Which boss should you kill after the wall of flesh. How to summon all bosses in terraria. How many bosses are there in Terraria? Drop from world and field bosses

Hi all! Mouse is with you! And today I’m starting another new section - “Topraria”! And in this section I will create tops of anything in my personal subjective opinion. And let's commit crime!

Eye of Cthulhu

This is your very first boss! After killing him, the Dryad comes and the newcomer no longer feels so hopeless because he killed his first boss. He is undoubtedly the key boss of the game. The Eye of Cthulhu is called as bait for the boss “Suspicious Eye”, but this boss can also come himself. Go ahead!

Wall of Flesh

She had to get into this top because she is the last pre-hardmode boss and the key to hardmode. After killing her, hardmode begins. She is summoned by throwing a Guide voodoo doll into lava. Let's go to the next boss.

Mechanical bosses (Gemini, Skeletron Prime, Destroyer)

These three bosses are the first three hardmode bosses, after killing which new abilities and bosses appear. They are also key, of course. They are summoned using boss baits: “Mechanical Eye”, “Mechanical Skull”, “Mechanical Worm”. But they can also come themselves.


After defeating the golem, there will be four cultists standing at the entrance to the dungeon. Two bodyguards and two magicians. After killing everyone, a lunatic cultist will be summoned! I decided to include him in the key bosses because after killing him, towers appear, after them... So, I went too far. In short, the lunatic cultist reveals to us the finish line of Terraria. I have already said how he is called.

Moon Lord and Okram

Perhaps many people understood why the Moon Lord is here, because he is the last boss of the game, but everyone is probably perplexed why Okram is in first place. And I will answer you. Moon Lord is not in the mobile version of the game, just like Okram is not on PC. And Okram is considered the final boss of mobile terraria. That is why he is on a par with the Moon Lord in first place. The Moon Lord can be summoned either by destroying all 4 towers, or by summoning the boss bait “Heavenly Seal”. You can summon Okram using the bait for the Suspicious Skull boss.

In this guide, we will look at the habitats and habits of raid bosses, who respawn regularly with a strictly limited interval. Farming Quint and Muraki, who appear once a week, as well as event bosses, is the topic of a separate guide.

Respawn locations and habits of world bosses

Huge mud monster

Appears on a hill in the Fogan Marshes just below Heidel to the left of the East Gate. Deals melee damage and sometimes summons assistants - mud bombs. The most dangerous attack is when the monster grows into the ground and moves chaotically, causing significant damage over a decent radius. The attack area is not highlighted in any way, so it is better to move further away.

Cowardly Bheg

The respawn location is just below the Northern Plain of Serendia node.

Armed with a massive chain with a huge hook at the end, so it can reach the RSD. During aggro, when it turns red, it begins to randomly hit in all directions at the same time. One-shots characters with weak armor.

Giant Treant

Spawns at the Hermit's Grove node below the Western Guard Camp.

You can leave your vehicle near the manager. The walking tree hits everyone with its long branches, but it doesn't reach too far. In addition, he sometimes summons assistants and also throws stones at random targets. During a fit of rage, when it turns red, it deals damage to everyone nearby.

Red nose

Appears behind the northwestern wall of the Western Guard Camp.

The boss is armed with a huge scimitar, which he uses mainly to deal damage. He jumps a lot, including falling on his belly, but does little damage. The most powerful attack is the battle cry. It completely destroys hit points, so it’s better not to stand in front of the Nose at this time. The attack area is not highlighted.


Crawling out into Serendia's sanctuary.

It has four powerful paws with which it hits everyone. Kzarka's strongest tricks are a narrowly targeted fire breath and a large-diameter attack around the boss. In the latter case, you can hide behind a column or move further away.


The Karanda ridge appears on the top of the mountain just above the node.

It spits something incomprehensible at the chosen target, and also beats strongly with its wings. Summons assistants who can easily kill a single target. Periodically flies up and sprinkles sharp feathers, which, with weak armor, immediately kill the character. In this case, you should hide right under the boss: there is a small area where damage does not pass through.

Ancient Kutum

Respawn location – Red Sand Stone Hall.

The main attack is a blow with one's own body, the length of which is enough to reach the RSD. Has a habit of falling straight into the camera, thereby blocking the view. Additionally, this boss has some powerful tricks up his sleeve.

Firstly, he can hide underground and, sticking his nose out, give an electric shock. The attack area is highlighted in red. Secondly, Kutum can begin to dive, causing damage when reaching the surface. In the area where it appears, a black haze appears from the ground.

Watch out for the most dangerous attack, when the worm aims its snout at the ground and uses some of its technology. At the same time, converging concentric circles appear on the ground, into the center of which characters who did not have time to teleport or blink out of the affected area are dragged, completely destroying their hit points.


Appears in the desert where navigation does not work. The easiest way to get to the respawn point is to drive east from the Eastern Bazaar.

