Lord of the Rings Shadows of Mordor Walkthrough Story line. Nobody will leave. Location: Outskirts of Mern

You must deal with the leader. Then even the Dark Lord and his entourage will know about you. We must go to the training base, where the berserker orcs live. Soak two in there. Then Mogg the Second Twin will appear. Defeat him. After Victoria, the task can be considered completed.

Fragments of memories

Continue on to the South Black Road. There you can take the Fragments of Memories quest. Watch a small video, then follow Golum. When he stops, you can wait a bit until the orcs pass by. By the way, you can just soak them. The decision is up to you. Next, kill two orc archers. Use a bow. Even if you make a mistake, nothing bad will happen. Switch to ghost mode, find the Visions artifact. When the video ends, then you need to deal with the ghouls that came up. During the passage of the game Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor at the start of the battle, you will receive a skill called "Phantom Flash". After making a series of hits, your weapon will suddenly glow brightly. You must immediately press the R key. Thanks to this, all the ghouls will be killed. Use this flash often. If you ignore her, you risk dying.

Main truth

Uduna Burial Grounds area. Here you need to catch up with the fleeing Golum as quickly as possible. You have to go to the spirit world, just follow the trail. As a result, you will reach the entrance to the cave. At the entrance you will immediately see a huge monster. This is Graug. Look quickly to the right. You will notice a carcass of meat hanging next to it. We must shoot her. The monster will immediately go for this meat. You will proceed to the cave. Inside it is necessary to reach the distant hall. There you will see an artifact. Then you will have a vision. In it, you will learn that you are guided by none other than the great elf of the Second Age. Graug immediately appears and begins to destroy everything in the cave. You will get three minutes to get out of here as soon as possible. Then you will have another skill - "Strike from the shadows". With its help, you can overcome obstacles that will come across. This will complete the quest. Passage of the game Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor continues.

Dark monument

Hirgon came up with a plan. According to him, you can demolish the statue of Sauron, which stands next to the gate in the south. To implement this plan, you need a lot of explosives. Follow Khirgon, destroying the enemy along the way. You will need to clear the area soon. Do this by killing enemies through cages and bonfires. After meeting all the requirements, people will begin to carry the cart ahead. Then you will need to clear the road for the cart. Your best bet is to use the previous tactic. But it should be borne in mind that very soon underground monsters will be announced on the battlefields. After clearing the indicated camp, fight the monsters on the bridge.

Then it's time to dunk the guards. Kill the shooters first. Move up the towers with a supply of arrows. This will take you practically to the south gate. For this reason, you will need to protect the wagon from enemies. And they will attack you. During a hard battle, those who were dragging the wagon will be destroyed. Therefore, further you will drag the explosives yourself. It is worth considering that from time to time enemies will attack you. You will need to destroy them. In the end, you still destroy the statue and get the reward you need. Continue playing Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor.

Black commander

So, you have dealt with the statue. You are now being hunted by the leader of the chieftains. Do not try to run away from him. Better get into the fray right away. You will have a new side quest - stab him in the back a dozen times. Perform this task in the usual way, which has already been worked out with other opponents.

Well, it's time to bang the Warlord. He carries with him a huge club. Therefore, you will not be able to block the blows in any way. There is only one way out - to dodge. Then there will be a hint - to defeat this boss, you first need to fill a combo on ordinary soldiers, after which the sword will begin to glow. Then strike a powerful blow at the Leader. You need to repeat this tactic about five times. Then you can talk about victory.

After the fight, Litariel will visit you. This girl will invite you to go to completely different lands. To be precise - go to the Queen of the Coast - Lady Marven. In the next task, you will find yourself in new territories for you. Do not think that you will not come back. Continue playing Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor.


When you meet a girl named Litariel, you will move to another territory. Here you need to reach the shelter of Vladichitsa Marven. She will offer to find the elf artifacts that were once lost.

Move towards the wagon. Then you have to go into the world of spirits and follow the luminous traces. You will soon find yourself at the cave. There are a lot of monsters in it. You need to advance as stealthily as possible. If you can follow the trail, no one will see you. As a result, you will find a very remarkable artifact. Take it. Then Ghul will immediately appear to attack you. It should be lured closer to the fire. Well, then just fry it. This must be done twice.

Well, then you will have about two minutes to get out of the cave. After you get out, you will meet with a gnome hunter. He will offer to go through the next quest.

Queen of the Coast

The passage of the game Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor continues. Return again to Marven. Remember you have an artifact. She will now talk about what will allow you to learn something from the skills of the elven spirit. You will be given one and a half minutes. During this time, you need to run to the meeting point. Therefore, advance as quickly as possible, bypassing all enemies along the way.

On the spot you will be given the next skill "Brand". Thanks to him, you will be able to subordinate your enemies to your will. At the same time, they become and will not attack someone without a command. You must brand a couple of orc archers, then with their help shoot all the enemies and take the crown of the elves. Then reinforcements will come. You destroy it, but the quest itself is coming to an end.

Ghost power

So, you get one very useful and unique skill from the elf's crown. Now you are allowed to brand captains as well. That is, you can subordinate even the head of the army to your will.

With the further passage of the game Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, you need to find Captain Grublik the Spanking Lover. Come on and brand him. Then give the order to become the guard of the Knife Tarts Chief. However, first it is imperative to increase his strength. Without your intervention, Grublik will not be able to increase his strength. Climb to the upper floor, from there, kill all enemies that are marked.

Now you have to change your position. Move on to the marker. By the way, in any case, do not allow raising the alarm. So, you give the order to Grublik to attack the leader. You just have to destroy the simple Uruks from above. It is best to shoot at cages and bonfires. Well, it's useless to shoot at the leader. If for some reason the plan is not implemented, then go downstairs and kill the leader. As a result, you will be able to put your captured chieftain as a leader. Come back again to the Lady. It turns out that she felt very bad. She was overcome by illness and now Sauron is infused into her. But you must smash the staff. Then the disease goes away.

If you have problems with passing the game Middle-earth, you can always use our tips and information for action. We describe in detail the steps that need to be taken to complete the game. Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor... In the most difficult places, we add pictures that can help you. Walkthrough Shadow of Mordor read on our website.


We select the story mode and watch the introductory video.

Fight with your friend with swords. Suddenly you will find yourself in a different time - kill all the orcs. At the time when the orc is about to attack you from behind, the button lights up - press it to counterattack. Watch the video.

Follow the girl with the yellow marker, watch another cut-scene. Kill all the enemies while the girl is hiding. Watch another video.

As a ghostly elf, hit the anvil. The fast travel system is now open. Defeat the orcs by jumping down. In the video you will learn about the first of the captains of Sauron's army - the Slave.

On the map, golden icons represent the place to go to continue the story. White icons are side missions. Follow the yellow marker, killing the orcs along the way. Stand in the indicated place and start a new task related to the destruction of the Slave.

Enter the ghost mode and find Slaver among the rest. Climb the building on the left and kill it in stealth mode as an archer. Shoot the enemy from the bow on the neighboring building (also the archer), run across there along the rope. Follow to the distant building on another rope and deal with the orc from the back. Kill one more archer and attack Slaver from above. If you defeat Slaver, then all other orcs will run away. Therefore, attack the captain, and distract the others only when the counter-attack button appears above them. After winning, take the rune that will improve your weapon.

An Interested Party

Go to the nearest point and take the quest related to Golum. Defeat three orcs. Now you can choose new abilities, since you have gained skill points. Enter the ghost elf mode, you will see the route you should follow. Go and collect a plant that boosts your vitality. Follow the blue route in the other direction, kill opponents along the way. You will find yourself in a cave. We need to examine it. Climb the ledge and you will find a medallion. Watch the video.

Defeat the appeared beast, catch up with Golum. Kill 7 Hunter enemies along the way. Enter the cave and watch the cut-scene. Mission complete.

Follow to a new point. You can read information about Golum.

The spirit of mordor

Take on a new assignment. Select the specified captain and find out his name - Goroth Caragor Tamer. You need to follow the Ratbag. Save his life by killing enemies, and then continue on your way together. Next, you will need to find Gorota without raising the alarm. Climb the walls, etc., but do not face opponents. Or kill them in stealth mode when they stand in splendid isolation. Kill the specified enemy, you will find out that this is Gorota's approximate. Further below, the orcs will pass - from their conversation you will learn the new location of Goroth. Every time you enter the mind of the orcs, you can reveal the name of one of them, except for the captains.

