What to choose after the Rubik's cube? What types of Rubik's cubes are there? All types of Rubik's cube

Rubik's Cube it is not only a toy, but also a complex puzzle, which was invented in 1974 by Ernő Rubik, an architecture teacher from Hungary.

Appearance of the cube Rubik's

The Rubik's cube is a three-dimensional puzzle, which is a stereotypical mechanism in the form of a plastic cube, measuring 3 by 3 squares. Each of the 6 faces consists of nine squares (there are 54 squares in the puzzle) and has its own separate color.

Classic Rubik's cube colors:

  • blue,
  • white,
  • red,
  • green,
  • yellow,
  • orange.

The faces are located as follows:

  • white opposite yellow,
  • red opposite orange,
  • blue is opposite green.

By rotating the faces you can change the position of the squares of the cube.

The number of all possible positions of the faces of (8! × 38−1) × (12! × 212−1)/2 = 43,252,003,274,489,856,000.

Solving a Rubik's Cube means by rotating the faces of the cube, ensuring that each side consists of faces of the same color.

Cube device Rubik's

There are three main elements of the Rubik's cube.

Central (central segments, or centers).

Central segments 6 pieces and they are located one at a time in the center of the faces of a large cube. They rotate, but are always in the center. They are painted only on one side, from which they are visible.

All central cubes are interconnected by three axes. Each pair of oppositely located central cubes rotates around only one of its axis. The center is the only component that cannot move, i.e. The central cubes cannot be moved.

The central segments determine the initial color of the corresponding face. If the central cube on a given side is white, then this is the future white face.

It is when the edge is white that you will form the cube correctly. We collect all other elements around the centers.

Angular (corner segments or corners).

Squares of this type 8. They all have different colors. Eight small corner segments are located at the corners of a large cube and are painted simultaneously in three different colors.

Ribs or side cubes.

Side cubes 12 , and they connect the centers. By location they are located between the corner segments. Painted on both visible sides.

There are a total of 26 small cubes in a Rubik's cube. The edges and corners represent the 20 moving parts of the Rubik's Cube. To understand how the puzzle is assembled, you need to know how the 12 edges and 8 corner segments can move.

Variants of the internal mechanism of the Rubik's cube

There are several options for the internal mechanism:

  • classic, in the form of a cross,
  • improved, in the form of a sphere
  • express


The Rubik's Cube consists of 26 small cubes and a 3D cross hidden inside it. The basis of the cube is a rigid frame: a three-dimensional cross, which is located in the center of the structure and 6 central cubes rotate on it, attached to the thin axes of the cross with screws. They can rotate along with the face, which moves along with the central cube of the given face.

A spring attached to the thin end of the cross allows the layer of cubes to be pulled back when turning.

The 26 cubes are only loosely called cubes because they all have different spikes, bumps, and grooves that allow them to hold each other and move around.

In the central and rib cubes, cuts are made on the inside in such a way that a cavity is obtained in the form of a union of three cylinders. In addition, there are bulges of different shapes on the rib and corner cubes. They form a fragment of a cylinder that fits tightly into the cavity mentioned above. With this design, the sides of the cube rotate freely. On the inside, the central, middle and corner cubes have different cutouts.

This is what the inside of a cube looks like, taken from the cross.

Type of cube , from which one edge has been removed

Improved cube mechanism in the form of a sphere.
In such a cube, the internal mechanism is made in the form of a ball. The cube rotates more smoothly, softly and at the same time more accurately. Thanks to the new mechanism, the Rubik's cube now “cuts corners.” This means that even if during the assembly process one of the sides of the cube was not turned completely, then turning the other side intersecting this one will complete the side.

One of the most popular puzzles of the USSR, which subsequently gained wide popularity throughout the world, was developed in Hungary.

We are, of course, talking about the famous cube, which was named after the inventor, Erno Rubik, who at that time worked as a teacher at the Academy of Applied Arts and Crafts. The first finished prototype was presented in 1974, and the patent for the invention was issued a year later. The puzzle became so popular (by 2007, 9 million copies had been sold) that it allowed the former teacher to become one of the first millionaires in the USSR. Thanks to this demand, new species have appeared that differ from the original sample.

What it is?

The original has the following characteristics:

  • configuration – 3x3x3 (consists of 27 parts);
  • edge width – 5.4 cm;
  • design method – color.

A special feature is a rotating mechanism that allows you to rotate the edges to make all surfaces the same color. The design of the rotating mechanism is such that when used, the toy made a characteristic creaking sound. However, in subsequent modifications of the product this drawback was eliminated.

