Download worlds for minecraft android. Mods for Minecraft PE for android

We are pleased to present you a rich archive mods for Minecraft PE... Actually, perhaps, this is where you will find all the add-ons for minecraft pocket edition that you just want. Before you section "Mods for Minecraft PE"... And here you will find really many interesting modifications. All our mods for MCPE are tested for functionality. Please note that mods from both beginners and experienced modders are collected here Minecraft Pocket Edition... We are proud of our archive of mods for Minecraft PE.

And especially the fact that all our add-ons are very different from each other. This means that they affect completely different areas. Minecraft Pocket Edition... In addition, here you will definitely find mods for older versions. Minecraft PE... Nobody will blame you here for not wanting to update to the latest versions. But most importantly, there will definitely be relevant materials for you. And it is here that you can download mods for Minecraft Pocket Edition for free. No investment, pure pleasure!

The world of Minecraft Pocket Edition is endless, and the player's possibilities in it are simply incredible. However, sometimes the gameplay can bore people, and the initial possibilities seem to be insufficient. In this case, mods come to the rescue, which are also created for the mobile version of the game. Try to download mods for minecraft pe and make sure that there is no limit to perfection. If you have already added them to the computer version of the game, then in this case you will not have any difficulties either. All you need to do is download mods for minecraft pe absolutely free, install it and enjoy the updated game. In this section, you will find add-ons to Minecraft for all occasions, ranging from those that make small changes to the game, ending with those that make drastic changes to the gameplay. Thanks to mods, anyone can greatly diversify the game world and add something unique to it. Some of the most popular modifications are used by server creators from the outset so that gamers can enjoy their favorite game 100%. And for users of the mobile version, this is even more important, because they can greatly facilitate the gameplay and make it more interesting. We offer to classify mod pocket edition according to the degree of their influence on the game.

Necessity fashions

Unfortunately, Minecraft PE not without flaws, and the mobile version of the game appeared relatively recently, and therefore, people often encounter problems in it. For example, despite the fact that it practically does not differ from the computer version, some actions, such as trade or the creation of golems, are not yet available in it. If such shortcomings are critical for you, then the problem can be solved only by installing modifications. Mods for minecraft pe can be installed both to solve certain problems and to facilitate gameplay. Most of the fans of the project began to get acquainted with the game on the PC, and the mobile version appeared relatively recently. They are used to playing with existing mods, so it will be very important for them to install the same add-ons in Minecraft that they had on the computer version. All you need is to find a suitable add-on on our website, download it to your mobile device and install it. Then you can fully enjoy your favorite game on your smartphone or tablet. Also, essential modifications will allow you to reduce the possibility of critical problems with the game. For example, not everyone likes the fact that rails can only be built in a straight line, with the help of a certain mod you can correct this drawback and in the future install rails at least at an angle of 90 degrees.

Useful mods on pe

Despite the huge variety of possibilities that open up before the player in Minecraft, installing mods can increase them many times over. For example, you can find an add-on that introduces a dozen new minerals into the game world that can be used to create new items. Naturally, new items, such as weapons, will have new properties depending on what ore they are made of. Certain weapons can inflict additional fire damage to mobs, and armor will have increased protection against ignition. Some mods can introduce new mechanisms into the game that can radically change the mechanics.

For example, everyone knows that creating an elevator in a game can take a lot of time and exotic materials. However, if you install one single mod and it will take you a few seconds to get expensive from or into the mine, and you will not waste time wandering aimlessly through deep underground labyrinths. Especially popular are Minecraft mods 0.15.0 and 0.15.1, which are present in large numbers on our website. While all players are playing the current version, many are waiting for the mods for 0.16.0 and 0.16.1 to come out

I would also like to mention the global modifications that bring huge changes to the game. For example, such a mod can either completely change the game world, add new biomes, mobs, and even entire worlds. For example, everyone knows about the existence of the "Lower World", inhabited by far from the most pleasant creatures, players often call it "Hell". Thanks to the installation of the modification, you can easily add another world to Minecraft - "Paradise". You can travel there, get new, unique materials, see new creatures, in short, have fun.

Some mods (in English "mods", or as they say "mods") are intended exclusively for server administrators who want to fully control the process of the game and make it more comfortable for the players. There are minecraft pe mods 0.15.0 and 0.15.1 that are purely for entertainment. They change some part of the game so that it is perceived with humor. With each release of a new version, the need for some mods disappears, for example, after the release of 0.16.1 and 0.16.0, the need to download mods for pistons will disappear.