Follow to the hunting camp, defeat Goroth using the usual combination of blows. Now Ratbag is the captain of the hunters. Mission accomplished.

The outcasts

So, follow the "fist" marker. Follow Irgon, Collect 3 plants to make poison. Kill enemies. After collecting everything, follow Irgon again, at the next location, also collect plants for poisoning (in the amount of two pieces). Go after Irgon again, collect three more plants. Then follow to the shelter of the Uryuk. Place 5 poisons in 5 barrels of grog, no alarm. You will receive a bonus reward if you kill 5 enemies in stealth mode. All orcs will die if they eat grog. Watch the videos and thus complete the mission.

Main truth

With Ghost Mode enabled, follow Golum's foot. Soon you will reach the terrible and dangerous beast Graug. Hit the hanging hive, run to the cave entrance. Find the lair of the beast, find the artifact with the memory, turn on the ghost mode and walk along the path. Leave the cave, use the new learned ability for this. Right click and hover over Ghal. Press the "Z" key and get out of the cave.

Dark monument

Explosives must be found. Follow along with your friend Irgon to the south, we clear the camp, which we will meet on the way. Try to kill enemies in stealth mode, one at a time. Shoot fires, destroy cells, and after winning, you will see that people along with the cart will move forward. Having dealt with the enemy camp, you need to clear the way for the cart. Monsters will begin to emerge from the ground. After clearing the camp, kill the monsters on the bridge. Go along the towers in the upper right, kill enemies with bows, pick up all the arrows, shoot at the archers on the other side. Throw pieces of meat at opponents from below. Blow up barrels with fires. Collect arrows.

You are near the south gate. Kill the enemies surrounding your cart. Push the cart yourself, periodically being distracted by opponents. Shoot hives, barrels and fires. After killing enemies, blow up the statue.

Black commander

Having destroyed the statue, you will become the subject of the hunt of the commander-in-chief of the leaders. Fight with him. The main weapon of the commander is the club. Don't try to block enemy attacks, just dodge them. Kill common enemies collecting combos. When the sword shines, then use the "F" key to attack the commander. About five such successful approaches and the enemy will be defeated.


Having met with a girl named Litariel, we go to the following lands. Once in the right place, in the camp, we get a task to search for an artifact in local locations. We go to the cart, enter the ghost mode and follow the visible tracks. We get to the large cave with monsters. Follow through the cave quietly and quietly without attracting attention. You need to follow the trail, then no one will see you. As a result, you will find a jewelry hammer that was used to forge the rings. Taking the artifact, you will call upon yourself the fury of Ghul. Don't try to fight him in close combat. Lure the enemy closer to the fire, blow it up with a bow shot. Two explosions and Ghul will be defeated. You have 2 minutes for everything. You must leave this place. Use RMB and KEY "Z" to move quickly. After getting out of the cave, you will meet a gnome-hunter, who will issue a new quest.

Queen of the coast

Return to the mistress and give her the jewelry hammer. There is only one and a half minute to run forward and press against the rock on the right side. Beware of encounters with enemies. You will receive a new ability "Brand". Exhausting the enemy on the "E" key, you will put a brand on him. Thus, it will allow you to lure the enemy to your side. He will fight for you if you order him on the "I" key. Climb the wall, bypassing all the towers, put a brand on all archers and shoot opponents. For this you will receive an elf crown. Defeat the following enemies and complete the mission.

Ghost power

You get a new skill called "Give Order". Now the brand can be placed on both regular enemies and their captains. When you find Grubbik Spanking Lover, reduce his health to the green mark. Put a stamp on it. To do this, press CTRL, hold down "Space" and press "Space" again. Give the order to Grubbik to become the bodyguard for the Knife Tarz. But first, increase this captain's strength. Kill those who do not agree to go with Grublik. Gather a squad for him. Go to the upper tiers, shoot from those positions at the enemies.

Follow forward along the right wall, get to the bridge and jump down. Run across to the fortress, climb to the top and mark all archers along the way. Climb to the top of the large tower. Give the order to Grublik to attack the leader. Help him upstairs. You need to shoot at enemies, barrels and fires. Blow up cells. If necessary, jump down and defeat the leader in hand-to-hand combat. You will receive the Signal Fire rune. Leaving your man as the leader, go to the queen, who is sick. Destroy the staff and the disease will disappear.


You must heal Litariel. Take the elixir from the camp. You need to kill enemies from above, or put a brand on them. We detonate the traps placed below, and then in hand-to-hand combat we finish off the remaining living opponents. You need to go through the mission so that the enemies do not raise the alarm.

The rescue

Litariel in the fortress, in captivity. We need to help her in some way. You have 8 minutes. Brand six enemies without raising the alarm. Follow along the left wall, as there will be the least number of enemies. Do not meddle in places where there are a lot of opponents. Having found a girl, deal with five opponents near her, and best of all put a stigma on all. The girl is limping. You need to carry it out of here on yourself. Leave the girl and kill the opponents running at you. The stigma on enemies will come in handy more than ever. Type a combo to make your sword glow, then press the "C" key. Get out of here together with the girl and give her to the care of the soldiers.

Big game hunting

Go to the familiar Dwarf in the west. He will offer to take part in the hunt for Graug. For this you can get an artifact. Having received the skill "Hunt for Karagor", you can stun the animals that jumped at you. Go further to the beast and sit astride it. On the beast, follow the Dwarf, kill opponents attacking you. On horseback, you can attack with a sword, shoot from a bow. Command the beast to bite fallen foes. Follow the enemy, shoot an arrow at him from a distance. Return to the Dwarf and assist in the fight against the Uruks.


Light Graug needs to be killed. While the enemy gets to the Uruks, we sneak up from behind and hit on the legs. Having saddled Karagor, we climb the nearest hill and wait for Karagor to run past. We jump on it and sit astride. Moving to the Dwarf, Graug will chase after you. When our friend gives a sign, then you need to shoot with full force into the mouth of the beast. Next, the gnome will bind the enemy. We go to Graug, trying to climb on top of that. He will start fighting back. We dodge his blows, quickly press the keys that appear on the screen. Sitting on horseback, go to the enemies and kill them. We finish off Graug.

Great White Graug

Meet with Torvin, climb the Karagor and follow to the cave of the beast. There will be no one in it. Inside there is an elf artifact - a jewelry chisel. A beast will soon attack you, the gnome will be unconscious. We are entering the battle.

We run away from the enemy, he decides to crash into us from acceleration. Before running, he will growl. At this point in time, you need to shoot an arrow into the mouth of the monster while it is open. The beast will get angry, run at you without stopping. Dodge or jump away from him and he will crash right into the wall. We run up to the monster and strike at a vulnerable point. When you hurt him, he will be attacked by underground enemies. By eating them, he replenishes his health reserve. Slow down time and shoot at Graug's left paw to prevent him from recuperating. When there are no monsters out of the ground, then repeat the steps.

Lord of Mordor

To attack the Black Hand, you need to put a brand on the leaders. It will take you a long time. If you fail to kill the leaders, then put a stigma on his guards and arrange a riot. After collecting five leaders with a brand, start the task. Go to the north pier and climb aboard the ship that will sail to the Black Hand Fortress. On the shore he will be the largest with the largest army. There is a general inside the fortress who does not want to fight you. Hide from enemy copies, drain four enemy copies in stealth mode. You only have 8 minutes. Complete the test successfully, follow to the main hall and see the ghost of your wife. The commander will attack you. Click on the buttons that will appear on the screen. The enemy is defeated.

Mordor on fire

When you find yourself in Nurn, you will see that the volcano of Mordor has woken up. Go to the destroyed camp and get the elf artifact. Fight enemies, defeat 5 commanders, subordinates of the Black Hand. Having won, go inside the fortress and follow upward. Inside you will meet a necromancer, he will kill himself and become a living Sauron. Click on the buttons on the screen and finally deal with Sauron.

So, the game is out, the leading gaming publications are not stingy with praise, and dissenting critics are angry about the fact that the game lacks a plot and, in general, the entire gameplay is extremely monotonous, but this is not so. Middle-earth will force the player to learn and adapt to the not-so-simple gameplay. Within the framework of this material, an attempt will be made to summarize some of the obvious and hidden nuances in the game, as well as to give, as much as possible, some useful advice, since, it is worth repeating, the game is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

So let's go.

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor- a typical action game with battles in the style of Assasins Creed. In addition to battles, there is, in fact, nothing more here, so we will learn to fight, upgrade and arrange sudden and deadly stealth sorties.

