Alchemy. Alchemy - information, reagents, effects, skills Eso alchemy recipes calculator

  • Among the reagents there are quite rare plants. They are not rare because they are infrequently encountered; They're just hard to notice. To solve this problem and make the search easier, use the Keen Eye: Reagents skill. Thanks to it, reagents, as well as containers with water, will glow. But it is worth noting that bottles with solvents will not glow.
  • If you want to know the properties of an ingredient, try eating it.
  • Players who played previous parts of the series TECO, namely Oblivion and Skyrim, will hear the familiar sounds that the Nirnroot made. But here he undergoes recovery over time.
  • Like other crafting materials, alchemy ingredients can be stored in a jar; By activating the alchemy table, you will have access to the bank.
  • Alchemy tables are very similar to the tables in Skyrim; but in earlier parts of the series you could craft a potion anywhere if you had the proper tool
  • To collect reagents and solvents in The elder scrolls online, like any crafting materials in general, no skill is needed. Therefore, for example, the following strategy is possible: the main character, who does not have an alchemical skill, collects the ingredients and gives them to another character, an alchemist, using the banking system.

This is all a novice alchemist needs to know. Alchemy is quite an interesting specialization for those who prefer to work quietly and calmly, without ruining their lives with wars. If you are looking for an interesting and profitable activity in The Elder Scrolls Online, then we recommend that you try this particular craft.

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How to create a potion in TES Online? The alchemy profession is very interesting, it will give you access to useful potions that improve your character's statistics. In the beginning you will be able to create simple potions of health and magic (magika), but the more you advance in alchemy, the more advanced potions you will be able to create. For example, at the beginning you can create a useful potion that will make you invisible.

Alchemist skills

Like any other crafting profession in ESO, Alchemy has its own skill line. You will have to master some passive skills from this tree to be able to progress as an alchemist.

Description of the skill

Solvent Proficiency (1/7) Allows the alchemist to use [Solvent Type] to make a level X potion.
KeenEye: Reagents (0/3) Makes it easier to see reagents (at a distance of 20/30/40 meters).
MedicinalUse (0/3) When using a potion, the effective effect lasts 10% longer.
Chemistry (0/3) Produces 1 additional potion per crafting period.
Laboratory Use Allows you to use up to 3 reagents when developing a potion.
Snakeblood (0/ 3) Reduces negative effects in the potion by 50%

To increase your skill level, you will need skill points.

Reagents and Solvents

An alchemist needs different types of solvents and a variety of reagents: herbs, mushrooms, algae, and so on. As with all crafting professions, you need to find ingredients while traveling and exploring the world. You will need a large number of different herbs in order to progress in alchemy.

The strength of the potion depends on the solvent, which is used for their production. The more rare the solvent, the stronger the potion you will receive. In order to use high-level solvents, you will have to become a holder of the Solvent Proficiency skill. If you don't invest skill points in this skill, you won't be able to get very far in alchemy.

But the solvent is only the first part of the recipe.. You will also need other reagents, which can be found almost everywhere on the map. Different types of plants will grow in certain conditions.

Plants that love water can be found near rivers and lakes. Mushrooms will grow near trees and in caves. Herbs grow in the field and water can be found near waterfalls.

There is a skill in alchemy called KeenEye: Reagents– in the world it will be easier to see reagents at 20/30/40 meters. This ability is passive and will help you find reagents faster than players without this skill.

Note: Be fast. The extraction of reagents in ESO is based on the principle of “first come, first take.” With a keen eye you can determine where the reagents are on the map without having to search blindly.

If you've tried other professions like Blacksmithing, you've probably noticed that the latter allows you to extract materials from items. Unlike Blacksmithing, Woodworking and Clothing, Alchemy Not Allows you to extract reagents from a potion.

Making your first potion

When you have collected all the reagents you need to find the AlchemistTable. They can be located in all major cities. The table allows you to use crafting interface for the Alchemist.

Each reagent has 4 different effects. When using the table for the first time, you will see that they are all locked and hidden. How then can you unlock the effects?

It's very simple - you just need to start crafting. You discover the effects of a particular reagent by mixing it with other ingredients in an attempt to create a potion. If the combination is right, you'll be able to create a potion and discover the effects of the reagents you mixed.

If the combination of reagents that you used cannot be mixed, then you will lose them and will not discover new effects, but in any case you will gain experience. As you progress in alchemy, you will learn which reagents are incompatible. Make sure you are aware of their incompatibility to avoid mixing the same ingredients in the future.

As you might have guessed, discovering new effects is a very interesting process.. It only happens by trial and error. Sometimes you fail at something, and sometimes you discover great combinations.

Once you find a good combination your character will remember it and when you mix the same ingredients in the future, you will see a potion that will be created.

Reagents and effects

NOTE: The information below may affect gameplay. If you want to discover everything for yourself, do not read the table below.