What types of Rubik's cubes are there?

Considering the types of Rubik's cube, it can be noted that they differ mainly in configuration and design. For example, in addition to the original 3x3x3, there are its analogs 2x2 (“Children’s”), 4x4x4 (“Rubik’s Revenge”) and 5x5x5 (“Professor’s”).

If we talk about differences in design, then there is a variety without moving edges. This option was presented by British inventor Andrew Fentem. His development has touch-sensitive surfaces and sensors that respond to rotation. Instead of static multi-colored squares, 216 LED screens are used that change color depending on touch and position in space.

Another interesting model is made of dice. This option can be assembled on your own; for this you will need 108 magnets, 27 dice, several clamps and a simple tool (screwdriver and drill).

Regardless of its origin (factory or hand-made), fascination with this puzzle will help not only pass the time, but also develop spatial thinking.

During the existence of this puzzle, which gained worldwide popularity, many different variations were created. I propose a short article on this matter.

The main idea of ​​such a cube is to use various textures instead of colors, such as metal, wood, plastic, rubber, stone, fabric... A person can feel the “pattern” on its edges without looking at such a cube and fold it.

So far this is only a prototype created by designer Hee Yong. In order to make this player play, you need to collect at least one color on the faces of the cube. For example, to start playing music, you need to assemble the upper edge, and to stop it, you need to assemble the lower edge, and so on. As they say, both benefit and relaxation

If solving the classic Rubik's Cube is not a problem for you, try this monster cube called Petaminx. It consists of 975 parts, and comes with 1212 stickers with flowers that need to be pasted on its edges. Designer Jason Smith spent 75 hours creating this cube. Just imagine how long it will take to solve it.

This is a hybrid of a Rubik's Cube and the game Sudoku. Numbers are drawn on the edges, and you need to fold the cube so that the sums of the numbers on them are equal. If you are a Sudoku fan, this toy is for you!

This cube has no moving parts, and all segments are illuminated by LEDs of different colors. To “rotate” you need to click on the corresponding buttons on the edges, and they will change their color accordingly. In addition to the Rubik's Cube, this puzzle has several other color-related logic games and even a game similar to Minesweeper on Windows.

If you make a Rubik's Cube into a ball, you get an IQ Sphere. Its diameter is 70 mm, and its weight and texture allow it to be used as a souvenir or paperweight. When you need to take a break from work, you can take this ball and stretch your mind

There are no colors in it at all, all the fragments differ only in size, and besides this, their internal surfaces are mirrored. It’s so difficult to fold it at first!

The translation of the title is mine, free. THIS is called the Irregular IQ Cube. From the state on the left in the photo, you need to fold the cube exactly “into the shape of a cube.” And it's not as easy as you might think...

Another name for this puzzle is Pyraminx, and when assembled it is similar to the game “Snake”, also known in childhood. Someone came up with the idea of ​​combining the form of one toy with the content of another, and what you see in the photo turned out. Very mind-blowing

Back in 1974, the first Rubik's cube was born. When Erno Rubik created it, he did not even think that his creation would become the most popular puzzle in the world. Today, many championships and competitions are organized, and more and more new records are constantly being set. There are many models and varieties of Rubik's cube, and beginners can get confused in this huge and very interesting field.

Sooner or later, every beginning speedcuber has the question: “What’s next? What puzzle should I learn to solve next? Especially for them, we have prepared a short tour of the main puzzles.

Since the classic and most popular puzzle is, let’s first look at models similar to it.

The smaller brother 2x2x2 is much easier to solve, assembly can take a few seconds, but it is still a very interesting puzzle that does not get boring, and you want to play it very often. If you wanted something similar to a regular cube, but not too complicated, then a 2x2x2 cube would be a great option.

Many continue their speedcubing path with the 4x4x4 cube - a logical development of the three-ruble cube. It is in this puzzle that the basic principles of assembling large cubes are laid down. If you have mastered the four, then any big cube will not be a problem!

If the 4x4x4 cube is not enough for you, then you need a 5x5x5 cube! It has an even more complex structure and a larger number of elements that need to be organized. To assemble it, you also need to first assemble the centers, then the ribs, but in the end you can still expect parity, but only one. To assemble, you will have to show ingenuity and logic, but the skills of assembling smaller cubes will definitely come in handy!

Logic will also have to be applied when solving larger puzzles, such as cubes, and so on.

Their assembly takes much longer, but the puzzles have a solution process similar to their predecessors and all the same parities. Any self-respecting cuber has larger cubes in his collection.