The first thing to do is set your fingers to the key keys. In our case, we are dealing with a PC version, so all further tips will be tied to the traditional keyboard. We need Ctrl, Left Shift and Space. This is first and foremost. In the second, the V, F, E and M keys. In this game, the same keyboard commands perform different functions in different situations. The clamped spacebar lets the hero run, when approaching a wall or other obstacle, pressing the spacebar, we climb up, and in battle this key allows you to dodge and simply jump back. Shift, instead of the standard run, makes the hero sneak, which is very much in demand. With the proper skill, up to half of the orcs on the map can be neutralized by hidden murders. By pressing Ctrl in peacetime, the hero will collect all sorts of objects, and in battle he will be responsible for capturing the enemy, which with pressing the spacebar will allow interrogating the almost finished off orc. Also useful is the E key. If you hold it down, then you can draw out a few lives from a beaten, but living enemy.

Well, and a mouse, of course. With the help of RMB, you can both block strikes and enter the archery mode. A bit inconvenient, since it is enough to overexpose RMB a little and instead of a block, the hero pulls out a bow. These are the main nuances of management. The game system itself will tell you more about them in pop-up tips from time to time.

There is a force of attraction in the game, but it only affects the orcs, our hero can jump from any height with absolutely no consequences. However, if you need to quietly go down, then we approach the edge, press E and slowly go down. Also, let's not forget about the ghost mode. In this mode, we will be able to clearly track the movements of the enemy, as well as learn some details about the captains.

There are no first-aid kits in the game, but lives are gradually being restored. This circumstance, already on the very first day of the release of the game, entailed a lot of curiosities, when the players waited until their health was restored, simply resting in a secluded corner, wasting time, because they did not know how to be treated in Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor... Looking carefully at the map, you will see multi-colored, but more often green crosses. These are plants. Run up to a flower, bush or mushroom and press Ctrl. The hero will be refreshed and fully recovered. The number of plants is limited, but they are quite enough.

Since we have touched on the map, let's dwell on it in more detail. Red triangles are enemies. The acute corner of the triangle is the side the orc faces. It is very convenient to run behind for an instant kill. Also, in addition to the main and secondary quests, a skull icon will sometimes appear on your map. It indicates the direction of the last captain you marked for the upcoming meeting. The nuance is that sometimes this mark disappears. This is because the marked target has moved out of sight and is too far away. By switching to large map mode by pressing M, you can instantly teleport to certain parts of the location.

Now about the battles.

Don't underestimate instant stealth kills. This is an extremely effective method for clearing the area. It immediately makes sense to remove the archers, who are usually at the top. They are shown on the map as slightly different triangles. Archers in most cases do not move, so it is very easy to approach them from behind. Use sneak run instead of sneaky walking. It is also silent, but you will get to your goal much faster. The matter is facilitated by the fact that the hero does not have vigor as such and you can run at least all the time, quickly running around carts, stones and other obstacles in order to run behind the orc's back.

Very often you will have to fight in a tight environment. Of course, it is better to break out of the ring by pressing the space bar several times, but if you fail, then do not forget to parry the blows, otherwise you will not be enough for a long time. The most unpleasant battles are battles with captains surrounded by their subordinates. It just so happens that you rarely manage to fight the captain one-on-one. Most often, relatives will immediately come running to help him. The connection between the orcs is well established and should not be underestimated. If, for example, you do not finish off the orc, then he may run away from you in fear. He will run straight to his captain and complain about you, so be prepared to quickly retreat from the place where you were last noticed, otherwise if a dozen orcs come running, then it will be difficult to do something with them.

In the early stages of the game, enemies, including captains, will be divided into melee fighters and distancers. It is much easier to fight with the second, but when the captain is not armed with a crossbow, but not an ordinary orc, then do not let him come to his senses and step back a few steps, because a hit from a crossbow will remove the lion's share of health from your character.

Orcs often run in a crowd of 10-15 individuals. If you are unlucky and you ran into such a detachment, then it is better to retreat right away and climb the nearest sheer wall. Orcs will not be able to catch up with you, and even more so they will not climb the wall, only if there is no ladder or similar special devices.

By the way, you can fight not only yourself, but also at the expense of our younger friends. Having tamed and saddled a monster, you can more effectively clear the vastness of Mordor.

There are artifacts in the game. They earn special points called Mirians and also awaken memories. Rotate the artifact with the mouse until you hear a change in the sound and also see a glow. Then press X and activate the memory.

The first pumping feature that you will encounter is the runes that drop from the defeated captains. After killing the captain, press Ctrl and take the dropped out rune. They are of three types: for a sword, a bow and a dagger. The most important thing is the sword, then the dagger comes, and the bow closes the top three. However, nevertheless, the game will develop in such a way that for all types of weapons runes will be given in almost equal doses. At the first stage of the game, you can only activate one rune. Later you will be able to add several favorite runes. Runes that increase damage are suitable for a sword. For a dagger - runes that increase the effect of a process called "execution".

As for the planned pumping of the hero's skills, then take them to your taste. The gameplay is built in such a way that you can pump almost anything you want, although at first it is advisable not to spend pumping points until the second, and then the third row of skills opens. You will have to pump two different directions: the Ghost and the Pathfinder. Having pumped one skill, the second will also not lose its relevance. At the same time, one cannot say which of the skills is more important and more effective. It can only be noted that the skills of the half of the Ghost are more combat skills than the Pathfinder skills.

Do not disdain additional tasks. Firstly, it is quite interesting to pass them, and secondly, they will add you more experience points and Mirians.

To get to the point of taking one of the main main tasks, you will first have to clear the territory from the orcs, because if you immediately get into the thick of it, then you will have to fight immediately with a dozen or more enemies. Therefore, try to cut off the enemy along the perimeter, as wolves do, I surround the flock. Kill one by one the least cautious ones who have their backs turned to you. If you wait until darkness, the first targets should be those orcs who walk with torches. We go to them from the back and eliminate them. Also, first of all, you need to eliminate the detached slavers and orcs running after people. Last but not least, you should run up to the fire and challenge enemies to battle. If you have already decided on something like this, then you need to do it like this: ran up to one of them from the back, stabbed him and, fighting back, retreat to some hill. Orcs will usually lag behind, although sometimes they may decide to climb after you. Then it will be easy enough to kill them one by one.

That, perhaps, is all. At first, it may seem difficult to get used to the new open spaces and control the hero by pressing many keys, at different moments responsible for different functions, however, after a couple of hours, you will have practically no discomfort, and you will be able to fully enter the fight against Sauron.

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor game - Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor. The protagonist of this game is a tracker named Talion. He was raised from the dead thanks to the intervention of a mysterious spirit of revenge. When you play, three menus will immediately open in front of you. Here you can choose a suit from the proposed options. At the beginning of the game, you will have the opportunity to choose a standard outfit or a Dark Ranger outfit. In this playthrough, the choice fell on the second outfit. Therefore, we advise you to do this too.

Introduction and training

When you are finished watching the cutscene, begin the standard combat training procedure. This will come in handy when playing Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor. Therefore, consider this carefully. The training will take place with a person named Dariel. So, RMB is a counterattack. LMB - attack.

Then the orcs appear. They are actually Uruks. To carry out an execution on the ground, you just need to hold Shift while pressing LMB. To run, press the space bar. To make an attack in a throw, hold Ctrl while running. To kill enemies that are knocked down, press Shift and LMB at the same time. When throwing and grabbing, you can also use Ctrl.

So Talion sends his son to protect his wife. He understands that his son is dead. Then the wife appears. You need to hold Shift. Then you can act in a stealthy mode. Then press LMB to kiss. You need to sneak up to the Uruks in stealth mode, quietly soak everyone by pressing LMB. Then watch the video. There, with the entire family of Talion, there will be a reprisal and very harsh. Then talk to the ghost. He will tell you that you were cursed. Then fast travel will open up for you. So, together with the tower forges, you will be entangled with a couple of new memories of the same ghost, brand new quests, as well as a number of item locations that are marked on the map.

Passage of the game Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor continues. You need to jump from the tower and shoot four Uruks using your bow. Then go to the wounded enemy and interrogate him. Grab him, then press Space. When you complete the interrogation, a new window will appear. Shadow captains belonging to the army of Lord Sauron will be visible there. There will be five of them in total. Well, you have yet to get to know them. Conduct interrogations and you will learn a lot of useful and interesting things. All this will be useful to you in the future. At the moment, you will find out about the captains if you click on the middle one. This will reveal that this is the veteran Gimub the Slaver. You will also find out how you can find it.

