Mutants in Minecraft: how to make them

Something went wrong in the world of Minecraft PE, due to which almost two dozen mobs turned into terrible mutants. Moreover, this mod not only changes their appearance, but also makes most of them much more dangerous, which greatly adds to the complexity of the game.

Mutants? What are they?

Zombie mutant and mutant hermit- these mobs have changed their body composition a lot, now they look bigger and more massive. He will deal damage to you faster, and the number of his hearts is 75 units.

mutant creeper- this mob is one of those who mutated the most, he got two extra legs, thanks to which the radius of his explosion somehow increased. In part, now it will only explode when it has a small amount of health. And the timer itself has been increased by a few seconds, giving the player the ability to run away faster than this four-legged creature would devour them. Has a health of 60 units.

Mutant roaming skeleton and skeleton- extremely dangerous mobs that, with the help of their bow, are able to deal damage not with one arrow, but with several. The amount of health is 65 hearts.

Mutant withering skeleton- it is unlikely that this skeleton once looked more frightening than now. Thanks to his hard bones, he lost his fear of wolves. Has health 65 units.

Mutant Enderman- now he is not as long as before, but he is one of the most dangerous mobs. After the mutation, he received the ability to teleport and move much faster, which will speed up his chances of catching you. He has a hundred hearts, so don't try to fight him alone or unarmed.

Mutant Iron Golem- this is the most dangerous creature that has ever existed in, it has from forty-five to fifty-five damage, and the amount of health of this monster is two hundred hearts. This is certainly a necessary assistant when hunting for these mutants.

Mutant spiders- these spiders are much larger than normal ones, but despite this they attack with great speed, their damage is 10 units, and their health is 75.

Mutant Zombie Pig- a neutral creature, but this does not mean that you should climb to it. If you try to steal his golden sword, he will unleash all his power on you. Well, if you still manage to defeat this monster, you will receive several ingots in return.

Mutant Wither- Bosses also did not go unnoticed. You will spend a lot of time killing him, because he has more than 420 hearts.

snow mutant- if the distance is too close, he will attack you with his big massive arms. Has 50 health.

Mutant Ocelot- much larger than a cat, after taming you will have the opportunity to move around on it. Management is carried out with a stick. The wild one has 25 hearts, while the tamed one has over 57.

Mutant residents- these mobs just can't do harm! They are still friendly, but this time not for zombies and witches!

Mutant witch- now it has a new type of potion - "EVIL POTION", with which to destroy you - only a matter of time. Has 66 hearts.

Mutant wolves- wolves are now also much higher and stronger, in addition, you will get the opportunity to control them with a stick. A wild wolf has 30 hearts, a tamed wolf has more than 60.

Mutant zombie villager- You will be able to heal him with a golden apple, the procedure takes approximately 50 seconds. Has 60 hearts.


Installation for .zip

  • Download the addon + texture in one file (.zip) below.
  • Extract files from the archive.
  • resource "move to" resource_packs".
  • A folder whose name will be: " Behavior "move to" behavior_packs".
  • Launch the Minecraft PE game client - open the world settings.
  • Select imported: addon and textures.
  • Restart the MCPE game client - then enter the world for which you installed: addon and textures.
  • Enjoy the installed addon!

If there were no mobs in Minecraft, then the game would be rather boring and uninteresting. Thanks to them, the world in the game is alive, filled with dangers and adventures. Mobs are creatures that the player must fight or cooperate with. The mob can be summoned with a summon egg and sometimes appears "uninvited". Mobs obey the same laws in the game as the gamer. But now the players are not getting enough sensations and troubles that the original mobs give them. Increasingly, players are looking to create mutant monsters. Minecraft mobs mutants are stronger than their predecessors (they have 10 times more health). It is quite easy to figure out how to make a mutant in minecraft. Even a novice player can craft a new mutant.

To do this, you need to use the cool Mutantcreatures mod. With it, a potion is added to the game that mutates familiar mobs. Preparing a Chemical - X potion with four obsidian and a flask of water. Then this ready-made poisonous substance must be launched into a simple mob, and it will either turn into a mutant or die. The probability of getting a mutant is 50/50. Minecraft mutants are much cooler than their original counterparts, stronger, more durable and larger in size. They have a lot of different bells and whistles that ordinary mobs did not have. You can create 5 mutants: Mutant Zombie, Mutant Creeper, Mutant Snowman, Mutant Enderman, Mutant Skeleton. Zombie mutant can attack in melee, taking away 12 lives at once.

