Minecraft mods twilight forest. Complete Fashion Guide Twilight Forest - Best Mod Server

Before embarking on a journey through the portal, which, as you know, is constructed by throwing a diamond into a puddle of water surrounded by flowers, you should take food with you.

You will really need a lot of food, and at the initial stages you will not be able to eat even the simplest apple, and if you are unlucky and you find yourself in a poisonous swamp, then you will not even be able to grow wheat - there will simply be nowhere to plant seeds. You should also put on iron armor (with diamond it will be uninteresting and cheating) and grab a couple of stone / iron tools, in particular, shovels and pickaxes.

And, of course, it is worth taking some building materials with you, if at first you do not want to live in a box made of earth. You won't need it anymore - the new world is incredibly rich and you definitely won't be bored. After jumping into the portal and loading the world, you first need to look around and determine the biome in which you are.

Most players find themselves in a gloomy forest that repeats the name of the mod. In this forest, you can find cicadas that will make pleasant sounds in addition to rustling leaves, and you can also take them with you as a weak but beautiful torch.

Less often, you can be thrown into a swamp, from which you must immediately run. During the day, this place is quite inhabited and it is quite possible to grow something on the ground. But since twilight reigns in the new dimension almost all the time, day gives way to night and huge flocks of midges begin to reign over the swamp, which can kill a beginner in a couple of minutes, and the water will spread and can flood huge tracts of land around you.

The rest of the biomes are either so rare that descriptions are not needed, or are relatively friendly and close to the most common ones, so they do not need a description. If you have looked around and determined that everything is calm around, build yourself a standard "box" from scrap materials, or a small house from previously stocked materials.

You need this house in order to survive exactly 1 night and scout the soil under your feet - try to dig about 20 blocks down - you will be very lucky if you find a cave - local dungeons are rich in coal, interesting ores for making tools and armor, or even magic items in chests which will give you some power over lower mobs or some natural phenomena.

In case of failure, you should wait for the morning and hit the road - then you will probably see numerous buildings and funny mobs literally clinging to the trees, ground and terrain around you. You should not touch any of them - the fact is that this mod is one continuous mystery, and, for example, trying to kill a hare for meat, you can meet a real werewolf and then you have to fight with his evil incarnation, which deals huge damage and wears incredible health reserve.

The rest of the mobs, especially those of impressive size, should be bypassed, and seemingly peaceful, you can try to feed and tame, some can help you move faster, and some will provide some resources for food.

Before entering the discovered structures, you should find strong armor among the numerous ores or caches scattered around the world, or craft yourself from new ores. One of the creepy buildings of this mod is the dark tower. It peaks into the sky, and its summit is patrolled by the Supreme Gast, an extremely aggressive mob with 200 health and much larger fireballs than a regular ghast.

Inside the dark tower you can find long and dark corridors, often lined with bookshelves, and strange flying grimoires, which with a rare chance drop the concentration of a magic card, with which you can craft a magic card, on which all bosses and quests are marked as you progress ...

In your search for ore, you will be able to meet the labyrinths of the Minotaur, in which you will meet the endless golden axes of human cows, annoying, but rather weak.

One of the main goals of the mod is to kill 3 main mobs: Nagi, Lich, and High Gast, which are located in their territories and guard them: Nagi Arena, Dark Tower (Lich inside and High Gast circling around).

Killing them will give you tons of new items and access to new rooms full of treasures and new adventures. Also, after killing the main mobs, you will get rid of the problem of infinite spawn of lower-level monsters and you can easily settle in a new room as a new resident and a full-fledged owner, or seize all the treasures of this place and move on towards adventure.

I recommend the second tactic, because when real miracles are happening outside the window and the gloomy forest calls you with the chirping of cicadas, a weak greenish light of a firefly and scary, but incredibly interesting sounds of new mobs, sitting at home, providing yourself with a quiet and peaceful life in abundance, is at least stupid and not interested. In the end, the developers have created a huge world not for the player to stock up on resources and continue ordinary survival with huge reserves. The very atmosphere of this place suggests endless wanderings around this quiet place full of secrets and mysteries.

