Imperial Legion - Civil War. Passage of quests Stormcloaks in Skyrim Skyrim spoils of war

Joining the Imperial Legion

This task opens a chain of quests for the Imperial Legion - one of the two factions participating in the civil war. It can be presented by any soldier representing the Empire.

If you decided before the start of the game that you want to join the Empire, then in the introductory mission just run after Hadvar, the legionnaire who wrote down the names of the prisoners before execution. After a successful escape, he will invite you to contact your superiors to join the legion.

After receiving the quest, go to Solitude, where the Imperial Legion base is located. There, find General Tullius, the leader of the faction, with whom you need to talk. After the conversation, the general will send you to Legate Rikka, who deals with newcomers.

To test your capabilities in practice, she will ask you to clear the Hragstad base, which is located above and to the left of the city. There you have to deal with all the thugs, conquering the fort for the faction.

Once there, you will find that all enemies are marked with a marker, which makes the task much easier. Moreover, you won’t meet particularly strong opponents in the area, so feel free to step forward. Having successfully completed the task, talk to Rikke again, and only then to Tullius himself, who will agree to accept you into the legion.

3 jagged crown

Your first official task, during which you will have to clear the ruins of Korvanjund and find the ancient regalia of the Nords - the Jagged Crown. The initiator of the campaign was Rikke, who decided that if the Stormcloaks were the first to get to the artifact, this would only strengthen Ulfric’s position.

Go to the indicated point, located near the ruins. You will come across a detachment of Imperials and the already familiar Hadvar. According to the latter, the enemies got here before you, so you will have to fight inside. Once preparations are complete, you will head to the ruins.

The immortal Rikke will lead your squad, so feel free to follow her.

Clear the ruins from the rebels and move forward. At the third hall, the legate will sense an ambush and order you to check the upper level - use the right passage to detect opponents. After this, a battle will begin, in which your comrades in arms will help you, and only then you will head to the next level of ruins - “Halls”.

Here the Stormcloaks will appear on your way again until you finally reach the door puzzle. Open it using the key from the corpse that lies nearby (the order is as follows: wolf-insect-dragon).

After this, another riddle awaits you - you need to find a hidden lever that will open the way to further advancement.

The lever itself is located higher - on the second level along the stairs on the side and across the bridge.

As soon as you open the door, draugr will suddenly awaken and you will have to fight them. The next level of the location is called “Crypt”.

The final hall will greet you with an impressive throne, on which, apparently, the draugr king sits, since the sought-after regalia is in his possession.

You won't have to fight him specifically, but many other undead Nords will attack you.

Study the Word of Power at the nearby wall and return to Tullius. By the way, you can also go to the leader of the opposing side, Ulfric, to change sides. This is your last chance to choose a faction.

With a message for Whiterun

When you deliver the Jagged Crown, Tullius will ask you to visit Whiterun, where Jarl Balgruuf sits. There has been information that this trading city will soon be attacked by rebels, and that is why you must warn their leader.

Having learned about Ulfric's plans, the Earl of Whiterun will send you to him personally with a specific request - to deliver an ax. This is an ancient custom of the Nords, to which rulers resort at the very last moment. If the side accepts the weapon, then the battle is averted.

You will find the leader of the Stormcloaks in Windhelm. Naturally, the warlike leader will refuse to accept the ax and will send you back. All you have to do is tell Balgruuf about Stormcloak's decision to allow the Empire to enter the city for its defense.

Battle of Whiterun

After talking with Scipius, you will go to defend the city. Outside you will see that the attack has begun in full force - talk to Rikke near the walls.

When you arrive, the legate will try to raise the morale of the soldiers with a pathetic speech, after which he will lead you and them into battle. Your task is to kill as many rebels as possible until the counter on the side reaches 100% value. Until this point, the enemy will respawn endlessly.

There are also secondary tasks in this task, which consists in the defense of specific positions. So, at first you will have to defend the barricades, killing advancing enemies. If the defense is broken through, you will retreat to the bridge, after which the task will be updated - you will need to protect it.

When the attack is repulsed, the enemy will retreat. After that, visit the general to get a promotion and a new weapon.

About the unification of Skyrim

A long quest associated with a series of small tasks of the same type. To complete it, you will have to conquer all the cities captured by the Stormcloaks.

In addition, the quest involves completing the mission “Endless Time”, during which you will have to conclude a truce between the warring parties. How you resolve the issue of peace (we are talking about the transfer of cities from hand to hand) will determine your future goals.

Capture White Beach

After the triumphant victory at Whiterun, Tullius will promote you, deciding that you have nothing more to do in the role of “infantry”. Now you will complete tasks of special importance, on which the entire Empire campaign in Skyrim depends.

Go to Rikka, who is located in the camp near the White Beach. The legate will decide to thwart the enemy's plans by planting fake orders to the rebel commander. But first you need to steal real documents, which is what you will do.

A messenger with the Stormcloak's plans travels from Windhelm to Dawnstar. Before using fast travel, be aware that the rider moves in real time.

On the way, he will visit two taverns, so it makes sense to immediately go to the “Night Gate”. There you can tell the owner about the messenger who should soon visit this tavern. If you convince the owner, he will tell you that the rebel has already stopped here, but is currently away on other business. Now the rider is indicated on your map - all you have to do is wait for him.

It is not worth killing the messenger in the tavern, since there are many witnesses around. If you don't want to become a criminal, then just follow the rider on the road and kill him somewhere in the wilderness. In addition, documents can be stolen from his pocket when he goes to bed.

When the job is done, take the information to the legate. It turns out that the rebels demand more soldiers for Dawnstar, since the local army is no longer enough.

Then Rikke will redo the documents and send you to the Stormcloaks - take the fake to the indicated location and return to the legate.

Now that the rebels have lost troops in this region, you can conquer Fort Dunstad. Go to the point where your brothers in arms are located. Together with them, storm the fortress and destroy all enemies. The battle will continue until the percentages drop to 0.