This dragon once had many one-shot skills, but after numerous fixes it became downright weak, despite its menacing appearance and impressive size. It hits characters with its paws and wings, quickly moving along the sand, and can also jump on someone’s head. Summons sand whirlwinds that deal almost no damage, but will stun well.

Sometimes he flies into the sky and spits fireballs at the character he likes best. A block helps against such an attack, and anyone who has one. The most powerful attack is a long narrow strip in front of the muzzle, along which the dragon releases a stream of fire.

Rep of world bosses

The appearance of a raid boss is signaled by a menacing message in the center of the screen, accompanied by a unique sound design. And if you are still confused, then in a month or two you will begin to determine who exactly respawned by the boss’s scream.

RBs appear simultaneously on all channels immediately after the scream. The exception is Nuber, in which case a sandstorm occurs first, and the dragon itself appears exactly half an hour after the notification. No one knows the exact time of the appearance of any boss, but the approximate time can be determined by the site rpgdon.com, where you can find information about the beginning of the respawn of all raid bosses in Black Desert.

Keep in mind that the boss will not necessarily appear when the respawn begins: he may linger for an hour, or even two. In addition, there is a special channel in Discord where you can find out about the status of the boss on a particular channel.

If your main character wanders around the game world a lot, he may not make it to the world boss spawn location in time and will receive little loot. What to do in this case? Experienced players use twins, which they switch to when a world boss appears. This could be an already leveled up character whose interest has waned, or one created specifically for farming world bosses. There is an opinion that a level 50 character with green quality equipment, sharpened to +16, and an attack value of 150 or more is enough.

However, nothing prevents you from equipping your twin better, leveling up to 56 and using awakened, or leveling up to 58 to activate more damaging skills. Twin and his horse should be left in Heidel: from here it is fastest to get to most of the world, with the exception of Nuber and Kutum, who respawn in Valencia. It's a little far away, so there are usually fewer people there. Please note: when dying from a world boss, there is a chance that the inlay stones will be destroyed. If you have a frail twin that dies often, don’t equip it with expensive stones. Also, upon death, like from a regular mob, experience is lost.

Drop of regular and top equipment

In fact, no one knows the algorithm for dropping top equipment, that is, personalized weapons and armor from the boss set, and everything is decided here, as usual, randomly. It has been noticed that there is a high probability of getting top equipment on the first or second trip to the world boss.

The damage dealt affects the additional loot received: boxes with weapons of Liberto and awakened blue quality, which are excellent at the auction, as well as hunter's seals, gold bars, top inlay stones, and seals of Kzarka, Karanda, Nuber and Kutum, 100 of which can be exchanged for the appropriate weapon by accepting the quest. It is logical that the faster you get to the respawn point and start killing the raid boss, the more damage he will receive from you. Therefore, be sure to get another fast horse and equip it with sharpened horseshoes.

Boss Lore

Don’t forget about such a useful feature as knowing the S rank, which increases the chance of dropping valuable loot. You can gain knowledge about some bosses:

  • Kzarka - Delpenio, manager of the Sanctuary of Serendia node;
  • Karanda – Klakstor, who controls the Karanda Ridge node;
  • Kutum - Desallam, manager of the Red Sand Stone Hall node;
  • Nouber - can be obtained from the quest in the Ivvelap Oasis, and then again from the local groom Eugene;

How to develop the necessary knowledge?

We send one character to the librarian Annalisa in Calpheon and for 10 influence points we remove the knowledge that already exists. We send the second character to the NPC who gives this knowledge, and we receive it again. We switch between characters, deleting knowledge and receiving it again, until the desired rank is unlocked.

Rules of conduct in a raid

When going to the world boss, it is recommended to monitor the world chat - usually players here exchange information about the boss’s health on a group of channels in the region and agree on which channel to go to next. Having farmed on one channel, you can jump to another if the cooldown allows.

Farming usually starts from the first and further down the list, so you can have time to kill the boss in the region two to four times, especially if there are few players at the moment. Naturally, nothing prevents you from jumping to a channel where there are fewer people: this will increase the chance of getting something valuable when killing the boss. The main thing is to think with your own head and don’t look for commanders who will tell you which channel to go to and what to do next.

Some players leak outright misinformation: for example, about the full HP of a boss on a channel where he was killed a long time ago, or about the absence of a boss on a channel where they just started beating him. It is better to immediately send such people to emergency situations: experience shows that most of them are trolls, who are not even close to the respawn point of the Republic of Belarus. The world bosses are farmed by the same contingent, and very quickly you will understand whose words you can trust. I don’t advise you to pay attention to local clowns who make the same tired jokes about their bosses.

What class you use to beat world bosses doesn't really matter. The main thing is to do it well: this way you are guaranteed to get something valuable. Therefore, it is better to choose the one that you like best, and not the one that is rumored to be the most awesome in the game.