Your further path is limited only by interest, imagination and, of course, enthusiasm, so this is where I end and I advise you to plunge into the twilight forest with your head and explore its endless twilight forests, discovering something new every day! You can download this mod in this article:

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Mod Duskwood for Minecraft 1.12.2 / 1.11.2 - Mysterious forest! This is a new biome that will surprise players with its richness.... Although there are many biomes and explore 3 different worlds for players, Minecraft biomes are not impressive and differ slightly in blocks, mobs, ... Also, both the "nether world" and "ender world" do not bring much experience to the players when the average the time to play in these worlds is quite short (because there are a few things to explore).

Therefore, the "Duskwood" mod was written to please players, who are passionate about exploring, challenging adventure in new lands. H to start exploring the Duskwood, we will need to complete the following steps:

1.Dig a 2x2 hole and fill with water.
2.Use flowers and herbs to coat around the hole.
3. Throw the diamond (remember to stand far and not close).
4. Enter the portal and start your journey!

Were you delighted? If so, feel free to scroll down to the downloads folder and download the latest version (which fits your Minecraft version), install and feel like, bro! If you don't know how to install a mod that requires Minecraft Forge, please read the guide here.

The Duskwood is an endlessly generated world, which is similar to the ordinary one. But this is one of the few similarities. This dimension, in its essence, is a huge clot of magic and unnaturalness. Nowhere else you will be able to feel such a unique atmosphere.
The sky here is always dim and dark. A continuous dome of foliage is occasionally pierced only by those giants that support the very skies. The relief is changeable and unpredictable; giant mountains give way to endless plains; here is a paradise, there is a dungeon exuding evil. Endless treasures await the stubborn, but remember the first rule of the Twilight Forest - once you get lost, you are not destined to go back.

Let's move on to the features.

1) "Ironed world"
To make room for giant trees, the base height of the world has been changed. The relief has been lowered, now the player is separated to the void by about 30 blocks. The generation of hills and dungeons has also been changed.

2) New biomes
A total of 7 new biomes have been added. Most of them are easy to spot as they have characteristic features. You can't confuse a swamp with a glacier? :) Also, there are mushroom biomes overgrown with giant mushrooms, and special transitional biomes (it would sometimes be unpleasant to observe a colossal glacier or mountain in the center of the swamp).

3) woody ocean
Trees, trees, trees. Both new and old, from the ordinary world. Once in the Duskwood, you can't help but notice their impressive size.

4) legacy of the ancients
Duskwood is as old as the universe, and has seen the rise and fall of countless civilizations. One way or another, everything comes to an end. But even time is difficult to hide all traces. In this inhospitable world, you can find about half a dozen different structures that have left behind people who have gone into oblivion.

5) Hollow Hills
Get ready to do some professional mountaineering. After all, the ore that is scattered in the crevices is already waiting. In addition, sometimes you can come across treasure chests. Hollow hills can be of different sizes. The larger the hill, the higher the chance to enrich yourself properly. But we shouldn't forget about monsters either.

6) New dangers
The surface of the Duskwood looks rather peaceful, however, this is by no means the case. Places where the sun's rays do not penetrate are teeming with goblins, ghosts, spiders and other evil spirits. The remains of the ancient Druidic Order will do everything to prevent you from returning home.

7) Labyrinths
Labyrinths grow in places where there is always fog and dead silence. Their intricate corridors hold the promise of tremendous wealth for the brave adventurers. The lucky ones return, hunched under the weight of the prey. However, more often than not, only a scream breaks the silence. Heartbreaking, full of despair and pain. Labyrinths do not forgive mistakes.
Sometimes, quite rarely, and always in a whisper, mysterious figures are aware of the existence of another type of labyrinth. About the labyrinths that are hidden deep underground. Everything is quite lengthy, however, one thing is clear: those who are lucky enough to survive will own untold treasures.

8) Monstrous bosses
One is massive, the other is ethereal. You may meet one of them on your travels.
The magical forces of genuine power are holding the serpentine Naga in chains in the courtyard of a dilapidated temple. Without proper preparation, it will never be defeated. Your best bet is to stock up on diamond armor.
The Lich lives at the very top of the Mages Tower. He is one of the few remaining signs of the Twilight Masters' former greatness on this earth, and has a ton of unpleasant surprises with him.