As you complete your short interrogation, two side quests will open. So the first one is the Slave Trader. But the second is the Spirit of Mordor. If you collect plants, you can restore health. Jump off the cliff, deal with the uruk below. He just wanted to kill an innocent person. After the reprisal, you will have ability points. If you press Enter, you can familiarize yourself with the abilities that are available to you. The passage of the game Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor continues.

An Interested Party

Now you need to go to the nearest point, take tasks right there. It will be associated with the familiar Golum. Deal with three orcs. You will be able to choose new skills for yourself, because available skill points will appear. If you decide to switch to the elf-ghost mode, you will get the opportunity to move along the route of white smoke, directly to the specified task. Do not forget to collect plants along the way, which will improve your health. Follow the blue trail to the other side. On the way you will meet many different enemies. You must deal with them. As a result, you will reach the cave. Examine it carefully. When you climb the ledge, you can find the medallion. Then watch the video.

After the end of the video, you will see an unusual monster. We'll have to fight him and win. Then catch up with Golum, who wanted to hide. During the chase, you need to deal with seven opponents. They are hunters. Go to the cave, watch the next cut-scene, complete this quest.

Go to the next point, get acquainted with additional information about Golum.

The spirit of mordor

With the further passage of the game Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, you need to take a new quest. You need to select the specified commander, then find out his name. This is Goroth Caragor Tamer. Follow Rothberg. Be sure to save his life. Deal with all the enemies, move further together. Now you must find Goroth, but not raise an alarm among the orcs. You can climb the walls and so on. This way you will not encounter enemies and there will be no alarm. Only kill those who will stand alone. And the murder itself is carried out in stealth mode. When you soak the indicated target, you will know that he acts as an approximate of Gorota. Every time you enter the mind of another orc, you will find out his name. All this, however, does not concern the captains.

You need to advance to the camp where Goroth is located. Defeat him as soon as possible, then take care of the captain of the hunters Ratbag. Everything, this quest can be considered completed.

The outcast

Passage of the game Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor - you must advance to the marker, which is depicted as a "fist". Follow Irgon. It is necessary to collect three plants that will be indicated. They are needed to prepare poison. Deal with all the hunters on the way. When all the necessary things are collected, continue to advance behind Irgon. After you find yourself in a new location, you need to start collecting the necessary plants again. This time, you must take plants two at a time. Then again go after Irgon, collect the next three indicated plants. Well, you can move to the secret hideout of Uryuk. Place the poison on five barrels of grog. It is important that no alarm is raised. Therefore, do everything carefully. In addition, you can get a bonus reward. But this is on condition that you kill five enemies in stealth mode. Well, after the orcs will drink grog and will not come to their senses. Watch the video, the quest can be considered completed.

The path to power

Move on to the very pass. Its name is "Udun". To be able to take the quest "Let the power" this pass is simply necessary for you. Before helping Krysary, you need to deal with the archers. It is best to shoot them with a bow. Do not immediately engage in battle with the captain, whose name is Brogg Gemini. First, try to kill a row of Uruks from behind. And then those who notice you. When you are done, rush into battle with Brogg. Hit him until a green skull appears on the health bar. Continue playing Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor. At this very moment you can interrogate him. During the interrogation, you will learn that he is acting as the personal bodyguard of the veteran leader, whose name is Mogg. He is also the Second Gemini. Since Brogg is killed, a new guard of the leader - Ratarius - will be erected in his place.

The main task: find Celebrimbor

The first mission is very simple - it is educational, in it you will be taught the basic controls.

Watch the video that retells current events and the story from the first part. After that, you will be able to control Talion, which is in a kind of cave with several orcs roaming the area.

As always, when it comes to the first levels, you should take a little time and thoroughly study the controls. An orc will stand in front of you - enter the stealth mode and complete the kill. Attacks of this type do not bother other orcs, and you can use them to kill enemies with a single hit.

Look at the minimap and go to the gold marker. Keep jumping up the ledges, practice stealth, and perform a few attacks from above for fun. However, this is an optional requirement, and you can simply jump down to the group of orcs that guard the narrow corridor. Face the orcs and learn the basics of combat. Start fighting them. This easy fight will serve as a kind of impetus for other battles. Here you will learn about the basics of fighting, dodging and parrying. The enemies are very easy and you will defeat them without any problems. After that, go to the marker and watch a long scene. Celebrimbor will return to you and the prologue will end.

Act 1. Siege of Minas Ithil

Mission 1. Brotherhood

Quest giver: Gondor

Jump down and sneak to the orc with a green badge above his head. This worm is a special type of orc that can reveal the weaknesses of one of the captains. Dominate him and choose the captain you want to know more about.

Then you can follow the gold marker. You can dominate other worms or sneak past them without being noticed. Finally, you will reach a group of orcs and learn how to use the bow. Follow the paths and defeat enemies. Then you can walk up to the footprints on the ground and study them. Follow them and you will face another group of enemies. The best way to kill these orcs is to blow up the barrels and then continue forward.

When you reach the city, find your target using the ghost form. This way you can find the captain you need. Learn about his weaknesses - this orc is stunned after you carry out a stealth attack. Climb up the houses and go to the enemy captain.

Attack the enemy from above to use his weakness. This will remove most of the captain's health. You can now participate in combat. Soon after, you will be joined by Idril, a brave Gondorian warrior who will assist you in the battle. You will also receive new equipment - equip it and do not forget to check and change your wardrobe in the future.

Follow Idril and you will reach a courtyard full of warriors. Defeat the orcs and then follow the warrior. Keep fighting until you reach the main gate. This is where you split up. Your goal is to defeat the orcs. This is not a very difficult task, especially since your hero has a glaive, which manifests itself very well when it comes to area attacks. Kill all orcs. The mission will end after their death.

Mission 2. Eyes of Sauron / Shadows of the Past

Quest giver: Gondor

It's a very simple task here - you have to run straight until you reach Khedira's tower. There you need to clear it and use the tower to find interesting places (missions, artifacts, and so on) in the vicinity. You have to move the circle until it shrinks and warns about some interesting thing. After that, this event / artifact will be on your map.

In addition, these towers serve as fast travel points - you can teleport here when you are out of combat.

In addition to this, you can use these towers to rewind time. Thanks to this, new captains may appear in Sauron's army, or you can let your captains complete the missions that were given to them earlier.

The goal of this mission is to learn how to use elven rage. Find the mounds and go there. There will be a mission "Shadows of the Past". This is a special type of mission that recreates the heroic deeds of Celebrimbor from the past. Here you can see a story that shows how a furious elf used his ring to destroy enemies. Your task is to fill the rage bar. This panel fills up when killing orcs. Please note that this mission has additional objectives - this is typical of Celebrimbor missions. In each task, you can get bronze, silver or gold. It depends on the number of completed goals. In this mission, there will be an easy goal - to fill the rage bar in one minute and 36 seconds and defeat ten enemies using elven rage. This is easy to do. Just focus on enemies and executions on the ground. After filling the bar, activate the rage and quickly kill all enemies using boosted attacks and executions. After that, the mission ends.

Mission 3. The Seeing Stone

Quest giver: Gondor

Follow Idril. Enemies will shoot at you with siege beasts. Watch out for the big red circles on the ground. You must avoid them, otherwise you will die quickly. Do not rush forward, but rather run around these circles.

Weak orcs will be waiting for you in the yard. Kill them and follow the woman. Avoid new explosions until you reach the heroes of this celebration. Shoot explosive charges at these monsters, and then dominate them.

Load your arrows and run towards the siege beast. Aim your bow at the blue dot next to the catapult. This will cause an explosion that will damage the beast.

Shoot at another target and approach the monster. Take control and watch the army of orcs. You have to kill 60 targets, so use the abilities of your new "friend". During the battle, another siege beast will come out. Get rid of the competition - only one beast can be on the battlefield. After that, continue shooting at the orcs. Use the beast to destroy your enemies. Kill him when all targets fall and move on.

You have a new ability - double jump. Use this trick to quickly reach the new beast. Take control and start shooting at enemies. This time, you need to kill 80 orcs and two siege beasts. The task is simple, because no one will bother you. After that, you can jump off the beast and kill it. Minas Ithil saved ... For now.