I think everyone has encountered the fact that it is not always possible to find a good server for collective killing of bosses, and killing them alone, especially on Hardmod, is very, very difficult. I present to you two tactics for killing bosses solo. Let's get straight to the point.


What we need:

Liveable room with quick exit

Magic Mirror (Mirror that allows you to teleport to respawn)


How it works:

When you need to heal during a boss fight, use the Magic Mirror. Then quickly heal from the nurse and run away before the boss comes.

How you do this will depend on your personal preferences. I prefer a room with wooden platforms instead of a roof to get out quickly.

It is important to remember that you need to have some distance between the boss and the respawn, and also quickly leave after healing, otherwise the boss may appear and kill the nurse.

P.S: This method may seem obvious to some, but I am writing this primarily for those who have already had unsuccessful attempts, but have not yet thought about this possibility.

2. Statues

Help with solo boss kills.

Help with solo boss kills.

I just killed all the bosses in Hardmod mode. And I found a great way to kill bosses for those who do not have access to the Internet game.

To start, just explore the map until you find about six heart statues, 3 will also work but 6 is better) Connect them with 2 pressure plates, three statues each. Only three hearts can spawn from one slab, so if you connect all 6 to one slab you will be wasting hearts. The statue's cooldown time is 10 seconds.

Step 1: Collect the first three hearts.

Step 2: Get on the second platform and collect three more.

Step 3: Survive for 10 seconds.

Step 4: Repeat.

Of course, it may take you a lot of time to find the right statues, but believe me, with them, killing bosses in Hardmode will be just a fairy tale)

Bosses in games are significantly enhanced unique opponents that can significantly ruin your life. Often, even novice players can cope with such enemies, despite their characteristics, and if an experienced gamer, then dealing with the enemy will not be difficult at all.

However, sometimes there are rare bosses that can baffle even an advanced player. Duke Rybron is the most dangerous opponent in the game, who will make you burn not once. To defeat just such enemies, gamers use similar guides.

Hello everyone, dear readers. Today I will tell you the tactics, equipment needed and the basics of preparing the arena to defeat the most difficult boss in the game.

Preparing equipment

Let's start with choosing equipment. For protection, I recommend using beetle armor with a breastplate that increases damage from attacks. Despite good defense and damage, the minimum amount of HP at the time of the battle with the boss should be 500 units.

As weapons you need to take vampire knives enchanted with the best divine modification. They will help you survive many enemy attacks by quickly restoring your health.

Accessories include lava walking boots so you can move around the ocean without any problems. And to make it easier to run away from the boss, grab sparkling frosty boots, which significantly speed up the character. Use a haverboard for flight. To increase damage and attack speed, take mechanical gloves with you, and to prevent the boss from starting to juggle you, add an ankh shield to the list of accessories.

We take the following consumables:

  • Iron Skin Potion.
  • Potion of Movement.
  • Soup.
  • Huge healing potions.
  • A bottle of ichor.

Having collected everything you need, we begin to build the arena. The battle can be carried out both in the ocean and throughout the map. Of course, it is better to use the territory at a distance of about 1000 blocks. But it’s worth considering that if Rybron goes beyond his biome, his damage and defense will double. In general, the entire arena is the landscape of the map. Just level the ground with blocks so you don't accidentally fall into a hole while running, but you'll have to run very quickly.


The enemy has two phases, each of which is very dangerous. During the first, he uses the following move set:

  • Makes 5 quick lunges that deal 100 damage on contact.
  • Releases homing bubbles that also deal about 100 damage when they explode.
  • Again he makes five jerks.
  • Summons two tornado-like Sharkonados that deal damage on contact and throw Sharks at the character, which also deal around 100 melee damage.
  • Repeats all attacks again.

As soon as the enemy loses half his health, he enters the second phase. In his final form, Rybron darkens and his eyes begin to glow brightly. At the same time, the damage from all attacks increases to 150 units. The number of jerks is reduced to three, but their speed and range increase.

Boss Summon

You can summon the Duke by catching a truffle worm in the ocean. Use this bait to fish for Fishron.

Before calling, be sure to drink all the potion, except for the healing. As soon as the enemy appears, start quickly running away from him and throwing knives. In general, victory depends on how well you choose your equipment. If all the equipment is selected according to the recommendations, then there should be no problems with winning.

This concludes my review of the most hardcore enemy in Terraria. Subscribe to the blog, leave comments with your tactics and share the article with your friends. See you soon, dear friends.

Bosses in Terraria are the most dangerous creatures living in the game world. Only experienced heroes can defeat them, but the reward for killing the next monster is well worth the effort. If you want to know how to summon bosses in Terraria, as well as what to watch out for when fighting each of them, then this article is exactly what you need. After reading it, you can save your time and save your character from death more than once.

