Old games from childhood. Forgotten games of the last Soviet generation. The sea is worried once ...

In the 21st century, children quietly disappeared from the courtyards of big cities - now they play computer games or spend their time in a well-mannered way in specially organized children's clubs. Together with the children, the culture of yard games and yard socialization (with all its features) disappeared.
And if kids can still be found on the playgrounds under the supervision of relatives, then schoolchildren are almost completely invisible. Gazeta.Ru looks around the deserted spring courtyards and recalls the disappeared games, which in many ways made us the adults we have become.
Rubber bands How to play. The main attribute of this game for girls is an elastic band. The ideal number of players is 3-4 people. Each participant performs jumping figures and combinations at different heights: from the level of the ankles (jump "first") to the level of the neck (jump "sixth"). Jumping through an elastic band, stretched at the level of the thigh, had the mysterious name "popepe". As soon as the jumper makes a mistake, another participant takes her place, and the girl who made the mistake puts on an elastic band. If there are four players, the pairs switch places when both players from the same pair alternately make mistakes.
What develops: vestibular apparatus, coordination, attentiveness. It teaches you to train, win, lose with dignity, jump above everyone else and be friends with girls, even if at the moment they are rivals.

How to play. Crayons, an asphalt pad, and a pebble (or washer) are required. You draw small cells with numbers in a certain sequence, and you can even jump alone. The main thing is to hit the cage with a stone, jump to it on one or two legs and return back in the same way. The most successful player is the one who manages to go all the way from one to ten. The number of players in the "classics" can be any.
What develops: agility, accuracy, ability to concentrate and knowledge of numbers, if the players are just kids.

How to play. Participants in this ancient Russian-folk game are divided into two equal teams and stand opposite each other in ranks, holding hands, at a distance of 10-15 m. The teams move towards each other, pronouncing in turn a long chant: “Boyars, we have come to you, dear , and we have come to you ... "The dialogue ends with the words:" Boyars, open the gates, give us the bride forever. " The one who is chosen as the bride must then scatter and break the enemy's chain. If the attempt is successful, the player returns to his team, if not, remains in another. The losing team starts the next round. The goal of the game is to gather as many participants as possible in a team.
What develops: the ability to be in a team and win in a “one against all” situation.

Slower you go, further you will - stop
How to play. The driver's task is to stand with his back to the participants on the finish line (the greater the distance between the driver and the participants, the better) and say loudly: "You go quieter, the further you will be - stop." While the driver speaks (and he can do it at any pace), the participants try to run away as far as possible towards the finish line. As soon as the driver stops talking, you need to freeze in place. Anyone who did not have time to stop or made a random movement is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who gets to the finish line first and touches the driver.
What develops: coordination, the ability to run quickly and respond to changing circumstances.

How to play. Participants run away from the driver (this game is a kind of tag). The driver catches up with the player and touches him - he salutes. The soldier spreads his hands, and any other participant can run up, touch him and "help out". The task of the driver is not to move far from the salted man and not to let anyone a step closer to him. The summer version of the sorcerers is to run around with "sprinklers" and pour water on each other from leaky bottles. Usually, five minutes after the start of the game, everyone is wet, but very funny.
What develops: the ability to run fast, think quickly and enjoy life with might and main.

The sea is worried once
How to play. The presenter turns away from the players and says a counting rhyme:
The sea is worried once
The sea is worried two,
The sea waves three,
Freeze the sea figure in place!
As he speaks, the participants move randomly in any order, depicting the movement of waves with their hands. As soon as the driver stops talking, you need to freeze in some figure. The driver approaches one of the players and touches him. The player depicts his figure in motion, and the driver guesses what it is. The player whose figure could not be guessed becomes the driver himself.
What develops: imagination, spontaneity and artistry.

Robber Cossacks
How to play. Players are divided into two teams - "Cossacks" and "robbers". They agree on which territory they play. It can be a courtyard, an entrance, a street, several courtyards. The "robbers" make up a secret word. The "Cossacks" step aside so as not to see the "robbers". The "robbers" run away, marking the direction of their movement with arrows on the asphalt (walls of houses, curbs, trees, etc.). They begin to run in a group, and then scatter in all directions, trying to confuse the "Cossacks" with arrows. The task of the "Cossacks" is to find the "robbers" by the arrows. Each "robber" "Cossack" brings to the "prison" and guards him, trying to find out the secret word, for example, with the help of torture with nettles. The "Cossacks" win as soon as they find out the secret word or find all the "robbers".
What it develops: basic intelligence skills, the ability to navigate the terrain and not give up "ours".