After the battle, return to Tullius and tell him about your success. The general will give you another useful item, and then invite you to visit the new camp.

Capture the Rift

This property will need to be returned second by default, but during negotiations you can transfer this city, which will make the task unavailable.

Stop by the Rift camp where Rikke awaits you. She will send you to the city with a specific purpose - to probe the local jarl named Anuriel for blackmail. As the Empire knows, it collaborates with the Thieves Guild - it is this nasty connection that you can take advantage of.

To find incriminating evidence, you will have to get into Mistvale Castle and get documents with which you can then blackmail the jarl. In general, wandering around in this fortress is prohibited, so you will have to use stealth.

If your stealth skill is not leveled up, just run past the guards (they will try to stop you), without examining anything in the area, take the letter from the box and leave.

Next, go to Anuriel and show her your find. If you put pressure on her, she will agree to cooperate with the legion and give you valuable information - a caravan carrying gold and weapons is moving to the rebel capital Windhelm. Use the information and defeat this detachment.

By the way, not far from the road, on a hill, a detachment of imperials will be waiting for you, who will gladly help you deal with the rebels. Among your comrades you will also find Hadvar, who will offer you to come out from afar, using ranged combat, or attack head-on.

After telling Rikka about your success, you will receive a new assignment - to conquer the Greenwall fortress. You will find this fort below Shor Stone. Kill enemies on the spot until the counter finally stops. As a reward for victory, the general will give you a unique item and send you to a new camp.

You will find a new camp below and to the right of the city of Dawnstar. The legate will tell you that your brothers in arms were captured by the rebels, placing them in the prisons of the Kastav fortress. It is necessary to conquer the fort and return freedom to the captured imperials.

On the spot you will come across Hadvar's friend, who again, as in the previous task, will offer two options: go ahead or use the secret passage, which is located on the side of the fortress. If everything is clear with the first, then in the second case you will have to secretly get close to the fort, without catching the eye of the guards defending the wall, and go down.

This way you can immediately go to the prison where the prisoners are kept. Kill the guard, take the key to the cages, and then free the legionnaires to get reinforcements.

Together with them, as well as Hadvar's detachment, you will attack the fort from both sides and leave no chance for the rebels. When you inform Tullius of the completed task, he will promote you to legate.

This task opens only after negotiations during the quest “Endless Time”. You must give the city of Markarth to the rebels, and then the mission will become available.

Unlike the previous ones, this order is not unique. You must visit the next camp of the empire, and then simply clear the Sangard fortress. Other legionnaires will help you, and the battle will again have to continue until zero percent.

Capture Eastmarch

The war in the province of Skyrim is coming to an end. Much of the rebellious country is back under Imperial control, and it's up to you to deal the penultimate blow. To open the way to the enemy capital Windhelm, you must conquer Eastmarch.

Visit the camp below and to the right of Windhelm, where the legate awaits you. Rikke will send you to capture Fort Amol, where you simply need to slaughter the entire garrison. Lower the percentage value to zero to complete the task.

Battle of Windhelm

The civil war is on the verge of ending. The Empire's army has already approached the enemy's capital and has begun its assault - you need to join them as quickly as possible. Having passed the entrance bridge, you will stumble upon the troops and Tullius himself, who is giving a speech. As soon as his eloquence runs out, the attack will begin.

Together with your brothers in arms, make your way inside the city. If during the defense of Whiterun you defended it, hiding behind the barricades, now you will have to break through the latter, destroying all the barriers. The ultimate goal of the offensive is to break into the palace and kill Ulfric Stormcloak.

Some paths will be impassable, so periodically you will have to turn off and take a different path.

After the first detachment of rebels, move left and go out to the bazaar. After destroying the enemies, pass the forge and go out to the cemetery, where they will try to stop you again.

After this, having dealt with the next barrier, go out into the rich quarter. Here turn right and go through the alley to the castle. On the way to it, all you have to do is kill the last defenders and then go inside.

Now you need to kill the rebel leader Ulfric and his loyal ally Galmar. By the way, Tullius and Rikke will fight on your side, so don’t be afraid, the enemies won’t offer strong resistance.

When the leader of the rebels is brought to his knees, all that remains is to finish him off - Tullius will shift this honor onto your shoulders. You can refuse, but then the general himself will kill Ulfric.

Finally, as a reward for your great victory, Tullius will give you his own unique sword. When the job is done, go outside and listen to the general's next speech. This completes the line of the Imperial Legion.


Like if it was useful

There are two large factions in Skyrim, each with their own goal and their own idea. The Imperial Legion seeks to gain complete power over Skyrim, and the Stormcloaks advocate an independent empire. Everyone has the right to choose for themselves who they will play for - BB or Empire.

It is impossible to say clearly which of them is right and which is wrong. The player must choose his own path; each faction, be it the BB or the Legion, has its own secrets that they would not like to remember. And the main character has a great responsibility for the future of the empire and the entire people; will he be able to stop the war? As he goes deeper into the plot, he will learn more and more about each of them and think about each action. To join the Stormcloaks in Skyrim for independence, you need to talk to Galmar Stonefist, he is located in Windhelm; according to compatibility, Windhelm is the capital and stronghold of independence. There we need to find the Royal Palace, in which Galmar Stone Fist will be located. After talking with him, he will give you a simple task to exterminate the ice spirit. After killing the spirit, all that remains is to take the oath and receive a uniform; it is not necessary to wear it.

Do you think it was too easy to join them? Then let's start completing the Stormcloak quests in Skyrim and see if a worthy test awaits us. The first task is given to us by Galmar Stone Fist, the same one who recruited.