He also creates a powerful destructive shockwave by simply hitting the ground. First you need to shoot him with a bow, reducing the number of lives. When he falls to the ground, he will need to be finished off, otherwise after 7 seconds the Zombie will resurrect and will have as many as 40 lives. The Zombie lying on the ground must be set on fire by using the Flint and Steel. Then it will light up, become transparent and disappear. After the destruction of the Zombie, a valuable hammer appears, which can be used 64 times. This hammer generates a shock wave, allowing you to fight enemies from a distance, and deals the same damage as melee Zombies. Zombie mutant restores its strength at night and does not burn out in the sun. In addition, he can still throw the player into the air, thereby causing considerable damage.

A mutant creeper is a creeper with 4 legs. He is quite dangerous, because he learned to jump high, and his speed has become higher. Attacks with the head, limbs, creates a charged explosion, can throw small copies of itself at the player. You can fight him with a bow. But, if the Zombies need to be finished off when the end comes, then the Creeper must be blown away. When the Creeper is on the verge of life and death, he creates a suction funnel, pulls the player towards him, explodes and dies. After the Creeper dies, an egg drops out of him, which can be worn on his head. This egg, if saved, will hatch into a Keeper Minion. He will follow the player, providing him with protection. And the fragments of the Creeper, which also fall out after his death, can be blown up while holding it in your hands. At the same time, the player himself does not suffer, and the mobs and the landscape receive in full.

While standing still, the Creeper can self-charge, restoring up to 15 health points. At this time, you must not get lost and attack him. Otherwise, after recovery, the player risks getting a lightning bolt from the Creeper. Enderman - a mutant, he is also called the Ender Mutant, attacks with blocks. Does not sink in the river, can teleport, while also causing damage to the player, can create his own clones up to eight times. He can make the player feel sick, weak, hungry, or even poison him with his scream. When an Endermutant dies, particles pour out of it, and they also pose a danger to the player. Also, a hand drops out of a mutant upon death. When the Endermutant dies, you need to put a pumpkin on your head to protect yourself from damage.

Mutant Snowman deals damage to the player with ice blocks. They can be made from ordinary water nearby. Friendly enough. He can be easily cured by throwing snowballs at him. Leaves Jack's lamp after death. The mutant skeleton can slow down the player's pace by shooting them with a bow, can shoot from the air, hit with one and two hands. Dying, throws out pieces that make excellent armor.

As a result of an accidental mistake made by the professor during the creation of cute fluffy pets, creepy mutant monsters have appeared. And they decided to settle in the famous cubic game, where no one would interfere with them. Mutant mobs are hiding, but you can see them - just download the mod for mutants in Minecraft 1.7.2 (Mutant Creatures) and then install it in your game.

Monsters mutants

They spawn on their own, but they do it very rarely.

Mutant Enderman

Thought the regular Enderman was scary? How wrong you were. Introducing the mutant Enderman. A massive monster with long arms will shock you with its 100 lives and seven devastating attacks.


In the process of dying of the mutant Enderman mob, before it completely self-destructs, you have the opportunity to collect pieces of his soul by right-clicking on them. If you fail, they will explode. By pressing the right mouse button again, you can drop the lifted Enderman Soul Fragment.
If you also get the Eye of Ender, you will get the hand of the spirit of Ender, which can be used 60 times for each fragment of the soul.

Mutant Ender's Spirit Hand

Deals damage for 3 hearts on a melee attack. Can be used 240 times. Also has several abilities:

1. You can pick up a block with the right mouse button and again, by pressing the right button, throw it to the side or at the mob.
2. Right-click while sneaking to teleport anywhere within a 128 block radius. This also deals damage to all mobs that are nearby! This ability damages the hand - four uses are deducted instead of one.
The hand can be recharged if you still have Mutant Enderman Soul Pieces.

Skeleton Mutant

It has risen from the ruins! It's a mutant skeleton! A cursed creature that has 75 hearts and can attack in four different ways.

Mutant Skeleton Armor

After you defeat the skeleton mutant, you will have the opportunity to collect his armor. But do not forget to pick up all the drop that will remain after him. For armor, you need every bone! Although a full set of skeleton armor is somewhat weaker than iron, it does have some additional abilities.

When the skeleton mutant helmet is on you, all arrow critical hits deal double damage! However, there is one drawback! If you are not in the air, the arrows will do half damage and the critical damage will disappear!

Skeleton Wrist Armor is part of the Chestplate crafting recipe.

The Skeleton Breastplate is also part of the Chestplate crafting.

When Chestplate is equipped, arrows reload at four times their original speed!

Leggings of the Mutant Skeleton grant double the movement speed.

Skeleton boots allow you to jump twice as high!

After you equip it all, it will look like this:

Mutant Zombie

Mob looks like the Hulk, but no! It's a mutant zombie! The monster has 75 hearts and is capable of three different formidable attacks.

The big man is not so easy to fill up, but a can of gasoline will solve your problem. After you knock out the green mutant, set him on fire!

