we also know, Amata. We need to start a conversation with Wally, where in the dialogue we tell him that he plays the role of Butch's six well in their gang. To which he is offended and goes into the next room, at the same time dragging Paul Hannon with him. Left alone, Butch does not stay long and also leaves the place.

You can start a dialogue with Butch and provoke a fight with harsh words. As a result, all three will attack you with their fists, but it’s quite easy to knock them down. Moreover, even when Butch stops fighting, you can continue to beat him until he falls unconscious and take all his things.

After talking with Amata, we receive the first thanks and good karma. Having gone to the classroom to take the GOAT test, we sit down in an empty seat and begin to take the exam with strange questions and strange answers to it. After answering ten questions, we go to hand over our results to teacher Bromch. During the dialogue, we learn that this test is complete nonsense, and we choose an answer with the possibility of rigging the result. After which we see a window for selecting the skills of the main character of Fallout 3, in which we edit our first three skills.

Escape (three years later)

Amata wakes you up and warns you of the danger associated with your father's sudden escape from shelter No. 101. The girl also suggests leaving the shelter to avoid the Overseer's reprisal. To escape, we need to obtain a password to open the tunnel and a key to the main doors of the shelter. From Amata we receive the key to the Overseer’s office (he is the girl’s father) and a pistol with cartridges. After the dialogue, we examine the rooms and find a first aid kit on the wall, from which we take everything that is there. Also don't forget to take the baseball bat from the table. It will still be useful to us in order to save cartridges.
We leave the room and follow the marker on the scale in the lower left corner of the monitor screen to the Overseer’s office. Along the way we come across guards who are trying to stop you. We also observe an attack by radroaches, which entered the shelter through the main exit when your father escaped. They attack anyone who is near them, thereby distracting the guards from you. In the general chaos, some residents also decide to leave the shelter, but the guards act brutally, killing them with weapons.
Having made our way into the office, we meet the Overseer, the security officer and Amata. We have to fight with the officer, Amata runs away, and we are left alone with the Overseer. In a dialogue with him, we convince him to give us the necessary password for the tunnel and the key to the main exit. After which we run out to the left and in the neighboring rooms we meet Amata sitting and crying. We agree to meet her at the exit from the shelter. If we want to kill the Overseer, but do not want to listen to Amata’s reproaches, we kill the Overseer first, then the security officer. Next, we need to move to the Overseer’s office, where, using the computer, we open the tunnel leading to the exit. The table in the office rises and a passage opens up for us. In the main exit room from the shelter, we activate the gate opening remote control using the key. When the exit opens, Amata appears and at the last moment refuses to flee from her native shelter No. 101 and decides to stay with her father. At the end of the dialogue, guards appear, and we have no choice but to leave the facility. The law enforcement officers pursue you only to the gate and are afraid to follow further, and you can calmly continue moving in the cave towards the exit from the shelter. When leaving this location, at the last moment you will be asked to edit the characteristics of the main character of the game Fallout 3. You will have access to:

Change name
- Change race/gender
- Change SPECIAL parameters
- Change prize skills

After finishing editing the character, we leave the cave and rejoice in complete freedom and the dilapidated appearance of the capital’s wastelands. In the future, we are offered to distribute 16 bonus skill points, which are received upon moving to the second level of the game.


On the way to the city there are ruins of Springfield. In the first mailbox you come across you will find grenades and drugs, which you need to put in your pockets. Next, you need to shoot the Enclave scout droid, which is just as scary as the 101st guard. You can check out Springvale Primary School, where the Raiders are located, but it's best to sell out in town first. At the entrance, a hungover homeless man, Miki, asks for clean water, which was given to me by a droid in Megaton in my house (the house will appear a little later). Since one can is not enough, Miki asks for more and more water. At the same time, your karma increases, so you can wash yourself off after robberies and murders. Outside the gates of Megaton, the sheriff explains to you the rules of conduct. In addition, the city was built by idiots around a huge bomb. I offer him to defuse the bomb, and he tells me, “Discharge the stranger, I’ll give you 100 rubles for it, just be careful, otherwise we’ll all die.” Just like in the real world, all these actions have a logical explanation. For this work, thanks to my tongue, I made 400 coins. The bomb can be defused if you have an explosives skill of 30, and the reward is money and your own house - a very necessary acquisition. Next, you find yourself at a water treatment plant, where an elderly foreman will ask you to repair leaks in the city water supply. This requires a repair skill of 30. Two of the leaks are located along the main roads of the city and are easy to find, and the third is located at the roof level of the Church of the Children of the Atom, a little to the west. The reward will be 110 experience, 200 caps and the opportunity to buy all the scrap metal. Moriarty's saloon is a major location in the plot. Here you can buy information about your father for 100 caps, you can get out of debt (house in Springvale), or you can simply hack the door and computer of the saloon and find out everything yourself. We are directed to look for the host of the local radio station, Threedognait, and herself.
In the saloon, a mafia-looking man proposes to blow up a bomb, and with it all the inhabitants of the city. I took the detonator and put it in a locker at home, and saved the man from his ridiculous thoughts. Moira Brown in the store will offer you home interiors and a long quest. For her book on survival in the wasteland, she needs a test subject. First you need to get food and medicine in a supermarket where there are a lot of raiders. But you did find a laser pistol, an assault rifle and a compass. To hack, you need science 25. Next is a locked room on the first floor (where a raider with an assault rifle and a lot of ammunition is hiding in a nook), there is a droid in it. It can be activated by hacking the computer on which the ID card is located, and without which the droid will not make friends with you. The droid will deal with the raiders who are returning from a walk. Next task: “find medicines.” The first aid kit is located nearby on the wall. The reward will be some food and a water distiller from Moira. 50 meters from the supermarket I met a boy who was running away in horror from “them” (the quest is called “they”). The boy asks to save his dad from the ants (fire ants look like tanks with flamethrowers).
The guy gives a hint that their weak point is their antennae, but I only have a light weapon skill (30) and so I had to shoot in the head. For this I used an assault rifle. I found my dad already dead (probably, he had been fighting with ants for a long time), but on the other hand, I found the key to the neighboring hut, where a strange scientist had recently lived. The guy, having come to terms with his dad’s death, asks to destroy the ants that are crawling out of the local metro. Well, well, you'll have to go to the subway. In the subway we find a lot of evil insects and a scientist whose hut I just searched. The scientist admits that the ants are his doing. He invented a mutagen that was intended to shrink the ants, but it turned out the other way around. We must fulfill his request exactly and kill 5 guards without hitting the uterus, and then a reward awaits us: we are given +25 fire resistance and +1 to strength or perception forever. Then the scientist will ask you to place the boy (but that will come later).
Moira has the next task - to be irradiated to 200, or even better, to 600 units. It's quite simple - you need to run to the puddle where the bomb lies and drink from it while listening to the sermon. Moira will completely cure the infection, and we have a new skill - thanks to strong irradiation, the broken off body parts are regenerated.
Moira's third task for her first chapter of the book is to walk through a minefield to see what it's like. It is best to dig up min. It's not difficult, but it's a long way to go. On the way you will meet a landfill where the kind dog Dog lives. He and I are going together. The dog knows how to find stashes and gnaws all enemies. For this task you will receive from Moira 4 grenades and a plan for making a racket that shoots various debris. For completing the first chapter of the book you will receive 4 stimulants. If you're not yet tired of being Moira's guinea pig, pick up the second chapter of the opus. The first task will be to test the repellent on three to ten mole rats. They run in warm sewers, there are not 10 mole rats in warm sewers, but behind the cannon right along the corridor there is a door... I don’t remember the passage where... But you come out of the sewer... That’s where you finish off the mole rats... even more than 10. ... The second task will be to obtain treatment, medicine and a protective suit from Moira. To do this, you will have to come to her wounded or crippled. Task number three - installing a surveillance camera in the swamp lair of the Anchorage Memorial. The condition is not to kill the swamp people. In the center of the main room is a clutch of eggs. So we jump very quickly, set up the cameras and leave. The gift will be 5 stealth battles. That's it, the second chapter is written. We need to get ammo and gratitude and proceed to the third chapter.
Task N1 - find out the history of Rivet City. (not done yet).

If you're too lazy to do quests, you can try to trick Moira. I, having a speech skill of 40 and a mine in my backpack, successfully lied that I went to a minefield and that I tried mole rats. As a result, the quests were credited to me, but, in my opinion, I did not receive a reward (I did not pay attention to this).

Radio station

First you need to go to the radio station through the Friendship Heights subway. When exiting the subway, we see the Brotherhood of Steel, which is carrying out the corpses of mutants. From the first corpse I received energy armor, but wearing it requires a special skill. 2k agility is not enough for a sniper. The battle seems to be over, but a surprise awaits us at the station doors in the form of a huge mutant hippopotamus. The hippopotamus kicks around the wreckage of cars and kills the paladins. Near the blocked entrance to the subway, we find a dead paladin with a “fat man” cannon (for large enemies). It is better to take the gun in advance and keep the dog away. We won and we are heroes. Everyone praises and respects us, but they don’t take us into the brotherhood. You can only talk to Three Dog.
Having fooled you, Three Dog will tell you that he knows dad, but you will get hints after the quest. You can, of course, try to persuade him (but I didn’t succeed). Its conditions are as follows: you need to get to the Washington Museum, steal the antenna from the lunar rover in the Technical Museum and attach it to the top of the Washington Monument. In order to get there, you need to go from his office to the very bottom, go outside and find yourself not at the bottom, but on the contrary - high above the ground. We need to go down and find a metro station. There are two options: enter through the employee entrance - there is a computer with protection 25 (weak) or release the controller droid. First, Protectron killed all the enemies, then he noticed that I didn’t have a ticket (I sold it in Megaton), and started shooting at me. Surely few people traveled without a ticket before the war.
We move further along the subway. On the way there are several raiders and a bed for rest.
One squad of raiders is in the room with turrets, you can reinstall the program from the terminal (science 50), I couldn’t. I left the dog in the rear, lured the raiders away from their guns and killed them. He healed and quickly rushed to the turrets.
When exiting the metro (Museum station) there are trenches with super mutants who are not armed with sticks. Since the entrance to the museum is located close to the metro exit, fat people can be left alone.
Going inside the museum, another problem with mutants awaits us. They have weakened significantly since the time of the second part and are very well taken out by the “Chinese machine gun”. Once on the first floor, in the atrium, you can find out about the museum's cache by reading the information on the computer (terminal on the wall, entry 001). To do this, you need to find clues, then enter the codes into the terminals, and you will receive a password. You don’t have to look for hints, but, while loading, go through four options and find the one you need. To do this, read entry 001 again and try until the system accepts the code.
Next we pass through the “vault” and find ourselves in the western wing. To the left of us there are two terminals on the wall, we find entry 002 in one of them. Entry 003, accordingly, is located in the terminal at the tail of the large rocket. We need to choose a code and get a password. The password must be entered into the security computer on the top floor of the west wing and open the safe with the key. This key opens the safe in the planetarium. The safe contains an assault rifle and a grenade launcher. Was it worth the effort for this junk?
The path to the Lunokhod lies through the planetarium. We take off the plate and run outside. There is an exhibit in the atrium - Fenka the Invisible, 3 pieces. We put it in our pocket. Next there is an easy transition through the metro to the monument, taking the elevator. And again the Voice of America will sound over the wastelands. A grateful Threedog will tell you that dad went to see Dr. Lee in Rivet City. It's time to visit Dr. Lee.
You can ask the paladins in the Galactic News building where the courses for driving energy armor are. But first you need to ask permission from Paladin Lyons, who is in the laboratory. Only this laboratory is located in the Citadel, which we cannot go to yet.

Rivet City

The most important thing is to get there, and the path is long and dangerous. I traveled along the eastern bank of the river (from the warm sewers), and on the way I killed a gang of raiders and several squads of mutants. The city is located on an aircraft carrier with a fallen off nose. You can get there by talking through the intercom.
Everything here is quite simple with the main storyline - Doctor Lee, who is in the medical laboratory, will tell you the whole truth without hiding. Firstly, they worked with dad on the “purity” project, which fell apart, and I personally am to blame for this. Secondly, the father suddenly remembered the great goal and ran to fulfill it to the Jefferson Memorial. The memorial is located next to the ship, in the northwest. There, we shoot the yellow skins and go into the gift shop, from which we find ourselves in the parent laboratory. There, unfortunately, we meet only enemies, but we find the diaries of our fugitive. It is revealed that he has now gone to look for Vault 112, which is located near Evergreen Mills, to find the creator of the GEKK, Dr. Brown. We are following him.
Doing other heroic things in Rivet City: In Dr. Lee's laboratory, Dr. Zimmer asks us to find a missing android. The reward will be Hi-Tec equipment. First you need to find Dr. Preston at a local clinic. He will give us a hint (we should convince him or give him 100 coins), but it will not help much. Further along the corridor there is the sister’s room (that’s what it’s called), in which you need to pick the lock, and in the room on the table, find notes and find out that a certain Pinkerton remade the robotic person. Inquiring about it, we come to the conclusion that we need to search the broken bow of the ship with a heavy lock. But as we get closer to the Jefferson Memorial, we see that the plot bifurcates. A lady named Victoria Watts runs up to us and passionately convinces us not to look for the android, but to deceive the doctor, and presents the necessary evidence for this. (not finished).

But about Pinkerton, it’s really difficult to find him: in short, where the ship is broken into two parts, you have to dive under the water, there will be a door, under the water, go there, there will be swampers, then traps, and then you will find Pinkerton
We find ourselves at the Rivet City Benton Market, where a fashion merchant asks for help in the political struggle. To do this, you need to find incriminating material in Seagrave Holmes's cabin. (not finished).