« »
We must obtain the crown in Corvanyud to raise the greatness of Ulfric Stormcloak. And so, we arrived at Corvanyud and one of the Storm scouts reported that the Imperials had settled in the cave. Galmar, who is also a combat commander, gives the order to storm the cave and exterminate all the Imperials. In the cave, after exterminating all the Imperials, we will encounter a door, which requires a claw to open; it will lie next to the door. Further, along the way, killing the imperials and draugr we meet, we will get to the grate, to open it, you need to go up the stairs to the top and remove the dagger from the button. A secret door will open, we will walk along the walkway and reach the lever, thereby summoning the dead and opening the door to our comrades. Next is a small fight with the draugr and we take the crown from the throne. All. We return to Ulfric, give the crown, receive respect and the next task.

"Message for Whiterun"
Ulfric wants me to take the ax to the Earl of Whiterun. We come to Whiterun, talk to the jarl, the jarl refuses the ax, and this means war. We come to Petrel with this news. He orders an attack on Whiterun, and we will take a place in the front row. We kill all the imperials in the fortress and overthrow the jarl. We return to Windhelm and talk to Galmar, he asks us to liberate Fort Neugrad.

"Liberation of Skyrim"
We must meet not far from the fortress, with scout Ralof, he tells us that our prisoners are in the fort and suggests that we quietly make our way into the caves under the fortress, free the prisoners and kill all the imperials in the fortress. After this, we talk with Ralof and return to Ulfric to report the results.

"War Booty"
He gives us a new task, we must steal the amulet so that we can blackmail Rerik, the manager of Markarth. He tells us where the caravan is with silver and gold that can turn the tide of the war. We meet with the scout, he says that something is wrong with the cart and the caravan has set up camp. We go to the camp and kill everyone, return to Galmar and report the results.

"Battle for Sungard"
He will give us a new quest so that we recapture Sangard from the imperials, go and kill everyone, return to him. Galmar gives the quest “Disinformation”, we must steal imperial documents, we go to Dragon Bridge, kill the messenger and take the documents. Then, having forged them, we give them to the legionnaires.

"Battle for Snowhawk"
Galmar gives us the next task, we must free Snowhawk, everything is simple - we go and kill.

"Liberation of Solitude"
We will receive the final task from Ulfric. We must kill all the legionnaires in Fort Hragstad, after clearing we go to Galmar, he asks for support in the attack on Solitude. We go to Solitude, listen to the instructions of the Stormcloak and clear Solitude, then there will be a skirmish between Ulfric and General Tullius, we can either kill him or leave it on Ulfric’s conscience. These were all quests, Skyrim is now independent.

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Questgiver: no, Hadvar or General Tullius
Conditions for receiving: No
Reward: No

You can receive this task if you leave Helgen with Hadvar and go with him to Riverwood, then along the way he will offer you to join the Imperial Legion.
Or you can immediately go to Solitude and talk to General Tullius or Legate Rikke there.

So, your task is to go to the Gloomy Castle of Solitude and find Legate Rikke there. Talk to her about joining the Imperial Legion.

Joining the Legion

Questgiver: Legate Rikke
Conditions for receiving: Complete the quest "Join the Imperial Legion"
Reward: No

Liberate Fort Hragstad
Go to Fort Hragstad, which is northwest of Solitude and kill all the bandits there.

Report to Legate Rikka
Return to Castle Gloom and speak with Legate Rikke

Take the oath
Talk to General Tullius and take the oath. After you take the oath, passing on the side of the Stormcloaks will become impossible. If at this point you had the “Join the Stormcloaks” quest active, it will be cancelled.

Receive Imperial equipment from Beirand

Questgiver: General Tullius
Conditions for receiving:
Reward: imperial armor

Talk to Beirand about equipment. During the day, he can be found in the forge near the Dark Castle.

He will prompt you to select the type of armor. Choose the appropriate option.
Light: Imperial Light Boots, Helmet, Shield, Bracers, Armor
Medium: Imperial Light Boots, Helmet, Bracers, Imperial Shield, Imperial Riveted Armor
Heavy: Imperial boots, helmet, shield, bracers, armor

Serrated crown

Questgiver: General Tullius
Conditions for receiving: complete the quest "Joining the Legion"
Reward: No

Talk to Legate Rikke
Talk to Rikke about the quest.

Meet with Legate Rikke near Korvanjund
Travel to Korvanjund, southeast of Dawnstar, and speak with Legate Rikke there.

Find the Jagged Crown
Make your way into the ruins. In the ruins you will soon find a wide corridor with a stone door:

Pick up the ebony claw that lies near the door and examine it.

Rotate the rings on the door so that the sequence of pictures is like on a claw (fox, butterfly, dragon).

Now activate the keyhole, the door will open.
Next you will find yourself in a large hall with a gate. We need to find a lever. To do this, go up the side stairs and on the upper platform opposite the gate you will find a lever.

Now go to the next area. There sits a draugr on the throne. Kill him and take the crown.

Take the Crown to General Tullius
Return to Castle Grim and give the crown to General Tullius.

Message for Whiterun

Questgiver: General Tullius
Conditions for receiving: complete the quest "The Jagged Crown"
Reward: No

Deliver a message to the Earl of Whiterun
General Tullius will give you a letter. Travel to Dragonsreach and speak with Jarl Balgruuf.

He will refuse to talk to you about this matter.
To continue this quest, complete the story quest "Before the Storm". After that, talk to Jarl Balgruuf again......

Help Jarl Balgruuf deal with the dragon
Complete the story quests "Windy Peak" and "Dragon in the Sky", then talk to Balgruuf about Jarl Ulfric's message.

Wait for the jarl's response
Wait while Balgruuf confers with his advisors.

Take the ax to Jarl Ulfric
Balgruuf will give you his axe. Take it to the Royal Palace of Windhelm to Earl Ulfric Stormcloak.

Return to Whiterun and warn the Jarl
Go to Jarl Balgruuf in Dragonsreach and warn him about the attack.

Legate Quentin Scipius is waiting for me with a report
Talk to Legate Scipius to complete the quest.

