Outdoor games theme "Bread" card index (senior group) on the topic. Didactic game for children of the preparatory group: Kolobok's Journey Didactic games on the topic of bread for preschoolers

When a long-awaited child appears in a family, he is surrounded by people close and dear to him. If a child is born into an incomplete family, he is still surrounded by relatives - grandparents, uncles, aunts. Without family, the closest people, it can be very difficult. Family gives support...

Goal: strengthening children's health, improving physical qualities; create a cheerful, joyful mood in children. Objectives: Educational: to consolidate children’s ideas about the signs of winter; improve motor skills when children perform various exercises and tasks. Developmental: develop dexterity, coordination of movements, attention; contribute to the health of children's bodies through...

Goal: developing the ability to analyze, generalize and systematize the signs and properties of objects based on solving riddles; Objectives: Educational: Speech development: -to develop in children the ability to guess riddles, -to develop the ability to correctly select words characterizing the properties and qualities of an object, using adjectives and adverbs. Exercise children in agreeing adjectives with...

The most important means of speech development is communication. Communication is the interaction of two (or more) people aimed at coordinating and uniting their efforts in order to establish relationships and achieve a common result (M. I. Lisina). Speech, being a means of communication, appears at a certain stage in the development of communication. Formation...

Yulia Trishina


A game Designed for classes with children from 5 years old. You can play this game play like in preschool, and in additional classes in additional education institutions, in primary school, as well as at home. I use the game in joint play activities of children, in organized activities (in class) to familiarize children with the environment and ecology. A game allows children to consolidate their knowledge about bread bread in ancient times in Rus' of bread consolidate knowledge about healthy and healthy foods (HLS); cultivate a caring attitude towards bread and respect for the work of the people who grow it; improve communication skills in the process of interaction between an adult and a child, as well as with other children. Attached is a folder with photographs of this game in a finished version, which is used in work, as well as a presentation of the game, which can be printed and used in your work

Page No. 4-8 (sample field, No. 11 (playing field) print for the number of players, pages No. 12-16 (cards) print for the number of players and cut, and pages No. 13-14 are first glued and then cut, page No. 17 (incentive chips) cut by office (more can be done)

Didactic game« Kolobok's journey(from grain to bread) »

Target: To form in children ideas about how and by whom cereal crops are grown, how they come to our table in the form of bread


Educational: consolidate children's knowledge about bread as one of the greatest riches of the earth; consolidate children's knowledge about the sequence of stages of growing bread in ancient times in Rus', and currently; expand their understanding of the role of work in people’s lives through familiarization with various professions; to develop children’s ability to analyze and work with diagrams and algorithms; to form a system of children’s knowledge about cooking of bread


Develop the ability to navigate in space (on paper); develop attention, memory, imagination, logical thinking; develop speech and enrich the vocabulary of children; develop the ability to analyze and express your thoughts; develop cognitive interest and activity; stimulate curiosity; promote the development of positive emotions; consolidate knowledge about healthy and healthy foods (HLS); develop fine motor skills of the hands; to form children’s ideas about the species diversity of homogeneous objects (bakery products)


cultivate a caring attitude towards bread and respect for the work of the people who grow it; improve communication skills in the process of interaction between an adult and a child, as well as with other children

Preliminary work: conversations, guessing riddles about bread, memorizing poems, explaining and memorizing proverbs and sayings about bread; looking at pictures, illustrations and presentations on the topic, reading stories about bread: A. Musatova “How bread has arrived on the table", S. Shurtakova “ The grain fell into the ground", Y. Akim “ Bread", E. Trutneva “Golden Rain”, N. Semenova “ Khlebushko”, S. Drozhzhina “Loaf”. Reading stories by M. Glinskaya " Bread", M. Prishvina "Lisichkin bread".

Vocabulary work:

Nouns: rye, wheat, corn, ears of corn, field, land, sowing, harvesting, tractor driver, seeder, harrow, grain growers, combine operator, elevator, flour, mill, flour millers, dough, baker, bakery, bakery products, bread, bun, loaf, bagels, drying, pies, loaf, flat cakes, gingerbread, cookies, cake, pastries

Adjectives – fresh, soft, fragrant, aromatic, crispy, wheat, rye, black, white, rich, lush.

Verbs – grow, plow, harrow, sow, mow, harvest, thresh, grind, bake, bake, eat, preserve.


Demonstration - pictures depicting the cultivation sequence of bread grain to bread of bread

Handout - field cards, cards depicting the cultivation sequence of bread in Rus' in ancient times and in our time, cards depicting the sequence grain to bread, cards depicting the manufacturing sequence of bread, chips for encouragement with a picture « kolobok»

Progress of the game.

Adult (teacher or parent) suggests looking at pictures depicting the cultivation sequence of bread in Rus' in ancient times and in our time, sequences grain to bread, showing the manufacturing sequence of bread

Option #1 (a game carried out with 1 child)

« Kolobok's journey(from grain to bread) in the old days in Rus'"

On the table in front of the child there are field cards and pictures depicting the sequence of growing bread in Rus' in the old days.

« Kolobok's journey(from grain to bread) Nowadays"

On the table in front of the child there are field cards and pictures depicting the sequence of cultivation. bread nowadays. Children are asked to independently, following the sequence, place the field on the card.

« Kolobok's journey - from grain to bread»

On the table in front of the child there are field cards and pictures depicting the sequence from grain to bread. Children are asked to independently, following the sequence, place the field on the card.

"How to cook Kolobok» »

On the table in front of the child there are field cards and pictures depicting the cooking sequence. kolobok(of bread) . Children are asked to independently, following the sequence, place the field on the card.

In this case, the game can be played using the interactive pedagogical technology “On the Chain” (children take turns making a sequence travel Kolobok according to a given card.)

Option No. 3

All games are played on the principle of a lotto game, then you need to prepare any of these games for each player. The cards are shuffled and distributed to the children, the presenter (child or teacher) names each action in order or shows a card with an image, the child players close the window on the card-field corresponding to the named sequence or the shown card. The first one to cover the entire field and correctly name the sequence depicted in the game wins and receives a reward chip.

The game can be played with children using the interactive pedagogical technology "In pairs" (children lay out cards working in pairs) In this case, he wins and receives « bun» , the pair that will be the first to complete the sequence of growing and manufacturing kolobok.

Option #3 (for complication)

Invite the child to write a story-description about Kolobok's journey(from grain to bread) according to the mnemonic table. You can compose a story using the interactive pedagogical technology “On the Chain” (children take turns naming the sequence)

During the game I use a physical training minute « Kolobok»

Let's plant a seed in the ground, bend forward,

what will come out of it? let's spread our arms to the sides

The rain is pouring on the ground, hands up and down

The sun warms the earth, close-open your eyes, squat

The seed sprouts, gradual standing up,

A sprout stretches, hands up

Turns into spikelet

With the wind spikelet plays,

The breeze shakes it, tilts to the sides

And the mower will burn spikelet right - left, imitating mowing

They'll take you corn current simulation of steering wheel rotation

flour mill will crush the grain. fist to fist and circular rotations

And the hostess will bake for us from flour bun. imitation - let's ride bun

And here he is...

round, join hands in a ring,

rosy, rub your cheeks

big hands up. stretch

Have an interesting game!