Didn't have time to do it in 7 seconds, he will rise from the dead and heap on you in full. Although now he will have fewer lives. After three deaths, the realm of Hades won't let go of the poor stupid zombie mutant.

Hammer of the Hulk

After you have finally destroyed the mutant, the Hulk's Hammer will fall out of it. This weapon has 64 uses. It has an attack similar to a mutant zombie's close attack.

Mutant Creeper (Mutant Creeper)

What to expect from this weirdo? Should he be afraid? There are 60 hearts on board the mutant. Moreover, it has 5 chilling attacks.

As a reward for killing a mutant creeper, you will receive, no matter how it sounds, his egg.

Right-clicking an egg is placed on your head. Plus, it stacks right on top of your head.

The egg takes 3-5 Minecraft days to hatch into this mortal world. Of course, you can speed things up by tossing it up (several times)! The creature that hatches from it will become your personal one.

Mutant Snow Golem (Mutant Snow Golem)

Are you lonely? Then the snow golem is exactly what you need. Just add some Chemical X water to your regular snow golem and voila! Your Bigfoot has been created! His mesmerizing fiery eyes will never let you get bored again.


If you manage to push the snow golem mutant into the water (if it doesn't freeze it), it will deal 8 hearts of damage to it.


At the moment, the death of your unfortunate companion will bring 32 to 48 snowballs and a pumpkin head.

Chemical X - Create your Mutant in Minecraft

Dreaming of battles? Need a strong companion? A small bottle of Chemical X will make your dreams come true!

If you throw Chemical X on the ground, you can summon a spirit that will inhabit a random mob from those nearby.

Video review of the mod for mutants Mutant Creatures

Mod setting

The .cfg file can be found in .minecraft/config It will open with any text editor (notepad, wordpad, etc.). The settings allow you to:
activate or deactivate mob spawns
change the intensity of mob spawn. Available values ​​are from 1 to 20.


To get started, download the mutant mod from our website using the link at the bottom of the page
Find the .minecraft folder on your computer
Click the Windows icon on the taskbar and type %appdata% in the search box
Open the Roaming folder
In it we find and open .minecraft
Move mod jar/zip file to .minecraft/mods
Let's play!

We say thanks to thehippomaster21 for the mod.

The mutants with incredible strength. Not only their attack power changes, but also their appearance, which makes most MCPE mobs much more terrible. If you are looking for an add-on that will complicate your gameplay in Minecraft Pocket Edition then this is a great option for you!

What are the mutants?

Now some mobs have been replaced with mutants. This means that survival in the world of your favorite game will become more difficult, as each mutant is much stronger than its predecessor.

All mutants, without exception, are immune to falling and rebounding. Upon death, they are able to drop their head, which the player can claim for themselves.

Mutant Zombie Husk: This is basically an extended version of the regular zombie. His body is much larger, which has a positive effect on his ability to attack, the mutant also has more speed.

Health: 75 hearts.

Creeper Mutant: It has four legs and a crooked neck, which makes it look like a spider, and as a result, the mutant looks much scarier. In addition, he has the ability to cause large explosions, but it takes him a sufficient amount of time, so you will have a chance to escape. As soon as the mutant's health drops, it immediately explodes.

This mutant used to be afraid of the ocelots of the world Minecraft PE, but now everything has changed: on the contrary, he will attack them.

Health: 60 hearts.

Zymogor Skeleton Mutant: Now in the world, these are skilled archers, as they are able to fire 5 arrows at the same time. These mutants prey on players and wolves. Even in death, they will not throw away the bow.

Health: 65 hearts.

Wither Skeleton Mutant: The Wither has never looked so terrifying. The mutant has a fairly dense bone structure, and has a huge sword in its arsenal. Now he is not afraid of wolves, and after death he does not drop his sword.

Health: 65 hearts.

Enderman Mutant: He has a tall and slender body, and moves much faster than most mobs. The Mutan is very dangerous as it has the ability to detect you the fastest and also deal more damage.

Health: 100 hearts.

Iron Golem Mutant: This is the strongest mutant and you will really want to befriend him and someday he will help you
fight any of the other mutants. It has many more weapons than a normal iron golem. After death, iron ingots and blocks fall out of it, as well as flowers.

Health: 200 hearts, Attack damage: 45-55 units.

Mutant Spider and Cave Spider: Despite their large size, they can run much faster and deal more damage than their predecessors.

Health: 75 hearts, Attack damage: 10 units.

Zombie Pigman Mutant: A neutral mob that only attacks defensively. Upon death, he will drop a bunch of gold bars and nuggets, as well as rotten flesh.

Health: 65 hearts.

Wither Mutant: It is almost impossible to avoid the wrath of this mutant. He has a huge amount of health, so he is hard to kill. But if you managed to do this, then after death, a skull, an End star and a bunch of diamonds will fall out of it.