12 sticks
How to play. The game resembles classic hide and seek. 12 small sticks are placed on a "lever" (for example, on a plank and a pebble placed under it) so that, stepping on the lever, you can scatter the sticks. The driver's task is to collect the sticks, put them on the lever, say the counting rhyme with closed eyes and go in search of the hidden players. As soon as the driver discovers the player, he runs to the "lever" and breaks the sticks, calling the name of the found one. The player becomes the driver. If the one found manages to get ahead of the driver and reach the sticks first, the driver does not change.
What develops: the ability to correctly hide and run quickly when necessary.

How to play. "Bouncers" - two players - stand on both sides of the court. The rest of the players are in the center. The goal of the "bouncers" is to throw the ball to each other and hit any of the "central" players. The players' task is to dodge the flying ball. The one who was hit is out of the game. Other participants can "save" the eliminated player by catching the ball in the air (the main condition is not from the ground, otherwise you will also fly out). When only one participant remains in the team of "central" players, he must dodge the ball as many times as he is. If he manages to do this, all those who dropped out return to their original places.
What develops: the ability to dodge fast flying objects, think about others and endure pain.

I know 5 names
How to play. The first player takes the ball in his hands, says: "I know one girl's name," hits the ball with one hand on the ground and says the name. Then he continues with different variations: “I know one boy's name”, “I know one color”, “I know one animal”, “I know one city”. When all the combinations are used, the player pronounces the same counting rhymes, only on the count of two: “I know two names of the girl” - and then in a circle. The game continues until ten. If, hitting the ball, the player did not have time to say the name or hit the ball, the move goes to the other participant. When the ball, having passed through all the participants, returns to the first player, he continues to play from the phrase on which he made a mistake. The winner is the one who first reaches the top ten in this river.
What develops: multitasking, erudition, the ability to correct their mistakes and move on.

How to play. All players sit or stand in a row. The driver throws the ball to one of the participants and at the same time names an object. If the item is edible, the player catches the ball. If not, he beats it off. The driver's task is to confuse the player, for example, in the chain "apple-melon-carrot-potato", suddenly say: "iron". If the player makes a mistake and "eats" the "inedible", then he himself becomes the driver. The faster the driver throws the ball and names the objects, the more exciting and interesting it is to play.
What develops: a sense of humor, the ability to listen carefully and respond quickly.

How to play. Players mark a circle on the ground. Then, in turn, they try to get with a knife on the delineated territory of the enemy and thus win back as much land from him as possible. The knife can be thrown from the shoulder, with a turnover, from the nose and even from the head. There are many versions of the game of "knives" under different names: "land", "cities", "benches", "grandmothers and grandfathers", "tanks", "ships", "football", "sea battle". The knife can be stuck into the ground, sand, and even a wooden bench.
What develops: the ability to handle cold weapons, attentiveness and caution.

How to play. Players sit in a row and fold their palms in a boat. The driver holds a small object in his fist or folded palms, such as a coin, button, ring. In turn, he bypasses each player, putting his own into his “boat” and saying the counting-ruling: “I wear-wear a ring and will give it to someone”. The driver's task is to discreetly put a "ring" on one of the players and say "Ring-ring, go out onto the porch!" After that, the player who got the item jumps up and tries to run away. The task of the rest of the participants is to delay the evader.
What develops: the ability to follow the manipulations of others, to act quickly and decisively.

Will you go to the ball?
How to play. The driver pronounces the counting rhyme:
Don't say yes and no
do not call black and white,
Will you go to the ball?
Its task is to confuse the player. After the countdown, the driver asks the player a variety of clarifying questions: what will he ride, what will he ride, what color the dress or trousers will be, what is the name of the groom, etc. The player's task is to answer the questions without using the words "yes", "no", "black", "white". The most interesting thing is to mix simple and complex questions, to change the rate of speech and intonation.
What develops: the ability to think outside the box, follow one's own speech, hold attention and quickly find a way out of the current situation.

I was born a gardener
How to play. Each player chooses a name for himself - the name of the flower and communicates it to the "gardener" - the driver and other players. The driver pronounces the countdown: “I was born as a gardener, I got really angry, I’m tired of all the flowers, except ...” And he calls the “name” (name of the flower) of one of the players. There is a dialogue between the driver and the player. The player pronounces the name of one flower from those that are in the team. The participant whose name was sounded must respond. The dialogue continues. Anyone who was mistaken: for example, did not react to his name, confused the name of the flowers, gives a fant (any of his things). At the end of the game, forfeits are played out. The "gardener" turns away, they take out the thing and ask the driver: "What should this player do?" The “gardener” assigns a task (to jump on one leg, squat, sing, recite a poem, etc.) - the player “fulfills” the phantom and takes his thing.
What develops: memory, attention, courage and willingness to take responsibility for their actions.