Mission 4. Knife in the dark

Quest giver: Shelob

The mission begins with the presentation of a new enemy - Olog-hai. These powerful war trolls are resistant to attacks and require a slightly different approach. The best way is to press the buttons that appear on the screen to slip between your legs and stun at the right moment. You can also climb on his back and attack him with a dagger, which also allows you to control the enemy.

After that, Gollum will appear. A famous character tells you that he can lead you to the Assassin. Follow your new ally. On your way you will meet orcs, but you can easily avoid the fight. Shoot the nest of flies and the enemies will scatter.

Finally, you will meet Shelob. She shows Talion a vision of the killer. Follow Gollum until you reach four orcs. Head towards the nest of flies hanging above them and shoot at it to neutralize the threat. There are many tricks in the game that allow you to use environmental objects to your advantage.

Then you must find the first victim of the killer. Follow Gollum and the marker. Activate the ghost on the spot and follow the footprints on the ground. Jump onto Olog-hai and defeat the rest of the orcs.

While pursuing plot goals, you can safely ignore single orcs. Soon you will reach the second victim. Return to Gollum and continue your journey. Further there will be a gate and a guard patrol with Olog-hai. Climb up the gate and jump onto it to make the fight easier. Then follow your companion until you reach a small orc camp.

Activate ghost mode and follow new tracks. This time you will find yourself on a living victim. Tame him for information on the killer you're looking for. Shoot down the nest of flies to make the fight easier. The enemy is afraid of them. He is overwhelmed by the fact that he can become an ordinary piece of meat for them. His death completes this quest.

Mission 5. No Man's Land

Quest giver: Gondor

Baranor wants to show the orcs that the army of Gondor will not sit idly by and wait for the next attack in the fortress. Follow him to the gold marker. There will be many lonely orcs on your way - you can order your captain to make stealthy attacks on these enemies.

Keep walking and activate ghost mode looking for footprints. Follow them and stumble upon a large group of enemies. You can either kill these enemies or use stealth to avoid them and make the fight ahead easier. Use stealth attacks to defeat this captain easily.

Finally, you will reach the orc who is your target. The hunter is a new type of enemy. Shoots a crossbow and tries to keep a safe distance. He also travels around Karagor, which makes this fight more difficult. First try to clear this place from other orcs.

When it comes to fighting the leader, then you must prepare for a more difficult battle. Do not forget that these are more powerful warriors, have unique abilities and, as a rule, are resistant to some types of attacks. This enemy has a strong vulnerability to stealth attacks. They stun him and allow you to attack without any problem. Use this knowledge to your advantage - avoid the orcs, climb the tower and from there jump onto the leader. The mission ends after the death of the leader.

Mission 6. Shower of arrows

Quest giver: Shelob

You managed to kill the leader who wanted to storm Minas Ithil, but this is only the beginning. Go to Shelob and get another vision. Go to Baranor and warn him of a new threat. When you get to Baranor, he will ask you to protect the area. You need to eliminate ten archers and go unnoticed. It's a fairly simple task - look for single targets, climb towers and kill orcs using stealth. If you want, you can kill targets with your bow. Aim for the head to critically hit. This will allow you to quickly complete the task. However, I would advise you to practice stealth because this mechanic will come in handy later on.

After that, climb the high tower and watch the warrior enter the arena. Two captains of the fifth level will enter with him. You have to be careful because fighting multiple captains can be challenging. I advise you to shoot explosive boxes to eliminate most of the enemies. You can also use stealth attacks on one of the captains. Then activate elven rage or executions to quickly defeat the remaining enemies. The mission will end after the death of the leader.

Mission 7. Traitor's Gate

Quest giver: Shelob

This mission is quite difficult, so I advise you to pump Talion to at least level 15. Go to Shelob and see another vision. This time, you will learn that there is a traitor in the ranks of Gondor.

Follow Gollum. Here you can meet spiders - they are your allies and attack enemies by jumping on them. You will have several options for calling these critters. Just destroy their nests and they will come. They will help you destroy the orcs.

Keep running until you reach the orc stronghold. Then you go alone - Gollum will not be able to keep up with you. Kill several orcs near the walls and go upstairs. Your task is to follow the messenger until you find the leader. Stick to the western side of the fortress and climb the buildings. Attack archers and try to stay close to your target. If any orcs that are on the roofs of houses began to notice you, you can kill them with a bow.

As a result, you will meet the leader. He will be furious because the messenger brought you to him. The chieftain is level 17 and has a legendary rank. This is a tough opponent.

He is vulnerable to stealth attacks - you can try to attack him from the shadows by jumping off ledges. Be careful. There will be many orcs below and you can be stupidly hammered. So try to disperse these troops. Lure enemies to the barrels and first of all, kill the riders on the Karagor.

You can also use beasts as mounts (provided you purchase the desired ability) because they are very useful in combat. And also use your bow and shoot the chief in the head. With his death, the mission will end and you will receive a legendary item.

Mission 8. Arena

Quest giver: Gondor

Sauron's army kidnapped the general. You must go to the arena and challenge the enemies so that Idril can carry out a rescue operation. There will be consecutive battles in this mission, and I would advise you to get the best equipment.

The first enemy will be an orc - a destroyer from the Olog-Khaev race. He uses explosive barrels and his weapon deals fire damage. In all other respects, this is an ordinary goof. Just roll between your legs and focus on your attacks.

After that, several captains and ordinary orcs will attack you. Is your task clear? You need to defeat all the orcs. There are many explosive barrels in the arena. Use them to get rid of weaker orcs.

Don't forget about Karagor cells. They can be destroyed and watch the carnage in the arena. The beast will start attacking your enemies (but be careful, because it can switch to you at any time). Tame it or use it as a mount.

Defeat a wave of enemies. After that, a strong captain will appear. In my case, it was a level fourteen archer. I killed him very quickly with elven fury.

After defeating the captain, Talion challenges the rest of the orcs and demonstrates his strength. Its power frightens the orcs and they flee in fear. On such a pretentious note, the mission ends.

Mission 9. Before dawn

Quest giver: Gondor

Despite your best efforts in the arena, Idril was unable to break into the enemy camp and save her father. You must escort her and rescue the general. Move forward and issue orders to secretly destroy the soldiers. On the way, you will encounter captured Gondorian soldiers. Destroy orcs, rescue soldiers and move forward. You will find yourself in a small camp with a large group of enemies.

Rescue another group of prisoners and clear the area of ​​orcs. This is a very simple task - you can use Idril's help or do it yourself. The rescued soldiers will join you. After defeating the orcs, you will see a rather mysterious scene. Castamir will be released. Follow the golden marker and destroy new enemies. Get to the bridge. There you will have to face a small group of orcs. Deal with the threat, move closer to the city and complete this short mission.

Mission 10. Fall

Quest giver: Shelob

A warning! This is the final mission in this act and after that you will have to say goodbye to this area for a while. Therefore, take a little time and collect the remaining artifacts, and also open the door in the burial ground.

In the last vision of Shelob, the sad truth is revealed - Kastamir is a traitor to his people. Go to Minas Ithil to witness Sauron's brutal siege. What to do? Join the defenders and try to save the day. Your first task is to defend the yard for two minutes. An additional goal is to achieve twenty hits without interruption. There are many enemies, and you will complete this goal very quickly. Fight enemies, but watch out for catapults (red circles on the ground) and Olog-hai. You can drain your enemies for healing.

After a short scuffle, a powerful captain will enter the courtyard and lead the attack. Your elven rage should be fully charged - use it to quickly destroy the enemy. In addition to the captain, a dragon will appear on the battlefield, which will interfere with you in every possible way and pour fire on the battlefield. I advise you to concentrate on the captain in order to end this torment as quickly as possible.

After the carnage, watch a long video. Now you will find yourself in a huge church, where you will have to face the Nazgul. Five Nazguls will act against you at once. This battle has a specific strategy. Don't jump at them right away. There are more of them and they will quickly kill you. Follow the prompts on the screen and wait until one of the enemies approaches you. After that, you can fill the counter using normal attacks. Don't forget about parrying and dodging. Weakened Nazgулыl can be driven out. After defeating all the Nazgul, watch another long scene. After that, you will wake up in a cave next to your savior. Follow the elf until you reach Shelob. See another scene. The mission and the first act conclude on this note. Well, at least the ring was returned ...

Act 2.