Effect 1

Effect 2

Effect 3

Effect 4

BlessedThistle Restores stamina Takes away health Increases weapon power
BlueEntoloma Restores health Reduces spell power
Bugloss Increases damage resistance Reduces spell power Restores health Restores magic
Columbine Restores health Restores stamina Restores magic Unstoppable
CornFlower Takes away health Restores magic Increases spell power Detection
Dragonthorn Increases weapon power Restores stamina Critical weapon
EmeticRusulla Takes away stamina
Impstool Strengthens armor Reduces armor strength
LadySmock Critical spell Increases spell power Restores magic
LuminousRussula Restores health Reduces weapon strength Takes away stamina
Mountainflower Strengthens armor Restores health Reduces weapon strength Restores stamina
Nirnroot Takes away health Invisible
WaterHyacinth Restores health Critical spell Critical weapon
Wormwood Uncontrollable, unstoppable Critical weapon Detection


You are advancing in alchemy every time you create a potion. Unlike Blacksmithing, Woodworking and Clothing, where you can create, improve, extract and research elements, in Alchemy you can only create potions. This is why you get more experience per unit you create.

My own experience has shown me that Alchemy is much easier to advance to the next level than Blacksmithing. But this is just my own experience.

The profession of alchemy is quite interesting and is ready to reward the artisan with useful potions that can increase the characteristics of your character. Initially, the simplest potions of health and mana will be available to you, but as your Alchemy skill increases, better recipes will be revealed to you.

Alchemist Skills

Like any other profession in ESO, alchemy has a branch of skills associated with this area. Be prepared to spend skill points on some of these to progress as a master alchemist.

Solvent Proficiency
(Knowledge of solvent)
Makes it possible to use solvents to create potions.
Keen Eye: Reagents
(Keen Eye: Reagents)
Makes it easier to visually search for reagents as your skill level progresses:
  • 20 meters
  • 30 meters
  • 40 meters
Medical Use
(Medicinal use)
With each level, the duration of the potion is extended by 10%.
Increases the amount of potions produced by 1 unit. with each level.
Laboratory Use
(Lab use)
Allows you to use 1 additional reagent in production with each skill level.
(Snake Blood)
Reduces the negative effects of potions by 50% with each skill level.

Reagents and Solvents

Every alchemist needs a large number of solvents and reagents: herbs, algae, mushrooms, etc. As with other ingredients, you will find everything you need as you explore the world. Be prepared to spend a lot of time searching for ingredients for your potions if you plan to seriously pursue this profession.

The strength of the future potion directly depends on the quality of the solvent underlying its production. To create a powerful potion, you need to use solvents of the appropriate level, which means you will have to learn the skill Solvent Proficiency. Without a serious investment of skill points in this skill, you will not be able to advance far in alchemy.

The solvent is only the first part of any recipe. For production you will also need other reagents, which can be found almost everywhere. This is where understanding that certain types of plants will grow in specific conditions will help. For example, plants that love water can be found near rivers and lakes. Mushrooms will be found near trees and in caves, herbs in the field, and spring water near waterfalls.

To facilitate the collection of reagents, a pumped-up skill will come to the rescue Keen Eye: Reagents, which highlights the location of plants closest to you on the map. Even one skill point invested in this passive ability will greatly facilitate the process of discovering and subsequently collecting ingredients.

If you've tried other professions, such as blacksmithing, you might have noticed that the crafter has the ability to extract reagents from objects. Unlike blacksmithing, woodworking, and weaving, alchemy does not allow you to extract base reagents. With alchemy you can only create potions.

Making your first potion

Having collected the required amount of herbs, you need to find an alchemy table. They are located in all major cities.

Each reagent has 4 characteristic features. The first time you use the alchemy table, you will see that they are all blocked and hidden. How to find out the characteristics of the reagent? There is nothing easier, you just need to start creating. The effects that a particular reagent has will be revealed to you by mixing it with other ingredients or by successfully attempting to create a potion. If the combination you choose is correct, you will not only successfully create a potion, but you will also discover the characteristics of the ingredients from which it is composed.

In case of an incorrectly selected combination, you will lose resources and will not be able to learn anything about their characteristics. As you develop as an alchemist, you will learn which parts are incompatible and will avoid similar mistakes in the future. As you understand, the discovery of these relationships is a very tedious but very interesting process, based on the trial and error method.

Having discovered the correct combination of mixing, your character will automatically remember it and in the future, combining alchemical ingredients in the same order, you will see which potion will eventually turn out.