9) Fantastic treasures
There are many new items that you will surely find useful. Crafts are placed under the spoiler.

Firefly Jar

Naga's Scale

The scales are dropped by Naga himself. You cannot eat it, but on the other hand, you can create armor. Keep in mind that you can only make a bib and leggings.

Twilight Scepter

This mysterious weapon shoots fireballs. Can be charged with Enderman pearls.

Scepter of the Drain of Life

Health is almost zero? Are you hungry? Just aim this thing at the mob, and drink all the life juices from it. Feel the magic of Darkness flowing into your body. This is great, I assure you! All scepters meet environmental standards and are Leach approved. :) You can charge such a scepter with pickled spider eyes.

Summoning the Dead Scepter

Don't let the Lich pocket all the zombies! With this scepter, you can summon them yourself. Summoned zombies are mega-strong, mega-fast, and are ready to punish your enemies. Zombies will follow you and attack what you attack, what attacks you, and even what only intends to attack you. Summoned zombies will live for about a minute.
You cannot summon too many zombies with this scepter, but it can be recharged with a piece of rotten flesh and a potion of strength.

Magic Card

This map covers an area four times larger than the normal one. In addition, this map displays the features of certain territories.

If you want to update the map, that is, erase all explored territories from it, just combine it with a piece of paper in the crafting window.

Maze map

Such a map is designed so that you do not get lost in the corridors of the labyrinth. As with ordinary maps, you can use it to look through walls, however, a maze map will only show you the layer you are on (for example, the 11th).

But perhaps you want such a map to tell you where the ores and treasures are buried? Not a problem, just one small upgrade is needed.

Use the following recipe to update the map:

Iron tree and new items
Exploring the caves, you can stumble upon roots dotted with mysterious greenish veins. By collecting these roots with an ax, you can get an item called "wood of life". Such wood has powerful magical properties; combining it with an iron ingot, a gold nugget, and melting it in a furnace, you can make armor and tools from the resulting ingots. The magic of life seeps even into finished items, so they are always enchanted for some useful effect.

Goblin workbench

The main difference between this workbench and the usual one is the new slot, which opens up new methods of manipulating the objects that you have at your disposal. If this slot is empty, you can use it like a regular workbench. But the slot, when filled with something, will allow you to take advantage of features such as "reverse crafting", "repair" and "smelting"!

The Twilight forest mod adds a new dimension to us, which is filled with adventure, the world is huge, like the usual world, and almost all covered with trees. This world is more mysterious and fantastic than the usual one. It is constantly dark here, which gives this world a unique, dark atmosphere. Large trees cover the Dusk Forest from the sun's rays with their crown, forming a kind of dome. It is only occasionally pierced by huge trees, so huge that they stretch up to the sky. The terrain is flatter than in the normal world, but sometimes you can find hills containing caves full of valuable ores, treasures and dangerous monsters.

How to build a portal to the twilight forest:

In order to get into this world, we need to create a portal. For the portal, we need to dig a 2x2 hole and fill it with water. Any plants (dandelions, poppies, reeds, seedlings) are suitable to surround this hole with plants). Next, we throw one diamond into the hole and lightning should get into our portal. Done! Our portal is activated!

Since version 1.7.10, the author has added a progress system to us. What does it mean? And this means that we need to reach this or that boss or dungeon by completing achievements. That is, we will not be able to immediately kill the Hydra or the Snow Queen. Locations that we have not yet opened will not be available to us. In them negative effects will be superimposed on us. And around us there will be so called barriers (Visuals)

Bosses and Adventures:

The first thing we need to do is kill any creature.

We can find Naga in the Nagi Arena. Arena Nagi is where the boss Naga spawns.

The area is surrounded by a fence made of Nagi stone, mossy cobblestone and various types of stone bricks. Naga is the easiest boss. She drops 6-12 hearts of Nagi, as well as a large amount of experience. In order to complete the Naga Assassin achievement we need to pick up the Naga trophy.

The next task will be to kill the Lich.