Starting bosses

Don't think that the starting bosses in Terraria are easy enemies. Each of them will make you sweat and spend more than one day killing them. And you will face the following opponents:

Hardest Standard Mode Bosses

The bosses in Terraria, which will be discussed below, are a kind of preparation for hardmode. Only after defeating them will you realize that you are ready for an increase in difficulty.

  • Royal slug. This giant enemy gradually decreases in size, receiving another portion of damage. At the same time, he summons small slugs. To start the boss fight, you must use the Slime Crown.
  • Brain of Cthulhu. To summon this comrade you will need a bloody spine. An alternative option is to destroy three living hearts. The boss can summon minions and is invulnerable until they are all destroyed.
  • Queen Bee. It is dangerous with its rapid flights from side to side. He can also summon small bees. To fight the boss, you need to use the bee mass or destroy the large larva.
  • Wall of Flesh. An enemy, after defeating whom, the game world switches to hardmode mode. He can be summoned by throwing a guide doll into the lava. The peculiarity of this enemy is that it simultaneously attacks and retreats.

Hardmode bosses

After defeating the Wall of Flesh, you will gain access to Hardmode. In this mode, everything becomes much more difficult, and before starting the next test, it is better to first look for information about it on the Terraria Wiki. Bosses in hardmode are a bit of a hassle, so let’s look at each of them separately:

  • Twins. They can shoot lasers, fire, and just crash into your hero. They are caused by a mechanical eye, but can also appear on their own.
  • Destroyer. Remember the Eater of Worlds? So this worm is several times larger than its predecessor. Appears after using a mechanical worm or comes just like that.
  • Skeleton Prime. A flying skull that beats the player with melee weapons and shoots them with firearms. The best time to fight this boss is at dawn. To start a battle with a monster, you need to use a mechanical skull or simply wait until the adversary appears on its own.

Bosses in "Terraria 1.2" and higher

  • Plantera. A plant monster that can only be summoned after defeating all mechanical bosses. He can shoot spikes and often tries to ram the character. To activate the battle, you must destroy the Plantera bud.
  • Golem. Appears after you place batteries on the lizard altar. Will beat your hero with his fists and shoot fire at him. Once the monster receives a certain amount of damage, its head will separate from the body and begin shooting lasers.
  • Duke Rybron. The monster will appear if you try to fish in the ocean using a truffle worm as bait. Can fly, summon minions and shoot various projectiles at the hero.
  • Lunatic Cultist. It can only be summoned after killing the Golem. To do this, you will need to defeat the cultists near the main entrance to the dungeon. The boss constantly teleports and also uses various spells.

Final bosses

So, you've reached the endgame content. Now you only have to win:

  • Sky Towers. Four bosses, each of which calls upon unique creatures to help them (not found anywhere else in the game). Before attacking the tower, you will need to deal with all the minions. Bosses appear in the game world only after defeating the Lunatic Cultist.

  • Moon Lord. The most powerful opponent you will face in the final game. He will come after a certain time, after you defeat the Sky Towers. Will shoot at the hero with homing missiles, lasers and call for assistants.

Mobile version bosses

There is also a mobile version of the game "Terraria", the bosses of which are exclusive. You will be able to fight such unique monsters as:

  • Lepus. A huge pink rabbit that can be summoned using a suspicious egg. The boss summons copies of himself, as well as small rabbit minions.
  • Turkeycore Ungrateful. The boss is shaped like a roasted turkey. You should hit his head, and when it falls off, hit the monster in the body. To summon the monster, you need to use cursed ground turkey.

Also, do not forget that the developers constantly support their project and add new content to it. It is possible that even more difficult, but damn interesting enemies will appear in the game soon.

Gemini is a complicated version of the Eye of Cthulhu. They can be summoned using a mechanical eye. Both eyes have their own individual life counter. Red - Retinazer, shoots a purple laser from the eye. Green - Spasm, shoots a stream of cursed flames. Just like the Eye of Cthulhu, they change after losing half their health. Retinazer changes when his health level drops to 8,000 HP and Spasmatism changes when his health level drops below 9,000 HP.

Both eyes have different fighting styles, Retinazer becomes like a mechanical eye with a laser turret in the pupil, while Spasm becomes a mechanical mouth. After the change, the Retinazer will fire red lasers more aggressively, causing more damage. He alternates between moving quickly and shooting slowly, and moving slowly and shooting quickly. Spasmatism will begin chasing the player faster and constantly spews flames from its mouth, similar to a flamethrower. Cursed Fire of Spasticity can apply the Cursed by Hell debuff to players.


