Alcohol games for the phone: Best options. Fanta - game for company Download games for Android for friends

What could be better than going to the old good company closest friends? Of course, it is also gorgeous to spend time together! But what, if the topics for conversation dried or repeated from time to times, and the ideas for entertainment ended? There is a way out: Play something together. And, if the board games are not at hand, your smartphone and our selection of best game applications will help you. We offer you the following games for the company that will dilute your traditional friendly gatherings.

1. Alias.

Alias \u200b\u200bis an excellent game for a company that requires smelting and fast intelligence. The company is divided into teams, and each team gets funny names. Then the application itself determines which command will be the first. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe game is to take time or more (in the settings you can choose time) to explain your team as many words as possible (the theme and complexity of words are also installed in the settings). In this case, gestures or single words cannot be used. All you have is your vocabulary.

2. Fantastic

Fantastic is a variation of classic phantes only in your smartphone. The game is designed for a company from 2 to 4 people. Players are offered to choose from 4 characters. After everyone chose characters, one of the players pulls the map, in which it is indicated, with whom he will fulfill his task (one or pair with someone). Then the map will appear on the screen. The players themselves choose the winner, but if the player was one, then the victory will be full of tasks themselves. The winner is accrued with glasses. The game lasts until the cards with the choice of pair are ended. In the end, summarizes the rating. Excellent game to show your own and acting talent.

3. Mafia.

The Mafia application is not the game itself, but this is a complete replacement of the card set of the game for the company in the mafia. In fact, it can only be installed by the person you choose your lead, the rest of it will be required. This application is an excellent master assistant, which is usually needed notepad to record the actions of the players. This is also possible with just one click on the screen.

4. Songs on the contrary

Songs on the contrary - one of the few audio quizzes on the smartphone. The rules in it are quite simple. There are only three buttons. Click play. and listen to something funny and incomprehensible, then click rec. And try to repeat with the maximum accuracy that they heard. Then click reverse And see how it sounds backward. Let me listen to a friend, and if he guess, enter the correct answer and win.


Just Dance Now is the adaptation of the popular game for the company "JUST DANCE". Now it exists for mobile devices. All you need is to download the app and go to the game site from the computer. In the application you will receive a code that is the number of your dance room to be entered on the site. All, you are in the game. Choose a loved one

This application is great for entertaining guests at the holiday. Of course, there are no thousand games here, but there are really a lot of them.

Features of the gameplay

As mentioned earlier, the application is a whole collection of games. There are movable and many other entertainment. They are great for recreation in a large and noisy company. There are so many entertaining games in the appendix that you can use them and on the day of birth, and on corporate parties, and for the new year, and during many other entertainment events.

The presented games are divided into many different categories. The most interesting of them are movable. They will allow cheese even the most boring and sullen company. However, if I don't want to get out of the table, you can give preference and more relaxed entertainment. So, for example, the game in the "Question-answer" participants will be able to learn more about each other.

If we are talking about a feast with alcohol, then witty and funny toasts will necessarily come to the place.


If we talk about the graphic component of the application, it is absolutely not important. That is why the developers did not pay a lot of attention to her. Using the application, you will admire the yellow-green background with asterisks.

As for the audiered, all tasks are presented in the text version. The voice acting is only in certain tasks, since for the rest it is simply not required.


  • Android application 1000 games for the company, version: 1.0.1, Price: Free

The story was sent by the developer of this application.

Are there many people, especially young, play various games during their meetings and parties? Judging by my experience - alas, a little. But the other day I got on the 25th birthday of my wife's brother and wondered how unforgettable and incredibly cheerful could be a simple dinner in a family circle. Of course, if you reinforce the evening meal with several fascinating competitions. At the same time, for these contests, the brother did not have to somehow prepare and to invent something. He just downloaded to his tablet app called "1000 games for the company". Since I myself love to play with friends in desktop and logical games, I decided that this app also diversifies our gatherings. I downloaded it, and decided to write a little review.

For a start, a few words from the description of the application on Google Play. The author claims that in this application hundreds of various tasks, from which all participants will be in the wild delight. Well, check.

So, launch the application by clicking on the icon with a catchy number "1000". Immediately striking the bright main window of the program, represented from 8 multi-colored blocks with the headings of games. Someone such a fiber design may seem too tiring eyes, as for me - unusual. Click on the button with the inscription "About the program" and see the text from the author of the application. We will not go into it. At the same time, it is impossible to not pay attention to that when the button is pressed, there is no animation of this process. But it is not critical, since the block button is large and impossible. We go back to the main menu.