Vault 112

Our route passes by Evergreen Mills. This place is simply crammed with raiders who can be killed. By going into the smelter and clearing the bazaar, you can take a good “terrible shotgun” from the bartender. There is a pet in the yard - a super mutant hippopotamus. After tinkering with it a little and selling the goods in Megaton, we head to the marker on the map. Casey's garage is located there, which is the entrance to the shelter.
As soon as we got inside, I trusted the robot and obediently climbed into the box, where I found myself in a virtual paradise. Which later turns out to be hell. People there have been living in the “matrix” that Brown created for so long that they have forgotten about the existence of the real world. And the elderly senile man himself torments them, apparently out of boredom, playing God with them in the virtual world he created. You can try to get out if you fulfill the wishes of the doctor (aka Betty), but these wishes are unpleasant - you need to offend a small child, destroy a family, etc. Only one resident - an old woman - is the only one who understands what is happening. She gives us advice: look for the key in an abandoned house. Entering the house, we will find four objects there - a radio, a jug, a gnome, a cinder block and a bottle. If you press incorrectly, objects begin to creakingly indicate an error, and you have to start all over again. The terminal finally opened by pressing the letters R-K-G-K-SH-G-B in sequence. We need to do a “good deed” and launch the “Chinese invasion” program, which will destroy all the unfortunate residents, and the doctor will live.
The exit from Brown's game is behind the door that appeared on the playground next to Betty. Hurray - meeting my father! He will tell us that he was recently in the matrix in the form of a dog as Betty’s friend. Well, now we need to quickly run back to Rivet City in order to report the information we found about the doctor, who not only played computer games, and resurrect the “Purity” project. You won’t be able to move forward quickly - dad won’t go without you and will constantly linger where you left him. Therefore, you need to run together across the entire map and shoot back from enemies (during a fast journey, dad will already be there).

Water purifier and other problems

At the end of the conversation with Dr. Lee, we will be given an offer to take the scientists to the purifier. We need to run outside, turn on the Pip-Boy and find ourselves instantly on the spot. I entered the gift shop and came out, and all the scientists were already gathered here. Now I need to be an errand boy.
Dad will ask you to turn on the power to the pumps. To do this, you need to climb deep into the basement - the switch is on the wall. Then you need to go back to your father and immediately back to install the fuses. After this, start the supercomputer. The door is located near the entrance to the basement. You receive hints through the intercom on the wall. Next we need to do some plumbing work, as the pipe is clogged and we need to get into the sewer to fix it. But by turning the valve, you call in an enclave landing party, which lands and captures the memorial. We have to run to save dad. Breaking through, we shoot the enclave soldiers and collect laser guns for sale. It will not be possible to save dad, because he decided to destroy himself and the guests by causing the reactor to overload. Everyone was burned, except me and a bunch of scientists, whom we will now save. First, it is necessary to remove the purifier Lee and the scientists from the building. The tunnel should lead us to the very citadel of the Brotherhood, but on the way we will fight with ghouls and the enclave, and in addition we will cure Garzi of a heart attack, if we do not spare 5 stimulants.
There we will talk with Lyons, the head of the order. He will give the go-ahead to wear armor (he teaches this skill to Gunny, who trains young people in the yard) and will send you to the scribe Rothschild, who lives in the laboratory and has access to the Vault-Tek computer. By the way, the armor has weakened significantly since the first and second levels: the protection is slightly greater than that of combat armor, taking into account the constantly broken state of both. Many thanks to Bethesda for the mega renovation idea. The noise it makes is terrible, and the +2 to strength and -2 to agility are just a hindrance. The strength bonus is not enough to cover the weight of the armor itself (I only need strength to carry heavy objects), and agility - which is much more important - is reduced. From the computer data we learn that there was a GEKK in shelter 87. Next to the computer is the scribe Jameson, who is buying tokens from the killed Brothers. Then we return to Rothschild, who will show us a plan for the location of the shelters and say that it is impossible to get to 87 due to very high radiation. But if you can’t, and you really need to, try going underground.
The path runs through the Little Lamlight Caves. It’s easy to get there, but I won’t be able to get in, because a stubborn street kid with a gun won’t open the gate for me, because I’m a “big guy.” In this town, although it is much larger than Megaton, only children live, and everyone who turns 16 must leave it. They don't like adults there, and all my attempts at persuasion failed. Therefore, you will have to save the kidnapped children, Squirrel and Sam, who were stolen by slave traders from Paradise Falls.
You can enter this city as a slave or slave trader. If you want to try yourself in this profession, go for it. First you will need to catch a couple of exclusive specimens, a list of which will be given to you at the entrance. Or you can pay 500 coins to go inside and look for more acceptable ways to free the children. I didn’t listen to the local guards and simply killed everyone (although the guys would be tougher than the mutants), and then freed the slaves. Now it's time to go to Lamplight.
After that, the youngest mayor of the wasteland let me in and even agreed to open the gate to the Terrible Passage. Although at the same time he kept saying how disgusting I was to him. Near the main entrance, Velcro, a teenager leaving kindergarten, is celebrating his birthday. He asks you to take him to the "big city" (unfinished).
The Dread Passage Gate is located in the same location as the main entrance to the city, in a northern direction. The “monsters” that are found there - super mutant beasts - die at your hands, and the tunnel opens into the reactor room of shelter N87. Already in the vault itself you will see a lot of meat - living and dead. At the level of "experimental laboratories" lives the mutant Fox. He's been locked up all his life and promises to get the GECK if you let him out. There is strong radiation in the chamber where the GEKK is stored, we cannot survive there, but he can. If you do this, other doors will open, which will release the results of the experiments into the wild, and they will have to be finished off. You can also pick up GEKK without his help. To do this, we go to the top floor of the laboratory and break the computer (50), open the storage room. There we find anti-radiation drugs and an improved anti-radiation suit. You don’t even have to hack the terminal if you take a lot of drugs with you and swallow them on the go during strong radiation exposure.

Audience with the President

Now we have GEKK! It seems that victory is close, but suddenly the Enclave appears. They take me unconscious to the base, take away all my equipment and shackle me in energy shackles. This is where my epic would end, because the GEKK, the purifier and I are in the hands of the Enclave, but there are disagreements in the government. President Eden (a computer official) wants to infect the purifier with a virus and kill all mutants. As a result, people will also die (although they are also slightly mutants), and then people from the Enclave will multiply and fill the Earth. Colonel Hall outlined other plans - to become a monopolist in the supply of water and rule all the wastelands. Therefore, the colonel will not be able to interrogate us, because the president will call him, and after that he will release you, return all the equipment and invite you to his office. The President will inform the soldiers that you are free on his orders. Although not for long, because the colonel will cancel his order and start a riot. So it is necessary to kill defenseless soldiers before it is too late. We approach and shoot off the head at point-blank range in VATS mode. No one was offended by me for this behavior, but I had to fight my way to the president. Although there is nothing complicated, and laser rifles are no good, and the “terrible” shotgun is just what you need.
Anna Holt, Dr. Lee's assistant, lives on the second level in the western part. Now she works for the Enclave and wants me to get out. Along the way, we managed to get a good energy weapon - a plasma rifle. North of Anna's room is Hall's room. There is a self-destruct code for the president in case of emergency and a collectible bobblehead that increases the “energy weapon” skill by 10.
Having reached the President of Eden, we receive a task. He chose us as his instrument for cleaning the world and gives us a jar of the virus. His idea of ​​"kill all mutants" is not bad in principle, but I entered the self-destruct code just in case. Edem confirmed the code and advised him to leave the premises, which he did. Not far from the exit, soldiers are fighting with robots. The most dangerous enemy in Raven Rock is your own greed: plasma rifles and Gatling lasers do not fit in your pockets. There is no time counter, so it will explode when we get out. That's it, Raven Rock has exploded. Colonel Hall managed to escape on a vertibird, which means another showdown lies ahead. And it’s time for us to move to the citadel and explain to Lyons what it’s all about.

Anyone who has not yet breathed in the dust of the wastelands can take a break from the main storyline and live a little. After the story is over, you can’t play, and there will be no one to finish the quests.
Citadel Lions. Dad has an argument with his daughter - she wants to fight, but dad won’t let her. You tell everything you know to the head of the order, and he decides to attack the purifier. There is everything that remains of the enclave, and this is not little. And the Lion Pride would not have been able to survive, but local technicians who love to read comics about Transformers built a robot to help them. This will be the answer to enemy behemoths. It is also worth taking a completely intact energy armor with you. She resists 40 damage, we will need this.
And the battle began! At first it’s not entirely clear why I’m here? The robot, apparently, can enslave the world itself - enemies die, vertibirds fall like rain. The robot shoots nuclear charges from the “fat man” - a gun on hippos and blue rays, which is similar to the shock rifle from the 2nd part. Although, the robot also has a drawback - it cannot fit through the doors of the purifier. But we can, and so can the Colonel. The conversation with the colonel was short - he did not heed my persuasion and, naturally, got into a fight, and for this he received a plasma charge directly to the head. His two soldiers are a little thicker and have Gatling lasers, but they still won't survive. That's it, there is no Enclave, the purifier is in our hands... Only it will soon explode.
The intercom with the voice of Doctor Lee reports that as a result of sabotage, the reactor is in an unstable state, and it needs to be started as soon as possible, or it will be like in Raven Rock. But dad set up a radiation stove in the cell, and it’s impossible to get out of there alive, but we have to go. There are only two of us - me and Lyons. It's up to you to decide who should die.
Yes, however, for those who have forgotten - code 216. In any case, the game is over. The final cartoon will remind you of my and my father’s exploits. If you don’t have a save before the start of the final battle, and the vastness of the wasteland attracts you again, play again.

1) Standing in front of the door, open the console using the tilde (`) key.

2) Click on the door, its name and ID will appear at the top of the screen.

3) Enter “Activate” (without quotes) in the console, press Enter and close the console.

After this, the door will work as if it had just been opened, the closed message will not appear, and you will be transported to the previous room. After that you are free to go wherever you want :)

Quest " The future is in the fog", when you are still in vault... In your father's office, or rather, above his desk, you can find "The favorite saying of your hero's mother." Well, from the Bible, remember this? It is in a frame, and therefore locked. Lock - average. It will take some skills to open it. But, personally, it seems to me that you can’t do it without a cheat, because at the first level you can’t increase your hacking skill above 50... although maybe dad has the key, but that’s not what I do. I was interested :)

But the most important thing is what is inside, namely:

- 300 caps

Scheme "Rackets"

Sound recording.

The same saying with a complete set of the above things can be found in the next quest - “escape”, even if the saying had been “rummaged” before.

This can also be done honestly! After the death of the Father, we must return to refuge! While there, a radio signal will appear from Amata asking for help, and it is then that you will be able to enter the shelter and calmly open this piggy bank, since by this time you will already be a seasoned burglar :)) !!!


The return of the legend is complete. The world of the apocalypse is ready to be explored. Let's get to the most exciting part - writing an article on the walkthrough of Fallout 3. I warn you - the walkthrough will not be quick.

You control your hero from birth. First, the standard choice of initial characteristics of the hero. When you find yourself in the nursery, find a book on the floor there and select skills. For your birthday, hang out until you're invited to the reactor level. Tasks and all information can be viewed in the pit battle (TAB), there is also a map and leveling up. At the reactor you will be given a pneumatic gun and after killing a radcockroach you will wake up at the age of 16. Take the test, then it can be corrected. 3 years later. Your father escaped from the shelter and you also need to molt slowly before the caretakers find you. Amata will give you a 10 gauge pistol. You can view the location on the map.

Go to the door indicated on the map, then to the second floor, the key to the caretaker’s office is with Amantha’s father or in the chest of drawers opposite the office.

In the office, open the secret tunnel and follow it to the exit door from the shelter. Open it and you are free. In the shelter you can stock up on equipment if you climb well.

Go to the nearest city - Magatonna. There in the bar, talk to Moriarty about your father. The door to the bar is closed, it can be broken open with a hairpin. Moriarty will ask for 100 caps or to collect the debt from Silver in Springvale, she is not far from shelter 101. You can get 300 caps from her. Moriarty will say that you can ask about your father on the Voice of the Galaxy radio. Going there right away is suicide. Visit Moira Brown at the Crater Shop and help her create a survival guide. Go to the supermarket, you need to get food and medicine there. The pharmacy key is in a drawer on the counter.

There are several armed raiders in the supermarket. You can shoot as before at different parts of the body, to do this, press “V”, the number of shots or hits depends on the action points, they are shown at the bottom right (AP). You can also defuse a bomb in the city center for 100 credits and housing. To do this, go to the sheriff.

In the supermarket, the raiders should have an assault rifle, this is a more serious weapon, there is also plenty of 5.56 caliber ammunition. To move between locations, simply click on them on the map. Now I think you are ready to go to the radio station. In its vicinity there are raiders with flamethrowers and super mutants with miniguns. It would not be bad to kill them and take away their weapons. To get to the radio building itself, you must first go through the metro.

On the other side you will meet the Brotherhood of Steel, go with them to the assault. A hippopotamus will run out near the building; you can kill it by taking the fat man from the one killed from the Brotherhood of Steel. Or you can shoot off his leg with an assault rifle (V). Now go to the Galaxy News building and ask about Three Dog's father. Of course he won’t tell you anything if

Only your eloquence is not developed. You will need to go to the museum to get a plate installed on the lunar rover. Go to the Chevy Chase subway, the collapsed road tunnel, the DuPont station and go to the Museum station and rise to the surface from it.