How to play. The driver and one of the players stand in front of the other participants: the driver - with his face, the player - with his back. The driver points to one of the participants and asks: "Kis?" If the player who is standing with his back responds with "scatter", the driver continues to choose. As soon as the player says "meow", the driver asks him: "What color?" The player chooses a color and turns to face the rest of the participants. Depending on the chosen color, the player and a member from the team complete the task. The player has no right to refuse the task. White is the scariest color. Two must retire at the entrance. What are they doing there - history is silent every time. Green - three questions that the player can only answer "yes". Usually tricky questions like: "Do you love him?" Red is a kiss on the lips. Pink - the same, but on the cheek. Yellow - three questions alone. When choosing an orange color, you need to walk under the handle, preferably past adults. Blue - kiss hand. Purple is to do a bad deed. For example, step on a foot, pull hair, or take a piece of jewelry.
What develops: the ability to communicate with the opposite sex, manage your impulses and find socially acceptable forms for your desires.

And I hope everyone remembers what this funny game is called? I remember not without injuries, but everyone played and always)))))

In the 21st century, children quietly disappeared from the courtyards of big cities - now they play computer games or spend their time in a well-mannered way in specially organized children's clubs. Together with the children, the culture of yard games and yard socialization (with all its features) disappeared.

And if kids can still be found on the playgrounds under the supervision of relatives, then schoolchildren are almost completely invisible.

Let's remember the games that disappeared, which made us in many ways the adults we have become.

Rubber bands

How to play. The main attribute of this game for girls is an elastic band. The ideal number of players is 3-4 people. Each participant performs jumping figures and combinations at different heights: from the level of the ankles (jump "first") to the level of the neck (jump "sixth"). Jumping through an elastic band, stretched at the level of the thigh, had the mysterious name "popepe". As soon as the jumper makes a mistake, another participant takes her place, and the girl who made the mistake puts on an elastic band. If there are four players, the pairs switch places when both players from the same pair alternately make mistakes.

What develops: vestibular apparatus, coordination, attentiveness. It teaches you to train, win, lose with dignity, jump above everyone else and be friends with girls, even if at the moment they are rivals.


How to play. Crayons, an asphalt pad, and a pebble (or washer) are required. You draw small cells with numbers in a certain sequence, and you can even jump alone. The main thing is to hit the cage with a stone, jump to it on one or two legs and return back in the same way. The most successful player is the one who manages to go all the way from one to ten. The number of players in the "classics" can be any.

What develops: agility, accuracy, ability to concentrate and knowledge of numbers, if the players are just kids.


How to play. Participants in this ancient Russian-folk game are divided into two equal teams and stand opposite each other in ranks, holding hands, at a distance of 10-15 m. The teams move towards each other, pronouncing in turn a long chant: “Boyars, we have come to you, dear , and we have come to you ... "The dialogue ends with the words:" Boyars, open the gates, give us the bride forever. " The one who is chosen as the bride must then scatter and break the enemy's chain. If the attempt is successful, the player returns to his team, if not, remains in another. The losing team starts the next round. The goal of the game is to gather as many participants as possible in a team.

What develops: the ability to be in a team and win in a “one against all” situation.

Slower you go, further you will - stop

How to play. The driver's task is to stand with his back to the participants on the finish line (the greater the distance between the driver and the participants, the better) and say loudly: "You go quieter, the further you will be - stop." While the driver speaks (and he can do it at any pace), the participants try to run away as far as possible towards the finish line. As soon as the driver stops talking, you need to freeze in place. Anyone who did not have time to stop or made a random movement is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who gets to the finish line first and touches the driver.

What develops: coordination, the ability to run quickly and respond to changing circumstances.


How to play. Participants run away from the driver (this game is a kind of tag). The driver catches up with the player and touches him - he salutes. The soldier spreads his hands, and any other participant can run up, touch him and "help out". The task of the driver is not to move far from the salted man and not to let anyone a step closer to him. The summer version of the sorcerers is to run around with "sprinklers" and pour water on each other from leaky bottles. Usually, five minutes after the start of the game, everyone is wet, but very funny.

What develops: the ability to run fast, think quickly and enjoy life with might and main.

The sea is worried once

How to play. The presenter turns away from the players and says a counting rhyme:
The sea is worried once
The sea is worried two,
The sea waves three,
Freeze the sea figure in place!
As he speaks, the participants move randomly in any order, depicting the movement of waves with their hands. As soon as the driver stops talking, you need to freeze in some figure. The driver approaches one of the players and touches him. The player depicts his figure in motion, and the driver guesses what it is. The player whose figure could not be guessed becomes the driver himself.

What develops: imagination, spontaneity and artistry.