The lich looks like a tall skeleton (about three blocks in height), dressed in a purple robe and with a golden crown on its head. Also, he has different eyes: one red, the other burgundy. After spawning, five shields revolve around him; holding a Twilight Staff, emitting blue bubbles.

After the death of the Lich, one of three staves drops out: Twilight Staff, Zombie Staff or Death Staff.
The same drops out: a golden sword, a golden cuirass, golden leggings, or all of them; two bones and pearls of the End. After we have picked up the Lich trophy, the achievement "Killer of the Dead" is fulfilled. In order to open the next task, we need to pick up the staff of the dead.

After that, we need to find the Labyrinth of the Minotaur. He is in the swamp.

In the maze, we need to kill the mushroom centaur. This is a mini-boss. It is a hybrid of a common minotaur and a mushroom cow. It spawns on the second level of the minotaur maze in a room with large mushrooms. He deals damage with a powerful ax that drops when this boss dies. This ax can be repaired with diamonds on an anvil. The best way to fight this boss is to break the block of the big mushroom and just beat it. After we get the soup from the Minotaur, we carry out the "Mighty Stroganov" quest.

Hydra. This boss can be found near a large cave with many ores.

Hydra represents a three-headed blue dragon. Damage only takes on the head, the greatest damage can be inflicted on her by shooting in her mouth when she opens it. The hydra is in a hollow cut hill in a fiery swamp. When you kill her, you will receive several bubbles of fiery blood and a Hydra trophy. You also get two achievements!

Now we can go to the Dark Forest!

To enter the main part of the fortress, you will need a trophy - the head of the Hydra, Naga, Lich or Gast, dropped from the corresponding bosses. Six ghostly knights who got out of their graves and are now trying to escape from their tomb, which is located in Goblin Underground City to take revenge on your enemies. They are clad in Phantom Armor and throw themselves with iron weapons. From phantoms we get a royal pickaxe, ax, helmet and phantom cuirass. All these things will be enchanted with a pretty good enchantment. Together with these things, we get an achievement.

After the battle with the phantoms, we can go to the ghast tower!

The High Ghast is the leader of all the carminite ghasts in the Dark Tower. He is 8x8x8 blocks in size and has several additional tentacles on the sides. Shoots 3 giant fireballs at a time. Constantly spawns cubs of carmine ghasts, and with a large amount of damage received, it can go into "Tantrum" - a state when this boss cries giant ghast tears, it rains, the boss will take 3/4 less damage and will continuously create cubs. Fortunately, in Tantrum, the Supreme Ghast cannot attack. After death, a chest spawns with fiery blood, carminite and a trophy - a small copy of the boss itself. For defeating him, we get an achievement.

In order to complete the next achievement, we need to kill Almo-Yetti and get his fur.

The formidable Almo Yeti is much stronger than his fellows. After killing this boss, a warm yeti fur falls out, which protects the player from the spell of the Snow Queen. Yetty will pick you up and knock you back causing damage. Also, when he is angry, icicles begin to fall from the ceiling, beware of them!

After the death of Almo Yeti, we complete the achievement.

After killing the Yettie, we need to go to Aurora Castle, where the snow queen lives.

Killing drops a head, a triple bow, and several stacks of snowballs. Congratulations! We got another achievement.

To get the final achievement we need to find a lamp of fire. She is in a cave in this biome:

But before you go into the cave, you need to find the giants! They are located above the same biome on a floating island.

Kills the giant with a huge pickaxe and go to the cave.

I will say right away that this mountain has many caves to find the one we need, it will be quite difficult. But with the cave mode on our map, it's easy to calculate. In the cave we find a huge masonry with a giant obsidian. We break it with a giant pickaxe and see two chests. One of these chests will contain our lamp. And the achievement is done.

- Magic feather. The item is needed to create a magic card. Craft Crow Feather, Glow Dust and Torch.

- Magic core. Item found in the minotaur maze. Needed to craft anti-workbench and maze map

- The metal of the ancients. Found in Treasures in Duskwood. You can also craft from an iron ingot, a gold nugget and a mossy root. Used to craft armor and tools from ancient metal. In this case, things will be automatically enchanted.