The museum is not far from the station. Get to the lunar rover in the museum and go to the Washington Monument. There are many super mutants in the museum. The Washington Monument is tall and you can see it right away, go to it and place a plate on top and return to Three Dog. He will tell you that your father was going to go to Rivet City, to get to it you need to walk along the riverbed, while you go there you can collect radiation in the river for Moira’s experiments. After you go to her during irradiation, you will regenerate damage.

And she will give the next task - to go to the city of ghosts, it is mined and you need to get to its center. In the meantime, let's go to Rivet City to see Dr. Lee. She's in the science lab, go through the left door and go up to the 1st floor. She will tell you what she and her father did.

Head to Vault 112, put on your jumpsuit and sit in the virtual reality device. In an abandoned house, you need to activate the control panel; to do this, click on the objects in the hall in the following sequence: receiver, jug, gnome, jug, cinder block, gnome, bottle.

A terminal will open, where you can activate the “Chinese Invasion”, and then talk to Betty and she will release you, or you can complete Betty’s tasks. After leaving virtual reality, talk to your father. I went straight with him to Rivet City.

He will talk to Lee in the laboratory and go to the Jefferson Museum, Project Purity is based there, follow him. Clear the museum building so that scientists can enter. Escort your father to the Memorial Rotunda and turn on the pumps. Install the fuses your father gives you and turn on the computer. Then go clear the blockage in the pipe, while you are fiddling with it, the Enclave will attack the control center, hoping to take possession of the installation, but Jimmy will kill them along with him. Grab Dr. Lee and make your way through the secret tunnel to the Brotherhood Citadel. To continue the “Purity” project, you need a GEKK device, Rothschild will help you find it, he is in the laboratory and will send you to Ring A to rummage through the computer. You will find the GECK in Vault 87, return to Rothschild and he will point it out on the map. Before going to the shelter, learn how to use power armor, for this you need to ask permission.

You can’t just enter shelter 87, there is deadly radiation at the entrance. But you can find the entrance in the Lamplight Caves. The entrance to the caves south of shelter 87, under the hill on which there is a water tower. The entrance to the shelter is located behind the children's town of Little Lampite. At the entrance you will be greeted by an evil boy, I went through him using the “Eternal Child” skill, he gives unique lines in dialogues with children. If you do not have such a skill, then you will have to please the boy in other ways. You can also get a laser rifle for free in the large hall if you have the “Eternal Child” skill.

Talk to the mayor so that he will open the door to the murderous passage. Go to the reactor compartment, from there to the living quarters. Go upstairs to the “Experimental Laboratories”, follow the right corridor to the end, there will be a computer behind the right door, hack it and you will release the super mutant Fox. He will guide you to the GEKK and bring it from a place with deadly radiation.

When you leave, soldiers from the Enclave will catch you and torture you in every possible way, demanding a code. You can't speak the code, otherwise you will be killed. The President of the Enclave will let you go and tell you to go to his office, but while you are going, the colonel will cancel his decision. Go up to the second level, at the end of the corridor that leads to the stairs to the hall, on the left you will find the “Energy Baby Doll”. Go up to the hall, there is the entrance to the Control Hall.

There are a lot of weapons, ammunition and medicine scattered throughout the premises, they are usually covered with power armor, which is disabled from the terminals. Having reached the president, you learn that the Enclave is controlled by a crazy computer. Take the test tube with the virus and get out of here. Just before the exit you will find a Tesla laser. And when you leave the building, you will see Fox, he came to save you, now you can take him with you. You can carry a whole bunch of stuff on it, and it works well with its Tesla laser. Move to the Citadel and talk to Lyons in the laboratory, she will give you new power armor. When you're ready to go take over Project Purity, tell Lyons. Robot Price will cover you, he will take you to the Memorial, and there you will have to make your way to the control room yourself. This is the final scene, you must decide what to do with the virus and who will sacrifice their lives to save the installation. To start the "Clean" installation, enter code 216.

Fallout 3 quest descriptions

The first quests you should complete are talking to Moriarty. Moriarty will ask for 100 caps or to collect the debt from Silver in Springvale, she is not far from shelter 101. You can get 300 caps from her. You can also defuse a bomb in the city center for 100 credits and housing. To do this, go to the sheriff.

Blood Ties

In Moriarty's salon, Lucy will ask you to deliver a letter to her family living in Arefu. When you get there, it turns out that her parents were killed and her brother was kidnapped by the Family - a group of bandits. In Sheriff Arefu's house there is a baby doll on the table. The entrance to the Semya shelter at the Seneca station, it is in the northeast of Arefu, you can buy an ultra-screw there from Google if you have sugar bombs.

The entrance is in the room with Google, Ian West, Lucy's brother is sitting in the room, to access it you need a password, if you have developed eloquence or the ability of “arbiter” or “wife killer”, then you will get this password without any problems. Give the letter to West. After talking with West Vance, the leader of the Family will give you a Shish-Kebab, this is a diagram of a weapon that can be assembled using a workbench.

Wasteland Survival Guide

Visit Moira Brown at the Crater Store and help her create a survival guide.

Go to the supermarket, you need to get food and medicine there. The pharmacy key is in a drawer on the counter.

There are several armed raiders in the supermarket. The next section of the book is radioactive contamination. Stand in a radioactive place, for example
in the river or whatever, drink from the toilet :) and return to Moira. The third section is anti-personnel mines. Go to the minefield and return to Moira.

Behind the Gibsons' house there is a lawn mower, from there you can take out the blade, it is needed for Shish Kebab. And in houses, if you climb around the ovens, you can find the fuse. Additionally, you can bring her an anti-personnel mine
To do this, you need to approach the mine and quickly press it so that it does not have time to explode. Next to the playground, which you need to walk to, there are ruins of a house. Arkansas is sitting on it, he has a sniper rifle and house keys. The houses have a couple of books to read and some ammo.

The next chapter of the book is devoted to animals. Moira will give you the recipient, go with him to the city sewers, they are next to Dukov’s home. Collect more cat-rats, preferably 7 pieces, and try the receptive. First you need to disable the turret system in the terminal and kill the raiders, otherwise they will kill all the catrats.

The next section is about the swampers, you need to install an observer in their lair. Their lair is at the Anorridge Memorial. There is a tunnel in the administrative premises, follow there and find a clutch of swampers there, you can install an observer in it. At the same time, you cannot kill a single swamp. There you can quickly exit through the passage under water or immediately enter through it. Outside, it is in the river south of the entrance to the memorial. There is a safe in the memorial (also in the administrative premises) where if you hack the terminal you can take a 44 caliber magnum with a telescopic sight.

Downstairs in the “service entrance” there is a storage room for some chemicals and a cache club, it is located in one of the refrigerators. The cache contains 260 lids and a recipe for swamp pie.

Now you need to receive damage less than 50% of your life and the injury ends with this, Chapter 2 of the book. The third chapter begins with the task of learning the history of Rivet City from local residents.

Vera Witherly on the upper deck will tell you a little, and by asking Seagreve Holmes in the market, you will complete an additional task. In the Rivet City arsenal there is a weapon scheme "Rocket". And on the deck where the planes are located, but on the other side you can find a gas tank from a motorcycle, there is also a ball, a baseball glove and a bat lying nearby.

Developer: Bethesda Softworks
Foreign publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Publisher in Russia: 1C
System requirements:
P4-2.4, 1GB RAM, 256 MB 3D Card
Intel Core 2 Duo, 2GB RAM, 512 MB 3D Card
Genre: RPG
Rating: 8.0

Vault 101

You were born. At this point you will be asked to select your character's gender and name. When you are one year old, your father will teach you to walk. When he leaves, go to the chest, climb onto the chair and take the toy out of the chest, and then put it back. After that, read the book that is on the floor. In it you need to set free points in those skills that you find useful. I chose health, agility, strength, understanding and luck - in my opinion, this is the most optimal choice.

When you turn ten years old, your father will throw a party for you on your birthday. The caretaker will give you a wrist personal computer "Pip-Boy" - study it, then talk with Amata, and then with the other guests who will be in the compartment. When you talk to Butch, you can behave in two ways: hostile or friendly. After talking to all the guests, talk to Amata again. Next, your father will get up and go to the intercom located on the wall. After talking with someone, he will tell you that a surprise has been prepared for you in the reactor compartment and will open the door for you.

Once in the corridor, talk to the woman who also came to congratulate you. Next, go along the corridor to the right and look at the signs, with their help you will get to the reactor compartment. Jonas will meet you there and ask you to wait for your father to appear. When dad comes, he will tell you that he and Jonas found and repaired an air gun, which they will give to you. Next, follow your father through the opened door. After your father stops and says you need to thank Jonas, turn around and tell him thank you. Then go along the corridor to the shooting range.

Open the Pip-Boy and equip the gun, then hit three targets. When this is done, use the pneumatic gun to kill the radroach that appears. After defeating the insect, go to your father and stand next to him to take a photo as a souvenir.

At sixteen you have to take an exam. But before that, talk to your father about the GOAT and your mother.

The future is in the fog

After talking with your father, leave his office, go through the room into the corridor and turn right. To the left of the classroom you will see Butch's gang harassing Amata. Approach the girl and ask what is happening. Next, talk to Butch and challenge him to a duel - the whole gang will attack you. Get into a fight and use the space in the corridor to maneuver - you will receive one to karma. When the fight is over, approach Amata and talk to her again.

Go to class. There you will be met by Mr. Brotch, who will offer you to take the exam. After you answer ten questions, you need to turn in your paper to Brotch. The examiner will announce the results of your test - the name of the specialization, but if you state that you did not like the exam result, Brutsch will ask you to select the necessary skills yourself in the window that appears. I chose hacking, medicine and light weapons. Your choice may vary. Next, leave the class.

On the morning of your nineteenth birthday, you will be awakened by an excited Amata. She will tell you that your father has escaped from the shelter. Find out the details from her, and then accept her help in escaping. From Amata you will receive hairpins with which you can open the door to the Overseer's office. At the end of the conversation, you will receive a pistol from the girl. When Amata leaves, take the air rifle, bullets for it and a baseball bat from the table. Leave the room.

The escape!

Going out into the corridor, attack the security officer. When he is defeated, search the corpse and take his suit, helmet and baton. Equip a suit and helmet to improve your armor rating. Next, go left along the corridor. Before entering the side tunnel, you will meet Butch, who will ask you to save his mother. You have a lot of options here - I gave him my air rifle and continued into the side tunnel.

The first door on the right is the room where you celebrated your birthday when you were ten years old. Inside you will find three radroaches and the corpse of a granny. After clearing the room, return to the corridor and go up the stairs to the Atrium. Next, go along the corridor to the right - you will see how the robot will destroy the cockroaches and the security officer. Open the door and go through it.

As you exit into the large hall, you will see two shelter residents run into the corridor and be killed by the guards. You will have to arm yourself with a pistol and fight the guards. When a guard comes under your sight, press the V button to turn on the automatic aiming mode - a very convenient thing, by the way. After killing the guards, search them to pick up the ammo. Then return to the hall and go through the door on the left. Behind it, a couple of cockroaches and a guard with a baton will be waiting for you.
After going up the stairs, go along the corridor to the left. Exit to the second level of the hall. Walk straight along it, cross the technical room and exit into the second corridor. There is a room in which the Overseer and his guard interrogate Amata. Walk past the room along the corridor and go into the office on the right. There you will find dead Jonas - his father's friend. After searching it, you will find news from dad, which you can listen to in the Pip-Boy. Next, search the tables, and then open the door on the right using the hairpins that Amata gave you.

Once inside the caretaker's office, search the cabinets - you will find the password to the caretaker's terminal (Amata) and many useful little things. Next, use the terminal, open the caretaker's tunnel and return to the room where Amata is being interrogated. Kill the security officer, and then talk to the Overseer, then contact Amata.

Next, return to the Overseer’s office, go down into the tunnel and follow it to the shelter door. Use the door remote control to open it. When this is done, Amata will appear, you can say goodbye to her. After this, all you have to do is kill the guards that appear and leave the shelter.

Track after track

After leaving the shelter, distribute skill points and additional skills that will appear to you when you receive the second character level. Next, follow the directions of the compass and marker to get to a town called Megaton.

After passing the fence, you will meet Lucas Simms, the sheriff and mayor of the city. Talk to him. Ask him about your father, and then talk about what and where it is. Next, ask about the atomic bomb and say that they could defuse it. You can bargain for 100 caps for the work. Next, say that you will need help in return for your help, and you can find out that a stranger has appeared in the city who fits the description of your dad. You can get more detailed information from the bar owner, Colin Moriarty. Go down the path, turn right and go up. Next, turn left and go further up to find yourself at the door of Moriarty's saloon.

Once inside, chat with Kharya and the prostitute working in the saloon. You can ask them about their father. Next, go outside and meet Moriarty. Talk to him. He will tell you that he knew your father, that you were not born in a shelter, and much more that is difficult to believe. You can try to lie and say that your father often remembered Moriarty. I managed to lie - I found out that my father had gone to the ruins of Washington, where the Galaxy News radio station is located.