Robber Cossacks

How to play. Players are divided into two teams - "Cossacks" and "robbers". They agree on which territory they play. It can be a courtyard, an entrance, a street, several courtyards. The "robbers" make up a secret word. The "Cossacks" step aside so as not to see the "robbers". The "robbers" run away, marking the direction of their movement with arrows on the asphalt (walls of houses, curbs, trees, etc.). They begin to run in a group, and then scatter in all directions, trying to confuse the "Cossacks" with arrows. The task of the "Cossacks" is to find the "robbers" by the arrows. Each "robber" "Cossack" brings to the "prison" and guards him, trying to find out the secret word, for example, with the help of torture with nettles. The "Cossacks" win as soon as they find out the secret word or find all the "robbers".

What develops: basic skills of scouts, the ability to navigate the terrain and not to surrender "friends".

12 sticks

How to play. The game resembles classic hide and seek. 12 small sticks are placed on a "lever" (for example, on a plank and a pebble placed under it) so that, stepping on the lever, you can scatter the sticks. The driver's task is to collect the sticks, put them on the lever, say the counting rhyme with closed eyes and go in search of the hidden players. As soon as the driver discovers the player, he runs to the "lever" and breaks the sticks, calling the name of the found one. The player becomes the driver. If the one found manages to get ahead of the driver and reach the sticks first, the driver does not change.

What develops: the ability to correctly hide and run quickly when necessary.


How to play. "Bouncers" - two players - stand on both sides of the court. The rest of the players are in the center. The goal of the "bouncers" is to throw the ball to each other and hit any of the "central" players. The players' task is to dodge the flying ball. The one who was hit is out of the game. Other participants can "save" the eliminated player by catching the ball in the air (the main condition is not from the ground, otherwise you will also fly out). When only one participant remains in the team of "central" players, he must dodge the ball as many times as he is. If he manages to do this, all those who dropped out return to their original places.

What develops: the ability to dodge fast flying objects, think about others and endure pain.

I know 5 names

How to play. The first player takes the ball in his hands, says: "I know one girl's name," hits the ball with one hand on the ground and says the name. Then he continues with different variations: “I know one boy's name”, “I know one color”, “I know one animal”, “I know one city”. When all the combinations are used, the player pronounces the same counting rhymes, only on the count of two: “I know two names of the girl” - and then in a circle. The game continues until ten. If, hitting the ball, the player did not have time to say the name or hit the ball, the move goes to the other participant. When the ball, having passed through all the participants, returns to the first player, he continues to play from the phrase on which he made a mistake. The winner is the one who first reaches the top ten in this river.

What develops: multitasking, erudition, the ability to correct their mistakes and move on.


How to play. All players sit or stand in a row. The driver throws the ball to one of the participants and at the same time names an object. If the item is edible, the player catches the ball. If not, he beats it off. The driver's task is to confuse the player, for example, in the chain "apple-melon-carrot-potato", suddenly say: "iron". If the player makes a mistake and "eats" the "inedible", then he himself becomes the driver. The faster the driver throws the ball and names the objects, the more exciting and interesting it is to play.

What develops: a sense of humor, the ability to listen carefully and respond quickly.


How to play. Players mark a circle on the ground. Then, in turn, they try to get with a knife on the delineated territory of the enemy and thus win back as much land from him as possible. The knife can be thrown from the shoulder, with a turnover, from the nose and even from the head. There are many versions of the game of "knives" under different names: "land", "cities", "benches", "grandmothers and grandfathers", "tanks", "ships", "football", "sea battle". The knife can be stuck into the ground, sand, and even a wooden bench.

What develops: the ability to handle cold weapons, attentiveness and caution.


How to play. Players sit in a row and fold their palms in a boat. The driver holds a small object in his fist or folded palms, such as a coin, button, ring. In turn, he bypasses each player, putting his own into his “boat” and saying the counting-ruling: “I wear-wear a ring and will give it to someone”. The driver's task is to discreetly put a "ring" on one of the players and say "Ring-ring, go out onto the porch!" After that, the player who got the item jumps up and tries to run away. The task of the rest of the participants is to delay the evader.

What develops: the ability to follow the manipulations of others, to act quickly and decisively.

Will you go to the ball?

How to play. The driver pronounces the counting rhyme:

Don't say yes and no
do not call black and white,
Will you go to the ball?

Its task is to confuse the player. After the countdown, the driver asks the player a variety of clarifying questions: what will he ride, what will he ride, what color the dress or trousers will be, what is the name of the groom, etc. The player's task is to answer the questions without using the words "yes", "no", "black", "white". The most interesting thing is to mix simple and complex questions, to change the rate of speech and intonation.

What develops: the ability to think outside the box, follow one's own speech, hold attention and quickly find a way out of a situation.