Health: 425 hearts.

Mutant Snow Golem: A mutant is much more powerful than a normal snow golem. His special ability is the snow block, which allows him to throw huge chunks of snow at his targets up to a maximum distance of 40 blocks.

Health: 60 hearts.

You can ride it.

Mutant Ocelot: In size, the mutan looks much larger than its predecessor. You can use it for riding. Everything works similar to riding a horse, plus he is able to jump.

Wild mob health: 25 hearts. Tamed Mob Health: 57.5 hearts.

Mutant Villager: The villagers are still friendly and won't even attack you if you harm them. Mutants are much stronger, and as a result, can take more damage. You can trade with them as usual. They only attack zombies and witches.

Health: 50 hearts.

Witch Mutant: The witch now has a new type of potion that the mob throws at its enemies. The mutant also has a melee attack ability (attack damage: 10 counts). After death, many treasures will fall out of him.

Health: 66 hearts.

Mutant Wolf: Now the wolf of the world is slightly bigger and stronger than before. You can ride a wolf on horseback, and he is even able to jump over obstacles.

Wild mob health: 30 hearts. Tamed Mob Health: 62.5 hearts.

Infected Villager Mutant: A mutant can be cured using a golden apple and a weak potion. The process will take 50 seconds and the mob will again become a normal villager.

Health: 60 hearts New mutant armor stand design

  • Changes
    • Additional 3D model of skulls
    • Mutant mobs with armor will now spawn more often
    • New textures for snow blocks
    • Wither mutant is no longer afraid of lava
    • Wither skeleton mutant will not be affected by hacking / wither_skulls explosions
  • Mistakes
    • Fixed death sound for mutant infected villager
    • And much more!
  • Video:

    Mutant Creatures is a mod for Minecraft that is perfect for all players who are tired of standard monsters like creepers or zombies. Mod update for Minecraft versions 1.5.2, 1.6.2 and 1.6.4

    Mutant Creatures will add several new dangerous mobs to the game at once, which will not let you get bored, so if you decide to install this mod, you can safely forget about the quiet and calm game, because now you have to fight for your life at any cost!

    According to the backstory of the Mutant Creatures mod, there was a crazy professor in the world who was experimenting on hostile mobs and at one point, the experiment got out of control. It was then that new mobs from Mutant Creatures appeared!

    zombie mutant

    The mutant zombie looks a lot like the Hulk, but it's just a DNA-altered zombie. Zombie mutant has a huge supply of health (60 hearts), and also has unique types of attacks.

    In melee, the new mob will attack you by hitting the ground, and the shock wave itself will spread a few blocks ahead. Be careful, this kind of blows take away 12 hearts of life, so it will not be difficult for a mutant zombie to destroy you!

    Another type of attack of the new mob from the Mutant Creatures mod is a roar, which takes 1/2 of the heart. But this is not exactly an attack, but rather a battle cry that calls on ordinary zombies to help.

    Mutant Zombie can throw you high up if you get too close to him. And in such a situation, you can only hope that there will be water somewhere near your landing site. Otherwise, you will just crash.

    If you still manage to defeat the new mob from the Mutant Creatures mod for Minecraft, immediately burn his body. Otherwise, the zombie mutant will come to life and be ready for a new battle!

    mutant creeper

    Mutant Creeper is another new mob from the Mutant Creatures mod, which was the result of a bug in the experiment. The mutant creeper is also a very dangerous enemy and has 60 hearts of health.

    In melee combat, the mutant creeper will attack with its head, trying to bite you! But you can block the attack with the right mouse button if you are armed with a sword.

    The mutant creeper is able to jump and travel quite a distance, if you lose sight of him, you should definitely check the sky, who knows, maybe a new mob is already over your head!

    In addition, the new mob is able to call for help small creepers who will help him in every possible way, and running will be the best tactical decision in this case. Run away from the zombie creeper!

    The mutant creeper can regenerate his life pool from explosions, so don't let normal creepers explode near him, otherwise the fight can become very long!


    For killing a mutant zombie, you can get a special hammer that will allow you to deliver the same powerful attacks as the mob itself.

    And if you manage to defeat the mutant creeper, you will receive a small egg that you can use as a hat to show everyone your superiority!

    Your new friend

    The Mutant Creatures mod for Minecraft adds not only the most dangerous enemies to the game, but also a new mob that can become your partner, just like a wolf. The minion creeper can attack enemies with small explosions, and you can give him a block of dynamite or gunpowder to restore his strength.

    The Mutant Creatures mod changes the gameplay a lot, and for the better, and this mod is recommended for installation by all players who love dangerous adventures and wars with mobs. We also recommend that you check out the video review of this mod:

    Installing Mutant Creatures

    • Download the archive with the Mutant Creatures mod for the version of the game you need.
    • Install
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