Reagent table

Reagent Effect 1 Effect 2 Effect 3 Effect 4
Blessed Thistle Restore Stamina Ravage Health Increase weapon power
Blue Entoloma Restore Health Lower Spell Power
Bugloss Increase spell resist Lower spell power Restore Health Restore Magicka
Columbine Restore Health Restore stamina Restore Magicka Unstoppable
Corn Flower Ravage Health Restore Magicka Increase Spell Power Detection
Dragonthorn Increase Weapon Power Restore Stamina Weapon Crit
Emetic Rusulla Ravage Stamina
Imp stool Increase armor Lower weapon power
Lady Smoke Spell Crit Increase Spell Power Restore Magicka
Luminous Russula Restore Health Lower Weapon Power Ravage Stamina
Mountain flower Increase armor Restore Health Lower weapon power Restore Stamina
Nirnroot Ravage Health Invisible
Water Hyacinth Restore Health Spell Crit Weapon Crit
White Cap
Wormwood Unstoppable Weapon Crit Detection

Profession development

Unlike other professions, where you gain crafting experience for disassembling, improving and extracting ingredients, you can improve in alchemy exclusively by creating potions. That is why, for each successfully created bottle, you will receive an increased amount of crafting experience. According to European beta testers, it is alchemy as a craft that develops much easier than blacksmithing.

- craft profession in " The Elder Scrolls Online", allowing the player to brew potions that can give him a significant advantage over the enemy in battle.

Potions can restore health, mana and stamina points, temporarily increase their maximum value, increase the duration of positive effects, and also give the character skills that he did not previously possess, for example, detecting enemies who are in stealth or invisibility mode.

Like all other crafting professions, alchemy has its own branch of passive skills that you have to level up in order to brew powerful potions.

Passive skills of the Alchemy branch

Solvent ProficiencyAllows the alchemist to work with solvents (natural water, pure water, untouched water, etc.) to create level 2 (10, 20, 30, etc.) potions.
Keen Eye: ReagentsHighlights plants (reagent sources) located at a distance 20 m. from the character.
For medicinal purposes (Medicinal Use)Increases the duration of potions by 10 %.
ChemistryAllows the character to cook 1 additional potion during each attempt.
For laboratory purposes (Laboratory Use)Allows you to mix up to 3 reagents when brewing a potion.
SnakebloodReduces the negative effects of potions by 50 %.


When mixing a potion, the alchemist uses 2 or 3 reagents that provide the desired effects, as well as a solvent, which will determine the level of the resulting potion. To use more effective solvents, the character needs to invest skill points in the passive ability "". Potions of levels 3 and 10 can be brewed by all characters.

SolventPotion levelSolvent Expert skill level
Natural water
(Natural Water)
3 1
Spring water
(Pristine Water)
10 1
Blessed water
(Purified Water)
20 2
Pure water
(Clear Water)
30 3
Filtered water
(Filtered Water)
40 4
Purified water
(Cleansed Water)
50 (veteran rank 1)5
cloud steam
(Cloud Mist)
50 (veteran rank 5)6


Each reagent in The Elder Scrolls Online has four properties. The first of them can be learned by simply eating this reagent. You will have to study the remaining effects by experimenting with creating potions. Do not forget that you will be able to brew a potion only if the reagents used in the process have at least one common property. If the reagents have two properties in common, the potion will have other effects, but remember that they can be not only positive, but also negative.

ReagentEffect 1Effect 2Effect 3Effect 4
Blessed Thistle
Blue EntinomaInvisibility
BuglossRestore HealthLower Spell Power
ColumbineRestore HealthRestore Mana (Restore Magicka)Restore StaminaUnstoppable
Corn FlowerRestore Mana (Restore Magicka)Increase Health (Ravage Health)
DragonthornRestore StaminaIncrease Weapon PowerLower Armor
Emetic RussulaStunIncrease Health (Ravage Health)Increase Mana (Ravage Magicka)
Imp StoolIncrease ArmorIncrease Stamina (Ravage Stamina)
Lady's SmokeRestore Mana (Restore Magicka)Increase Spell Power
Luminous RussulaRestore HealthIncrease Stamina (Ravage Stamina)Lower Weapon Power
Mountain FlowerRestore HealthRestore StaminaLower Weapon Power
Namira's RootIncrease Spell CritIncrease SpeedInvisibilityUnstoppable
NirnrootInvisibilityIncrease Health (Ravage Health)Reduce critical attacks with weapons (Lower Weapon Crit)
StinkhornIncrease ArmorIncrease Health (Ravage Health)Lower ArmorReduce Speed
Violet CoprinusIncrease Spell PowerIncrease Health (Ravage Health)Increase Mana (Ravage Magicka)Lower Spell Resist
Water HyacinthRestore HealthIncrease Weapon CritIncrease Spell CritStun
WhitecapIncrease Spell ResistIncrease Mana (Ravage Magicka)Lower Spell PowerReduce critical attacks with magic (Lower Spell Crit)
WormwoodIncrease Weapon CritReduce SpeedIncrease DetectionUnstoppable
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