1. Akhiyarov K. Sh., Petrova Z. P. Let us bow bread. – Ufa: Bashk. book publishing house, 1987.,

2. Barykin K.K. Bread which we eat. – M.: Politizdat, 1983.

3. Ivin M. “ Bread today, bread tomorrow". Children's literature, 1980.

4. Colomina N. B. Classes on ecology in kindergarten. - M.: Sphere shopping center, 2008.

5. "We" Program ecologist. children's education / N. N. Kondratyeva and others - St. Petersburg: "Childhood-Press", 2000.

6. Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of Russian language: 80,000 words and phraseological expressions - M.: Azbukovnik, 1997.

7. From autumn to summer: For kindergarten teachers and music directors / Comp. L. A. Vladimirskaya. - Volgograd: teacher, 2004.

8. Solomennikava O. A. Ecological education in kindergarten. Program and methodological recommendations. - Mosaic-Synthesis, 2006.

9. Tambiev A. Kh. Ecological ABC for children: Plants. - M.: School Press, 2000.

10. Fedorov M. A. “To the young to the farmer” - M. “Rosselkhozizdat”, 1984.

11. Shorygina T. A. Conversations about bread. Guidelines. - M.: TC Sfera, 2012.

http://www. ***** Portal “About childhood”.

*Outdoor game “Pies in the Forest”

Before the walk, the teacher hangs “pies”, ovals cut out of paper, on the branches of trees in the area. The children must find them. The winner is the one with the most pies.

Rules of the game

1. Remove the “pies” from the branches carefully so as not to damage the tree.

2. Walk through the forest silently; When you find a pie, do not run or scream.

*Outdoor game “Oats”

Everyone stands in a circle and sings:

“Who wants to know how oats are sown

My father sowed like this... (Demonstrate with forward movements of hands)

“Then I rested like this... (They stand with their hands folded crosswise. Then they spin in a round dance, chanting)

Oats, oats, God grant that you grow!

New verse:

Who wants to know how oats are harvested?

My father reaped him like this (they show)

Then he rested like this (shows)

After the chorus, they depict how oats are knitted and how they are threshed (when threshing, everyone beats their neighbor).

*Outdoor game “Spikelet”

The players form a circle, in the middle of which the child stands - this will be a spikelet

Everyone walks around the spikelet in a circle: We will plant a spikelet - here, here! Let our spikelet grow, grow! Grow, little spikelet, this height; Grow, little spikelet, this wide; Grow up, little spikelet, grow up in good time! Dance, (child’s name), twirl for us! And we will pluck all the spikelets. We will run away from our (child’s name)!

The spikelet in the middle of the circle should represent everything that is sung about in the song (dancing, spinning). For the words “This is this high,” your hands are up, and for the words “This is this wide,” your hands are to the sides. When they sing: “And we will all pluck the spikelet,” everyone approaches the spikelet to touch it, and quickly runs away, and the spikelet catches the children.

*Outdoor game “Loaf”

Having formed a circle, the players sing: The peacock walked like a mountain, All the people followed me. We don’t have one thing (the name of one of the players) His mother’s stove is burned out, The pancakes are baked, The loaf is cooked, So tall, So wide, So short. The players raise their hands up, spread them to the sides, lower them to the floor, squeeze the circle, showing the height, width, etc.

*Finger game “Cakes”

Let's pick up the torment (we depict it with our fingers)

Add some water (snap your fingers)

Let's bake some flatbreads (we sort out our hands like a shelf)

For good friends (hands forward, swing and clap)

*D/i “The Absent-Minded Baker”

Game material. Numbers 1-10. Pictures depicting frying sheets on which baked goods are placed, and next to them is a number that does not correspond to the number of items on the frying sheet.

Rules of the game. You need to take the necessary numbers from the set and correct the mistakes of the absent-minded baker.

You can start the game like this:

“There was a baker who lived on Basseynaya Street. And sometimes he was absent-minded for weeks. That baker baked pies (cookies, bagels, etc.), but he couldn’t count, you hasten to help the baker - teach him to count.

Take the necessary numbers from the set and correct the mistakes of the absent-minded baker.

*D/i “Paired pictures”

Game rule: only identical pictures should be selected; The winner is the one who never makes a mistake.

Game action: search for identical pictures.

Children sit at a table on which pictures are laid out. There are many of them (10-12 pieces), they are all different, but among them there are two identical ones. The teacher asks one of the children to find and name identical pictures and show them to everyone playing. Paired pictures are put aside. Then the teacher mixes all the pictures (they must be upside down) and quietly adds another paired picture. Having laid them out on the front side, he again offers to find the same ones. The difficulty lies in the fact that among the cards there may be very similar, but not the same, objects depicted have subtle signs of difference that children do not immediately notice.

The game is played with a small group of children. All children should sit on one side of the table and everyone should have a clear view of the pictures. Making the game more difficult; You can suggest finding not one pair, but several pairs of identical pictures. Children talk about objects, note how they are similar and how they differ.


Game rules: the winner is the one who finishes the selection of pictures first, puts them according to the rule: roll to roll, bagel to bagel - and never makes a mistake.

Game actions: finding the right pictures, maintaining the order.

For this game you need to have cards like in any game like Dominoes. The card is divided into two halves: each half depicts a different type of baked goods. The game is designed for 4-6 participants. There should be 24 cards. If there are four players, then 6 cards are dealt out. The game is played like a Domino game. Whoever puts down the last card first (and others still have them) wins. When the game is repeated, the cards are shuffled. Children, without looking, count out 4-6 cards and the game continues.

Kolosok (Ukrainian folk tale)

Once upon a time there were two mice, Twirl and Twirl, and a cockerel, Vocal Throat. All the little mice knew was that they sang and danced, twirled and twirled. And the cockerel rose as soon as it was light, first woke everyone up with a song, and then got to work.

One day the cockerel was sweeping the yard and saw a spike of wheat on the ground.

Cool, Turn, - called the cockerel, - look what I found!

It needs to be threshed.

And who will thresh? - asked the cockerel.

“Not me!” one shouted.

“Not me!” another shouted.

Okay,” said the cockerel, “I’ll thresh it.”

And he got to work. And the little mice began to play rounders.

The cockerel finished threshing and shouted:

Hey, Cool, hey, Turn, look how much grain I threshed!

Now we need to take the grain to the mill and grind the flour!

And who will bear it? - asked the cockerel.

“Not me!” shouted Krut.

Not me!” Vert shouted.

“Okay,” said the cockerel, “I’ll take the grain to the mill.”

He put the bag on his shoulders and went. Meanwhile, the little mice started leapfrog. They jump over each other and have fun.

The cockerel has returned from the mill and is calling the mice again:

Here, Cool, here. Believe! I brought flour.

The little mice came running, looked, and couldn’t boast enough:

Oh yes cockerel! Well done! Now you need to knead the dough and bake the pies.

Who will knead? - asked the cockerel. And the little mice are theirs again.

Not me! - Krut squeaked.

“Not me!” Vert squealed.

The cockerel thought and thought and said:

Apparently I'll have to.

He kneaded the dough, hauled in the wood, and lit the stove. And when the oven burned out, I planted pies in it. The little mice don’t waste time either: they sing songs and dance. The pies were baked, the cockerel took them out and laid them out on the table, and the little mice were right there. And there was no need to call them.

