Play online games of two brothers bunch. Brothers fart-fart. Features of controlling the bunch brothers

A fascinating plot and funny main characters of the game for two Puk Puk are a sure way to cheer yourself up and have a great time.

Tired of the dull monotony of gray everyday life? Our new games for Two Puk Puk will get rid of it. Once you download the Puk Puk games for two, laughter and fun will burst into your home. Enjoy the adventures of funny natives in the fun game for two Puk Puk. Unexpected incidents and situations, one funnier than the other, in which its main characters constantly find themselves will provide your belly with laughter for a long time.

So, let's go.

Where it all started

In the wilds of the distant Amazon, in a small village, there lived a tribe of funny chocolate aborigines. They differed from ordinary people in their savagery (of course, for thousands of kilometers around there was not even a hint of civilization) and a strange body feature that came from the indefatigable consumption of their favorite national dish - potatoes. For all members of the tribe, this was the most expensive and desired delicacy. Most of them could gnaw even raw potato tubers for days on end. It is not surprising that this caused large quantities of gases to accumulate in the body, which then burst to the surface in fairly powerful streams. Over time, the inhabitants of the potato village learned not only to control such flows, but also to manage them. It turned out quite interesting. When quite a lot of gases accumulated in a particular body, the owner released them to the surface and... took off. Yes Yes. In a very real way. Can you imagine the aroma in the area when several potato fans soared into the air at once?

What happened then

Then the events of the game for two Puk Puk began to develop in a rapid and tragic manner. Firstly, the tribe believed that a magical totem protected their village from all possible troubles. As a sign of special gratitude, the leader even ordered it to be installed on a special pedestal. But trouble happened. Early in the morning the natives woke up and did not find the totem in its usual place. In a panic, they rushed around the village, looking into all corners. The totem was nowhere to be found. Trouble, and that's all. Then the high priest decided to equip two of the bravest warriors on a campaign and send them in search of the disappeared totem. The choice fell on a couple of young Indians - Jack and Tony. They are the main characters of the game for two Puk Puk. But whether the guys will be able to find the totem and return to their home village safe and sound depends only on you. And your gaming abilities, of course. Are you ready to accompany the couple in all their misadventures? Then quickly call a friend for help and you can start.

Rules of the game for two Puk Puk

So Jack and Tony go on a journey. All the women of the tribe, aged from 5 to 105 years old, wave handkerchiefs woven from vines after them and wipe away their tears. The leader and the high priest give a touching speech, after which our heroes leave their home village. And they find themselves in an impenetrable jungle, full of dangers and obstacles. The path ahead for friends is long. To understand which direction to go, carefully study the map. Only then can you start moving. Along the way, friends will encounter fragments of a tribal totem. The main task of the players is to collect them all and install them on the appropriate parts of the pedestal. The heroes will be able to accomplish it only if they act together. No one has yet managed to cope with the vicissitudes of the game for two Puk Puk alone. And why, if playing together and wandering through the jungle is much more fun than alone?

Character management

It is traditional for all toys of this kind. And its main charm is that two players can comfortably fit on one keyboard. And not only to accommodate yourself, but to actively control your character without interfering with another. So, the one who will play for Jack must use the WASD keys to move and release gases (simply, farts), and the one who will play for Tony - the arrow buttons located on the right edge of the keyboard. In order to fly higher, you need to increase fart intensity.

Welcome to the continuation of the game for two Puk Brothers - play the game Puk Brothers 2 with excellent quality! It's a fun little platformer with a naughty, fart-pillow-style storyline where young farts save humanity. If these words do not make you faint with indignation and still continue to read the description of the game, expand it to full screen and try to play. You might unexpectedly like it!

According to the plot of the game, the natives of one small village were famous for their strange attitude to food - they ate a lot of raw potatoes, which caused them to fart protractedly and forcefully, flying up to the skies. They were protected by the forces of an ancient totem, but one day enemies stole the treasure and, dividing it into parts, hid it in the most inaccessible places.

And then the heroes of the game, the Fart brothers - 2 craftsmen, capable of using the enormous power of a prolonged fart for high jumps and long-distance flights - volunteer to help.

How to play

Controlling the heroes using the keyboard, look for fragments of the relic and transfer them to the place of execution. At one time, the Fart Brothers can only take 2 parts of the totem, but they can immediately return for the next ones.


  • player 1: A, W, D;
  • player 2: ←, , →.

To fly longer and higher, you need to quickly and rhythmically press the buttons, like a pump - this way the Puk brothers will get faster flight and be able to stay in the air longer. For extra gas, each of the brothers carries a supply of potatoes with them and happily makes up for the losses when they stop. If you notice fatigue, wait ten seconds until they eat, and the force of the fart will become even greater!

Abandoned jungles, warlike aborigines, tribal totems and belief in the mystical properties of things - all this is in abundance in the funny plot of the game for two players Pook Brothers.

And if you love adventure as passionately as we do, you definitely won’t be disappointed. After all, the games for two Brothers Puk are an explosive cocktail of colors, cool plot twists and game features. Games for two Brothers Puk load perfectly even on the simplest computer. The bright world of the jungle awaits you with the heroes of the game for two, the Fart Brothers. Quickly take a seat at the monitor and go into the exciting virtual world.