All cubes from 2x2x2 to 7x7x7 are disciplines of all the largest tournaments, which are held under the auspices of the World Cubing Association (WCA). But besides them, there are other WCA puzzles.

One of these puzzles was invented in 1972, which even predates the Rubik's cube! - a pyramid, each side of which is divided into 9 regular triangles. It was invented by Uwe Meffert. A fairly simple puzzle, but every cuber should have it - it’s a classic, just like the 3x3 cube! The pyramid has many versions, such as 2x2 or 4x4. For those who have already acquired a pyramid, this is a good way to get acquainted with something new.

Another fairly simple, but at the same time interesting puzzle is. With each rotation of the faces, half of its elements move: the rotation occurs with four axes parallel to the diagonals of the cube. The world record for assembly is less than a second! An excellent option for the collection, which will allow you to relax after a hard day, because assembly will not cause big problems for a cuber of any level.

For those who liked solving the Rubik's cube and who are looking for new sensations, there is a more difficult puzzle - a very scary one. But although this 12-sided puzzle looks bulky and incredibly complex, in practice it is solved quite simply, you just need to be able to assemble the classic 3x3x3. Such a puzzle can really surprise many friends, and you will get quite an interesting experience.

But if you need something completely new and complex, then you need. In Square-1 the central elements are locked, and when disassembled it is not even a cube - it changes its shape! The first assembly can be quite difficult, but numerous tutorials published on the Internet can come to your aid. This is a great way to get introduced to shape-shifting puzzles, and because of the new algorithms and unusual situations, the solution will be very interesting.

One of the most unusual puzzles that are assembled at competitions is. The idea is very simple - you need to combine all the dials and point them at 12 o'clock. It is not a must-have for a beginner, but those who want a break from cube puzzles should consider this puzzle.

In addition to WCA puzzles, there are other types of hinged puzzles that should not be overlooked, and the list goes on for an incredibly long time: Void, Fisher, Mirror, the Gear family, and much, much more. Now you can choose both a budget and an expensive model, both simple and incredibly complex. Speedcubing is developing, more and more people are interested in this activity, which means that manufacturers will continue to delight us with new exquisite puzzles that you can always find in the store.

This is one of the most popular toys, which almost everyone played in childhood, and which modern children play now. You can find many variations of this puzzle on sale: starting with lightweight versions for children, and ending with complex geometric shapes, the assembly of which will take more than one hour.

Today we will look at and Compare different types of Rubik's Cube, And We'll help you make your choice.

First, a little history: The Rubik's Cube (the classic original size was 3x3x3) was invented in 1974 by the Hungarian sculptor and architecture teacher Ernő Rubik. Moreover, he came to the idea of ​​​​creating a world puzzle completely by accident: Erno could not explain the mathematical theory of groups to his students. Then he took 27 small wooden cubes and painted them 6 different colors. Unexpectedly for himself, Rubik realized that it was quite difficult to put them into one cube so that each face was painted a different color. The teacher himself struggled with this task for a month!

Thus, Ernő Rubik created the most exciting puzzle and tutorial in one subject. The last and most difficult step was to come up with a mechanism. And on January 30, 1974, E. Rubik received a Hungarian patent for his invention “Magic Cube”.

At the beginning of 1980, it was decided to rename the invention from “Magic Cube” to “Rubick’s Cube". It was at this time that the real boom and dawn of the miracle cube began! The puzzle went on sale all over the world: people bought them instantly, it was looks like a real madness. Hungary could not cope with the production of cubes, and a sea of ​​​​counterfeits appeared on the market. Hungary could produce no more than a few million units per year, so factories began to open in Hong Kong, Costa Rica, Taiwan and Brazil.

Fun facts:

  • Initially, the Rubik's Cube was considered as a teaching tool for students.
  • The number of all attainable different states of a 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube is 43,252,003,274,489,856,000.
  • In the 80s, more than 60 books on solving the Rubik's Cube were published.
  • Artists have created works of art from Rubik's Cubes.
  • There are official competitions for speed building the Cube.
  • The current record for a 3x3x3 cube is 4,904 sec.
  • In addition to the classic cube, there are many other puzzle shapes: pyramids, balls, dodecahedrons, etc.
  • At the moment, the largest "non-virtual" Rubik's Cube is a 13x13x13 cube.

Well, now let's look at the Rubik's Cubes, which you can purchase in our store.