Oh, I'm hungry! - Krut squeaks.

Oh, I'm hungry! - Vert squeaks.

And they sat down at the table.

And the cockerel tells them:

Wait, wait! First tell me who found the spikelet.

You found! - the little mice screamed loudly.

Who threshed the spikelet? - the cockerel asked again.

You threshed! - both said more quietly.

Who carried the grain to the mill?

“You too,” Krut and Vert answered very quietly.

Who kneaded the dough? Did you carry firewood? Did you heat the stove? Who baked the pies?

It's all you. “That’s all you,” the little mice squeaked barely audibly.

What did you do?

What should I say in response? And there's nothing to say. Twirl and Twirl began to crawl out from behind the table, but the cockerel could not hold them back. There is no reason to treat such lazy people and lazy people with pies.


Target. Develop basic understanding of human economic activity; cultivate a caring attitude towards bread and its economical use.

Option I. An adult brings a tray on which white, gray and black bread, buns of various sizes and shapes, covered with a napkin, are beautifully laid out. Showing the children a tray with bread, he asks them to guess what is under the napkin. Children express their guesses, and at this time the teacher reads a nursery rhyme:

Ai, kachikachikachi!

Look - bagels, rolls!

Look - bagels, rolls!

In the heat of the oven.

Then the napkin is removed, and the children, together with the teacher, determine that the bread is different in color, size, and shape. During the conversation, the bread is cut and, if the children wish, they are given a small piece to try, after which the children come to the conclusion that bread tastes different. Particular attention is paid to discussing the questions: “Why does a person need bread? Can he do without bread? What kind of bread does your family like the most? Where do they get it from? Then the teacher makes a generalization: “Bread is necessary for the life of people - big and small. It is bought in a store or baked at home, eaten every day: with soup, borscht, cabbage soup, meat; They make sandwiches with cheese, ham, sausage, etc. Bread is baked in bakeries and delivered to stores every morning. Before he gets there, a lot of people work for a long time.”

Option II. The teacher asks the children if anyone has seen their mother or grandmother bake pies, and if they would like to now watch the process of baking buns. To do this, children are invited to go to the kitchen and watch how the chef does it. Then the whole group goes to the kitchen and watches the process of preparing the dough. Adults are encouraged to talk about the fact that buns are baked from flour, which is mixed with milk. When you need to bake a lot of rolls, the dough is kneaded in a large pan. Salt, sugar, and most importantly yeast are added to it, then butter, eggs and baking powder. The dough is kneaded for a long time and placed in a warm place to rise. Children look at how much dough is in the pan and mark its level with a mark on the outside. The teacher emphasizes that the dough loves heat and turns out very well if it is kneaded by hand. The warmth of hands, especially mother's or grandmother's, goes into the dough, from which delicious buns are then made. When the dough has risen, the children return to the kitchen and watch the baking process.

First of all, pay attention to the volume of the test - it has increased. They ask the cook if he added more dough to the pan. The cook explains that the volume of the dough has increased because it “rose” and became loose due to the yeast. Then the children see how the dough is divided into equal parts, shaped with their hands, placed on a baking sheet and placed in a preheated oven.

The finished buns, golden brown, fragrant and warm, are brought to the group, and the children eat them with pleasure.

Option III. The teacher brings rye and wheat ears to the group. Children look at them, with the help of an adult, take out the grains, compare them and learn that black and white types of bread are baked from different grains, and if the grains are mixed, you get gray bread. Then the teacher tells that grains are sown in the ground and ears grow from them. The ears are collected, threshed and grains are obtained; flour is made from the grains in mills and bread is baked from the flour. After the lesson, children, with the help of adults, prepare themselves sandwiches.

Option IV. Reading the Ukrainian folk tale “Spikelet”, then the didactic game “What first, what then.”

Note: The story about bread is accompanied by illustrations.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Combined kindergarten No. 95" municipality of the city of Bratsk

Educator of the compensatory group: Ozhegova A.S. 1 qualification category. Bratsk 2013

Project type: informational research, creative.

By the nature of contacts: carried out within the same age group, in contact with family, public organizations.

By number of participants: group.

Implementation period: average duration 2 months (October November)

Project participants:

  • Children of speech therapy group (6 – 7 years)
  • Parents of pupils

Head: Ozhegova A.S.


Russia is a rich country. Bread has long been considered the real wealth of Russia. In our country, bread has always been treated with care. This is the main dish on the table: in the old days they wouldn’t even sit at the table without it. It was believed that if there is bread in the house, then hunger is not terrible. A loaf of bread is a symbol of the life of every person, bread is the power of the state.

Do we always value bread? Do we always remember the price of bread, the price of the labor that went into its creation? Of course, man does not live by bread alone, but for a person to live, he must have bread. And to honor bread, you need to know how it was born; how much effort, patience, love was put into making bread appear on our table.

This project is designed to draw children’s attention to the efforts that make bread appear on our table, to cultivate a caring attitude towards bread, and to unite the team of children, teachers and parents.


  • Form ideas about the value of bread.

Project objectives:

  • To develop pride in their native land, teach to appreciate the work of people who grow bread, instill in children a love of work and a caring attitude towards bread.
  • To form a system of children's knowledge about making bread. Give children an idea of ​​how bread was grown in the old days in Rus', and at the present time. Introduce the sequence of labor actions, tools, and folk traditions. To convey to children that bread is the result of the work of many people.
  • Give children an idea of ​​how the peoples of Siberia grew bread.
  • Involve parents in raising children through joint events.
  • To develop children's artistic and creative abilities and the ability to work in a team.

Expected result:

  • Children's understanding of the value of bread, the importance of the work of a grain grower.
  • Children's knowledge of bread making technology.
  • Knowledge of how bread was grown in ancient times in Rus', and at the present time.
  • Knowledge of how the peoples of Siberia grew bread in ancient times.
  • Bringing parents and children closer together through joint activities.

This project involves the integration of the following educational areas: communication, socialization, cognition, health, reading fiction, artistic creativity.

Project resources:

  1. Illustrations, models, collections, presentations, herbariums of cereal crops.
  2. Laboratory center in the group.
  3. A video library with a collection of discs of educational material about bakery products and growing bread.
  4. Fiction, paintings, encyclopedias.

Project description:

Stage 1 – preparatory, informational.

  • Questioning children at the beginning of the project:

12 children examined

The project began from the preparatory stage.

At this stage the following work was carried out:

  • methodological and fiction literature on the topic of the project was selected and studied
  • presentations have been created about bakery products, about the stages of growth of an ear of bread, etc.
  • didactic games of natural history content were selected, aimed at developing cognitive activity, forming the principles of environmental culture
  • outdoor games aimed at developing motor activity, attention and observation in nature have been adapted and systematized
  • Problematic tasks, entertaining experiences and experiments were selected.

Stage 2 – basic, creative.

Using the method of three questions, the underlying problem of the project was determined:

“Why do people say: “Bread is the head of everything!” ?

At this stage, the content of the work to find an answer to the project question was closely integrated with such educational areas as "Cognition" , "Socialization" , "Work" , "Communication" , "Reading fiction" , "Artistic creativity" , "Health" and was implemented through all types of children's activities.

