Downloading games on Steam. Downloading games on Steam How to download games from Steam

Steam is a well-known digital distribution platform for computer games and software. Also, the developers are planning to soon launch a showcase with licensed films and TV series. This service became famous for its hot sales and discounts, which could go up to 90% during special periods. There have been cases when users bought a game for 5 or 10 rubles, the initial price of which was 1000-1500 rubles.

To start using the service, you need to download the client and register an account. It is advisable to use the means of protection against theft. After that, you can purchase games of various genres, download demos or clients of free-to-play projects with free access. All of them will be added to your personal library so that you can download them at any time of the day or night.

All games in the service contain media files (screenshots, video trailers) and detailed descriptions indicating system requirements and language support. For each game / program, a topic is assigned where you can discuss individual points on the passage or on technical problems. It is also worth highlighting the "Early Access Games" section. Often alpha and beta versions of upcoming projects will go there. Users here pay for early access, and not for a completely finished product. At the bottom of the main window, you can see a separate Steam Greenlight tab, where users vote for adding a particular game to the store.

Key features and functions

  • numerous promotions;
  • the presence of user reviews in the profile of games and programs;
  • the ability to add created items to the Steam Workshop;
  • support for a large number of games with cloud storage of data on Steam servers;
  • setting up your own profile;
  • proprietary achievement system.
  • Special Requirements

    • processor with a frequency of 1 GHz;
    • 512 MB of RAM;
    • 1 GB of free hard disk space.

    What's new in this release?

    1541710380 (09.11.2018)

    • fixed chat for friends and other user interface visible when logging into in-game microtransactions;
    • unread messages and active voice chats will be shown on the Steam icon in the tray and taskbar;
    • When displaying a Steam store link in a chat window, additional information about the game, such as screenshots, videos, and price, is now displayed in the chat history;
    • Significantly improved performance and reduced memory usage for the HTML-based user interface in the main window of the Steam desktop.
    • added the ability to change the controller type on the Define Layout screen.

    Where you can download and install games, communicate and compete with other participants, exchange items. The choice of content at the moment is very wide, there are almost all popular novelties of different genres.

    Steam has a convenient functionality for downloading games.

    Some games are free to use, others need to be paid for. In Steam, promotions are often held for the free distribution of programs, or rather the keys to them. For example, if there is an advertising campaign for some novelty in the genre, they can distribute a free key to it, which will be valid for a limited amount of time. Or if you bought something, then you will be offered a temporary key for another offer of a similar genre. And also, it happens, there are promotions of hardware manufacturers, for example, for owners of a certain brand of video cards. Steam has a dedicated section offering free content.

    The platform is popular because it makes purchasing content accessible and convenient. You don't have to go to the store and look at every disc at the counter. It is enough just to download the game in Steam, after installing the client program and registering. And after installation, you can easily install updates through the same client.

    Download and install

    If you first decided to download the game on Steam, you need:

    1. Go to the official website and click "Install Steam".
    2. Create an Account by coming up with a username and password.
    3. Launch the application. After installation, a tray icon will appear.
    4. From the menu bar at the top, select Store.
    5. Find the content you want. You can use the search box in the upper right corner.
    6. Once found, click "Add to cart".
    7. Go to the shopping cart by clicking the corresponding button in the upper right corner of the screen.
    8. At the bottom of the order there will be buttons offering to buy for yourself or a friend. Click Buy Myself.
    9. Pay for your purchase.
    10. Now select the "Library" section.
    11. You will see a list of all purchased programs. If this is the first purchase, then one.
    12. Click "Install" and wait for the process to finish.
    13. After the game has been downloaded and installed, the "Run" button will appear. Now you can play.

    Other possibilities

    In Steam there is the possibility of remote downloading. For example, it is installed on two machines, a computer and a laptop. Or, you signed in to your account from a different device. Then you can buy and pay for the game from this device, and the download will start remotely on the linked computer:

    1. Log into the gaming platform from any device.
    2. Complete your purchase.
    3. In the library, click "Install", the system itself will ask you about installation on a remote computer.
    4. Confirm and start downloading. Naturally, the remote computer must be turned on.

    And also it is possible to install a game purchased and downloaded from another computer, which you brought, for example, on a USB flash drive. To do this, on the computer where it is located, from the Steam interface, make a backup copy of it, and then restore it to another device.

    There are many instructions on the Internet for downloading free games from torrents or from Steam itself. In the case of torrents, they usually come with installation instructions. Usually, the exe-file is simply launched and it itself conducts the correct installation through Steam. As for the free download of paid content, this involves the use of all sorts of patches and hacker programs, which, of course, puts the security of the computer at risk.

    So the safest way to download any game on the Steam platform is through the program itself, making a purchase if it is paid.

    Or if you have a key, then go to the library, click "Add" and enter it.

    In some cases, it is convenient to use remote download or transfer from another computer, for example, if you have a slow Internet connection.

    If you want to download a game on Steam, but it weighs a lot and will take too long to download, then there is a way out. You can download the game using third-party resources or, for example, use a flash drive to transfer the game from a friend's computer to yours. But how do you install it on Steam now?

    Whatever you install on Steam, it's all located here:

    Games that have not yet been installed, but only downloaded, can be found in the folder:

    Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ steamapps \ downloading

    Thus, when the game is fully downloaded, it is transferred to the common folder.

    Once the game is downloaded and you click on the "Install" button on Steam, the program goes to the common folder and checks if the game really needs to be installed. And if this folder already contains any game files, then Steam checks if everything is there and what needs to be downloaded.

    How to install the game on Steam?

    1. Go to the folder at the specified path and create another folder there with the name of the game:

    Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ steamapps \ common

    2. Then open Steam, select the game you added and click on the Install button. It may start downloading the missing files, but it shouldn't take long.