Blood Ties

Enter the saloon and talk to Lucy West, who is sitting at the table on the right. She will ask you to take the letter to her parents, who live in a village in the middle of the wasteland. Agree to do the work, since the village is nearby - find it on the map and take a walk there. When you reach the village, you will be greeted by Evan King. He will tell you that the village is being attacked by the Family, a gang of hooligans, and that he is trying to protect the village. Offer him your help. Help will be accepted, and King will give you the task of checking if everything is okay with the residents of Arefu. There are only four houses in the village, so you can quickly explore all the rooms except Evan’s house. When you enter the West shack, you will find only corpses. Examine the corpse of the head of the family and return to King.

Tell Evan what you saw in the shack. At the end of your story, King will ask you to find West's son. Ask the man where you can find the Family. He will mark three points on your map: Moonbeam Cinema, Hamilton's Cache, Seneca Station.

When you arrive at the station, go to the grocery store. There you will find a floor safe, which is locked with a simple lock. Inside you will find ammo, a Chinese pistol, a 10mm pistol and some money.

In Clayton's hiding place, turn right at the first intersection and go into the room. There on the wall you will find a first aid box containing stimulants and a blood pack. There is nothing in the back room except garbage and tools. Returning to the intersection, go first right, then left. At the fork, turn right into the room, search the dead raider, take the first aid kit from the table, and then open the door. A pair of radscorpions will come running towards you from the depths of the corridor - kill them and go out into the corridor. Search the rooms in the corridor. Apart from the corpses of local residents and living radscorpions, you will not find anything, but wandering through the tunnels will allow you to acquire the third character level. You can distribute skill points as you wish, but you must bring the Science skill level to 25.

After leaving Clayton's hiding place, return to the station and go to the grocery store. Use the computer. When prompted for a password, select the word SECTION, after which you will be able to open the lock - at least this was the case for me, although all passwords in the game, except the last one, are randomly generated. Next, go outside and go down the stairs to the metro station.

Once downstairs, go through the door to find yourself in the room of Murphy, a mutant who is chasing a chemical drug. After talking with him, you can take on a quest to find “sugar mines,” which are one of the ingredients of the drug. I had some of these with me and sold them to Murphy for 15 caps apiece. You can also learn about where to look for Family. Next, go to the second room. On one of the shelves you will find a box with anti-personnel mines - take a couple of them with you, they will be useful to you in the near future. From there, go into the next room, open the door, lift the hatch cover and go down.

Run through the tunnel, shooting a couple of mutants. When you rise from the tunnel, try to do it quickly so as not to get hit by a grenade. Next, go left behind the subway car sticking out of the side passage. While moving, watch your step, as the entire area is covered with tripwires. After going through the side tunnel, you will reach the entrance to the location where the Family lives. Before entering the gang territory, talk to Robert, he will meet you at the gate. Tell him that you have a letter from Lucy West to her brother.

Having opened the gate, go forward. You can steal an assault rifle from the table (I did so), ammo for it and fuel for the flamethrower from another table. Next, go left along the tunnel, and then go up to the door leading to Meresti station.

Go right into the station. There, talk to Justin. Unfortunately, you won't know from him where Ian West is. Go up the escalator and talk to Vance. From him you will learn that his gang are vampires. The leader will also say that Ian himself destroyed his family. Having learned that you have a letter from Ian's sister with you, Vance will refuse to tell you where the young man is, but the password to the main Family terminal will appear in your Pip-Boy. Go downstairs.

Go to the left wall. There is a computer on the table from which you can find out the five laws of the Family, Vance’s opinion about the incident in Aref and the gang’s hunting grounds. After that, go upstairs to where Vance stood, there you will find his wife. Talk to her about Ian and ask her to talk about the Family. Next, go left along the tunnel and go through the open door on the left to find yourself in Vance's room. Talk to him - tell him that you think the Family are vampires, or rather, Vance is brainwashing the newcomers and forcing them to become vampires. Next, you need to notice that you have begun to understand the Family better. Ask Vance to allow you to see Ian - you will receive the password to the restricted area. Leave the room and go through the locked door on the left. To the right of her there is a computer that you can use to enter the restricted area.

You will find Ian in the room. Talk to him and give him the letter from Lucy - the guy will decide to return to the outside world. He will ask you to inform Vance about this. Go to where you first met the head of the Family. Start the conversation by saying that you would like to clarify the situation with Arefa. Tell them that vampires can also feed on donor blood. After you receive the answer, offer Vance a way out of the situation - the vampires will guard Arefu, and the residents will give them donor blood. The main vampire will like this arrangement, and he will agree with you. Now you will need to return along the old road to the fork in the tunnels and turn left. Follow the tunnel to the end and enter the small room on the left. From there you can go outside - a new location will open to you, “Mereshti Depot”.

A study of the depot showed that there was nothing useful there. So go to Arefa and talk to Evan. This concludes your mission.

Wasteland Survival Guide

Back in Megaton, go to the On the Crater store. Talk to his owner and take a task from her - to walk to the "Minefield" location, from where you need to bring anti-personnel mines and where your goal is to reach the playground. The closest point from where you can go to the Minefield is the Mereshti depot, but first go to Clayton's cache.

Once at the cache, go to the destroyed pier. There are boxes of ammunition for a machine gun lying around next to the boat, take them if you need them. Next, go up the path that goes up from the pier - you will find a new location "Outdoor Cinema". There you will need to deal with two super mutants who are armed with a hunting rifle and a minigun. After defeating the mutants, you can take their weapons. At this moment my character received the fourth level. From the area where the tables are located, go forward and left to the broken truck. In its body you will find metal boxes containing a lot of useful things. Having finished examining the boxes, open the Pip-Boy and move to the Mereshti depot, and from there to the minefield.

Once in the desired location, go into the house on the left. On the first floor you will find a dead raider, but on the second floor in the bedroom you will find a safe and a bed on which you can rest and gain strength.

When you leave the house, walk forward a little. Watch your step to avoid stepping on a mine. After the sniper starts shooting at you, go to the right and move along the edge of the settlement to a destroyed high-rise building. Go around this house and climb up the hill. From there you can destroy the sniper holed up in the destroyed high-rise building. Next, go to the ruins and go down to the playground. Now all you have to do is get to the carousel located in the center of the site, and then use the Pip-Boy to return to Megaton.

After entering the store, talk to Moira about the mines and about walking into the minefield. The girl will thank you with four fragmentation grenades and immediately offer you a couple of jobs to choose from. I chose a trip to Supermart because it promises more profit than the possibility of being irradiated for nothing.

Once outside the city gates, place a marker in the Pip-Boy and move strictly according to the course on the compass. When you reach the Supermart, go around it on the left side and go inside the building through the door located around the corner.

Walk along the left wall to the far corner. From there, step forward to reach the far wall. As you move, you will have to shoot back at the raiders guarding the building, but the enemy is poorly armed and dealing with him will not be difficult. When you reach the far wall, go to the left corner. There is a door there with a computer next to it. Try to hack it - it didn't work for me, so I went to the right behind the counter. There are iron boxes on the counter near the wall. In one of them you will find the key to the Supermart pharmacy. The pharmacy is located just behind the door that I just broke into. Inside the pharmacy room, examine all the boxes, collect all the medicines, and then go out into the main hall. Now from where you are you need to get to the room located in the far left corner. How you get there is up to you; anyway, you will have to get rid of all the raiders in the hall. Having reached the desired room, collect everything you find there, and then go outside and return to Megaton.

Talk to Moira about Supermart, and then take on the last job, that is, get a dose of radiation. Go to the metro station, where you met a ghoul who is driving a propeller. You need to go into a room with a hatch leading to the underground. Stand next to the leaking barrel to expose yourself to radiation. Hold out until 7 rad/sec, and then return to Megaton to Moira. The girl will cure you, give you stimulants, finish the first chapter of the book and be pleased with herself. Your character must reach level five. Well, it's time to return to the main plot line - the search for my father.

Track after track

Go to the Supermart location. From there you will be closer to the Galaxy News radio station.

At the Supermart site, you will encounter Brian Wilkis, a boy who is running from some kind of threat. After questioning him, you learn that huge ants are attacking his village. Brian will ask you to find his father, who has disappeared to an unknown location. You will also learn from the boy that ants are practically impenetrable, and you can fight them by shooting at the “antennas” (the mustaches sticking out of the head). At the end of the conversation, a new point will appear on your map - Graydich, if you agree to find Brian's father.


Open the Pip-Boy, place a marker on Grayditch and follow there. When you enter the city, cross the street at the place where the fire is burning. Next, turn right and go into the first house on the right hand, there you will find Brian's dead father. Next, go outside and go right to the diner. To her right is a metal container in which a boy is hiding. Tell him that his father has been killed. Promise Brian that you will take care of him.

Turn around 180 degrees. Go forward along the street, killing the ants. At the end of the street, turn left and you will reach the metro station. After going down, go out onto the station platform. From there, go left into the tunnel - after following it to the end, turn into the side tunnel on the right. Follow it to a side passage, again located on the right side. There you will find Brasco's corpse, search it. Exit into the second tunnel and follow it to the left. At the end of the tunnel, go through the door on the left - you will find yourself in Dr. Lesko's laboratory. From him you will learn about the experiment and how you can stop the ant invasion. Make sure that your work is paid, and then agree to destroy the five queen ant guards.

Go to the doctor's laboratory and leave it through the door on the left, you will find yourself in a tunnel. From there, go down to the queen's lair. Your task is to go through the tunnel to the lair and kill five guard ants. Next, return to Dr. Lesko for your reward, and then go back to the boy named Brian.

In a conversation with a boy, you can promise him that you will find a home for him, or you can simply say goodbye to him and go about your business. If you decide to help Brian, you will need to look for a house for him in Rivet City, since his aunt named Vera lives there. By the way, the location of Rivet City will appear on your global map.

Track after track

Open the Pip-Boy and place a marker on the Galaxy News Building point - follow the cursor. After crossing the river in the area of ​​​​the destroyed bridge, you will reach the Farragut West metro station. From there, go left - there is, in general, only one road. under the viaduct, destroy the raiders and super mutants, then get over the rubble and go through the gap between the wall and the house. When you enter the square, kill the mutant and free the prisoner. Then you should go up the road - you will reach the Friendship Heights location. There, near the entrance. There is a raider camp in the metro. They need to be destroyed, after which you can go down to the metro.

Once at the bottom, kill the ghouls that will come out of the door on the right. When you clear the room, go to the back room. It contains a safe in which you can find a stealth boy if your Hacking skill level has reached 50. The stealth boy is convenient in cases when you need to hide from someone.

Next, go out into the main corridor and walk along it to the platform, destroying wild ghouls. When you go down to the train tracks, go into the tunnel located in the far left corner. After following it to the end, turn into the next tunnel, which will take you to the Chevy Chase station. If you go through the door on the right, you will find yourself in a corridor for technical personnel, along which you will exit to the Farragut West station.
When you come out into the fresh air, engage in battle with the super mutants holed up in the ruins on the right. During the battle, note that the mutants are being fired at from one more point. Having won the local battle, go to where the mutants were shot from - in the ruins you will meet guard Lyons - a girl from the Brotherhood of Steel who guards the approaches to the Galaxy News building. After finishing the conversation, go after Lyons. She will lead you to the desired building, but before that you will have to help the Brotherhood clear the territory of super mutants. Once in the square in front of the radio station building, you will be attacked by a mutant hippopotamus. This is a huge monster that is not so easy to destroy. At this point, you will receive the task of picking up "Fat Man" from a fallen soldier. You will probably find the corpse of a Brotherhood knight near the destroyed fountain in the center of the square. "Fat Man" is a heavy grenade launcher that fires nuclear charges, it will be very helpful in the fight against this mutant. When the monster is destroyed, search it, you will find a lot of useful things, and then talk to Lyons. She will say that you can now go inside the building.

Once inside the building, go up the stairs to the second floor and go through the door in the center. From there, go up to the third floor, you will meet Threedog, with whom you need to talk. In conversation, ask questions about your father. When the radio station DJ starts talking about returning help, agree to do him a favor. Three Dog will ask you to replace the repeater located on the Washington Monument. To do this you will need a dish from the lunar rover in the Polytechnic Museum.

Find the Polytechnic Museum

Go down to the second floor, go through the door on the right and take the stairs to the street. Next, cross the bridge and go down to the Dupont metro station. As soon as you find yourself in the hall, a couple of super mutants will attack you. After getting rid of them, go forward along the corridor and go through the door on the left. Along the technical corridor you will exit into a tunnel guarded by raiders. Having killed the guards, go left, go up the stairs and go out into the corridor. There, kill the raider, go to the end of the corridor and go into the cave, guarded by five raiders and a pair of automatic turrets located on the ceiling. When the danger is eliminated, go down. Go to the doors located in the depths of the cave. Having exited the tunnel, walk along it to the end, but at the same time watch your step - the tunnel is mined. Next, you will need to go through the door at the end of the tunnel and get into the metro center. From there, go outside and you'll end up on Pennsylvania Avenue.

In the fresh air, three super mutants will be waiting for you, stomping around behind the subway exit near a broken cafe. By the way, inside the room you can find several boxes with ammunition and fragmentation grenades. When the mutants are finished, go left along the street from the cafe until you reach the middle of the house on the left side. Go down to the semi-basement, there you will find a marauder, from whom you can repair weapons and equipment, as well as buy or sell something.

Returning to the metro, go out onto the street and follow it to the right to the Brotherhood of Steel checkpoint. To the left behind it is a hotel where you can sleep if you need to improve your health and there are no stimulants. The Pennsylvania Avenue NW subway station is located behind the hotel. Going down, you can go through the underground passage and exit to the Georgetown location.