Enrichment, clarification and consolidation of children’s ideas about bread took place in

joint activities through:

  • A game "Magic Ball"
  • Didactic game “What then?”
  • Role-playing game
  • Conversation “Where did the bread come from?”
  • Conversation "Buryat bread"
  • Physical education minute "Loaf"
  • A game "Bread Riddles"
  • Finger gymnastics: "Kneading the dough"
  • Excursion to the bakery plant OJSC "Padun-Bread"
  • Excursion to a bread store
  • A tour of the kitchen
  • Contest
  • Contest "What's first, what's next"
  • Folk signs
  • Proverbs and sayings
  • A game “What did you make the porridge from?”
  • Didactic game “How bread came to the table”
  • Didactic game "From grain to bun"
  • Literary living room
  • "Magic seed"
  • Creation of a mini-museum "Bread is the head of everything" .

The children traced the path of a grain of bread from the field to our table, got acquainted with the variety of bakery products, with the professions of people who grow and bake bread, learned how bread is useful for the human body and developed how to handle bread.

A tasting of the developed varieties of bread made from different types and varieties of flour was carried out.

Through gaming activities:

Word games

  • "Find out by description"
  • "Call me kindly"
  • “Try to describe it”
  • "Who can name more"

Role-playing games

  • "Bakery"
  • "Family"
  • "Bakery"
  • "Harvest"

Didactic games

  • "Guess what's in the bag"
  • "Place it in order"
  • "Fold the spikelet"
  • “What does the store smell like?”
  • "Find extra ingredients"
  • “What first, what then?”
  • "Name the Family"
  • "Mill"
  • “What was the porridge made from?”

Outdoor games

  • "Kalachi"
  • “Our harvest is good”

Finger play training

  • "Kneading the dough"

Through reading fiction:

  • Ukrainian folk tale "Spikelet"
  • K. Paustovsky "Warm bread" , "Fox Bread" , "House of Grain"
  • V. Stepanov "Polyushko-field"
  • V. Danko “Where did the bread come from?

Children illustrated a fairy tale "Spikelet" , together with their parents, they selected and illustrated proverbs and sayings about bread. A book was created from these works . Solving riddles about bread prompted children to create a book "Mysteries of the grain field" with your own illustrations.

Through experimental and research activities:

It is very important that children think when perceiving all new material. It is important to teach children to ask questions and look for answers to them. Considering that, while learning about the world and exploring it, a child makes many discoveries, we tried to encourage children to experiment and conduct their own research.

The following studies were carried out:

  1. Comparison of wheat and oat grains.
  2. Comparison of different types of flour.
  3. Germination of wheat and oats grains.
  4. What bakery products did we eat during the week in kindergarten?
  5. Warm and cold. The effect of temperature on dough rising.
  6. Live yeast or where the holes come from in the bread.

The children’s impressions and emotions obtained during conversations, experimentation, observations were reflected in productive activities:

  • Design - layout "Mill"
  • Modeling - bakery products made from salted dough; "Delicious cake"
  • Drawing- "Grain Field" , "Spikelet" .

Stage 3 – final

Diagnostic examination of children

  • Questioning children at the end of the project:

At this stage, the project was presented and the results were summed up.

The parents of the children in the group provided great assistance in the implementation of the project. They created a presentation about bread, held a tasting of bakery products, and together with the children selected and designed material for the book “Proverbs and sayings about bread”

Project result: Integrated holiday “Bread is the head of everything!”

Project implementation:

Didactic game "Name the Family"

Goal: Expand and activate vocabulary. Practice forming related words.

Material: ball.

Progress of the game: The teacher, throwing the ball, asks a question. Children, returning the ball, name related words.

For example:

What is the affectionate name for bread? - Bread.

What are bread crumbs called? - Bread crumbs.

What is the name of the bread utensil? - Breadbox.

What do you call a person who grows bread? - Grain grower.

What do you call a person who bakes bread? - Baker.

What is the name of the device for cutting bread? - Bread slicer.

What is the name of the factory where bread is baked? - Bakery.

Words: Bread, bread, loaf, loaves, bread, bread bin, bakery, bread grower, bread slicer, bread products, bakery, parasite...

  • Didactic game "Mill"

Goal: To develop constructive skills and fine motor skills.

Material: counting sticks, demonstration picture of a mill.

Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to build a mill using counting sticks.

  • A game "Magic Ball"

Goal: Expand and activate vocabulary.

Progress of the game:

The teacher invites the children to play a game "Magic Ball" . Children stand in a circle and take turns passing the ball to each other, naming the baked goods.

  • Didactic game “What first, what then?”

Goal: To clarify and expand children’s knowledge on the topic. Develop thinking and speech.

Material: Subject pictures depicting grain, ear, flour, dough, bread, as well as products necessary for the manufacture of bakery products: salt, sugar, butter, eggs, milk, water, etc.

Progress of the game:

The teacher invites the children to lay out diagrams in the order in which the bread comes to our table

For example:

What do they do at the beginning? - Sow grains.

What happens next? - Spikelets grow from the grain.

Then the teacher asks to name those products that are necessary for preparing delicious dough and various baked goods. Children select the necessary pictures and make up a story.

  • Role-playing game "Bakery shop"

Goal: To create conditions for children to become familiar with various situations occurring in stores and the rules of conduct in public places.

  • Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world

Subject: “There will be a loaf of bread” .

Program content: introduce children to how bread was grown in the old days; explain that bread is the result of a lot of work by many people; cultivate a caring attitude towards bread.

Material: pictures of rye and wheat, diagrams of huts, towel, loaf.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Listen to the riddle:

“It’s easy and quick to guess:

Soft, fluffy and fragrant.

He's black, he's white,

And sometimes it’s burnt.”


That's right, it's bread. We all love this product very much, and we always have it on our table. What is bread made from? (Flour). What kind of flour is there? (wheat, rye). What kind of bread is made from wheat flour? (white), and from rye? (dark).

Guys, you and I know how people grow wheat and rye. They have a lot of helpers - machines: tractors, seeders, combines. Today I will tell you how they used to grow bread in Rus'.

They prepared for sowing in advance. We washed ourselves in the bathhouse, put on a clean shirt and went out into the field with a basket on our chest. The basket contained wheat and rye seeds. Here is a sower walking across a field and every two steps he scatters a handful of grain in a fan, from left to right. Let's imagine that we are sowers. (children show how to scatter grain).

What do you think the weather should be like on this day? (no wind). Why?

Children, what is necessary for the life and growth of plants? (sun, moderate rain). So people called rain.

“Rain, rain, water -

There will be a loaf of bread,

There will be rolls, there will be baked goods,

There will be delicious cheesecakes.”

But the Russian people not only sang chants about bread, but also composed many proverbs about bread.

Do you know proverbs about bread? (children's answers).

Educator: Well done. Well, the wheat and rye have grown, and it’s time to harvest. In the old days they did it this way. The men took scythes in their hands, and the women took sickles and went into the field. I brought a sickle to class so that you could look at this tool and remember that they used it to harvest bread in Rus'. They cut the ears of corn and collected them into sheaves. But the ears still had to be threshed, that is, the grains had to be taken out of the ears, and for this people took a flail - a hand-held threshing tool - and hit the ears with it.

Then the grain was sifted and taken to the mill, where it was ground, and flour was obtained, and from it, we know, they prepared a lot of tasty things, and most importantly, bread.