I was born a gardener

How to play. Each player chooses a name for himself - the name of the flower and communicates it to the "gardener" - the driver and other players. The driver pronounces the countdown: “I was born a gardener, I got really angry, I’m tired of all the flowers, except ...” And he calls the “name” (name of the flower) of one of the players. There is a dialogue between the driver and the player. The player pronounces the name of one flower from those that are in the team. The participant whose name was sounded must respond. The dialogue continues. Anyone who was mistaken: for example, did not react to his name, confused the name of the flowers, gives a fant (any of his things). At the end of the game, forfeits are played out. The "gardener" turns away, they take out the thing and ask the driver: "What should this player do?" The “gardener” assigns a task (to jump on one leg, squat, sing, recite a poem, etc.) - the player “fulfills” the phantom and takes his thing.

What develops: memory, attention, courage and willingness to take responsibility for their actions.


How to play. The driver and one of the players stand in front of the other participants: the driver - with his face, the player - with his back. The driver points to one of the participants and asks: "Kis?" If the player who is standing with his back responds with "scatter", the driver continues to choose. As soon as the player says "meow", the driver asks him: "What color?" The player chooses a color and turns to face the rest of the participants. Depending on the chosen color, the player and a member from the team complete the task. The player has no right to refuse the task. White is the scariest color. Two must retire at the entrance. What are they doing there - history is silent every time. Green - three questions that the player can only answer "yes". Usually tricky questions like: "Do you love him?" Red is a kiss on the lips. Pink - the same, but on the cheek. Yellow - three questions alone. When choosing an orange color, you need to walk under the handle, preferably past adults. Blue - kiss hand. Purple is to do a bad deed. For example, step on a foot, pull hair, or take a piece of jewelry.

What develops: the ability to communicate with the opposite sex, manage their impulses and find socially acceptable forms for their desires.


How to play. The presenter stands with his back and says: “Kali-kali ... stop! Point!". The word Kali - as many times as the presenter wants. While they sound, the children run away from the presenter in the opposite direction. The children stop at the word Point. Then the presenter chooses a player and estimates - how many steps to him - large and small. There are so many steps and steps to the city of so-and-so. Then he measures this amount, if the leader manages to touch the city with his hand, he wins, if not, he plays again.

What develops: the ability to determine the distance "by eye"


How to play. Children join hands and "get entangled" by stepping over their legs and arms. Then they shout: "Grandma, the threads are torn!" and the host grandmother tries to untangle her threads (arms and legs) without breaking (without unhooking the players' hands).

What develops: agility and ingenuity

Little Red Riding Hood

How to play. Children are divided into two parts. Some - hold on tightly to the hands and do not let them pass. Those that hold on shout: “Little Red Riding Hood, white feather! Give us .. (player's name) well, Marina, for example, and no one else! " Marina accelerates and tries to punch a hole in the wall of the kids in the middle. If he breaks through, then he takes one of the middle children and returns back to his own, if he does not break through, then he becomes average.

What develops: strength and endurance


Inna Morozova

Hello everyone!

Today we will talk about what outdoor games can diversify the walk for children. After all, it is so important that outdoor recreation is active and useful!

We will tell you about interesting games that are familiar to many parents, since they played them in their childhood.

You can play different games in the yard:

Children's outdoor game "Traffic light" - rules

Draw two parallel lines on the site about 6 m apart. All players stand behind one line, and between them, with their backs to all participants, is the driver. The driver names a color. If a player has it in clothes, he freely passes over another line. If the named color is not in the clothes, the player tries to run over the line, and the driver must burn him. If he is pissed off, the player takes the place of the driver.

Sedentary game "Sabrze" - rules

Children hardly sit on the bench, the presenter is chosen, who stands in front of them. The presenter approaches each player, comes up with a question, voices it and throws the ball, offering his own answer options.

If the player likes this option, he catches the ball, if not, he hits it.

The presenter offers each player up to 3 answer options. If the player pushed away all three, the third option is assigned to him by default.

The presenter has the opportunity to throw the ball and say:
- Subject!

If a player catches the ball, he himself comes up with an answer that he likes to the question asked.

Different questions are used, for example:
- What is your name?
- Where do you live?
- How old are you?
- Who is your wife (husband)?
- How many children do you have?
- What is your car?
- What's your job?

Children's outdoor game "Olympiada" - rules

To play Olympiad you need a company that consists of at least 3 people. And also a very important props - an elastic band, about 5 m long.

The elastic must be tied. Two players stretch it and cross it, as shown in the picture:

Or such:
- "Olympics,
eat three poisons
and choke! "

In the last words, the participants who hold the elastic band entangle it by placing their feet (one leg) on ​​it, raising their hands up, or one up, one down, or in another way. A kind of cobweb is taught. It is important that it be more sophisticated.