- Fiery blood and tears. Awarded for killing Hydra and High Ghast. Used to create fire ingots from which you can make armor and tools. In this case, things will be automatically enchanted.

- The staff of the dead. Dropped by Lich when pressed PKM spawns a green zombie minion, he is stronger than his fellows and attacks hostile mobs. It burns in the sun and dies a minute after spawning, to recharge, put the scepter in the crafting grid along with rotten flesh and a rage potion.

- The staff of death. Dropped by Lich when pressed PKM takes health away from the mob the cursor is hovering over and adds it to the player. To recharge, place it in the crafting grid along with a prepared Spider Eye.

- Twilight Staff. Dropped by Lich when pressed PKM fires Ender pearl-like projectiles that deal 5 damage each. It can fire 99 of these projectiles, then requires reloading by placing it in the crafting grid along with the Ender pearls.

- Nagi's heart. Used to craft armor. It can be found in Duskwood Dungeons and can be obtained as a reward for killing Naga.

- Fan of flight. When used, it gives the player a jumping effect for a few seconds. Also, if used on creatures, the fan will repel them by several blocks. The fan can be found in treasures in the Duskwood.

- Queen of caterpillars. When you press PKM she puts a caterpillar on the block that will glow. The Queen of the Caterpillars can be found in treasures in the Duskwood.

- Attracts ore if you press and hold PKM.

- Triple bow. The bow shoots 3 arrows at once. You can get it by killing the Snow Queen. Deals 10 damage.

- Ice bow. Obtainable from Castle of Aurora. Freezes its target dealing some damage to it.

- Ender bow. If you shoot a mob from it, then the player will exchange place with the mob. In this case, the bow does 8-10 damage.

- Seeker's Bow. Deals 8-10 damage to the victim. Has the property of homing.

- Pickaxe of the labyrinth. This is a special pickaxe that can only be found in the mazes added by the Twilight Forest mod. The main feature of this pickaxe is that only it can quickly destroy the stones of the labyrinth; other pickaxes destroy the maze stones very slowly, and their durability decreases 16 times faster than usual. It is also worth noting that this pickaxe is not found in ordinary chests in the labyrinth, it can only be found in a secret room on the second level of the labyrinth.

- The fire set gives not bad protection, sets the creature on fire during the attack. The fiery pickaxe has the ability to auto-smelt ores. The fire sword sets the creature on fire during the attack.

- Anti workbench. A block similar to a regular workbench, but allowing you to collect and disassemble things; the latter requires experience. If a disassembled tool has been used, then some of the ingredients will be unavailable for crafting.

Has an easy craft.

Other biomes:

The main biome of the Twilight Forest mod. In it, as in many others, you can find special trees, new mobs, structures and much more. There are also mushrooms, ferns, tall grass, several passive mobs (rams, wild boars, deer). Not to be confused with the Illuminated Forest! In the Duskwood biome, flowers are not generated in such quantities, and there are no "lanterns" from the fence and glowstone on the trees.

Deer, rams and wild boars can often be found in the biome. These are ordinary pigs, cows and sheep. They can be turned into prototypes by clicking on them with transformation powder, which can be found in chests.

Also in this biome you can find a druid's house. It is a house made of cobblestone, mossy cobblestone, with a brick chimney and a wooden roof. The house houses the Skeleton Druid spawner.

Druids spawn in the Druid's House, or the Dark Forest (there are sometimes found riding spiders). They are very difficult to spot in the forest because of their clothes. They have 20 units of health, do 3-5 units of damage. As a drop, you can get: 0-2 bones, 0-2 torch and as a rare drop a golden hoe.

Illuminated forest - a new biome in the Twilight Forest modification since version 1.7.2. In general, the biome is similar to the twilight forest, but unlike it, this biome has a lot of flowers, including the flowers from version 1.7.2, as well as jars of fireflies hanging from fences that are attached to trees.

Monsters in this beautiful biome practically do not spawn, because it is always light there, but friendly mobs like the rams from the Twilight Forest spawn. There are also a lot of pumpkins in this biome.

Dark forest is one of the biomes that the Twilight Forest mod adds.