We learned how people worked in the fields. Where did he rest? What were the names of houses in Rus'? (huts). Were all huts the same? And what kind of houses did you learn to build later? Guys, are the Russian people hardworking?

Physical education minute

Educator: We rested and warmed up. Now let's continue talking about bread. People need to put in a lot of work so that there is bread in every home. So how should we all feel about bread? (Children's answers).

The teacher clarifies:

What does carefully mean?

Where should I put the crumbs?

Who's hungry now?

Yes, guys, it is very difficult to grow bread and harvest it.

"Loaves, rolls,

You won't get it while walking.

People cherish bread in the fields,

They spare no effort for bread.”

Really, good words?

In Rus' bread was called "Loaf" .

There's a knock on the door. The cook enters.

Hello, I heard you talking about bread and decided to make a surprise, but first listen to these words:

"The wind asked


  • Why are you, rye

And in response

The spikelets rustle:

Golden hands are growing!

L. Degutite.

What are these golden hands?

Well done! Because you know how to treat bread with care, I brought you a loaf of bread as a gift.

Children: Thank you!

Educator: Thank you. Class over!

  • Conversation “Where did the bread come from?”

Goal: To become familiar with the bread production process.

The teacher asks questions:

Where does the bread they sell in the store come from?

What grain crops do you know? (corn, wheat, rye, barley, oats).

Where does bread grow? (in field)

What are the people who grow bread called? (grain growers)

Where is grain transported by car from the fields? (to the elevator)

What is an elevator? (building where grain is stored)

From the elevator, the grain is transported to a flour mill, where flour is obtained from the grains, and then taken to a bakery, where bread is baked.

The teacher suggests looking at the diagram "Where did the bread come from" : they sow grain, harvest the grown grain with a combine, take it to the mill, and the resulting flour is taken to the bakery, where baked goods are baked. Children compose a story according to the scheme. As the story progresses, the teacher asks the children clarifying and problematic questions:

-Who sows the grain?

– Is the work of a farmer difficult?

– How do you get flour?

  • Conversation "Buryat bread"

The Buryats have long known agriculture, producing small crops of millet, buckwheat, and barley. But it did not play a big role in the economy, since the development of agriculture is not compatible with a nomadic way of life.

At first, it was more profitable for the Buryats to exchange bread from the Russians. Over time, agriculture began to develop more actively.

The Buryat population learned from Russian farmers the techniques and skills of farming, acquired from them not only tools, but also grain. Therefore, in the Buryat language there are many Russian words that denote plants or simply relate to field cultivation: spring rye - yaarsaa, barley - jasper, eshmeen, wheat - sheniise, buckwheat - gershuuha, millet - poros, oats - obeos, chaff - mekhina, sickle – seerpe, plow – plow.

  • Physical education minute "Loaf"

Let's plant a seed in the ground

It is very small. forward bends

But, as soon as the sun shines, arms to the sides, sit down

My grain will sprout. gradual rise

The wind blew the cloud

And he gave it to us. tilts right - left, arms up

The mower will cut down the grain

turns right - left, simulating mowing

And he will crush it. fist to fist and circular rotations

And the housewife is made of flour

She will bake us pies. imitation - baking pies

And a big loaf. join rounded hands

Give it to everyone for joy! spread your arms to the sides

  • A game "Bread Riddles"

Guys, who bakes the bread? (bakers)

The teacher draws attention to the box standing on the table. He offers to solve riddles and with each answer he takes out a picture or a replica of a baked product from the box.

There's wheat in the mill

This is what's happening to her here!

They take it into circulation and grind it into powder!


It comes with rice, with meat,

It's sweet with cherries.

First they put him in the oven,

How will he get out of there?

Then they put it on a dish.

Well, now call the guys

They will eat everything one piece at a time.


I'm bubbling and puffing

I don't want to live in a kettle.

I'm tired of the sauerkraut

Put me in the oven.


What do you pour into the frying pan?

Yes, they bend it four times?


Small, tasty

The wheel is edible.


Sits on a spoon

Dangling your legs?


Simple ingredients: flour, water

And it turns out food

Either funny curls, or straws, horns, ears.


  • Finger gymnastics: "Kneading the dough"

We kneaded the dough, we kneaded the dough,

They asked us to knead everything thoroughly,

But no matter how much we knead and no matter how much we knead,

We get the lumps again and again.

  • Joint activities of children and parents:

Experiment "Heat and Cold"

The effect of temperature on dough rising

Parents, together with their children, are invited to check, through research at home, how temperature affects the rise of the dough and, consequently, the finished bakery product.

First of all, you should knead 2 balls of dough from the same amount of products. Put flour, water, sugar, yeast, vegetable oil and, of course, yeast. The yeast added when kneading the dough ferments the sugary substances contained in the flour, decomposing them into carbon dioxide and alcohol. Carbon dioxide, which forms bubbles in the dough, raises the dough and loosens it.

Knead the dough yourself. You will get two identical balls of dough. And then put one ball of dough in the refrigerator and the other in a warm place. And leave for 2 hours.

After 2 hours, you will see that the dough, which has been standing in the refrigerator all this time, has not changed. The dough, standing in a warm place, doubled in size and became warm, soft, and airy.

The next stage of the experiment is baking buns from the resulting dough. Two completely different buns will be baked. One bun will be tall, soft, airy, and the other will be small and hard.

  • Excursion to the bakery plant OJSC "Padun-Bread"

Today OJSC "Padun-Bread" is one of the leading enterprises in the city providing the population with high-quality bread, bakery and confectionery products. For 45 years now, the company has been producing a variety of products that meet all consumer tastes. Every day, trucks decorated with JSC logos "Padun-Bread" , deliver bakery and confectionery products throughout the city of Bratsk.

Purpose of the excursion:

Introduce children to the profession of baker,

Clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about bakery products;

Cultivate respect for the work of adults and respect for bread.

Observation of the bread making process from sifting flour, kneading dough to finished products delivered to store shelves in our city.

  • Excursion to a bread store

You can’t get rye bread, long loaves, or rolls while walking.

People cherish bread in the fields and spare no effort for bread.

Bread is our life, our culture. How should we treat bread? Do we appreciate him? What bread products do we know?

To get answers to these questions, it is suggested that you organize a tour of a bread store.

It is believed that bread is a symbol of well-being and prosperity. Bread on the table is wealth in the house. Bread has always been considered the most useful product, so many proverbs about it have appeared among the people.

Goal: to introduce children to the work of a bread store.


  • Continue the formation of concepts - store, seller, driver, baker, buyer, car, people's labor.
  • Introduce children to the varieties of baked goods.
  • Follow their path from the bakery to the buyer.
  • Emphasize the importance of maintaining good hygiene while working.
  • To develop a sense of respect for working people and bread.

In the store, the teacher tries not to tell the children, but to ask them questions, to which they give answers based on their perception of what they see.

They count how many types of bread and bakery products they brought to the store today and learn their names. The teacher explains how bread differs from bakery products, draws the children’s attention to the fact that the bread lies on special trays, which are not placed on the ground, but are carefully carried to the store and left on the shelves along with the bread.

On the sales floor, children watch how customers take bread, find out which products are in greatest demand, and what they buy more often: bread or buns. They note that in addition to bread and buns, the store has gingerbread, cookies, crackers and other products that are not delivered daily.