Further, the players who are holding the rubber band freeze in this position. Everyone else should make their way through the cobweb without touching the elastic. You can jump over the rubber band, crawl under it, etc. The most important thing is not to touch it. Whoever touched - lost. This participant will take the place of one of those who held the rubber band.

Children's outdoor game "Leader-counselor, give a pioneer" - rules

Children are divided into two teams. These teams line up opposite each other, about 15 paces away. Children join hands and hold each other tightly. In turn, each team calls a player from the other team, saying the phrase: "Leader-counselor give a pioneer!"

- Whom? - another team answers.

- Vasya (Tanya, Sasha ...).

The named player must, after scattering, break through the line of the opposing team (break off the linked hands). Children usually hold the defense tight, and the players who have to "break through" choose the weak ones. If the chain is broken, the “pioneer” takes an additional player to his team; if not, he remains in the opposing team. The team with the most players wins.

And the game lasts until one of the teams runs out of players.

Creative game "The sea is worried - one, the sea is worried - two"

The leader is selected. He turns away from the rest of the players and says the following words: "The sea is agitated - one, the sea is agitated - two, the sea is agitated - three, the sea figure is in place - freeze."

The rest of the players move chaotically behind the leader's back at this time. When the word "Freeze!" all players must stop and freeze in the most unusual position. The presenter walks around all the participants and looks carefully, whoever laughs and moves first is out of the game. The winner is the player who holds out the frozen pose the longest.

Children's outdoor game "Grandma, untangle the threads!"

Choosing a presenter. He turns away. The team stands in a circle, and all participants join hands. All are woven into a ball, a kind of tangled mass. The main condition is not to break your hands. Confused, the players call the host: "Grandma, untangle the threads!" The presenter unravels all participants without breaking his hands. If someone let go of his palm, he takes the place of the leader.

An active children's game “The quieter you go, the further you will be. Stop!"

The leader is selected. Children line up, 15-20 steps from the leader. The presenter stands at the finish line, with his back to the players and says the following phrase: “The quieter you go, the further you will be. Stop!". As he speaks, the players quietly take small steps towards the finish line. Saying the word: "Stop!", The presenter turns around. If he notices even the slightest movement, he sends the child to the start. The game lasts until someone reaches the finish line first. At the finish line, you need to touch the leader with your hand.

Sedentary children's game "Ring"

The leader is selected. All players, except for the leader, sit on the bench, fold their palms in a boat. The leader also folds his hands in a boat, and puts a ring in them. Next, you need to go through each participant and put your hands in him. He discreetly inserts a ring to one of the participants. In this case, the presenter should gesture, wink, indicating that someone else got the ring. After that, the presenter says the phrase: "Ring-ring, go out on the porch!".

The participant who has the ring in his hands must quickly get up and jump out of the shop so that other players do not detain him. If he succeeds, he gets the role of the leader, if not, he drops out of the game.

An active children's game "At a bear in the forest"

The site must be divided by a line parallel to the long sides into two fields. A line is also drawn on the short side of the site. Players are located behind it. And on the other short side behind the line, mushrooms, berries, trees are drawn - this is "boron". In the middle of each field in the form of circles depicted "dens" of bears.

Two presenters are chosen - these are "bears". They occupy their "dens" and turn their backs to the players. Secretly, after conferring, one of the players is handed two small balls by the bears.

One of the "bears" recites a verse:
The bear in the forest
I take mushrooms, berries,
And the bear growls
He's angry with us!
The basket overturned,
The bear rushed after us!

During its sounding, the players go to the "pine forest", bypassing the bears. To the sound of the verse, they depict picking berries and mushrooms, show how the basket overturned.

When the last word sounds, "bears" leave the "den" and start firing the players who are on their field. The players run to their home. If the participant froze and stands motionless, the "bear" cannot bash him. Those children who have been bitten by the bear are temporarily out of the game.

The player who got the balls can “shoot” the “bears” by hitting them with the ball. The "shot" "bear" returns and crouches down in his den. He can no longer piss players off.

If one "bear" is "killed", the second one has to play the players on two sites.

I wonder what a modern child of about ten will do if you take away all electronic gadgets from him, take out game consoles, a TV with a computer and turn off the Internet? But once they lived like that: with black and white "Records" instead of modern "plasma", a disk telephone instead of "iPhones" and a book instead of a laptop. What did the children of the Soviet era play or the generation of the nineties? Let's remember (or get acquainted). As the story progresses, I can bump into nostalgia and memories, but I ask you not to blame it in advance, because childhood is sacred.

