Why doesn't the game turn on at startup. Games won't open in Windows. Old version of Internet Explorer

What to do if the game does not start on Windows 7, 8, 10? This question may be asked by a user who is faced with the problem of starting the game after installing it. In this article we will try to reveal all the possible causes and solutions to this problem.

Causes of the error and its solution

The causes of the error, or the situation in general, can differ depending on many factors. They can be broken down into 2 main groups:

  • External factors - a compatibility issue, operating system, or the influence of third-party software (for example, antivirus). Everything that prevents the game from starting under equal conditions on another system or PC.
  • Internal factors- an error on the part of the application itself: incorrect installation, "broken" image or installer, as well as the absence or errors of software or drivers.

For convenience and ease of perception of information, we will begin a description of each cause and method of solving the problem from the simplest and most frequent, ending with the more complex and rare.

1. Checking system requirements and compatibility

You can check the system requirements on the store page, disc cover, or on the site where the game was purchased or downloaded.

To find out the characteristics of your PC and, in the future, compare them with the requirements of the application, you can use utilities to display information about the components of the device (Speccy, and others) or use standard applications.

In the Windows search, enter the command msinfo32 and open the System Information app where the information you want will be available.

Note!Game and Windows version compatibility is also important. Many modern applications may not run on Windows XP, or, conversely, old ones are unlikely to run on Windows 10 without additional manipulation.

You can try running the program in compatibility mode if it is quite old. To do this, open the properties of the shortcut or application, go to "Compatibility" and set the compatibility settings for different OS. Try several configurations, maybe one will help you get started.

2. Drivers and programs

For the correct launch and operation of the programs, additional software is required. Two types of software are suitable for these categories: drivers and components

Drivers- software necessary to maintain the correct and efficient operation of the equipment. For example, in order for the video card to work at full capacity on all modern games, they need to be updated periodically.

A common reason why the game does not start after installation is the absence or outdated version of the video driver. To do this, update the driver in Device Manager or download the latest version from the official site - AMD or NVIDIA.

But in addition to the drivers needed for the correct interaction between the hardware and the system, programs and libraries are required for the interaction between Windows and the application.

These applications include:

  • DirectX - you need to download and install a Web installer that will add the missing files
  • .NET Framework - you need to install version 3.5, and 4.7.1 (the latest at the moment)
  • Microsoft Visual C ++ - for the games to work, all versions from 2005 to 2017 are required
  • Games for Windows Live is a Microsoft client that is no longer being updated. Not required for all games.

In general, if you install a game from the Steam client, all required applications are updated or installed independently, without user intervention. Also, some assemblies have a similar functionality for installing these applications from the installer. But not all assemblies, so it is advisable to update this software after installation.

3. Launch rights

Some games, especially pirated builds, require Administrator rights to run it. In user mode, without Admin rights, the game may simply not start.

You can change the rights by right-clicking on the shortcut with the game, and select "Run as administrator". Or change your account for a long time.

To change user rights, enter the netplwiz command in the Run window.

Necessarily! To change rights, you must have an Administrator password, if any.

Then, double click on the username and in the “Group Membership” tab select the required group - Administrator.

4. Poor build

In case the games do not start on Windows 7 or 10, but you followed the previous recommendations, and they did not help, there is a possibility that the problem may be an installation error or the assembly itself.

One of the reasons why errors occur when installing or starting the game is poor optimization of the installer and assembly in general. Such problems practically do not arise on licensed versions, for example, installed from Steam.

What needs to be done in this case:

  • Reinstall the game, perhaps the installation error was temporary
  • Find a new assembly, it will probably install and start without unnecessary problems
  • Install from Steam or another marketplace. You will have to buy it, but this will free you from wasting time looking for problems and trying to find a normal assembly.

5. Antivirus blocks files

Recently, Windows 10 users may have noticed that when installing pirated assemblies, more and more games stopped starting. The whole reason is Windows Defender, which automatically blocks and deletes files necessary to bypass protection. If earlier, third-party antiviruses received a notification and the file was moved to quarantine, from where it could be easily restored. Now, Windows Defender almost immediately, after installing the application, removes the tablet or crack.

To fix this problem, you can add the games folder to the exceptions, or simply disable Windows Defender.

  • Go to Windows Defender Security Center and in the Exclusions settings, add the desired folder
  • To disable Defender completely, turn off Real-Time Protection and Cloud Protection in its settings. Don't forget to install any other antivirus to avoid being left unprotected.

In this article, we have answered the main question “why does the game not start?”, And also considered the causes of this error and how to solve them. If you have any questions or difficulties, we will be happy to answer in the comments.

Video: What to do if the game does not start on Windows

Hi everyone! The article will be small, but very useful about why games do not start on Windows 7, 8, 10 or the program does not start? Everything is very simple!