Children watch how the seller talks with customers, how he finds out what they need and releases the goods. The teacher draws the children’s attention to how the seller observes hygiene rules. He only touches with his hands those products that have some kind of shell.

Returning to kindergarten, the children exchange their impressions. The teacher encourages them to do this.

Children conclude that bread is one of the main foodstuffs. Many people are involved in its production. When working with bread and other products, you must carefully observe the rules of hygiene.

  • A tour of the kitchen

Goal: to introduce children to the technology of preparing buns in large quantities.


  • Show children how chefs prepare buns
  • Help the children understand that here, too, a lot depends on living organisms already familiar to them - yeast.

The teacher strictly monitors compliance with safety rules.

Children go on a tour of their kitchen while dough products are being baked there. They get to see the entire process, from kneading the dough to removing the hot buns from the oven. If the dough takes a long time to rise, you can go to the kitchen 2-3 times. Kitchen workers, by prior agreement with the teacher, comment on the progress of work and explain the purpose of objects and units unfamiliar to children.

Educator. You see, guys, food is being prepared for you in the same way as you did it yourself, but not in pots, but in vats. And smart machines and units help people with this. This is how the cook and assistants work every day so that you are always full. Do they cook delicious food? You like?

The children answer.

Let's thank everyone for showing us how they work and for cooking delicious food for us every day.

The children thank the kitchen workers and leave.

In the following days, during breakfast, lunch or dinner, the teacher reminds the children about their excursion to the kitchen, asks them to determine with what equipment this or that dish was prepared, and in what way it was prepared. He asks if you liked the food and promises to convey his gratitude to the kitchen staff.

  • Contest “Who can name more dough products?”

Teams name items one by one. If any team cannot say anything, it misses its turn. For each answer a chip is given. The team with the most chips wins.

  • Contest “And then what?”

Divide the children into two teams.

Teams are given the same set of products (for example: ear, grain, flour, bread, cookies, bread charlotte, crackers, crumbs, sandwich, tartines, etc.). Children must arrange them in a sequence corresponding to the natural course of transformations. If the products correspond to approximately the same stage of transformation, they are placed one above the other. The teacher controls the correctness and speed of completing the task.

  • Folk signs

Don't sow the wheat before the oak leaf appears.

Mosquitoes have appeared - it's time to sow rye.

This barley, when the viburnum blossomed and the birch released its leaves.

When the cones on the Christmas tree turn red and those on the pine tree turn green, it’s time to sow barley.

If the rowan blossoms early, there will be a good harvest of oats.

If the lingonberries are ripe, then the oats are ripe. The alder has bloomed - it's time to sow buckwheat.

  • Proverbs and sayings

“Praise be to the hands that smell of bread”

“Whatever comes in handy in the summer will come in handy in the winter”

“If you want to eat rolls, don’t lie on the stove”

“It’s not a big piece of the pie, but it costs a lot of work.”

“And lunch is not lunch if there is no bread”

“Rye bread, grandfather’s rolls”

“Buckwheat porridge is our mother, and rye bread is our dear father.” and etc.

“For the time being, no seed is sown” ;

“If you miss an hour in the spring, you won’t be able to make it up in a year” ;

“It’s time to sow, don’t look to the right or to the left.” ;

“He who does not sow in the spring regrets it in the fall” ;

“Do not feast at feasts when grain is sowed” ;

“Say it on time - it will be good!” ;

“If you lie down in the spring, you’ll run away with your bag in winter” ;

“The better the seed is buried, the better it will be born.” ;

“If there is bread, there will be lunch”

  • Didactic game “How did the bread come to the table?”

Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the sequence of stages of growing bread. Develop children's coherent speech. Practice the correct use of the names of the main professions related to the production of bread (tractor driver, seeder, combine operator, grain workers, baker), agricultural machinery that helps grow bread (tractor, combine, seeder, harrow).

Material: Cards depicting various professions of grain growers, and machines that help them in their work.

Progress of the game: The teacher addresses the children and says:

Remember, guys, folk proverbs about bread. (asks several children to answer).

Yes, “Bread is the head of everything!” - says a popular proverb. You and I have visited grain growers, read a lot about their work, and today we will play and remember those we met, what machines we saw while they were working in the field. I will give you pictures, look at them carefully. Isn’t it true, it’s as if we are visiting the grain growers again? One of you, to whom the arrow points, will tell you what we saw, and whoever has such a picture will show it. But it will be possible to show the picture only after the driver’s signal (cotton).

The driver is chosen using a counting rhyme. The teacher speaks first, setting an example for the children.

In spring, cars come out into the fields. The person driving this car has a lot of work: he needs to plow the field, loosen the soil, and quickly prepare it for sowing seeds. Another proverb says: “Spring day feeds the year” . To have a big harvest, you need to prepare the land well and sow grain (the driver gives a signal).

The one who has a picture of a tractor picks it up and calls it: “A tractor, it is driven by a tractor driver” .

  • "Didactic game "From grain to bun"

Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge about agricultural machines, about the stages in the work of grain growers, determined by the time of year (spring, summer, autumn, winter). Cultivate determination and the ability to strictly follow the rules of the game.

Material: A playing field with empty cells, cards depicting different scenes: a grain field in summer, autumn, winter, spring, small cards depicting agricultural equipment, pictures depicting wheat grain, a spikelet, buns.

Progress of the game: The teacher has three pictures depicting a grain of wheat, a spikelet, and a bun. The players, without looking, choose one of them. Whoever gets the grain heads the brigade with the same name (there are 2-3 children in the team) etc. Then the children choose one of the cards depicting different scenes: a grain field in summer, autumn, winter, spring. For each plot, you need to select pictures that depict machines used during sowing and harvest. On these large cards, the playing field is empty cells. At the leader’s signal, each team quickly selects from the total number of cards depicting different cars only those that it needs. Yes, for the brigade "Grain" you need to find on small cards such machines as a tractor, plow, harrow, snow shovel, seeder, fertilizer spreader, grain truck.

For the brigade "Spikelet" Machines for feeding cereals, spraying, mowing and threshing grain, and combines will be needed. Brigade "Bun" you will need a truck with a new harvest, scales at the elevator. Mill, dough mixer, bakery oven, van "Bread" . The children saw all these machines and mechanisms during excursions and walks. At the leader’s signal, the children of one of the teams select the necessary cards and cover the cells of the playing field with them. One of the foremen, for example, a brigade "Grain" , will quickly pick up his card. The driver marks the winner and puts a red flag (flag on stand).

  • Didactic game “What then?”

Goal: Systematize and consolidate children’s knowledge about the sequence of stages of growing bread. Cultivate intelligence and quick thinking. Activate children's speech and vocabulary.

Material: Ball.

Progress of the game:

- I have a ball in my hands. I start the game like this: “In order to grow a grain harvest, you must first prepare the field for sowing grain, hold off the snow, and then what?” To whom I throw the ball, he must quickly and correctly say what the grain growers are doing after snow is detained in the fields. (fertilize the soil), the one who answered throws the ball to the next child and asks:

And then what?

The game continues until the last stage of the bread's journey is named: "They sell bread" , "Bread on the table" .

  • A game “What did you make the porridge from?”

Name the cereal from which the porridge was made.