Happy childhood: the beginning

In the earliest childhood, happy parents filled their little ones with harsh Soviet toys. Dolls with big blue eyes, immune to everything, including nuclear weapons. And what was the child's amazement when the doll began to open and close its eyes! Over time, the mechanism began to fail, and the doll began to resemble a one-eyed pirate, convulsed. But they were beautiful no matter what.

Wooden cubes... Heavy and durable, they did not succumb to any mechanical stress. They made magnificent towers, castles and houses. Mostly towers. Every day, the houses were breaking records for the height of the next architectural masterpiece. And woe to that cat who tried to sabotage the building!

Toy soldiers... The most common batch of soldiers in Soviet homes is tin warriors with rifles. They could serve as a garrison in wooden castles, a crew of cars and tanks, a target for shooting, "live" shells, and so on. They never broke, did not drown, did not burn - real Soviet soldiers, to put it simply. If the tin soldiers were not enough, ingenuity was used.

A story from life: when I was 11 years old, my friend and I decided to conquer the world to conquer our court and created an army. The mighty army consisted of about 700 wooden soldiers made from ordinary matches (suffer, Oorfene Deuce!). The army was divided into battalions of 50 combat units, for each of them a uniform was prepared - a piece of paper painted with colored pencils. The officers dressed in elegant foil from cigarette packs. The commanders-in-chief were carefully wrapped in gold foil.

Having finished work on the army, we set to work on the battlefield. In the abandoned vegetable garden, trenches and trenches were being dug, and parapets were erected. Bunkers for generals dug to the depths of the earth's core, no less.

The day of the great battle has come. Armed with heavy pebble and bricks-and-mortar artillery, we fought the greatest battle in history. I don't remember the winner, but it was fun.

Heavy weaponry

In Soviet and post-Soviet times, children in the yard had different toys. Including very dangerous ones. No, my parents were no less responsible then than they are now. But the kids managed to dodge and keep forbidden toys in hiding places, "headquarters" or in the garden.

Let's start with the bestseller. Weapons of mass destruction, must be in every yard boy-bully -. Thunderstorm of pigeons, cats and all living things, risking to catch the eye of young snipers.

"Bullet tube 1.0"... The legacy of African tribes is the wind gun of childhood. It was made from antennas stolen from the roof, it became the cause of many neighboring wars and scandals. It was used as courting girls, shootings in courtyard conflicts and bullying. Anything that was in it could serve as ammunition - chewed paper, hedge seeds. The shells for the rich could be peas, but translating a valuable food product was considered bad manners and the "majors" were despised by the whole court.

Bullet Pistols... They appeared in the nineties and served as the reason for many days of whining of children in the ears of unfortunate parents. The psyche of fathers and mothers often could not stand it, the "air" was nevertheless acquired, and the happy child rushed into the yard for combat tests. The test results were bruises and bruises after the phrase "Look how it shoots!" Cases of disability in cats have become more frequent, and if pigeons or sparrows had a trade union, an internecine war would start in the country.

"Chlorate"... The most dangerous "toy", a real explosive. In a dried state, paper soaked in saltpeter and match sulfur flared up instantly, and exploded in a confined space. A really dangerous thing, pampering with chlorate often resulted in injury. But few of the boys could resist the temptation to stuff such paper into an empty plastic bottle, set it on fire and see what happened. Usually it was "BOOM!" or "BOOM!", which led young explosives into wild delight, mothers in panic, and fathers - in the state of "Right now, I'll give a belt to the ass!" Threats, by the way, were often carried out.

Outdoor team games

There have always been many children in the courtyards of multi-storey buildings. And they played outside every day. Accordingly, there was entertainment and fun with a wagon and a small cart: hide-and-seek, catch-ups, knockouts, robber Cossacks, classic football and hockey. The girls jumped into classics, through an elastic band and a rope, fiddled with dolls.

The coolest games, excluding the classics, were considered robber Cossacks, baker and sifak. A whole crowd of people took part in all the games.

V Cossack robbers a fighting detachment of the dashing descendants of Taras Bulba mercilessly drove a hostile gang through the courtyards. The gang was obliged to leave traces in order to make it easier for the pursuers to find the criminals and seize the headquarters from the Cossacks. The brave Cossack hundred, in turn, swore an oath to seize the "robbers" and mercilessly torture them with tickling, nettles or terrible spider beetles.

Baker is a rather difficult game. For her you will need sticks, a jar or plastic bottle and a piece of chalk. The area of ​​10 by 6 meters is drawn with four lines - pawns, queens, kings and aces. The last line belongs to the king (baker). At a distance of 5 meters from the last line, a circle is drawn where the bank (ruff) is placed.