Battle of Whiterun

Questgiver: Legate Quentin Scipius
Conditions for receiving: complete the task "Message for Whiterun"
Reward: No

Legate Rikke calls me to his place
The Battle of Whiterun has begun, go to the front lines and talk to Legate Rikke.

Defend the barricades
Kill all attacking Stormcloak soldiers

Report to the Earl of Whiterun

Questgiver: No
Conditions for receiving:
Reward: opportunity to buy a house in Whiterun

This task is optional
Talk to Jarl Balgruuf, he will allow you to buy a house in Whiterun

Unification of Skyrim

Questgiver: No
Conditions for receiving: complete the quest "Battle of Whiterun"
Reward: steel sword of coals, strong iron shield, strong iron armor

Report to General Tullius

Regain control of White Beach
Travel to the Imperial camp on the White Coast and speak with Legate Rikke.

Complete the missions "Disinformation" and "Battle of Fort Dunstad" to complete the stage.

Report to General Tullius
Go to Castle Grim and talk to General Tullius.

Take back control of Riften
Travel to the Imperial camp west of Riften and speak with Legate Rikke.

Complete the missions "Spoils of War" and "Battle of Fort Greenwall" to complete the stage.

Report to General Tullius
Go to Castle Grim and talk to General Tullius.

Regain control of Winterhold
Travel to the Imperial camp west of Winterhold and speak with Legate Rikke.

Complete the mission "Fotr Kastav - Rescue of Comrades" to complete the stage.

Report to General Tullius
Go to Castle Grim and talk to General Tullius.

Take back control of Windhelm
Travel to the Imperial camp east of Windhelm and speak with Legate Rikke.

Complete the "Battle of Fort Amol" and "Battle of Windhelm" missions to complete the stage.

Report to General Tullius
Talk to General Tullius to complete the quest


Questgiver: Legate Rikke
Conditions for receiving: start the task "Unification of Skyrim"
Reward: 400 gold

A Stormcloak messenger with important documents will be passing nearby. We need to intercept him
Go to the Night Gate tavern or to Windhelm to the "" tavern. Talk to the tavern owner.

Pick up the package from the messenger
The messenger will travel from the Night Gate tavern to Windhelm and back, staying in the taverns overnight. Track him down, kill him and take the documents.

Legate Rikke is waiting for me with enemy documents
Return to Rikka's camp and give her the documents. She will fake them and return them to you.

Deliver the counterfeit to the enemy commander named Frockmar Torn Flag
Travel to Dawnstar and find Frockmar Torn Flag there.

Give him the fake documents and return to Rikka.

Battle of Fort Dunstad

Questgiver: Legate Rikke
Conditions for receiving: complete the task "Disinformation"
Reward: No

Take part in the attack on Fort Dunstad
Travel to Fort Dunstad, southwest of Morthal

Capture Fort Dunstad by destroying the enemy

War booty

Questgiver: Legate Rikke
Conditions for receiving: complete the quest "Battle for Fort Dunstad"
Reward: 400 gold

Find material for blackmail
Travel to Riften at Mistveil Fortress.

Make your way to Anuriel's chambers and take the incriminating letter from the chest of drawers.

Blackmail the manager (Anuriel)
Talk to Anuriel about the letter. She will tell you about the convoy with gold and weapons.

Legate Rikke is waiting for me with a report
Return to Rikka and tell him about the convoy.

Meet with scouts
Find a group of scouts near Shor's watchtower and speak with Hadvar

Capture a caravan
Kill all the Stormcloak soldiers guarding the caravan.

Hadvar is waiting for me with a report

Battle of Fort Greenwall

Questgiver: Legate Rikke
Conditions for receiving: complete the mission "Spoils of War"
Reward: No

Take part in the attack on Fort Greenwall
Travel to Fort Greenwall, north of Riften

Capture Fort Ginvol by destroying the enemy
Kill all Stormcloak soldiers in the fort.

Fort Kastav - saving comrades

Questgiver: Legate Rikke
Conditions for receiving: complete the quest "Battle for Fort Greenwall"
Reward: No

Meet with scouts near the fortress (Fort Kastav)
Find the scouts near Helgen and talk to Ralof, he will lay out a plan of action

Sneak into the fortress.
Sneak up to the walls of the fortress and get inside through the grating.

Free the prisoners
Kill the Stormcloak soldiers in the prison and free the prisoners.

Capture the Fort
Leave the dungeon and enter the fort. Kill all Stormcloak soldiers.

Hadvar is waiting for me with a report
Talk to Hadvar to complete the quest.

Battle of Fort Amol

Questgiver: Legate Rikke
Conditions for receiving: complete the task "Fort Kastav - saving comrades"
Reward: 400 gold

Take part in the attack on Fort Amol
Travel to Fort Amol, southeast of Windhelm

Capture Fort Amol by destroying the enemy
Kill all Stormcloak soldiers in the fort.

Battle of Windhelm

Questgiver: Legate Rikke
Conditions for receiving: complete the quest "Battle for Fort Amol"
Reward: orc sword of absorption

General Tullius calls me to his office
Meet the general at the entrance to Windhelm

Force Ulfric to capitulate
Make your way to the royal palace. Kill Galmar Stonefist.

Execute Ulfric Stormcloak
Kill Ulfric yourself or let Tullius do it.

Ulfric, Earl of Windhelm, sits on the throne under the blue bear flag.

In Skyrim, a conflict simmers between the Imperial legions of General Tullius and the Separatists under the command of Ulfric Stormcloak. The player gets acquainted with both of them from the first minutes in Skyrim - the legionnaires want to execute him, and the Storm Brothers want to escape with him. Soon after the dragon arrives on the scene, the player has the first choice: with whom to leave the settlement - with the rebel Ralof or the imperial soldier Hadvar. After the escape, Ralof will invite us to join the Stormcloaks, and Hadvar will invite us to join the Imperial Legion. If you have other plans, take the quest from any soldier you meet from the faction you need.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: Stormcloaks in the game are indicated in blue (both flags and capes), and legionnaires are indicated in red. In the dark, differences are blurred, so it is better to fight in the light of day.