At the exit from the passage, be prepared to repel the attack of two super mutants who are located to the left of the stairs. They guard the entrance to the Hall Maison-Beauregard building. If you go inside the building, you can destroy a couple of mutants who are guarding the interior. This will allow you to get hold of shots for the grenade launcher and "Fat Man", as well as stimulants that are on the billiard table.

From the metro, go left along the street. At the intersection, turn left again and go down into the pit. There is a door there through which you can get into the subway. The station is a gateway; after passing through it, you will exit at the "Mall North-West" location. From there you need to go left. This will take you to the Washington Monument. You will be able to climb to the top platform of the monument, since you have the password to the terminal. There is a bed on the site where you can sleep and restore your health. The Polytechnic Museum is located a little further. To get to it, you will need to cross a field that will be guarded by super mutants. The best way to get to the museum is at night and along the right side of the field. While I was walking, no one met me.

After entering the museum, kill a couple of mutants on the first floor. Next, go up to the second floor and go into the far corridor. Go through the shelter exhibition to the far part of the balcony, where the entrance to the western wing of the museum is located. Once inside, go down to the first floor and go through the door on the right. You will find yourself in a round hall. Go left into the niche. There is a door there, locked with a moderately complex lock. Behind it is a corridor, following which you will run into another door. In front of it, arm yourself with something more impressive, since in the room behind the door there are two mutant masters. In this room there is a lunar rover, on which hangs the plate you need. Actually, you can explore all the premises of the museum, but this is at your discretion.

Back at the top of the Washington Monument, use the Galaxy News repeater to set up the dish, then return to the radio station building and talk to Threedog about your father.

The pursuit

Get to Rivet City

Go to the Farragout West Subway location. From the station, walk forward along the embankment. When you reach the place where there are broken trucks on the left near the ruins, you can go behind them. There is a small camp there, captured by a mutant master, he is resting inside a tent. There is a prisoner in the tent with him, freeing whom you will receive +1 to karma. After searching the tent and trucks, you can get hold of medicine and ammunition.

When you reach the end of the embankment, turn onto the left street. On your right hand will be the house where Dukov lives. In it you can take on an additional task if you talk to a girl named Cherry. You need to have a sufficient level of eloquence to convince her to come with you.

There is only one road to Rivet City, you can’t get lost. On your way you will encounter a couple of checkpoints, one of which is manned by raiders, and the other by super mutants.

When you find yourself on the Rivet City site, use the intercom mounted on the pole - a ladder will extend along which you can go to the city. At the entrance you will be stopped by Harkness, a security guard, after talking with whom you can find out where Dr. Lee's laboratory is located.

Go through the door located on the left. Once inside, go through the left door again. Next, go straight along the corridor to the second intersection - there to the right. Then go to the second intersection and turn left - go through it to the end and enter the door to find yourself in Dr. Lee's science laboratory. After talking with the woman, you will find out where your father went, as well as what the “Purity” project is. Also in the laboratory you can talk with Dr. Zipper and take from him an additional task to find the android. The task can be completed in two ways - which one you choose is up to you. You can also receive a task from Washington, the museum caretaker. He will ask you to bring him the US Declaration of Independence.

Find father in the control room of the Chistota complex

From Rivet City, go to the Jefferson Memorial location. When you get there, be prepared to fight the super mutants that are guarding the building. Next, walk forward along the metal walkways, go down to the ground and go inside the building through the side entrance from the river.

Once in the corridor, kill the centaur and approach the intersection. The room on the right will be guarded by an automatic turret, and the corridor in this place will be shot through. Having dealt with the turret, go into the room and proceed through it to the next room. There, go along the right wall to the door on the far side of the room. While you go there, you will meet a couple of super mutants.

After passing through the door to the basement, go down and go into the corridor on the right. To the left along the corridor there is a small room where a mutant is waiting for you. After killing him, be prepared for five more to come running from the depths of the corridor. When you've dealt with them, go down the corridor. After you pass through the sleeping area and enter the corridor, turn left at the intersection, and then go into the room on the right. There on the table you will find your father's recordings about the Purity Project, which you need to listen to. Next, return to the gift shop.

From the door, go right to the next door, behind which there is a gateway. There, kill a couple of mutants and go up the stairs on the right. After going inside the cabin, pick up your father's notes lying on the window opposite the stairs. In your hands you will find records with numbers 5, 8, 10. From these records you will learn that your father went to shelter No. 112. Leave the museum on the street and go look for him.

Get to shelter 112

Your Pip-Boy will already have a marker placed in the square where the shelter is supposed to be located. The most convenient way is to quickly move to the “Greydich” location and start the search from there, following the sign. One way or another, you will soon reach the Casey Smith Garage location.

The entrance to the building is on the left side. Once inside, go to the right behind the bar, shoot the mole rats and cockroaches and activate the switch located on the wall to the left of the entrance - the entrance to the basement will open. From there, several more mole rats will jump out to meet you. Once you go down to the basement, you will find yourself at the entrance to Vault 112.

When you pass through the door, take a few steps to the left of the control panel, open the door and walk along the corridor into the room where you will be greeted by a robotic brain. He will give you a shelter jumpsuit and tell you where to go.

Go through the door on the right. Once out into the corridor, follow it to the left to the end, and then open the next door. You will find yourself in the hall where the Tranquility sun loungers are located. You need to take the one next to which the robotic brain is standing.


Once in virtual reality, talk to Betty, the girl on the playground. She will ask you to bring the boy who sells lemonade nearby to tears. Go to the boy and talk to him. Next, find Henderson's house on the square. On the first floor of the house in the room behind the stairs you will find a terminal. You won't be able to activate it, but when you return to the hallway, you'll meet Old Lady Deezers. The old woman will tell you that everything here is not real. You will also learn that there is a safety switch in an abandoned house.

Go outside. Go right. You need a second house along the way, but when you search it, you won't find anything that looks like a switch. However, there are several things in the hallway that can be activated: a broken radio, a pitcher on the table, a garden gnome, a cinder block, a cola bottle. At the same time, a sound will be heard - this is a mystery. You need to create a melody by clicking on things in a certain order. The order is: radio, jug, gnome, jug, block, gnome, bottle. After this, the additional control terminal will come into operation. Once you open it, activate the Chinese Invasion program, then return to the playground and talk to Betty. At the end of the conversation, go out the door.

After you talk to your father, leave the shelter and return to the Rivet City laboratory. When you go outside, open your Pip-Boy. On the global map you will see two routes. One leads to Rivet City, and the second into the unknown. Ignore the second route, make the jump to Rivet City and visit the science laboratory there.

Living water

After Father talks with Dr. Lee, go to the Jefferson Memorial in the hall where the airlock control panel is installed. There, talk to your father. He will send you to turn on the pumps to pump out the water.

Go down to the basement of the memorial. When you pass the security room, turn left and go to the end of the corridor. There on the wall you will find a switch that you need to activate. Next, return to your father, get fuses from him and return to the basement. Now, after passing the security room, turn right and go through the room into the next room. There on the wall on the right you will find a panel into which you need to insert the missing fuses. Once you've done this, come back. After passing the security room, go up the stairs, and then go right behind the bars of the fence. There is a door leading to the hall where the supercomputer is located. After turning it on, use the intercom on the wall to the left.

Having received the task from your father, exit the basement, go right and exit into the first corridor from the entrance to the memorial. There, turn right and go to the end of the corridor. Once you open the grate, you will find yourself in a pipe. Follow it to the place where the pipe is broken, there you will need to turn the valve. After this, you will see soldiers arrive by helicopter. Next, the grate in front will open, and you can get into the next sector of the pipeline. This will take you to the basement of the memorial. From there you need to return to the control room where you last saw your father, but you will have to fight your way there.

When you get to the control room, it turns out that your father has been captured by people from the Enclave. He will refuse to cooperate with them and would prefer to die. Next, you should run after Dr. Lee into the old tunnels. Follow them to reach the door, which the doctor will open. Behind it lies another tunnel, in which wild ghouls will attack you. Near the next door, the doctor will ask you to stop. One of your companions will have a heart attack. At this point, you will need to choose - either to persuade Lee to leave the patient, or to give five stimulants to treat a fellow traveler. After that, open the door and go through it.

Once at the top, Dr. Lee will approach the citadel gates and call Lyons over the intercom, who will open the gates for you.

In the footsteps

At the end of the conversation between Lee and Elder Lyons, follow Lee to the door leading to the laboratory. After passing through it, go down and talk to the Brotherhood of Steel scribe named Rothschild. After this, you will find out where the pre-war Vol-Tek computer is located. Approach the elder who descended into the laboratory and talk to him. From him you will learn where you can learn to wear power armor - the paladin Gunny, who is in the courtyard, can teach you, when he receives the appropriate permission from Laoines. You will also find out where to hand over the found tokens of the brotherhood fighters.

Climb the stairs and go forward to the corner. There is a corridor at the end of which there is a door leading to ring "A" of the citadel. When you exit into the corridor, go right until the corridor turns and go through the open archive door. The Vol-Tek terminal will be located directly opposite the entrance. After opening it, read the information about the 87th shelter. Now you need to go back upstairs to Scribe Rothschild and ask him about Vault No. 87.

The scribe will tell you where the shelters he knows are located. He will also tell you that you can get to shelter No. 87 through the caves, but he does not know where the entrance to the caves themselves is. Having received answers to your questions, go to the courtyard and find Paladin Gunny there. He will teach you how to wear power armor. After this, leave the Citadel through the central gate.

Open the Pip-Boy and look at the global map. On it you will see a marker that stands in the place where you need to get. Go there. When you pass by your home shelter, you can listen to its emergency frequency and find out that bad things are happening in your former home. If you want, you can come back and clean up the house, or you can move past - it’s up to you.

When you arrive at Little Lamplight - the location marked on the map - go through the door located in the mountain. After passing through the tunnel, you will find yourself at the entrance to the city of children. The local mayor will not let you into the city until you save the children who fell into the hands of slave traders from Paradise Falls.

Rescue from Paradise

Arriving at the slaver camp, talk to the Grumpy, who is guarding the entrance. The guard will not want to let you into the territory. Here you can do two things: unsheath your weapon and fight to enter Paradise, or take a task from Grumpy to capture slaves - you will receive a list of desired candidates for slaves. I chose the first method, shot Grumpy and the second guard, and then walked along the road to the main gate.

At the gate you need to shoot another slave trader named Sorokovnik. After searching it, you will find the key to the punishment cell where the slaves are kept. Next, check the area to the left of the gate. There you will find the boy who escaped from Paradise. After talking with him, go through the gate and take a position behind the billboard. From there it will be most convenient for you to attack the enemy, who will resort to the gate. When the area near the gate is cleared, look into the building on the right. You will probably be interested in visiting the local hospital, which is located behind the second door. After killing the local doctor, you will get the key to the first aid kit on the table. A large amount of medicine is stored inside.

Once outside, go to the building opposite. There is a weapons shop there, guarded by two slave traders. After destroying the guards, search the boxes - they contain a lot of ammunition. Next, go to the two-story building. The area in front of him will be well covered, so choose cover in such a way that you can fire back at the enemy near the fence. When the slave traders on the street are finished, go inside the two-story house to destroy the leader. After that, go left from the house to the lattice fence. There are pens for slaves.

After talking with Squirrel, leave Paradise Falls along the same road that brought you here. At the checkpoint you will meet children who were freed from slavery - talk to them to complete the task.

In the footsteps

Return to Little Laplight and talk to the mayor. Then go through the opened gate. From there, go forward along the tunnel, turn left at the fork to exit into the dining room, and from there into the large hall where the children live. Actually, you need to talk to McGready again to get his permission to go through the murderous passage or find out from him about the second passage, which is locked. In order to get to the second passage, you will need to find a boy named Joseph who can turn on the terminal. In my case, the password was Uncovers.

Quest for the Tabernacles of Eden

Exit the reactor room into the laboratory. From there you can exit into the corridor. Move along it, turn left at the fork - you will find yourself in a room where you will come across radcockroaches. From there you need to go out into the next corridor, where you will have to fight super mutants. At the end of the battle, go along the corridor to the living quarters.

After going upstairs, kill a couple of mutants, and then go to the right of the entrance. You will find yourself in a corridor that you need to follow to the end. Kill a couple more super mutants. At the end of the corridor, go left. In a two-level room you will be met by two more mutants - deal with them, and then go into the adjacent corridor and go right and up the stairs. Next, you have to walk along the corridor, which is guarded by three mutants, to the entrance to the experimental laboratory.

Once you enter the corridor, go into the room on the right. She will be guarded by a super mutant. When you destroy it, take a position opposite the door, from here it will be very convenient for you to hold the defense. After destroying the enemy, search the room and return to the corridor. Follow it to the medical staff room on the right. There you can use the computer and read notes about the experiments, and you will also find a first aid kit with stimulants and medications.

Returning to the corridor, go a little forward - you will hear a voice calling you. Approach the camera on the left and turn on the intercom to communicate with the mutant who is sitting in the room. From him you will learn where the GECK is and how to get it. To do this, you need to release Fox, the mutant with whom you are talking, from the room. Go right to the end of the corridor. In the room with the generators, shoot a couple of mutants, and then activate the fire alarm console. Return to the corridor, shoot all the mutants there and go to Fox.

After talking with the mutant, follow him to the chambers where the GECK is stored. While you walk along the corridors, help Fox destroy the opponents you meet along the way. Once you reach the door behind which the GECK is kept, talk to Fox and then wait for him to return. Talk to the mutant again - you will receive a GECK. Next, go back along the corridor and you will be captured by Colonel Autumn.