First, they choose who will be the baker and play the order of knocking down the ryukha. One end of the stick is on the foot, on the other we rest with our palm and push the stick into the distance with our foot. Whose stick flew farther, the one who knocks down the sneaker first. For each shot down, the player is promoted and moved closer to the ruff.

Sifak- a game, the purpose of which is to throw a ball, a crumpled rag or any object convenient for throwing at someone. Whoever got hit is the next one to drive. A similar game - knocking out, only two others had to hit the player with the ball in turn. You cannot run away from the hunters, you need to stand still and try to dodge the flying projectile.

Water battles- a separate page of the game history. Collect water in a plastic bottle, punch a hole in the lid with a nail and go ahead, wet (literally) opponents who are leaving their parents' work, innocent grandmothers on the benches. In the event that the bottle was not enough, heavy artillery was used - a bucket secretly stolen from my mother from the kitchen! In the nineties, battles of water took on a new color: Fairy detergents appeared in stores. Bottles from under them were beaten with a tight and powerful jet to 10-12 meters, and begged from their parents with tears in their eyes.

Leapfrog or elephant... The players stood in a line, firmly holding each other by the belt and bent over with the letter "G". The rest of the participants, with battle cries, rushed to their comrades and tried to jump over them, pushing themselves off the backs of the standing with their hands. The game usually ended with a bunch of small ones, so they played "Elephant" most often on grass or sand.

While the boys ran after each other, trying to whack a comrade with a ball, stick or nettles, the girls played at the store, with dolls, at daughters-mothers. Boys who were wounded by bouncers or bakers were kidnapped by treacherous nurses in an attempt to "cure" the victim with an ointment made from clay. The victim moaned, dodged and called for help, but when did this stop a real woman, albeit a small one? If the role of the saviors of humanity was boring, the girls went to play rope, elastic or classics.

Board and gambling

There were so many board games. Someone could afford table football or hockey - a hefty iron box with levers and figures of players. They played checkers, chess, giveaways. Moreover, they played both with their peers and with their parents. Almost every courtyard had its own chess champion, there were legends about him: “ Yes, he even beat Vaskin's grandfather twice, and he, by the way, is almost a grandmaster!».

Board games were not only bought, but also invented or mastered. Paper planes, boats and even cars were carefully painted with colored pencils, competitions were held between the best models of paper machine building.

In the courtyards and schools, real battles were played out in candy wrappers. In Soviet times, candy wrappers cut from matchboxes were used. In the nineties, the post-Soviet space en masse learned the charm of stickers and labels. The game of candy wrappers is simple to amazement: a sticker or a label from gum is placed on a flat surface, and the players take turns trying to turn it over, clapping their palms on it. The most fortunate and skillful collected for themselves entire collections of candy wrappers - the object of envy of the entire court. Closer to the 2000s, candy wrappers pushed chips out of children's heads - remember the famous "bloopers" and "slaps" that came from the porches of almost every school, when students formed a circle during a break and knocked on a hard surface with round laminated cardboard?

Acquaintance with gaming technologies

The first equivalent of a game console appeared in the USSR in 1984 under the proud name "Electronics IM-02". The game was called "Well, Wait!" and was created based on the famous cartoon of the same name. The essence of the game was simple: chickens appeared on the screen, dropping eggs. And the wolf with the basket had to catch them. Not a single computer game can compare in intensity with the ingenious invention of Soviet engineers. Records in "Well, wait a minute!" proud of their families, bragging to acquaintances and friends.

In the dashing years of perestroika, another legendary toy, Tetris, fell into the hands of children. She was begged for her parents for her birthday, begged for the new year and earned "fives" at school. The first Tetris games boasted six to eight games, but the most popular are snake, construction and tennis.

The next legend of the 20th century is the Tamagotchi. The toy appeared in Japan and spread throughout the world at an incredible rate. Millions of children have tried on the role of caregivers and nannies of a capricious bunch of pixels with an incredible appetite, a tendency to go to the toilet every 15 minutes and a suspicious habit of throwing their hooves at any moment. How many children's tears were shed for pets dying of lack. How much joy it was when the electronic animal managed to hold out until its birthday.

Before the start of the new millennium, the world was flooded with 8- and 16-bit game consoles and children began to increasingly switch outdoor games to joysticks and TVs. What can we say about modern kids, who are transplanted from tablets to computers, and from them - to phones or set-top boxes.

The childhood of the 20th century is fundamentally different from today. The list of games listed in the article can be increased by three or even four times. It is impossible to judge which childhood was better, to condemn - all the more so. But how fun it was to go outside after school and join the cheerful, loud and friendly crowd of your friends to play hide and seek or tag ... But the children grew up, became parents themselves. Now they remember their wonderful childhood with smiles, watching a new generation grow up.

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