What does cp mean in pokemon go. What is CP (Control Power) in Pokemon Go game. Video: Pokemon CP Boost

CP or Combat Power in the game Pokemon Go is one of the main parameters of a Pokemon, which is responsible for its combat power. When meeting other Wild Pokémon, the CP value will be shown above the Pokémon's head. The Combat Power value of each Pokémon can also be seen in the Pokédex, which is accessible through the main menu.

While in other Pokemon games you can find level, attack power, defense and much more, Pokemon Go removes all these rules and introduces just one defining parameter called CP (Combat Power), which combines many other parameters. ... Using the CP number and type of Pokémon, you can easily determine who will win in PvP battles. In addition, based on Combat Power, you will always know which Pokemon are worth catching and which ones are most important to you in the game of Pokemon Go.

How to increase CP (Combat Power) in Pokemon Go

Once a Pokémon has been caught, its CP can be increased in several ways:

  1. Evolution.
    Getting enough Candy from a certain line of Pokémon development will allow the trainer to develop their Pokémon. The evolution of the Pokémon will turn it into a more advanced species. The Evolved Pokémon will also receive a boost to its maximum HP.
  2. Pumping (Power Up).
    A sufficient number or will allow the player to upgrade their Pokémon. While evolution changes the type of Pokémon, pumping increases CP and HP for the current species. Stardust can be used on any kind of Pokémon.

Other information about CP (Combat Power)

  • Pokémon of the same species can have different CP levels. For example, one Squirtle can have a CP of 278 and another Squirtle has a CP of 254.
  • Higher level trainers are capable of finding and conquering higher CP Pokémon.
  • Leveling up slightly increases the CP of all captured Pokémon.
  • During combat, Pokémon with higher CP will usually have the upper hand.
  • Evolved Pokémon will have more CP than Wild Pokémon of the same species.
  • When visiting gyms (gyms, jims), you can always look at the CP of the defending Pokémon and decide to attack the gym.

Today we will tell you about CP Pokemon in Pokemon GO - you will find out what it is and what it affects. You can also find the maximum CP for the Pokémon you are interested in.

The amazing world of Pokemon GO continues to captivate players in the real world. The first wave of capturing Pokémon has passed, and now players are engaged in pumping and evolution of their "animals". It is necessary to increase the level of the Pokemon in order to win future battles. The main characteristic of a Pokemon's power is the value of its CP and HP. Many asked the question: "What is CP and what does this characteristic affect?"

What is a Pokemon CP?

Combat Points (CP)- This is the combat potential of a Pokémon, is the sum of the characteristics of power, strength, attack, defense and trainer level For each Pokémon, the maximum CP is different.

Based on the above, we can conclude - the higher the CP value, the more powerful your pet is... In general, Pokemon GO has changed the approach to determining Combat Points. In previous Pokémon franchises, CP included split values ​​for attack, special attack, defense, special defense, and speed.

Full list of maximum CPs

Foreign game resource GamePress prepared a list of maximum Combat Points for all Pokémon. The conclusion of the final values ​​of the DP was derived taking into account the highest level of the trainer (40), as well as with the complete individual values. Most basic Pokémon (Zubat, Caterpie) have a maximum below 1000. Water type Magikarp has the lowest value of 262.70, while its evolution Gyarados is the 12th largest on the list at 2,688.89. Surprisingly, but Mew takes third place 3,299.17, after the second in strength Dragonite - 3,500.06.

In general, here is a complete list of all Pokémon (starting with the first number in the Pokedex):

We are glad to announce that we have launched on the site pokemon development CP calculator which can be useful to many players. He is on the right and will always be at hand. Use it! 🙂

What is CP in Pokemon GO?

CP (Combat Power) is a characteristic of the strength of your Pokemon. This indicator is the main one in the game.

The CP of a Pokemon is initially calculated from the totality of many of its characteristics, including height, size, impact power, HP (hit points). Pokémon with the same CP will have equal strength, respectively. At the same time, you may well catch two of the same type of Pokemon, for example, two, and their CP will be different.

You can sort your captured monsters by CP and keep mostly the ones with the most CP or close to that of the Pokémon. Thus, you will concentrate all your strength and efforts on how to quickly create an army from and less distraction on small ones.

If you look at in your collection, you can see a scale there that displays the maximum CP points allowed. When it is full, it will no longer be possible to increase CP further, but the Pokemon itself can be continued to develop.

Pokemon CP calculator in Pokemon GO

To find out how many CP your Pokemon will have after development (evolution), you need to select the name of this Pokemon from the drop-down list and enter its current CP value. Then press the "Calculate" button and below you can see the results.

How to raise (increase) CP

To raise a Pokémon's CP, you need stardust and candy. Stardust is awarded for each captured Pokémon, and candy for capturing a Pokémon of the same type.

With the growth of your level, you will come across more powerful and rare Pokémon in the game and, accordingly, more opportunities to increase CP.

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