Mission 11. Ring of Power

Quest giver: Bruse

You have returned the ring and learned the basics of Orc enslavement. Now it's time to hunt. Go to the arena where you can meet Bruz, a very powerful orc who can easily defeat other captains. It will become the backbone of your newly created army. With the open ability to dominate captains, you can enslave a weakened leader. Now you need to recruit this orc into your army. Over time, you will discover more unique abilities and orders.

After starting the mission, you will see that the arena is in complete chaos. Bruz is fighting weaker orcs, and you can use this to your advantage. Deal with the archers so that they do not interfere with you during the battle. Then jump down and try to weaken the captain with a stealth attack.

Bruz is a typical Olog-high and his attacks are very easy to dodge. You can enslave several orcs to simplify the battle. Recruit Bruz into your army and watch a funny video. In the following missions, Bruse will teach the basics of managing your army.

Mission 12. Wildlife

Quest giver: Karnan

The mission begins in a calm environment. Go through the gate and go to the prisoner orc. Make him work and learn more about the new enemy. Head towards another orc and repeat the process.

Continue to move forward and skip the dead bodies of the orcs. You will find the creature responsible for the death of the orcs - the spirit of Karnan. He's not very happy about you. After the scene, get ready for battle. The ghost will take the form of a special karagor and attack you. This karagor is much stronger than the usual ones. The fight against this form is very easy. Attack the enemy from the sides and shoot in the head with a bow. In addition to the mini-boss, ordinary Karagoras may appear on the map, so be careful.

After the destruction of one form, the boss will have another - Graug. This enemy is very powerful. He has very powerful melee attacks, in addition to that, he can breathe fire and throw fireballs.

You must constantly move and not stay in one place for too long. Shoot this enemy in the head and don't get too close. Many arrows can be found in the arena.

At the end, the forest spirit will take the form of a dragon. This is about the same tactics as with Graug. Move across the arena and shoot the dragon in the head.

After that, you can talk to the ghost guarding the forest. You will learn that a very serious enemy has awakened and only Talion can prevent him.

Mission 13. Eyes of the Witch-king

Quest giver: Eltariel

At the start of the mission, you may notice many orc bodies. This means that our old friend is here. Move forward and you will see a scene in which the elf deals with the Nazgul. Talk to her and go to the orc camp.

Here's a simple task. You must find and enslave the five worms marked on the map. And you can also complete an additional goal by making three stealthy enslavements. Complete this task first so you don't have to worry about it.

Remember that you need to enslave the worms, not kill them. Try not to blow up barrels and do not fight these enemies, you should try to complete this mission in stealth mode. This mission will serve as a good test of your skills for the missions ahead.

The next interrogation will allow you to find out more about the chosen ones - a special group of orcs that are very close to the Nazgul and have special powers. Collect all the information and return to the elf. At this point, this mission ends.

Mission 14. Conquest

Quest giver: Bruse

It's time to take part in your first siege. You will go into battle with Bruz and several captains, who can be selected on the siege screen. Before the siege, you can choose improvements for the captains. After that, the siege will begin.

This fortress is rather weak and has low-level improvements. Climb to the top of the wall and eliminate the archers. In the meantime, your forces should attack the first checkpoint. After capturing all the points, you can fight the commander.

Go down to the attackers and capture the first control point. Now you need to transfer your forces to another point. However, this time you will face several captains. Use environmental objects - summon a dragon or explode a barrel.

During the battle with the captains, try to enslave each of them. This will come in handy for the later stages of the game, where you will suffer a lot of losses while attacking or defending.

Do not forget about healing your weakened captains (when they are on the ground) - approach them and use enslavement. Unfortunately, enemies will interfere with you in every possible way, so be careful.

Capture the second point and the fortress will be yours. There will be no fight with the commander-in-chief, because it turns out to be your friend. This is the only exception. In other fortresses, for a complete victory, you need to defeat the Leader so that the fort comes under your control. Enjoy your first victory - Talion grows stronger.

Mission 15. Three towers

Quest giver: Eltariel

The Nazgулыl want to reclaim the Khedir towers that you captured, so you must stop them. Run straight until you find a lone Karagor. Defeat the beast and enslave him. Please note that you have a time limit, so hurry up.

Jump on the beast and jump to the tower and a group of orcs. An additional goal is that you have to kill seven orcs on horseback. The captain will join the battle. He is vulnerable to attacks from the Karagora and will therefore die very quickly.

After that, jump on Karagora and go to another tower. You need to cover long distances, but the animal has a very good speed, so you can reach the desired places without any problems.

You will face a group of orcs. There will be many nests and meat lures to use. After that, switch to the next commander of the orcs. Kill him and saddle the Karagor.

Ride to the next tower. There you will find the largest group of orcs and one more captain. These orcs will attack you accompanied by a ghost. The battle tactics are identical to those in the first act - use dodges and counterattacks.

The key to success is focusing on one enemy. If you have problems, use hit and run tactics. Repeat several times and you will easily defeat the captain. Watch the scene after the fight. The mission ends after watching the video.

Mission 16. Fighting pits

Quest giver: Bruse

This mission is educational in nature. You need to choose one of your captains and order him to fight in the arena. Here, the choice will be made for you to advance you through the plot.

Go to the starting point and you will see your orc fight against the champion of the arena. You cannot interfere, so just sit and enjoy the spectacle. The winner gets several levels (the captain cannot get a level higher than yours), and you get several items. In this mission, your captain will have 100% victory, so you don't need to worry about your orc losing.

After this mission, pits will become available to you, which are a good and quick way to develop your orcs. In addition to this, you can hire some strong captains there. The mission will end after your ally wins.

Mission 17. Allies

Quest giver: Gondor

Baranor survived the assault on Minas Ithil. He asks you to help him save the prisoners. You must climb the nearby buildings and enslave the orcs so that they can help you in the upcoming battles. The area is filled with orcs, so you can take your time.

You need to free three prisoners. They are far apart and are guarded by many orcs. Try to use environmental objects (barrels, baits) and rescue the prisoners.

Remember that Baranor can help you. He can carry out stealth attacks. After rescuing three prisoners, you will have a new goal. You need to go into the cave and free the prisoners who are inside.

Go there and destroy all the orcs. There will be five prisoners and many weak orcs. You will also face a new type of enemy - ghouls. They won't give you much trouble.

Eventually, you will meet a leader who is quite strong. He is a berserker, so be careful in close combat. Rely on counterattacks or ranged attacks. The mission will end after his death.

Mission 18. Bloody games

Quest giver: Gondor

Orcs use prisoners for bloody arena battles. You must help them and find Idril. Move forward until you face a new enemy - the dark Karagor. These creatures are more resilient and stronger than normal ones, so be careful.

Before the battle, I would advise you to rise to the stands and enslave several orcs. This will help you in the coming battle. After that, you can jump and attack the animals.

After the fight, tame the animal and run to kill the enemies who have joined the battle. Idril will also join this battle.

The captain will appear at the end of the battle, and he will not cause any special problems for your group. He outnumbers you, but your friends will very quickly deal with the lesser orcs. The mission will end after his death and viewing the scene.

Mission 19. An uninvited guest

Quest giver: Gondor

The Orcs want to celebrate the successful assault and plunder of Minas Ithil. Run with Idril to the camp and have fun with the enemies. You need to poison five barrels of grog.

I advise you to pump the ability that allows you to poison the grog with a bow (aim at the barrel and press the desired button). Thanks to this, you can stay in the shadows and poison the barrels in the blink of an eye.

Poison the grog and hide in the bushes. Wait until the orc captain arrives. He'll make a toast and get poisoned. His weakness is a poison that will do its job 100%.

Now you can destroy the remaining enemies. Focus on sneak attacks. The battle will be very easy, but be careful not to be surrounded, as there will be a lot of orcs. Do not forget that you can always retreat and restore your health with the help of solo orcs. The mission will end after the captain dies.

Mission 20. The Chosen

Quest giver: Eltariel

Run straight until you find the elf. Follow her and you will find yourself next to a small camp. You need to kill nine orcs. This can be done very easily, as there are many explosive barrels and other environmental items that can be used against enemies. Defeat weak units. The additional goal is competition. You need to kill more enemies than the elf.

Fight new enemy forces. Enslave them and interrogate them. You will find out that a group of captains will be arriving shortly.

Go to meet them. There will be three captains at once. However, this shouldn't be too much of a problem. If you are having problems killing captains, then wait until they turn their attention to the elf. After that, you can kill them without any problems. The mission will end the moment the last captain dies.