You choose who to fight for. Both armies have reasonable reasons to consider themselves right, but there are also dark, unsightly sides. You can even postpone the civil war until later - they won’t start without you.

THESE ARE BUGS: There is another important reason to postpone joining the army as late as possible. The war and the associated transfers of cities from hand to hand cause numerous plot bugs - both in side quests, and in “guild” quests, and even in the main plot. No quest chain causes as many bottlenecks and quests that freeze to the point of impassability as this one.

First, we will describe the story missions of the Stormcloaks. Then we’ll talk about what awaits future legionnaires.


Sign up for Stormcloaks

Snake Stone. From here you can see the College of Winterhold Mages.

To join the ranks of the fighters for freedom and independence of Skyrim, go to frosty Windhelm, in the east of the province, and enter under the arches of the royal palace. You will witness a furious argument - Earl of Windhelm Ulfric and his housecarl Galmar Stonefist discussing the demonstrative neutrality of Whiterun.

Ulfric does not recognize the hero at first, but then he remembers the “Helgen incident.” If you were with Ralof, say so. The finally calmed jarl will send us for an introductory task to Galmar, and he will offer to go far to the northeast in order to kill the ice ghost flying around the Snake stone on one of the islands east of the College of Winterhold. For a hero of the first levels, this can be quite difficult, so if you are not confident in your abilities, stock up on healing potions, protection from cold, and fire spells.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: The Snake stone is almost useless. It gives the ability to paralyze an enemy once a day for five seconds.

Serrated crown

"Hey guys, I found the crown!"

Returning to the royal palace, you will hear a new dispute - about a certain crown that can confirm Ulfric's rights to the throne, if obtained.

Galmar will be surprised to see us alive, but, there is nothing to do, he will take the oath to the Stormcloaks from us.

The oath marks a new stage in the hero’s life - from now on he serves the Stormcloaks and will fight for them. The quest “Joining the Legion” will fail. However, the game will give you another chance to get to the other side a little later - but only one.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: Until you take the oath, you can go to the Imperial Legion and complete their introductory task at the same time.

The time has come to try your hand at combat - to go with the Stormcloaks to the ancient cairn of Korvanjund, where the old king Borgas rests. It is north of Whiterun and east of Lorey Farm. You can go after the crown on your own, but the writers have prepared a trip together with a group of Stormcloaks, among which will be Ralof, already familiar to us from the introductory scenes.

The Imperials have already entered the cairn, so they will have to take it by storm. Several soldiers are on duty outside, the rest are inside. If you don't feel confident, stick with the rest of the Stormcloaks.

The detachment will be led by Galmar Stonefist himself. In front of a corridor that is dangerous for an ambush, he will offer the hero to find a workaround. This path runs a level higher. Pay attention to the lamps and spilled oil - this is a good way to eliminate one or two legionnaires quickly and safely. The rest of the separatists will come running at the noise and start a fight.

After a couple of turns, the group will begin to stumble upon traces of battles between legionnaires and draugr. But this, of course, will not stop the brave Nords. The Imperials, exploring the cairn, did not get further than the secret door, next to which lies the key - an ebony claw. Open the door with the wolf-butterfly-dragon combination. Behind it is a large hall with tombs standing eloquently around the perimeter. Galmar will send us to look for the lever that opens the door at the end of the hall. It is located directly opposite the door on the level above, next to a candle and a chest. Of course, this lever also opens the coffins in which the evil draugr sit.

But the most interesting thing will be the scene in the crypt. We know that the draugr (King Borgas) sitting on the throne is pretending. But Ralof doesn’t know and blithely approaches him with the words: “Here is the crown!” You can easily imagine what will happen after this.

After the battle with three classic draugr bosses (lots of health, use screams), do not forget to pick up the crown and absorb the word of Power from the wall at the end of the hall - time dilation.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: if you take the crown not to Ulfric, but to General Tullius, you can defect to the legion. This is your last opportunity to change sides in the story.

Message for Whiterun

The Earl of Windhelm, the brave and stern Ulfric, is dissatisfied with the latest maneuvers of the Imperials. He decided to finally clarify Whiterun's position and orders a message - Ulfric's battle ax - to be taken to Jarl Balgruuf.

Go to Whiterun and hand over the ax to its destination in the Dragon's Reach castle. After talking with the advisers, Balgruuf will decide to refuse Ulfric, return the ax and finally go over to Tullius’s side.

Battle of Whiterun

Catapults hit the stables to deprive Whiterun of strategic mares.

After a short consultation with Galmar, Earl Ulfric will give the order to storm the rebellious city. He sends us to the camp that the Stormcloaks are already setting up not far from Whiterun (at the same time, the city itself will disappear from the map, so that there is no temptation to instantly move there).

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: At this point, “old Whiterun” will become inaccessible to you until the end of the quest.

All city assaults are generally similar to each other. The city is emptying, shops and houses are closing - sometimes with regular locks, and sometimes with “you need a key” locks. We, with a small horde of fighters led by a leader, storm the walls, break small “barricades” to get to the palace.

It is useless to try to destroy all the defenders - they are reborn, so it is better to be distracted by them as little as possible. If you don't feel confident, stay among your own people. But you can also act alone.

Our first task is to break the barricades and, bypassing the drawbridge from the rear, along the wall, lower it. The legionnaires are retreating to the city, and we need to go there too. Breaking barricades and fighting with the city’s defenders (or running away from them), get to the Dragon’s Reach, where Jarl Balgruuf the Elder himself will meet us in battle armor. He is our main goal. As soon as his health is destroyed, the battle will end and we will witness a scene in which Vignar Gray Mane takes over the position of jarl.