I will try to click on the asterisk, and we get to the "Favorites". It is very cool that the author has proven to add such tasks in a separate place. And otherwise, please try to remember from 1000 tasks the most interesting.

By the way, everything works fast, without brakes and glitches. I note that all animation is disabled in my phone, since, first, I don't need all this "beauty / deployment / deployment", secondly, the phone opens everything faster / closes / shows.

Well, now let's see what is hidden under the "Table Games" button. And there - a list of various games that can really be done at all without falling due to the festive table. And, to my surprise, I did not hear about many games, although there are those in which my parents probably have been playing. But despite this, these games and now they did not lose their atmosphere of the holiday. By the way, it is correct that the author added the possibility of an increase in text with a simple plop, because Now, unfortunately, the vision of many people will rapidly fall, and with adolescence.

In the same way, the appendix shows "moving games".

Click on the game "Question-Answer", which will help learn some of the secrets of friends (as indicated in the description in the playmarket). The rules say that the master reads a funny question that appears randomly, and someone from those surrounding by clicking the "answer" button, reads the response. You know, I did not think that such a game causes a genuine smile and interest. I am sure that she will go to the company. The author says that magic is used in the game. Believe him or not - to solve only I tried this game.

We also see that in this application there are 50 toasts suitable, in my opinion, for any celebration.

Finally, we reached the heading "Photo Audio-Games". Judging by the types of games, the author collected some games in one application, for Google Play separately PRUD, namely Games like "Guess the Shadow", "Guess the star", "object in Zuma". But here I discovered games and tasks, the analogues of which are not on Google Play, is "Guess the sound", "what a black square?", "Tests for attentiveness." So that this review does not turn into the fifth volume of the "War and Peace" of Tolstoy, I will tell you about each type of tasks in a nutshell.

In the tasks "Guess the shadow" and "Guess the Star" you need to guess the shadow and the star, respectively. About the shadow - everything seems to be understood by the title. The chip in the next game is that the stars are partially depicted, as if "in the zoom", as the author indicated. And the learning process becomes even more fascinating, because to learn the star on the nose or lips is not so simple, as it seems. I am glad that if you do not know someone, you can play further. In addition, you can always find out the answer - they are bred in a separate place.

In the same way, the game "Guess the object in Zume" is to find out that or who is depicted under the magnifying glass. The game, I will not deny, will also cause interest among lovers to guess the photo's heads.

And now about games whose analogs I have not found on Google Play. In the game "What a black square?" Players need to know that, actually, as follows from the name, is behind a black rectangle. In something similar, I remember, played in the transfer of "good jokes" on the CTC channel. Tasks are interesting, requiring the maximum brain stress of all players. And the answers at all in the head do not fit. That is more interesting.

The game "Guess the sound" is simple to primitive - you need to turn on the sound and guess what it is. And yet, in such games, I never played. And something new always causes unprecedented enormity. I have no doubt my friends will like to guess the sounds, and the head of them, judging by the tasks, will have to pretrately break.

In "tests for attentiveness" are collected popular now in the network task type "Find Cat or Panda". Only here there are still tasks, where you need to look for a sniper, a simulator, a lamb, an Oscar statuette, etc. Naturally, these games will be interested in playing not only one, but in the circle of friends.

The last submitter remained - "different tasks", in which you can find tasks exploding your brain ("color words"), as well as funny and serious psychological tests and other tasks.

Of course, all the above photos are more convenient to play on the tablet, as the photo message will be better visible to all playing.

True, I, as the owner of the TV with Smart TV, would add an image transmission function from the phone to the TV (how it is implemented in YouTube - you find a video in the phone, you click the button, and watch the video immediately on the TV). True, I will note that the author for some amount proposes to send a photo of tasks to e-mail. And it is in order to enable these same tasks on a computer or TV screen.

We go further, we look at what is hidden in the "Different Games" heading. And there are games for those who want to test their feelings and knowledge of each other, there are also riddles for adults, draws with focus, games for intellectuals, jokes and some other games on which we will not stop in detail.

Finally, we approached the last game contained in this application, which just turned the 25th anniversary of my Shurin to Hurricane, the game "Merry Bomb". In this fantasticly exciting game, participants must take turn to the question asked by the program. And do it in a circle - until the bomb explode. The funny thing is one who will not have time to answer the question, performs the specified task program. And the tasks here, believe me, sometimes very scolding. Yes, and looking at the alimated bomb that puts out the tongue, you will unwittingly smile with the same elongated language ☺.

By the way, I somehow did not notice that there is absolutely no advertising in this application. And at the same time, it is free. There is an opportunity to buy a paid version of this application (the price is only 33 Russian rubles), in which, as the author indicates, more games and tasks.