Mission 21. The hardships of war

Quest giver: Gondor

Meet Baranor. He will tell you about the plan of salvation. Defeat all enemies and save the first soldier. Now you can choose which soldier to save next.

There are very orcs in the camp, but many of them can be through stealth attacks. Try to weaken large units with explosions. You can also enslave archers, because they will be useful in the upcoming battle.

Save all the soldiers. After that, the captain of the orcs will appear and seize Baranor. This is very bad. Kill the captain. After that, another captain will join the battle. You can summon your bodyguard or activate elven rage to quickly destroy enemies.

Kill all enemies and complete the mission. Unfortunately, you didn't save Baranor. However, you will have another try another time.

Mission 22. Ritual

Quest giver: Eltariel

At the very beginning, you will see a scene where one of the ghosts turns the orc into the chosen one (met in previous missions). You need to prevent the creation of these filthy creatures.

At the very beginning, you will have an additional goal - you need to enslave three archers and go unnoticed. Subjugate the archers on the map to facilitate the upcoming battle. After capturing enemy forces, you can shoot a barrel near the orcs who participate in the ritual. A difficult battle awaits you. You must defeat three captains and one Nazgul. Order the elf to kill one of the captains - she can carry out a stealth attack on one of them.

This kill will make the battle easier - focus on the next captain and kill him. Enslave your enemies and order them to stay on the battlefield. Thanks to this, you will be able to replenish your ranks. In the end, the Nazgul will remain. The battle scheme is standard. The mission will end after all enemies are dead.

Mission 23. Tower of Sorcery

Quest giver: Eltariel

It's time to return to Minas - Morgul (formerly Minas-Itil) and find the palantir. An elf will help in our mission. Follow her. In this mission there will be an additional goal: to subdue fifteen orcs. A very easy target. Do it along the way to the golden mark. Most orcs will be distracted by the elf, so there will be no problems with submission.

As a result, you will reach the entrance to the castle, where you will be greeted by one of the ghosts of the ring. The fight with him is almost standard. This ghost can steal your supporters and casts a powerful spell from which you need to hide under a dome of light.

After defeating the boss, we watch a short video and understand that we will not go further into the fortress while the curtain hangs in Minas - Morgul. We need to do the rest of the business and collect a strong army.

Mission 24 Beach

Quest giver: Eltariel

The Nazgулыl are hunting you. Defend the Fortress! This quest will become available in the Seregost location after capturing the fortress and completing the "Tower of Witchcraft" quest. Helm Hammerhand will attack your fortress. He won't be alone. In his army there will be ghouls, karagoras and the rest of the evil spirits. First of all, I advise you to destroy the dragon or enslave it so that it does not interfere. After that, you can safely switch to Nazgul. The enslavement trick will not work, the Nazgul immediately destroys the tamed creature. We'll have to fight in a fair fight. Having lost a little health, the Nazgul will summon a dragon and go to another part of the fortress. The central gate will be destroyed and ghouls and giants will be trampled from there. Ignore them, your troops will take over the threat. Focus on the boss. Here is a standard tactic, only exile at the end will not help, and the boss would have killed you, but Eltariel arrived in time to help. She exiles the boss from the fortress. The siege ends at this point.

Mission 25. Flame and Fury

Quest giver: Eltariel

Eltariel tracked Helm Hammerhand down into the snowy peaks of Seregost. It's time to unite with her and finally finish off the Nazgul. First you need to kill the dragon. Be careful as his fire does a lot of damage. Keep your distance and shoot him in the head when he is about to breathe fire. Now follow the elf. There will be two more dragons in the fort. The tactics are standard, you take away almost all health, and Eltariel finishes off the dragon in the air and everyone is happy.

Eventually you will reach the boss. He will summon two dragons. Do not destroy two at once, because he will summon them again, and you will only be distracted in vain. Destroy only one dragon and focus on the boss. The mission will end after defeating the boss and watching the cutscene.

Mission 26. Dwellers from the graves

Quest giver: Eltariel

Watching the Nazgul, Eltariel came to these haunted ruins. Find out what's up to here and put an end to it. This quest becomes available in the Gorgoroth location after completing the Flame and Fury quest.

Follow Eltariel to find out what the next Nazgul is about to do. You will stumble upon Isuldur. This is the king who cut the ring from Sauron's finger and put it on his, but the power corrupted him. The Nazgul will not fight us right away, but will leave the undead to fight with us. Shoot them in the head or freeze them (if you have the right skill) and hit them. Undead attacks cannot be blocked. Dodging or jumping helps.

After a short fight, you need to clear the entire area from undead. An additional task will appear: avoid detection. This is very easy to do, especially for those who played half of the game in stealth mode. Isuldur will appear in the arena and release caustic phrases. Ignore him and destroy targets.

After that, fight the boss. He will summon the undead again. The tactics are the same as with other Nazgul. The boss will start casting a powerful spell after losing half of its health. Run under the dome of light and watch the cutscene.

After the cutscene, you will have to fight Castamir and his soldiers. The tactics of fighting Castamir are similar to those of fighting captains. Only he has no weaknesses and strengths. Just hit and dodge his blows. That's all. The mission will end after defeating Castamir.

Mission 27. To Gorgoroth

Quest giver: Gondor

Have you forgotten about Baranor yet? He can be saved. Idril will be on your team, which means that the chances of winning will increase. You will find yourself in a torture camp and you will immediately have an additional goal: to save nine Gondorians. They can be dropped on the way to Baranor. Before coming to Baranor, I would advise you to tame a dozen orcs, because there will be two captains who will want to fight you.

Idril will show up for a fight when the captains see you. I advise you to subdue the weakest of the captains in order to simplify your battle. The mission will end after you free Baranor. Watch the snotty scene and be moved.

Mission 28. Curse of Karnan

Quest giver: Karnan

Tar-Gorot will rise from the pit in Gorgoroth. It must not be allowed to crawl to the surface. You will find yourself in a mine where you need to defeat the captain and ten minions. The captain will run away when he has lost almost all health.

Jump down the mines to stop the Balrog. The spirit of Karnan will help you with this. Shoot the demon in the back with an enhanced bow shot while he hits the spirit. Do not forget about the additional task: do not fall under the falling debris. The demon will begin to flee after you have fired four successful empowered shots. Sit on Karnan's back and run after him. The fight will be very easy. Strike, and then press the buttons that the game advises you. Having lost almost all health, the Balrog will take over Karnan. You will jump off and you need to make a couple of accurate reinforced shots right into the demon's chest. Then saddle Karnan and run after the demon. This is the end of the mission.

Mission 29. Best Defense

Quest giver: Bruse

This quest will become available after capturing the fortress in the Nurnen location and completing the "Curse of Karnan" quest.

A very easy task. Run along the points and kill enemy troops together with the captains. After successfully defending, head to the bastion. Watch the video. Bruz will betray you, inflict a mortal wound and throw you off the fortress. The fortress in the Nurnen location will be lost.

Mission 30. Beaten

Quest giver: Bruse

I hope you want revenge? Bruz flew high. Give him a hard landing. Krysary will come to your rescue with the latest news.

You need to save your companions. Your allies are guarded by enemy orcs and captains. I advise you to subdue the archers so that there are fewer problems. You need to free three captains and their soldiers. Kill enemies at the point, free the captain, repeat three times.

Watch the video. The ratter will remember that he dug the secret entrance to the fortress a long time ago. Use it, and you will immediately find yourself in the throne room, where Bruz will be with the army. Kill him and thirty orcs. I advise you to focus on Bruz's captains. Subordinate them to yourself to simplify the battle.

As soon as Bruz is low on health, he will throw a replica and run away from the fortress. Finish off the remaining enemies and celebrate the capture of the fortress ... again.

Mission 31. Lost

Quest giver: Bruse

Krysary wants to meet with you. The enemy orcs have captured the Pathfinder, and we must deal with this case. Show strength to be feared and respected by other orcs.

Go to the meeting point. There Bruz will meet you and leave you to fight against a detachment of riders on Karagor. The mission will end after you defeat or tame all the enemies that attacked you. The Rattleman will go in search of the Pathfinder and Bruz. You will know when he finds them.

Mission 32. Frozen Flame

Quest giver: Karnan

Tar-Goroth rages on the vastness of Mordor, destroying everyone in its path. Send this balrog back to the abyss. Jump onto Karnan and follow the demon's footsteps to find him.

Having followed the tracks, you will realize that the demon drove you into a trap. He will appear behind you and run in your direction. The spirit of Karnan will run through the caves (automatically), and you will need to shoot at the stalactites to slow down your worst enemy.