American dream

After having a heart-to-heart talk with the colonel, wait for him to leave. Then the president will talk to you via intercom, who will let you go, open the equipment locker and invite you to visit.

Once out into the corridor, you will have to engage in battle with the complex's security. After some time, an order will be issued from the President of the Enclave, who will prohibit the guards from opening fire on you. Go left along the corridor. When you pass through the door at the end of the corridor, turn right and go to the door on the right hand. Through it you will get to the laboratory. Next, go up from the center of the laboratory to the second floor and go right through the small rooms to the room where the door to the second level of the complex is located.

From there, go down, go right and exit to level 2A. Next, go left along the corridor and go through the door. Further to the right - at the fork, turn right and follow the sign 2C. After going through the door, go to the end of the corridor. Go through the door on the right and go up the stairs, shooting a couple of soldiers before doing so. When you exit into the round hall, go through door "2C" into the control room. Wait until the robots destroy the soldiers, and then go through the door into hall 1A. There, go up the stairs to the terminal, where you will hear the president's voice. He will offer you a mission to clear the wasteland of mutants - however, the computer’s offer will kill almost all living things that are even slightly affected by the mutation. Take the ampoule with the virus and go out the door. Along the corridor you can reach the exit to the Great Wasteland.

Once outside, help Fox deal with the Enclave soldiers, and then talk to the mutant. Accept his help, then go to the Citadel to Elder Lyons.

After passing through the gate, cross the square and turn right to the door leading to the laboratory. There you will find Lions. Talk to him, tell him that the GEKK was taken by Enclave soldiers, and also give the virus to the elder. Next, Lyons' daughter will contact you and offer you a choice of armor. After this, leave the Citadel and follow the squad to the purification station.

Take him away!

Having arrived at the place, enter the complex through the entrance that is already familiar to you. You need to get to the control room and destroy Colonel Autumn and his guards. After that, go up the stairs and press the gateway control button. Next, talk to Guard Lions and take on the mission to turn on the purifier. Press the airlock control button again, then go inside the control room. Go to the control panel, dial code 216, and then press the "Enter" button. Watch the final cutscene.

The first thing we do, of course, is born into the world. Because of cataclysms and everything bad, we are born in Bunker 101. At the beginning of the game, we choose our gender, name, customize our appearance and innate skills. Unfortunately, our mother will leave us and we will be raised by our father, who will teach us to walk. At this point, simply press the WASD buttons as indicated on the screen.

Father will leave us in a small enclosure, if I may say so, and we will have to get out of it. You need to go to the door, open it and that’s it.

There will be a book lying on the floor to the left. Start reading it and you can choose a range of skills that you prefer. If later you are upset by the selected characteristics, then do not worry, you can change them later. Then our father comes and rejoices at our dexterity.

Time jump

We turned 10. It's our birthday, so everyone around us congratulates us. Talk to all the guests.


Everyone will give us gifts. Also, as always, you will come across the first enemies. An asshole named Vance will try to take away the pie your grandmother gave you. Either we give the pie back, or we run back to the guard Gonzalez. Next we chat with my father. He has a surprise for us. We go down to the lower level and get our first weapon - a pneumatic gun. We immediately test it on targets, then we kill the cockroach.


Don't forget to use V.A.T.S, V key.

Time jump. Part 2

We talk with our father and find out that the final exam awaits us. After talking with him in his office, you can find the first doll, he will add several units to your medicine skill. We go to the auditorium where the exam is taking place. We meet Vance here. The same idiots are with him. They pestered our friend, and we are helping her get out of the clutches of idiots. When a fight starts, you don’t have to fight, you can just run into the classroom, where the exam is and that’s it. Next, we pass the exam, go to the examiner and draw the skills that we want.

Time jump. Part 3

Then we wake up and it turns out that several years have already passed. Something happened. Amata wakes us up and tells us that our father has escaped from the shelter. Jonas is killed, and we need to get out, because the Overseer wants our blood.

We get a gun from her and leave. We run out and run along the corridor. We run past the first guard. We meet Vance, who will ask you to save his mother. Well, we're not idiots - we agree. We will receive a snakeskin jacket as a gift. On the way, many guards will be aggressive towards us, so we will have to kill them. Only Gonzalez, who has loved us since childhood, will not interfere with us.

We penetrate into the Overseer's room. We communicate with him, and then decide whether to kill him or not. To resolve everything peacefully, start threatening the Overseer with reprisals against his daughter, although nothing of the kind will happen. He will give us the keys and password. We go to his office. Jonas' body is here. Next, enter the password (you can see it in the Pip-Boy) and then the exit from the shelter will appear, right here. Next, we open the door at the control panel and Amata appears. We say goodbye to her and leave quickly.


We go out into the wasteland. We go towards the city of Megaton, which is nearby. We go into the city itself. At the entrance we will be met by the city sheriff, who is also the boss here. We learn the history of the city, the history of the bomb in its center and other information. We find out about the father, after which we go to Moriarty. Use a map to avoid getting lost. We speak with Moriarty. You can extract information from him in different ways:

1. Get into his room, hack it, then break his computer and get it, but lose karma.
2. We pay him 100 roof cola.
3. Complete the task for him. He will ask you to kill one lady who owes him 100 coins. But it's not that simple. Let's talk to her, you can learn a lot about Moriarty.


We don't kill her, we are kind. We let her go, and we tell Moriarty that we are done with her, and we get 300 caps from her.

Then for some time we are absolutely free and can do whatever our heart desires. In the bar we will meet a stranger in a suit who will offer to blow up the city for us by activating a bomb. There are also many options for the development of events. You can agree, then you will lose a lot of points and they will hunt you. You can refuse, bring the Sheriff here, but he will die, alas. You can refuse, kill a stranger, defuse a bomb, save everyone without casualties and get a lot of bonuses. The last option seems to be the most remarkable.

Moira. The first chapter of the Book of Survival

In the store on the crater you will meet Moira, the owner. Talk to her. She decided to write a book in which she would outline the lessons of survival. We will survive, and she will write. So, the first lesson is radiation. We go out to the bomb, next to it there is a puddle from which start drinking water. Drink water to irradiate yourself to level 600 (you need 200 to complete the quest) and you will learn the ability to regenerate with a little irradiation. Next, we run to Moira for treatment and a reward.


There will be raiders at the entrance - we kill them. There are also raiders inside. We get rid of them too. There will be a door near the counter where the robot and computer are located. There will be a computer and a store employee ID. We take it, then use the computer to start the production process. New raiders will return. The robot will start attacking them. We also kill them, search them and go to Moira.

Now we need to go to the Minefield. There are a lot of minutes. They are visible under your feet. We shoot them from afar. As we approach the first car, it will explode. We hide behind the car. The sniper at the other end shoots at the gas tanks of the cars and interferes with us. We just need to get to the playground and the quest will be completed, after which we can go back. You don't have to kill the sniper.

Moira. The second chapter of the Book of Survival

We continue to write the book and complete tasks for Moira. You need to cripple yourself a little more than 50 percent. Just exit the store and jump down the small cliff. We repeat a couple of times and return to it. The quest is completed.

Next, Moira will want to explore the life of the swampers. She asks not to kill them and to install a bug in their clutch. We go to the Anchorage Memorial. If you have leveled up stealth, then we go inside, quietly sneak around and install a beacon in the masonry, without catching their eye. If it’s not pumped, then go inside, wet everything that moves, install the module and come back. The task is completed.

Now Moira will ask you to conduct research on her new invention.


We need to test it on mole rats. We go to Warm Collectors. There are 5 swampers looming at the entrance. We kill them. We need to test the repellent that Moira gave us. We beat them with a club with repellent until the task is completed and return. The book is finished.

Family bonds. Blood Ties

Let's watch the video walkthrough:

Big Trouble in the Big City

Not far from Megaton there is a small city called Big City, what! They are attacked by super mutants, their children are kidnapped and they are held by the police. We agree to help them and go to the station.


There is an open door at the back of the building. There are only two alive inside. One in the basement, the other on the first floor.

First, kill all the mutants, then free the short guy from the basement and give him a weapon and kill the rest of the mutants, if it was difficult alone, then we free the girl on the first floor and go back with a friendly company. When we return, they ask us to teach them how to fight. We teach them some skill. Next we train her. The simplest thing is to teach how to shoot, but during the exercises super mutants will attack. But we managed to teach the youth, so they throw their weight at the mutants and everyone is happy. The task is completed.

Watch the video to complete the quest:

Declaration of Independence

Let's go to Rivet City. We find the curator in the museum, who will give us this quest.


Now we go to the national archives. On the first floor we kill super mutants. In one of the rooms we will meet a Treasure Seeker. She will become our partner. After talking with her, we fight off the attacks of the mutants. She will offer her help and we will divide the reward in half; we boldly agree, since the reward will not become smaller. We go down to the lower levels, killing the reptiles on the way. Next we find a safe with a Bill, and then there will be a storage room. Where the robot guards the declaration. You can convince the robot that we are the President of the United States and have come for a declaration, or you can stupidly shoot everyone. The choice is yours. Then he returns to Rivet City. Mission Complete.

Search for father

Find the laboratory in Rivet City and scientist Lee. Let's learn more about father, mother and the Cleanliness Project. Next we go to the Jefferson Memorial. Here we kill with a mutant. We find audio recordings of our father and find out that he went to shelter 112. We run there, in his far room we find a switch and activate it and it will open the basement for us, or rather the entrance to it. A robot will meet us and ask us to sit in the module, we are late. We have a game within a game!


We are now moving to the USA, into the past. More precisely, everything happens in the game.

We run to an abandoned house. Inside there will be several objects that must be pressed in sequence: a radio, then a jug, a gnome, a jug, a brick, a gnome and a bottle. Information will be displayed on the terminal. Then we launch the Chinese invasion. Outside on the playground, find the girl Betty. Talk to her and doors will appear in the air near her through which you exit. Let's meet dad! We talk to him and agree to help him. We return to River City.

Jefferson Memorial

We talk with father and gather at the Jefferson Memorial. N assembled a whole team. Inside we clear the memorial from mutants, and it has already been cleared by us. So we say that it’s safe there and go inside. Then we go down to the basement to turn on the pumps, since the memorial is flooded. We find the pumps, turn them on and return to our father. Now we go to the basement again and replace the burnt fuses with new ones that our father will give us.

We contact the father and find out that the ventilation is also acting up. You need to turn the valve located in the ventilation pipe. Go to the exit of the memorial. Look at the exit, and to the right of it there will be a corridor with a hatch on the floor, where you need to go down and turn the valve there. We hear shots, but the way back is closed.


Now we need to arrange an escape for scientists from the memorial. Doctor Lee will give us a secret code with which we can open the entrance to the dungeon. We go down with the scientists into the dungeon, where there will be ghouls and enclave fighters. On the way, one scientist will have a seizure. We can abandon him or save him. Do you want to be kind? Let's save him. Along the way we will meet a post of the Brotherhood of Steel, immediately behind which there is a staircase along which we climb and exit the dungeon. We will find ourselves at the Citadel.

Dr. Lee will talk to his old friend and we will be allowed inside. Next we talk to everyone. Next, we communicate with a person who will teach us how to use power armor, after which we will be able to immediately use the new armor on ourselves. We talk with Dr. Lee and he will send us to Rothschild.

In the Citadel we are looking for Rothschild's scribe. We communicate with him and go to the terminal, from which we learn information about GEKK. Next, we find the terminal again and read the equipment in the shelters. In vault 87 we will find GEKK. We go to Rothschild and ask him about this shelter. You can get there using a tunnel leading from Little Template, where we are going.

Next, we find Mac Creedy and convince him that we need to go inside. We go in, and then talk to Mac again and ask him about the entrance to shelter 87. It turns out that the road to it is called the killer passage. We ask you to open the door to the tunnel and go down into it, where we kill mutants and all enemies on the way. We get to the shelter. Next, we go to the experimental laboratories, where there is a creature named Fox. We communicate with him and agree on a deal. He takes us to the GEKK, and we let him out of the cell. To open the cell, turn on the fire alarm at the end of the corridor and the cell doors will open. Unfortunately, stupid creatures will also come out of other cameras - we kill them.

Next, we communicate with Fox and follow him. He will enter the radioactive zone on his own, since radiation does not affect him. He will bring GECK. Now we run back, but we are caught by the enclave fighters. We are paralyzed. We find ourselves in the cell and mother the colonel who is talking to us. We hear a voice calling him through the speaker. As soon as he leaves, we communicate with the president and receive an invitation to his office. We take our things from the closet and leave the cell.

Now we fight our way to his office, killing enemies on the way. We reach him and communicate with him. We ask the president to renounce tyranny, and we ourselves agree to kill the colonel. Next, we leave the Enclave base and meet Fox.


He will become our companion. Let's go to the Citadel. We go into the laboratory. We talk with the head of the Brotherhood of Steel. He will offer to give him the capsule with the virus that was received from the President of Eden. We don't give it away if we want a good ending. We give it away if we want a bad one. We are on the side of good. We're just saying that we don't have it. Next, we meet with Sarah and go to the exit. We follow the robot, which kills all enemies on the way.

We reach the Jefferson Memorial. Inside we kill the Enclave soldiers and make our way to the Rotunda. We meet the colonel. Either we kill him or ask him to get out of sight. We go up to the purification plant. Next we will need to make a choice, the station will soon explode. You can proceed as follows:

1) We go to the control panel ourselves. We enter the code (2, 1, 6), clear the wasteland, do not infect it with the virus that we took from Eden and get the best ending, however, we will die.
2) We send Sarah and ask her not to use the virus either. It’s not nice to kill girls like that, right?
3) Again ourselves, but this time we use a virus that will kill all mutants, absolutely everyone.
4) We send Sarah and ask her to use the virus. Worst of all endings.