Return to Ulfric and receive an honorary title as a reward. The Earl of Windhelm will hint that now we can catch the legionnaires ourselves wherever we want, but he will send us to a secret camp near Falkreath.

Fort Neugrad - saving comrades

These brave men will beat anyone for me - maybe even two.

Galmar is waiting for us in the secret camp. After a short conversation, he will give the order: to release the captured Storm Brothers languishing in Fort Neugrad.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: at this point the hero will receive the quest “Liberation of Skyrim”, which will hang in the journal until the Storm Brothers take Solitude. All the quests described below are included in it. Due to a flaw in the interface, you will have to manually set a marker for all these quests each time.

The operation is led by Ralof. Find him and report: he will offer to sneak into the dungeon through a secret entrance in the lake behind the castle. This is not difficult to do - the developers have adjusted the vision and hearing of the legionnaires guarding Neugrad so that even those who are not trained to sneak can cope. In any case, even if we catch the eye of the sentries and a battle breaks out on the street, the mission will not fail - we will simply have to storm the fortress head-on.

To find the secret entrance, go around the fortress along the rocks on the right and dive into the lake. Find a sunken boat. Next to it is a cave. That's where we need to go. The Stormcloaks languish there in the dungeon. They loudly hint to us that the guard has the key. It can be stolen, but it is easier to remove it from the body. Free the soldiers, and they, taking the armor from the chest, will be ready to help us clear the fortress courtyard.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: however, most of them will only have fists as weapons, so you will most likely have to do all the work.

All that remains is to enter the fortress and, together with Ralof, destroy all the legionnaires. The quest markers above the head of each enemy will save us from the problem of the “last sectoid”. Having done the deed and thereby freeing Falkreath from the influence of the legion, return to Ulfric with a report.

Ulfric will again give the hero a sonorous nickname and allow him to purchase a house in Windhelm.

War booty

It is possible and necessary to rob silver caravans! The valuable metal will be useful to us ourselves.

Galmar will meet us again at the Reach camp. He will tell us his plan: blackmail. The Jarl of the city of Markarth has a steward named Rerik. He secretly worships Talos, which is forbidden by the White Gold Concordat. By presenting evidence to Rerik, we may be able to get him to meet the Stormcloaks halfway.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: You will not receive this quest if you have completed the story quest “Endless Time” (negotiations in High Hrothgar).

The necessary evidence is the Talos amulet from the chest of drawers in Rerik's room. It is locked with a simple lock - the main thing is to make sure that there are no guards wandering around. Show Rerik the amulet, return to his room with him and offer to help the Stormcloaks. Rerik will hand over the caravan with silver and weak security. If you press further, he will give the hero a portion of money personally.

What to do with a caravan? Of course we will rob! Galmar will send us to the scouts on the road - they are led by Ralof. He will confirm that the caravan is here and it just broke down. Plan: first remove the sentries, and then take a position higher up the slope. Then our task is to call “fire on ourselves” so that the scouts shoot at the guards of the caravan with bows. The plan is strange, and the developers understood this - that’s why they left the opportunity to answer: “Uh, no, I’m better off on my own, and you’re sitting here.”

If we still agree with Ralof, the operation will begin. The scouts will take down the sentry on the rock on their own, and we will break into the camp. When all the legionnaires are dead, the load of silver will be in our hands.

ADVICE: the cargo will literally be in our hands if we break open the chest on the cart.

Report to Ralof, and then to Galmar. There is no need to return to Windhelm this time - Galmar will issue a new quest on the spot.

Battle of Fort Sungard

In such battles, you can just stand on the sidelines and smoke. Except it will take more time.

The task is very simple - fight, destroying enemies until the “percentage of fortress defenders” counter is reduced to zero. Technically, this is not even a full-fledged quest, but an element of the Radiant Story - similar tasks are given on the side of the Imperial Legion.

The defenders of Sungard are very weak - just enough so that they can be destroyed in batches. Due to the limitations of the game engine, new warriors literally appear out of thin air, and the bodies of the dead disappear over time. This applies to both sides - our comrades are also reborn.

ADVICE: fighting for a fort is a good way to quickly and freely acquire a bunch of steel arrows. The main thing is to remember to grab them before the body disappears into thin air.

There is no need to go inside the fort; the entire battle takes place in the fresh air. When the “respawn” ends, we will be sent with a report to Ulfric. Now the rebels have the entire Reach, and we have another nickname.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: If you completed the main story and gave Markarth to the Stormcloaks during negotiations, you will receive this quest only if you serve the Imperial Legion.

Our next stop is Hjaalmarch.


The legate accepts a report from an unknown person, without a form, without a password... It’s his own fault!

At the next Stormcloak camp, the same Galmar will meet us and propose another cunning plan: deliver false orders with misinformation to Morthal. True, first you need to find the imperial messenger and take away the real documents from him.

Galmar will present the plan in a rather confusing way, but in fact it is simple: we go to the tavern of Rorikstead or Dragon Bridge, ask the bartender where he last saw the messenger, and that’s it! The messenger himself and a compass arrow appear in the surrounding area. You just need to carefully and without witnesses knock on the runner, take the papers to Galmar, and then to the legate in Morthal. It is done!

Battle of Fort Snowhawk

From a distance you can see how the legionnaires of Fort Snowhawk are being chased by some lost witch with a towel.

After you report to Galmar, he will send us to Fort Snowhawk for the next Radiant battle with the defenders of the fort. It is no different from the battle for Sungard - the same regenerating frail Imperials, the same percentage counter.

General Tullius fell to Ulfric's axe. From now on, Skyrim belongs to the Stormcloaks!

Filled with grim determination, Galmar sends us to Ulfric, who, with ten of the best sons of Skyrim, prepared to take Solitude by storm.

On the approaches to the city you will see traces of the battle, and at the walls - Ulfric himself and his meager company.