After running through the cave, you will find yourself on an ice lake. It's useless to fight him for now. So just run away from his attacks until the spirit of the forest in the form of a dragon comes to the rescue. You will have an additional goal: to hit the balrog with ice explosions three times. Fly closer and avoid fiery blows from the demon. Hit him with frosty breath and then use ice blasts. Then throw it into the water. Repeat four times until you win. Watch the video and get rewards. The mission ends there.

Mission 33. The Vicissitudes of Fate

Quest giver: Eltariel

Abort the ritual and prevent the captains from becoming the Chosen One. This quest will become available in the Gorgoroth location after clearing all the Khedirs and capturing the fortress. There will also be an additional goal: to free the supporter before the ritual ends. I advise you to tame all the orcs on the map and free all the captains to make it easier for yourself to fight.

Two Nazgul and two captains will come out against you. Captains cannot be tamed, because they are the chosen ones, you can only lower their level and then they will flee from the battlefield. Watch the video after defeating enemies. The mission ends on this note.

Mission 34. Putrid Wind

Quest giver: Karnan

Karnan sacrificed herself to destroy Tar-Horoth, but Zog survived, and now the wind carries a pungent smell of decay. Return to Karnan Forest and find out what the matter is. This quest is available in the Nurnen location.

You need to kill this necromancer who desecrates the sacred forest. Follow the scent to the gold mark. In this place there will be the undead. Kill them and go to the place where they come from.

You need to clear the altar so that the dead no longer bother you. There will also be Zog, who will try to prevent you. Ignore him and the dead. If you kill the dead, then Zog will raise them, so immediately cleanse the altar. Zog will get angry and run away. The mission ends there.

Mission 35. Ghouls and Graugs

Quest giver: Karnan

Zog's cultists continue to resurrect the dead, while the dead attract the attention of the ghouls. Join forces with Karnan and put an end to this. Jump onto Karnan's back and run to clear the necromancer's altars. You have an additional goal: to destroy fifteen mounds of ghouls. Mounds are where ghouls come from. I advise you to destroy them so that the ghouls do not interfere with you in cleaning the altars.

You don't need to be distracted by enemies, Karnan will take care of them. Your task is to clear three altars. The mission will end after you clear the last totem.

Mission 36. Archers of Morgoth

Quest giver: Karnan

The cultists of Zog attempt to resurrect the archers of Morgoth, an ancient order of orc warriors. Join forces with Karnan to disrupt the ritual and return the archers to their graves.

Hop on the dragon and fly to the showdown. You need to clear three totems and kill forty dead archers of Morgoth. The dragon will help very well in this matter. When clearing totems, he will divert his attention to himself, and you can clear them without any problems.

The mission will end after you complete both objectives. Karnan will give guidance for the future and fly away.

Mission 37. Burning forest

Quest giver: Karnan

Karnan managed to survive the battle with the Balrog, but is now being attacked by Zog's minions. Protect Karnan Forest. Here you will have the same goal. You need to kill enemies and clear the totems of the necromancers.

After clearing the altars, you need to return to Karnan's hideout immediately. Here you need to kill orcs with torches so that they do not burn the entire forest. Focus your attention on these goals, the rest of the orcs can be ignored. Eventually they will run away.

Go to the hideout and talk to Karnen. Karnan is tired and after the conversation leaves for a long rest. The mission ends here.

Mission 38. Fire from ice

Quest giver: Karnan

Zog intends to raise the Balrog from the icy Lake Seregosta. We must not allow him to fulfill his plans.

Run to the place of the ritual to prevent the orcs from summoning the demon. Clear the totems without being distracted by enemies and Zog. Try to pull them towards you so that they go away from the totems and do not interfere with your cleaning.

After clearing the totems, fight Zog and try to kill him. This is a very strong opponent. He is immune to jumping and has very strong damage from ranged attacks. I defeated him like this: I shot him in the head with a bow, lowered his health to half, called on the orcs for help, and while they were distracting him, I went behind him and killed him with a hidden attack.

Mission 39. Army of the Dead

Quest giver: Karnan

Not wanting to surrender, Zog's minions are trying to resurrect both him and the soldiers who died during the siege of Minas Itil from the dead. Stop them once and for all. Orcs successfully resurrect their leader. It becomes even stronger, there are even more totems. You again need to cleanse the totems of the necromancer's filth. Each totem is guarded by orcs under the leadership of a captain.

There will be a lot of enemies. Therefore, try to drag them away from the totems, and then run at elven speed and clear them. After clearing the totems, you can end Zog once and for all. The entire army of the necromancer will flee from the arena, and you will be left to fight one on one. You can kill him with hidden attacks, just run around the arena and wait until he loses sight of you. After killing Zog, Karnan will fly into the arena and burn all the corpses in the arena so that no one else will rise up.

Mission 40. Poisoned Road

Quest giver: Bruse

Bruz captured your followers and poisoned them. Save them before they die of poison. Follow the Ratcher to find your followers. You need to save three supporters. There will be an additional goal (I had this one): kill five enemies with a blow from the shadows. The bow will help you with this.

I advise you to subdue more orcs so that there are no problems with the troops. Free your captains and then kill mate Bruz. The mission will end after his death. We'll be following Bruz's head soon.

Mission 41. Discovery

Quest giver: Bruse

The ratter thinks he has found his tracker. Talk to him. Follow the Ratrier and he will lead you to the intended location of the Pathfinder. Enter the cave. There will be Bruz, who will again let go of the caustic phrases and run away from you.

You need to save the Pathfinder from enemies. Run deeper into the cave. There will be no tracker, but ordinary explosive barrels. It is a trap. Run back. You will have an additional goal: not to get hit by the explosions of the barrels. To do this, you need to destroy the archers who blow them up. After destroying them, you can leave the cave.

At the exit from the cave a detachment of orcs will be waiting for you. Kill them, listen to Rattle and complete the mission. There remains a little more patience.

Mission 42. Worse than Death

Quest giver: Bruse

The Rattle found Bruz's camp. Save the Pathfinder and then finish off Bruz. Go to meet the Rattle, and then follow him so that he will lead you to Bruz's camp.

Now you need to infiltrate the camp without raising an alarm. I hope that in so many missions you have already learned stealth? I advise you to subdue the rest of the soldiers, as well as the archers and shield-bearers above, in order to facilitate your future battle. You need to find the Pathfinder. He will sit in chains. Free him and follow him to Bruz. He has real problems.

Use Bruz's weaknesses to leave him very low health. After that, subdue him and dishonor him - worse than death.

Act 3.

Mission 43. The Light Lord

Quest giver: Eltariel

You have gathered an army for yourself. Mordor is almost in your hands. It's time to challenge Sauron!

A warning! After activating this task, there will be no turning back. So I advise you to go through all the side quests so as not to miss anything important and necessary.

Now you need to defeat Sauron's army. Destroy ordinary orcs with captains. The further you advance, the stronger the captains become. You can subdue enemy captains to simplify battles. Captains with an iron will can be disgraced so that they fled from the battlefield and do not interfere under your feet. Isuldur will meet you at the end of the bridge. The tactics are standard. Block his blows, and when he goes behind his back - dodge. As soon as Isuldur starts casting a powerful spell, jump under the dome that will protect you. Watch a short video.

You now have a new ring and abilities. You can summon ghosts. Attack Minas Morgul. And you also have a new ability: the resurrection of the dead. Use it to summon troops to help you in the battle against the orcs. Here you need to capture four points. At each point there will be a Nazgul and a bunch of orcs. You are already an experienced fighter, so you won't have any problems.

After capturing all the points, go to the main gate. Thanks to the ring from Isuldur, you can easily pass through the veil to fight the Witch-king. The tactics are almost the same as with other Nazgul. The boss will also call the rest of the Nazgуловl from whose attacks you must always dodge so as not to die quickly. After exorcising the boss, watch the cutscene.

The action is transferred from Minas Morgul to Sauron's tower. Now you, Celebrimbor and the elf must subdue Sauron. The game transfers control to Kelembrimbor. First, there is a battle with Sauron's usual form, then he turns into another and begins to beat with heavy attacks that cannot be parried. Try to subdue Sauron when he is low on health. The attempt will fail, and he will go to the first form. Finish it off and try to subdue again. Watch the video. The mission ends and so does the act. Smoothly moving on to the fourth act, where you will need to defend the fortresses from the invasion of the orcs.

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