The dark forest is a rather creepy place, since it is absolutely dark there: a dense hat does not let light through. In this regard, going there without torches or a potion of night vision, or the Queen of caterpillars and any preparation is practically pointless, and constantly flickering and densely growing trees can confuse. Recently, this biome exudes a special blinding aura, which makes it very difficult to be there even on foliage; closer to the heart of the forest, the foliage becomes fiery red.
The blindness effect will disappear when you kill Hydra.

You can walk on the cap of this biome and not be afraid that you can fall through - there are no gaps in it. Also sometimes there are lakes with water, sometimes - lakes with lava; perhaps this is a bug, perhaps a joke from the developer. An interesting fact is that the foliage of the trees in this forest does not burn in fire and lava.

In the biome of the dark forest, two unique mobs spawn - the king of wolves and the king of spiders. Both of them are about twice as large as their prototypes, and in absolute darkness they will deliver a fair amount of trouble if they notice.

The king of wolves has 30 health units and deals 6 hp damage to the player. The drop does not have, twice the size of its counterpart from the ordinary world. The misty wolf itself has a scarlet color, but in the darkness of its "native" biome it is transparent. Sometimes casts blindness on the player

The Spider King is a huge yellow-brown spider. In the pitch darkness of the Dark Forest biome, it can be distinguished by its glowing red eyes.
The Spider King is twice the size, faster and stronger than a regular spider, however, if he envies the player, he will bypass the water if it serves as an obstacle.
This spider spawns with a skeleton druid as a rider, which makes it a pretty strong opponent, since the skeleton druid uses the Poison effect. Drop: Thread (1-2)
Spider Eye (0-2)

Skeleton Druid:
Bone (0-2)
Torch (1-2)

It's worth noting that the Dark Forest is a place where you can definitely find the Dark Tower, with the boss mob High Gast, and where there are guaranteed to be 3-4 goblin cities.

Snowy forest - one of the biomes of the Duskwood, similar to the taiga biome from the ordinary world. Consists mainly of snow-covered spruce trees; flowers, grass and fern grow. There is always a glacier in the center of this biome; only here can a yeti cave be generated. This biome is also home to snow wolves and yeti.

The prototype of the penguin is a chicken. She can be transformed into a penguin by using transformation powder. The snow wolf is an inhabitant of the snowy forest. Has 30 hp of health when killed, and drops Arctic fur.

On the glacier Aurora Castle can be found. In the castle, we can meet a snow guard, a stable and unstable core. An unstable core will explode on death. Snowflakes drop from each of these mobs. All have 20 health points.

Twilight mountains - This is a biome in which large spruces grow. They are full of deer and wild boars. They are covered with podzol. Instead of flowers, there are light fish and ferns. Tolstein can be found in the caves. Above the twilight mountains, the island of giants can be found. They live on a cloud in a giant cobblestone and oak house.

You will find two giants in the house. By default they will have your skin. They have 80 xt health, after killing them drop a giant sword and a pickaxe.

After the twilight mountains we find ourselves in the Thorns biome... Do not lean against them, you will be hurt. Do not break them the same way. This can worsen everything, the fact is that if you break them, then they grow even more.

After the thorns, you can climb the central mountains. They are covered with wet stone. Above you can find druid houses and a castle. Unfortunately, the castle with the final boss has not been finalized yet.

Fiery swamp - This is one of the biomes of the world of Twilight Forest; is a 100% Hydra spawn location. The terrain of this place is somewhat reminiscent of the Lower World: there is lava here, the grass and foliage of the trees have a scarlet hue, the water is colored purple, and smoke and fire pouring out of the ground only complement the image of not the most favorable place for both life and exploration ... It makes sense to go here just to kill Hydra and dig up two unique blocks: smoke and flame generators.
You cannot get to the fiery swamps without passing the twilight ones - therefore it is not recommended to go here at the beginning of the game: the twilight swamps impose the effect of hunger, and the fiery ones set on fire (until you kill the Lich).

Mysterious forest (enchanted forest) - Biome with unique trees - colorful trees, beautiful grass and a wonderful atmosphere. The chance for this biome to spawn is extremely low! Sometimes you need to walk in front for hours to find it, and sometimes it happens that the portal spawns already in it.