As in the battle for Whiterun, you do not need to destroy enemy soldiers, but break through the barricades to Castle Gloom, where the headquarters of the Imperial Legion is located. If you feel that you can’t do it alone, be close to your people. If not, rush there and witness the conversation between Ulfric and Galmar with Legate Rikke. There will be a battle - you don’t have to interfere in it at all.

When Legate Rikke falls and the health of General Tullius is no longer the same, Ulfric will invite us, as a dovahkiin, to solemnly finish off the legate. The choice no longer affects anything. All we have to do is follow Ulfric to the fortress courtyard, listen to a speech before the soldiers and go home.

The Stormcloaks have won!

Stormcloaks - walkthrough of Skyrim. While the Empire wants to have total control over Skyrim, and constantly sends its troops to the province, there are those who oppose it - these are the Stormcloaks. The bravest and bravest Nords gather under their banners to defend the independence of Skyrim.

The player has the right to take either side - the side of the Imperial Army or the Storm Brothers. There are no clearly “bad” and “good” people here. Each side has its own truth and its own “skeletons in the closet.”

How to join the Stormcloaks?

To enter, go to Windhelm, to the Royal Palace, and find Galmar Stonefist there. He is recruiting newbies, so tell him you want to join. Galmar will say that new fighters are always needed, but you need to prove that you are worth something.

Joining the Stormcloaks

You need to pass a small test - go to the Serpent Stone (it will be marked on the map) and kill the ice spirit near it. He comes, we kill, we return, we take the oath, we get rebel clothes - we’re done. Welcome to Stormcloaks.

The passage of the next three tasks was sent to us by Mikhail Pletnev

Serrated crown

Gives: Galmar Stonefist
The essence of the task: You need to find the legendary Jagged Crown

So. Our path lies in the ancient burial place of the Nords called Korvanyud:


Galmar says that he will arrive there before us, even if we leave earlier. Okay, let's see. But no matter how he boasted, he arrived at the place later than me, albeit only by five seconds. Not the point. The soldier reports to him that the Imperials have settled near the entrance to the burial. And that they were very warm there by their fires, but the Brothers were frozen. Disorder. We need to convince the Imperials to leave there. Preferably forever and by lethal methods. And now the last Imperial dies by your hand and the path to the ruins is clear. We go in and find six more Imperials. They are also not destined to survive today. We move on, methodically exterminating the Imperials. But suddenly Galmar senses an ambush. “Salaga,” that is, we, are invited to try to move on, and they will come running at the sound of battle.



In my opinion, this Imperial is mentally retarded. No, just think about it - what kind of person in his right mind would stand on highly flammable oil under a jug of something burning? Well, he's worse off. Either we throw it off with a bow or a spell, or we go into close combat. Besides him, there are 4 more guards in the room. As soon as we attack them, Galmar and company come running. The Imperials are sent safely to hell, and we are sent to the next level of burial. And almost at the very beginning of the level we will encounter a door, to open which we need a claw lying nearby. It's a child's puzzle, but here's the answer.



We pull the dagger off the button or take it away, and a secret passage opens, which leads to a room with floor traps. Be careful when opening the chest.


Otherwise, you are guaranteed to have an excess of metal in your body. You don’t have to touch the lever, it will just close the door behind you. We take everything we need and return back. Now we need to cross to the other side along the platforms.


There will be a handle that you need to pull. Once the grate opens, four Draugr will emerge from the coffins. We send them to the kingdom of the dead, where they belong, and move on to the Crypt. “The crown must be here somewhere. “Spread out and keep your eyes open,” Galmar will say. And who is that there, sitting on the throne? Bah, he has that same Jagged Crown on his head.


But of course no one will give it back to us with goodness (who would doubt it). We'll have to prove to the draugr that they are wrong, and we need the crown. As soon as the last draugr falls from your (or maybe not your) hand, we take the crown from the military leader. By the way, behind the throne there is a wall with another word of power. That's it, the Moor has done his job, the Moor can leave. I mean, it's time to take the crown to Ulfric. But don't rush to run back through the corridors. Near the wall with the word of power there is a small wooden ladder, climbing which we will find a corridor that will lead us to the temple - the first part of the burials. We return to Ulfric and give him the crown. He asks us to give the Earl of Whiterun Balgruuf... an axe. Well... An ax is an ax.

Message for Whiterun

Gives: Ulfric Stormcloak
The essence of the task: You need to take Ulfric’s ax to the Earl of Whiterun and wait for an answer.

We go to Whiterun, to the palace.


If we come there for the first time, the jarl's thane will block our way. We say that we are from Ulfric, and they let us through. But if this is the first time, we will have to first complete the quest along the main line - find the tablet and kill the dragon. Only then will it be possible to get an answer.

So we have our answer. Balgruuf decided to return the ax to Ulfric. Well, it's his choice. We return the axe. Ulfric has decided to go to war against Whiterun, and we, without a doubt, will have a place in the front row. Our path lies to the Military Camp near Whiterun.


We arrive, listen to Galmore’s pathetic speech and go into battle. Our task is to lower the suspension bridge. We get to the other side in any way (jump over the ditch, climb on platforms, etc.), climb the gate and lower the bridge. Then we enter the city, killing everyone on our way, and reach the castle. There you can first kill the guards, and then take on the jarl, or you can immediately hit the jarl on the head. What follows is a pretentious dialogue along similar lines.

Jarl - “You will regret what you did! You are evil!

Galmar - “Stop chatting. The city is ours!

And it's true. The city is ours, and it needs power. And they send us to Windhelm to report the victory.

Battle of Whiterun


We simply kill the Whiterun guards and the Imperials, make our way to the mechanisms and lower the bridge, break into the dragon's limit and overthrow the jarl.

(My opinion: I really liked the current jarl =(and now there will be an old fart instead of him. But I will not support the Empire)

At the end of the task you will be sent to the petrel

Liberation of Skyrim

Gives: Galmar Stonefist
The essence of the task: Systematically liberate one fort after another, exterminating all the Imperials in them.