Finally, I will note that the idea to collect in one bottle of various kinds of games and tasks in which you can play in a pleasant, cheerful company, - requires praise. After all, you see, tediously download dozens of applications, which especially and do not play the company. After all, in many such applications, the conditions of games such that until you guess the task or if there are not enough coins / stars, then you won't pass further.

In general, in this application you can really find any contests and tasks for any company of any age (for children you can also find many interesting games). From now on, I will constantly with friends play games from this application, especially in a "fun bomb".

So play games with friends is always fun. Do not believe? Download and try yourself!

Despite the fact that the New Year and Christmas holidays approached the end, we will still meet with your friends from time to time, arranging noisy and not very gatherings. Before any owner, there is a question of entertainment, which he will take his guests. Whatever enough, in the Google Play market, a small group of games designed not to give anyone to bother during parties. It is about the most interesting representatives of this category and will be discussed in this article.

Let's start with that without any party, namely dancing. And if the owners of the consoles have long been coming to compete with each other or virtual dance masters, then android gadget lovers received this opportunity only recently in the form of an exciting toy Just Dance Now. Moreover, for a full-fledged game you will not need any additional devices, such as controllers.
On the one hand, it may seem that somewhere lies the trick, but everything is much easier. The user only needs to download the appropriate application on the smartphone and open the computer's intrinsic page. Then you need to wait some time so that the application is synchronized with your PC, connected to a common database and everything, you can dance. In this case, the role of the controller itself performs the smartphone itself. Moreover, it is interesting that the number of participants is limited to the place in the apartment.

Now about less pleasant aspects. Sadly, but only one musical composition is available for free. For further, more diverse entertainment will have to pay extra. But there is another option. Developers are offered to purchase VIP status for a period of days to one year. The last offer is obviously designed for people who love to dance.
But not everyone can dance all night. Sometimes you want a calmly measured rest to raise not the muscles, but brains. One of the most popular games in large companies is considered to be "crocodile", it is "dumb", it is "charaks". In a word, the player should with the help of gestures to show the rest of the present word or phrase.
But the most difficult thing in this game does not show the task and not even guess it. It is much more difficult to come up with a funny and rather complex word at the same time, so that on the one hand, it was not guessed literally from the first gesture, and on the other - did not enter guessing in the absolute stupor. Here for such cases and the Reverse Charades game has been created, which takes the above task for yourself. However, this is not the only thing that the submitted application can. In addition, with the help of the program you can smash players for teams, count points and check out time for the stroke. The only thing that grieves is - the game has no Russification.
Two versions of the game are available: free and paid. In the first case, the players are available six categories of tasks for hundred cards in each. If the user decides a little to upset, he will receive about two thousand tasks, which is enough, as it is easy to guess, for the whole year.

Another popular game for large companies - Hands Up!, Which in Russia is known more than the modest name "Stickers". Earlier the game required the minimum of inventory, namely the pen and a piece of paper. Now only smartphone is enough.
For those who do not know what it is about, we will explain. A group of players sits in a circle and make themselves on the forehead sticker with a secret word, most often it is some kind of real or fictional personality. And what is written on your sticker, everyone also knows. The task of the game is to guess the specified word by setting the leading issues. In the case of the Android application "Freaks", the secret word appears on the screen of the smartphone. In all the rest of the mechanic, the game did not change.
The basic set of the game includes ten versus a few words. Two more dozen can be purchased additionally. It should be noted that there are quite a lot of such offers on Google Play, so you can play for free for free.
Any party, especially the alcohol, is in one degree or another, gradually reaches the moment when the moral principles of the gathered at least a little, but still fall. Just for such cases, the game Cards Against Humanity was invented, which among Russian-speaking her fans is more known as "500 evil cards". The mobile version was called Evil Apples, that is, literally "evil apples" and is practically no different from the original.

The player in this case requires a little wit and, perhaps, good luck. The player receives two set of cards, on which some sentence is written, but with a missed word or phrase. On others - words to fill these gaps. Player's task Find the most suitable or ridiculous option. There are no winners and losers here, the main thing is to hang each other.
As in all the above examples, only a small set of cards can be downloaded free of charge, with the ability to purchase follow-up.

Nice to spend time in a funny company of friends, setting up an unusual championship. Games are important not only for kids, but also for adults, because they can rally us even stronger. In addition, this is a great way to help new buddies join the team, and not stand alone all evening at the wall. We have chosen 10 popular games that will allow you to have a good time. In our article, you will find a variety of entertainment that train mind and body flexibility.