Millet - (millet)

Buckwheat - (buckwheat)

Pearl barley - (barley)

Hercules - (oats)

Manna - (wheat)

Oatmeal - (oats)

Corn - (corn)

  • Literary living room

Story by Yu. Kon "How Bread Grows"

Musatov "Where did the bread come from"

Fairy tale by N. Odoevsky "Moroz Ivanovich" Fairy tale "Cockerel and Melenka"

Fairy tale "Light Bread"

Fairy tale "Fox Bread"

Learning a poem “Here is the fragrant bread...”

Here he is the fragrant bread,

Here it is warm and golden.

In every home, on every table,

He came, he came.

It contains our health, strength, and wonderful warmth.

How many hands raised him, protected him, took care of him.

It contains the juices of the native land,

The sun's light is cheerful in it...

Eat by both cheeks, grow up to be a hero!

  • Organization of an exhibition of children's drawings "Magic seed" .
  • Creation of a mini-museum "Bread is the head of everything" .

What is a mini-museum?

A mini-museum in a kindergarten is a special type of children's museum, which is located directly in a preschool institution.

Of course, in a kindergarten it is impossible to create exhibitions that meet the requirements of museum work. That's why we called them "mini-museums" . Part of a word "mini-" in our case, it reflects the age of the children for whom they are intended, and the size of the exhibition, and a certain limitation of the topic, in this case the topic is "Bread is the head of everything" (exhibition of bakery products, crafts, other creative works).

An important feature of these elements of the developmental environment is the participation of children and parents in their creation. In real museums you can’t touch anything, but in mini-museums it’s not only possible, but also necessary! In an ordinary museum, a child is only a passive contemplator, but here he is a co-author, the creator of the exhibition. And not only himself, but also his dad, mom, grandparents. Each mini-museum is the result of communication and joint work of the teacher, children and their families.

  • Integrated holiday "Bread is the head of everything"

Children enter the hall in pairs and stand in a semicircle (diverging in the center on two sides)

Children: - Our Russian land is great and vast.

Our fields and fields are rich in harvests.

  • Through fields, gardens and villages, across the country from edge to edge

The new crop is walking tanned and cheerful!

He wants our life with you to be full.

So that our Motherland blooms brighter and more beautiful!

  • Sweet homeland, fair-haired homeland

Peaceful - peaceful, Russian - Russian!

The people have words: “Bread is the head of life!”

He is famous first on earth, he is placed first on the table.

Do you know what bread smells like? A hunk of rye labor bread?

It smells like a field, a stove, the sky, and most importantly, it smells like work, like bread.

It does not fall to us from the sky, it does not appear suddenly.

For an ear of bread to grow, the work of dozens of hands is needed.

  • To those who bake bread at first light, he sends millet and porridge

To those who plow the earth deeply with a sharp plow.

We say thank you to them and thank them for everything!

A black earthling, but nothing cuter.

Black earthling, we sow, we sow bread!

re-enactment "Growing Bread"

Plowman: And we plowed the arable land, plowed deep furrows. "plow"

The furrows are deep, the stripes are wide.

Seedlings: We sow, we sow, we sow, we throw the grain into the arable land. "Sow"

Go into the warm earth, rise up to the sun

Dance with ears of corn.

Reapers: And we are young reapers, we have golden sickles,

We reaped life, laid it on the border,

In the field in haystacks, on the table with pies.

Girl: The bread was ripe, but it didn’t come to our table straight from the field,

The bread is going to the mill, the wonderful mill.

Chorus "Blow, winds" - Blow, blow the winds in the field,

For the mills to grind.

So that today from flour

We baked kalachi.

Presenter: Today we will bake rolls not from plasticine and clay, but from salted dough, and what products can be made from it?

Children: Pretzels, bagels, curls...

Teamwork "Bakers" (to the song “The land is famous for its bread” Chichkova)

Children: (point to their work) Bai, swing - swing, swing, here are the bagels, rolls.

Russian folk song “Bai, rock, rock” , ("rooks" carry away the rolls,

Girls "crying" )

Presenter: What happened? What a disaster! Why are you shedding tears?

Girls: Yes, the nasty rooks stole the rolls. Uh-uh...

Presenter: Dry your tears, it’s not a problem. Do you want to play with the steering wheels? (YES!)

A game “Tie a bunch of bagels” .

Presenter: Well, now that you’ve done your job, go for a walk!

We will braid the fence, who is not too lazy to have fun!

Russian folk game "Wattle" .

(There is a boy lying in the middle of the hall - Titus)

Girls (2-approach him)

  1. - Not a deck - a quitter, not a stump, but lies there all day.
  2. - He doesn’t reap, doesn’t mow, but asks for dinner.
  3. - Titus - go threshing!

Titus: My stomach hurts...

2 – Titus – go eat some porridge!

Titus: Where is my big spoon...

Both: - If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove!

Presenter: Now listen to Mikhalkov’s poem "Bulka"

Child: Three boys in the alley, playing as if they were playing football,

They threw a bun here and there and scored a goal with it.

An unfamiliar uncle walked past, stopped and sighed,

And almost without looking at the guys, he extended his hand to that bun.

"Who are you?" - the children asked, forgetting about football for a while.

- “I am a baker!” - the man answered and slowly left with the bun.

You and I can’t even believe that someone is littering the earth with a miracle.

The heart aches for the bread when it lies in the roadside dust.

Presenter: I think the meaning of this poem is clear to everyone. And what proverbs and

Do you know any sayings about bread?

Children: - A lot of snow - a lot of bread.

Sow just right and you will have a mountain of bread.

Not the harvest that is in the field, but the harvest that is in the barn.

Bread is the beginning of everything.

Whatever comes in handy in the summer will come in handy in the winter.

And lunch is not lunch if there is no bread.

It's not a big piece of the pie, but it costs a lot of work.

Gold and silver are only stones, but barley and wheat are real jewels.

Presenter: We worked hard, now we need to dance.

He starts playing like a square dance and invites everyone to dance.

Children: - The bread was removed, and it became quieter. The bins breathe hotly.

The field is sleeping. It's tired. Winter is coming.

Smoke floats over the village. Pies are baked in houses.

Come in, don’t be shy, help yourself to some good bread!

Presenter: (comes with a loaf of bread)

Here it is, a fragrant bread with a fragile twisted crust.

Here it is, warm, golden, as if filled with sunshine.

Get up in a circle and glorify our harvest!

Round dance "Get ready, people"

Children: - Glory to the harvest - in the bins!

Glory to the loaf - on the tables!

Glory, glory to friendly hands!

Glory, glory to the workers!

Presenter: Eat, don’t be shy, gain health!

  • Tea party

Project results:

  1. Baking your own cookies.
  2. Mill layout.
  3. Created:
  • Book "Spikelet"
  • Book "Riddles about bread"
  • Album "Bread"
  • Research Diary “Secrets of a Grain of Bread”

4. Bakery products made from salt dough for role-playing games

5. Presentation of the book of family solutions "All about bread" .

At the final stage, we analyzed our work on the project, noted what was successful and what was especially interesting.

Project results:

  • the children understood that bread is the most important thing on our table, that it must be treated with care, since it is the result of the work of so many people;
  • children received knowledge about cereals, production and baking of bread;
  • children learned to draw conclusions and establish cause-and-effect relationships based on the results of their experiments.
  • Joint activities brought the group's children and adults closer together.