Why games do not start on Windows 7, 8, 10, what should I do?

I will try to remember all the reasons that I had.

Reason # 1. No required components.

The most common reason why a game or program does not start is a lack of components in the system. In order not to spend a lot of time searching, I post all the components in the archive:

You can always download the latest version.

Open the image, or unpack for example with.

After starting, the installer will offer to select the components, first install everything according to the standard, if it does not help then add it.

First, you can choose the best choice. If it does not help, then click select all.

A list of components to be installed appears.

Here you can choose nothing or choose at will.

After selecting, click install.

Installation will go.

After installation, it is best to restart your computer.

For programs, the important components are, and.

For games, the same is necessary.

The rest depends on the program or game. Therefore, if the game or program does not start, feel free to download and install everything!

Reason # 2. Insufficient rights to run.

Try to run the game as administrator, for this we right-click on the shortcut and select run as administrator.

Reason number 3. The game or program is not compatible.

It is possible that your application is not compatible with your version of Windows. For compatibility, you can try right-clicking on the shortcut and selecting a property.

Reason number 4. Is the game compatible with your computer.

The game or program may not be compatible with your computer. To do this, enter the name and write the system requirements.

We are interested in at least the minimum requirements. How to view the system requirements of your computer, you can.

Reason number 5. The required drivers are not installed.

For games, it is important that the drivers are installed on the video card. You can download them from the official website or.

We download for your video card and.

Reason number 6. Bad build.

Perhaps you downloaded a broken game (or program) on the Internet and it does not start. There may be many reasons for this, but one of the main ones is such an assembly. And then either download another, or buy a license.

Reason number 7. The problem is in the operating system.

  • Perhaps you have not cleaned your computer for a long time, then it is necessary.
  • Viruses prevent the component from working normally. In this case, you need to drive the computer with an antivirus.
  • If a network game, it can be blocked by antivirus or firewall. You can temporarily disable them, try or add them to exceptions.

Reason number 8. Other reasons.

  • Incorrect date and time on the computer.
  • We check for updates or new versions of the game or program.
  • Use Latin characters on the way when installing the game.
  • Install all components (programs) that come with the game.

That's all I remembered. If you remember why the game or the program does not start, write in the comments.

We figure out why the games do not start on your page in classmates


Friends, it is important to understand that most often with computer problems, including solving the question - why the game does not start in classmates, you will have to yourself. Help is usually nowhere to be found, so be patient and follow the tips below.

Something should definitely shed light on your situation, moreover, we understand that not everyone finds it easy to navigate personal computers (PCs) and their programs, but anyway, every step taken at the PC on their own will increase your level of knowledge. And then you will certainly come closer to the moment when you will solve most of the problems and questions at the computer yourself.

But this will not happen if you do not try to do something on your own. Finally, let's get started. Here we have presented the most common reasons why games in classmates may not start.

The game does not load in Odnoklassniki: there is a solution

Before checking the suggested methods below, you can try to understand the most basic - a problem on the computer or in classmates? Here's how to do it:

  • Go to your page through another "computer" it is desirable in a different place, so that the output is on a different modem, if in a different place the games are started in classmates, then start using the methods described below, because the matter is in your PC

If the game does not load in classmates, then try the methods below

  1. Refresh browser
  2. Update the flash player (or just install Google Chrome, the flash player in it updates itself, and games do not start in classmates most often because of an outdated flash player)
  3. Old Internet Explorer
  4. Windows XP (outdated)
  5. Check the year on the watch (especially if a window pops up - the security certificate does not fit)
  6. Change browser
  7. Viruses, including in the browser
  8. Clear cache with Ctrl + f5
  9. Add to exclusions in Firewall settings
  10. JavaScript enable
  11. Clean the system with the Ccleaner utility
  12. Clear browser cache
  13. Disable ad blockers
  14. Internet problems
  15. Try disabling your antivirus
  16. The problem is in the game itself
  17. Ask a question to support

Refresh browser

Usually everyone uses 3 main Internet browsers - Opera, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Yandex, Internet Explorer. It is one of them that you are most likely using. Very often updates are released to them, without installing which, some functions, including games, may not work. Therefore, first of all, update it.

Update flash player

The second step is, of course, to update the Flash Player (or first uninstall the flash player and then reinstall it if errors occur during the update process). It is on it that many browser games work, including in classmates. But this does not apply to Google Chrome, because it updates automatically there.

This is not difficult, just write in any search engine to download Flash Player, immediately, most likely on the first line, go to the official website, and update it, in more detail about it here.

Old version of Internet Explorer

  • I like it
  • I did not like
  • 10 February 2016
  • Alex website

Game won't start? Having problems? Error windows popping up? Other problems?
Most likely some required components are not installed on your system! Many programs use them in their work! Most users are unaware of their absence!