When it comes to games for a large company, many primarily remember the "mafia", who conquered the whole world and saved a lot of fans. To play in an intellectual detective, you will need a deck of special cards that can be purchased on the Internet or draw yourself. You can also create your own card templates and order their printout in any editor. Well, if the above options are not suitable, take the most ordinary cards and agree with friends, what roles you will give them. For example: Peaks - Mafia, Peak Ace - Boss Mafia, Chervoy Vallet - Doctor, Chervoy King - Commissioner and so on. So that the players do not peep each other, it is advisable to wear a mask or a dressing, as soon as the city falls asleep.

The essence of the game
There are three sides in the game: mafia, peaceful citizens and maniac. The goal of mafiosi is to kill players at night and execute in the afternoon, giving themselves for positive heroes. The purpose of citizens is to find and execute the mafia. The maniac is a particularly self-removal who kills everyone without disaster.
In the classic version there are active and passive characters. The presenter is a passive character, does not affect the course of the game, but coordinates the actions of all its participants.
Evil characters: Mafia (consists of a boss and his girlfriend), maniac.
Good characters: Commissioner, Doctor, civilians.
Peaceful citizens are passive players: they sleep at night, but they can vote in the afternoon, sending unwanted on the death penalty.
Mafia wakes up at night.
The Mafia boss chooses a sacrifice that strikes. In the event of the death of the boss, his post takes another mafia.
Maniac at night strikes any player.
Commissioner can check any player at night. If a mafia or maniac came to this player, the commissioner checks the criminals, saving the life of the player.
The doctor also makes his move at night and can cure anyone (one player) by canceling the Mafia or Maniac's murderer.

Stroke Game

The game is divided into intervals - day and night. On the first day, the presenter distributes card players, after which the first night comes. On the first night (at the command of the leader), the players take turns wake up, giving him to understand who has what role. Mafia gets familiar with each other and finds out who received the role of boss. During the day all players wake up. The host briefly describes the events of the past night. For example: "Mafia hit, but the commissioner's visit to the gangsters. Manyak all night brutally mocked the next victim, but the doctor managed to save the poor fellow. " These tips allow players to calculate the opponent. Then voting follows, during which each player can offer a candidacy for execution. Carefully studying the arguments and suspects, you can calculate mafiosa, as they are usually unanimous on day voting. However, deft players know how to let dust in the eyes, accusing each other during the day (but only if the execution of the colleague clearly does not face). After execution, the card of the murdered is revealed and everyone see his role. Then night falls on the city and active players re-make their move. The game ends with the victory of peaceful if all the maphes and maniac are killed. Mafia wins when remains most. With a successful circumstance, a maniac can win, remaining one on one with a passive player.

In addition to the classic plot, there are many different options for the game. We advise you to choose the leader of the most creative friend who has an excellent sense of humor. In our contests you can use references to various books and movies. So, for example, the plot of vampires and things was popular, where the role of the boss plays the Count Dracula, Dr. Frankenstein treats from the alers, and the Commissioner turns into Helsing or Buffy. The more friends you have, the more characters you can enter into the game by making it more fun!

Fascinating fun "Twister" will give you a reason to laugh at the awkward poses of your friends, and at the same time - work out sports, because during the game you will have to bend, reach your hands and legs to multicolored circles and try to keep the balance.

Stroke Game

The lead twists a special arrow by setting each player a certain pose (for example, left hand on a green circle, right leg on yellow, etc.). The player wins the player to resist the field by completing all the orders of the lead. If the player touched the field surface in an unfaithful place, it automatically drops out of the game.

One of the most popular youth entertainment abroad is the game "Question or Desire". To determine the queue of players, you can use pointers (for example, a bottle) or transfer the move clockwise.

Stroke Game

Player A offers a player B one of two action options: a question or desire. If a player B chooses a question, then a player and can ask him about anything. If a player B chooses a desire, then a player or can order anything. It is better not to play married couples, because questions may be too personal and trusted. Best of all this fun is suitable for idle guys and girls.

The detective quiz, developing a mixture and fantasy, is a kind of popular game "Best".

Stroke Game

The presenter describes any situation (most often we are talking about robbery or murder), and you, using logic and imagination, try to figure out what happened. The key to the solution always lies in the task itself.

Examples of mysteries

1) In the midst of the desert found the body of a man, next to which the backpack lay. The man was absolutely healthy, neither hunger nor dehydration caused death. What did he die from?
Family: The key to the decision is a backpack in which there was a parachute, and the poor died from the fact that the parachute did not reveal.