List of used literature:

  1. "We" Children's environmental education program / N.N. Kondratyeva and others - St. Petersburg: "Childhood-Press" , 2000. - 240 p.
  2. Golitsina N.S. Environmental education of preschool children. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis", 2004. - 40 p.
  3. Kolomina N.V. Ecology classes in kindergarten. - M.: TC Sfera, 2008. - 144 p.
  4. From autumn to summer (for children about nature and the seasons in poems, riddles, proverbs, stories): For kindergarten teachers and music directors / Comp. L.A. Vladimirskaya. - Volgograd: teacher, 2004. - 160 p.
  5. Project method in the activities of preschool institutions: A manual for managers and practitioners of preschool educational institutions / Author. -composition: L.S. Kiseleva, T.A. Danilina, T.S. Lagoda, M.B. Zuikova. - 4th ed., - M.: ARKTI, 2006. - 96S.
  6. System of environmental education in preschool educational institutions:. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008. - 286 p.
  7. Smirnova O.D. Design method in kindergarten. - M.: Publishing house "Scriptorium 2003" , 2011. - 160 p.
  8. Solomennikava O.A. Environmental education in kindergarten. Program and methodological recommendations. - Mosaic-Synthesis, 2006. - 104 p.
  9. Tambiev A.Kh. Ecological ABC for children: Plants. - M.: School Press, 2000. - 32 p.
  10. Shorygina T.A. Conversations about bread. Guidelines. - M.: Sphere shopping center, 2012. - 80 p.
  11. Shorygina T.A. Cereals. what are they? A book for educators, tutors and parents. - M.: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2003. -48s
  12. Federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education. - M.: UTs Perspektiva, 2011. - 52 p.
  13. Shorygina T.A. Fruits. what are they? A book for educators, tutors and parents. - M.: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2003. - 64 p.
  14. Shorygina T.A. Berries. what are they? A book for educators, tutors and parents. - M.: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2003. - 56 p.
  15. Ecological holidays for older preschoolers. Zenina T.N. Educational and methodological manual. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2008. - 128 p.

Didactic game for children 6-7 years old “Kolobok’s Journey (from grain to bread)”

Target: To form in children ideas about how and by whom cereal crops are grown, how they get to our table in the form of bread
Educational: consolidate children's knowledge about bread as one of the greatest riches of the earth; consolidate children's knowledge about the sequence of stages of growing bread in ancient times in Rus', and at the present time; expand their understanding of the role of work in people’s lives through familiarization with various professions; to develop children’s ability to analyze and work with diagrams and algorithms; to form a system of children's knowledge about making bread
Develop the ability to navigate in space (on paper); develop attention, memory, imagination, logical thinking; develop speech and enrich the vocabulary of children; develop the ability to analyze and express your thoughts; develop cognitive interest and activity; stimulate curiosity; promote the development of positive emotions; consolidate knowledge about healthy and healthy food (HLS); develop fine motor skills of the hands; to form children’s ideas about the variety of species of homogeneous objects (bakery products)
to cultivate a caring attitude towards bread and respect for the work of the people who grow it; improve communication skills in the process of interaction between an adult and a child, as well as with other children
Preliminary work: conversations, guessing riddles about bread, memorizing poems, explaining and memorizing proverbs and sayings about bread; viewing paintings, illustrations and presentations on the topic, reading stories about bread: A. Musatova “How bread came to the table”, S. Shurtakova “The grain fell into the ground”, Y. Akim “Bread”, E. Trutneva “Golden Rain”, N. Semenova “Bread”, S. Drozhzhina “Loaf”. Reading the stories by M. Glinskaya “Bread”, M. Prishvin’s “Lisichkin Bread”.
Vocabulary work:
Nouns: rye, wheat, grain, ears of corn, field, land, sowing, harvesting, tractor driver, seeder, harrow, grain growers, combine operator, elevator, flour, mill, flour millers, dough, baker, bakery, bakery products, bread, roll, loaf , bagels, drying, pies, loaf, flat cakes, gingerbread, cookies, cake, pastries
Adjectives – fresh, soft, fragrant, aromatic, crispy, wheat, rye, black, white, rich, lush.
Verbs – grow, plow, harrow, sow, mow, harvest, thresh, grind, bake, bake, eat, preserve.
Field, cards depicting the sequence of growing bread in Rus' in ancient times and in our time, cards depicting the sequence of a grain to bread, cards depicting the sequence of making bread.
Demonstration - pictures depicting the sequence of growing bread in Rus' in ancient times and in our time, the sequence of grains to bread, depicting the sequence of making bread

Handout - field cards, cards depicting the sequence of growing bread in Rus' in ancient times and in our time, cards depicting the sequence of grain to bread, cards depicting the sequence of making bread, chips for rewards with the image of a kolobok.

Progress of the game:

An adult (teacher or parent) suggests looking at pictures depicting the sequence of growing bread in Rus' in ancient times and in our time, the sequence of grains to bread, depicting the sequence of making bread
Option No. 1 (the game is played with 1 child)
“The Journey of Kolobok (from grain to bread) in ancient times in Rus'”

On the table in front of the child there are field cards and pictures depicting the sequence of growing bread in Rus' in the old days. Children are asked to independently, following the sequence, place the field on the card.
“The Journey of Kolobok (from grain to bread) in our time”

On the table in front of the child there are field cards and pictures depicting the sequence of growing bread in our time. Children are asked to independently, following the sequence, place the field on the card.
"Kolobok's Journey - from grain to bread"

On the table in front of the child there are field cards and pictures depicting the sequence from grain to bread. Children are asked to independently, following the sequence, place the field on the card.
"How to cook Kolobok"

On the table in front of the child there are field cards and pictures depicting the sequence of making kolobok (bread). Children are asked to independently, following the sequence, place the field on the card.
Option No. 2
In this case, the game can be played using the interactive pedagogical technology “On the Chain” (children take turns creating the sequence of Kolobok’s journey according to a given card.)
Option No. 3
All games are played on the principle of a lotto game, then you need to prepare any of these games for each player. The cards are shuffled and distributed to the children, the presenter (child or teacher) names each action in order or shows a card with an image, the child players close the window on the card-field corresponding to the named sequence or the shown card. The first one to cover the entire field and correctly name the sequence depicted in the game wins and receives a reward chip.
The game can be played with children using the interactive pedagogical technology “In pairs” (children lay out cards working in pairs). In this case, the first pair to complete the hand washing sequence wins and gets the sun.
Option No. 3 (for complication)
Invite the child to compose a story-description about Kolobok’s journey (from grain to bread) using a mnemonic table. You can compose a story using the interactive pedagogical technology “On the Chain” (children take turns naming the sequence

I also suggest a little warm-up

Chips for promotion

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2. Barykin K.K. The bread we eat. – M.: Politizdat, 1983.
3. Ivin M. “Bread today, bread tomorrow.” Children's literature, 1980.
4. Kolomina N.V. Ecology classes in kindergarten. - M.: Sphere shopping center, 2008.
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6. Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: 80,000 words and phraseological expressions - M.: Azbukovnik, 1997.
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9. Tambiev A. Kh. Ecological ABC for children: Plants. - M.: School Press, 2000.
10. Fedorov M.A. “To the young grain grower” - M. “Rosselkhozizdat”, 1984.
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