1. Rubik's cube 2x2 for children

This lightweight version for the little ones, with sides of two cubes instead of three, painted in two colors. A great way to instill in your child a love of puzzles from an early age is to buy a 2x2 Rubik's Cube. As soon as the young genius manages to assemble it, he can move on to more complex options.

2. Rubik's Cube 2x2

This Rubik's Cube is also a lightweight version, but more difficult than children's. If in a children's Rubik's Cube the edges are painted in only two colors, then this one uses the classic version: 6 faces - 6 colors. Perfect for beginners, and also for those young geniuses who have completed the children's version and want to move on to a more complex puzzle!

3. Rubik's Cube 3x3 Classic version

This classical, the original version of the famous puzzle. It was in this form that the cube was created by the Hungarian sculptor and architect Ernő Rubik. Perfect suitable for all ages. You can solve the cube yourself, completely getting involved in the process of solving the puzzle, as well as using special formulas to hone your manual dexterity and assembly speed. This model is made from high quality plastic, and comes with original stand.

4. Buy Rubik's Cube 3x3 Speed

This cube for a true professional. Created for super-fast assembly. As you already know, there are competitions to solve the Rubik's Cube, and this particular model is popular among the participants. Each element is manufactured to the highest possible quality, which has a positive effect on the speed of assembly. Includes a set of two screwdrivers, which are needed to tighten the screws of the cube, adjusting the rotation speed to suit you. Also included is silicone lubricant to minimize friction movable parts of the cube. If you are a master of solving the famous puzzle, then this one is definitely for you!

5. Rubik's Cube 4x4

And here it is more complicated model! If you have mastered the 3x3 version of the cube, then you simply must move to the next level. After all, this puzzle has absolutely other assembly algorithms, other loopholes and tricks. But this cube is also suitable for you if you want to immediately start with something difficult and really strain your hands and brains.

6. Rubik's Cube 5x5

The most difficult puzzle from the entire series! Buying a 5x5 Rubik's Cube is a must if you are a real professional in the assembly of previous light versions, and want to advance to the next level. The number of combinations and options increases, the algorithms become more complex, and at the same time the time you spend sitting at this model increases. Made from high quality plastic, included original stand.

7. Rubik's Tower

An unusual variation of the puzzle. Represents parallelepiped, with sides two and four cubes. Thanks to its shape, the tower is much more difficult than a classic cube, so you will have to puzzle over it for more than one hour. The Rubik's Tower first appeared in Japan; the Japanese loved it so much that it immediately became popular all over the world.

8. Rubik's Snake

Easy and interesting puzzle for children. The snake consists of 24 triangles that rotate, allowing you to create different shapes. Develops hand motor skills, imagination and logic, such a snake will be a real find for an inquisitive child.

9. Rubik's Cube 3x3 VOID

Another variation of the famous puzzle. Represents cube, hollow inside. It has a completely different mechanism of movement. VOID is universal: suitable for both for beginners, so professionals folding the Rubik's Cube. Made of high-quality, pleasant-to-touch plastic.

10. Cube of Venus

This model has the same operating principle and mechanism as the classic Cube. The only difference is in the form - the details of the Venus Cube are different fancy shapes. The distance between parts is reduced to a minimum. Great puzzle and for newbies, and for those who want to try something else besides the classic version.

11. Gears with shift

Unusual and original puzzle. It consists not just of edges, but made of gear-shaped faces, rotating in three planes at once. An incredibly entertaining toy that will help develop logical and spatial thinking. Solve, twist, find assembly paths by creating and recording your own algorithms!

12. Gear Cube

A real intellectual puzzle! It has the same operating principle as the previous cube: rotating gears. But this cube goes together significantly easier than a regular Rubik's Cube, so it's perfect for beginners and children. Develops spatial thinking and hand motor skills.

13. Rubik's magic

The most custom puzzle from our range. Represents plate of 8 square panels, size 4x2. A correctly assembled puzzle forms a pattern of three connected and three disconnected rings. The operating principle is very simple: everything the panels are connected to each other with a special fishing line, allowing you to move the panels as you please. Fold, unfold, bend, roll. The most important thing in using this toy: if you feel tension in the fishing line, it is better to try folding the game in a different direction, where the process is smoother.

14. Rubik's Pyramid (Meffert's Pyramid)

Beautiful brain trainer in the form of a pyramid. The puzzle is pyramid with 4 sides, each painted in its own color. Will do for beginners, since solving the Meffert Pyramid is much easier than the classic Rubik's Cube.

Puzzles are a great way to spend time usefully and enjoyably. At home, on the road, at work - all you have to do is choose and buy the Rubik's Cube that's right for you!

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