We present to you the most important section for MCPE, without which no miner can survive. it mods for Minecraft Pocket Edition, in which you will find various modifications and updates to them for new versions of the game. We post only the most interesting for you. All mods are functional and tested. In general, this section becomes for you the most beloved and visited. We also recommend downloading the latest version.

Mods for Minecraft PE

Very often it turns out that mods for Minecraft PE wander from version to version. They remain popular anyway. They are simply updated. Some don't even need to change the installation files. For example, these are the add-ons Five Nights At Freddy's Mod and. It seems that every miner has already tried them out. And installs them constantly. Sometimes it seems that it is impossible to come up with a universal modification that no new product can displace. But practice shows that there are a lot of mods that really remain the first for a very long time.

Mods for Minecraft for android

Here is an excellent collection of mods that are suitable for any of the 0.12.x versions and not only. Not only do they decorate the game by adding new items, but they also help you in your normal survival mode. In this list, we have collected the most popular modifications for the game for versions and, as well as, and.
All of them were tested for operability and were checked by antivirus software. Just upload them to your Android smartphone and enjoy Steve's completely new world.

To start viewing this article, we remind you that absolutely everything works only thanks to and is installed accordingly through it. Some mods are also required to be present in the addon or earlier versions.
Once you have installed the above programs, you should read up.

Now you know how to install mods and what is needed for this. Let's move on to our list of the best mods:

Excellent and easiest to play. It provides the ability to switch game modes on the fly, change the time of day and add any item by its ID.

A simple mod that adds 11 new types of furniture. Ideal for creative mode to decorate your home with missing furniture.

An addition to the previous fashion, several more types of new furniture, which are suitable for both home and exterior decoration.

After many hours of creative work, you absolutely don't want someone to break your miraculous structure. Therefore, there is this mod of power protection, and it looks beautiful and protects against illegal attacks.

If you get lost in the MCPE world, it doesn't matter. There is this wonderful minimap mod. With it, you will never get lost and you can always find out where you are. A very useful modification.

Do you already know everything about the game and have you already been everywhere and have seen everything? Try to kill the dragon in the Ender world.

And to make it easier to kill evil mobs, there is a wonderful weapon mod for you. 40 types of weapons will not leave anyone alone. Even the aforementioned dragon from the Ener world.

If you are tired of being in the guise of Steve, try flying around the world in the skin of a flying mouse. Or run around the lawns in the guise of a pig. Yes, this mod can turn you into anyone from the Minecraft World. Very funny mod.

Few features in the mobile version of Minecraft and lack of a trading mode with residents? So here's the solution - this wonderful mod that opens up the possibility of trading.

Tired of waving a pickaxe for hours looking for diamonds? Try this with a drill or a jackhammer. The process will be much faster and more fun.

Fantastic mod for weapons from the game Portal. There are also 12 new types of items available for the game. Dedicated to Portal fans.

Have you ever flown a military plane? And on a real UFO? Try this awesome mod for MCPE. He adds 11 different vehicles to the game, with which you can move very quickly. Well, bomb everything.

The Lord of the Rings mod turns Minecraft PE into the world of Middle-earth straight from the Tolkien trilogy. Ents, mountain trolls, real hobbits - this is just a small list of what you can meet on your way in the new world.

Pocket Creatures Mod - adds 53 new animals to the world of Minecraft PE. Absolutely everything is new, from riding horses, ostriches and elephants to sea inhabitants such as the great white shark.

We present you a new version of the Factorization 4.6.1 mod for Minecraft PE, which includes mods from the PC version of Industrial craft 2 and Buildcraft, as well as elements from Forestry and Greg tech. Thanks to this mod, the whole gameplay becomes completely new, since the modification is very extensive and includes more than 40 mechanisms, beekeeping, 5 new ores and much more.

Although the redstone is already in, the PocketPower mod for Minecraft PE 0.12.1 will add red dust to the game, with which you can transfer energy over a distance and create rather complex mechanisms. Thanks to red dust, you will have many more opportunities to create interesting and complex mechanisms that will perform various functions in the game.

This mod adds 13 new types of golems. They can be made from almost anything you have in your inventory - gold, earth, glass, obsidian, and even TNT. Add some variety to the game with new golems.

That's probably all. The rest are on the site, but in this article we have selected the best in our opinion. You can also add your opinion in the comments of this article.

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