The plot of the game for two Brothers Puk

In a small village, reliably hidden from the world by kilometers of impenetrable jungle, an Aboriginal tribe lived for centuries. They lived comfortably, grew potatoes and enjoyed life, firmly believing that their peace and security was protected by a magical totem. The members of the tribe were sure that it was in him that all the power and strength of their ancestors, great priests and warriors was concentrated, and their spirits would never allow anything bad to happen to their descendants.

But then one day the totem disappeared. The tribe woke up one morning, and it was not on its usual pedestal. What to do? Trouble! The leader had to urgently convene a council in order to find two volunteers who were ready to stick their nose out of the cozy village into the terrible jungle and return the loss to its place. It’s clear that there were heroes. They turned out to be two young funny guys - Tony and Jack. They are the main characters of the game for two Bombers. Your task with your friend is to help them find the totem and put it in place. The main difficulty is that someone unknown, before hiding the tribal heirloom, dismantled it into several parts. You have to not only find them all, but also put them in place (a special pedestal) in the correct sequence. Otherwise, the ancient ancestors will be very angry.

Controlling characters in the game for two Brothers Puk

It's elementary. One of the players uses the arrow keys, the other uses the letters WASD. In addition to the usual movements to the left and right, the heroes of the game for two, Brother Fart, have a very specific skill - they can fly. But not with their wings, but with the help of gases that accumulate in their bodies from excessively eating potatoes. The process of their release is accompanied by the appearance of yellow clouds on the screen - it is impossible to confuse this action with any other. So if you need to lift your hero higher: put him up a tree, up a rock, or anywhere else, he will just have to increase the intensity of his farting. This is easy to achieve - just press the space bar more often. It’s good that technological progress has not yet reached the point of transmitting odors using the Internet and a monitor. We’re not sure that most gamers would be delighted with such a “trick.” Or everyone who sat down to play the game for two Brothers Puk would have to be given free gas masks. However, let's not get distracted... It's high time for you and your friend, together with your virtual heroes, to set out on a campaign in search of a sacred totem. The tribe really hopes for you.

The Fart Brothers games attract people primarily by their name. What are these strange names? Native? Or are they characteristic of the characters? In the case of the Pook brothers, both answers are correct. The heroes of the game of the same name live in an African tribe and look exactly like the aborigines. But unique features help them jump high and move quickly - with the help of farts, the guys can fly high, jump far and solve a lot of problems. Interested? Then we invite you to the game!

There are several options for completing the plot: fart brothers for two and a single game. The choice determines whether there is a friend nearby who would like to share the fun of the original quest with funny characters.

Pay attention to the war paint of the heroes: one has blue lines, the other has red lines. This feature will help in collecting totems and bonuses, some of which are given to only one player. How to choose? By color!

The plots of the game are built on the principles of adventure games. The task is different everywhere, but most often it is expressed in the search for magical totem masks. The further the journey, the more difficult the adventure. But brave users can do all of them. Moreover, the Pook brothers are always ready to share positivity and cheerfully rush towards new dangers. Catch up!

Today there are a huge number of them on the Internet, very different and unusual. In this section we bring to your attention a series of some of the most prominent representatives of the quest or “adventure game” genre - humorous games for two Puk Puk. It will especially appeal to fans of Indiana Jones-style adventures. Immediately after launch, you will find a tropical jungle, a meeting with an aboriginal tribe, sacred totems, and a lot of mystical and not-so-mystical adventures. There is one more interesting detail - the Fart Brothers games are designed for two players, which means it’s time to invite your best friend to visit. Making your way along the paths lost in the thicket together is much more exciting than alone, and somehow more reliable.

Ancient relics and beneficial flatulence

The plot of each game for two Puk Puk revolves around the life of a tribe of cartoon aborigines living in a village hidden from prying eyes by an impenetrable jungle. They are commanded by a wise leader. All day long he sits on a throne woven from vines, dispensing valuable instructions right and left. The rest of the tribe members are busy growing sweet potatoes - sweet potatoes. You've probably already noticed the strange name of this game for two - Puk Puk.

The thing is that the indefatigable consumption of potatoes provokes increased flatulence in the human body, or simply an accumulation of gases. It’s scary to even imagine what aromas hover over the village when they come out. But the aborigines not only got used to their increased gas production long ago, but also learned to use it in a very original way. After launching any game you like for two, the Puk Brothers, you will be able to fully appreciate their practicality and ingenuity. The trick is that flatulence helps the natives move faster, and if they urgently need to get somewhere several kilometers away, it is enough to tense slightly, release a certain portion of gases, rise into the air on it and, after making several jumps, end up in place.

You will have to make full use of this miraculous property while going through the difficult levels of the game for two, Take the Fart. It should be remembered that without regular ingestion of sweet yams, gases will not form, and therefore, if you are planning to leave the magical potato field for a long time, you need to spend them very sparingly.

As for the controls, in all the toys in this section it is approximately the same and quite traditional. Players sit comfortably behind one keyboard using two sets of keys: the arrow buttons on the right side and the WASD letters on the left. You can only reach the end of the game together, helping each other overcome all the obstacles you encounter. By the way, it’s a good way to make peace if you’re suddenly in a quarrel with your best friend.

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