I think the choice is obvious. We sacrifice ourselves and watch the final video and that’s it.

City landscapes after 2077 began to present a very terrible sight: devastation, decline in morality, unsanitary conditions, a complete absence of any flora and terrible mutant animals. In such a cruel world, being roasted by a fire ant is much easier than finding a bottle of clean water. In addition, the nuclear disaster revealed the true moral character of people - brutal murders, robbery and even cannibalism became almost the norm. The only areas of intelligent civilization are a few cities and the remaining armored shelters.


The game begins with the birth of the main character. In the father's monologue, we are given the choice of the gender of the game character. The choice is actually simple: a boy or a girl.
“You will have a wonderful future!” - says the father. Next we write your name. Afterwards, we will select the appearance of the main character of the game Fallout 3.
Main points when editing:


Right there in the introductory video we are given to understand that the main character’s mother dies, and he is left alone to be raised by his father.

First steps

The character turns one year old, and he tries to move in space, teaching the gamer how to control the main character of the game Fallout 3. The first task in the game will be to walk a short distance to his father, who is located nearby. Afterwards, the father leaves the game character alone in the room. A task appears: proceed to the gates of the arena and then open them. Next, we approach the SPECIAL book lying on the floor, in which we add another five points to the hero’s characteristics at your discretion.
The following parameters are found and edited in SPECIAL:

7. Luck

After adding points to the selected parameters, the father appears in the room and explains his mother's favorite quote from the Bible to his son.

Growing Up Fast

We smoothly move forward nine years and find ourselves on the birthday of the main character of the game, who turns ten years old. At the time of the holiday, the Overseer gives the hero a special device Pip-Boy 3000, obliging the hero to take part in the work on the shelter in the future. During the birthday celebration, we will need to communicate with other characters, simultaneously asking them for gifts and even participating in a small skirmish with a local hooligan named Butch. At some point, the father comes up and asks to come to the reactor level to receive a specially prepared surprise. We follow to this place and find there our father’s assistant named Jonas. After some time, the father comes and gives a surprise in the form of an air rifle, at the same time asking him to hit several targets and then hit a radroach (a large radioactive cockroach).

The future is in the fog

The main character of the game turns sixteen, and his father demands that he pass a special GOAT exam. On the way to class, we meet a company familiar from our birthday: Butch, Paul Hannon, Wally Mac, who pester a girl we also know, Amata. We need to start a conversation with Wally, where in the dialogue we tell him that he plays the role of Butch's six well in their gang. To which he is offended and goes into the next room, at the same time dragging Paul Hannon with him. Left alone, Butch does not stay long and also leaves the place.

You can start a dialogue with Butch and provoke a fight with harsh words. As a result, all three will attack you with their fists, but it’s quite easy to knock them down. Moreover, even when Butch stops fighting, you can continue to beat him until he falls unconscious and take all his things.

After talking with Amata, we receive the first thanks and good karma. Having gone to the classroom to take the GOAT test, we sit down in an empty seat and begin to take the exam with strange questions and strange answers to it. After answering ten questions, we go to hand over our results to teacher Bromch. During the dialogue, we learn that this test is complete nonsense, and we choose an answer with the possibility of rigging the result. After which we see a window for selecting the skills of the main character of Fallout 3, in which we edit our first three skills.

Escape (three years later)

Amata wakes you up and warns you of the danger associated with your father's sudden escape from shelter No. 101. The girl also suggests leaving the shelter to avoid the Overseer's reprisal. To escape, we need to obtain a password to open the tunnel and a key to the main doors of the shelter. From Amata we receive the key to the Overseer’s office (he is the girl’s father) and a pistol with cartridges. After the dialogue, we examine the rooms and find a first aid kit on the wall, from which we take everything that is there. Also don't forget to take the baseball bat from the table. It will still be useful to us in order to save cartridges.
We leave the room and follow the marker on the scale in the lower left corner of the monitor screen to the Overseer’s office. Along the way we come across guards who are trying to stop you. We also observe an attack by radroaches, which entered the shelter through the main exit when your father escaped. They attack anyone who is near them, thereby distracting the guards from you. In the general chaos, some residents also decide to leave the shelter, but the guards act brutally, killing them with weapons.
Having made our way into the office, we meet the Overseer, the security officer and Amata. We have to fight with the officer, Amata runs away, and we are left alone with the Overseer. In a dialogue with him, we convince him to give us the necessary password for the tunnel and the key to the main exit. After which we run out to the left and in the neighboring rooms we meet Amata sitting and crying. We agree to meet her at the exit from the shelter. If we want to kill the Overseer, but do not want to listen to Amata’s reproaches, we kill the Overseer first, then the security officer. Next, we need to move to the Overseer’s office, where, using the computer, we open the tunnel leading to the exit. The table in the office rises and a passage opens up for us. In the main exit room from the shelter, we activate the gate opening remote control using the key. When the exit opens, Amata appears and at the last moment refuses to flee from her native shelter No. 101 and decides to stay with her father. At the end of the dialogue, guards appear, and we have no choice but to leave the facility. The law enforcement officers pursue you only to the gate and are afraid to follow further, and you can calmly continue moving in the cave towards the exit from the shelter. When leaving this location, at the last moment you will be asked to edit the characteristics of the main character of the game Fallout 3. You will have access to:

Change name
- Change race/gender
- Change SPECIAL parameters
- Change prize skills

After finishing editing the character, we leave the cave and rejoice in complete freedom and the dilapidated appearance of the capital’s wastelands. In the future, we are offered to distribute 16 bonus skill points, which are received upon moving to the second level of the game.


On the way to the city there are ruins of Springfield. In the first mailbox you come across you will find grenades and drugs, which you need to put in your pockets. Next, you need to shoot the Enclave scout droid, which is just as scary as the 101st guard. You can check out Springvale Primary School, where the Raiders are located, but it's best to sell out in town first. At the entrance, a hungover homeless man, Miki, asks for clean water, which was given to me by a droid in Megaton in my house (the house will appear a little later). Since one can is not enough, Miki asks for more and more water. At the same time, your karma increases, so you can wash yourself off after robberies and murders. Outside the gates of Megaton, the sheriff explains to you the rules of conduct. In addition, the city was built by idiots around a huge bomb. I offer him to defuse the bomb, and he tells me, “Discharge the stranger, I’ll give you 100 rubles for it, just be careful, otherwise we’ll all die.” Just like in the real world, all these actions have a logical explanation. For this work, thanks to my tongue, I made 400 coins. The bomb can be defused if you have an explosives skill of 30, and the reward is money and your own house - a very necessary acquisition. Next, you find yourself at a water treatment plant, where an elderly foreman will ask you to repair leaks in the city water supply. This requires a repair skill of 30. Two of the leaks are located along the main roads of the city and are easy to find, and the third is located at the roof level of the Church of the Children of the Atom, a little to the west. The reward will be 110 experience, 200 caps and the opportunity to buy all the scrap metal. Moriarty's saloon is a major location in the plot. Here you can buy information about your father for 100 caps, you can get out of debt (house in Springvale), or you can simply hack the door and computer of the saloon and find out everything yourself. We are directed to look for the host of the local radio station, Threedognait, and herself.
In the saloon, a mafia-looking man proposes to blow up a bomb, and with it all the inhabitants of the city. I took the detonator and put it in a locker at home, and saved the man from his ridiculous thoughts. Moira Brown in the store will offer you home interiors and a long quest. For her book on survival in the wasteland, she needs a test subject. First you need to get food and medicine in a supermarket where there are a lot of raiders. But you did find a laser pistol, an assault rifle and a compass. To hack, you need science 25. Next is a locked room on the first floor (where a raider with an assault rifle and a lot of ammunition is hiding in a nook), there is a droid in it. It can be activated by hacking the computer on which the ID card is located, and without which the droid will not make friends with you. The droid will deal with the raiders who are returning from a walk. Next task: “find medicines.” The first aid kit is located nearby on the wall. The reward will be some food and a water distiller from Moira. 50 meters from the supermarket I met a boy who was running away in horror from “them” (the quest is called “they”). The boy asks to save his dad from the ants (fire ants look like tanks with flamethrowers).
The guy gives a hint that their weak point is their antennae, but I only have a light weapon skill (30) and so I had to shoot in the head. For this I used an assault rifle. I found my dad already dead (probably, he had been fighting with ants for a long time), but on the other hand, I found the key to the neighboring hut, where a strange scientist had recently lived. The guy, having come to terms with his dad’s death, asks to destroy the ants that are crawling out of the local metro. Well, well, you'll have to go to the subway. In the subway we find a lot of evil insects and a scientist whose hut I just searched. The scientist admits that the ants are his doing. He invented a mutagen that was intended to shrink the ants, but it turned out the other way around. We must fulfill his request exactly and kill 5 guards without hitting the uterus, and then a reward awaits us: we are given +25 fire resistance and +1 to strength or perception forever. Then the scientist will ask you to place the boy (but that will come later).
Moira has the next task - to be irradiated to 200, or even better, to 600 units. It's quite simple - you need to run to the puddle where the bomb lies and drink from it while listening to the sermon. Moira will completely cure the infection, and we have a new skill - thanks to strong irradiation, the broken off body parts are regenerated.
Moira's third task for her first chapter of the book is to walk through a minefield to see what it's like. It is best to dig up min. It's not difficult, but it's a long way to go. On the way you will meet a landfill where the kind dog Dog lives. He and I are going together. The dog knows how to find stashes and gnaws all enemies. For this task you will receive from Moira 4 grenades and a plan for making a racket that shoots various debris. For completing the first chapter of the book you will receive 4 stimulants. If you're not yet tired of being Moira's guinea pig, pick up the second chapter of the opus. The first task will be to test the repellent on three to ten mole rats. They run in warm sewers, there are not 10 mole rats in warm sewers, but behind the cannon right along the corridor there is a door... I don’t remember the passage where... But you come out of the sewer... That’s where you finish off the mole rats... even more than 10. ... The second task will be to obtain treatment, medicine and a protective suit from Moira. To do this, you will have to come to her wounded or crippled. Task number three - installing a surveillance camera in the swamp lair of the Anchorage Memorial. The condition is not to kill the swamp people. In the center of the main room is a clutch of eggs. So we jump very quickly, set up the cameras and leave. The gift will be 5 stealth battles. That's it, the second chapter is written. We need to get ammo and gratitude and proceed to the third chapter.
Task N1 - find out the history of Rivet City. (not done yet).

If you're too lazy to do quests, you can try to trick Moira. I, having a speech skill of 40 and a mine in my backpack, successfully lied that I went to a minefield and that I tried mole rats. As a result, the quests were credited to me, but, in my opinion, I did not receive a reward (I did not pay attention to this).

Radio station

First you need to go to the radio station through the Friendship Heights subway. When exiting the subway, we see the Brotherhood of Steel, which is carrying out the corpses of mutants. From the first corpse I received energy armor, but wearing it requires a special skill. 2k agility is not enough for a sniper. The battle seems to be over, but a surprise awaits us at the station doors in the form of a huge mutant hippopotamus. The hippopotamus kicks around the wreckage of cars and kills the paladins. Near the blocked entrance to the subway, we find a dead paladin with a “fat man” cannon (for large enemies). It is better to take the gun in advance and keep the dog away. We won and we are heroes. Everyone praises and respects us, but they don’t take us into the brotherhood. You can only talk to Three Dog.
Having fooled you, Three Dog will tell you that he knows dad, but you will get hints after the quest. You can, of course, try to persuade him (but I didn’t succeed). Its conditions are as follows: you need to get to the Washington Museum, steal the antenna from the lunar rover in the Technical Museum and attach it to the top of the Washington Monument. In order to get there, you need to go from his office to the very bottom, go outside and find yourself not at the bottom, but on the contrary - high above the ground. We need to go down and find a metro station. There are two options: enter through the employee entrance - there is a computer with protection 25 (weak) or release the controller droid. First, Protectron killed all the enemies, then he noticed that I didn’t have a ticket (I sold it in Megaton), and started shooting at me. Surely few people traveled without a ticket before the war.
We move further along the subway. On the way there are several raiders and a bed for rest.
One squad of raiders is in the room with turrets, you can reinstall the program from the terminal (science 50), I couldn’t. I left the dog in the rear, lured the raiders away from their guns and killed them. He healed and quickly rushed to the turrets.
When exiting the metro (Museum station) there are trenches with super mutants who are not armed with sticks. Since the entrance to the museum is located close to the metro exit, fat people can be left alone.
Going inside the museum, another problem with mutants awaits us. They have weakened significantly since the time of the second part and are very well taken out by the “Chinese machine gun”. Once on the first floor, in the atrium, you can find out about the museum's cache by reading the information on the computer (terminal on the wall, entry 001). To do this, you need to find clues, then enter the codes into the terminals, and you will receive a password. You don’t have to look for hints, but, while loading, go through four options and find the one you need. To do this, read entry 001 again and try until the system accepts the code.
Next we pass through the “vault” and find ourselves in the western wing. To the left of us there are two terminals on the wall, we find entry 002 in one of them. Entry 003, accordingly, is located in the terminal at the tail of the large rocket. We need to choose a code and get a password. The password must be entered into the security computer on the top floor of the west wing and open the safe with the key. This key opens the safe in the planetarium. The safe contains an assault rifle and a grenade launcher. Was it worth the effort for this junk?
The path to the Lunokhod lies through the planetarium. We take off the plate and run outside. There is an exhibit in the atrium - Fenka the Invisible, 3 pieces. We put it in our pocket. Next there is an easy transition through the metro to the monument, taking the elevator. And again the Voice of America will sound over the wastelands. A grateful Threedog will tell you that dad went to see Dr. Lee in Rivet City. It's time to visit Dr. Lee.
You can ask the paladins in the Galactic News building where the courses for driving energy armor are. But first you need to ask permission from Paladin Lyons, who is in the laboratory. Only this laboratory is located in the Citadel, which we cannot go to yet.