The Destroyer is a stronger version of the World Eater and has 80,000 HP. It is considered a simple hard mode boss despite having a large amount of health. Can be summoned using a mechanical worm. It does not split into pieces like the Eater of Worlds, but when a segment of its body is hit, it releases a flying drone enclosed there that shoots a laser. In addition to the usual ramming attack, the Destroyer also shoots red lasers at the player from each of its segments. Lasers pass through platforms, but do not pass through blocks.

Skeletron Prime

Skeletron Prime is a much more complex analogue of Skeletron, because... has 28,000 HP. His limbs are different, he has: a laser, a saw, a vice and a cannon that shoots bombs. All parts of Skeletron Prime have 59,000 HP. But, to kill the boss, you only need to kill the head, and it has 28,000 HP. The boss must be summoned at night and killed before the end of the night, otherwise by morning the boss's characteristics will become like those of a dungeon guard, and it will be impossible to kill him.

The boss drops horror essence and holy ingots, which can be used to make good equipment.


Plantera is summoned after destroying Plantera's bud with a pickaxe or drill. Plantera's Bud appears in the underground jungle only after all three mechanical bosses have been defeated (Before version 1.2.3, only one mechanical boss had to be killed).

In the first phase, she looks like a rosebud, which makes her less intimidating. Moves using hooks that cause damage on contact. ?Attacks with spikes and hooks (while moving). The less health a boss has, the faster its rate of fire. When losing >25% of health, it releases many large bouncing spikes, which are very dangerous, as they do not disappear for a long time. If Plantera loses more than 50% of its health, it enters the second phase. In the second phase, Plantera loses its bud, transforming into a huge ogre with many small tentacles that release spikes and cause damage on contact. During this phase, the boss moves faster and tries to ram the player.


The golem is summoned using a lizard battery (they can be found in chests inside the jungle temple or dropped from lizards) on the lizard altar in the jungle temple. To gain access to the lizard temple, you must kill Plantera and open the lizard temple with the key that fell from Plantera.

In the first phase, the Golem will shoot fireballs, throw its fists at the player, and sometimes jump. When the Golem's head has less than half health left, it will start shooting lasers. The second stage occurs when you "kill" the Golem's head. After this, the head will come off, start shooting lasers and will fly above the body itself, ignoring any damage. In addition, the Golem will begin to move faster. The head can only be destroyed by killing the body, and of course, the boss himself.

Duke Rybron

Duke Fishron is a fish-pig-dragon hybrid with 50,000 HP and 50 defense. The boss can only be summoned in the Ocean (at any time of the day), using a truffle worm attached to a fishing rod and lowered into the Ocean.

First phase: 1. Makes several quick successive attacks on the player, can easily catch up even in flight. Damage ~100. 2. Stops away from the player, causing 2 tornadoes. The tornado stands still and does not pursue the player; the tornado itself deals damage to the player (~100). After a few seconds, sharks fly out of the tornado towards the player, causing damage on contact (damage ~100), sharks can be killed by the player. 3. Stops to the side of the player and shoots exploding bubbles that follow the player. Bubbles deal ~100 damage and can be destroyed by the player. 4. Releases one homing ring. Second phase (at 25,000 health): Duke Fishron's Eyes begin to glow, and he himself darkens. Damage on touch increases to 150, and movement speed increases. 1. The bubble attack is enhanced. The Duke circles away from the player and releases exploding bubbles. Bubble damage increases to 150. 2. Tornadoes become larger in height, deal more damage (~150) and last longer. 3. Releases several homing water rings. 4. Continues to fly quickly. He is said to be the hardest boss in the game (besides the final boss, of course), but can be fought easier by equipping him with wings.

Lunatic cultist

The Lunatic Cultist is summoned when killing 4 cultists who appear at the entrance to the Dungeon after defeating the Golem. After defeating him, Lunar events begin.

Although the Lunatic Cultist only has one phase, his attacks become increasingly stronger as his health decreases. Lunatic can fly, using his attacks: fireballs, creating an electric sphere that shoots lightning in a circle, creating a giant snowflake that shoots ice shards at the player, shadow lights, and shooting 5 destructible spheres. The Lunatic Cultist also occasionally creates copies of himself in an attempt to summon the Phantom Dragon. If you damage the real Lunatic at the same time, the process will be interrupted and he will continue to attack you as before. But if you damage one of its clones or do not attack at all, the dragon will appear and begin to deal additional damage to the player (If the process is repeated again before you kill the first dragon, Ancient Vision will be summoned)

Moon Lord!

Well, the Moon Lord is the final boss of the Terraria game in version, from which the most powerful items in the game drop. Defeating him alone can be a very difficult task even with the best equipment. It appears after defeating all 4 Celestial Towers during the Lunar Events, or after using the Celestial Seal.

The Moon Lord has 2 arms and a head that need to be killed by dealing eye damage to them. When all three eyes are destroyed, its core is revealed - the heart, which also needs to be destroyed. The arms fire 2 homing projectiles, and can summon phantom versions of the True Eye of Cthulhu to attack the player.