We go to Ulfric and inform him that Whiterun is ours. Now we will be called “Ice Veins”. And it dawned on Ulfric that if we were given more freedom, there would also be more benefits. But it’s too early to rejoice - we are still sent to Falkreath (subtly saying “But I would like you to go to Falkreath”) and asked to help Galmar. Well, what to do, let's go.


Galmar asks us to liberate Fort Neugrad. We need to meet with the scouts southwest of this fort.

Note: If Galmar does not have the line “Waiting for orders” or something similar, run around or come from another point on foot.

We meet and talk with one of the scouts - an old acquaintance Ralof. He says we need to sneak through the caves under the lake into the fort's prison and free the prisoners. Then we run out into the courtyard and the scouts will help us deal with the remaining imperials. If you say that we don’t know how to sneak, the answer will be “I believe in you. But if there are problems, run out into the yard and we will help.” Okay, let’s go to the lake and, having dived, swim to the passage. For those who don't know how to sneak, it's simple. We run into the courtyard, beat the imperials, the scouts come running to help, and we free the prisoners. For secretive characters, there is also nothing complicated - he went into the prison, found the prisoners, killed the guard sitting next to him, took the key, opened the cells and went out into the courtyard. Now you need to kill all the Imperials in the yard. There are not many of them there - 4-5 bodies. And then you need to go directly to the fort itself and kill the imperials there - there are already about a dozen of them there. But six sleep in one room, so you can kill three or four covertly, and kill the rest in close combat. When we kill all the Imperials, we need to talk to Ralof - he will express his gratitude to us and ask us to tell Ulfric about “our” successes. Let's go and tell. Now we will be asked to “Liberate the Reach.”


War Booty

Gives: Ulfric Stormcloak
The essence of the task: You need to find material for blackmailing Rerik, the manager of Markarth.

We go to Markarth, to the Understone Fortress. We need Rerik's room. A guard patrols the entrance. You can wait until it passes and sneak through, or you can drink an invisibility potion. Decide. One way or another, we take the amulet of Talos, belonging to Rerik, from the chest of drawers. We go with him to Rerik, he will call us to his room. He will tell us about a convoy with silver and weapons that can turn the tide of the war. You can beg something for yourself if your eloquence skill is good. Now with this information we go to Galmar. And he will ask us to go along with the scouts and rob the caravan. I've been wanting to do this for a long time and now I got the chance. Let's go and meet Ralof again. He says the cart has broken down and they are camped nearby. Several options for action - you act alone; Ralov and co kill the guards, and we continue; We burst into the camp with the whole crowd and kill everyone we see. Regardless of the course of action, we kill the imperials and go again to Galmar, to the Reach camp.

Battle of Sungard

Gives: Galmar Stonefist
The essence of the task: Recapture Fort Sungard


Everything is simple here - we go to the fort and recapture it. We need to kill about 30-40 Imperials. Just kill, with the support of the Stormcloaks.

Note: on weak machines at this moment the game may lag terribly, even to the point of being a slideshow.

We kill all the imperials and return to Ulfric.


Gives: Galmar Stone Fist Objective: Forge Imperial documents.

We need to forge documents, but to create a forgery we need an original. And we have to get it. Let's go to the Dragon Bridge tavern


We talk to the hostess and ask about the imperial messengers. Information can be extracted in three ways: persuasion, bribery and intimidation.


One way or another, having obtained the information, we go to the mark on the map. Just in case, four out of four times I killed him near a broken cart on the road leading south from the tavern. We find, kill and take the documents. We take them to Galmar, who immediately gives us a fake (it works quickly) and tells us to take it to Morthal, to Legate Taurin Dulius. Let's go visit.


You can find him in many places - he walks throughout the village. If the GG is dressed “out of shape,” then Duliy will be a little indignant, but we will tactfully brush him off, saying that this way it’s more invisible to enemies. We give back the document and that’s it, we have brought the Brothers’ victory closer again.

Battle of Snowhawk

Gives: Galmar Stonefist
The essence of the task: Clear the fort from the presence of the Imperials.

Another task to clear the fort.


You can go directly to him. We arrive at the place, and with a brave cry “Come one by one, Imperial muzzles!” If I kill everyone, I’ll be the only one left!” Let's rush into battle. And so, when the last enemy has fallen from your hand (or maybe not from yours, or maybe not from your hand), we go to Ulfric Stormcloak, for another goodie in the form of leather armor, full officer armor for Stormcloak (the same as and on Galmar), and a new title - Storm Blade. And, of course, a new task. This time it will be Solitude who rake.

Liberation of Solitude

Gives: Ulfric Stormcloak
The essence of the task: Knock out the Imperials from Solitude.

We go to Camp Haafingar, to Galmar.


He gives us another quest to clear the fort, this time Fort Hragstad.


We go to him and arrange global genocide for the Imperials. After which we return back to Galmar, to Haafingard. There (perhaps after running around a little and suffering) we receive orders to help in the attack on Solitude. We go to him, near the gate we meet a dozen soldiers, led by Ulfric, making a pathetic speech.


We wait for it to end and enter Solitude. We break through to the gloomy castle, killing all the Imperials on the way. Difficulties may arise at the beginning, as the roads can be confused. If you go up the rise almost at the very beginning, you will come across a grate that cannot be opened. You don’t need to rise to it, but move on. There will be a passage to the courtyard.


We pass through the courtyard and enter the castle. What follows is a pathetic skirmish between Ulfric and Galmar on the one hand and Legate Rikki on the other. The legate takes out a weapon and tries to attack us, along with General Tullius... No, well, no intelligence, no imagination. Two for three, despite the fact that two of us have the Voice. We punish both. Then we will be presented with a choice - kill the General ourselves or let Ulfric kill him. The essence will not change. Well, the finale is Ulfric’s pathetic speech to the soldiers.

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