Rivet City

The most important thing is to get there, and the path is long and dangerous. I traveled along the eastern bank of the river (from the warm sewers), and on the way I killed a gang of raiders and several squads of mutants. The city is located on an aircraft carrier with a fallen off nose. You can get there by talking through the intercom.
Everything here is quite simple with the main storyline - Doctor Lee, who is in the medical laboratory, will tell you the whole truth without hiding. Firstly, they worked with dad on the “purity” project, which fell apart, and I personally am to blame for this. Secondly, the father suddenly remembered the great goal and ran to fulfill it to the Jefferson Memorial. The memorial is located next to the ship, in the northwest. There, we shoot the yellow skins and go into the gift shop, from which we find ourselves in the parent laboratory. There, unfortunately, we meet only enemies, but we find the diaries of our fugitive. It is revealed that he has now gone to look for Vault 112, which is located near Evergreen Mills, to find the creator of the GEKK, Dr. Brown. We are following him.
Doing other heroic things in Rivet City: In Dr. Lee's laboratory, Dr. Zimmer asks us to find a missing android. The reward will be Hi-Tec equipment. First you need to find Dr. Preston at a local clinic. He will give us a hint (we should convince him or give him 100 coins), but it will not help much. Further along the corridor there is the sister’s room (that’s what it’s called), in which you need to pick the lock, and in the room on the table, find notes and find out that a certain Pinkerton remade the robotic person. Inquiring about it, we come to the conclusion that we need to search the broken bow of the ship with a heavy lock. But as we get closer to the Jefferson Memorial, we see that the plot bifurcates. A lady named Victoria Watts runs up to us and passionately convinces us not to look for the android, but to deceive the doctor, and presents the necessary evidence for this. (not finished).

But about Pinkerton, it’s really difficult to find him: in short, where the ship is broken into two parts, you have to dive under the water, there will be a door, under the water, go there, there will be swampers, then traps, and then you will find Pinkerton
We find ourselves at the Rivet City Benton Market, where a fashion merchant asks for help in the political struggle. To do this, you need to find incriminating material in Seagrave Holmes's cabin. (not finished).

Vault 112

Our route passes by Evergreen Mills. This place is simply crammed with raiders who can be killed. By going into the smelter and clearing the bazaar, you can take a good “terrible shotgun” from the bartender. There is a pet in the yard - a super mutant hippopotamus. After tinkering with it a little and selling the goods in Megaton, we head to the marker on the map. Casey's garage is located there, which is the entrance to the shelter.
As soon as we got inside, I trusted the robot and obediently climbed into the box, where I found myself in a virtual paradise. Which later turns out to be hell. People there have been living in the “matrix” that Brown created for so long that they have forgotten about the existence of the real world. And the elderly senile man himself torments them, apparently out of boredom, playing God with them in the virtual world he created. You can try to get out if you fulfill the wishes of the doctor (aka Betty), but these wishes are unpleasant - you need to offend a small child, destroy a family, etc. Only one resident - an old woman - is the only one who understands what is happening. She gives us advice: look for the key in an abandoned house. Entering the house, we will find four objects there - a radio, a jug, a gnome, a cinder block and a bottle. If you press incorrectly, objects begin to creakingly indicate an error, and you have to start all over again. The terminal finally opened by pressing the letters R-K-G-K-SH-G-B in sequence. We need to do a “good deed” and launch the “Chinese invasion” program, which will destroy all the unfortunate residents, and the doctor will live.
The exit from Brown's game is behind the door that appeared on the playground next to Betty. Hurray - meeting my father! He will tell us that he was recently in the matrix in the form of a dog as Betty’s friend. Well, now we need to quickly run back to Rivet City in order to report the information we found about the doctor, who not only played computer games, and resurrect the “Purity” project. You won’t be able to move forward quickly - dad won’t go without you and will constantly linger where you left him. Therefore, you need to run together across the entire map and shoot back from enemies (during a fast journey, dad will already be there).

Water purifier and other problems

At the end of the conversation with Dr. Lee, we will be given an offer to take the scientists to the purifier. We need to run outside, turn on the Pip-Boy and find ourselves instantly on the spot. I entered the gift shop and came out, and all the scientists were already gathered here. Now I need to be an errand boy.
Dad will ask you to turn on the power to the pumps. To do this, you need to climb deep into the basement - the switch is on the wall. Then you need to go back to your father and immediately back to install the fuses. After this, start the supercomputer. The door is located near the entrance to the basement. You receive hints through the intercom on the wall. Next we need to do some plumbing work, as the pipe is clogged and we need to get into the sewer to fix it. But by turning the valve, you call in an enclave landing party, which lands and captures the memorial. We have to run to save dad. Breaking through, we shoot the enclave soldiers and collect laser guns for sale. It will not be possible to save dad, because he decided to destroy himself and the guests by causing the reactor to overload. Everyone was burned, except me and a bunch of scientists, whom we will now save. First, it is necessary to remove the purifier Lee and the scientists from the building. The tunnel should lead us to the very citadel of the Brotherhood, but on the way we will fight with ghouls and the enclave, and in addition we will cure Garzi of a heart attack, if we do not spare 5 stimulants.
There we will talk with Lyons, the head of the order. He will give the go-ahead to wear armor (he teaches this skill to Gunny, who trains young people in the yard) and will send you to the scribe Rothschild, who lives in the laboratory and has access to the Vault-Tek computer. By the way, the armor has weakened significantly since the first and second levels: the protection is slightly greater than that of combat armor, taking into account the constantly broken state of both. Many thanks to Bethesda for the mega renovation idea. The noise it makes is terrible, and the +2 to strength and -2 to agility are just a hindrance. The strength bonus is not enough to cover the weight of the armor itself (I only need strength to carry heavy objects), and agility - which is much more important - is reduced. From the computer data we learn that there was a GEKK in shelter 87. Next to the computer is the scribe Jameson, who is buying tokens from the killed Brothers. Then we return to Rothschild, who will show us a plan for the location of the shelters and say that it is impossible to get to 87 due to very high radiation. But if you can’t, and you really need to, try going underground.
The path runs through the Little Lamlight Caves. It’s easy to get there, but I won’t be able to get in, because a stubborn street kid with a gun won’t open the gate for me, because I’m a “big guy.” In this town, although it is much larger than Megaton, only children live, and everyone who turns 16 must leave it. They don't like adults there, and all my attempts at persuasion failed. Therefore, you will have to save the kidnapped children, Squirrel and Sam, who were stolen by slave traders from Paradise Falls.
You can enter this city as a slave or slave trader. If you want to try yourself in this profession, go for it. First you will need to catch a couple of exclusive specimens, a list of which will be given to you at the entrance. Or you can pay 500 coins to go inside and look for more acceptable ways to free the children. I didn’t listen to the local guards and simply killed everyone (although the guys would be tougher than the mutants), and then freed the slaves. Now it's time to go to Lamplight.
After that, the youngest mayor of the wasteland let me in and even agreed to open the gate to the Terrible Passage. Although at the same time he kept saying how disgusting I was to him. Near the main entrance, Velcro, a teenager leaving kindergarten, is celebrating his birthday. He asks you to take him to the "big city" (unfinished).
The Dread Passage Gate is located in the same location as the main entrance to the city, in a northern direction. The “monsters” that are found there - super mutant beasts - die at your hands, and the tunnel opens into the reactor room of shelter N87. Already in the vault itself you will see a lot of meat - living and dead. At the level of "experimental laboratories" lives the mutant Fox. He's been locked up all his life and promises to get the GECK if you let him out. There is strong radiation in the chamber where the GEKK is stored, we cannot survive there, but he can. If you do this, other doors will open, which will release the results of the experiments into the wild, and they will have to be finished off. You can also pick up GEKK without his help. To do this, we go to the top floor of the laboratory and break the computer (50), open the storage room. There we find anti-radiation drugs and an improved anti-radiation suit. You don’t even have to hack the terminal if you take a lot of drugs with you and swallow them on the go during strong radiation exposure.

Audience with the President

Now we have GEKK! It seems that victory is close, but suddenly the Enclave appears. They take me unconscious to the base, take away all my equipment and shackle me in energy shackles. This is where my epic would end, because the GEKK, the purifier and I are in the hands of the Enclave, but there are disagreements in the government. President Eden (a computer official) wants to infect the purifier with a virus and kill all mutants. As a result, people will also die (although they are also slightly mutants), and then people from the Enclave will multiply and fill the Earth. Colonel Hall outlined other plans - to become a monopolist in the supply of water and rule all the wastelands. Therefore, the colonel will not be able to interrogate us, because the president will call him, and after that he will release you, return all the equipment and invite you to his office. The President will inform the soldiers that you are free on his orders. Although not for long, because the colonel will cancel his order and start a riot. So it is necessary to kill defenseless soldiers before it is too late. We approach and shoot off the head at point-blank range in VATS mode. No one was offended by me for this behavior, but I had to fight my way to the president. Although there is nothing complicated, and laser rifles are no good, and the “terrible” shotgun is just what you need.
Anna Holt, Dr. Lee's assistant, lives on the second level in the western part. Now she works for the Enclave and wants me to get out. Along the way, we managed to get a good energy weapon - a plasma rifle. North of Anna's room is Hall's room. There is a self-destruct code for the president in case of emergency and a collectible bobblehead that increases the “energy weapon” skill by 10.
Having reached the President of Eden, we receive a task. He chose us as his instrument for cleaning the world and gives us a jar of the virus. His idea of ​​"kill all mutants" is not bad in principle, but I entered the self-destruct code just in case. Edem confirmed the code and advised him to leave the premises, which he did. Not far from the exit, soldiers are fighting with robots. The most dangerous enemy in Raven Rock is your own greed: plasma rifles and Gatling lasers do not fit in your pockets. There is no time counter, so it will explode when we get out. That's it, Raven Rock has exploded. Colonel Hall managed to escape on a vertibird, which means another showdown lies ahead. And it’s time for us to move to the citadel and explain to Lyons what it’s all about.

Anyone who has not yet breathed in the dust of the wastelands can take a break from the main storyline and live a little. After the story is over, you can’t play, and there will be no one to finish the quests.
Citadel Lions. Dad has an argument with his daughter - she wants to fight, but dad won’t let her. You tell everything you know to the head of the order, and he decides to attack the purifier. There is everything that remains of the enclave, and this is not little. And the Lion Pride would not have been able to survive, but local technicians who love to read comics about Transformers built a robot to help them. This will be the answer to enemy behemoths. It is also worth taking a completely intact energy armor with you. She resists 40 damage, we will need this.
And the battle began! At first it’s not entirely clear why I’m here? The robot, apparently, can enslave the world itself - enemies die, vertibirds fall like rain. The robot shoots nuclear charges from the “fat man” - a gun on hippos and blue rays, which is similar to the shock rifle from the 2nd part. Although, the robot also has a drawback - it cannot fit through the doors of the purifier. But we can, and so can the Colonel. The conversation with the colonel was short - he did not heed my persuasion and, naturally, got into a fight, and for this he received a plasma charge directly to the head. His two soldiers are a little thicker and have Gatling lasers, but they still won't survive. That's it, there is no Enclave, the purifier is in our hands... Only it will soon explode.
The intercom with the voice of Doctor Lee reports that as a result of sabotage, the reactor is in an unstable state, and it needs to be started as soon as possible, or it will be like in Raven Rock. But dad set up a radiation stove in the cell, and it’s impossible to get out of there alive, but we have to go. There are only two of us - me and Lyons. It's up to you to decide who should die.
Yes, however, for those who have forgotten - code 216. In any case, the game is over. The final cartoon will remind you of my and my father’s exploits. If you don’t have a save before the start of the final battle, and the vastness of the wasteland attracts you again, play again.

1) Standing in front of the door, open the console using the tilde (`) key.

2) Click on the door, its name and ID will appear at the top of the screen.

3) Enter “Activate” (without quotes) in the console, press Enter and close the console.

After this, the door will work as if it had just been opened, the closed message will not appear, and you will be transported to the previous room. After that you are free to go wherever you want :)

Quest " The future is in the fog", when you are still in vault... In your father's office, or rather, above his desk, you can find "The favorite saying of your hero's mother." Well, from the Bible, remember this? It is in a frame, and therefore locked. Lock - average. It will take some skills to open it. But, personally, it seems to me that you can’t do it without a cheat, because at the first level you can’t increase your hacking skill above 50... although maybe dad has the key, but that’s not what I do. I was interested :)

But the most important thing is what is inside, namely:

- 300 caps

Scheme "Rackets"

Sound recording.

The same saying with a complete set of the above things can be found in the next quest - “escape”, even if the saying had been “rummaged” before.

This can also be done honestly! After the death of the Father, we must return to refuge! While there, a radio signal will appear from Amata asking for help, and it is then that you will be able to enter the shelter and calmly open this piggy bank, since by this time you will already be a seasoned burglar :)) !!!

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