First, make sure that your computer meets the minimum system requirements (especially for the video card). To find out the configuration of your computer, you can use the program Speccy... You can familiarize yourself with it and download

Has the game installed but won't start?

There can be many reasons, the main ones are listed below.
1. The choice of the path to install the game may affect its correct operation. If you changed the default installation path of the game and registered it in Russian letters, this may be quite enough for the game to not work!
It is clear that Drive C not rubber and often you need to change the installation path of the game, for this just change the drive letter and that's it.
For instance: C: / Games / Hexalot change to D: / Games / Hexalot

Accounts in the game and in Windows must be in English (this solves most of the problems with crashes, not saving and other unexpected errors).

2. If the game has started, there is sound, but there is no image, you need to uninstall K-Lite Mega Codec Pack, then install it again, when installing, be sure to remove the checks near ffdshow... This problem occurs due to the fact that the latest versions of the K-Lite Mega Codec Pack are forcibly installed plugin ffdshow.
You also need to update the video card driver.

3. If a message appears when starting the game: "D3dx9_41.dll not found" or "d3dx9_33.dll" or "x_input.dll" etc., just download and install
Can be downloaded from the official website
Run it - the analysis of the presence of libraries in your system will occur and the missing elements will be loaded.

4. Does the game "slow down"?
Pay attention to the system requirements of the game - if there is not enough RAM, you can increase the paging file:
Right click on the icon "A computer""Properties"... Select "Advanced system parameters".
Tab "Additionally""Performance", click on "Options".
Tab "Additionally", click on "Change".
In this window, check the box "Specify size" and set the initial and maximum paging file sizes. Microsoft recommends that the original size should be rAM plus 300 MBand the maximum more than three times the amount of RAM. There is also a recommended paging file size at the bottom.

5. If you have Windows 7, try running the game on behalf of the Administrator: right click on the game shortcut - "Run as Administrator".
If it does not start, right-click on the game shortcut - "Fix incompatibility issues".

Or: right click on the game shortcut - "Properties"... Tab "Compatibility".

Required libraries and programs for the correct operation of most games:

Incorrect display of Russian fonts

Are there any squiggles instead of Russian letters?
The problem is solved like this: "Start""Run ...", we introduce regedit in the input field, click OK... The Registry Editor will open. Find the key in the registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ ControlSet \\ Control \\ Nls \\ CodePage and change the value of the parameters 1250 , 1252 , 1253 on c_1251.nls (It was c_1250.nls, c_1252.nls, c_1253.nlswill become c_1251.nls).
To do this, right-click on the desired page, as shown in the figure and click "Change"

In the window that appears, you need to change the value to c_1251by manually replacing the last digit with 1 and press OK... After changing the values, you must restart the computer.

In order not to climb into the registry with your hands, download the registry file from the link below, which automatically replaces the values \u200b\u200bof the code pages. Unpack and run the file, agreeing to make an entry in the registry. Then restart your computer.

If it does not help, you need to check the language setting.
"Start""Control Panel""Language and regional standards"... See that Russian is selected.

Flies out? Not saved?

Do not rush to scold the developers of the game, read our launch tips first.

Before opening the original packaging of a disc (and licensed discs that we sell are ALWAYS sold only in the original packaging), you should make sure that your computer meets the system requirements for the game (written on the back of the game box). If you find that the requirements of the game are higher than those of your computer, the game should not be unpacked. As long as the original packaging is preserved, the goods can be exchanged for a similar one at the place of purchase in accordance with Article 25 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights." but the game did not start - well, we can only sympathize with you. The risk, of course, is a noble cause, but it was your risk and its unfavorable consequences in this case lie entirely with you. Apparently, only installing more powerful components on your computer will help to solve the problem in such a situation.

1. Installing the game.

This part of the article is devoted to if you cannot install the game from the disc.
The first thing the game starts with, after purchasing it, delivering it home and unpacking it, is to install it on your computer. In the normal case, this should happen like this:

Insert the disc into the DVD (CD) -ROM of your computer. Wait 10-15 seconds. A menu should appear on the screen prompting you to install, run or uninstall the game. It's called the autorun window.
Choose an installation and follow the instructions on the screen.

If the game is not installed from the disc, then possible errors at this stage:
- After inserting a disc, nothing happens.
- After inserting a disc, an error appears.
- An error of some kind appears during installation.

In this case, check the following:
- The autoplay function of the computer may be disabled.
Click on the "Computer" icon in the start menu and open the contents of the disc. Find the autorun.exe or setup.exe file and run it.

Check if the disc is inserted correctly, the disc must be inserted with the picture facing up.