2) In the middle of the supermarket, the body of the guard was found. They did not attack a man, he died not from illness. Near him there was only a sign. What happened?
BUDGET: Surely you had to notice the signs in stores on which the inscription "Wet floor" stands. Obviously, the guard slipped on the wet floor and hit when falling.

3) A man who died under mysterious circumstances was found next to the playground. There are no visible injuries on his body. Detectives noticed near the ball. What happened?
Raddle: a heavy basketball ball, departing outside the site, pleased the poor man in the head.

This game has many names and you probably familiar with it. She gained particular popularity after the release of the film "Inchlastic bastards".

Stroke Game

Each participant writes the name (literary character, kinheroya or real person) on the sticker. The leaflets are distributed to players (the player should not see words on his piece) and attach to the forehead. Asking questions to other participants, the player must guess his character. Only "yes" or "no" can be answered for questions.

An example of a riddle
Player 1: I am a person?
Player 2: No.
Player 1: I'm a movie hero?
Player 2: Yes.
Player 1: I bow for fire?
Player 2: Yes.
Player 1: I Dragon Drogon?
Player 2: Yes.

The round wins the player who gave the right answer, asking the smallest number of questions.

"Black Casket" is a kind of game "What? Where? When? ", Where a black box is used instead of a classic black box. The feature of the game is that all questions and answers are somewhat frivolous: they are associated with sex, drinking, etc. In the television version of such questions you would not hear.

Stroke Game

The presenter sets the question associated with the subject lying in a black box. A minute later, players must answer the question. By the way, it is not necessary to use a black box at all, it can be conditional.

An example of a question for "CHS"
Actors of the popular Musical "Cats" fasten the microphones under the trico. Artists often dance and (to protect against sweat) to microphones put on it. Caution Question: What lies in a black box?
Answer: Condoms.

This quiz will allow you to test your erudition and compete in the speed of thinking.

Stroke Game

One of the players (transmitting this round) makes the leading famous winged expression, proverb or saying. The presenter reports the number of words in a given proposal. Players must guess the phrase by asking the leading as many questions as words in the phrase. Questions and answers can be absolutely any. However, each answer may consist only of one sentence and must contain 1 word of the specified phrase.

An example of a riddle
Host: The phrase contains 3 words. The player can set 3 questions.
Player: What time is it now?
Host: Virgo on the wall, where the clock hangs.
Player: Is there life on Mars?
Host: Scientists disagree in this matter.
Player: Who is to blame?
Host: The root of the problem is hidden from our eyes.
Answer: Sungage Aphorism Kozma Prutkov "Zries in the root".

Surely you all are well acquainted by the game "Crocodile", during which one participant silently shows the word of the group of galaying players. In the folding "crocodile" rules are somewhat different.

Fascinating quests in the style of "Find a way out of the room" became one of the most fashionable entertainment. In almost any city there are quests in which (for a moderate and not very moderate fee) for you a whole view will be arranged.

Stroke Game

The team is closed in an unfamiliar room, from which it should get out for a certain period of time. Players are looking for riddles and tips to various secret boxes with new keys. Deciding all the tasks, the team finds the main key, unlocking the door to freedom. If you have a spacious room and an inexhaustible fantasy, you yourself can come up with a quest script. Come on friends, leave for them tips and see how they will cope with the task.

Literball is an adult game in the style of "who is chatting." Historians claim that various analogues have existed for centuries in any corners of the planet. Those who wish to measure the ability to change the opponent appeared as soon as humanity has invented alcoholic beverages. It is said that such games especially liked the ancient Greeks and Peter I. In the CIS countries, the so-called are popular. "Drunk checkers", in which instead of white and black checkers, use glasses with vodka and brandy or glasses with light and dark beer. As soon as you "eat" the rival's checker, you need to drink the contents of this wineglass and remove it from the board. More advanced players prefer "drunk chess". For a party on wine glasses, the silhouettes of chess pieces draw a marker.

However, only 2 people can play "drunken checkers" and "drunken chess", so we will look at the option for a more crowded company. We will talk about student fun under the name "Beer Ping Pong" (or "Beer Pong").

Stroke Game

You will need plastic cups, table, ball for ping pong and beer. MO-O-Oh beer. Participants are divided into 2 teams. The judge breaks beer on the glasses and places them equally on both sides of the table, entertaining the glasses in the form of a triangle. Competed in turns must throw a ball into a rival glass. If the ball dropped into a glass, the player who hit the player drinks beer from this glan, removes an empty ass from the table and gets the right of a re-throw. The team defeats the most famous, devastating all the glasses of the enemy.

Attention: Favorite fun students can lead to alcohol poisoning. We advise you to take a smaller cups, in order not to painfully painfully for aimlessly killed liver.

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