The head can occasionally fire a very powerful Phantom Death Ray, which will partially sweep across the entire screen in the player's direction, after which it will fire homing projectiles in the same manner as the arms. When one of the eyes is defeated, a True Eye of Cthulhu will appear in its place, which will chase the player, summon phantom versions of itself that will move around them and lunge at the player, and occasionally summon miniature versions of the True Eye of Cthulhu. After killing all 3 eyes, its core will become vulnerable. After killing the core, the Moon Lord will be defeated.

Behavior: ---

Destruction tactics: The boss consists of many segments, and therefore it is better to attack it with a piercing weapon in order to hit several segments at once. When we win, with the help of the souls of the Destroyer we can upgrade the Minishark machine gun to the Megashark.

The Twins

Description: a pair of huge eyes connected by a bridge. Health 24,000 units. each has eyes. For defeating Gemini, a unique reward is given: 20-30 souls of sight (Soul of Sight).

Reasons for appearance:

Behavior: ---

Destruction tactics: We take the created Mega Shark, forge it from the goblin tinsmith for increased damage or rate of fire, and buy 2000 silver bullets from the gunsmith. This should be enough for the battle. It is better to fight on the most spacious area, flying around the eyes and shooting them. The main danger will be at the end, when the eyes open, we constantly run away from them and shoot only from afar.

After victory, we can use the souls of the twins to create an Optic Staff, with its help we can summon a smaller copy of the twins, they will help us in all subsequent battles.

Skeletron Prime (Higher Skeletron)

Description: metal skull with four arms. Health at the head is 30,000 units, at the hands 6,000 - 10,000 units. For defeating Higher Skeletron, a unique reward is given: 20-30 souls of fear (Soul of Fright).

Reasons for appearance: use the item “” at night.

Behavior: ---

Destruction tactics: The boss has 4 arms and a skull with spikes. It’s better not to be distracted by your hands, but to attack your head. The biggest problem with the boss is that there is not enough time to destroy it. Therefore, we set a clock on the site and call the boss in the evening, exactly at 7:30 PM. If we don’t manage to win before the morning 4:00 AM, then at dawn the boss will instantly kill us with one blow. In battle, we summon the twin minions with the staff, and then attack with the same Megashark machine gun.


In the underground jungle you need to find a pink bud, they constantly grow in random places. Right at this place we prepare a platform for the boss, since it is better not to go outside the jungle during the battle, this will strengthen the boss.

As soon as we break the bud, the Platerna boss will appear - a huge flower moving on vines. In battle, we fly around the boss, fire at him, and dodge the spikes.

Duke Fishron

In the underground mushroom biome we find and catch a truffle worm with a net. Let's go to the ocean and prepare the site. As soon as we start fishing with truffle worm bait, Duke Fishron will appear. Yes, outside the ocean biome, Rybron becomes much stronger.


For defeating Platerna you will receive the key to the underground jungle dungeon. Inside the temple there are many traps and strong monsters.

At the end of the Temple of Lizards we will find an altar that summons the Golem boss. To summon you need batteries, which are scattered throughout the temple. You can take both the batteries and the altar with you and call the boss on your prepared site.

Lunatic Cultist (Cultist sleepwalker)

When we kill 4 cultists at the entrance to the dungeon, their boss will appear. The Cultist is about the size of a normal character, moves quickly, and is very difficult to hit. Therefore, in battle it is better to use a homing weapon: a mega shark with chlorophyte cartridges. After winning, we will receive the Ancient Manipulator item - a workplace for creating better items.

Lunar Events

After the death of the Cultist, 4 towers will appear in the world, at an equal distance from our initial point of appearance. Each tower will be protected by unique monsters; we kill them to disable the defense of the towers. Having killed 100-150 monsters, we will open access to the tower itself and attack it. For winning, we will receive special fragments for the Ancient Manipulator. We repeat this with all the towers.

Moon Lord

After the destruction of all the sky towers, the final and largest boss will soon appear - the Moon Lord. To fight him, you need to prepare a platform with all possible improvements and enhancements. After winning, we will receive 1 of 9 special items of the most durable material - luminite.

Bosses are a type of powerful monsters that are much more difficult to kill than regular ones. As a rule, any boss has stronger and more unpredictable attacks, greater defense, has its own AI, which gives them more movements, and leaves important resources behind when they die. In addition, the vast majority of bosses can pass through any blocks. Since version 1.2, each boss drops its own unique trophy that can be hung on the wall, as well as a unique mask. Since version 1.3, in expert mode, bosses drop bags of treasure. To summon bosses, you need to activate special baits or destroy certain objects, although some bosses may come on their own. During the boss battle, normal monsters stop spawning.

Main article: Eye of Cthulhu

The Eye of Cthulhu is the first boss the player will encounter. Has two phases. The Eye of Cthulhu can be summoned using the suspicious eye, but only at night. It can also appear on its own under different conditions - if...