To make sure that the disc is defective, or, conversely, everything is in order with it, and the problem is in the CD-ROM, it makes sense to install the game on another computer.

If you have antivirus, disable it.

Make sure the game CD is not damaged, dirty or scratched.
Remove the CD from the drive. Wipe it with a soft cloth and reinsert it into the drive. In case of stubborn dirt, the surface of the disc can be washed with warm soapy water, then rinsed with clean water and dried without wiping - to avoid scratches.

2. Launching the game.

The second stage after installing the game on your computer is launching it. Launching a game is what happens after you click on the game's shortcut on the desktop, in the main menu, or from the autorun disc. Usually, in this case, the game itself is launched, but not always everything goes so smoothly ...

Possible mistakes:

Check disk errors.

The first error you may encounter is a disk check.
If you get errors: "Original Disc could not be found or authenticated", "Emulation detected error", "Wrong disc inserted" or "General protection fault" and the OK button, then most likely the disc is protected by the SecuROM system.

If the following errors appear: "The disk is not identified, insert a licensed disk", "An attempt to use emulating programs was detected" - then most likely the disk is protected by the StarForce system.

The usual solution to such problems is to disable anti-virus programs, remove disk emulation programs (Daemon tools, Alcohol 120%). Be sure to check if the game disc is inserted into the DVD-ROM. For StarForce protection system, installation of driver update sometimes helps - http://www.star-force.com/support/sfdrvup.zip

Errors when launching or during the game.

If the game is installed on your computer, then everything is in order with the disc.
If the game was not installed from the disk or errors at startup and during the game, then this is always related to the configuration and settings of the computer.

First of all, you need to make sure that your computer meets the system requirements for the game (written on the back of the game box). The configuration information for your computer can be obtained using the DxDiag utility.

Select in the Start menu / Start (1) (on Windows Vista / 7 by pressing the Win + R keys) the item Run / Run (2) and write the name of the program in the window that opens: dxdiag (3) -\u003e Ok.
In the window that appears in the tabs "System", "Display" and "Sound" you can get all the necessary information about the computer.

1. The "System" tab contains information about what processor you have (1), how much RAM (2), and which version of DirectX is installed (3).

Processor: If you have AMD x2, install AMD Dual-Core Optimizer http://support.amd.com/us/Processor_TechDownloads/DCO_1.1.4.zip
DirectX: DirectX version must match the operating system: DirectX 10/11 will only work on Windows Vista and Windows 7 and will not work on Windows XP. To uninstall DirectX 10/11 from Windows XP, you can use the DirectX Eradictor program. You can update DirectX of any version from the Microsoft website

2. On the "Display" tab - information about the video card (1), video memory (2) and installed drivers (3).

What you should pay attention to:
Driver version and date: It is necessary to update drivers quite often (new releases are usually released several times a year).
There are two main families of video cards:
GeForce made by NVidia, the drivers for which can be found here: http://www.nvidia.ru/page/drivers.html
Radeon by ATI (AMD), the drivers for which can be found here: http://www.ati.com/support/driver.html
All other video chips, including those made by SiS, S3, Matrox, VIA and even Intel, are usually not suitable for modern games (we are talking about chip manufacturers, so if your box says ASUS, MSI, Sapphire, Gigabyte , Palit, Chaintech, etc. - don't be alarmed, this is the name of the vendor, not the manufacturer of the chip).

3. On the “Sound” tab, you can find out the name of the sound card (1) and the release date of the driver (2).

Sound card drivers also need to be updated regularly.
If you have problems with sound, especially on built-in sound cards, lowering the hardware acceleration level (3) in DxDiag usually helps - for this, you need to move the hardware acceleration slider to the left.
Links to drivers for the most popular sound card manufacturers:
Creative: http://ru.europe.creative.com/support/downloads/
Realtek: http://www.realtek.com.tw/default.aspx

Other common errors during startup and during the game.

Please note that the game must be completely updated and installed in a directory without Russian letters!
Installation path example:
Wrong example: D: \\ Games \\ Steam
Correct example: D: \\ Games \\ Steam


The normal launch of the game (as well as the correct installation of the game) can be prevented by antivirus programs that block processes that are unfamiliar to them. Disable antivirus software. Typically, this can be done by clicking on the program icon in the lower right corner of the screen, next to the clock.

Windows Vista / Windows 7:

If you have Windows Vista / Windows 7, the "Run as administrator" item can help you, which temporarily disables Windows internal protection for the selected program. Just right-click on the shortcut with the game, and select this item.

If, following the above tips, and you still cannot install the game from the disk and you have not achieved the required result, please contact us at: Mira Ave., 60, mag. "Metro", department of computers and games "TeleKiT". It seems that our highly qualified specialists will still be able to cope with your problem ...

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