    If you first started downloading the game through the Steam client, then after that it will no longer be possible to slip the ready-made files onto it. Having copied the files to the common folder and to the downloading folder, you will not be able to install the game. Therefore, you must first uninstall the game through the Steam client (if you have it installed), then delete the temporary directory in the downloading folder corresponding to this game and the corresponding file with the .patch extension there. Then carry out the installation again.

    This way you won't have to wait long for Steam to download the game. This method works in most cases. The main thing is to be careful and not to be mistaken with the spelling of the name of the game.

    What is Steam (what is it for)

    As they say, brevity is the sister of talent, so let's put it more simply, the Steam program is primarily a very unusual application for downloading and buying licensed computer games, created by the world famous company Valve.

    With the help of "Steam" you can buy and download - only licensed and high-quality games via the Internet, receive various bonuses when placing pre-orders, keep abreast of the events of all your favorite projects, update games automatically, find friends with similar interests, and much other.

    Steam benefits

    The first obvious plus for Steam: one program! one database with games! you do not need to save CDs DVDs or CDs with your favorite game, by going to your Steam profile, you can install and download again - any entertainment you have purchased!
    The second obvious plus of Steam: you no longer need to worry about the performance of games, search and install various patches on the Internet, insert a disc into a CD or DVD drive when required, etc. - all updates for your games are downloaded automatically! and the errors that have arisen are fixed with official patches only from real developers!
    The third obvious plus of Steam: all gameplay on Steam is saved in a special database on the Steam Cloud server, you will never lose your game achievements! the level passed, the accumulated items, the weapons won, all this will remain with you!
    The fourth obvious plus of Steam: in "Steam" various sales of game projects are constantly held, which you can purchase almost free of charge, from 15% to 75% percent cheaper!
    The fifth obvious plus for Steam: you can buy new games or old games at a discount in a matter of minutes using one of 7 transfer methods: Web Money, Visa, Master Card, American Express, ClickandBay, Yandex Money, or Qiwi wallet. Moreover! in the near future, developers from Valve want to expand their brainchild, in which they intend to sell not only licensed games, but also licensed software! which, of course, will significantly expand Valve's profits and significantly improve the capabilities of the Steam program as a platform for buying and storing computer entertainment! and in those in need, perhaps the programs themselves.

    Steam registration (account creation)

    As in any other system where purchases are made or there is communication with a massive Internet audience, you need to register a so-called “profile”, in fact, an ordinary Internet badge, a questionnaire: by which you will be recognized in the Steam program, and to which you will be transfer money to pay for gaming or software products.

    To register the mentioned profile in the Steam program, or simply to register in Steam, you need to go to the official website at and then click on the button - Create an Account.

    This completes the registration of your profile in the Steam program.

    After registering in the Steam program, of course, you need to download and install the program on your computer, for this, immediately after registration without leaving the official Steam website, find in the upper window of the site - the button opposite your account name “Install Steam”, and click at her.

    After clicking on the install steam button, you will go to a separate page for downloading the Steam program, in this window you again need to click on a similar button with the name Instal Steam New, click - Save file as, and download the program to your computer.

    Installing and logging into Steam

    Immediately after downloading the Steam program, click on the downloaded SteamInstall .msi file and install the application, then to launch Steam, click on the Steam icon that appears on your desktop.
    In the window that opens, you will have to enter your registration data from the profile that you created earlier, in the account name field, enter your name from your Steam account, in the password field, enter your password specified when registering the profile.

    Next, click on the "sign in" button to enter the Steam program under your unique profile, immediately after logging in, an additional window will open with the Steam subscriber agreement, read the entire text of the agreement and click on the button - I Agree.

    Next, you will see the Steam program interface! in which you will immediately be prompted to change your main email address - which you are supposed to use to approve purchases on Steam, if you want to change your main email address specified during registration on Steam, click on the proposed "Change" button and just follow all instructions in the program.

    How to buy a game on Steam

    Now we have registered on Steam and have successfully entered the program under our profile! It's time to buy our first PC game on Steam and launch it!

    Since the interface of the Steam program is completely in Russian, we will not talk about all the functions of Steam, but will only concentrate on the most (pseudo) difficult moments, on buying games in particular.

    To buy any computer games in Steam, you will, of course, need money lying on any of the wallets of such systems as: Web Money, Visa, Master Card, American Express, ClickandBay, Yandex Money, or Qiwi wallet.

    Going to the "store" section in the Steam program, and choosing the game you like from the drop-down list:

    you must click on the “add to cart” button next to the product description to purchase your chosen game.

    Next, choose whether you buy the game for yourself or as a gift to someone, and click on the corresponding button, “Buy for yourself” or “Buy as a gift” when buying a game as a gift, you can select one of your friend's profiles on the Steam system and send a game to him (her) as a gift.

    After clicking on one of the buttons, you will be asked to choose one of 7 possible payment methods, select the one that you want to use to buy the game, and which has enough funds for the mentioned purchase.

    In our case, I used the Web Money system, so I choose it and click on the "continue" button.
    Then I accept the terms of the license agreement and click on the next button “go to Web Money.

    The window that appears at the next final step will differ depending on the payment system that you choose, in Web Money to pay for the game on Steam, you need to enter your mobile phone number, etc. in Yandex money, something else, etc.

    After paying for the game, a payment receipt will be sent to your email address, which confirms the correctness and legality of purchases made on Steam.

    To install purchased games, click on the appropriate button "install games" or just go to the "library" tab in the incentive and start the game from there.

    That's all, in the future it will be very easy for you to use Steam, over time you will explore all the options and capabilities of the program yourself, have a successful game!

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