Terraria bosses

Eye of Cthulhu
Eye of Cthulhu - Boss, one of the first to appear in Terraria. Looks like a large Demon Eye.
Summoned using a strange eye. When called, the message “You feel an evil presence watching you” appears, which translates as “You feel that an evil entity is watching you.”
The battle ends when the player dies or morning comes, so you don’t have to hesitate
His murder is divided into 2 phases.
Phase 1
Initially has 2800 units. health. Flies just above the player and summons several Minions


Servant of Cthulhu is a mob that can fly. Added to the game along with the Eye of Cthulhu. Has 8 HP and deals 12 damage. damage There is no protection, it only drops life or mana. Similar to Demon Eye.

After summoning the Servants, it attacks itself, ramming the player 3 times.
Phase 2

When there is little health left, the eyes begin to rotate, turning into a toothy eye without a pupil. At the same time, his damage increases...

Terraria is a 2D indie game where the gamer must build a house for himself, plant a tree nearby and figure out exactly how he will continue to live in the game world. And to do this, you need to get rid of the bosses, because only then can you calmly build your game reality and freely obtain resources to build a house.

Eye of Cthulhu - the first boss in Terraria

The easiest boss in Terraria is the Eye of Cthulhu. It needs to be hit from a certain distance. At the first stage of the game, you can use a bow (purchased from the Merchant) and shurikens as weapons. The boss can be summoned at night using a Suspicious-Looking Eye. The latter is created from a dozen lenses on a demonic altar. Lenses fall out of demons' eyes at night. And the altar is located in a cave. The main thing is to defeat the Eye of Cthulhu boss before dawn comes, otherwise he will escape.

Eater of Worlds - boss number 2!

Another boss is the Devourer of Worlds. This is huge...

Bosses are the strongest monsters you can meet in the game Terraria. They are more difficult to destroy than simple monsters. After all, initially each terrible monster has a set of unique combat attacks and its own battle tactics. Their armor is much stronger than the others and is difficult to damage. But after death, they will give the winner rare and extremely useful resources. Keep in mind that aggressive monsters seep through any blocks. Starting from version 1.2, after the death of the Terraria boss you will receive a memorable souvenir. You are allowed to decorate your home with them, like a real hunter, by hanging the results of your victories on the walls. And since version 1.3, these thugs drop bags with prizes (only in expert mode). If you have started a bloody battle with any of the monsters, rejoice: the spawning of other enemies will not temporarily disturb you.

The Eye of Cthulhu is the original monster. You will definitely have to defeat him. Its appearance may be unexpected and independent. And sometimes it is caused by using...

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Bosses are large, aggressive monsters that pose a significant challenge to players. There are currently 7 types of bosses, each of which has its own method for summoning. Warning messages appear whenever the boss is about to attack the player. Victory over the boss will be accompanied by a message in the chat and some things falling out of the boss. Eye of Cthulhu

Eater of Worlds

Eater of Worlds is a boss summoned by either using worm food in a Corrupted Territory or by destroying 3 Shadow Orbs.

Each part of its body can drop Demonite Ore or a Piece of Shadow, and after the death of the last segment - a large amount of Demonite Ore and healing potions. There is no other way to obtain Shadow Pieces.


Skeletron is the boss who guards the Dungeon. To...

The issues of summoning and summoning bosses are of interest to many Terraria players, and it does not matter whether they are ready to meet these epic creatures or not yet! Experienced pioneers are constantly bombarded with questions like: “Oh great guru, how to summon a boss in Terraria,” or “Please help me, teach me how to summon a boss in Terraria”! Well, I will take on the modest role of enlightening you in these simple, but at the same time complex matters! Read carefully and understand!

We hope that this small but extremely informative article helped you understand how bosses are summoned in the game Terraria, and the next time you want to summon the next boss, you will no longer torment search engines by asking similar queries in the search bar! We wish you good luck in your epic battles! Read also the article: a new game from the developers...

Wall of Flesh is a boss added in update 1.1. He is the key boss in the game, since after killing him the game goes into hardmode mode. Has 8000 health points, lives in hell. The minions are Thirsty and Leech.

To summon him, you need to throw the guide's voodoo doll into the lava while in hell, and the guide must be alive, otherwise the boss will not come.

When the Wall of Flesh dies, it leaves a drop in a sealed box of Daemonite bricks. Thus, the drop does not fall into the lava, freeing the player from troubles and saving him nerves. Be careful. Make sure the voodoo demons don't drop the guide's voodoo doll into the lava before you're ready to fight the Wall, otherwise you'll have to fight it without any preparation.

How easy is it to kill this boss?

Mid-level boss. To kill the Wall of Flesh, you need hell armor (preferably a full set) and a mini shark, about a thousand or more meteor rounds. And about 10-15 healing potions (preferably...