Also, here you can find Rama's Quest. This is a unique mob that lives in ruins. If you give him all 16 types of wool, he will give you gold, iron, diamond, emerald blocks in return. It will also give you a Horn, but it is prohibited on our servers.

Interesting fact. In this biome, the grass is blue in color. It is painted in a circle, the circles shrink closer to the ruins.

Still very rarely you can find unique trees in the mysterious forest, there are four types of them.

In the forests, you can also find treasures:

Hedge maze - is the easiest labyrinth, which will not be difficult to pass. It consists of a barbed fence, breaking or walking along it, the player takes damage, which makes the passage of such a maze from above rather difficult and dangerous.
Also in this not hospitable place there are spawners of wild wolves, swamp and labyrinth spiders, located on small wastelands near 1-2 chests. The entire labyrinth is lit by Jack's fireflies and lamps, that is, no additional lighting is required. On the borders, exits and in the labyrinth itself, spreading trees are often found, and the terrain is additionally cleared for a flat area.
Chests often contain some kind of food, as well as weapons and sometimes rare items, which makes them somewhat easier to loot in the early stages of life in Twilight Forest; if you wish, you can arrange a mob farm from the labyrinth.

Walking through the twilight forest, you can sometimes stumble upon destroyed houses, from which only the walls and the wooden floor of oak planks remained, and even then some of the blocks had already become grass. They are composed of mossy and common cobblestones, which can serve as a place where you can dig up such a rare mossy cobblestone in the ordinary world.
These ruins are of two types: large and small - a kind of basement with treasures can be generated under them, regardless of size, with a 50% probability at a depth of two blocks under the floor.

It is possible that this structure was used by an ancient people of the Duskwood, which for some unknown reason disappeared. Perhaps they were driven out by hostile mobs and bosses.

This is a natural texture added by the Twilight Forest mod.

Hollow hills are quite common on the surface of Duskwood in the form of domed mountains that stand out strongly from the general smooth landscape; This is especially noticeable in the Dark Forest, where a cap of dense foliage goes in an even layer. Also, the hills rise slightly at the base by 2-3 blocks, as a result of which, without having a magic card in hand, we can say that there is a hollow hill in front of you (not to be confused with the Highlands).

It is worth noting that in the hollow hills - absolutely in all - there are chests with various treasures (if other modifications are installed, things may appear from them), and their total number depends on the size of the hill. Since these structures contain rare and valuable things (ore magnet, fan of flight, conservation charms, and others), the hills become not only a valuable source of resources, but also an opportunity to find any equally valuable tools and materials. On magic maps, hollow hills are indicated by white slides, and the size of such a slide corresponds to the size of the hill. The larger the hill, the more ore, chests, spawners and mobs it contains. Hills are divided into three types: small, medium and large.

Great twilight oak - you probably saw big oaks, as the rules they have from 1 to 2 treasuries, you need to climb the very verse of the oak and break leaves and blocks, or listen - hear spiders break blocks where you heard.

Many items can be found in these treasures, but the rarest and most valuable are the seedlings of unique trees.

Guide editor: MissZymochka

Best regards, Youvipas World Administration.

Mod adds a new dimension - Duskwood. Endless forests and many creatures, some of which dream of devouring you.

The latest version of the Twilight Forest mod for Minecraft 1.7.10 and 1.7.2. In this version, the boss Alpha Yeti was placed in his equipped den in the snowy forests. The winter wolves also moved nearby. In addition, several sets of armor and treasures have appeared in the Duskwood 1.7.10 mod. Some changes have been made to the aurora palace.

The Twilight Forest mod can be downloaded for Minecraft 1.7.2 and 1.7.10. Forge is required for it to work.

Video review Twilight Forest 1.7.10


  1. Making backup saves.
  2. Download and install Forge 1.7.10 or 1.7.2.
  3. Download the Twilight Forest mod and place the jar file in the .minecraft / mods folder.
  4. If you need to customize the ID blocks, then we pick config / TwilightForest.cfg in this file. We open it with a laptop or any other text editor.
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