Bosses in Terraria are monsters that are very, very difficult to kill: they have a huge number of lives, their defense and attack power are increased, and the unique artificial intelligence of each of them guarantees unpredictable behavior in battle and a lot of trouble for those who decide to attack the boss.

But at the same time, bosses in Terraria are the primary target for hunting for every player.

This is explained by the fact that when killing each boss, players receive valuable resources that cannot be obtained in any other way, as well as unique armor and weapons.

In order to summon the Boss, you need to activate a certain number of special baits, or destroy some game objects. There are also some bosses that attack players first. It is worth noting that during the boss battle, Terraria practically stops...


Terraria for Android is a unique world, made in a 2D style, in which there are no limiting frames; to some it may seem similar to the Minecraft universe, but delving into the gameplay over time the difference will become visible. The game begins with character customization, you can only customize the color, the main character will not have any characteristics or a plot story. As in the game Mincraft, you will have to extract the necessary material from the outside world to arrange your life, explore the world and fight various monsters and even bosses, all this happens in two-dimensional graphics and gives the game its own unique atmosphere. In the game there are no specific tasks that need to be completed, it all comes down to simple crafting of things or building houses, arranging a home or exploring the game world, extracting useful and rare resources, fighting monsters, in this regard, complete freedom of action.

Terraria for androiddownload Terraria for android


The game has...

From now on, the popular game, which is made in the “adventure sandbox” genre, is also available on Android. Its name is Terraria, and you will also definitely like it if you are a fan of games where you can explore the virtual world. Here you can find different cheats for this version.

For each user, a unique world will be created here, which is generated randomly. You need to develop your character and constantly be on the lookout for useful items. Find new weapons, destroy the strongest bosses, build your house and try to live in the game as long as possible.

There are a lot of features in the game. Here you will find more than 200 recipes for potions that you can brew to save your character from various life-threatening situations. In order for you to engage in construction, you are provided with twenty-five types of blocks. There are also plenty of opponents here: you will have to fight with 75 monsters. The atmosphere of reality will...

Many novice players have heard that there are bosses in the game Terraria. But at the same time, perhaps not everyone clearly understands what kind of creatures these are, and also why they, in fact, are needed...

Why are there bosses in Terraria?

Generally speaking, there are bosses not only in Terraria, but also in many other games. They have been known since time immemorial, when toys were just beginning to develop. What are game bosses? As a rule, these are especially strong and cunning opponents who are encountered at the end of a particular level, or guarding one or another important item.

Terraria is no exception. Here bosses live on every map. They also either guard the exit to another map, or are intended so that in case of victory the player can receive a particularly valuable item, which is impossible to obtain in any other way, but without which it is also impossible to proceed further.

Features of bosses in Terraria

A distinctive feature of all bosses in Terraria is that they almost never appear just like that. If in most other games, in order to engage in battle with him, you only need to reach a certain point on the map, then in Terraria you should use special baits or summons. In the game Terraria, summoners are special items that summon one or another boss on the map. Accordingly, before summoning bosses in Terraria, you will need to craft this summoner. And in order to craft it, you will need to collect certain resources, perhaps learn a recipe... In general, you can’t just go at the boss with your bare hands. Careful preparation is required. But in the end the player can be rewarded with a huge amount of gold and valuable artifacts. Boss battles here, as in other games, are not an easy task. After all, they have their own AI, a lot of health, and also a particularly strong attack. In addition, bosses often call their minions to help. Although at this time ordinary monsters stop spawning, or spawn in significantly smaller numbers.

Lures in Terraria

If you know how to make summons in Terraria, you can summon not only bosses this way. There are certain types of baits, with the help of which you can call both ordinary opponents onto the map - albeit in especially large quantities - and mobs - the various creatures that live here.

For example, the Mechanical Eye bait in Terraria will summon Gemini, a hardmode boss. To make this eye, you will need to prepare a workbench consisting of a Mithril Anvil and an Orichalcum Anvil, as well as have three Lenses, five iron or lead ingots, and six more Souls of Light.

Types of bosses in Terraria

Certain boss summons in Terraria will allow you to summon the following opponents to battle:

  • Initial bosses;
  • The so-called hardmode bosses - that is, those that are only available in hard difficulty mode;
  • Bosses that cause this or that event;
  • There are also bosses that are only available in the console or mobile versions of the game.

Mechanical bosses in Terraria are among the most difficult, but they also provide more rewards after defeating them. But in one version of the game or another, these bosses may differ from each other. Also, depending on the version of the game used, entire bosses may be present or, conversely, absent. If you know in advance how to summon the boss in Terraria, as well as the peculiarities of fighting him, then even the most difficult enemy will not cause any particular difficulties. Although some require certain combat tactics and special weapons.

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